Print photos of Barbie in black and white. Barbie coloring pages

The first Barbies were dressed according to latest fashion the French capital, and a little later its creators decided that the doll should be similar to its young mistresses, so simpler things appeared in her wardrobe.

The “legislator” of the image of the most popular doll at that time turned out to be J. Kennedy, the wife of the then-current president. For example, in the 70s, the doll was tanned and “wore” shiny “disco” outfits. Since the appearance of Barbie, designers have developed more than a billion clothing models for her and her friends!

Every year more and more new kits are created, sketches are published, which can always be printed for free or downloaded on the Internet.

Barbie has everything you need for a happy life:

  • Relatives, friends, girlfriends
  • Houses and cars
  • Pets - among her pets are three cats, fifteen dogs, nine horses, a zebra, a small lion cub, a panda, a chimpanzee and even a giraffe!
  • Great fame - this doll character becomes the heroine of cartoons, children's plays and books, Barbie coloring books are extremely popular!

This doll is multinational! Today it is represented in twenty-five nationalities - German, Spanish, Italian, Swedish, Mexican, Russian and others.

She is not only beautiful, but also talented - the range of professions of the charming girl amazes with its diversity!

Barbie managed to master forty-two specialties, including teacher, flight attendant, doctor, rock singer, diplomat, and athlete.

It’s interesting that Barbie appeared in Russia much later than in other countries, since Russian ministry education had its own views on Western standards of beauty and clothing.

The most best coloring pages Barbie for girls - print or download right now!

Girls all over the world know and love the Barbie doll. Until recently, it was an unaffordable luxury in our country, but today millions of happy owners enjoy the game, watch cartoons about bright and rich life your favorite. About 40 cartoons about Barbie have been created, and each of them has an exciting plot.

The fascinating world of Barbie cartoons in your home

Our website offers another exciting opportunity to plunge into the world of adventures of the doll and her friends. These are coloring pages from the cartoon Barbie, which can be printed for free from the section of the catalog of the same name.

Children of preschool and school age will find a lot of interesting things here. We offer more than 20 coloring pages, and each of them contains some fascinating episode from the life of this cute idol of millions of girls:

  • Barbie with Ken;
  • Barbie with friends;
  • Barbie on the beach and in the water swims with a dolphin;
  • Barbie with animals;
  • Barbie Bride and Mom
  • and many more stories.

Every girl can pick up whatever she likes here and do something interesting.

Pleasant and useful for development

Our Barbie cartoon coloring pages are an important component of children's creativity. By applying paint to a drawing, the child develops imagination, color perception, perseverance, coordination of movements and finger motor skills. Many girls, while coloring, make up stories about Barbie and expand on the theme of the drawing. Fantasy and creativity, intellectual development - these are the positive aspects that parents should pay attention to when choosing a gift for a girl.

Therefore, when you start looking for useful and enjoyable activities for your growing daughter, give her adventures from Barbie cartoons by printing or downloading coloring pages from our website.

For little fans of the doll, choose larger drawings, with a minimum number of small details. They will have a hard time coloring them at first. Older girls easily cope with the most complex coloring pages. This activity is very useful, as it develops firmness of hands and accuracy in drawing. Having practiced using coloring books, a girl will be able to quickly master drawing at school and, perhaps, discover good artistic abilities.

Let your daughters rejoice at how accurately and correctly they reproduce scenes from their favorite cartoons. Coloring cartoons about Barbie is a great gift, a convenient opportunity to keep your child busy at home in bad weather, and provide pleasant entertainment to a group of little princesses.

Barbie is a series of the most popular and most wonderful dolls for girls. They can be dressed in different beautiful outfits: dresses, suits, skirts, T-shirts and others. There are even mermaid dolls. In this article we will show you how to draw Barbie.

First example

Doll in pink

Draw with a pencil

In a dress

In a swimsuit


Simple step by step example

So let's start with simple way drawing, which will show us how to draw Barbie step by step. For this we need colored and regular pencils. Don't forget to sharpen them well before painting.

The first step will be to draw a sketch of the upper torso. Draw the contours of the head, chest and arms. Please note that we will immediately draw the contours of the hairstyle on the head, which we will further detail.

Now it's time to work on the clothes. Draw the top and fluffy skirt, consisting of three rows of sharp triangles.

Let's draw long hair, which will go to the lower back. Also, let's work on the arms, one will be bent at the elbow, and a small handbag will also hang on it. The other arm will be extended downwards.

Now let's draw on long legs. They will be crossed and one of them will overlap the other.

Hurray, our drawing is almost ready. Now we take colored pencils, draw a face and color our girl.

Doll in pink

Let's look at another simple drawing method that demonstrates how to draw a Barbie doll. This example will probably be even simpler than the previous one. Despite this, he is no less beautiful.

Draw the head. Let's immediately draw the face and styled hair. In the future, we will complete the hairstyle and give our character long hair.

We are working on the body, it stands in half a turn, so the shape of the body may seem a little strange to you. Barbie dolls are always very thin, so the arms should be thin. One of the hands will rest on your hip and the other will be raised up.

Draw the dress and long legs. The skirt will consist of three elements and gradually widen towards the bottom. We'll put it on your feet beautiful shoes with bows. The bows will not be completely visible because they will be located at the back.

Great, we have almost everything ready, all that remains is to color our heroine. Take colored markers or pencils and color. If you want to make her a brunette or choose a different color for her dress, then feel free to do so. You can even dye it unusual colors, such as making your hair red or blue.

Draw with a pencil

This example is not very different from the previous ones, but the drawing method demonstrating how to draw a Barbie with a pencil is still a little different. Therefore, it is also worth considering.

First, let's draw a long vertical line and divide it into seven equal parts. This will help us maintain all proportions. Also, at this stage, we need to make sketches of some parts of the body, from which we will later build upon when drawing. We depict the sticks of the legs and arms, the circles will be the future knees and elbows. In addition, we will draw an oval of the head and a rectangle of the body.

Now let's draw the face. We'll talk in more detail about how to draw a face a little later.

We are working on the upper part of our doll. We depict the neck, shoulders, arms and chest.

Draw long hair and a skirt. On the skirt you need to draw folds in the form of stripes. Folds will give our drawing greater realism and volume.

The final step will be drawing the long legs.

Detailed example

It's time to consider the most detailed example, which will show us how to draw Barbie in short dress. This paragraph consists of 14 pictures that will help you draw your favorite doll step by step.

Like any other drawing, we start drawing this doll with a sketch that will help us throughout all 14 steps.

Now we need to work on our heads. First, let's draw the eyes, eyebrows and nose. Next we will draw the neck and contours of the left side of the face, right side there is no need to draw the face, because it will be covered by the hairstyle. The final step The work on the head will be drawing voluminous hair.

Drawing Nice dress. Everything here is quite simple, just look at the picture below and everything will immediately become clear to you.

Let's work on the arms, they will be bent at the elbows and rest on the hips. The legs are depicted as usual.

We detail the clothes with different bows and stripes.

Add brushes and shoes. To somehow display the knees, let's draw rounded lines. Also, let’s finalize the hairstyle and draw glasses pushed onto the head.

Let’s finish drawing the face and also add some accessories to our girl. We draw on the earrings and handbag.

We erase all the auxiliary lines, then color with colored pencils and our Barbie doll is ready!

In a swimsuit

The previous examples were quite similar, so now we will look at how to draw Barbie in a swimsuit. This method of drawing will be quite different from the previous ones, since this time our girl will be depicted only from the waist up.

As always, the first thing we do is draw a sketch. The sketch is drawn in pencil, because all these lines will be erased at the very end. It’s not scary if the lines at this stage are uneven, the main thing is that all proportions are respected.

We draw the face and the main contours of the hairstyle.

Let's draw the swimsuit, neck and belly lines.

Let's draw one of the hands. It will be bent at the elbow and resting on the hip. Since our girl is standing half-turned towards us, her second hand will not be visible.

We color the drawing and our Barbie is ready!


Well, the final example in this article will show us in detail how to draw a Barbie’s face. In essence, drawing a doll's face is not much different from drawing a regular face. And if you've ever drawn faces, this is very good!

Let's draw an oval on a stick. Inside the oval, the lines should be drawn as in the picture below.

We've come to the hardest part - drawing two identical eyes. If you absolutely cannot achieve symmetry, then you can depict one eye closed, as if she is winking at us.

Now the nose and mouth. We will finalize the lips a little later.

It's time to finalize the lips; they are depicted quite simply.

Draw the hair using long strokes.

Let's add eyelashes.

We erase the auxiliary lines that we drew at the first stage and our drawing is ready!