International Krapivina Prize. Literary advice. Organizers and partners of the Prize

“Us” is for the librarian Nadezhda Kapitonova, composer Elena Poplyanova, poet Irina Argutina and me, the publisher Marina Volkova.

And the holiday givers - Commonwealth of Children's Writers Yekaterinburg led by the charming Olga Kolpakova.

We were officially invited to the announcement of the list of finalists Vladislav Krapivin Prize.

Marina Ivashina and Alexander Kolpakov photograph the ceremony

But not only the official ceremony of announcing the list, but also the whole day spent in Yekaterinburg became a holiday. In order:

Krapivinskaya Prize

Initiators International Children's Literary Prize named after the writer Vladislav Petrovich Krapivin was performed in 2006 by the Ural Writers Association. In 2009 the International literary prize V.P. Krapivina ceased to exist.
In 2010, the Commonwealth of Children's Writers announced a new International Children's Literary Award named after V.P. Krapivna.

The financial part of the prize was provided by the authorities (and not Sverdlovsk region, and Tyumen and Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug), and all organizational efforts and expenses for information and image support of the award were assumed free of charge by the Commonwealth of Children's Writers.

But this year the issue is with the allocation Money The winner of the competition has not yet been decided. Therefore, the organizing committee of the award decided to hold two ceremonies: on Vladislav Krapivin’s birthday, to announce the list of finalists for the award, and later to hold a ceremony to present the award to the winner.

According to tradition, the finalists are selected by the jury of the competition, and the winner is named from among the finalists. Vladislav Krapivin.

The list declaration itself Olga Kolpakova and the comrades managed to make it a self-sufficient action. Here is a list of the competition finalists and their works:
Eduard Verkin. Cloud Regiment.
Natalia Evdokimova. End of the world.
Yulia Zaitseva. Military City.
Anna Ignatova. I believe it or not.
Nail Izmailov. Ubyr.
Anna Nikolskaya. Valya off-line.
Pavel Kalmykov. Treasure and other minerals.
Lara Lond.An unbearable adventure.
Dmitry Sirotin. The largest apricot.
Ilmira Stepanova. Basho.

Naturally, I was rooting for Dmitry Sirotin(“The biggest apricot”).

Svetlana Lavrova, a member of the jury, said this about Dmitry Sirotin’s book: “ This book will not create a sensation; the media will not write about it. It will simply increase the amount of good in this world. And there is nothing higher than this for a writer

Lena Lenkovska I, like Svetlana and Olga, am also a participant Commonwealth of Children's Writers and a member of the competition jury, she was very emotional in evaluating the competition works (thanks to her performance, I asked Olga to send me several manuscripts):

And a serious one raised a methodological question about the difference between the Krapivin Prize and other literary prizes:

And after the official ceremony of announcing the finalists of the award, the unofficial part began, no less exciting:

Then there was a tour of Malaya Herzenka, along the streets of Yekaterinburg, a visit to the museum and gatherings with Olga Kolpakova, but those are different stories.

International Children's Literary Award named after the writer Vladislav Petrovich Krapivin is awarded once a year to a Russian or foreign author and is presented on the writer’s birthday, October 14. Along with the prize, the laureate is awarded a diploma and a commemorative medal.

The initiators of the award were the Ural Writers Association in 2006. In 2009, the International Literary Prize named after. V.P. Krapivina ceased to exist.

In 2010, the Commonwealth of Children's Writers announced a new one - the International Children's Literary Prize named after. V.P. Krapivna, trying to preserve the traditions associated with the name of the writer - the day of awarding the prize on Krapivin’s birthday, a medal, a sketch of which was drawn by Vladislav Petrovich.

Prize for the best prose work for secondary children school age established to stimulate literary activity in line with those laid down by V.P. Krapivin traditions.

Purpose of the Award:

Attracting public attention to works that influence the formation of high morality and spirituality among children.

The Prize winner is awarded a cash prize, medal and Diploma.

Laureates of the Prize for 2018

The 2018 award season featured 237 works by authors from Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan, Israel, Germany, France, Cyprus, Spain, and Canada.

The 2018 jury included Oleg Rain, Larisa Krapivina, Tamara Mikheeva, Tatyana Kornienko, Mikhail Loginov, Olga Kolpakova and the Chairman of the jury - Vladislav Petrovich Krapivin.

Prize winners:

Victoria Lederman(Samara) received a special prize Commander's Choice for the work “The Theory of Improbabilities”, published in two books by the KompasGid publishing house.

Seventh-grader Matvey is simply haunted by troubles: the Internet was turned off in the morning, he was left at school after classes, and then his mother “delighted” - now a strange girl will live with them!
And in the evening I had to flee from three hooligans...

So Matvey finds himself in an alternative universe, where no Matvey Dobrovolsky exists, but instead of him there is a girl named Miloslava. Serafima Orlova (Omsk) received a prize"Adult Jury Selection" for the work "Tin Head" about modern teenagers

and their problems. Igor Svinin (Kusa, Chelyabinsk region ) with the work "The Heirs of Triglav" became a laureate in the nomination.

"Children's Jury Selection" The war between the Empire of Wandering Mages and the Republic of Masters ended with the victory of the Balance, an organization that monitors the balance of science and magic. It’s hard for Linek, a twelve-year-old orphan, to live in this world. His dream: to become a mechanic master. He, like all residents of the republic, hates magicians and keeps family secret- a charm-charm that gives protection

ancient deity

Triglava. Yulia Simbirskaya (Yaroslavl) received a prize in the category “Choice of the Literary Council” for her book “Far Shores”. The book is dedicated to the growing up of young people. How difficult it is to


cope with your feelings and desires. How easy it is to hurt loved ones without meaning to. Prize winners:, Maria Agapova (ur. Pinery

Leningrad region

) for the work "My Impossible Mother". Seryozha is very shy about his mother, who cannot indifferently pass by old women wallowing in the mud, and takes pity on stray cats and dogs.

But Seryozha is growing up, changes occur in his life with his mother, and in his eyes his mother suddenly becomes a fragile and confused woman who needs her son’s protection.

Tatiana Bogatyreva

(St. Petersburg) for the book “Make a Wish Yesterday,” which tells about the difficult growing up of a thirteen-year-old girl Sonya.
Elena Bodrova (Magnitogorsk, Chelyabinsk region) and her book “Feathers”. A fairy tale about a boy, Onna, who dreams of returning the pigeons that have left their lands. To do this, Onn collects feathers and makes wings. Maria Boteva (Moscow) for the book “Garden named after T.S.”

A book about modern, friendly and large family

The reader sees the world through the eyes of thirteen-year-old Yegor. Egor is not like everyone else; he has autism. His family lives in anticipation of a call to China for Yegor’s treatment.

Anika, a girl invited to give Yegor a massage, becomes Egor's friend and angel. Dmitry Ovsyannikov

(Omsk) for the novel “Fragments of Sampo”, based on the plot of the Karelian-Finnish epic “Kalevala”. Tatiana Saprykina

(Novosibirsk) for the dystopia "Misa". Anastasia Strokina

(Moscow region) for the book "The Owl Wolf". Philosophical tale

, in which a polar wolf tells a little girl the story of the North. Stones, lichens, toads, and even old submarines come to life before the reader.

Laureates of the Prize for 2017 October 13, on the eve of the birthday of Vladislav Petrovich Krapivin, in Sverdlovskaya regional library

for children and youth named after. V.P. Krapivin held an award ceremony for the finalists and laureates of the prize.

The winners were: Rudashevsky Evgeniy (Moscow) “Raven” - received a special prize for the work, which Vladislav Krapivin personally notes -.

Commander's Choice Goncharuk Tatyana (Moscow) for the story “Pawns” was named laureate of the Vladislav Krapivin Prize in the category.

jury selection Wardenburg Daria

(Moscow) “Rule 69 for a fat seagull.” Vlada Rai (Natalia Gonzalez-Senina

(Moscow) and Vladimir Yatsenko (Odessa) “Sister of the World.”

The award partners presented special diplomas and awards to all finalists of this season. Municipal association libraries of Yekaterinburg noted the story Natalia Volkova

"Colorful snow" Sverdlovsk Regional Library for Children and Youth named after. V.P. Krapivina

I liked Ivik Oleg’s work “Heiress of the Amazons.” True, two people had to be awarded at once; Valery Ivanov and Olga Kolobova, writers from Rostov-on-Don, work under this pseudonym. Shipulina Tonya (Kazakhstan, Almaty) “Shrews and Snaptooths” - took away two awards - calendar cards and a picture for her manuscript from the award partner company "UNISOFT-print" and a gift.

from the Russian State Children's Library The work of Nina Dashevskaya (Russia, Moscow) “Rope Walker” chose.

Yekaterinburg Teacher's House Shiryaeva Irina (Russia, Republic of Sakha (Yakutia), Chulman village) “A Million Crystal Slippers” -.

special prize from the Ural Writers Museum"Commonwealth of Children's Writers" chose the most positive book on a difficult topic - a manuscript Svetlana Kuznetsova

(Samara region, Tolyatti) “Mom, these are snorkels!” Krasnova Tatyana (Russia, Moscow region, Istra) “Tanya” receives a gift from.

Andrey Shchupov (Oleg Rain), Svetlana Kuznetsova, Olga Suraeva, Tonya Shipulina, Olga Kolobova, Valery Ivanov, Vera Kuchina, Natalya Kupriyanova

Evgeniy Rudashevsky “RAVEN”

Dima is a city guy who goes hunting in the taiga for the first time. His mentors are three experienced adult hunters with very different characters and destinies. Hunting for Dima is an opportunity to show off his bravery, to show off his strength and dexterity in front of his peers. A child of books, he romanticizes this trade, trembling with impatience, in anticipation of the first shot. But everything turns out to be completely different. Completely different feelings awaken in the boy, and taking the life of another creature, watching the gaze of living eyes dim and fade, is not easy.
In the story, two worlds collide. Nature is a large, spacious house in which there should be enough space for everyone. This world is generous, but it can be harsh and cruel, it can fight back. The world of man... In the story, a bird (raven) intervenes in the course of events, sets priorities for Dima, more clearly indicates the position of each of the heroes and becomes the center of the conflict.

Tatiana Goncharuk "PESH"

“There are people living without electricity and civilizational derivatives from it, and, moreover, have not decided: are hikers “pawns”, people from our world or the other world? And this is in Karelia. The language of “Pawns” is so good, the author is detailed and accurate in detail, so that the story looks authentic. All the same, I, who have little idea of ​​the problems of the remote villages of Karelia, would classify “Pawns” as a fantasy genre or, at least, a historical story - maybe that was the case 15 years ago? This will not interfere with the reader's enjoyment.". - Mikhail Loginov.

Daria Vardenburg. "RULE 69 FOR A FAT SEAGULL"

A solo circumnavigation of the world is Jakob Becker's long-time dream. So what if he’s thirteen! Laura Dekker could do it at sixteen. And he can, he just needs to learn how to sail. It's easy to sign up for the section.

But to practice... It turns out that yachtsmen don’t immediately go out to the open sea; first they need to remember a bunch of rules. Moreover, coaches are constantly changing, try to learn here. And if you also have problems with communication, or problems with oral speech, or both, the matter becomes even more complicated...

“Mira’s sister, a girl named Miroslava, falls from a tree in the first paragraph and breaks her leg. This is a disaster: admission to the Presidential College depends on the number of nuts collected. However, Mira’s will, intelligence and kindness make her the absolute winner in the race for nuts Natalia Gonzalez-Senina and Vladimir Yatsenko (pseudonym Vlada Rai) told a kind and bright story that social solidarity and understanding of other people's problems are more reliable than individual predation.". - Mikhail Loginov.

Natalya Volkova “MULTI-COLORED SNOW”

"IN Soviet time there were stories about how pioneers exposed a wartime traitor. In “Snow”, the heroes and, first of all, the heroine have another task - to rehabilitate a man who was shot for collaborating with the Nazis.. - Mikhail Loginov.

More precisely, to figure out how it really was. “Snow” is a story about not rushing to judgment and trying to justify the accused, seventy years ago or in our time. This morality can be called Christian, humane and simply good."

Oleg Ivik “HEIR OF THE AMAZONS” "Another duet is Valery Ivanov and Olga Kolobova, archaeologists from Rostov-on-Don. “The Heiress” is a historical and archaeological popular book, with the addition of four illustration stories about teenagers different eras

ancient world.

It is especially good that the worldview of children of ancient times is given without flirting or softening. The boy looks from the shore at the sinking ship and prays to the gods that the ship will be thrown ashore so that it can be plundered. Another hero dreams of his own slave. At the same time, all the stories are humane and this humanism is not imposed, but is supported by the reliability of the material." - Mikhail Loginov. Tonya Shipulina “SHREWS AND SNAP TEETH”

“When in the city of Shrew, a beautiful shrew gives birth to a slit-tooth - a symbol of ugliness, he is taken to an orphanage, assigned a number and forced to sew shoes. This

cruel world

written by the author as cute and non-scary as possible. Moreover, good, as always, does not sleep. Plus a lot of wonderful inventions, for example - a koshkoptah, singing on the balcony of a venerable shrew. Or a vegetarian digger who dreams of opening a rodent on wheels, the menu of which will not include insects." - Mikhail Loginov.

Traditions are important in a literary award. So in “Krapivinka” there are several important traditions: it is awarded on the writer’s birthday - October 14, and the laureates receive not just a certificate, but a commemorative medal, which they pin on their lapel. The prize was established ten years ago, and during this time it has become a prestigious prize, and if in the year of its foundation there were 40 applications, this year they have already received 247 from ten countries, including from the UK, Latvia, Cyprus, Kyrgyzstan, and Ukraine .

The winners were:
Asya Kravchenko“Universe, what are your plans?” (Moscow)
Anna Nikolskaya “I Killed the Sausage Man” (UK)
Kristina Strelnikova“Aunt Hat. Hunting for Tamaranda" (Ufa)
Vlad Kharebova “Page One” (Latvia)

Was also awarded "Commander's Choice"- this is a special prize for a work that is personally celebrated by Vladislav Krapivin. It was awarded to Muscovite Pyotr Vlasov for his work “Draugen. The story of a “star” boy.”

Children's jury prize "Caravelle" squad got Ekaterina and Pavel Karetnikov for "City of the Seven Winds".

Victoria Lederman and her “Only eleven! Or "Shura-Mura" in the fifth "D" awarded All-Russian public organization"Children and Youth Social Initiatives".

Daria Dotsuk received prize of the Ekaterinburg Teacher's House- “Hike to two waterfalls.”

Anna Anisimova for “Stories of Tsvetnoy Proezd” received prize of the United Museum of Writers of the Urals, Elena Lenkovskaya(“On the other side of the dead man”) noted magazine "URAL" and the Municipal Association of Libraries of Yekaterinburg.

Prize winners became Alena Aleksina, Marta Slavina, Ekaterina Sobol, Alena Aleksina.

Commander's Day: the results of the Vladislav Krapivin literary award were summed up in Yekaterinburg (video report)

Asya Kravchenko (Anna Svetovna Kravchenko) - psychologist, translator from French, journalist. As a child, I dreamed of becoming a biologist, then a teacher, then a geologist. She studied at Moscow State University at the Faculty of Psychology, then a year at the Sorbonne.

Then again at the Faculty of Psychology of Moscow State University in graduate school, where she defended her dissertation.

Anna Nikolskaya is a children's writer, winner of the Sergei Mikhalkov gold medal, and the Runet Users' Choice award. Anna Nikolskaya’s story “I Killed the Sausage Man” is based on the memoirs of the author’s father about his wartime childhood. Many noted that the story sunk into the soul, it is true, it is impressive.

Page One is a novel for teenagers “or former teenagers.” The action takes place in Tskhinvali in 1989-1990. Many jury members noted that this is not a novel, but a real epic.

Kristina Strelnikova An epic about the life of teenagers under the conditions of Georgian aggression against South Ossetia in 1989-1990.

came up with a wonderful fairy tale for children, funny and unusual “Aunt Hat. Hunting for Tamaranda.

Laureates of the Prize for 2015

The presentation of the Prize took place on October 14, 2015 in Yekaterinburg. The ceremony took place at the Sverdlovsk Regional Library for Children and Youth.

209 works from 13 countries were accepted for the competition in 2015 (Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, Latvia, Cyprus, Great Britain, Israel, Czech Republic, USA, Germany. Two works came from the Donetsk People's Republic).

“The jury selected 11 works. Amazing, each in its own genre, they are unique and very deep,” said writer, prize jury member Tatyana Kornilenko. Among the books are realistic stories, fantasy, fairy tales and stories about animals, memoirs, as well as more serious and even somewhat harsh works. “Such literature is also needed, because our teenagers cannot be raised only on something tender and sweet; other influences are also required,” emphasized T. Kornilenko. The finalists of the competition received special prizes from the award partners. The children's jury of the award (the Caravel squad) awarded a special prize. This year, the public organization “Children and Youth Social Initiatives” joined the award. For the first time, a translation from national languages Russia. Thanks to the support of the Association

small peoples

North and the Union of Writers of Yakutia, a finalist was able to come to the award ceremony from such a remote region as the Momsky ulus of the Republic of Sakha. Authors arrived from Cyprus and Kazakhstan.
This year the prize winners were two writers: Adeliya Amraeva from Kazakhstan with the book “I want to live” and Yakut writer Maria Fedotova-Nulgynet.

with a book

"Naughty Nulgynet"

Adeliya Amraeva became a finalist for the Vladislav Krapivin International Literary Prize and the Sergei Mikhalkov Prize. Her story “Football Field” was selected among 10 other children's works among 194 submitted to the competition.

“Football Field”: “Life is a football field,” says ten-year-old Dimka, for whom there is nothing more important than football. He dreams of becoming a professional football player and leading the country's national team to the World Cup finals.

He really wants his mother to see this decisive match. But, alas, mother is against her son playing football. And all because his father, who does not live with them, is a football player. And Dimka is left with one of two options: to pursue his dream against all odds or to drown in prohibitions and doubts. Adelia writes from childhood: “Only my mother, several classmates and Russian language teacher Askar Mulkamanovich read me then. He was the first to tell me that I could be a writer. I am incredibly grateful to him...” Adelia Amraeva began writing again, consciously, with the desire to learn and move on. literary school

Almaty. The first story I put on paper was a sad story about twin brothers.

There is a lot of personal things in Adelia Amraeva’s story. Her book “I Want to Live” touches on the issue of child suicide.

Maria Fedotova-Nulgenet “Naughty Nulgynet”

Yakutian Maria Prokopyevna Fedotova-Nulgenet is the first female novelist writing in the Even language. Born on December 31, 1946 in the Ust-Yansky region of the Yakut Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic. In 1971 she entered the Vilyuysk Pedagogical College, after graduating from which she still works at the Orto-Doidun school in the Momsky district of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia). In 1988, she graduated in absentia from the Yakut language and literature department of the Yakut State University.

In 1995, her first story for children, “Tebenetteeh Nulgynet” (“The Tricks of Nulgynet”), was published, which was continued in 1997. Since 1999, she has been a member of the Writers’ Union of Russia. Maria Fedotova-Nulgynet Tale several years ago it was published in the republican literary and art magazine " polar Star

". The fairy tale “Naughty Nulgynet” is largely autobiographical. It tells about a girl who was born in a reindeer sleigh, like the author himself.

Pavel Vereshchagin Traditionally, the name of the laureate of the award according to the Caravel detachment was also announced - it was a Moscow writer Pavel Vereshchagin . Work by Pavel Vereshchagin"A Redhead Named Red"

- a story about how people adopted a dog - teaches the reader kindness and responsibility.

The Yekaterinburg House of Teachers named its laureate - “Around Music” by Nina Dashevskaya.

The All-Russian Public Organization “Children and Youth Social Initiatives” presented its prize to the novel “Ganin” by Irina Bogatyreva.

The Municipal Association of Libraries of the City of Yekaterinburg liked the work the most AI EN "Mutangels", and to the United Museum of Writers of the Urals - “Knyshiki, Kuzlya and Fufyrla” by Alena Dolgikh.

Alena Dolgikh

Books by Dolgikh Alena

Job Alena Dolgikh “Knyshiki, Kuzlya and Fufyrla” talks about a fictional people living in own world and trying to understand it.

Aya EN - fantasy cycle "Mutangels" - the first book "PI Level"

The text of this book contains a certain code that lovers of secrets and riddles will have to solve!

The book captivates from the very first page, as it is preceded by this warning: “The instructions given between the lines in this book do not pose the slightest danger to anyone who is a man, only a man and no one but a man. All other Mutangels, and especially the Infilopers (even if they don’t remember who they are and consider themselves ordinary people), Mebbie Klein asks that you take all necessary precautions when reading. Remember that a person is responsible only for his own life, and the Mutangels are responsible for everything that happens. Everywhere else: Didi = Additional Information

for infilopers." The author Aya EN describes very strange world - maybe this is our Earth, or maybe one of its clones, one of parallel worlds . All the inhabitants of this planet are mutants who have developed amazing superpowers; there is only one non-mutant teenager left on the entire Earth, who is being monitored by a secret institute. He has a complex because he can neither fly nor pass through walls, and does not even realize that the fate of the whole world may depend on him. A young man is in love with a girl, but she is a mutant. And if she falls in love with him, she will disappear. But he doesn't know that yet. What does it feel like to be

an ordinary person

among a race of super beings? What is it like to be mutants on the planet of humans?

And is it easy to be an angel who needs to protect both people and mutants?


""Mutangels" AI EN very good about the works. There is not a single work that would cause complaints. And I was sincerely happy for the level of all the works, as if I was in a library where there are very good, interesting books. Those who became laureates deserved this award quite justifiably,” noted Vladislav Krapivin.

As a result, the first place went to the writer from Moscow Stanislav Vostokov with the book “Frosya Korovin”.
Second place was awarded to musician from Tver Nina Dashevskaya for the story “Willy”.
Third place went to Ekaterina Kreutzwald with the book “Martha”.

Vostokov Stanislav “Frosya Korovina”

In a Vologda village, a girl named Frosya lives with her grandmother (while her parents, geologists, go on expeditions) and grows up to be a “real village woman” who knows how to manage both the garden and old house fix the next part that has fallen off, and go to school on skis to the neighboring village, and skate along the ice of the river to the regional center...

Frosya and her grandmother Aglaya Ermolaevna live in the monument. Not in the statue, of course. In an architectural monument! And Frosya’s worries are sometimes not the same as those of an ordinary girl: not about new outfits and computer games, but about how to get to the city in a snowfall, how to manage the household alone if grandma is in the hospital (she had only one assistant - the bear Gerasim). And then the house was stolen: museum employees wooden architecture and took him to the museum... A humorous story suitable for readers aged 10 years and older. This book has amazing characters, wonderful humor, a lot strange words like “podklet” and “okhlupen”, and even fresh country air!

Dashevskaya Nina

Last year, Nina Dashevskaya made her debut as an author of children's literature and took part in the competition for the first time with her work “The Violin of an Unknown Master.” Then she managed to be among the finalists and win a special prize from the association of libraries in Yekaterinburg. Her book about a talking bicycle received top honors this year.

"This is a work about friendship and finding friends. About the fact that friends can be near us, but we don’t see them. And this is also a book about the fact that there is reality and there are dreams. It is generally accepted that dreams interfere with doing business, but I would like to show that dreams lead to real results", explained Nina Dashevskaya.

This year one of the innovations was that children were able to choose their own winner, regardless of the opinion of the adult jury. It was a Samara writer

“This year we involved the children themselves in the judging. Because children are the ones for whom books are intended, for whom this literature is created.

It is in vain to say that young people read little. The kids read, but it’s important what kind of literature gets into children’s hands,” said Larisa Krapivina, a member of the award’s literary council. Besides,

Several other writers received special prizes.

Timur Denisov and Mikhail Murzin were awarded by the Ural magazine for the story “Transform Me” - their work will be published on the pages of the publication, and the authors themselves will receive a fee.

The municipal association of libraries together with the Yekaterinburg Teacher's House congratulated Muscovite Olga Gromova for the story “Sugar Baby”.
2nd place: Natalya Evdokimova (Russia, St. Petersburg) “End of the World.”
3rd place: Izmailov Nail (Idiatullin Shamil) (Russia, Moscow) “Ubyr”.
4th place was shared by two winners:
Ilmira Stepanova (Russia, St. Petersburg) “Basho”.

Eduard Verkin (Russia, Ivanovo) “Cloud Regiment”.

Prize winners for 2011:
1st place – Mikhail Loginov (Russia, St. Petersburg) and Evgeny Avrutin (Great Britain) - the novel “Captain Letford’s Daughter, or Jane’s Adventures in the Country of Russia.”
2nd place – Yulia Kuznetsova (Russia, Moscow) - story “Angel’s Helper”.
3rd place – Elena Vladimirova (Russia, Tambov) - the story “The Younger Exupery”.

4th place – Ekaterina Karetnikova (Russia, St. Petersburg) - the story “June Adventures”.

Applications are accepted for participation in the literary competition “International Children's Literary Award named after V.P. Krapivina.” Organizers and partners of the Prize: Commonwealth of Children's Writers, Press Center and flotilla "Caravelle", Tyumen.

State University

We invite as partners public and commercial organizations interested in educating the younger generation and in developing high morality among children.

International Children's Literary Award named after V.P. Krapivina for the best prose work for children of secondary school age was established with the aim of stimulating literary activity in line with those laid down by V.P. Krapivin traditions.

Purpose of the Award: Attracting public attention to works,

influencing the formation of high morality and spirituality among children.

Objective of the Award: Widespread propaganda prose works

for children of middle school age, written in Russian, promoting the “growth of the soul”, the formation of high morality and spirituality.

  • texts of works for children and adolescents written in Russian are accepted, both those already published in the form of books, published in the press, and unpublished, in prose, with a volume of at least 1.5 author's pages. A collection of stories or fairy tales is considered as a single work.

The book must not be published earlier than two years before the competition announcement date. For unpublished works, the time of writing does not matter.

  • Works written in foreign languages ​​are accepted in translation into Russian.
  • No more than one manuscript from one author is accepted (including original collections of stories).
  • The literary council of the award forms a list of finalists (shortlist).
  • from works, made it to the finals, by the decision of the jury chaired by V.P. Krapivina, the winner is determined.
  • the winner receives a cash prize, a medal and an honorary Diploma.
  • the jury reserves the right to increase the number of awards; assign special prizes and nominations, encourage authors included in the shortlist of works.


Competition works are accepted only electronically through the form filled out on the competition website from April 1 to July 1.

Website address:

  • Requirements for manuscripts:
  • Manuscripts of works submitted to the Competition must comply with the goals and objectives of the Competition; works cultivating violence, drug addiction, criminal lifestyle, aggressive behavior
  • are not allowed to participate in the Competition.
  • the volume of the work must be at least 1.5 a.l. (60 thousand characters) works that do not meet the requirements of the Competition, the jury
  • does not consider.

reviews and reviews are not sent to authors.

  • Summing up and awarding the winners:

The announcement of the results and the award ceremony will take place on October 14, 2010.

The Prize winner is awarded a cash prize, medal and Diploma.

  • Literary Council Awards
  • approves the Regulations on the Prize;
  • controls the implementation of the Regulations on the Competition;
  • reviews and reviews manuscripts,

selects at least 10 works for the list of finalists for the Prize

  • The award jury chaired by V.P. Krapivina
  • reviews and reviews works included in the list of finalists,
  • makes a decision on awarding the Prize,

makes a decision on rewarding authors who do not become prize winners.

  • Organizing Committee of the Prize
  • prepares materials for the Competition;
  • organizes information support for the Prize;
  • ensures the work of the literary council and jury in reviewing competition manuscripts;
  • provides information about the Prize laureates to the media, Internet sites, libraries.

Vladislav Petrovich Krapivin made an invaluable contribution to the education of several generations of children in our country. The author of several hundred books translated into dozens of languages, an excellent teacher, continues active work on the formation of high morality and spirituality among readers. International Children's Literary Award named after V.P. Krapivina is announced as a sign of respect for his work and to stimulate literary activity in line with the traditions he established.

"Boy with a Sword"

The “Competition of Co-authors” is held in the magazine “Koster” for those guys who love literature and want to try their hand at writing. We offer our readers an excerpt from a book and ask them to come up with their own continuation of the story - to imagine what could have happened next.

Young writers on the pages of Kostra have already acted as co-authors of such domestic and foreign classics like N. M. Karamzin, N. V. Gogol, T. Jansson, A. P. Chekhov, L. Carroll, S. Ya. Marshak and many other writers, including modern ones. By tradition, the competition is dedicated to the anniversary of a writer or book.

In 2018, Vladislav Petrovich Krapivin celebrates his 80th birthday - a wonderful children's writer, member of the editorial board of the magazine “Koster”. The winner of the competition at the end of 2018 will be chosen by the author himself!

Try to come up with your own version of the continuation of an excerpt from V. P. Krapivin’s story “The Boy with a Sword”:

“He was just a boy and knew for sure: there are no miracles in the world.

And he was amazed and shuddered almost as much as his enemies when, in the blaze of red manes and with the dull thunder of horseshoes, five cavalrymen flew into the clearing and stood in a semicircle.

And the most important horseman - dark, white-toothed, in a green shirt and a canvas budenovka with a blue cloth star - said quietly ... "

All interested Russian schoolchildren, regardless of their region of residence, can take part in the competition.

The volume of the competition text should not exceed 2000 characters.

Essays will be accepted at root@site until October 10, 2018. The winners will be announced in January 2019 in the first issue of the Koster magazine, and the best of the competition works will be published on the pages of the magazine in the 2018 issues.

All works must contain information about the author - last name, first name, age, class, full title educational institution, place of residence.

Today in SOBDIM took place solemn ceremony deliveryInternational Children's Literary Prize named after V.P. Krapivina.

It all started with the conference “Krapivin Readings: Teenager in the World and the World of the Teenager” and with a press conference, which took place in two parallel halls.

At 12 o'clock the round table with the finalists of Krapivinka and members of the jury began. Writers were not only showered with praise, but also criticized.

The finalists answered all questions from those present and also talked about their hobbies. For example, Tonya Shipulina loves to draw and illustrates all her books herself. Evgeniy Rudashevsky is interested in football and hiking, we were not at all surprised by this. But Svetlana Kuznetsova surprised us, in free time she practices sword fighting. Valery Ivanov and Olga Kolobova are fond of diving and rafting, and Natalya Volkova is English language and the theater.

And so we waited for the culmination - the award ceremony. It was opened, of course, by the drummers of Caravella.

Natalya Volkova with the story “Colorful Snow” received a diploma and a special prize from Yekaterinburg libraries. Our creative Group I also gave this story high marks. Very soon it will be published in Compass Guide. We hope that in the spring we will be able to pick it up in printed form.

Svetlana Kuznetsova received a diploma and a special prize from the Commonwealth of Children's Writers.
The school librarians really liked it too fairy tale“Mom, these are snorkels.” We hope she finds her publisher soon.
The duo Oleg Ivik are diploma winners and winners of the SOBDiM special prize.
Well... drum roll... the winner is Evgeniy Rudashevsky with his story "The Raven"!
Evgeniy receives the Commander's medal and carcasses from the drum corps. Hooray!

Children's jury choice and medal - Daria Vardenburg. Daria herself did not come; her prize was awarded to a representative of the Samokat publishing house, where the story “Rule 69 for the Fat Seagull” was published, Natalya Kupriyanova.

Another laureate and holder of a special diploma from the “Caravelle” detachment is Marina Yasinskaya “Daddy’s Islands”. Marina lives in Canada, and the squad’s branded gifts will go directly there.

Tonya Shipulina received a special prize from the Commonwealth of Children's Writers and a special prize from the Russian State Children's Library.

Irina Shiryaeva - special prize of the United Museum of Writers of the Urals

Prize winner, as well as special prize winner of the Literary Council - Vlada Rai (Natalia Gonzalez and Vladimir Yatsenko)

Well, our creative group decided to award a special prize from the MBU IMC "Ekaterinburg House of Teachers" to Nina Dashevskaya for hercycle of stories "Rope Walker". Congratulations!!!
For the second time school librarians they give their preference on Krapivinka to Nina Dashevskaya.

Tatyana Goncharuk for the story “Pawns” was named laureate of the Krapivin Prize in the Jury’s Choice category. Tatyana was unable to come to the ceremony.

Nadezhda Koltysheva, deputy. editor-in-chief literary magazine"Ural" presented all the finalists with the latest issue of the almanac for family reading"Children's", which, by the way, published a cycle of stories by Natalya Volkova "Dasha and Grandfather".

International Children's Literary Prize named after. V.P. Krapivina 2017 has ended, but, as Olga Kolpakova said, accepting manuscripts for 2018 will begin very soon, which means we will meet again!