Outline of a lesson on applique, modeling (preparatory group) on the topic: Summary of GCD in the preparatory group Topic: “Autumn Bouquet”. Application on the theme of autumn: photos, ideas and master classes

Summary of GCD in preparatory group

Subject: « Autumn bouquet».

Target: development creativity children using direct multilayer textured plasticineography.

Tasks: Continue introducing children to one of the species fine art– direct multilayer textured plasticineography; develop children's vision artistic image and design through natural forms, develop a sense of color perception; to cultivate interest in autumn natural phenomena, emotional responsiveness to the beauty of autumn.

Materials and equipment:

  • Thick cardboard templates in the form of leaves various breeds trees and autumn fruits;
  • Plasticine,
  • stack,
  • Hand wipe,
  • Autumn leaves,
  • Reproduction of a painting by I. Levitan “ Golden autumn».

Move directly - educational activities:

1.Organizational part.

The teacher offers the children a riddle:

Leaves fly off the branches,

Birds fly away to the south.

“What time of year is it?” - we’ll ask.

They will answer us: “This is...”.

D. Autumn.

V. Correct. Such signs are characteristic of autumn. The trees are elegant, dressed in colorful leaves. On a walk, you and I often observe how the leaves come off the branches and, beautifully swirling, fall to the ground. What is this autumn phenomenon called?

D. Leaf fall.

The leaves are falling from the maples,

There are more of them every day.

On the grass - still green -

We walk between the trees.

Softly spreads before us

Your own autumn garden carpet.

The rustle of leaves underfoot...

This means leaf fall!

M. Poznanskaya

V. Autumn - very beautiful time of the year. It even smells special: slightly bitter rotted leaves, fragrant mown grass, wild mushrooms, the sweetish smell of autumn apples, and in the morning the autumn air smells of freshness. It rains more and more frequently in the fall.

The raindrops are flying, flying,

You won't get out of the gate.

Along the wet path

A damp fog is creeping in.

At the sad pines

And fiery rowan trees

Autumn comes and sows

Fragrant mushrooms!

I. Demyanov

Many poets admired autumn nature, its multicolor, bright colors.

V. And what other ones are very important signs autumn do you know?

D. Animals are preparing for winter, insects are hiding in cracks and under the bark of trees, birds are flying away to warmer climes.

Q. Of course, birds gather in flocks and prepare to fly to warmer climes.

Physical education moment.

"Flock of Birds"

A flock of birds flies south
The sky is blue all around.(Children wave their arms like wings)

To arrive sooner,
We must flap our wings.(Children wave their hands more intensely)

The sun is shining in the clear sky,
An astronaut flies in a rocket. (Stretching - arms up)

And below are forests and fields -
The ground spreads out
. (Low bend forward, arms spread to the side)

The birds began to descend
Everyone sits down in the clearing.
They have a long way to go
The birds need to rest. (
Children sit in a deep squat and sit for a few seconds)

And it's time to hit the road again,
We have a lot to fly
. (Children stand up and flap their “wings”)

Children, together with their teacher, “fly up” to the exhibition with a reproduction of I. Levitan’s painting “Golden Autumn”.

Q. Look at the picture, it’s dressed in gold. Artists, as well as poets, are impressed by beauty autumn nature, took up a brush and painted pictures.

The teacher gives the children the opportunity to admire a reproduction of I. Levitan’s painting “Golden Autumn”.

Q. Let's remember what paintings depicting nature are called?

D. Landscape.

V. Correct. Today we also have to create autumn landscape, but not with paints, but with the help of plasticine. But the landscape will be unusual - from autumn leaves and the fruits of autumn.

2. Practical part.

Stages of work completion

1. Children are asked to choose the leaf and fruit templates of their choice.

2. Having thought and decided, children choose the color scheme of the leaf.

3. Plasticine drawing techniques that children use in their work: pressing and smearing. Creating work by meansstraight multi-layer texturedplasticineography.

A piece of plasticine, located between the palms, rolls out rectilinear movements hands, lengthens and takes on a cylindrical shape. Afterwards, pea-sized pieces of plasticine are pinched off from the resulting workpiece and the children smear them with movements from the middle of the leaf to the edges. The entire remaining background is painted over with such strokes. You can roll out several colored cylinders and use them to color a leaf.

4. At the end of the work, children apply a pattern of veins in a stack.

Physical training break during work.

Autumn bushes rustle, leaves rustle on the tree.

(Raise your arms up, swing from side to side).

(Rotating the hands, lower the arms down).

The reeds rustle and the rain rustles,

(We move the fingers on both hands at the same time).

And the mouse, rustling, hurries into the hole.

(We scratch our palms with our fingers, changing hands in turn).

And there they rustle quietly

Six smart little mice

But everyone around is outraged:

How the naughty people rustled.

(Fingers clench and unclench vigorously)

3. Final part.

At the end of the work, review the resulting autumn bouquet with the children and praise the children who showed creativity in their work and color combinations. And then offer the children a game:


Target: generalizing knowledge about autumn, creating an original composition.

Tasks:learn to create images of trees; develop a sense of color and composition; instill a love of music; cultivate interest and careful attitude to nature; to evoke a desire to reflect its beauty in arrangements.

Materials and equipment: white paper for background, colored paper, scissors, glue, cloth napkins, oilcloth napkins, tape recorder, audio recording of works by P. Tchaikovsky from the cycle “The Seasons” (autumn months); cards with images of leaves.

Progress of the lesson.

Educator: I read to the children an excerpt from I. Bunin’s poem “Falling Leaves.”

The forest is like a painted tower, purple, gold, crimson,

It stands like a cheerful, motley wall over a bright clearing.

Birches with yellow carvings shine in the blue azure,

Like towers, the fir trees darken, and between the maples they turn blue

Here and there in the foliage there are gaps in the sky, like windows.

The forest smells of oak and pine; it has dried out from the sun over the summer,

And autumn, with calm water, enters its motley mansion.

Educator: I invite the children to depict falling leaves.

Didactic game "Which tree leaf?"

Educator: I show a piece of paper, the children look for the same one on their cards.

I suggest that the children do a little stretching and relax.

Physical education minute.

Leaf fall

The clouds are spinning in the sky, (They smoothly shift from foot to foot.)

Every step is a puddle. (Walk in place with high knees.)

The autumn day is gloomy, (Hands on the belt - turns militarily, to the right.)

Leaf fall on the street. (They spin around in place.)

creeps along the road (Easily run in a circle.)

Yellow blizzard.

Educator: we will cut out a tree trunk from brown paper, different color leaves, glue them onto a white background.

Educator: I show and remind you of the stages of creating the image of a tree. Compositions on the theme of autumn from the cycle “The Seasons” by P. Tchaikovsky are played. Children cut out and create the image of a tree. I provide individual assistance as I work.

4. Summary.

Analysis of finished works.

Publications on the topic:

I saw on the pages of my beloved Maaam very interesting master class Svetlana Davaeva and really wanted to make the same stained glass windows with the children.

Integration educational areas: artistic and aesthetic development, social and communicative development, cognitive development.

Hello Dear colleagues and guests of my page! I would like to present to your attention an applique made from natural materials. Children love everything.

Applique using cutting technique. For the lesson we will need: prepared sheets of paper (which we will divide into two halves, corrugated paper.

Summary of direct educational activities on the formation complete picture world in the preparatory group “Is it in the garden, in.

Summary of direct educational activities on applications from natural materials “Autumn Pictures” Municipal budget preschool educational institution"Pavlodarovsky kindergarten» Synopsis of direct educational.

Program content: Learn to create story compositions from natural material– dried leaves, petals; develop a sense of color.

Summary of GCD in the preparatory group.


  • To acquaint children with the method of modular application - mosaics, to arouse interest in creating an autumn tree with adequate visual and expressive means.
  • Develop the ability to plan your work and implement your plan technologically, using rational techniques.
  • Develop a sense of composition.
  • Contribute to the establishment of psychological comfort in the group by reading lyric poetry and listening to music in class.

Preliminary work. Reading poems about autumn, looking at paintings and reproductions depicting trees in autumn, observing nature.

Material for the lesson. Colored cardboard as a basis for the composition (children's choice), colored and white paper, simple pencils, glue, brushes, napkins, oilcloth.

1. The teacher invites the children to listen to M. Lesova’s poem “Golden Rain” and determine what time of year it describes.
The leaves were filled with the sun, the leaves were soaked in the sun,
They filled up, became heavy, began to spin, and flew.
They rustled through the bushes and jumped over the twigs.
The wind swirls like gold, it makes noise like golden rain.
The teacher finds out from the children what the author calls golden rain, what happens to the trees in the fall, and what other colors, besides yellow, the leaves turn in autumn.
2. Children approach the carpet on which leaves are scattered. Everyone chooses the leaf they like best, tells about it according to the scheme: size - shape - from which tree. The teacher notices that the leaves are different and suggests playing the game “Find the Pair.”
3. The teacher shows 2-3 samples of autumn trees made using the paper mosaic technique and invites the children to make their own unique tree.
The teacher talks about the technique and sequence of work:
A). First you need to take simple pencils and draw a sketch (primarily the trunk and crown of a tree, the earth, sky and sun if desired);
b). Next you need to prepare “ construction material"(select strips of colored paper for the tree crown, fold a narrow strip along the long edge, carefully smooth the fold line from the middle in both directions, bend the strip back and carefully tear it off, repeating this several times; then you need to take the strips one at a time, tear them apart , from which you can make multi-colored mosaics).

Physical exercise.

We are leaves, we are leaves, we are autumn leaves,
We are sitting on branches, the wind blows and we fly.
We flew, we flew, and then we got tired of flying,
The breeze stopped blowing and we all sat down in a circle.
The wind suddenly blew again and quickly blew away the leaves.
All the leaves flew and sat down on the chairs.
(children perform movements according to the text)

Independent work of children.

4. Finally, the children get to work: take sheets of paper, draw, apply glue in small sections and carefully, row by row, lay out multi-colored “leaves”, then the trunk, etc.
During work, the teacher turns on calm music and provides individual assistance to those children who are not doing well.
5. At the end of the lesson, the children examine the resulting work, the teacher reads V. Nirovich’s poem “Falling Leaves.”
Leaf fall, leaf fall, yellow leaves are flying.

Yellow maple, yellow beech, yellow circle of the sun in the sky.
A yellow yard, a yellow house, the whole earth is yellow all around.
Yellowness, yellowness, means autumn is not spring.

After class. Learn “autumn” rhymes with your children, collect and dry beautiful autumn leaves.

List of used literature.

  1. “Visual activities in kindergarten: planning, lesson notes, guidelines. Senior group"I. A. Lykova. – M.: “KARAPUZ-DIDACTICS”, 2006.
  2. "Applique in kindergarten." A. N. Malysheva, N. V. Ermolova - Yaroslavl: Academy of Development, 2007.
  3. "Classes on visual arts in kindergarten: Senior group: Program, notes: Manual for teachers preschool institutions"G. S. Shvaiko. – M.: Humanite. Ed. VLADOS Center, 2000.


  • arouse interest in creating teamwork"Autumn Tree";
  • teach children to create a collective composition from cut-out parts (palms) based on a unifying image (trunk, crown of a tree);
  • develop skills: carefully cut along the contour, glue the part;
  • develop cooperation skills in collective creativity.

Integration with other areas:

  • communication;
  • cognition;
  • reading fiction.

Enrichment vocabulary: decoration, colors, crown, leaf fall.

Preliminary work.

Excursion to the autumn park to observe changes in nature, collecting leaves for the herbarium. Reading works of art about the “golden” autumn. Examination of paintings by I. I. Levitan, I. I. Shishkin depicting autumn.

Materials and tools.

  • herbarium of colorful leaves, different in shape, size and color;
  • paintings by I. I. Levitan depicting autumn trees;
  • a picture of a tree;
  • colored paper;
  • a simple pencil;
  • scissors;
  • glue and glue brush;
  • cloth or paper napkin.

Stage 1.

Dry leaves lie on the table various shapes and colors. The children look at them carefully. The teacher reads Y. Kasparova’s poem “Autumn Leaves”:

The leaves are dancing, the leaves are spinning

And they fall under my feet like a bright carpet.

It's like they're terribly busy

Green, red and gold...

Maple leaves, oak leaves,

Purple, scarlet, even burgundy...

I throw my leaves up at random -

I can arrange leaf fall too!

— Which tree leaves are mentioned in the poem (maple, oak).

—What tree leaves do you see in front of you? (children list).

- How beautiful the nature is in our area autumn time of the year. Tell me, please, what happens to the leaves in autumn? (change color, fall off).

— What colors and shades of leaves can be seen in autumn? ( children call).

- Right. Nature gifts us with a variety of colors, the play of sun rays and shadows, like festive fireworks. autumn days. Look how artists glorified the beauty of autumn in their paintings. (demonstration of Levitan's painting). Autumn has dressed the trees in luxurious decorations. Such a variety of colors pleases the eye!

Stage 2.

Show a picture of a tree.

- Who knows what word they call all the foliage of a tree? ( crown).

- Right. And today in class we will make a wonderful autumn tree, and in order to create the crown of our tree, you will need your palms, colored paper, a simple pencil, scissors, and glue. It is the cut out paper palms that will be the leaves on our tree. For this:

  • We will first outline the palm with a simple pencil;
  • then cut along the contour;
  • then we will glue it onto the background prepared in advance (the background was made by the children together with the teacher, gluing pieces of colored napkins).

Elvira Ivanova

Autumn is in full swing. Today my children and I spent application on the topic"Golden autumn". The children were given the following goals: develop fine motor skills fingers, eye, develop creative imagination, fantasy; consolidate children's knowledge about the seasons - autumn, cultivate a desire to create beautiful crafts for decoration groups.

Having received the task, work began to boil in the hands of the children. Of course, it is very encouraging that children are already doing their work independently, without waiting for help from the teacher. Some children require a lot of attention various reasons, and so this time I decided to delegate this matter to the neighbors. The children who were approached for help were so proud talked: “And I helped Polina.” As a result, we have a floor

I studied this kind of work.

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