Persian names for girls are modern and rare. What are girls called in Iran? Lists of modern and rare Persian female names with interpretation of meaning. Beautiful Polish names for girls

Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w.),according to a hadith from Abu Dawood, he said: “Give your children beautiful names!” Choicemodern name for girlski muslim womenWith good meaning is also important because on the Day of Judgment every person will be calledas his parents named him in earthly life.

If the list does not contain the name you are interested in, look for a similar root in the list (for example, Garifa/Garif), or leave your request in the comments at the bottom of the page. In response, we will write the meaning of any, even rare, names.


Agnia- The Arabic meaning of this name is “wealthy, wealthy people”, in Greek it means innocence, rebellion.

Adeline- a German name that translates as “reliable”, “honest”.

Adela (Adilya)- Arabic name, translated means “fair”, “decent”.

Azada (Azadia)- Persian name meaning “free”, “independent”, “free”.

Azalea - Latin name, which appeared in honor of the Azalea flower.

Aziza (Gaziza)- Arabic name translated as “darling.”

Aida- Greek name, derived from the name Hades (god of the kingdom of the dead in ancient Greek mythology).

Aisha (Aisha, Gaisha, Aishe, Aishat)- an Arabic name that translates as “living.” This was the name of the wife of the Prophet Muhammad (s.g.w.) Aisha bint Abu Bakr (r.a.), who was justified by Allah himself in the Holy Quran. She is considered one of the best women of all time.

Aibika (Aibike) - Tatar name, the meaning of which is “a girl who looks like the moon.”

Aigizya (Aigiza)- a Tatar name, translated meaning “able to rise to the moon.”

Aigul (Aigul, Aigul) is a Persian name that translates to “moon flower.”

Aygun- Persian name, its literal meaning is “lunar day”.

Aizilya- a Tatar name, translated meaning “immaculate as the moon.”

Ayzirek (Ayziryak)- a Tatar name that carries the meaning of “admiring one’s talent.”

Aina (Gaina)- Arabic name, translated meaning “pure”, “sinless”.

Ainaz- Perso-Tatar name, the meaning of which is “affectionate, like the moon.” It also occurs in men.

Ainura (Ainur, Ainuria) is a Persian name that translates to “moonlight.”

Aisylu (Aislu)- a Tatar name, translated meaning “beautiful as the moon.”

Aytach- a Turkic name, the semantic meaning of which can be expressed by the phrases “lunar crown”, “lunar crown”.

Aklima (Aklime)- an Arabic name that translates as “smart”, “reasonable”.

Alice- German name, meaning “representative of a noble family.”

Aliya (Galia)- an Arabic name that translates as “great”, “outstanding”, “exalted”, “rising”.

Alma (Elma)- this Tatar word means “apple”. As a feminine name, it implies that its bearer is “sweet like an apple.”

Alsou- Tatar name, which translates as “rose water”. They were given to girls born with rosy cheeks.

Altyn (Altun)- a Turkic name, translated meaning “golden”.

Albina- a Latin name that carries the meaning “white-faced”. This name was given to girls born with fair skin.

Almira (Ilmira, Elmira)- a Tatar name derived from the Arabic word “amir” (ruler). There is also an opinion that it comes from the name of the Almeira fortress, located in Spain.

Alfinur- an Arabic name that means “emitting a thousand rays.”

Alfira (Alfira)- an Arabic name that translates as “possessing a certain superiority.”

Alfia- an Arabic name, the semantic meaning of which is “a work consisting of a thousand lines.” That is, its bearer is “beautiful, like a work of art.” Besides given name interpreted as “the very first”. Therefore, they could name the eldest daughters.

Amilya (Emilya, Gamilya)- an Arabic name, translated meaning “hardworking”, “executive”.

Amina (Aminat)- Arabic name, the translation of which is “faithful”, “reliable”. The name of the mother of the Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w.).

Amira- Arabic name with the meaning “ruler”, “princess”.

Anisa (Anisya, Anise, Annisa)

Anfisa- Greek name, translated means “blooming”, “blooming”.

Asel (Aselya)- a name with ancient Turkic roots, carrying the meaning “honey”, “sweet”.

Asilya (Asil)- Arabic name meaning “noble”, “noble”.

Asia- an Arabic name that can be translated as “giving peace.” The bearer of this name was one of the best women of all times and peoples - Asiya, the wife of the cruel Pharaoh.

Asma- Arabic name, translated as “high”, “exalted”. This was the name of the daughter of the closest companion of the Final Messenger of Allah (s.g.w.) and the first righteous caliph Abu Bakr al-Siddiq (r.a.).

Ashura (Ashira)- an Arabic name derived from the name of one of the significant days of the year for Muslims - . It is on this date that there are many major events in the history of Islam.


Bagheera (Bahira)- an Arabic name, translated meaning “open”, “beautiful”, “shining”.

Banu- a Persian name derived from the word “girl”, “lady”.

Bahar- Persian name, which translates as “spring season”, “spring”.

Bashir- an Arabic name, the meaning of which can be conveyed by the phrase “bringing only good news.”

Bibinur- Persian name meaning "girl who radiates light."

Bika (Bike)- a Turkic-Tatar name, which translates as “master’s wife”, “princess”, “mistress”.


Wazira- an Arabic name, the meaning of which is “female minister”, “female nobleman”.

Valida (Valide, Walida)- Arabic name, translated meaning “born”, “descendant”.

Walia (Waliya)- an Arabic name that translates as “mistress”, “mistress”, “boyar”.

Vasily- an Arabic name, the meaning of which is most accurately conveyed by the adjectives “coming”, “approaching”.

Wasifa (Vasiyfa)- Arabic name meaning “young girl”.

Venus (Vinera)- a Latin name in honor of the ancient Roman goddess of love and beauty, after whom the planet is also named.


Gadani I - Arabic-Persian female name, which means “Paradise”.

Gadeliya (Gadelya, Gadilya)- see the meaning of the name.

Gaisha (Gaisha)- see the meaning of the name.

Galima (Alima)- an Arabic name that translates as “smart”, “educated”, “scientist”.

Galia- see the meaning of the name.

Gauhar (Gavhar, Gaukhariya)- Persian name, translated meaning “pearl”, “coral”.

Guzelia (Guzel, Guzelya, Guzal, Guzel)- a Turkic-Tatar name, the meaning of which is “beautiful”, “possessing dazzling beauty”.

Gulina- an Arab-Turkic name, composed by adding two words: gul (flower) and the name Aina (see).

Gulisa (Gulise)- Perso-Turkic name, translated meaning “smelling like a flower.”

Gulia (Gulya, Gul, Gyulia)- Turkic-Tatar name, translated as “flower”, “rose”.

Gulbanu (Gulbanu)- a Perso-Turkic name, the meaning of which can be conveyed by the epithet “girl like a flower.”

Gulbahar (Gulbagar, Gulbahar) is a Perso-Turkic name that means “spring flower.”

Gulbika (Gulbika)- Perso-Turkic name, translated meaning “girl who looks like a flower.”

Gulgena (Gulgina)- Perso-Turkic-Tatar name, the literal meaning of which is “consisting exclusively of flowers.”

Guldaniya (Guldeniya)- a Persian-Tatar name, which contains the meaning of “spreading a floral aroma”, “smelling like a flower”.

Gulzar (Gulzaria)- Persian name, translated meaning “flower garden”.

Gulziya (Gulziya, Gulzhiya)- Persian name meaning “shining flower”.

Gulnaz (Gulnas, Gulnaz, Gulnazia, Gulnaz)- a Persian name, translated meaning “affectionate, tender, like a flower.”

Gulnara (Gulnar, Gulnaria, Gulnara)- Persian name, translated as “pomegranate flower”.

Gulnisa- Arabic-Persian name meaning "woman like a flower."

Gulnur (Gulnur, Gulnuria)- Arabic-Persian name, the meaning of which is “radiant, like a flower.”

Gulsina (Gyulsina)- Persian name meaning “one with a broad soul.”

Gulsum (Gulsum)- an Arabic name, the meaning of which can be conveyed by the word “full-faced”. Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w.) gave this name to one of his daughters.

Gulfina (Gulfina)- Arabic-Persian name, which translates as “flower garden”.

Gulfiya (Gulfiya)- Persian name, translated meaning “like a flower.”

Gulchachak (Gulchichek, Gulchechek, Gulchechek)- Perso-Tatar name with the meaning “rose flower”.

Gulshat (Gulshat) is a Persian name that translates to “flower of joy.”

Houri- an Arabic name, derived from the name of the girls living in Paradise - Guria.

Gulyusa (Gelusya, Gyulyusya)- Perso-Tatar name, which contains the meaning of “growing like a flower.”

Gunay- a Turkic name that translates as “day moon”.

Güneş- a Turkic name, translated meaning “sun”.


Dalia- Arabic translation of the name of the flower dahlia.

Damira- Turkic-Tatar female name, the meaning of which is “iron”, “steel”. It is also interpreted as a name formed by shortening the Soviet-era slogan “Give a world revolution.”

Dana- Persian name, translated meaning “knowledgeable”, “smart”.

Denmark- Arabic name, translated as “popular”, “famous”, “famous”.

Dariga- Persian name with the meaning of “pitying.” This name was given to the daughters of Muslim women who died during childbirth.

Daria (Deria)- Persian name meaning "sea".

Dauria (Davria)- an Arabic name, which contains the meaning “a girl of a given era.”

Jalila (Zhalilya, Zalilya)- an Arabic name, the meaning of which can be conveyed by the words “revered”, “worthy of respect”.

Jamala (Dzhamalia)- an Arabic name that translates as “beautiful”, “sweetheart”.

Jamilya (Zhamilya)- an Arabic name, translated meaning “beauty”, “possessing beauty”.

Janiya (Zhania)- a Persian name derived from the word “jan” - “soul”.

Jannat (Jannet, Janet, Janet) is an Arabic name that translates to “Paradise.” Girls are given this name with the hope that they will go to Heaven.

Diana- Latin name. In ancient Roman mythology - the goddess of the Moon.

Dilia (Dilya)- Persian name, translated meaning “heartfelt”, “spiritual”.

Dilbar (Dilbaria) is a Persian name that translates as “attractive.”

Dilyusa- Persian name meaning "growing soul".

Dilya- see the meaning of the name Dilia.

Dilyara (Dilara)- Persian name, translated meaning “beloved”.

Dina- an Arabic name endowed with the meaning of “religious”, “devout”.

Dinara (Dinaria)- an Arabic name, derived from the name of the currency “dinar” and meaning “precious”, “dear”.


Zagida (Zahida)- Arabic name meaning “holy”, “pious”, “pious”.

Zagira (Zahira)- Arabic name, translated as “blooming”.

Zaira- an Arabic name meaning “guest”, “coming to visit”.

Zainab (Zaynap, Zeinab)- Arabic name, translated meaning “decoration”. This name is also interpreted as “full”, “well-fed”. The owner of this name was the daughter of the Grace of the Worlds of Muhammad (s.g.v.).

Zaytuna- Arabic name, which translates as “olive”, “fruit of the olive”.

Zakiya- an Arabic name, the meaning of which can be conveyed by the words “smart”, “gifted”.

Zalia- an Arabic name, which translated means “fair-haired”, “fair-haired”.

Zamina- Arabic name, translated as “providing.”

Zamira- Arabic name, translated meaning “honest”, “reliable”.

Zara (Zare)- an Arabic name, the semantic meaning of which is “grain”, “kernel”.

Zarema (Zarima)- an Arabic name that translates as “scorching.”

Zarina- Persian name, translated means “decorated with golden patterns.”

Zaria- Persian name with the meaning “golden”.

Zemfira (Zamfira, Zimfira)- a Greek name derived from the name of the sapphire stone.

Ziliya (Zilya)- an Arabic name that can be translated by the epithets “kind-hearted”, “merciful”.

Zuleikha (Zeleikha)- Arabic name, which translates as “possessing beautiful figure", "slender".

Zulfira- Arabic name, translated meaning “superior”.

Zulfiya- Arabic name meaning “curly”. It was given to girls born with curly hair.

Zumrad (Zumrat, Zumrud)- a Persian name derived from the name of the emerald stone.

Zukhra- Arabic name, translated meaning “shining”, “illuminating”.


Idelia (Idelya, Idel)- a Tatar name derived from the Turkic name of the Volga River - Idel.

Illaria- a Greek name that translates as “cheerful.”

Ilvira- see the meaning of the name.

Ilgamiya (Ilhamiya)- an Arabic name meaning “inspiring”, “inspiring”.

Ilgiza (Ilgiza)- Perso-Tatar name, means “traveler”, “wandering”.

Ilzida (Ilzida)- Arab-Tatar name, carries the meaning of “power of the country.”

Ilmira (Ilmira)- see the meaning of a female name.

Ilnaza (Ilnaz, Ilnaza)- Perso-Tatar name meaning “bliss of one’s country.”

Ilnara (Ilnaria, Ilnara)- Perso-Arabic name, translated as “flame of one’s country.”

Ilsina (Ilsina)- a Perso-Tatar name, the meaning of which can be conveyed by the phrase “the soul of one’s country.”

Ilsiya (Ilsiya)- Perso-Tatar name, translated meaning “loving her country”, “loving her people”.

Ilsiyar (Ilsiyar)- a Perso-Tatar name, which contains the meaning “she who will love her country.”

Ilfira (Ilfira)- Perso-Tatar name with the meaning “pride of one’s country.”

Ilyusa (Ilyusa)- Perso-Tatar name, which translates as “growing, strengthening country.”

Indira - Indian name, in mythology - the queen of the gods. The most famous owner of this name was Indian Prime Minister Indira Gandhi.

Inzilya (Injilya)- an Arabic name derived from the name of the Holy Scripture of Christians - the Gospel (Injil).

Irada- an Arabic name, translated meaning “who has good intentions.”

Irke (Irkya)- Tatar name meaning “affectionate (child).”

Islamia- an Arabic name derived from the word “Islam” and indicating submission to Allah.

Ichthys- Arabic name meaning “one who has found the right path.”

Yoldyz (Yildyz, Yulduz)- Turkic-Tatar name, translated by the word “star”.


Kabira (Kyabira)- an Arabic name that translates as “big”, “huge”, “great”.

Kabisa- Arabic name meaning " leap year" Muslim peoples who live according to the Gregorian calendar often give this name to girls born on February 29.

Kadriya- an Arabic name with the meaning “worthy of respect.”

Kalima (Kalima)- an Arabic name that translates as “eloquent”, “orator”.

Kamalia (Kamala)- Arabic name with the meaning “perfect”, “having no flaws.”

Camilla (Kamila, Kamila)- Arabic name, translated by the adjectives “ideal”, “perfect”.

Karima- an Arabic name, the meaning of which is “noble”, “generous”, “merciful”.

Kausariya (Kausar, Kavsariya) is an Arabic name that translates as “abundance.” Derived from the name of the source in Paradise. The name of one of the surahs of the Holy Quran.

Kafia- Arabic name, translated meaning “play on words”, “rhyme”.

Clara- a German name with the meaning “pure”, “sinless”. U Turkic peoples this name appeared in Soviet years.

Kulsum- see the meaning of the name.

Kutdusa (Kutdusia, Kuddusa, Kotdusa)- Arabic name, translated as “holy”, “immaculate”.


Laziza (Lyaziza, Lyazizya)- Arabic name, translated meaning “graceful”. "possessing good taste", "sweet".

Lily of the valley- Latin name in honor of the name of the flower.

Larisa- a Greek name that translates as “seagull”.

Latifa (Latipa, Latifa, Latife)- Arabic name with the meaning “understanding”, “merciful”.

Laura- a Latin name derived from the name of the laurel tree. In this context, it is interpreted as “triumphant.”

Leyla (Leyla, Laylya, Leylat)- Arabic name, translated meaning “night”. It was given to girls born with hair as black as night.

Leysan (Laysan, Laysana, Leysania)- an Arab-Tatar name translated as “generous”, since in the ancient Syrian calendar Leysan is the name of the month April, which is generous with precipitation. In the Tatar language, “laysan” means “first spring rain.” This name was given to girls born in early spring.

Lenara (Linara, Lenaria, Linaria)- a name formed by combining abbreviations of the phrase “Lenin’s Army”. It gained popularity among the Tatars after October revolution.

Leniza (Liniza)- a name composed through the abbreviation of the phrase “Lenin’s Testaments”. It was popularized among the Tatars and Bashkirs in the last century.

Lenora (Lenura, Eleanor)- Greek name, translated meaning “daughter of the lion.”

Liana- French name, which means “graceful”, “thin” - like a vine, climbing plant in the jungle.

Lillian- Latin name, translated as “white tulip”.

Lilia (Lilya)- a Latin name that comes from of the same name flower. It often began to be used by Turkic peoples in the last century.

Lyra- a Greek name derived from the name of a musical instrument.

Leah (Leah) - Jewish name, meaning “slender”, “like a mountain gazelle”.

Louise- French name, translated as “battle”, “battle”, “duel”. Among the Turkic peoples, it appeared during the Soviet years in honor of the activist of the Paris Commune, Louise Machel.

Lutfiya (Lutfiya)- Arabic name, the meaning of which is “merciful”, “kind-hearted”.

Lucia- a name formed from the second part of the word “revolution”. It became widespread among the Turkic peoples during the Soviet years.

Lala (Lale, Lala) is a Persian name that translates to “tulip.”


Magdia (Mahdia)- an Arabic name that means “on the right path.” That's what they named the girls in the hope that all of them life path will be faithful and happy.

Madina (Medina)- an Arabic name derived from the name of the city of the same name, which became one of the Islamic centers of the world.

Maimuna- Arabic name, translated meaning “cheerful”, “joyful”, “positive”.

Maya (Maya)- Latin name, derived from the name of the month May. Accordingly, they were named girls born in this month.

Maksuda- Arabic female name, which translates as “long-awaited”, “desired”. This name was given to long-awaited children.

Malika (Myalika, Melika)- an Arabic name with the meaning “mistress”, “mistress”.

Marjana (Marjan, Marjaniya)- Arabic name, translated meaning “coral”.

Marziya (Marzyya)- an Arabic name that translates as “charming”, “attractive”.

Maryam (Mariam, Meryem, Meryam, Miriam) is a Hebrew-Arabic name that means “beloved.” The most famous owner of this name was the mother of the Prophet Isa (Jesus, a.s.) Virgin Mary. The final messenger of the Almighty Muhammad (s.g.w.) named her the best woman throughout the history of mankind.

Maulida (Mawlida)- Arabic name, translated as “birthday”. It comes from the name - the Birthday of the Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w.), celebrated in a number of Muslim states and regions.

Mahabbat (Mahabbet)- Arabic name, translated meaning “love”.

Mashkhura- Arabic name, the meaning of which is “famous”, “famous”.

Melek- Turkic name, translated as “angel”.

Milyausha- Persian name, it refers to the violet flower.

Minzilya (Manzilya)- Arabic name, translated meaning “good-natured”, “kind-hearted”.

Minle (Minne, Mini, Min)- a word-forming prefix that translates as “with a mole.” Included in some complex Tatar names. Previously, children who were born with a birthmark were given a name with the particle “Minle”, as there was a belief that the presence of a birthmark was lucky. It also happened that if a mole was discovered after the girl was given a name, it was changed to a name with this prefix or simply added to the already existing name. For example: Minle + Gul = Minlegul, Min + Ruza = Minruza.

Mukarrama (Mukarama)- Arabic name with the semantic meaning “revered”. Serves as an epithet used in relation to the Holy Mecca (“Makka Mukarrama”).

Munira- Arabic name, translated meaning “illuminating”, “giving light”.

Munisa is an Arabic name that translates to “close friend.”

Murshida (Marshida)- an Arabic name, the meaning of which is “leading,” “guiding.”

Muslima- an Arabic name that means “Muslim”, “adherent of Islam.”

Mukhlisa (Mokhlisa)- an Arabic name, translated meaning “sincere”, “sincere”.

Mukhsina (Mohsina)- an Arabic name that translates as “doing good”, “virtuous”.


Nagima- an Arabic name meaning “bliss”, “pleasure”, “happiness”.

Najia- Arabic name, translated meaning “saved.”

Nadima (Nadyma) is an Arabic name that translates to “close friend.”

Nadira- a Persian name that carries the meaning of “special”, “unique”, “unique”.

Nadiya- an Arabic name that can be translated as “morning dew.”

Nazariya (Nazara)- an Arabic name that has the meaning “watchful”, “watching”, “observing”.

Nazgul (Nazigul)- a Persian name that translates as “delicate, affectionate flower.”

Nazira- an Arabic name that means “observer”, “looking at”. Another interpretation of it is “blooming”, “joyful”.

Nazifa (Nazifa)- Arabic name, translated meaning “immaculate”, “sinless”.

Nazia- Arabic name with the meaning “elegant”, “graceful”.

Nazli (Naz)- a Persian name that translates as “tender”, “affectionate”.

Nazlygul- see the meaning of the name Nazgul.

Naila (Nayla, Naila, Naile)- an Arabic name, translated meaning “purposeful”, “achieving her goal”. It is also interpreted as “gift”, “gift”.

Nargiz (Nargiza)- Arabic-Persian name, which literally translates into the phrase “passing through fire”

Nasiba (Nasiyba)- Arabic name translated as “fate”.

Nasima- an Arabic name, translated meaning “charming”, “pretty”.

What for?- an Arabic name, which is translated by the phrases “profit-making”, “doing good”.

Nafisa- Arabic name, carries the meaning “elegant”, “attractive”.

Nigar (Nigyar)- Persian name, translated meaning “sweetheart”, “beautiful”.

Nizamiya (Nizami)- Arabic name, which translates as “law”, “canon”, “norm”.

Nilyufer (Nilyufar)- Persian name, is a designation of the lotus flower.

Ninel- a name formed by reading from the end of the surname of the leader of the October Revolution V.I. Lenin. This name appeared among Turkic and other Soviet peoples in the last century.

Nisa- an Arabic name that translates as “woman”, “mistress”.

Nur- Arabic name, translated meaning “light”, “radiance”.

Nurania- Arabic name with the literal meaning of “brilliant”, “shining”.

Nurbanu- Arabic-Persian name with the meaning “girl who radiates light.”

Nuria (Nurie, Nuri)- an Arabic name, which is translated by the adjectives “bright”, “shining”.

Nursana (Nursaniya)- Arabic name meaning "radiant light."

Nursilya- an Arabic name that can be translated as “stream of rays.”

Nurshat- an Arabic name made by adding two words: “nur” (“light”) and “shat” (“joy”). It also occurs in men.


Parviza (Parvis)- Persian name, translated meaning “victor”, “victor”.

Patimat (Patima)- see the meaning of the name.

Pervana (Parvana)- Turkic name, translated as “butterfly”.


Rabia (Rabiga, Rabi`a)- Arabic designation for spring. This name also means “fourth,” which is why they gave it to fourth daughters.

Ravilya (Rahuila)- an Arabic name that can be translated as the epithet “like the spring sun.”

Ravia- Arabic name, translated as “storyteller”, “telling”.

Razilya- an Arabic name, translated meaning “calm”, “quiet”, “modest”.

Razia (Razyya)- Arabic name, bearing value"chosen", "special".

Raida (Raida)- Arabic name, which translates as “beginner”, “establisher”.

Raila (Raila)- an Arabic name with the inherent meaning of “founder”, “founder”.

Raisa (Raisa, Raisya)- an Arabic name that means “leading”, “presiding”.

Raifa (Raifa)- Arabic name meaning “pitying”, “compassionate”.

Raihana (Rayhan)- Arabic name, which translates as “blessed”, “enjoying”.

Rakiya (Rakiya)- an Arabic name, the meaning of which is “walking ahead”, “worshipping”.

Ralina- a name derived from the name of the ancient Egyptian god Ra, who was revered as the sun god.

Ramziya (Ramzilya)- an Arabic name that means “sign”, “symbol”.

Ramilya- Arabic name, translated meaning “wonderful”, “magical”.

Rania- an Arabic name with the meaning “beautiful”.

Rasilya- Arabic name, which translates as “notifying”, “reporting”.

Rasima- Arabic name, translated means “artist”, “painting”.

Rauza- an Arabic name that translates as “flower garden (roses).”

Raushaniya (Ravshaniya, Ravshana, Rushaniya, Raushana)- Persian name. It can be translated by similar adjectives “bright”, “shining”, “illuminating”.

Rafiga- Arabic name, which translates as “exalted”, “high”.

Rafida- Arabic name with the meaning “helping”, “supporting”.

Rafil- an Arabic name that means “graceful”, “elegant”.

Raffia- Arabic name, translated meaning “date”, “palm tree”.

Rachel- an Arabic name with the meaning of “a girl who is destined to leave her father’s house.”

Rahima- Arabic name, translated as “merciful”, “showing mercy”.

Rashida- an Arabic name, the meaning of which is expressed by the phrases “walking the right path”, “being on the true path”.

Rayana (Ryan)- an Arabic name meaning “full”, “self-sufficient”.

Regina- a Latin name, translated meaning “queen”, “ruler”, “representative of the royal family”.

Mignonette (Rezida, Rizida)- a French name derived from the name of the flower of the same name.

Renata (Rinata)- a name obtained by adding the words: “revolution”, “science” and “labor”. It became widespread in Tatar families after the October Revolution.

Rimma- a Hebrew name, translated meaning “beautiful”. This name is also interpreted as “Roman”.

Rose- a Latin name derived from the flower of the same name.

Rosalia (Ruzalia)- a name formed by adding two names: Rose and (see their meanings).

Ruza (Ruzanna)- Persian name, translated meaning “day”, “noon”.

Ruzilya (Rusia)- a name of Persian origin, meaning “happy.”

Rukiya (Rukiya)- an Arabic name that translates as “magical”, “attracting to oneself”. This was the name of one of the daughters of the Prophet Muhammad (s.g.w.) and the wife of the third righteous caliph Usman ibn Affan (r.a.).

Rumia- Arabic name, translated means “Byzantine”, “resident of Byzantium”.

Rufina (Rufia)- a Latin name with the meaning “girl with golden hair.”

Ruining- Arabic name, translated meaning “radiant”, “shining”.

Every nation has its own national names. If for other nations they sound funny and unpronounceable, then for them they are the most beautiful names, having a certain meaning.

A name is always dear and desirable for the person himself. WITH early age he gets used to it and treats it with great trepidation.

Let's look at how Persian names sound and what meaning they have.

First you need to determine who the Persians are.

This is one of the varieties of the Iranian nation. Rich culture and ancient traditions are the main features of the Persian people.

Persian names are mainly associated with Islam. But there are also those who are not associated with the Muslim religion.

Persian names and their meanings

The Persians took the choice of names for their children very seriously. Every parent wants their child to have a certain quality. For example, the owner of the name Bakhtiyar was supposed to be lucky in everything and happy until the end of his life. The owner of the name Nariman was considered a strong spirit.

Any name among the Persians consisted of a long chain of several names. That is, in addition to his main name, the name of his father, grandfather, occupation, and place of residence were added to it. If the bearer of this name has a son, then the son’s name was also added to this chain.

Let's figure out what this means long name as: Abu Farhad Firuz ibn Khershid ibn Yusuf Khatamkari Ganjavi. This means that Firuz is the son of Khershid and the grandson of Yusuf, has a son Farhad, is engaged in wood inlay, was born in the city of Ganja.

As you can see, the name is difficult to pronounce, but beautiful and original.

Persian names are derived mainly from Arabic.

Also, phrases such as “aha” (meaning “lord”), “haji” (one who visited Mecca), “mullah” (Muslim preacher), “ostad” (“master”, “teacher”) were added to the names. , “Mashhadi” (visited Mashhad), “Mirza” (“educated”) and so on.

Children were also given names that were derived from the name of the month in which he was born. For example: those born in the first month were given the name Farvardin, in the eighth month - Aban, in the eleventh - Bahman.

Those born on the Novruz holiday were given the name Novruz.

Female names

Female names emphasized the beauty, tenderness and intelligence of a girl. They were called words derived from the names of flowers, stones, stars, planets and so on.

Such are known female names, like: Aidana - means chastity, Anehita - impeccability, Danai - wisdom, Ziba - beauty, Sherin - sweetness, Tehirikh - purity, Khorded - means health, Niga - caring and others.

IN modern world Some names have become so popular that girls of other nationalities are also called by them. Particularly popular are such beautiful Persian names for girls as: Aidana, Ainagul, Anisa, Guldana, Guldar, Gulzada, Gulfara, Gulchachak, Gulnaz, Gulchechek, Darina, Dariya, Dilara, Zara, Zarina, Nargiz, Raushaniya, Roxana, Rubina, Yasamin and so on.

All these euphonious names they talk about beauty, femininity and the tenderness of the fairer sex.

Male names

There are a lot of known Persian names for males. They also have their own meanings, which denote intelligence, strength, wisdom, justice, courage, and success of men.

For example: Anvar means “radiant”, Rustam - hero, Rushan - bright, Tamaz - approval, Tigran - tiger, Farhad - smart, Eldar - powerful.

Particularly popular are names such as: Aivaz, Bakhtiyar, Rustam, Faiz, Yadgar, Yasmin, Farhad and so on.

Some Persian names are borrowed from other languages. Therefore, there are also the following: Ali, Muhammad (Muslim), Martha, Thomas (Aramaic), Brian, Dylan (English), Alison, Olivia, Bruce (French), William, Leonard, Charles (German), Angel, Selina (Greek ), Mia, Donna (Italian), Nadya, Vera, Boris (Slavic) and others.

Persian kings

One of the great Persian kings was Darius 1. He was able to conquer Babylon, invaded Egypt, India, and Phenicia. His name Darius, which means “winner,” was probably also of no small importance.

After his death, his son Xerxes took the throne. His name means "hero among kings." Xerxes managed to stop the uprising in Egypt. When he was fifty-five years old, he was killed as a result of a conspiracy.

In history, such names of Persian kings are also known as: Artaxerxes, Cambyses, Cyrus, Hystaspes and others.

Every name has its own meaning, so you need to be careful when choosing one for your child. Some names leave a negative imprint on the future fate of the heir.

Female and male Persian names have a very unusual, but at the same time, extremely rich sound. This circumstance makes them very popular not only in Iran, but also among residents of other countries. Many Western names have Persian roots. They were borrowed in ancient times and continue to be actively used to this day. Persian names for boys and girls are most widespread in Iran. They also came into widespread use in India, Iraq, Germany, Afghanistan and other countries. Russian-speaking citizens also give their children some of these unusual names.

Meaning of modern Persian names

Male and female Persian names have very ancient roots. Most of them were borrowed from Arabic. The meaning of such names is usually associated with religion, as well as with various external and internal ones. Quite often, Iranians name children by their date of birth. In this regard, many beautiful Persian names have a meaning indicating the month in which the baby was born (for example, Rejab, Ramadan, Bahman, Aban, etc.).

Girls are quite often named after stars and planets. They are also named according to the months of the lunar and solar year. Among the popular Persian names for girls, there are many whose meaning is associated with various flowers and birds precious stones etc.

List of the most beautiful Persian names for boys

  • Abad. Translated into Russian it means “eternity”
  • Azer. Male Persian name meaning = "fire"
  • Anush. Interpreted as "immortal"
  • Arjun. From Persian "dear"
  • Bagram. Persian boy name. stands for = "victorious"
  • Barfi. Translated into Russian it means “snowy”
  • Darun. Interpreted as "young"
  • Zaman. Male Persian name meaning "time"/"era"
  • Roshen. Translated into Russian it means “bright”
  • Surkhab. From Persian "ruby"

List of the most beautiful Persian names for girls

  • Alabina. Interpreted as "seer of Allah"
  • Aidana. Female Persian name, meaning = "chaste woman"
  • Babek. Translated into Russian it means “parent”
  • Gita. In Persian = a type of song
  • Dana. Persian girl name, meaning = “learned” / “intelligent”
  • Jasmine. From the Persian name of the flower
  • Zumrata. Translated into Russian it means “emerald”
  • Navida. Female Persian name meaning "good news"
  • Scheherazade. Interpreted as “the one who was born in the city”
  • Shahru. Translated into Russian it means “sweet”

The role of ancient traditions in the formation of male and female Persian names

The Persians managed to preserve some of the original naming traditions. Thanks to this, common female and male Persian names created in ancient pre-Islamic times continue to be used. Many of them contain the particle “azer”, meaning “fire”. The meaning of such Persian names is associated with Zoroastrianism. Followers of this ancient religion They believed that fire permeates everything around, starting from the person himself and ending with other elements of existence. Including it in the title baby name, they provided their heirs inner harmony and a happy life.

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Iranian names

Iranian male and female names

Iranian (Persian) names– names that are used in Iran.

Iran (Islamic Republic of Iran) or Persia- a state in southwest Asia. The capital is the city of Tehran. The official language is Persian.

Iran borders Iraq, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Turkey, Turkmenistan, Afghanistan and Pakistan. Iran is washed from the north by the Caspian Sea, from the south by the Persian and Oman Gulfs of the Indian Ocean.

The history of Iran, according to written sources, goes back about five thousand years. The first state on its territory (Elam) arose in Khuzestan in the 3rd millennium BC. e. Persian Empire under Darius I Achaemenid, it extended from Greece to the Indus River.

For many centuries the dominant religion was Zoroastrianism. By the 16th century, the state religion of Iran became Islam.

A full Iranian name consists of a first name, middle name and last name. Surnames began to be used from the beginning of the 20th century.

Iranian names most often derived from the Persian language. Also in Iran, non-Persian names (Arabic and Turkish) are used. Some names are taken from legends and myths (Arash, Jamshed). Most of the names used in Iran are related to religion.

Iranian male names

Abbas- cruel


Alborz– from the name of a mountain in Northern Iran

Ali- tall, exalted

Arash– truth, bright





Babak- daddy

Bahadur– hero, warrior, brave

Bekhman– good mind

Bahram- victory over resistance



Baraz– sublime



Behrouz- happy

Gul– flower, rose

Gulzar– rose garden



Dara- rich




Dilshad– happy heart, cheerful

Jahan- world

Jehan- king of the world





Javed- eternal, royal

Zartosht– from Zoroaster

Zhubin- a spear


Codadad- God-given




Mas– luck



Mirza- prince


By the lookgood news

Nima- fair

Omid– hope

Parviz- happy

Payam– messenger



Roshan- light, bright



Sivash– owner of black stallions


Sohrab- illustrious, shining




Firdaus- paradise, garden


Firuz- successful



Khurshid- shining sun

Hajj- master, owner


Shahnaz- the king's pride




Shahryar- sir

Shahzad- prince, son of the king


Shapur- son of the king

Cher- a lion




Iranian female names

Arzu- wish


Hazard- fire


Bahar- spring

Banu– madam


Goncheh– bud

Gul- rose

Gulbadan– has a body like a rose

Gulbahar– spring of roses

Gulrukh- face like a rose

Gulshan– rose garden

Gulzar– rose garden

Daria– sea


Dilshad– happy heart, cheerful


Zahra- shiny, bright

Sarin– gold





Laleh- tulip


Makhina- moon


Mahsa- moon

Mahtab- Moonlight

Mahvash- like the moon





Mine- paradise


Mozhgan- eyelashes

Morvarid– pearl


Narges– narcissist

Nasrin- wild Rose


Nilofar– water lily


Nyusha- sweet, pleasant

Omid– hope

Paniz- sugar

Parastu- martin

Bet- fairy


Paruza- like a fairy



Roshan- light, bright




Rosni- shine, luster

Sanaz- full of grace







Fereshtech– angel

Firouzeh– turquoise




Khurshid- shining sun

Shabnam– dew

Shadi- happiness


Shahnaz- the king's pride


Shahrazad– free city



Shirin- sweet

Shideh– bright

Shohreh– famous

Shokufeh- flower


Elaheh- goddess


Yasmin– jasmine


The most popular names in Iran

Muhammad is in first place among male names; Fatima is in the lead among female names. The names of some of the prophet's companions and pious women who lived before him are common - Maryam, Asiya, Sarah, Hadjar, Halima, Amina, Safiya, Kulsum.

Among the popular male names there are common ones for Arab countries names: Said, Hamid, Mansur, etc.

Names associated with 12 imams (Ali, Hassan, Hussein, Muhammad, Jafar, Musa) and their nicknames (Mahdi, Reza, Kazim, Hadi, Javad, Sadiq, Mujtaba, Sajjad, etc.) are common. And also the names of women associated with these imams (wives, mothers, daughters): Shahrbanu, Rabab, Sakina, Samana, Hamida, Zeinab, Fatima (Zahra, Masuma, Tahira, Marziya), Ruqaiya, Ummul-Banin, Leila, Narges.

Of the 100 most popular Iranian male names only 13 have Persian origin: Omid, Farhad, Behrouz, Bahram, Behman, Mehrdad, Behzad, Parviz, Bahnam, Jamshed, Ramin, Mehran and Shahram.

Among Iranian female names There are more non-Arabic names: Shahrbanu, Fariba, Mahnaz, Farzana, Fereshta, Parvin, Mina, Nahid, Shahnaz, Afsana, Mehri, Mahin, Parvana, Parisa, Arzu (Arezu), Mozhgan, Ziba, Shirin, Manizha, Shahin, Pari, Iran , Khawar, Khatun, Mahsa and Azar.

Among the female names of Arabic origin, there are those that Arab world are masculine (Akram, Azam, Ashraf) and those that are prohibited by Sharia (Elyaha - goddess, Fereshta - angel).

20 Most Popular Iranian Male Names: Muhammad, Ali, Hussein, Mahdi, Hasan, Reza, Ahmad, Muhammadreza, Abbas, Alireza, Ibrahim, Said, Mohsen, Mahmud, Muhammadali, Majid, Hamid, Gulyamreza, Murtaza, Mustafa.

20 most popular Iranian female names: Fatima, Zahra, Maryam, Masuma, Sakina, Zeinab, Rukiya, Khadija, Leila, Somaya, Marziya, Sadiqa, Kubra, Tahira, Sugra, Azam, Zohra, Akram, Rababa, Shahrban.

Oleg and Valentina Svetovid

Our A new book"Name Energy"

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Iranian names. Iranian male and female names


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