Holiday of Russian writing. Day of Slavic Literature and Culture

Day Slavic writing and culture is a holiday that calls for paying tribute to Slavic writing, the customs of our ancestors and honoring the memory of the creators of the Slavic alphabets, Cyril and Methodius. Celebrated on May 24th.

Why is this holiday important?

The Day of Slavic Literature and Culture is not celebrated as New Year or March 8. And in general, only schoolchildren, language and literature teachers, librarians and some officials know and remember about it.

However, the emergence of our own writing system plays a big role for us. It doesn't matter what language we write in - Ukrainian or Russian, they are both created on the basis of the Slavic Cyrillic alphabet.

Cyril and Methodius did great job, giving the sounds of the Slavic language a graphic form. Thanks to their work, knowledge and translations of church books, which had previously been available only in foreign languages, began to spread. The creation of the Slavic writing system gave impetus to the development literary language and book publishing among many nations.

The history of the holiday

In ancient times, this holiday was celebrated by all Slavic peoples. But over time, as a result of various historical and political events, they stopped celebrating him. At first, Cyril and Methodius were revered only by the churches, as saints equal to the apostles who made a huge contribution to the development of Christianity.

Slavic countries resumed the celebration of the Day of Slavic Literature and Culture in different time: Czechs - in the 14th century, other peoples around the 19th century. In Ukraine, the event was legalized in 2004, although in the 19th century the role of Cyril and Methodius in the development of culture and education was discussed. Kievan Rus resembled the Cyril and Methodius Brotherhood.

How to celebrate the Day of Slavic Literature and Culture

In addition to Ukraine, this holiday is celebrated by 8 other countries: Belarus, Bulgaria, Serbia, Macedonia, Russia, Montenegro, the Czech Republic and Slovakia.

On this day in educational institutions and libraries are held various events: laying flowers at the monument to Cyril and Methodius, conversations, conferences, quizzes and concerts.

In Bulgaria this is a national event. There, citizens hang wreaths of fresh flowers on portraits of the Equal-to-the-Apostles saints and remember their hymn. Pass book exhibitions and fairs.

After Bulgaria joined the EU, the Cyrillic alphabet was accepted into the ranks of its official alphabets.

Traditionally, linguists, writers, librarians, and writers pay great attention to this date.

Interesting facts about Cyril, Methodius and Slavic writing

1) The Cyrillic alphabet is based on Greek alphabet and consisted of 43 letters: 24 Greek and 19 special characters to indicate the sound features of the Slavic language.

2) It is still not known exactly which alphabet was created first: Cyrillic or Glagolitic. Many scholars believe that Cyril created only the Glagolitic alphabet, and the Cyrillic alphabet was written later by Methodius or the brothers' disciples.

3) Methodius outlived his brother by 16 years. The location of his grave is unknown.

4) There is an opinion that the Glagolitic and Proto-Cyrillic alphabet existed even before the birth of the Equal-to-the-Apostles saints. The first was used for church services, and the second was used in everyday life. Therefore, the Glagolitic alphabet has more complex and sophisticated letters than the Cyrillic alphabet. The Glagolitic alphabet retained its original appearance, and the Proto-Cyrillic alphabet was changed by Cyril.

5) Due to the lack of writing, the memory of ancient people was better developed than that of modern people. This is due to the fact that our ancestors had to remember a large amount of information.

6) Among the Slavs, writing and reading books had a magical meaning and was perceived as a sacred act. They believed that the use of the sacred alphabet (Glagolitic) in Everyday life leads to the loss of her magical abilities.

Cyrillic alphabets do not support all Slavic languages. Poland, Slovakia, the Czech Republic and Slovenia switched to the Latin alphabet long ago.In such non-Slavic countries as Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Mongolia, Tajikistan, the peoples of the North, the Caucasus, Buryatia, Bashkiria, Kalmykia and a number of other nationalities use the Cyrillic alphabet.

Kirill(in the world Constantine, nickname - Philosopher, born in 827 - died in 869, Rome) and Methodius(in the world Michael; born in 815 - died in 885, Moravia) - brothers from the city of Thessaloniki (Soluni), creators of the old Slavic alphabet, preachers of Christianity.

The Orthodox Church canonized them as saints equal to the apostles (“Slovenian teachers”), and they are revered both in the West and in the East. IN scientific works are mentioned in exactly this order: Cyril and Methodius. As for the church, here at the level of liturgical use a different order of using the names of brothers has been adopted. Most likely, this is due to the fact that Methodius occupied a higher position in the church hierarchy (archbishop) compared to Cyril.


According to some sources, the birthplace of Cyril and Methodius was the city of Thessalonica. They were born into a wealthy family. It is known about their father, who bore the name Leo, that he was on military service under the governor (strategus of the theme) of the city of Thessalonica and came from a fairly wealthy family. There were 7 sons in his family, among whom Cyril was the eldest, and Methodius the youngest.

The Greek origin of Cyril and Methodius is the most common version of the origin of the future creators of the Slavic alphabet. In particular, the 19th century Slavic scholars Mikhail Pogodin and Hermengild Irechek substantiated this version by the fact that both brothers were fluent in the Slavic language in its local dialect. This theory is completely denied by modern scientists.

There is a completely opposite version of the origin of the saints. It is believed that the brothers were Bulgarians, since the later edition of Cyril’s Prologue Life states that Cyril was born a Bulgarian: "I come from the salt city". It was this mention that became a kind of stumbling block for Bulgarian scientists, who still zealously defend the Bulgarian version of the origin of famous Slavic preachers.

If you stick to Greek origin Cyril and Methodius, then it is necessary to dwell on the description of the city of Thessalonica in order to understand how the environment influenced their life choices.

The city was bilingual. On its territory lived both people who used the Greek language in everyday life, and those who spoke Proto-Slavic, which was distinguished by the Thessalonica dialect. The inhabitants of the city of Thessalonica belonged to different tribes, including the Draguvites, Sagudites and Smolyans. It was the latter who helped Cyril and Methodius create the version of the language known today as Church Slavonic.

Before becoming a monk, Methodius succeeded well in the military-administrative service. The help of the eunuch Theoctistus, the great logothete and friend of Methodius, allowed the future preacher to take the post of strategist of Slavinia (Macedonia).

Kirill was recognized as the most educated person of its time. Before his trip to Moravia, he was translating the Gospel into Slavic language and completed work on compiling the Slavic alphabet.

Years of study and teaching

Cyril studied geometry, philosophy, astronomy and languages ​​in Constantinople. After graduating from Magnavra University, he was ordained a priest and began serving in the Cathedral of St. Sophia as a chartophylax, which literally meant “library keeper,” but in practice corresponded to the title of a modern academician.

He neglected his marriage to the goddaughter of the logothete, and soon left the post of hartophylax and preferred to move to the Black Sea coast to one of the monasteries. For some time he lived as a hermit, but then was forced to return to Constantinople and take a position as a teacher of philosophy at the university where he himself studied.

It was from this time that the nickname Philosopher stuck to Kirill. He gained fame in the capital after he was able to successfully conduct a theological debate and defeat his opponent, Patriarch Annius, the leader of the iconoclast movement.

Then Cyril decided to get acquainted with the basics of Christianity; together with Metropolitan George of Nicomedia, he visited the palace of the Emir of Militene. Finally, in 856, Constantine, along with some of his students, went to the monastery where his brother Methodius was the abbot. There the idea was born - to create a Slavic alphabet. Most likely, Cyril decided to go to his brother because of the murder of his former patron, the logothete Theoktistus.

Khazar mission

In 860, Cyril, who at that time bore the name Constantine, went to the Khazar Khagan as a missionary. The main task of his mission is the adoption of Christianity by the Kaganate. Upon arrival in Korsun, Constantine began to prepare for polemics, and along the way he mastered the Hebrew language and the Samaritan script. In addition, he gained access to the so-called Russian letter. Some scientists mistakenly believe that in this case we're talking about specifically about Russian writing. This approach is erroneous, since it is reasonable to consider these writings to be Syriac, that is, “Sura”. It was precisely at this time that the religious teaching associated with the Church of the East became widespread in Khazaria, so the Slavs living here could well have encountered Syriac writing.

Constantine, at the request of the Kagan himself, had to convince him of the correctness Christian religion. If Constantine’s arguments were convincing, the Kagan swore that he would accept Christianity. There are two versions of the development of further events.

First, Constantine entered into an argument with the imam and rabbi in the presence of the kagan. It is not entirely clear what faith the Kagan belonged to and what level of power he was at. Perhaps there was a supreme kagan or kagan-bek before Constantine, but in this case a change of faith was practically impossible, and only the Russian kagan could take this step. According to one version, it follows that Constantine won the dispute, but the Kagan refused to fulfill his promise.

The second is that it was not Constantine who won the argument, but the rabbi, who was able to take control of the situation and set the imam against Constantine, which allowed him to easily prove the correctness of the Jewish faith. This information was obtained thanks to Arabic sources and the collective work “The Letter of Joseph”.

Bulgarian mission

Today it is difficult to say that it was Cyril and Methodius who became the people with the help of whom the spread of Christianity began in Bulgaria. Quite a lot of scientists oppose this version, proving that the brothers were in Moravia when Khan Boris was baptized.

Some Bulgarian researchers continue to adhere to a different point of view and justify their persistence with surviving legends. It is known that at one time the sister of Khan Boris was a hostage in Constantinople. She was baptized with the name Theodora and given an upbringing in accordance with the spirit of Christianity.

Around 860, she returned to her homeland and made every effort to ensure that her brother Boris accepted Christianity. As a result, Boris was baptized under the name Mikhail. The choice of this name is associated with Michael, the son of the Byzantine empress Theodora, during whose reign the direct Christianization of the Bulgarian kingdom took place.

Just at this time, Methodius and his brother were on the territory of Bulgaria. They gave sermons, which contributed to the rapid establishment of Christianity. The popularization of religion led to the establishment of Christianity in neighboring Serbia, and in 863 Cyril, with the help of his brother and students, was able to compile the Old Slavonic alphabet. In addition, they began translating church services into Bulgarian. The fact that the Slavic alphabet was created by Cyril and Methodius is confirmed by legend "About writings" Bulgarian monk Chernorizets Khrabra, a contemporary of Tsar Simeon: “If you ask the Slavic literati, saying: “Who created the letters for you or translated the books,” then everyone knows and, answering, they say: Saint Constantine the Philosopher, named Cyril - he created the letters for us and translated the books, and Methodius, his brother. Because those who saw them are still alive. And if you ask at what time, they know and say that in the time of Michael, king of Greece, and Boris, prince of Bulgaria, and Rostislav, prince of Moravia, and Kocel, prince of Blaten, in the year from the creation of the whole world 6363.”

The time of the appearance of the Slavic alphabet can be attributed to 863, if we proceed from the Alexandrian chronology adopted at the time of the creation of the chronicler’s work. Although scientists are still arguing about the authorship of Constantine, since it is not entirely clear what exactly he invented - the Glagolitic or Cyrillic alphabet.

Moravian Mission

The Emperor of Byzantium received envoys from the Moravian prince Rostislav in 862, who asked for help in maintaining the faith of Christ. In particular, he asked to send teachers of the Christian faith who could conduct services in the Slavic language. This request was not only heard, but also accepted with delight by both the emperor himself and the patriarch. As a result, the Solun brothers were selected for a trip to Moravia.

While in Moravia, Constantine and Methodius were not only engaged in conducting divine services in the Slavic language, but also taught literacy to the local population, which included residents of Carpathian Rus. They continued to translate Greek church books into Slavic. They stayed in Moravia for 3 years, and then they were urgently sent to Rome.

The brothers were summoned by the Pope because Constantine and Methodius were accused of apostasy. They were accused of holding services in the Slavic language.

Up until the events described, the following postulate of faith was recognized: appeal to God can only be made in Latin, Greek and Hebrew. A similar interpretation arose due to the inscription on the Cross of the Lord, which was executed only in the 3 mentioned languages. Therefore, anyone who would like to change this state of affairs was immediately declared a heretic. However, the brothers managed to escape punishment.

This probably happened because Constantine handed over to the Roman Church the relics of St. Clement, which he received during his Chersonesos journey. Be that as it may, Adrian, the head catholic church, approved the right of the Slavs to use their language for worship.

last years of life

On February 14, 869 (old style), the preacher Cyril died in Rome, having previously adopted the schema and a new name. Only from this date is it legal to call him Kirill; before that he bore the name Konstantin, given to him at birth. He was buried in the Church of St. Clement.

The Pope made Methodius archbishop of Moravia and Pannonia. After this, he went with his disciples to Pannonia, a Slavic country that Cyril and Methodius visited during their trip to Rome. There they spent quite a lot of time teaching the Slavs how to worship in their native language and book business.

Soon Methodius returned to Moravia. During his absence, major changes took place in the country associated with the rise of the Latin-German clergy. In 870, Prince Rostislav died in a Bavarian prison, overcome by Louis the German. As a result, the prince's nephew Svyatopolk, who was under the influence of the Germans, ascended the throne.

In Moravia, services in the Slavic language began to be prohibited, and the machinations of the German clergy even made it possible to exile Archbishop Methodius to the Reichenau monastery for 3 years. The Pope found out about this and forbade the German bishops to conduct the liturgy. Thanks to the participation of the Pope, Methodius was released. However, the ban affected the language of worship of the Slavs in the churches of Moravia: only sermons were allowed in the Slavic language.

Methodius, restored as an archbishop in 879, ignored the imposed decrees of the Pope and continued to conduct services in the forbidden language. He baptized Prince Borivoy and his wife Lyudmila in Slavic.

In the same year, German churchmen were able to again organize a trial against Methodius. But this did not bring positive results, since the archbishop visited Rome and was able not only to justify himself, but also to receive a papal bull, which allowed services to be held in the Slavic language.

In 881, Methodius received an invitation to Constantinople from Emperor Basil I. Arriving in the capital of Byzantium, the archbishop and his students remained there for another 3 years. Then he returned to Moravia, where, with 3 disciples, he completed the translation of the Old Testament and patristic books into the Slavic language.

In 885, Methodius died after a serious illness. His death occurred on Palm Sunday, that is, on April 19. The archbishop's funeral service was held in 3 languages: Slavic, Greek and Latin.


Scientists admit that Cyril and Methodius developed an alphabet based on the Slavic language, known as the Glagolitic alphabet. It is believed that the Cyrillic alphabet is the merit of Kliment Ohridski, a student of the brothers. When creating the alphabet, Clement relied on the Greek alphabet.

However, it should be noted that Clement mainly used the work of Cyril and Methodius, in which the sounds of the Slavic language were isolated. This version no one disputes. At the same time, this work is the cornerstone of the creation of a new writing system, and this makes it fundamental for the creation of the Slavic alphabet. Thanks to Kirill’s unique linguistic abilities, Slavic sounds were isolated quite scientifically.

At the same time, the possibility of the existence of Slavic writing long before Cyril and Methodius is controversial. As an argument in this case, they use a fragment from the life of Cyril, which mentions books written in “Russian”. But in the life of Cyril there are no hints that these books belong to Slavic writing.

“And the Philosopher found here (in Korsun) the Gospel and the Psalter, written in Russian letters, and he found a man speaking that speech. And he talked with him and understood the meaning of the language, correlating the differences between vowels and consonants with his language. And offering up prayer to God, he soon began to read and speak. And many were amazed at this, praising God.”

As an example, the zeal with which Kirill tried to comprehend new language, which confirms the non-Slavic roots of the language being studied. During the life of Cyril and Methodius, the Proto-Slavic language was a single whole and was perfectly understood by everyone who considered it their native language. And only in the 12th century did the division of the language into dialects begin.

Researchers for the most part are inclined to two versions of the interpretation of a fragment from the life of Cyril. First, the passage in question may have been written in Gothic. Secondly, the manuscript could well contain an error, when it should be read not in “Russian”, but in “Sursky”, which is tantamount to “Syrian”.

If we take into account Cyril’s study of the Hebrew language and writing in Samaritan at this time, then the second option is more likely. Metropolitan Macarius more than once emphasized that in the life itself it was repeatedly said about Cyril as the creator of Slavic writing.


Russian Orthodoxy has established 2 dates for the memory of saints, associated with the days of their presentation. So, Kirill is revered on February 27 ( old style- February 14), and Methodius - April 19 (old style - April 6).

The Catholic Church has introduced a single day of remembrance for the brothers - February 14. Previously, the date of celebration was July 5th. In 1863, the Roman Church celebrated the “year of the Slavic jubilee,” and Pope John Paul dedicated his encyclical letter “Apostles of the Slavs” to Cyril and Methodius.

In 1863, the Holy Government Synod of Russia decided to celebrate the day of Saints Cyril and Methodius on May 11 (according to Julian calendar). It is unclear why this particular date was chosen.

On May 11, 1858, the day of remembrance for Cyril and Methodius was celebrated for the first time in Plovdiv within the framework of the Bulgarian Church. Perhaps there is some reason for choosing May 11th. In addition, in 1862, Ivan Dmitrievich Belyaev, a professor at Moscow University, wrote an article that spoke of the existence of a certain church document dated May 11 and defining the principles of painting the icons of Cyril and Methodius.

On May 11, 1872, despite the prohibition of the Patriarch, Exarch Anfim I performed a liturgy held in the Bulgarian church of Constantinople, at which the act of independence of the Bulgarian Church was proclaimed, that is, it became autocephalous. On this occasion, the Holy Synod expressed sincere regret, since there was a separation between the Greeks and the Bulgarians, which was the reason for the refusal to celebrate the 1000th anniversary of Cyril and Methodius by the Greek Church for political reasons.

Decree Holy Synod of 1855 established that May 11 should be considered a medium holiday with a vigil. Since 1901, the Synod has determined the celebration of May 11 on an annual basis in all churches and educational institutions related to the spiritual department. An all-night vigil and liturgy with prayer were provided. Students of religious institutions were exempted from classes, and in church schools a graduation ceremony was held on May 11.

In 1991, the holiday in honor of Cyril and Methodius became a national holiday in the following countries: Czech Republic, Macedonia, Bulgaria, Slovakia. In Russia and Bulgaria, the “Day of Slavic Culture and Literature” is celebrated on May 24. Macedonia also celebrates this holiday on May 24, but here it is already called “Day of Saints Cyril and Methodius.” In the Czech Republic and Slovakia, it is customary to honor Cyril and Methodius on July 5th.

The Slovak poet Jan Golly created a poem called “Cyril and Methodias”, and the lives of the saints were included in the “Khazar Dictionary” by Milorad Pavic. Bulgaria established the Order of Cyril and Methodius.

Disciples of Saints Cyril and Methodius

  • Konstantin Preslavsky
  • Gorazd Ohridski
  • Kliment Ohridski
  • Savva Ohridski
  • Naum Ohridski
  • Angelium of Ohrid
  • Lavrentiy
  • Every year in Russia they celebrate the most historical and national holiday - the Day of Slavic Literature and Culture, May 24. How did he appear? Who is it dedicated to? How is it usually celebrated? Answers to these and many others important questions can be found in this article.

    History of origin

    May 24 is the Day of Slavic Literature and Culture. The date of its origin is unknown. People only know for sure that the creators of the holiday are the famous two brothers - Methodius and Cyril. They - preachers of Christianity - tried to translate Greek letters into an understandable Slavic language. The first alphabet appeared approximately 1150 years ago.

    The holiday was established by church workers: they considered this literary feat worthy of special attention!

    First, in 1980, Bulgarians began to celebrate this holiday. Gradually, Russian people, Ukrainians and Belarusians began to adhere to this tradition.

    Interesting facts about the origin of the alphabet

    Two brothers lived around the middle of the 9th century. All their lives they preached in the Greek city of Thessaloniki, devoting their existence to the study of Slavic writing. The real name of the younger brother is Konstantin. As a young man, he decided to become a monk, renaming himself Kirill. It was he who first thought about how to make the Greek language more understandable. Konstantin began to translate each letter into the Slavic language. In honor of his new name, he called the created alphabet “Cyrillic”. Konstantin's interest was fully supported by his older brother. Together they managed to create the very alphabet that every Russian learns in elementary school.

    The morning begins with a discussion

    The history of the day of Slavic writing and culture is known to almost every person. In Russia, this day begins with the fact that on all the news of the central channels they congratulate on a wonderful event and reveal the most Interesting Facts about the holiday.

    Early in the morning, poets and writers unite in order to resolve pressing problems and take any measures to solve them. Every city hosts important forums with discussions.

    Who is the holiday dedicated to?

    Many people are concerned about the question of who is the holiday of Slavic literature and culture dedicated to? Absolutely all people living in the territory have the right to celebrate it Russian Federation and in other regions. All inhabitants of planet Earth are related to the alphabet to one degree or another. They write letters, read, learn letters in school years. Their distant ancestors did the same.

    You should definitely thank the creators of the main national event on this day by visiting the church.

    Activities for children

    In each region, on May 24, before the last bell, an event is held, dedicated to the day Slavic writing and culture for children. Of course, the kids from kindergarten It is difficult to perceive such information, but schoolchildren master it in full. The ceremonial event is usually divided into several main parts:

    • First of all, class hours are organized. Teachers or guests from local library come to schoolchildren to tell all listeners a short history about the occurrence of this memorable event. For clarity, they use pictures, videos or presentations. In some cases, the children themselves prepare for this holiday. They first prepare a report on this topic and take turns telling each other interesting facts.
    • Next, teachers tell their students about the best works in the field of world literature and recommend a list of books that should be read during the summer holidays.
    • The third part of the program is a formal event, which is usually held in the assembly hall. Children prepare for it for a long time. They read poetry from the stage and act out scenes from famous works of art and sing songs.

    If the holiday May 24, Day of Slavic Literature and Culture, falls on a weekend, then it is held on the last weekday before it.

    Activities for adults

    The celebration of the day of Slavic literature and culture in each region is also held for adults. It is also divided into several main components.

    • First of all, the award ceremony takes place in palaces, city squares or parks. The most outstanding teachers, philologists, librarians, poets, writers, poets and other literary workers receive gratitude for their services in this difficult work.
    • The second part of the ceremony is the concert. Local amateur groups perform there, modern poets read their own poems, and you can also see several interesting skits.
    • In some cities, quizzes are held for those who are well acquainted with the history of this holiday. By participating in the competition, you can win a valuable souvenir.

    In every corner of the country on May 24, the Day of Slavic Literature and Culture, there is some special peaceful atmosphere.

    Cultural and entertainment events

    A free exhibition is organized in every city on the Day of Slavic Literature and Culture. It will be interesting to absolutely every person, even those who are distant from the literary field. On it you can see what the paintings of Cyril and Methodius, the first Slavic letters and ancient books looked like.

    Almost everything is open on this day history museums. For everyone, there are educational lessons here that allow you to become better acquainted with this national holiday. In the evening, poetry concerts are held in many halls, at which the most outstanding poets perform with their the best works. Basically, all events on this day are free of charge.

    Services are held in churches. All believers can come to the temple and thank the two holy brothers for their great contribution to literary work.


    What to give to the hero of the occasion on this day? There are several options. You can make your choice depending on your financial capabilities:

    • A souvenir or figurine to decorate the desk of a creative person.
    • Elite pen in gift packaging.
    • Printer ink or a pack of white paper.
    • Exclusive book.
    • Notebook.
    • Computer, laptop or any component for it (mouse, pad, keyboard, etc.).
    • Lamp for lighting.

    It is not at all necessary that the gift be related to literary activity. You can also please a person with a bouquet of flowers, fragrant perfume or jewelry. It will be nice to receive any sweet souvenir that will have a positive effect on a person’s intellectual activity.

    In verse

    It is important to think in advance about holding the Day of Slavic Literature and Culture, but it is also necessary to take care in advance of preparing a congratulatory speech for the hero of the occasion. For example, you can use the following option for this purpose:

    “Before your eyes there is always an empty piece of paper,

    So today I want to write a small congratulations on it.

    Let all your letters easily form words.

    And colorful sentences are formed from them.”

    Any person related to literature will be happy to hear a capacious, bright and small congratulation.

    In prose

    It is very difficult to surprise a talented person whose work is related to literature with a beautiful verse. It is best to prepare a congratulation in prose, which will be filled with maximum sincerity, touching and tenderness. For example, the following message would be suitable for this purpose:

    “Today is the day of glory of Slavic writing. I would like to congratulate you on professional holiday. May your talent never leave you, may the muse always be present and good mood, which will allow you to create new legendary projects. We really want to thank you for your invaluable work. Thanks to you, we were able to learn to love, think correctly and enjoy life. We wish you good health, new ideas and the achievement of all your goals.”

    This text is perfect for congratulating a poet, writer, librarian, or any person whose work is directly related to literature.

    Every year on May 24, a legendary holiday dedicated to Slavic writing and culture takes place. No one can simply remain indifferent to him. In every city, pleasant words are heard addressed to outstanding specialists, thematic exhibitions and events are held. Unfortunately, this day has not yet been declared a holiday, so people are forced to go to work. In the evening they can also join this pleasant event. The main purpose of it is to learn to appreciate the importance of literature for every person.

    Day of Slavic Culture and Literature- a holiday dedicated to the day of remembrance of Saints Cyril and Methodius, Equal-to-the-Apostles, Slovenian enlighteners, May 24. It is celebrated both in Russia and in some other Slavic countries. In Russia, festive events take place over several days.

    Memory of Saints Equal-to-the-Apostles Cyril and Methodius

    Saints Cyril and Methodius

    Holy brothers Cyril and Methodius - Christian preachers and missionaries, educators Slavic peoples. In 863, the Byzantine emperor sent the brothers to Moravia to preach to the Slavs. The brothers compiled the first Slavic alphabet and translated liturgical books into the Slavic language. Thus, the foundations of Slavic writing and culture were laid.

    The memory of Saints Cyril and Methodius, equal to the apostles, was celebrated among the Slavic peoples in ancient times. Then the celebration was forgotten and restored in the Russian Church only in 1863, when a decree was adopted to remember the Slovenian educators on May 11 (24 BC).

    Modern celebration

    In 1985, the Slavic world celebrated the 1100th anniversary of the death of St. equal to Methodius. For the first time in the USSR, May 24 was declared the day of Slavic culture and writing.

    January 30, 1991 Presidium Supreme Council The RSFSR adopted a Resolution on the annual holding of Days of Slavic Literature and Culture. Since 1991, government and public organizations began to hold Days of Slavic Literature and Culture together with the Russian Orthodox Church.

    During the celebration, various church events are held: services dedicated to Saints Cyril and Methodius in the Assumption Cathedral of the Kremlin and other churches in Russia, Processions of the Cross, children's pilgrimage missions to Russian monasteries, scientific and practical conferences, exhibitions, concerts.

    Since 1991, as part of the celebration of the days of Slavic culture and literature, the annual spiritual and cultural expedition “Slavic Movement” has been held in the cities of Russia.

    This is interesting

    In Bulgarian schools, on the eve of Saints Cyril and Methodius Day, “letter days” are held - quizzes and educational games.

    In the Czech Republic, the day of remembrance of the brothers Cyril and Methodius and the holiday of Slavic writing is celebrated on July 5.

    Centers for celebrating the days of Slavic culture and literature

    Until 2010, every year the center of the celebration was moved to one of the Russian cities. In 1986 it was Murmansk, in 1987 - Vologda, in 1992 and 1993 - Moscow.

    Monument to Saints Cyril and Methodius. Slavyanskaya Square, Moscow

    Since 2010, Moscow has become the capital of the days of Slavic writing.

    This holiday is associated with the names of the holy Equal-to-the-Apostles brothers Cyril and Methodius - Slavic enlighteners, creators of the Slavic alphabet, the first translators of liturgical books from Greek into Slavic.

    To the 1152nd anniversary of the creation of Slavic writing

    It was they, the Bulgarian enlighteners Cyril and Methodius, who created the first Slavic alphabet, which we use to this day. The alphabet got its name from the name of the youngest of the brothers - the Cyrillic alphabet.
    The history of the Cyrillic alphabet is inseparably linked with Orthodoxy. Using the alphabet they had created, the brothers translated from Greek language Holy Scripture and a number of liturgical books.

    The first words written in Slavic alphabet were the opening lines of the Easter Gospel of John:
    In the beginning was the Word
    And the Word was with God,
    And the Word was God.

    It is no coincidence that the life feat of Cyril and Methodius is equated with the apostolic one, calling them the “first teachers” of the Slavs. Equal-to-the-Apostles Cyril and Methodius were canonized in ancient times. In Russian Orthodox Church The memory of the Equal-to-the-Apostles enlighteners of the Slavs has been celebrated since the 11th century.

    The solemn celebration of the memory of Saints Cyril and Methodius was established in the Russian Church in 1863.

    The day of remembrance of Cyril and Methodius established by the church is May 24, new style.- is now celebrated in Russia as a public holiday.

    The Day of Slavic Literature and Culture is the only church and state holiday in our country.

    On the Days of Slavic Literature and Culture, many cities hold scientific conferences, readings, exhibitions and concerts. Festive services and solemn religious processions are held in the churches of the Russian Orthodox Church.
    The holiday of Slavic writing reminds us of the origins of our spirituality, that Russian culture inherits the ancient and great traditions of Slavic culture, and the role of writing in its formation and development.

    2015 marks 1152 years since the emergence of Slavic writing - on May 24, 863, in the city of Pliska, the then capital of Bulgaria, the Solun brothers Cyril and Methodius announced the invention of the Slavic alphabet.

    Enlighteners of the Slavs - Saints Equal-to-the-Apostles Cyril and Methodius

    The holy Equal-to-the-Apostles first teachers and Slavic educators Methodius (about 815-885) and Cyril (about 827-869; before accepting monasticism in early 869 - Constantine) - brothers, originally from the city of Thessaloniki (Thessaloniki).

    Coming from a noble and wealthy Christian family, they received excellent education. Methodius, the elder brother, while in military service, ruled one of the Slavic principalities subordinate to the Byzantine Empire (possibly Bulgarian), where he learned the Slavic language. Ten years later, he left his reign and became a monk on Mount Olympus (in Asia Minor). Constantine, who surprised everyone with his abilities even as a child, received an education together with the young son of the Byzantine Emperor Michael III from the best teachers in Constantinople. He perfectly comprehended the sciences of his time and many languages, for which he was nicknamed the Philosopher. Having been ordained a priest, he became the keeper of the patriarchal library at the Church of St. Sophia, then taught philosophy at the highest school in Constantinople. At the age of 24, he was sent on a dangerous and difficult mission to the Muslim Saracens to conduct a philosophical and theological debate. Constantine coped with the task brilliantly, refuting all the arguments of Muslim philosophers, for which they even tried to kill (poison) the young Christian, but he remained unharmed. Returning to his homeland, Constantine retired to Olympus to his brother Methodius. However, in 858, Emperor Michael summoned both brothers to preach the Gospel among the Khazars. On the way, the brothers stopped in Korsun (the ancient Russian name for the city of Chersonesos), where Constantine learned the Hebrew and Samaritan languages.

    After some time, the emperor again summoned the brothers, responding to the request of the Moravian prince Rostislav to send teachers who could preach Christianity in the Slavic language.

    Cyril and Methodius - miniature from the Radziwill Chronicle (XIII century)

    In 863, Constantine, with the help of Methodius and several disciples, compiled the Slavic alphabet and translated several books, without which it is impossible to perform divine services: the Gospel, the Apostle, the Psalter and selected services. It is no coincidence that the Slavic alphabet created by Konstantin (Kirill) is called the Cyrillic alphabet. In fact, we still use it today.

    In 1708, at the direction of Peter I, the alphabet was reformed for publications in the civil press; it was this version that formed the basis of the modern Russian font.

    In Rome, Saint Constantine fell ill and shortly before his death (February 14, 869) he accepted the schema with the name Cyril. By decision of Pope Adrian II, the relics of St. Cyril were placed in the Basilica of St. Clement in Rome, where miracles began to be performed from them.

    The Pope ordained Saint Methodius as Archbishop of Moravia and Pannonia. While in this post, Saint Methodius continued to establish divine services in the Slavic language; he did a lot to educate the Slavs with the help of book writing.

    The first teacher of Slovenia, Methodius, ended his high earthly ministry on April 6, 885. He was buried in the cathedral church of Velehrad, the capital of Great Moravia.

    The spiritual feat of Saints Cyril and Methodius, Equal to the Apostles, is attested in extensive hagiographic literature, in words of praise and religious hymns, in ancient church services and chants, on icons and in church paintings, in artistic prose, in poetry and in numerous scientific works.


    The question of the conditions for the appearance of two alphabets in Old Church Slavonic writing, their comparative antiquity, their sources and their compilers was for a long time one of the most controversial and discussed.

    In Bulgaria

    In Bulgaria, the Day of Education, Culture and Slavic Literature is an official national holiday.

    The tradition of celebrating the Day of Slavic Literature arose in mid-19th centuries, but its roots go back to the mother-throne of Pliska - ancient capital Bulgaria. It was here in 886, after the death of both enlighteners, that their disciples arrived - Clement, Naum, Gorazd, Angelarius, whom the Bulgarian ruler Prince Boris received with triumphal honors.
    In Pliska, a comprehensive program for distributing the alphabet within the then Bulgarian state was soon developed.

    It turned out that just two decades after the adoption of Christianity in Bulgaria, thanks to the alphabet of Cyril and Methodius, liturgical and theological literature began to be translated into Slavic. A fact that is significant because for the first time in the history of Christianity the monopoly of the three “ancient sacred languages” - Latin, Greek and Hebrew - in the spiritual life of Europe was broken (in France the Gospel was translated into the national language only after three, in England - through five, and in Germany - seven centuries after Bulgaria).

    In 1892, a music teacher from Ruse, Stoyan Mihailovsky (1856-1927), wrote the text of a school anthem called “The Hymn of Saints Cyril and Methodius.” The anthem consisted of 14 stanzas, of which the first six are usually sung. Bulgarians know him by the first line: “Varvi, people vzrodeni!” (“Forward, reborn people!”). In 1900, the composer Panayot Pipkov (1871-1942), then a teacher in Lovech, wrote music for the anthem.

    With introduction in Bulgaria Gregorian calendar in 1916, the church and secular holiday were combined into one - May 24. In 1969 church calendar was artificially separated from the secular, and the holiday fell on May 11 and 24, respectively. In 1990, by decision of the 9th People's Assembly In Bulgaria, May 24 was declared an official holiday - the Day of Bulgarian Education, Culture and Slavic Literature.

    In Russia

    And the native Rus' of the Holy Apostles of the Slavs will glorify...
    From the hymn in honor of Cyril and Methodius

    In Russia, the first traditions of honoring the memory of Cyril and Methodius were established in the 11th century. One evidence of this is the Archangel Gospel of 1092, which mentions Cyril on February 14, and Methodius on April 6. It was Russia that introduced the general date of celebration into the church calendar - May 11 (May 24, new style).

    Bishop Anthony of Smolensk (Amphitheaters) attracted wide attention to the fate of the holiday of Slavic enlighteners. The first celebrations of the Slavic word took place in Moscow in 1862. The monument “Millennium of Russia” was unveiled in Novgorod, on which the images of Cyril and Methodius, whose activities coincided with the formation of Russian statehood, were immortalized.

    Since 1863, holiday celebrations took place in other cities, and in each city the program had its own characteristics. In Kyiv, for example, students founded the Slavic library of Saints Cyril and Methodius.

    IN pre-revolutionary Russia The day of remembrance of the Thessaloniki brothers was celebrated in different ways at different times. Widely - in 1869 and 1885, when it was a thousand years since the death of the Slavic enlighteners, more modestly - in other years.
    For some time, celebrations in honor of the creators of the first Slavic alphabet were not held at all.

    The first scientific celebrations took place only in May 1963. Scientists then organized a conference dedicated to the 1100th anniversary of the creation of the Slavic alphabet.

    The initiative to revive the celebration of the Days of Slavic Literature in Russia belongs to the Murmansk Writers' Organization and in particular to the writer Vitaly Maslov. In 1986, the first holiday called the “Festival of Writing” was held in Murmansk. As a token of gratitude to Murmansk residents for renewing ancient traditions, the Bulgarians presented the city with a monument to the creators of the Slavic alphabet.

    In 1988, the holiday was especially lucky - it coincided with the 1000th anniversary of the baptism of Rus' and was held in ancient Novgorod. The Baptism of Rus' marked the beginning of writing, but writing also contributed to the spread new faith. Here, in ancient center Russia, and after Kiev, writing began to spread.

    In 1989, the main celebrations took place in Kyiv. For the first time, the holiday was held with the active participation of the Foundation of Slavic Literature and Culture, created in 1989.

    Since 1991, the Day of Slavic Literature and Culture has become a public holiday, the center of the celebrations was in Smolensk. Then, in order to unite the Slavic peoples on the basis of common roots, the Slavic Movement was carried out.

    In 1992, Moscow became the center of the holiday. The First International Congress took place in the capital Slavic cultures. A monument to Cyril and Methodius was unveiled on Slavyanskaya Square.

    Since 2010, Moscow has become the annual capital of the Days of Slavic Literature. This decision was made in March 2009 by participants in a visiting meeting of the festival’s organizing committee in Saratov. Metropolitan Juvenaly of Krutitsky and Kolomna made such a proposal on behalf of Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Rus'. The proposal to designate Moscow as the capital of the holiday was supported by the Minister of Culture of the Russian Federation, Alexander Avdeev.

    “The capital of the holiday should be Moscow, since this is a state, church holiday, and it should be celebrated as actively as possible throughout the country. In this sense, the centers of the federal subjects should become its regional capitals,” the minister said.

    In Pskov

    In Pskov, festivities dedicated to Saints Cyril and Methodius took place for the first time on April 6, 1885. During the celebrations, the Trinity Cathedral was presented with an icon of Saints Cyril and Methodius, purchased with funds from the Pskov City Duma.

    In the same year, a brotherhood was created in Pskov in the name of the holy first teachers. Its goal is to raise charitable funds to support parochial schools, create parish libraries and maintain existing ones.
    After the Days of Slavic Literature were declared a state holiday in Russia in 1991, celebrations in Pskov began to be celebrated more widely and variedly.

    In 1993, an organizational meeting of the Pskov Religious and Philosophical Society named after Cyril and Methodius took place, which continued the educational traditions of the pre-revolutionary Cyril and Methodius Society.

    In 1999, Pskov became the center of celebration of the Days of Slavic Literature and Culture.

    On the Days of Celebrations, May 24, 1999 on the wall of the Holy Trinity cathedral A memorial plaque dedicated to Saints Equal-to-the-Apostles Cyril and Methodius was unveiled. The board was made and donated to Pskov by sculptor V. M. Klykov.

    For more than 10 years, on May 24, the Day of Slavic Literature, a holiday for school graduates of the city has been held in the Pskov Kremlin on Vechevaya Square near the Trinity Cathedral.
    According to tradition, paying tribute to the memory of Saints Cyril and Methodius, the best graduates lay flowers at the memorial plaque of Saints Cyril and Methodius at the walls of the Trinity Cathedral.

    The film tells the story of the emergence of the Slavic alphabet - the Cyrillic alphabet - and how Russia took its place as the leader of the Eastern Christian Cyrillic civilization.

    The great saints Cyril and Methodius created a universal principle - every people deserves to learn the Word of God in their native language. And now this principle continues to be implemented. The film tells how alphabets are created on the basis of the Cyrillic alphabet for the previously unwritten languages ​​of the peoples of Russia. And russian Orthodox priest- the modern successor of Cyril and Methodius - comes with dogs to the yurts and teaches the Kamchatka Koryaks to read the Gospel, printed in Cyrillic in Koryak.

    But there were times when the fate of the Russian alphabet seemed to hang by a thread. In the 20s of the last century, the Bolsheviks hatched plans to replace the Cyrillic alphabet with the Latin alphabet. Lunacharsky actively supported this project. The Cyrillic alphabet was then considered a reactionary tsarist alphabet that interfered with the world revolution. But main goal The Bolsheviks were, of course, to format the spiritual memory of the people in their own way, to deprive future generations of the opportunity to read everything that had been accumulated over the course of centuries of Russian history.