Drawing “The apples are ripe on the apple tree. How to draw an apple tree: an easy way Description of an apple for children: download test material


NODE TOPIC: “Apple tree with golden apples in a magical garden”



Subject "Apple tree with golden apples in a magical garden"

Integration educational areas: “Cognitive and research activities”, “ Visual activities", "Communicative activity", "Motor activity".


1) Expand children's understanding of fruits(“Cognitive – research activity”).

2) Develop children's coherent speech. Expand lexicon, teach comparison skills, systematize ideas about the characteristics of objects. Strengthen children's ability to answer questions in complete sentences."Communicative activity"
To develop children's ability to create fairy tale image, draw spreading trees, conveying the branching of the crown of fruit trees; depict a lot of “golden” apples. Strengthen the ability to paint with paints (rinse the brush well before picking up paint of a different color, blot the brush on a napkin, do not paint on wet paint). Develop aesthetic perception and sense of composition. Develop the ability to beautifully arrange an image on a sheet of paper.(“Visual activity”).

Methods and techniques:

Practical – drawing

Visual - a selection of illustrations depicting a variety of fruits, dummies of fruits.

Verbal – conversation about fruits.

Materials and equipment:0.5 landscape sheet, paints, brushes, cups of water, napkins.

Logic of educational activities

Activities of the teacher.

Children's activities.

Expected Result.

Educator: Guys, let's start the lesson by greeting each other.

- For Have a good mood Give each other compliments with a smile

(Children say greetings)

(children name different advantages next to each other standing child not only directly, but also through comparisons).

Children's interest

Educator: guys, in the last lesson we drew “ Juicy fruits"Who can remind me what fruits we drew"

Children's answers

Set up for upcoming activities

Educator: and today we will go to a magical garden, which we will make....do you agree?

Children's answers

Strengthen children's ability to answer questions in complete sentences.

Educator: we need to draw a magical garden with “golden” apples. To do this we need to draw fruit trees with apples yellow color.

Children listen carefully to the teacher

Develop children's attention.

The teacher shows pictures of fruit trees - Look at fruit trees with a low trunk and a spreading crown...

Children look at the illustration.

Educator: let's try to draw such a tree. The teacher invites several children to try to draw a fruit tree on the board

Children drawing on the blackboard

To develop the ability to draw the trunk and spreading crown of a tree

Educator: let's get to work. Helps individually

Independent activity of children.

Strengthen the ability to work independently and accurately

Educator: Well done! Now let's play.

Finger gymnastics: “We shared an orange.” We shared an orange, There were many of us, but he was one. This slice is for the hedgehog. This slice is for the swift. This slice is for ducklings. This slice is for kittens. This slice is for the beaver. And for the wolf the peel. He is angry with us - trouble! Run away - in all directions!

Children do the exercises together with the teacher.

Children: In the trees, in the garden.

Changes in mood and activity

Educator: we have rested, now we begin to draw “Golden Apples”, what shape are the apples?

Children: round

Reinforce knowledge about the characteristics of the fruit.

Educator: what color will we use?

Children: yellow or orange

Reinforces knowledge of colors

Educator: Draw in the air.

(Children draw the outline of an apple in the air with their finger)

Educator: let's start drawing

Independent activities of children

Strengthen the ability to draw round objects and paint.

Educator: What color are pears?

Children: Yellow, green.

In conclusion, arrange all the drawings for viewing, note that the children drew a lot of fruit trees and it turned out big picture – « Magic garden", in which the "golden" apples ripened. Invite the children to say which trees are especially beautiful and why they liked them...

Children analyze the work and share their impressions

Strengthen the ability to evaluate your own work and the work of others.

The final event is an exhibition of children's works on the theme “Golden Apples”.

Our readers are very interested in how to draw an apple tree with a pencil. If so, I’m in a hurry to help young artists. I think this picture will do: But first of all, you should know that an apple tree is a plant filled to the very roots with forbidden fruits. In ancient times, to have fun, he planted one single apple tree in the garden and forbade people to eat its fruits, having previously warned him that he would tempt people to do so in every possible way. Well, do you know what I mean?!

Having bitten off a piece, Eva was immediately sent to Nara along with her husband, but managed to take with her a stub, from which she successfully propagated a tree throughout the sinful earth. The Almighty considered this behavior unforgivable and began to periodically send floods, the Holy Inquisition and the Third Reich to the Earth. However, everything is to no avail. Apples become a symbol of life and prosperity for humans; people ritually eat them on the street, without even peeling them, because the only thing cleaner on the planet than an apple is purified uranium.

The history of this fruit has many interesting points:

  • China is a leader in apple production. No, it's not about technology. They, like us, collect them by hand. There are simply too many of these Chinese, and there are still twice as many hands;
  • The oldest tree will soon be 400 years old, and this old woman still pleases Americans with juicy fruits;
  • 25 percent of the fruit's structure is air. Remembering your math lesson in the third grade, you can calculate that by eating four pieces, you eat one hundred percent of the air;
  • With every apple you eat, your chances of going to heaven are less and less, or do you think the Almighty has already forgotten?

And I really like not only to eat, but also to draw:

How to draw an apple tree with a pencil step by step

Step one. Draw a thin trunk of a young tree and use small circles to indicate places for fruits. Step two. Select the trunk and draw some ripe apples. Step three. Let's start drawing the branches from below. Step four. Do the same with the top of the tree and sketch out the trunk. You can, of course, color it, but this is at your discretion. We have lessons on drawing other trees.

“Whoever eats an apple a day never sees a doctor,”- repeats English proverb. If, with these words, you give your friend a basket of sweet apples and a picture of them drawn by you, he will not only be pleased, but also a little funny.

A fruit rich in vitamins, a symbol of fertility, health and beauty, drawn on a large Whatman paper will effectively decorate the kitchen and become a wonderful birthday gift.

Let’s talk today about how to draw an apple correctly, why it doesn’t sink in water and why you need to wash your face with “apple” water.

How to draw an apple with a pencil?

It seemed like there had just been a whole armful of apples, and then you look - only one remains... Great! What you need to learn how to draw an apple from life. For all the little sweet tooths - a simple master class on drawing an apple with a pencil.

1. Look carefully at the apple. What is it: round or oblong? Draw a sketch. In our case, it is an uneven circle, slightly narrowed at the bottom. Mark the surface on which the apple will lie with a horizontal line.

2. Draw an arc on top of the apple - it will visually highlight the hole from which the tail grows. Draw a tail with a leaf. Draw the bottom of the apple in the form of a wavy line. Highlight the highlight area.

3. The most important stage is shading the apple. With its help you can correctly depict the play of light and shadow.

Sharpen a simple pencil well (2H is best) and start shading along the apple shapes, avoiding the highlight area.

4. Don't forget about the shadow. It is also easy to depict using shading. But for the shadow it is better to take a softer and bolder pencil than the one used for shading the apple.

To better highlight the highlight on the apple, use an eraser.

Interesting! Archaeological excavations indicate that humanity has been using apples as food since 6500 BC. And the oldest long-lived apple tree grows in Manhattan, USA. Back in 1647, Peter Stuvensant planted it in his garden. The tree still pleases its owners with juicy fruits.

Apple Drawing Lesson for Beginners

Western Slavs believed: New Year and Christmas, you must wash your face with the water in which the apples lay. It is curious that a quarter of the mass of apples is air. That's why these sunny fruits don't drown in water!

Let's try to draw simple still life with apples. Let's take the following photo as an example.

1. Look carefully at the image. Which geometric figures resemble apples: circle, oval, trapezoid? Use them to draw a sketch of apples. Don't worry about the lines being uneven - it's even better!

2. Clearly draw the contours of the apples and slices. Use circles to mark the holes from which the tails grow. Don't forget about the leaves, the seed on the lobe and the sepals. Mark the glare area.

3. Erase the auxiliary lines.

4. Make the drawing look natural with shading.

The composition is ready to delight the eyes of your art teacher. But if you want to color the drawing, draw the outlines with a black gel pen and prepare your pencils.

, One of my previous master classes will tell you.

Drawing apples on a branch

Although the homeland of apples is central Asia, they were always loved and actively used for rituals by the Slavs. By exchanging apples, the boy and girl showed mutual sympathy. By accepting an apple from the guy, the girl seemed to be giving consent to the marriage. How do you like an apple as a wedding invitation? This tradition existed for a long time among the southern Slavs.

1. First, draw five circles (future apples) by hand. Using smooth lines, draw the branches and centers of the leaves.

2. Mark the places of the sepals on the apples with crosses. Draw the leaves.

3. Draw a strong branch on the left - our apples cannot hang in the air.

4. The next stage is drawing the veins on the leaves. Try to maintain symmetry so that the leaves look natural.

5. Apply shading at the bottom of each apple. Clearly draw the branch, sepals, and outline the leaves.

6. Lightly shade the areas of the leaves that are not falling. sunlight. At this stage, be especially careful that the light source in the picture is on the right.

The play of light and shadow works wonders! I am sure that your painting will become a real decoration of the living room.

How to paint an apple with paints?

The apple is not only the favorite fruit of millions of people, but also a frequent hero of the Guinness Book of Records.

The largest apple in the world was grown in 2005 by Japanese man Chisato Iwasaki. The amazing fruit from the city of Hirosaki weighed 1.849 kg. But the apple was eaten, and the record was not officially recorded, so now the leadership belongs to the Englishman Allen Smith. The weight of the apple he grew is 1.67 kg.

Don't worry, we won't have to pretend to be a fruit giant. Let's try to paint an ordinary apple with watercolors.

The technique is multilayer and is best suited for those who are comfortable with paints.

1. Lightly sketch out the apple.

2. Green and orange paints make a shadow at the tail of the apple. Make sure that the strokes are of different saturations. This will make the drawing look more interesting.

3. Paint the right side of the apple, on which the shadow falls, with yellow and orange shades, and add a little red paint below. Make sure that the color transitions are smooth.

4. Mix several shades of colors: pink, yellow, red and blue, so that during the drawing process you are not distracted by mixing colors.

5. Using a damp brush, draw a shadow around the apple. Watercolors need to be applied quickly so that the colors flow smoothly into each other.

6. Use warm burgundy paint to draw a shadow. Add yellow color and draw a penumbra.

7. A little more yellow paint- and half the way has been passed!

8. Use cool shades of purple to paint the background around the apple. Make some areas darker.

9. And now - my favorite! Detail the drawing.

First add folds to the tablecloth.

10. Then paint over the tail and add a few stripes on the skin of the apple.

It's amazing how using simple movements With a brush, the apple instantly changed and sparkled with new colors!

11. Using a wrung-out brush, highlight the lower part of the apple - this will make it look more voluminous.

12. Add stripes and dots to the apple. Choose shades that are one tone darker than the primary colors used to paint the apple.

13. Work on the background. Make the flow of colors softer and smoother.

The little apple masterpiece is ready!

Dear friend! If you have not yet had time to give free rein to your legs to run to the nearest garden, and you are reading the material to the end, write in the comments whether you liked the drawing lesson and what other master classes you would like to see on the portal.

Svetlana Borisova
Drawing “Apples are ripe on the apple tree”

Drawing “Apples are ripe on the apple tree”

Goals: teach children to draw a tree by passing it characteristics: trunk, long and short branches diverging from it. Reinforce drawing techniques with pencils. Learn a quick technique for drawing foliage.

Materials: colored pencils or colored wax crayons, 1/2 landscape-sized paper for each child.

Progress of the lesson:

The teacher asks the children questions:

Guys, what time of year is it now? (Autumn)

What fruits ripen in autumn? (Apples, pears)

What kind of apples are they?

Children describe the apples: round, rosy, hanging on the branches of a tree.

Guys, what is the name of the tree on which apples grow? (Apple tree)

Today we will draw an apple tree with apples.

What color pencils will we take? (For trees - brown, for leaves - green, for apples - red, yellow, green, orange.)

Now I will show you how we will draw an apple tree with apples.

The teacher shows the order of work. First he draws a tree trunk, with long and short branches diverging from the trunk. Then he depicts leaves in a circular motion. And then he draws round apples on the branches: yellow, red.

Physical education minute

There was a basket on the shelf idle ( sit down, round your arms -

draw a basket)

She was probably bored all summer (head tilts, left and right)

Now autumn has come, and the foliage has turned yellow, (stand up, draw branches


The time has come to harvest. (stretch, pretend to tear

fruits from trees)

The basket is satisfied (round your arms in front of you, nod your head)

She was surprised ( spread your hands)

That there are so many fruits in the garden! (rise on tiptoes, show

big circle with hands)

Now take your leaves and start drawing.

Independent activities of children

The children do the work, the teacher monitors the children’s activities, and helps the children who are lagging behind.

If one of the guys quickly finishes the drawing, offer another sheet of paper. By repeating an already created image, children can make changes and additions on their own initiative.

Lesson summary

Guys, show us your work. Oh, how many beautiful apple trees you drew! Let's arrange an exhibition of works.

Publications on the topic:

“Apples” activity for children of the 2nd junior group. Purpose: to give children the concept of fruits, to remind them of the structure of a tree. Learn to form a complete applicative.

Autumn has come! The theme of the week is fruit. I took it interesting activity based on the drawing by N. S. Golitsina “Apples grew on an apple tree.” In advance, of course.

Combined lesson using appliqué and plasticine in the junior group “Oh, these pouring apples” Educational field: “Artistic - aesthetic development", "Cognitive development" Goal: To promote children's creativity.


Notes on drawing according to the plan “The apples have ripened on the apple tree” for children middle group. Lokhmanova Alesya Abstract of GCD for drawing according to.

Hello, dear colleagues and friends! Today I want to tell and show what kind of apples the guys made for moms and dads using plasticineography technique.

The most recognizable fruit, the most recognizable and expensive brand - what is it? Yes, you're right, it's an apple. In the first case - aromatic and tasty, in the second - bitten. So let's learn how to draw an apple!

Living in the vastness of countries former USSR, apples are our native fruit. It is found almost everywhere, it is loved and eaten with great pleasure, being saturated with the beneficial elements contained in it. And when it seems that we know almost everything about this fruit, it will be especially surprising to learn about interesting facts about apples!

  • Our elders taught us that an apple must be peeled, because this shell is like “natural cellophane” and it is harmful. I don’t know where our grandparents got such beliefs, because it is now known that it is this peel that contains the overwhelming amount of fiber and antioxidants for which the apple is famous;
  • How long do you think an apple tree can live? 50 or 100 years? The official long-lived apple tree, which delights with its fruits to this day, was planted on the territory of modern Manhattan already in 1647 by a man named Peter Stuvensant;
  • If you want to make a liter of pure apple juice, you will need approximately 35 medium-sized apples;
  • If you decide to plant many apple trees in your garden, taking seeds from only one tree, then there is Great chance that will eventually grow whole line other types of apple trees other than this tree;
  • Approximately one-fourth of the mass of these fruits consists of air;
  • The oldest evidence for the popularity of apples as a favorite fruit dates back to 6500 BC. This is evidenced by archaeological excavations in Greece and other parts of the European continent.

Well, these are the main ones Interesting Facts about the apples that we managed to dig up! But this is just a prelude, a warm-up for the real thing. Prepare a simple pencil for creating a drawing and colored pencils for coloring it. On final stage You can “bring” watercolor or gouache.

So, how to draw an apple

I have already repeated many times that these step by step instructions drawing fruits and berries are very simple. We'll have about a dozen lessons on fruits soon, and then we'll move on to flowers and other plants. AND most of lessons are perfect for beginner artists.

1 - Draw a circle - it will be our sketch.

2 - Then shape this circle into an apple shape.

3 - Draw its upper outline, leaving gaps for the twig and leaf.

4 - Place a twig in the gap on the left.

5 - And on the right is a leaf. It also needs to be attached to the branch and the drawing highlighted.

6 - The drawing is ready, all that remains is to erase the excess parts of the sketch and prepare paints or colored pencils for coloring.

7 - All that remains is to color our apple red. We did it!

Basically, you can draw Steve Jobs behind him and "bite off" this apple on one side. This way you can demonstrate how a businessman came up with the idea to call his company this name. This, by and large, is a matter of your imagination. The main thing is that you now know how to draw an apple!