Application of facility management for optimal management of real estate. Organization and management of enterprise infrastructure


Also, one of the important problems of technical management of a building is its condition. The building was built in 1964 and needs to improve its current condition through renovation or modernization.

Modernization is a list of works or services to improve the actual condition of all technical devices and systems of a building in order to bring them into line with the existing level of technology development and increase the efficiency of their work.

Reconstruction is a change in the quantitative characteristics of a building.

The most important of the above problems is the management of building energy resources, since the costs of this item constitute a significant part of the organization's budget.

To solve this problem, the following options are possible:

· Installation of heat meters;

· Installation of heating system control devices;

· Improving the thermal protection of the building by installing double-glazed windows;

· Improving power supply systems by replacing existing lamps with energy-saving ones;

· Improving energy supply systems using lighting control systems.

The best option would be to install heating system control devices and heat metering devices.

Control over the heating point is necessary not only to check incoming bills, but also to prevent serious fines. The fact is that power engineers set restrictions on the output parameters of a heating unit - temperature, outlet pressure and whole line other parameters of heat consumption. If the temperature is out of the standard range, they interpret this as suboptimal heat consumption. The pressure must also be maintained at a certain level, as it affects the operation of the entire heat supply system. Excess of these and other parameters beyond the standards leads to the imposition of large fines on the consumer.

One way to save heat is to lower the temperature of the batteries during a thaw, at night, during weekends or holidays. This is achieved by reducing the water flow entering the heat exchanger so that the output parameters are within the appropriate norm. Monitoring the heating point will also allow you to challenge invoices in case of inadequate quality of services. For example, if the temperature of the supplied water is noticeably lower than the standard temperature, then the consumer may claim that the supplied heat was not enough to maintain the premises normal temperature. If there is documented evidence, the chances of winning such a dispute are very high.

In this case, it is possible to detail the heat consumption inside the building empirically by varying the heat supply to the rooms and monitoring the change in temperature and total heat consumption in them. Obviously, the calculation method based on the results of such experiments is unlikely to be too complicated.

Thus, when using this method, the enterprise will be able to reduce heat supply costs by reducing heat consumption.

Building Infrastructure Management

One of the challenges of building infrastructure management is managing the safety and security of the building.

Building safety and security management is a set of measures to ensure the safety of buildings and their users from entry by unauthorized persons through deception or hacking, such as:

Control of entry and exit to the building;

Internal video surveillance system;

Security of objects at night;

Special observations.

This problem is relevant since this is a children's institution.

The second main problem that can be identified is the management of the staff food and rest system. This problem includes a set of works to provide catering for building personnel, as well as the organization of recreational facilities:

Delivery and preparation of food for canteens and buffets;

Equipment and maintenance of premises in accordance with the required standards;

Equipment and maintenance of personnel rest areas.

This problem is relevant due to the fact that training in the youth sports school takes place throughout the day and the employees have only one place to relax - this is the trainer's room, which has very little space and is poorly equipped; the place to eat is also in this room.

The main problem is managing the security and safety of the building, because this is a children's institution that is not guarded in any way and anyone can get inside without any problems. There is a watchman only at night.

The solution to this problem can be installing a security system:

1. Access control and management system;

2. Alarm system;

3. Security and fire alarm system;

4. Television surveillance system.

The access control and management system ensures access control to the building. The system includes a turnstile and automatic identification devices: controllers, readers, contactless identifiers.

An alarm system is used in the event of an emergency situation. Workstations are equipped with hidden buttons, the signal from which is output to the departmental security post. All premises are equipped with a two-way security alarm system based on magnetic contact and volumetric detectors.

The security and fire alarm system is built on the basis of the integrated security system "Orion" and covers all premises of the facility. Collection, processing, display and registration of notifications about the state of the system is carried out by the system controller installed at the departmental security post. All detectors in the system are addressable, which allows the location of the system to be triggered or malfunctioned to be uniquely identified.

To manage the security system, a personal computer with an installed automated workstation "Orion" is provided. The television surveillance system provides visual monitoring of the situation in the corridors and outside the building. The system provides the creation of an archive of video recordings with the possibility of subsequent viewing. Recording is possible both in round-the-clock mode and in event mode with advanced recording. In this case, a motion detector is used - if there is movement in the frame, the system automatically begins recording video information from the moment preceding the start of movement.

For children's and youth sports schools, the least expensive option would be to install an access control and management system that will limit the passage of unauthorized people into the premises.

The implementation of these measures will ensure the safety of both workers and children involved in this youth sports school.

Commercial building management

Today, the following problem can be identified in commercial building management:

Space management and rental is a complex of works on rational use and management of available areas and volumes of the building:

· Accounting for all available areas and volumes;

· Division of space according to costs and their use;

A CAFM system helps in utilizing an organization's real estate assets, reducing costs and generating profits during each phase of a building's life cycle. The use of the system is aimed at supporting the strategic and operational management of facilities: all activities related to administrative, technical and infrastructural tasks when the facility or building is in operation.

CAFM as a type of solutions emerged in the 90s. Several dozen manufacturers around the world supply them to the market. The largest companies use these systems to manage real estate, both commercial, residential and operational. In recent years in the USA there has been an evolution of CAFM into new class IWMS (Integrated Workplace Management) related to task globalization information systems for large corporate clients.

However for Russian market property management application of CAFM is still not typical. Domestic business is often limited to the utilitarian use of office software (for example, MS Excel) and accounting software based on 1C systems.

Nevertheless, today all the necessary prerequisites are in place for the emergence of the practice of using professional systems to support the basic business processes of real estate management in Russia. Economic crisis with its increased requirements for cost control, optimal use of infrastructure and resources, can also be an impetus for the adoption of CAFM.

As in any other industry, information systems are most effectively used where there are significant cash flows, large volumes of information are processed and there is a need to design or support business processes.

All these signs are clearly visible in the field of property management. Suffice it to say that, according to some estimates, 30% of all financial flows in the world are directly related to this sector of the market.

In the property management market, the following potential customers for CAFM systems can be identified. Firstly, large enterprises, including their state units of corporate (operational) property management (CRES/CREM). For example, banks, insurance companies, industry, energy. Then - owners, developers, investment companies in the field of commercial real estate. Service, management, and FM companies also need to implement this kind of systems. Large companies with dedicated central divisions, regulations, a strategy for long-term development, and a focus on large clients. And finally, enterprises in the housing and communal services sector.


Ilyin Victor, expert in the field information technologies for real estate management, building automation

The problem of minimizing risks during the operation of fixed assets of an enterprise is considered. The enterprise needs to link equipment maintenance and repair indicators with corporate goals in the field of reliability, safety, environment and quality. In this regard, the introduction of integrated infrastructure management systems (IMS) is proposed. NPP SpetsTek, as the developer and owner of the TRIM software package, sees its mission in the promotion, development and implementation of information management systems. Information technology is considered as a necessary tool and environment for the implementation of the proposed approaches. An example of a project in the network energy sector is given.

The disaster at the Sayano-Shushenskaya HPP once again showed that infrastructure is a critical element in ensuring the integrity and reliability of the production system, and the physical deterioration of infrastructure facilities is a serious risk factor. However, in our opinion, insufficient attention is paid to infrastructure management both in international standards (ISO 9001, clause 6.3) and in the practice of domestic management.

Obviously, equipment aging is a natural process. Problems arise when these processes become uncontrollable. The task of ensuring the efficient and safe use of infrastructure facilities is the responsibility of their owner. In the era of socialism, when everything belonged to the “people” and a planned economy operated, the state created and maintained complex system infrastructure management, which included industry research and design institutes, supervisory authorities, institutions of higher and secondary specialized education, technical services at enterprises. It was the state that planned and carried out the safe use and timely renewal of fixed assets. During the transition from socialism to capitalism, a significant part of fixed assets changed owners. The responsibility for safe and efficient management now falls on the private owner. Unfortunately, in the process of “distribution” the previous planned management structure was largely destroyed, and a new one, oriented to modern economic realities, was not created.

In conditions where the average depreciation of fixed assets reaches 80% and continues to increase, the current situation seems extremely dangerous and requires urgent government intervention in issues of infrastructure management.

However, there is a sense of doom in relation to the depreciation of fixed assets. Wear and tear has reached an unprecedented level, renovation requires a fantastic investment, which will only accumulate over time. To replace in short term everything that is outdated and worn out requires fantastic production capacity, which does not exist - so the renovation will take a long time, even if there is money. Just have to be patient long years and hope for the best. But is hope really all that's left?

For example, the wear and tear of Russian main electrical networks, according to experts, is 41%, and of distribution electrical networks - 70%. The wear and tear of municipal and rural networks in some regions exceeds 90%. The wear and tear of municipal and rural networks in some regions exceeds 90%. In the chemical industry, the average wear rate is about 50%, and certain species equipment - from 80 to 100%. In metallurgy, wear on average exceeds 60%. The resources available for technical refurbishment, maintenance and repair (MRO) are significantly limited. Under these conditions, the occurrence of man-made accidents (or even catastrophes) at first glance seems to be only a matter of time.

The absence of strategic goals and measurable targets linked to them concentrates attention on short-term problems, distracting management from global long-term problems. The influence of many control actions implemented at lower levels of management on distant goals is not analyzed. This does not correspond to the urgent management tasks facing an enterprise with worn-out fixed assets. Since wear and tear is high and the amount of replacement and repair work ahead is large, such a facility must have long-term replacement and renovation plans. It must predict the condition and remaining life of its equipment, its performance, level of safety and reliability, assess the impact of specific replacements and repairs on future performance and reliability, and select optimal strategy replacements and repairs, coordinate maintenance and renovation plans with production plans.

Meanwhile, in the theory and practice of management, concepts, approaches and methods have already been developed that are aimed at minimizing risks in conditions of limited resources and deterioration of infrastructure.

To illustrate, here is the so-called philosophy Performance Focused Maintenance (PFM) or maintenance focused on the performance and efficiency of the company as a whole. This approach originated in the West and is quite actively promoted there. In particular, it can be found in the reports of the American Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI), which recommends introducing PFM into the practice of managing electrical network assets.

As EPRI has defined, “The purpose of PFM is to assist asset managers in focusing their limited resources on those areas that will make the greatest contribution to achieving the organization's stated corporate objectives.”

In order for today's control action to be developed based on its influence on the achievement of long-term, strategic goals, it is necessary to establish a connection between repairs (replacements) and the goals of the enterprise. That is, when allocating resources for certain MRO activities, it is necessary to monitor their contribution to achieving goals, and concentrate resources on those activities from which the greatest contribution to safety, reliability, productivity and quality is expected.

Thus, the enterprise needs to have the following controls:

  • a system of corporate goals in the field of reliability, productivity, labor safety, ecology, quality;
  • a system of indicators and acceptable levels of risks developed on the basis of goals and determining the achievement of goals;
  • mathematical models of infrastructure facilities that make it possible to quantify the impact of maintenance, repair or replacement of this or that equipment on the value of established corporate indicators and, accordingly, on the achievement of goals;
  • mathematical tools that allow you to predict and analyze failures and their consequences (FVPKO), consider “what if” scenarios, build trends, plan maintenance and repair of equipment taking into account increasing its reliability;
  • tools for collecting and analyzing primary data about equipment - composition of equipment, operating time, technical and operational condition of each unit, defects and failures, planned maintenance and repair work, history of replacements, repairs and movements of each piece of equipment, spare parts and materials used, available and required for maintenance, personnel required for the work, labor intensity of the work, etc.

This composition of elements represents a system that we call an integrated infrastructure management system (IMS), and which allows you to cover all aspects of the functioning of an enterprise’s infrastructure, monitor the mission of the enterprise and the achievement of its goals when planning and implementing activities for the repair, replacement, and technical re-equipment of infrastructure facilities.

However, many companies in Russia and the CIS have difficulty even collecting primary data, let alone higher-order components. For example, in network energy companies there are problems with obtaining from remote distribution zones up-to-date information about changes in the composition of equipment, electrical network diagrams, and with access to this information during planning. Data on the history of operation of objects, forms, passports, etc. are located locally, in a scattered and often not updated state. The reliability and efficiency forecast is not based on models, but on the basis of such incomplete historical data. There is no prompt collection of information about inspections performed and defects identified; as a result, the response to defects is delayed and power supply failures occur. It is obvious that solving these and other problems of data collection is impossible without informatization of fixed asset management processes. Modeling and forecasting problems also cannot be solved without appropriate specialized software systems.

Despite the obvious problems with the deterioration of fixed assets and the increasing frequency of accidents, we do not see activity from the state and Russian enterprises that would be adequate to the situation. Projects in the field of implementation of information systems for managing fixed assets are taking place, but they have not yet become a mass phenomenon in the Russian economy. Here we can name projects in such companies as FSUE Atomflot, SUE Vodokanal of St. Petersburg, OJSC Yenisei River Shipping Company, OJSC Kola Mining and Metallurgical Company, OJSC Rosenergoatom Concern, OJSC Novorossiysk Commercial Sea Port ”, Severo-Zapadnaya CHPP and some others.

In the field of infrastructure management, one of the few projects of management systems by objectives, apparently, remains the project of introducing an information system for managing the reliability of energy supply at Nizhnevartovskenergoneft LLC. This enterprise ensures the transmission of electricity from OJSC Tyumenenergo to the oil production facilities of OJSC Samotlorneftegaz and OJSC Nizhnevartovsk Oil and Gas Producing Enterprise of the TNK-BP Corporation. The company's area of ​​responsibility includes uninterrupted power supply, but in addition to this, its activities also include the operation and maintenance of energy equipment, in particular, performing preventive maintenance, emergency repairs and major repairs, carrying out diagnostics and measurements. The company has a significant territorial distribution and a large number of network equipment (21 network areas).

For a number of years, production enterprises, along with an increase in production, have recorded a rapid increase in losses caused by the inability to produce oil due to failures of network energy supply equipment. The analysis showed that the company does not have a mechanism to maintain the required level of losses for a given production volume. Financing for the maintenance of the energy sector did not depend on the results of its activities, in particular, on the number of outages.

In this regard, it was decided to create a power supply reliability management system (ESRM). An appropriate information system (ISUNE) should support all the main aspects of activity in this area. Ideologically, the system was designed in such a way that at the lower level it relied on the collection and processing of primary equipment data, and at the upper level - on corporate goals, including:

  • reduction of oil production losses caused by electrical equipment failures;
  • optimization of costs for maintaining energy facilities;
  • increasing the validity of service enterprise budgets.

Within the framework of ISUNE, three subsystems were created: “Maintenance and Repair Management” (based on the EAM-system TRIM developed by NPP SpetsTek), “Repair Strategy” (mathematical modeling of the electrical network based on the Neplan program, calculation of the repair strategy using CalposMain software, developed by ABB ) and “Analysis of operation and repairs” (based on the PowerPlay product from Cognos).

The essence of the solution is the transition from subjective assessments of accomplished facts to objective calculations and forecasting of the situation. The ISUNE decision proposed forming a repair strategy based on calculated integral indicators, which contain both an assessment of the current condition and a forecast of condition and reliability for the future, as well as a comprehensive assessment of the importance of equipment in terms of direct and indirect damage and the consequences of outages - ratio analysis oil losses and maintenance costs. The formation of a repair strategy is carried out for each piece of equipment, arranged according to their degree of importance and risk of failure. Based on such a strategy, full-fledged work plans for maintenance and repair and replacements are formed, a plan for providing these works with resources, and about such plans we can say that they are truly justified, that is, funds are spent on maintaining the established level of reliability. The system allows you to simulate various options- what will happen to losses at a given level of financing, what volume is needed to reduce losses to a given level.

Using TRIM tools, the system implements such functions as centralized maintenance of regulatory and reference information on MRO, creation and maintenance of a database of objects technical operation, MRO planning based on data from the “Repair Strategy” subsystem, taking into account the importance, reliability and technical condition of equipment, MRO planning according to regulations (calendar, operating hours), coordination of the MRO plan between departments, registration of unscheduled and emergency work, determination and provision of resource requirements , distribution of work for the day, generation of work assignments, organization, accounting and analysis of work performance and their results, including analysis of labor costs and consumption of inventory and materials, and others.

Minimizing risks during the operation of fixed assets, as mentioned above, is associated with the implementation of information systems that combine advanced management methods and practices. If fixed assets are worn out, then the importance of taking into account labor safety conditions, ecology, quality, etc., that is, taking into account aspects of the functioning of the entire enterprise infrastructure, increases significantly. In this regard, NPP “SpetsTek”, having 20 years of experience in the field of fixed asset management systems, being the developer and owner of the TRIM software package, sees its mission as making every possible effort to promote, develop and implement IMSI at enterprises and in institutions of the Russian Federation and the CIS. In conditions of significant aging of fixed assets, an increase in the likelihood of man-made disasters and a low level of corporate governance, IMSI are a necessary tool to ensure the safety, quality and efficiency of fixed assets. IMSI will ensure predictability, transparency and controllability of the processes of updating fixed assets and, in general, will contribute to the accelerated modernization of the economies of the CIS countries.


1. Performance-Focused Maintenance for Distribution Substations: Survey and Guide with KPIs and Algorithms for Living and Predictive Maintenance. EPRI, Palo Alto, CA: 2006.

2. Kryukov I.E., Shadrin A.D. Infrastructure management in the quality management system // Standards and quality. - 2006. - No. 3. - P. 70-73.

3. Strunilin P. Energy supply reliability management // Novator. - 2005. - No. 6. - P. 26-29.

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Baltic Academy of Tourism and Entrepreneurship

In the academic discipline "Fundamentals of Office Work"

On the topic “Organization Infrastructure Management”

Work completed:

Elberg A.V.

St. Petersburg 2016

1. Characteristics of the organization

2. Characteristics of the building

4. Infrastructure management




The infrastructure of an enterprise is the entire set of workshops, sites, farms and services of a particular enterprise, which have a subordinate auxiliary nature and provide the necessary conditions for the operation of the enterprise as a whole.

There are differences between production and social infrastructure, as well as capital construction that serves both areas.

The company's production infrastructure is a combination of departments not directly related to product production.

Their main purpose is technical maintenance of basic production processes. These divisions include auxiliary and service workshops and farms that are engaged in the movement of objects of labor, supplying production with raw materials, fuel, all types of energy, maintenance and repair of equipment and other means of labor, as well as storage of material assets and sales of finished products, their transportation and all other processes that need to be performed to create optimal production conditions.

Social infrastructure is the entire set of divisions of an enterprise that ensures the satisfaction of the social, everyday and cultural needs of the enterprise’s employees and their families.

Social infrastructure includes departments of public catering (canteens, cafes or buffets), health care (these include hospitals, clinics and first-aid posts), preschool institutions (these are kindergartens and nurseries), educational institutions (these include schools, vocational schools, advanced training courses), housing and communal services (own residential buildings), public service establishments, organization of recreation and culture (these are libraries and clubs, boarding houses and summer camps for schoolchildren, sport complexes and public catering), etc.

Every organization's infrastructure has at least several of the elements listed above. Its study in modern conditions seems relevant, since the economic stability of the company depends on the level of infrastructure.

The object of the study is the trading and manufacturing company Vostok Plus LLC.

The subject of research in the work is infrastructure management of Vostok Plus LLC.

The purpose of the study is to analyze the infrastructure of Vostok Plus LLC.

This goal will be achieved after solving the following tasks:

1. give a brief description of the activities of Vostok Plus LLC.

2. give a general description of the building of Vostok Plus LLC.

3. analyze the technical management of the building.

4. analyze the management of the building infrastructure.

5. analyze the commercial management of the building.

Based on the above, the structure of the work consists of the following elements: introduction, five chapters, conclusion and bibliography, including 14 titles.

1. Characteristics of the organization

The company carries out comprehensive supplies of electrical equipment for construction sites, housing and communal services, and industrial enterprises. Clients include both professional electrical installation organizations, private electricians, construction companies and industrial organizations, as well as individuals purchasing electrical equipment for apartment renovation or construction of private houses.

The company's mission is to fully satisfy customers' needs for high-quality electrical equipment with minimal time spent on product selection. Historically, the development of Vostok Plus LLC can be represented as follows:

1993 - Founding of Vostok Plus LLC.

1999 - the beginning of the massive expansion of Vostok Plus LLC into the market.

2000-2004 - opening of 9 sales offices.

2006 - opening of a large logistics center.

Before offering any product to the buyer, long-term work is carried out to study consumer demand, preferences and likes of customers. The company operates with high quality and service culture. An individual approach to each client helps to constantly expand the circle of partners and clients of the organization. The main consumers of the Head Office of Vostok Plus LLC are: state and municipal institutions; commercial organizations. The consumer market analysis for 2012 is presented in Table 2.1.

Table 2.1 Analysis of the composition of the consumer market and the number of works (services) for 2010-2012

Figure 2.1 Dynamics of the volume of work (services) of the Head Office of Vostok Plus LLC in 2010-2012, units.

Analyzing the presented table, we can conclude that the volume of completed orders for 2012 amounted to 251 units. Of these: state and municipal institutions (state order) - 194 units, commercial organizations - 43 units, individuals - 14 units. Consumer market analysis showed that greatest number completed orders were carried out to state and municipal institutions (government orders), and the smallest need was carried out by commercial organizations and individuals.

In Fig. 2.2 shows the structure of contracts for work (services) performed by type of customer (client).

Figure 2.2 Structure of the consumer market

Thus, the main way of implementing the work (services) of an organization is government procurement. The branch network includes: more than 40 sales offices throughout Russia; more than 55 thousand m2 of warehouse space; more than 3.5 thousand m2 of trade and exhibition space; more than 15 thousand products.

The main elements of the management structure are: the head of the enterprise; functional units and their heads.

The executive body is the head of the enterprise - the general director of Vostok Plus LLC, who performs organizational functions at the enterprise, and also controls all financial processes and all financial departments and divisions of the enterprise are subordinate to him. The manager is engaged in the organization of the financial activities of the enterprise, aimed at providing financial resources for the tasks of the plan, the safety and efficiency of the use of fixed assets and working capital, labor and financial resources of the enterprise, timely payments for obligations to the state budget, suppliers and banking institutions. The General Director of Vostok Plus LLC acts on behalf of the enterprise, represents its interests, manages the property of the enterprise, enters into contracts, including labor contracts, issues powers of attorney, opens current and other accounts in banks, exercises the right to dispose of funds, approves staff, and gives mandatory instructions for all employees of the enterprise. The accounting department of Vostok Plus LLC is an independent structural division of the enterprise with the rights of a department, directly reporting to the chief accountant. The lawyer checks the compliance of the enterprise’s activities with the law, checks and prepares documents.

Financial department - processing loans, letters of credit, opening accounts, mortgages, preparing management reports, controlling expenses in accordance with the cash flow budget. Interacts with the accounting department and the economic planning department.

An economist is involved in planning income and cost of objects for the entire construction period, forming the actual cost of construction projects, and forming a budget of income and expenses for construction projects. Interacts with the financial department, accounting, procurement department, customer service, general director and chief engineer. The customer relations department is responsible for the organization, preparation and implementation of orders. The department contains a contract manager and a government procurement manager. The department interacts with the main divisions of the company. The supply department completes orders, construction equipment, concludes supply contracts, and monitors prices. The HR department at Vostok Plus LLC consists of the head of personnel and labor relations and a personnel manager. All current work related to personnel management rests entirely with the HR manager. The head of the HR department deals only with general issues and communicates with other departments.

So, the number of office employees in 2012 was 37 people.

In general, based on technical and economic indicators, we can say that the office of Vostok Plus LLC has a tendency to deteriorate its financial and economic condition. The increase in cost (87,320 thousand rubles) exceeds the growth in revenue (67,180 thousand rubles), and, accordingly, the profit decreases (20,140 thousand rubles). There is a significant increase in accounts receivable and accounts payable (34% and 71.7%, respectively). That is why it is necessary to improve the activities of the Company, and one of the optimizers is precisely the management of the enterprise building.

2. Characteristics of the building

The object of our research is an industrial building, which is located at the address: Russian Federation, Udmurt Republic, Izhevsk, st. Avtozavodskaya 7 k.5, which is on this moment(2013) belongs to Vostok Plus LLC.

A non-residential one-story building with an attic warehouse was purchased from the Izhevsk Automobile Plant (now United Automobile Group LLC) in November 2010 due to the fact that the latter were reducing production volumes.

Year of commissioning: December 1969;

3. Technical building management

One of critical issues today is to reduce costs by saving energy resources. Despite the decline in production in recent years, electricity consumption in our region has remained at the same excessive level, and in some places even increased. Today, due to the constant rise in price of energy resources, their percentage in the cost of production of the enterprise, as well as in the total cost of operating buildings, has increased significantly. It makes no sense to talk about saving money without taking them into account. Of course, the analyzed organization knows how much money it spends per month on electricity and heating, but this knowledge is based on bills received from the utility service. From a practical point of view, the LLC is not at all confident that it is paying exactly for what it receives, not only in terms of quantity, but also in terms of quality. In addition, of course, payment is at a one-rate rate. Therefore, it is important to introduce separate accounting, broken down by tariff and time of day.

Energy resource management is a complex of works on the formation, processing, and analysis of all energy resources used by a building:

Analysis of all energy resources used by department (area);

Identification of potential opportunities for optimization of consumed energy resources;

Planning of energy saving measures;

Implementation of these activities;

Calculation of profitability and calculation of savings.

For the enterprise under study, the costs of public utilities constitute a significant share of costs (see Table 1). During 2011-2012, there was a significant increase in expenses from 6,217.4 to 7,388.9 thousand rubles, i.e. the increase amounted to 1,171.5 thousand rubles. or 18.8%.

Also, one of the pressing problems of technical management of a building is its condition. The building was built in 1969 and is in dire need of improvement. Current state through reconstruction or modernization.

Modernization is a certain set of works or services to improve the condition of those technical devices and building systems that are used in it, with the aim of bringing the latter into compliance with a certain level of technical development and increasing the efficiency of their work.

Reconstruction is a change in the quantitative properties of a structure.

The most pressing of the above is the problem of managing the energy resources of a structure, since the costs of this item occupy a significant share of the organization’s budget.

To solve this problem, the following options are possible:

Installation of heat meters;

Installation of heating system control devices;

Improving the thermal protection of buildings by installing double-glazed windows;

Improving power supply systems by replacing existing lamps with energy-saving ones;

Improving the energy supply system using a lighting control system.

The most suitable option is to install heating system control devices and heat metering devices.

Monitoring the heating point is important both for checking incoming bills and for preventing significant fines. The situation is that utility services set limits on the output parameters of a heating point - temperature, outlet pressure and a huge number of other parameters of heat use. If the temperature is outside the standard range, then they convert this as a non-optimal heat consumption. The pressure must also be maintained at a certain level, as it affects the operation of the entire heat supply system. Excess of these and other parameters beyond the standards leads to the imposition of large fines on the consumer.

One of the options for saving heat is to lower the temperature of the batteries during thaw periods, at night, on weekends or holidays. This is possible by reducing the water flow entering the heat exchanger so that the output parameters remain within the appropriate norm. Monitoring the heating point will also make it possible to challenge invoices if there is inadequate provision of quality services. For example, when the temperature of the supplied water is significantly lower than the standard one, then the consumer will be able to claim that the supplied heat was extremely insufficient to maintain a stable temperature in the premises. If there is documented evidence, then the chances of winning this dispute are disproportionately higher.

In this case, it is possible to detail the heat consumption in the building itself using an empirical method, varying the heat supply to the building and monitoring the change in temperature and total heat consumption in these buildings. It becomes obvious that carrying out calculations based on the results of such experiments is unlikely to be extremely difficult.

Thus, using this method, Vostok Plus LLC will be able to reduce heating costs by reducing the heat used.

4. Infrastructure management

One of the significant problems in managing the infrastructure of a building is control over the safety and security of the building.

Building safety and security management is an infrastructural set of measures related to ensuring the safety of buildings and their visitors from the penetration of persons who, through deception or hacking, perform harmful or even dangerous acts. Safety and security management can be carried out by a set of actions:

Control of entry and exit to/from the building;

Internal video surveillance system for premises;

Security of objects at night outside working hours;

Special observations of the building.

This problem becomes relevant, since during interruptions in work it is possible that services may not be provided - including for the needs of the state, which can lead to disruption of a number of production cycles in the activities of related enterprises.

The second main problem that can be identified is the management of the personnel supply and rest system. This problem is solved through a set of works aimed at providing public catering for the organization’s personnel, as well as creating recreation areas:

Delivery and production of food products for the organization’s canteen and buffets;

Equipment and maintenance of premises, guided by the required standards;

Equipment and maintenance of those premises necessary for personnel rest.

This problem is relevant due to the fact that the work of the staff is declared as work without lunch and weekends, it lasts throughout the whole day, and employees must have places for rest and meals with a shift schedule. The current canteen is different in that it has very little space and is poorly equipped; there are no buffets in the building. But in addition to the convenience of workers, the creation of a buffet and additional recreation area is a source of additional income.

The main problem can be considered the management of the safety and security of the structure, because this production and trading enterprise meets the needs of not only legal and individuals, but also state enterprises. At the moment, Vostok Plus LLC is not guarded in any way, and anyone can enter the work space without any problems. The watchman comes only at night.

The solution to this pressing problem can be the installation of a security system:

1. System for monitoring and managing access to production and auxiliary premises;

2. Alarm system with a button to call private security;

3. Security and fire alarm system (it exists, but has not been checked or modernized for a long time);

4. Television surveillance system.

The access control and management system restricts access to the building. The system includes a turnstile and automatic personal identification devices: controllers, readers, contactless identifiers.

An alarm is used when an emergency situation occurs. Workplaces must be equipped with hidden buttons, the signal from them is output to the departmental security post. All auxiliary and production premises must be equipped with a two-way security alarm system based on magnetic contact and volumetric detectors.

The security and fire alarm system is built on the basis of the integrated security system "Orion" and covers all premises of the facility. Collection, processing, display and registration of notifications about the state of the system is carried out by the system controller installed at the departmental security post. All detectors in the system are addressable, which allows the location of the system to be triggered or malfunctioned to be uniquely identified.

In order to manage the security system, a personal computer is provided, in which an automated workplace"Orion". The television surveillance system provides visual monitoring of the situation inside and outside the building. The system also ensures the creation of an archive of video recordings, and their subsequent viewing is possible. Recording is possible not only around the clock, but also in event mode with advance recording. In this case, a motion detector is used - if there is movement in the frame, the system automatically begins recording video information from the moment that precedes the start of movement.

For Vostok Plus LLC as for manufacturing enterprise The least expensive would be to install an access control and management system that limits the passage of “undesirable” people into production and auxiliary premises.

The implementation of these measures will make it possible to ensure the continued safety of both employees and the organization’s management.

5. Commercial building management

In modern conditions of development of a company in the field of commercial building management, the following significant problem can be found: space management and rental must include a whole range of work on the rational use and management of free space and building volumes.

It is important that Vostok Plus LLC

It took into account all available areas and volumes;

Divided space by cost rather than by use;

Documented information about the use of space;

Calculated rental payments for third parties;

Looking for tenants;

Organized travel.

This is especially important for Vostok Plus LLC, because it occupies only 60% of the building. A lot of premises are empty and can be rented out. For example, you might consider renting out space for a catering outlet - a factory canteen - instead of providing meals for employees yourself. It is possible to create a system in which employees of our organization receive discounts on meals, and third parties would eat here at market prices. Additionally, you can rent out the premises to a transport company that would transport the goods of Vostok Plus LLC below the average city price.

The second service is optimal, since it can be performed almost all the time (unlike the canteen, since it will work, most often, only at lunchtime, because there is only industrial production and warehouses), it does not require significant physical and material costs and does not interfere with the production process.

Carrying out these activities will allow Vostok Plus LLC to increase financial revenues, and this will lead to better production results in the future.


Vostok Plus LLC has been operating in the Russian electrical market since 1993, being one of the recognized leaders among suppliers of low-voltage equipment; cable, wire, lighting and electrical panel products; electrical installation and installation products.

The company carries out comprehensive supplies of electrical equipment for construction sites, housing and communal services, and industrial enterprises. Clients include professional electrical installation organizations, private electricians, construction companies and industrial organizations, as well as individuals purchasing electrical equipment for apartment renovation or construction of private houses. production infrastructure consumer management

The company's mission is to fully satisfy customers' needs for high-quality electrical equipment with minimal time spent on product selection.

In the city of Izhevsk, the company is located at st. Avtozavodskaya, 7 k.5. This is already a rather old building (built in 1969), purchased by the company from the Izhevsk Automobile Plant in 2010.

The total area of ​​the building is 2,596.7 m2;

Year of commissioning: December 1969;

Initial (book) value: RUB 129,800,000-00;

Depreciation as of 12.2009: RUB 109,032,000-00;

The residual value as of 12.2009 1999 is 20,768,000-00 rubles.

The work analyzed the main problems that arise during the operation of the building. To list them, these are technical, infrastructural and commercial problems. We not only highlighted them, but also offered options for solving them.

The main issue of technical management of the building was the problem of managing the energy resources of the structure, since the costs for this item (including due to the dilapidation of the structure) constitute a significant part of the institution’s budget. The most effective solution to this problem may be the installation of heating system control devices and heat metering devices.

An important issue to consider when managing the infrastructure of a building is the management of the safety and security of the building and its visitors, because this is a production institution that performs work, including for the needs of the state, which is not protected in any way, and any stranger can get into it without any problems. There is a watchman only at night. The solution to this problem may be to install a security system.

Today, Vostok Plus LLC is also having problems with the commercial management of the building - this is the management of space and rental issues. The optimal solution to this problem is to provide premises for opening a canteen and a transport company, which, through partnership, would help Vostok Plus LLC reduce the costs of transporting manufactured products and organizing meals for its employees.

Carrying out the activities specified in the work will allow Vostok Plus LLC not only to reduce the cost of operating the premises, but also to receive additional profit.


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