Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky: biography, video, interesting facts, creativity. Characteristics of Mozart's creativity. Stylistic features of Mozart's music: melody, harmony, polyphony, texture

Mozart Wolfgang Amadeus (1756-1791), Austrian composer.

Born on January 27, 1756 in Salzburg. The boy's first music teacher was his father, Leopold Mozart. From early childhood, Wolfgang Amadeus was a “miracle child”: already at the age of four he tried to write a harpsichord concerto, and from the age of six he brilliantly performed in concerts across Europe. Mozart had an extraordinary musical memory: it was enough for him to hear any musical composition, in order to write it down absolutely accurately.

Fame came to Mozart very early. In 1765, his first symphonies were published and performed in concerts. In total, the composer wrote 49 symphonies. In 1769 he received a position as accompanist at the court of the archbishop in Salzburg. Already in 1770, Mozart became a member of the Philharmonic Academy in Bologna (Italy), and Pope Clement XIV elevated him to the Knights of the Golden Spur. That same year, Mozart's first opera, Mithridates, Rex Pontus, was staged in Milan. In 1772, the second opera, “Lucius Sulla,” was staged there, and in 1775, the opera “The Imaginary Gardener” was staged in Munich. In 1777, the archbishop allowed the composer to go to big Adventure in France and Germany, where Mozart gave concerts with constant success.

In 1779 he received the position of organist under the Archbishop of Salzburg, but in 1781 he refused it and moved to Vienna. Here Mozart completed the operas Idomeneo (1781) and The Abduction from the Seraglio (1782). In 1786-1787 two are written, perhaps the most famous operas composer - “The Marriage of Figaro”, staged in Vienna, and “Don Giovanni”, which was first staged in Prague.

In 1790, the opera “This is what everyone does” was staged again in Vienna. And in 1791, two operas were written at once - “The Mercy of Titus” and “ magical flute». The last work Mozart's famous "Requiem", which the composer did not have time to complete.

The work was completed by F. K. Süssmayer, a student of Mozart and A. Salieri. Creative heritage Mozart, despite his short life, is enormous: according to the thematic catalog of L. von Köchel (an admirer of Mozart’s work and the compiler of the most complete and generally accepted index of his works), the composer created 626 works, including 55 concertos, 22 keyboard sonatas, 32 string quartets.

Of all the representatives of the Vienna classical school Mozart is the most unique. His talent was evident in early childhood and developed until unexpected death. The Austrian composer created more than 600 works, played masterfully, worked in various musical forms. His ability to play from the age of four and early death became the subject of much controversy and became overgrown with myths. Biography of Mozart, summary whose life and work is divided into sections, presented in the article.

early years

He was born on January 27, 1756 in the family of the violinist and composer Leopold Mozart. His hometown was Salzburg, where his parents were considered the most beautiful married couple. The mother, Anna Maria Mozart, gave birth to seven children, of whom two survived - daughter Maria Anna and Wolfgang.

The boy's ability for music manifested itself from the age of three. He loved to play the harpsichord and could spend a long time selecting harmonies. The father began studying with the boy at the age of four, since he had a pronounced ability to remember melodies he heard and play them on the harpsichord. And so it began musical biography Mozart, which is difficult to write about briefly, it is so rich in events.

By the age of five, Mozart could compose short plays. My father wrote them down on paper, putting the date of creation in the margins. In addition to the harpsichord, Wolfgang learned to play the violin. The only instrument that pointed at young musician horror, there was a pipe. He could not listen to its sound without the accompaniment of other instruments.

Wolfgang was not the only one in the Mozart family to play masterfully. His sister was no less talented. They gave their first concerts together and delighted the audience. In Vienna they were presented to Empress Maria Theresa, who listened to their concert for several hours.

With their father, they traveled around Europe, giving concerts to noble nobles. Only on a short time they were returning home.

Vienna period

After a misunderstanding with his employer, the Archbishop of Salzburg, Amadeus Mozart, whose short biography is presented in this article, decides to change his life and goes to Vienna. He arrived in the city on March 16, 1781. The timing was unfortunate to begin his career in Vienna. Most of the aristocrats went out of town for the summer, and practically no concerts were held.

Mozart hoped to become the teacher of Princess Elisabeth, whose education was carried out by Joseph II. But all attempts ended in failure. Instead, Joseph II chose Salieri and Zummer. However, Wolfgang had enough students, although less noble ones. One of them was Teresa von Trattner, who is considered his lover. The composer dedicated a sonata in C minor and a fantasy in C minor to her.

After much anticipation and obstacles, Mozart married Constance Weber. They had six children, but only two of them survived. It was the connection with Constance that spoiled the musician’s relationship with his father, whom he loved from birth. A biography of Mozart, summarized, is impossible without a version of his death.

Last year of life

In 1791, Mozart was commissioned to “Requiem,” which he never completed. This was done by his student Franz Xaver Süssmayer. In November, the composer became very ill, he could not walk, and he needed the help of doctors.

They diagnosed him with acute millet fever. Many Viennese residents died from it at that time. The disease was complicated by a general weakening of the body.

By December 4, the composer's condition became critical. Mozart died on December 5th. Biography (short) of the composer who left many beautiful works, this ends.

The funeral took place on December 6, 1791, in the presence of only close friends. His body was then taken to the cemetery for burial. Where it is located is unknown, but presumably the “Weeping Angel” monument was erected in that place over time.

The Legend of Mozart's Poisoning

Many works describe the myth of Wolfgang's poisoning by his friend and famous composer Salieri. Some musicologists still support this version of death. However, there is no conclusive evidence. At the end of the last century, Antonio Salieri was acquitted in the Palace of Justice (Milan) on charges of murdering Wolfgang Mozart.

Biography of Mozart: briefly about creativity

Mozart's works combine strict and clear forms with deep emotionality. His works are poetic and carry subtle grace, while they are not devoid of masculinity, drama, and contrast.

He is known for his reformist approach to opera. It is their novelty that captivates both the opera and the biography of Mozart, a brief summary of which begins at the age of three. There are no clearly expressed negative or positive characters. Their characters are multifaceted. The most famous operas:

  • "Don Juan";
  • "The Marriage of Figaro";
  • "Magical flute".

IN symphonic music Mozart (the biography, short but informative, probably allowed you to learn a lot of new things about this composer) was distinguished by the presence of melodiousness in operatic arias and the dramatic nature of conflicts. Symphonies numbered 39, 40, 41 are considered popular.

According to Kechel's thematic catalogue, Mozart created:

  • spiritual creations - 68;
  • string quartets - 32;
  • sonatas (variations) for harpsichord and violin - 45;
  • theatrical works - 23;
  • sonatas for harpsichord - 22;
  • symphonies - 50;
  • concerts - 55.

Mozart's Hobbies

Most of all, the composer loved to be in a cheerful company. He happily attended balls, masquerades, and hosted receptions. He often danced at balls.

Like his other peers, Wolfgang Mozart, whose brief biography we have described, played billiards well. At home he had his own table, which was a special luxury at that time. He often played with his friends and wife.

He liked canaries and starlings as pets, which he willingly kept. In addition, he had dogs and even horses. On the doctor's recommendation, he took early horseback rides every day.

The biography of Mozart briefly told about the fate of the genius, who did not live long, but made an invaluable contribution to musical art all over the world.

Shining, radiant, incredible - as Mozart is not called by lovers classical music. Indeed, out of the great many works he wrote, only a few were written in a minor key.

Musical education Mozart The father, himself a good musician, took notice of his son’s talent and carefully nurtured it. Although now the methods of Mozart Sr. would seem cruel to a child (the boy studied for many hours a day, and literally with four years Regular performances were added to the regular classes. different parts Europe), the student received exceptional pleasure from music, combining academic musical knowledge with passion and emotions. Despite his short life (he died at 35), Mozart completely changed the idea of ​​music.

On the composer's birthday "Evening Moscow" brings to your attention a selection of interesting facts from his biography.

1. At the age of four, Mozart wrote his first harpsichord concerto. My father, glancing at the notes, was amazed at its complexity and said that it was unlikely that even one of the European virtuosos would be able to perform it. “What stupidity, dad!” exclaimed the boy, “even a child can play it. For example, me.”

2. One day, seven-year-old Mozart came to give a concert in Frankfurt am Main. After the performance, a boy came up to him and said that he would never learn to play so wonderfully.

But it's very simple! Try to write down in notes the music that comes to your mind.

Music doesn't come to my mind, only poetry.

This is great! Writing poetry is much more difficult than writing music.

Little Mozart's interlocutor was young Johann Wolfgang Goethe.

3. As a child, the father tried to squeeze the maximum out of his son’s talent, which is why Mozart’s whole life was a continuous series of classes and performances. The boy played the clavier, full houses gathered for his performances, and his father came up with new and new ways to attract attention to the little genius. He blindfolded his son and Amadeus played blindly, covering the keyboard with a handkerchief, but the boy still did not make a mistake in a single note. It seemed that nothing could bring this child down. During one of the performances, a cat came on stage. Mozart stopped playing and rushed over to pet her. To his father’s indignant cries, he replied:

The harpsichord will not go anywhere, but the cat will leave.

4. At the age of seven, Mozart wrote his first symphony, at 12 - his first opera "Bastien and Bastienne". At the Academy in Bologna, where the enterprising father wanted to send his son, no one under 26 years of age was accepted as a member of the academy. For the brilliant boy, the Academy's council made an exception - so at the age of 14, Mozart became an academician. When his father congratulated him, the boy asked if he, as an academician, could go out and just walk for half an hour.

5. One day a young man approached Mozart, dreaming of becoming a composer. He asked the maestro how to write a symphony. Mozart asked why he shouldn't start with something simpler, since he was so young.

But you wrote your first symphony at age seven!

Yes. But at that time it didn’t occur to me to ask how to do this.

6. In the Vatican, Allegri’s huge composition for two choirs was performed once a year. The score of this work was very carefully guarded, and no one saw it except the performer. Mozart wanted to give a gift to his sister Anna - to give her sheet music that only the Pope had. Therefore, the boy simply wrote down the score by ear. Upon learning of the “theft,” the Pope was perplexed, but after checking the musical notation and finding it impeccable, the Pontiff awarded Mozart the Order of the Knight of the Golden Spur.

7. Wolfgang Amadeus and his wife Constance are used to living large. Mozart's fees were absolutely fabulous, but after two weeks he was penniless and was forced to borrow money from friends. One of them asked the composer:

You have neither a castle, nor an expensive mistress, nor a bunch of children, nor a stable... Where does your money disappear?

“I have a wife,” Mozart answered, “she is my castle, my mistress, a bunch of my children and my stable.”

8. One day Mozart decided to play a joke on Salieri, and wrote a very complex melody. Amadeus said that he is the only person in the world who can play her. Salieri, glancing at the notes, objected that no one could play this melody, because at the most difficult moment you need to take several notes in the middle, while your hands must perform the most complex passages at opposite ends of the keyboard, besides, all this was carried out at a very fast pace. Satisfied, Mozart sat down at the instrument and played the piece exactly according to the notes, and he played that complex chord in the middle... with his nose!

9. One of Mozart’s friends loved to joke. He came up with a cute prank - he sent a huge package to the composer’s address, which contained nothing but paper and a note “Dear Wolfgang! I am alive and well!” In response to this, Mozart, who himself loved to laugh, sent a response message - a heavy parcel with a stone inside. And on the stone it was written: “Dear friend, this stone fell from my soul when I received your message!”

10. One day a beggar approached the composer for alms. That day, Mozart was broke, but he took the poor fellow to a cafe, where he sketched out a minuet in five minutes. He gave the paper to the poor man and advised him to contact a publisher with it. The beggar did just that. The publisher, just looking at the sheet, paid five gold pieces for the minuet and asked for more similar works.

Mozart (Johann Chrysostom Wolfgang Theophilus (Gottlieb) Mozart) was born on January 27, 1756 in the city of Salzburg into a musical family.

In Mozart's biography, musical talent was discovered in early childhood. His father taught him to play the organ, violin, and harpsichord. In 1762, the family travels to Vienna and Munich. Concerts by Mozart and his sister Maria Anna are given there. Then, while traveling through the cities of Germany, Switzerland, and Holland, Mozart’s music amazes listeners with its amazing beauty. For the first time, the composer's works are published in Paris.

For the next few years (1770-1774), Amadeus Mozart lived in Italy. There, for the first time, his operas (“Mithridates - King of Pontus”, “Lucius Sulla”, “The Dream of Scipio”) were staged, which received big success public.

Note that by the age of 17, the composer’s wide repertoire included more than 40 major works.

Creativity flourishes

From 1775 to 1780, the seminal work of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart added a number of outstanding compositions to his cohort of works. After taking up the post of court organist in 1779, Mozart's symphonies and operas contained more and more new techniques.

In a short biography of Wolfgang Mozart, it is worth noting that his marriage to Constance Weber also affected his work. The opera “The Abduction from the Seraglio” is imbued with the romance of those times.

Some of Mozart's operas remained unfinished because the difficulty financial situation family forced the composer to devote a lot of time to various part-time jobs. Mozart's piano concerts were held in aristocratic circles; the musician himself was forced to write plays, waltzes to order, and teach.

Peak of Glory

Mozart's work next years amazes with its fruitfulness along with its skill. The famous operas “The Marriage of Figaro” and “Don Giovanni” (both operas written together with the poet Lorenzo da Ponte) by composer Mozart are staged in several cities.

In 1789, he received a very lucrative offer to head the court chapel in Berlin. However, the composer's refusal further aggravated the material shortage.

For Mozart, the works of that time were extremely successful. “The Magic Flute”, “La Clemenza di Tito” - these operas were written quickly, but very high quality, expressively, with the most beautiful shades. The famous mass "Requiem" was never completed by Mozart. The work was completed by the composer's student, Süssmayer.


Since November 1791, Mozart was sick a lot and did not get out of bed at all. Died famous composer December 5, 1791 from acute fever. Mozart was buried in St. Mark's Cemetery in Vienna.

Biography test

And you remember well short biography Mozart? Find out now.

A musical genius who can be compared with Mozart in history is incredibly difficult to find, and there is no doubt that he is one of greatest musicians On the Earth. Interesting facts about Mozart arouse the interest of many people, because he is a man of global stature.

1.Mozart began demonstrating his phenomenal musical talents at the age of three.

2.Mozart wrote his first work at the age of six.

3.Mozart was terrified of the sound of a musical trumpet.

4. There were seven children in the Mozart family, and only two survived.

5. Wolfgang Amadeus played with Bach's son at the age of eight.

6.Mozart was awarded the Order of the Knight of the Golden Spur from the hands of the Pope.

7.Mozart’s wife’s name was Constance.

8. Mozart’s son, Franz Xaver Mozart, lived in Lviv for about 30 years.

9. For one fee after Mozart’s performances, one could feed a family of five for a month.

10. Wolfgang Amadeus loved to play billiards and did not spare money on it.

11.Google has developed a separate logo in honor of Mozart’s 250th anniversary.

12.It was believed that Mozart was poisoned by the composer Antonio Salieri.

13. 200 years after Mozart’s death, the court found Antonio Salieri not guilty of the death of the great creator.

14.Mozart was considered a child prodigy.

15. In London, little Mozart was an object of scientific research.

16.Even at a young age, Mozart could play the clavier blindfolded.

17. Once in Frankfurt, a young man ran up to Mozart and expressed delight at the composer’s music. This young man was Johann Wolfgang Goethe.

18.Mozart had a phenomenal memory.

19. Mozart’s father was involved in his musical education.

20.Mozart and his wife lived richly and did not deny themselves anything.

21.Mozart was born in Salzburg into a musical family.

22.Mozart’s works were first published in Paris.

23. For some time, the great composer lived in Italy, where his operas were first staged.

24.By the age of seventeen, Mozart’s track record included about forty works.

25.In 1779, Mozart held the position of court organist.

26. Unfortunately, the composer never managed to finish some operas.

27.Mozart was excellent at the art of improvisation.

28. Wolfgang Amadeus was the youngest member of the Bologna Philharmonic Academy.

29.Mozart's father was a composer and violinist.

30.Mozart was baptized in the Salzburg Cathedral of St. Rupert.

31.In 1784, the composer became a Freemason.

32.Throughout my entire life the greatest composer managed to write about 800 works.

33. In the spring of 1791, Mozart gave his last public concert.

34.Mozart had six children, four of whom died in infancy.

35.Wrote a biography of Mozart new husband composer's wife.

36.In 1842, the first monument was erected in honor of Mozart.

37.Most famous monument built in bronze for the great composer in Seville.

38. In honor of Mozart, a university was founded in Salzburg.

39. There are Mozart museums in Salzburg: namely in the house where he was born and in the apartment where he later lived.

40.Mozart was a gambling man.

41. The composer was a non-greedy person and always gave money to beggars.

42.Mozart was one step away from coming to Russia, but he was never here.

43. There are several reasons for the composer’s death, but no one knows the true one.

44.The Estates Theater in Prague is the only place left in its original form in which Mozart performed.

45.Mozart was very fond of gesturing with his hands and stamping his feet.

46.Mozart’s contemporaries said that he could characterize people very accurately.

47. Wolfgang Amadeus loved humor and was an ironic person.

48.Mozart was a good dancer, and he was especially good at dancing the minuet.

49. The great composer treated animals well, and he especially loved birds - canaries and starlings.

50.The two shilling coin has an image of Mozart.

51.Mozart was depicted on postage stamps USSR and Moldova.

52.The composer became the hero of many books and films.

53.Mozart’s music connects different national cultures.

54.Wolfgan Amadeus was buried as a poor man - in a common grave.

55.Mozart was buried in Vienna at St. Mark's Cemetery.