Liberation of Riga. Stalin's eighth blow: the battle for the Baltic states

Baltic operation- a military battle that took place in the fall of 1944 in the Baltic states. The result of the operation, which is also called Stalin's Eighth Strike, was the liberation of Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia from German troops. Today we will get acquainted with the history of this operation, its participants, causes and consequences.

general characteristics

The Baltic states played a role in the plans of the military-political leaders of the Third Reich special role. By controlling it, the Nazis were able to control the main part Baltic Sea and keep in touch with Scandinavian countries. In addition, the Baltic region was a major supply base for Germany. Estonian enterprises annually supplied the Third Reich with about 500 thousand tons of petroleum products. In addition, Germany received huge volumes of food and agricultural raw materials from the Baltic states. Also, one should not lose sight of the fact that the Germans planned to evict indigenous people and populate it with their fellow citizens. Thus, the loss of this region was a serious blow for the Third Reich.

The Baltic operation began on September 14, 1944 and lasted until November 22 of the same year. Its goal was the defeat of Nazi troops, as well as the liberation of Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia. In addition to the Germans, the Red Army was opposed by local collaborators. Their main number (87 thousand) were part of the Latvian Legion. Of course, they could not provide adequate resistance to the Soviet troops. Another 28 thousand people acted as part of the Latvian Schutzmanschaft battalions.

The battle consisted of four major operations: Riga, Tallinn, Memel and Moonsund. In total, it lasted for 71 days. The width of the front reached about 1000 km, and the depth - about 400 km. As a result of the battle, Army Group North was defeated, and the three Baltic republics were completely liberated from the invaders.


The Red Army was preparing a large-scale offensive on the territory of the Baltic states during Stalin’s Fifth Strike - the Belarusian Operation. In the summer of 1944, Soviet troops managed to liberate the most important territories in the Baltic direction and prepare the foundation for a major offensive. By the end of the summer, the majority of the Nazis’ defensive lines in the Baltics collapsed. In some directions, USSR troops advanced 200 km. The operations carried out in the summer pinned down significant German forces, which made it possible for the Belorussian Front to finally defeat Army Group Center and break through to Eastern Poland. Coming to the approaches to Riga, Soviet troops had all the conditions for the successful liberation of the Baltic states.

Offensive plan

In the directive of the Supreme High Command, the Soviet troops (three Baltic fronts, the Leningrad Front and the Red Banner Baltic Fleet) were tasked with dismembering and defeating Army Group North, while liberating the Baltic territory. The Baltic fronts attacked the Germans in the direction of Riga, and the Leningrad front went to Tallinn. The most important attack was the strike in the Riga direction, since it was supposed to lead to the liberation of Riga - a large industrial and political center, the hub of sea and land communications throughout the Baltic states.

In addition, the Leningrad Front and the Baltic Fleet were tasked with the destruction of the Narva task force. Having recaptured Tartu, the troops of the Leningrad Front were supposed to go to Tallinn and open access to the eastern shore of the Baltic Sea. The Baltic Front received the task of supporting the coastal flank of the Leningrad army, as well as preventing the arrival of German reinforcements and their evacuation.

The troops of the Baltic Front were supposed to begin their offensive on September 5-7, and the Leningrad Front on September 15. However, due to difficulties during preparations for the strategic offensive operation, its start had to be delayed by a week. During this time, Soviet troops carried out reconnaissance work, brought in weapons and food, and sappers completed the construction of the planned roads.

Strengths of the parties

In total, the Soviet army participating in the Baltic operation had about 1.5 million soldiers, more than 3 thousand armored vehicles, about 17 thousand guns and mortars, and more than 2.5 thousand aircraft. 12 armies took part in the battle, that is, almost full composition four fronts of the Red Army. In addition, the offensive was supported by Baltic ships.

As for the German army, by the beginning of September 1944, Army Group North, led by Ferdinand Schörner, consisted of 3 tank companies and the Narva task force. In total, it had 730 thousand soldiers, 1.2 thousand armored vehicles, 7 thousand guns and mortars and approximately 400 aircraft. It is interesting to note that Army Group North included two Latvian divisions representing the interests of the so-called “Latvian Legion”.

German training

By the beginning of the Baltic operation, German troops were covered with south side and pressed to the sea. However, thanks to the Baltic bridgehead, the Nazis could launch a flank attack on the Soviet troops. Therefore, instead of leaving the Baltic states, the Germans decided to stabilize the fronts there, build additional defensive lines and call for reinforcements.

A group consisting of five was responsible for the Riga direction. It was believed that the Riga fortification area would be insurmountable for Soviet troops. In the Narva direction, the defense was also very serious - three defensive lines approximately 30 km deep. To make it difficult for Baltic ships to approach, the Germans installed many barriers in the Gulf of Finland and mined both fairways along its shores.

In August, several divisions were transferred to the Baltic states and a large number of equipment from “quiet” sectors of the front and Germany. The Germans had to spend a huge amount of resources to restore the combat effectiveness of Army Group North. The morale of the Baltic “defenders” was quite high. The troops were very disciplined and convinced that it would soon come crucial moment war. They were waiting for reinforcements in the form of young soldiers and believed in rumors about miracle weapons.

The Riga operation began on September 14 and ended on October 22, 1944. The main goal of the operation was the liberation of Riga, and then all of Latvia, from the occupiers. On the USSR side, about 1.3 million soldiers were involved in the battle (119 rifle divisions, 1 mechanized and 6 tank corps, 11 tank brigades, as well as 3 fortified areas). They were opposed by the 16th and 18th and part of the 3-1 army of the North group. Best of luck in this battle the 1st Baltic Front under the leadership of Ivan Bagramyan reached. From September 14 to 27, the Red Army carried out an offensive. Having reached the Sigulda line, which the Germans strengthened and replenished with troops who retreated during the Tallinn operation, the USSR troops stopped. After careful preparation, on October 15, the Red Army launched a rapid offensive. As a result, on October 22, USSR troops took Riga and most Latvia.

The Tallinn operation took place from September 17 to 26, 1944. The objective of this campaign was the liberation of Estonia and, in particular, its capital - the city of Tallinn. By the beginning of the battle, the second and eighth armies had in relation to German group“Narva” has a significant superiority in strength. According to the original plan, the forces of the 2nd Shock Army were to attack the Narva group from the rear, followed by an assault on Tallinn. The 8th Army was supposed to attack if they went into retreat.

On September 17, the 2nd Shock Army set off to carry out its mission. She managed to make an 18-kilometer gap in the enemy’s defenses near the Emajõgi River. Realizing the seriousness of the intentions of the Soviet troops, Narva decided to retreat. Literally the next day, independence was declared in Tallinn. Power fell into the hands of the underground Estonian government led by Otto Tief. Two banners were raised on the central city tower - Estonian and German. For several days, the newly formed government even tried to resist the advancing Soviet and retreating German troops.

On September 19, the 8th Army launched the attack. The next day from fascist invaders The city of Rakvere was liberated, in which the troops of the 8th Army joined forces with the troops of the 2nd Army. On September 21, the Red Army liberated Tallinn, and five days later - all of Estonia (with the exception of a number of islands).

During the Tallinn operation, the Baltic Fleet landed several of its units on the coast of Estonia and adjacent islands. Thanks to the combined forces, the troops of the Third Reich were defeated in mainland Estonia in just 10 days. At the same time, over 30 thousand German soldiers tried, but were unable to break through to Riga. Some of them were captured, and some were destroyed. During the Tallinn operation, according to Soviet data, about 30 thousand German soldiers were killed and about 15 thousand were captured. In addition, the Nazis lost 175 units of heavy equipment.

Moonsund operation

On September 27, 1994, USSR troops launched the Moonzund operation, the task of which was to capture the Moonzund archipelago and liberate it from the invaders. The operation continued until November 24 of the same year. The indicated area was defended by the Germans by the 23rd Infantry Division and 4 security battalions. On the USSR side, parts of the Leningrad and Baltic fronts were involved in the campaign. The main part of the islands of the archipelago was liberated quickly. Due to the fact that the Red Army chose unexpected points for landing its troops, the enemy did not have time to prepare a defense. Immediately after the liberation of one island, troops landed on another, which further disoriented the troops of the Third Reich. The only place where the Nazis were able to delay the advance of the Soviet troops was the Sõrve peninsula of the island of Saaremaa, on the isthmus of which the Germans were able to hold out for a month and a half, pinning down the Soviet rifle corps.

Memel operation

This operation was carried out by the 1st Baltic Front and part of the 3rd Belorussian Front from October 5 to October 22, 1944. The goal of the campaign was to cut off the armies of Group North from the Eastern part of Prussia. When the first Baltic Front, under the leadership of the excellent commander Ivan Bagramyan, reached the approaches to Riga, it encountered serious enemy resistance. As a result, it was decided to transfer the resistance to the Memel direction. In the area of ​​the city of Siauliai, the forces of the Baltic Front were regrouped. According to the new plan of the Soviet command, the Red Army troops were supposed to break through the defenses from the western and southwestern parts of Siauliai and reach the Palanga-Memel-Naman River line. The main blow fell on the Memel direction, and an auxiliary blow fell on the Kelme-Tilsit direction.

The decision of the Soviet commanders came as a complete surprise to the Third Reich, which was counting on the resumption of offensives in the Riga direction. On the first day of the battle, USSR troops broke through the defenses and went deeper in different places at a distance of 7 to 17 kilometers. By October 6, all the troops that had been prepared in advance arrived on the battlefield, and on October 10, the Soviet army cut off the Germans from As a result, a Soviet army tunnel was formed between the troops of the Third Reich, based in Courland and East Prussia, the width of which reached 50 kilometers. The enemy, of course, was unable to overcome this zone.

By October 22, it liberated almost the entire northern bank of the Neman River from the Germans. In Latvia, the enemy was pushed out onto the Courland Peninsula and was reliably blocked. As a result of the Memel operation, the Red Army advanced 150 km, liberated more than 26 thousand km 2 of territory and more than 30 settlements.

Further events

The defeat of Army Group North, led by Ferdinand Schörner, was quite severe, however, 33 divisions remained in its composition. The Third Reich lost half a million soldiers and officers, as well as a huge amount of equipment and weapons. The German Courland group was blocked and pressed to the sea, between Liepaja and Tukums. She was doomed, since she had neither the strength nor the opportunity to break through to East Prussia. There was nowhere to expect help. Soviet offensive on Central Europe it was very fast. Leaving behind some of the equipment and supplies, the Courland group could have been evacuated across the sea, but the Germans abandoned this decision.

The Soviet command did not set itself the task of destroying at any cost the helpless German group, which could no longer influence the battles final stage war. The Third Baltic Front was disbanded, and the First and Second were sent to Courland to complete what had been started. Due to the onset of winter and the geographical features of the Courland Peninsula (predominance of swamps and forests), the destruction of the fascist group, which included Lithuanian collaborators, dragged on for a long time. The situation was complicated by the fact that the main forces of the Baltic fronts (including the troops of General Bagramyan) were transferred to the main directions. Several harsh assaults on the peninsula were unsuccessful. The Nazis fought to the death, and the Soviet units experienced a severe lack of strength. Ultimately, the battles in the Courland Pocket ended only on May 15, 1945.


As a result of the Baltic operation, Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia were liberated from the fascist invaders. The power of the Soviet Union was established in all conquered territories. The Wehrmacht lost its raw material base and strategic foothold, which it had had for three years. The Baltic Fleet now has the opportunity to conduct operations on German communications, as well as cover ground forces from the Gulf of Riga and the Gulf of Finland. Having recaptured the Baltic Sea coast during the Baltic operation of 1944, Soviet army gained the opportunity to attack from the flanks the troops of the Third Reich, settled in East Prussia.

It is worth noting that German occupation caused serious damage to the Baltic states. During the three years of fascist dominance, about 1.4 million civilians and prisoners of war were exterminated. The economy of the region, cities and towns suffered greatly. To completely restore the Baltic states, a lot of work had to be done.

As a result of the offensive of the Soviet troops in July - August 1944, German troops in the Baltic states found themselves pressed against the Baltic Sea in a limited area, and their main forces were deeply covered from the south.

This made it possible to carry out the Baltic strategic offensive operation with the goal of the final defeat of the German group, which consisted of Army Group North (commander - Colonel General F. Scherner), the 3rd Tank Army of Army Group Center (on September 20, included in Army Group "North"), the 1st Air Fleet and part of the forces of the 6th Air Fleet.

This group numbered 730,000 people and had 7 thousand guns and mortars, more than 1.2 thousand tanks and assault guns and 400 aircraft. The enemy occupied a strong, multi-lane, equipped defense, echeloned throughout the entire depth from the front line to the Baltic Sea coast.

The liquidation of a large and well-armed group required a series of successive operations to dismember and destroy piece by piece the main enemy forces. To do this, the troops of the 1st, 2nd and 3rd Baltic Fronts, as well as the Leningrad Front in the Tallinn direction, together with the Baltic Fleet, had to cut off the Baltic enemy group from East Prussia and deliver powerful attacks on converging directions in general direction to Riga.

The main efforts should have been concentrated on the defeat of the main forces of the 18th and 16th armies operating in the Riga area. The Baltic operation included four combined general plan operations: Riga, Tallinn, Moonsund landing and Memel.

The Soviet troops participating in the operation numbered: 900 thousand people and had about 17,500 guns and mortars, 3,000 tanks and self-propelled artillery, over 2,500 combat aircraft (excluding the involved Baltic Fleet and Long-Range aviation).

On September 14, the troops of the 1st (commander - Army General I.Kh. Bagramyan), 2nd (commander - Army General A.I. Eremenko) and 3rd (commander - Army General I.I. Maslennikov) Baltic fronts began Riga offensive operation.

The troops of the 1st Baltic Front successfully broke through the enemy’s defenses and, developing the offensive with battles, advanced to a depth of 50 km by the end of the third day, threatening to cut communications leading to East Prussia. The German command began to withdraw the Narva group from Estonia and the left flank of the 18th Army from the area of ​​Lake Võrtsjärv in order to strengthen the group near Riga. On September 16, the enemy tried to ease the position of his troops south of Riga and launched two counterattacks in the area southwest of Dobele and from the area northwest of Baldone, but was unsuccessful. In the first three days, the troops of the 3rd and 2nd Baltic Fronts were unable to advance further than the enemy’s main line of defense.

September 17 troops of the Leningrad Front (commander - Marshal Soviet Union L.A. Govorov) with the support of the forces of the Baltic Fleet began the Tallinn operation. They successfully broke through the enemy's defenses and occupied the capital of Estonia, Tallinn, on September 22. 23 September 18th

The German army began to retreat to the Sigulda line, located 60-80 km around Riga, and the troops of the 3rd Baltic Front began pursuing the enemy. On September 22, the troops of the 2nd Baltic Front also managed to overcome the enemy’s defenses, but on September 27, the troops of both fronts were stopped by the enemy at the Sigulda line. The troops of the Leningrad Front, successfully developing the offensive, liberated the entire territory of Estonia by September 26, except for the Moonsund Islands.

Due to the withdrawal of the 18th Army and the Narva operational group, the German command managed to concentrate a large group in the Riga area - over 30 divisions. At the same time, the section of the front from Auce to Neman in the Memel direction turned out to be weakened - at that time there were no more than 8 divisions of the 3rd Tank Army on it. Based on the current situation, the Headquarters of the Supreme High Command decided on September 24 to shift the direction of the main attack to the Memel direction, with the goal of cutting off Army Group North and defeating it. In accordance with the new tasks, the troops of the 1st Baltic Front began to regroup in the Siauliai region. The troops of the 2nd and 3rd Baltic Fronts also regrouped their forces to resume the offensive on Riga.

On October 5, troops of the 1st Baltic Front, with the assistance of the 39th Army of the 3rd Belorussian Front, began the Memel operation. Having broken through the enemy’s defenses and developing an offensive in depth, the mobile forces of the front on October 10 broke out onto the Baltic Sea coast north and south of Memel (Klaipeda) and blocked the port city from land; Another group of front troops at that time reached the border with East Prussia at Taurags. Under the influence of the blow in the Memel direction, the command of Army Group North began a hasty withdrawal of troops from the Riga area to Courland on October 6.

On the night of October 5–6, the troops of the 2nd and 3rd Baltic Fronts resumed their attack on Riga and, while pursuing the retreating enemy, reached the outer defensive perimeter by October 10; on October 12, fighting for the city began. On October 13, troops of the 3rd Baltic Front liberated the right bank part of the city, and on October 15, troops of the 2nd Baltic Front liberated the left bank.

September 27 - October 10 troops of the Leningrad Front in cooperation with Baltic Fleet carried out the main part of the Moonsund operation. The successful solution of problems was ensured by the close interaction of the ground forces, aviation and navy.

On October 16, the 3rd Baltic Front was disbanded, and the troops of the 1st and 2nd Baltic Fronts continued their offensive in the directions of Tukums and Saldus. By October 22, the troops of the right wing of the 2nd Baltic Front reached the enemy’s Tukum defensive line, completing the Riga operation, and together with the troops of the 1st Baltic Front blocked the main forces of Army Group North in Courland. On the same day, the 39th Army of the 3rd Belorussian Front pushed the enemy back beyond the Neman. On November 24, the troops of the Leningrad Front and the forces of the Baltic Fleet completed the Moonsund landing operation, during which they liberated the islands of the Moonsund archipelago.

As a result of the Baltic operation, German troops were expelled from the Baltic states, 26 divisions of Army Group North were defeated and 3 divisions were completely destroyed. The main forces of this group - 27 divisions and 1 brigade - were pressed to the sea on the Kurland Peninsula and lost their strategic importance. The surrounded Courland group capitulated on May 8, 1945. As a result of the operation, favorable conditions were created for the development of the offensive in East Prussia.

Lithuania and the other Baltic republics were under Nazi German occupation for three years. In Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia, the Nazis destroyed more than 1 million 100 thousand people, many tens of thousands of people languished in concentration camps and prisons. For example, in Lithuania alone the Germans destroyed a quarter of the population.

In the plans for the defense of the Baltic states, the Nazis paid the greatest attention to Estonia, which had great military and political significance. Losing her would lead to sharp deterioration for Germany the situation in the Baltic Sea. The German command continued to maintain significant forces here in order to repel a possible offensive of the Red Army. The liberation of Estonia began after the defeat of the Germans near Novgorod, when the troops of the Leningrad Front reached the river in early February 1944. Narva and immediately began to cross it.

The position of the Nazi troops in the Baltic states became even more complicated as a result of the successful offensive of Soviet troops in Belarus. Army Group North found itself deeply encircled from the south and pressed against the Baltic Sea in a relatively small area.

The advance of our troops in Baltics resulted in a series of successive attacks on the fronts. The first to go on the offensive on July 10, 1944 were the troops of the 2nd Baltic Front, on July 17 the 3rd Baltic Front began the offensive, and on July 24 the troops of the Leningrad Front joined the offensive. In the southern regions of Lithuania, troops of the 3rd Belorussian Front were advancing in the Vilnius-Kaunas direction. By July 13, they liberated the capital of the Lithuanian SSR, the city of Vilnius, from the German invaders, and Kaunas on August 1, and then reached the Lithuanian border with East Prussia.

At the end of July the troops 1st Baltic Front were on the closest approaches to Riga from the south and southwest. The armies of the 2nd and 3rd Baltic Fronts continued to fight with stubbornly resisting enemy troops. Germany sought to retain the Baltic territory at all costs; the Germans there significantly expanded the construction of defensive lines and strengthened the group of their troops defending them. Already in August, eight divisions (including three tank ones) were transferred from the Reich and from other sectors of the Eastern Front to the Baltic states. The number of infantry divisions was increased to 8–9 thousand people by replenishing them with personnel from other branches of the military, as well as their mobilized citizens who were previously not subject to military conscription: the elderly and minors.

In August 1944, the most acute situation developed in the zone of the 1st Baltic Front. The enemy command, having concentrated six infantry, six tank divisions and two brigades against the Soviet troops that had broken through to the sea, launched a strong counterattack from the areas west of Riga and Siauliai. The enemy managed to push the front troops away from the coast of the Gulf of Riga and restore communications between Army Groups “North” and “Center”. The advance of Soviet units in the Riga direction was slow and bloody; an attempt to take Riga with a surprise attack from the south was unsuccessful, so the direction of the main attack was transferred from Riga to the Memel direction. Simultaneously troops of the 2nd and 3rd Baltic fronts They attacked successfully in the Riga direction.

Baltic strategic offensive Soviet troops (September 14 - November 24, 1944) was carried out with the aim of defeating Army Group North and complete liberation from Nazi invaders territories of Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania. During the Baltic operation, strikes were envisaged by three Baltic fronts in converging directions on Riga with the aim of cutting off Army Group North from the rest of the German army. In total, over 47 divisions (more than 700 thousand people), including 8 tank and motorized.

The enemy prepared a strong and deeply layered defense. By the beginning of the operation, the Soviet side had troops with a total number of over 900 thousand people, about 20 thousand guns and mortars, up to 3 thousand tanks and self-propelled guns, about 3.5 thousand aircraft. From the sea he supported and participated in the Baltic operation KBF(Red Banner Baltic Fleet).

The summer offensive of Soviet troops in the Baltic states led to expansion of the common front of the Red Army's strategic offensive. Favorable environment for a decisive offensive in the Baltic strategic direction was created only towards the end of the summer of 1944 during the major military victories won by Soviet troops over the Wehrmacht.

The Baltic operation included four front-line and inter-front operations: Riga, Tallinn, Moonsund And Memel. In the Riga direction, the troops of the three Baltic fronts were supposed to attack the enemy group consisting of the 16th and 18th German armies, dismember it and destroy it piece by piece. The actions of the Soviet fronts in the Baltic states were coordinated and provided general management of the operation by Marshal Vasilevsky A.M.

In the first three days of the operation, the troops of the 1st Baltic Front advanced 50 km, leaving only 25 km to Riga. On September 16, the German command gave permission to begin the withdrawal of Army Group North troops along the entire front from the Gulf of Finland to the Western Dvina. In order to delay the advance of the troops of the 1st Baltic Front in the Riga direction, the German command launched two strong counterattacks (southwest of Mitava and from the Baldone area).

At the same time, the offensive in the zones of the 3rd and 2nd Baltic fronts developed much more slowly. Here our troops were able to break through only the main line of enemy defense in a number of sectors and advance only 5–6 km. German troops resisted especially stubbornly in the direction of the main attack of the troops of the 2nd Baltic Front. By September 27, the 3rd and 2nd Baltic Fronts advanced to the Sigulda defensive line, where they were stopped by the enemy. Now the troops of these fronts were 60–80 km from Riga.

From September 17 he became involved in the operation Leningrad Front. Exactly what the command of the North group feared most happened - the enemy was hit with a powerful blow from the Tartu area. The 2nd Soviet Shock Army advancing there successfully broke through the enemy defenses to the west on the first day Lake Peipsi and advanced 18 km. This created a threat of encirclement of the German units defending on the Narva Isthmus.

At the first stage of the Baltic operation (September 14-27) it was carried out Tallinn operation, as a result of which Soviet troops liberated on September 22, and by September 26, mainland Estonia was completely liberated, except for the islands of Ezel and Dago.

During the Tallinn operation, the Baltic Fleet landed several successful amphibious assaults on the coast of Estonia and adjacent islands. German losses During the operation, according to Soviet sources, more than 45 thousand people were killed and wounded. At the end of September, a significant territory of the Baltic states, as well as the islands of the Moonsund archipelago, were still in enemy hands. The main forces of Army Group North were concentrated on a narrow front in the area of ​​the Riga bridgehead.

At the second stage of the Baltic operation (September 28 - November 24), the Riga operation (September 14 - October 22) was completed, the Memel (October 5 - 22) and Moonsund (September 27 - November 24) operations were carried out. The most intense battles on the approaches to the Latvian capital took place after the capture of Tartu, when the 67th Army was turned southwest towards Riga. During the Riga operation, our troops liberated most of Latvia, its capital - Riga, Lithuania. As a result, a Courland Cauldron.

Moonsund operation was carried out with the aim of liberating the islands of the Moonsund archipelago from Nazi troops. The main part of the islands was liberated by Soviet paratroopers quite quickly. Only on the island of Saaremaa did the enemy manage to delay our offensive for a month and a half.

Memel offensive operation was carried out with the aim of cutting off the troops of Army Group North from East Prussia. Already on the first day of fighting, Soviet troops broke through the German defenses and by evening advanced to a depth of 15 km. On the morning of the second day of the offensive, the 5th Guards Tank Army was introduced into the breakthrough, which quickly advanced to the coast of the Baltic Sea. On the same day, the 39th Army began its offensive, striking at Taurage.

On October 6, the German command began to hastily withdraw troops from the Riga area to East Prussia along the coast of the Baltic Sea. They were pursued by units of the 3rd and 2nd Baltic Fronts.

The Soviet offensive continued successfully, and by October 10, Nazi troops were cut off from East Prussia. A gap has formed between enemy groups in East Prussia and Courland Soviet defense up to 50 kilometers wide, which the enemy could not overcome.

As a result of the entry of Soviet troops to the Baltic Sea coast, the plan of the fascist German command to withdraw Army Group North to East Prussia was thwarted. The enemy was pushed back to the Courland Peninsula and was securely blocked there. As a result of the Memel operation, Soviet units advanced a distance of up to 150 km. On October 16, the 3rd Baltic Front was disbanded, and the troops of the 2nd Baltic Front, in cooperation with the right-flank armies of the 1st Baltic Front, continued pursue the retreating enemy.

Simultaneously with the offensive of the Baltic fronts, troops of the Leningrad Front and the Red Banner Baltic Fleet, from September 29 to October 15, carried out an amphibious operation, as a result of which they captured the islands of Muhu (Moon), Vormsi, Dago (Hiuma) and most of the island of Ezel (Saaremaa). The Baltic operation was thus completed.

As a result of the Baltic operation, Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia (except for the Courland Pocket) were liberated from Nazi troops. 26 divisions of Army Group North were defeated and 3 divisions were completely destroyed. The remaining 33 divisions found themselves in a cauldron, pinning down significant forces of the Red Army until the end of the war. The German group in Courland capitulated only in May 1945.

As a result Baltic operation The German fleet lost freedom of action in the Gulf of Riga, the Gulf of Finland and other areas of the Baltic Sea. With the loss of the Baltic states, Germany lost not only a profitable strategic area, but also an important industrial, raw material and food base. More than a hundred soldiers of the Red Army were awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union during the Baltic operation, three of them twice, over 330 thousand people. received medals and orders.

Baltic operation

The general situation in the Baltic states at the beginning of the operation was determined by the results of the Belarusian operation carried out by the Red Army: the German Army Group North (Colonel General F. Schörner) found itself deeply covered from the south and pressed against the Baltic Sea in a relatively small area. At the line from the Narva Bay to the city of Dobele, the Narva operational group, the 18th and 16th armies defended, from Dobele to the Neman River - the 3rd Tank Army of Army Group Center, transferred to Army Group North on September 20 " The enemy ground forces were supported by aviation from the 1st Air Fleet and part of the forces of the 6th Air Fleet. This group consisted of 730 thousand people, 7 thousand guns and mortars, 1216 tanks and assault guns, and up to 400 combat aircraft.

The Baltic operation involved troops of the left wing of Leningrad (Marshal of the Soviet Union L.A. Govorov), 3rd Baltic (Army General I.I. Maslennikov), 2nd Baltic (Army General A.I. Eremenko), 1st Baltic (Army General I.Kh. Bagramyan), part of the troops of the 3rd Belorussian (Army General I.D. Chernyakhovsky) fronts, forces of the Red Banner Baltic Fleet (Admiral V.F. Tributs) and long-range aviation - a total of 900 thousand people , about 17.5 thousand guns and mortars, 3080 tanks and self-propelled artillery units, 2640 combat aircraft.

The coordination of the actions of the three Baltic fronts until October 1, 1944 was carried out by the representative of the Supreme Command Headquarters, Marshal of the Soviet Union A.M. Vasilevsky. On October 1, he was entrusted with leadership of the operations of the 1st Baltic and 3rd Belorussian fronts, and Marshal of the Soviet Union L.A. Govorov (reserving his duties as commander of the Leningrad Front) - operations of the 2nd and 3rd Baltic fronts.

The plan of the Soviet command provided for the cutting off of the enemy group defending in the Baltic States from East Prussia by attacks by troops of the Baltic fronts in converging directions towards Riga and troops of the Leningrad Front together with the Red Banner Baltic Fleet in the Tallinn direction, with the subsequent dismemberment of the Wehrmacht group and its destruction in parts.

The Baltic operation included four operations united by a common plan - Riga, Tallinn, Moonsund landing and Memel.

On September 14, troops of the 1st, 2nd and 3rd Baltic Fronts began an offensive. During the Riga operation, Soviet troops forced the enemy to retreat to the Sigulda defensive line (25-60 km from Riga, north of the Daugava River) and jeopardized its communications leading to East Prussia. The German command began to withdraw troops from Estonia, while at the same time strengthening the defense on the approaches to Riga. Enemy troops launched strong counterattacks in the Baldone and Dobele areas. Due to the fierce resistance of German troops at this point, the Supreme High Command Headquarters decided on September 24 to transfer the efforts of the 1st Baltic Front from Riga to the Memel direction, where the enemy group was much weaker. The troops of the Leningrad Front, in cooperation with the forces of the Baltic Fleet, carried out the Tallinn operation on September 17-26, which ended with the defeat of the enemy task force “Narva”, the liberation of Tallinn and the entire mainland of Estonia.

To carry out the Memel operation, the 1st Baltic Front carried out a secret regrouping of its troops from the Riga direction to the Siauliai area. The offensive in the Memel direction was ensured from the north by active actions towards Liepaja by the 4th Shock Army and from the south by the attack of the 39th Army of the 3rd Belorussian Front from the Raseiniai region in the direction of Taurage. In connection with the Moonsund landing operation of the troops of the Leningrad Front and the forces of the Baltic Fleet, which began on September 27, as well as the active actions of the troops of the 3rd and 2nd Baltic fronts in the Riga area, the enemy was unable to transfer significant forces from the Sigulda line to repel the Soviet offensive troops in the Memel direction. As a result of the Memel operation, Soviet troops reached the Baltic coast, penetrated the territory of East Prussia and cut off Army Group North from it. While the 1st Baltic Front launched an offensive in the Memel direction, the troops of the 3rd and 2nd Baltic Fronts on October 6 began pursuing the enemy, who began a hasty retreat from the Riga section of the front to the Courland Peninsula. On October 13, Soviet troops liberated Riga. The destruction of the Courland group of fascist German troops was entrusted to the troops of the 2nd and 1st Baltic Fronts. Coordination of the actions of the two Baltic and 3rd Belorussian fronts was entrusted to Marshal of the Soviet Union A.M. Vasilevsky. Marshal of the Soviet Union L.A. Govorov remained commander of the troops of the Leningrad Front.

On October 18, the Headquarters pointed out the exceptional importance of the speedy liquidation of German troops northeast of Liepaja and in the Memel (Klaipeda) area, demanding that all the efforts of the troops of the 1st and 2nd Baltic Fronts be directed to their defeat, and that long-range aviation and the Baltic Fleet Air Force be involved, intensify submarine operations on enemy sea lanes. Using the offensive of the Baltic fronts in the Riga and Memel directions, the troops of the Leningrad Front together with the Baltic Fleet from September 27 to November 24 as a result of the Moonsund landing operation liberated the Moonsund Islands.

As a result of the offensive of the Soviet troops, Army Group North was expelled from almost the entire Baltic region and lost communications connecting it by land with East Prussia. Of the 59 divisions, 26 were defeated, and three were completely destroyed. The remaining forces of this group found themselves pinned to the sea in Courland and in the Memel area. The length of the front line in the Baltic sector was reduced to 250 km, which made it possible to free up significant forces of Soviet troops and use them in offensive operations in the winter of 1944/1945. With the loss of the Baltic states, Germany lost a profitable strategic area, which provided its fleet with freedom of action in the eastern part of the Baltic Sea, as well as an important industrial, raw material and food base.

Baltic operation of 1944, strategic offensive operation of the Soviet Union. troops in the Great Patriotic War , carried out September 14 - November 24 in order to defeat the Nazis. troops in the Baltic states and completion of the liberation of the Baltic republics. (For the map, see the inset to pp. 496-497.) Leningrad troops took part in the operation. retention of this strategically important area, since its loss further complicated the military-political situation. the importance of military operations, studying the experience of previous operations with the breakthrough of strong enemy defenses and offensives in wooded and swampy areas. Much attention was paid to working with young recruits and educating soldiers in the spirit of friendship between the peoples of the USSR. part 4 tank. In the Memel direction (from Autse to the Neman River) 7-8 divisions of the pr-ka operated, including 4 tank ones. Based on the current situation, Sov. The troops launched a powerful frontal attack in the Memel direction, where the pr-ka grouping and its defenses were weaker than in the Riga region. They were faced with the task of cutting off the German fascists. Army Group "North" from the East. Prussia, DZI "carrying out the Memel operation of 1944. The 1st Baltic Front, secretly from the pr-ka, regrouped all its troops in the Siauliai region and on October 5 launched a strike in the direction of Memel (Klaipeda). The offensive in the Memel direction was ensured with S. active actions towards Libau (Liepaja) of the 4th Shock Army and with the southern attack of the 39th Army and the 3rd Belorussian Front from the Rossiena region (Raseiniai) in the direction of Taurage in connection with the Moonsund War that began on September 27. the landing operation of the troops of the Leningrad Front and the Red Banner Baltic Fleet, as well as the active actions of the troops of the 3rd and 2nd Baltic fronts in the Riga region, the pr-k was unable to transfer forces from the Sigulda line to repel the advance of the Soviet troops in Memel. direction. As a result of the Memel operation, the Soviet troops reached the coast of the Baltic Sea, penetrated the territory of East Prussia and cut off the entire Army Group North, while the troops of the 1st Baltic Front launched an offensive in the Memel direction. , troops of the 3rd and 2nd Baltic fronts from 6 Oct. moved on to pursue the pr-ka, which began under the threat of losing the escape route to the East. Prussia hastily retreated from the Riga sector of the front to the Courland Peninsula. October 13 owls troops liberated Riga. Oct 16 Successful completion of Sov operations. troops in the Baltic States was facilitated by the offensive of the troops of the 3rd Belorussian Front in the East. (commander Marshal of the Soviet Union L.A. Govorov), 3rd Baltic. (command, army general I. I. Maslennikov), 2nd Baltic. (command, Army General A.I. Eremenko), 1st Baltic. (command, army general I. Kh. Bagramyan), part of the forces of the 3rd Belorus, fronts (command, army general I. D. Chernyakhovsky), as well as the Red Banner Balt. fleet (KBF) (command, adm. V.F. Tribune), operationally subordinate to the commander of the Leningrad troops. operation is the transfer of ch. efforts during the offensive from Riga to Memel direction, which required a major regrouping of troops at a distance of 120-140 km and preparations in short term

new coming operations. The secrecy of the regrouping ensured the surprise of the attack and, to a large extent, the success of the entire operation. Basic

air effort armies were sent to support the ground. troops on ch. directions of the fronts. At the first stage of P. o. only the 14th, 15th and 3rd air armies, operating as part of the three Baltic states. fronts, carried out 34 thousand, and during the entire operation 55 thousand combat sorties. During the preparation and conduct of the operation in the Baltic States, the Red Banner Baltic Fleet transported troops and equipment, covered the flanks of the advancing troops from the sea, with aviation and naval artillery forces, and provided fire support to the troops advancing in the following directions, and landed seas. landings, fought at sea.

communications. Successful actions of the owls. The troops in the Baltic States were supported by partisans and underground fighters of the Baltic States. republics The pr-k was forced to divert forces from the front to fight against the partisans and to protect its communications. Sov.

The troops showed massive heroism in battles. 112 soldiers were awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union. Union, three - second medal "Gold Star", St. 332 thousand were awarded orders and medals. 131 units and formations received the honorary name of Riga, Tallinn, Valginsky, etc., 481 - government awards.

A. S. Galitsan.

Materials from the Soviet Military Encyclopedia in 8 volumes, volume 6 were used. Literature: History of the Second World War. 1939-1945. T. 9. M., 1978;