Draw people dancing. How to draw a ballerina with a pencil step by step? Video tutorial: how to draw a person in motion

Creativity is the bridge between the inner and outer universes. Today we invite you on a journey across this bridge to find harmony with yourself and others. You will be able to release your feelings by expressing them non-verbally and gain insight into your deeper self through the perception of art.

This book is about many things, it is full of ideas that stimulate creativity. The main approach that Natalie Rogers uses is expressive art. Ready to become your best self? You don't need anything special for this. Only…

...draw, sing, write and dance.

Four universal healing potions

There are peoples whose cultures use singing, dancing, storytelling and silence as healing potions. When something is wrong with a person, they are usually asked the following questions:

At what point in your life did you stop singing? When did you stop dancing? When did you stop being enchanted by stories? And when did you start to feel out of place in the sweet space of silence?

They ask this because, according to their beliefs, it was when and where I stopped singing, dancing, being enchanted by stories, or being burdened by silence that I began to lose my soul.

When you're in last time did you dance? -

In Africa, tribal peoples understand the world this way. Indigenous peoples of America and Oceania, including Australian Aboriginals, Majori and Polynesian islanders, argue In a similar way. In all their rituals and healing practices, they describe health and well-being as the qualities of one who continues to sing, dance, enjoy stories and love the sweet space of silence.

What is “creative connection”?

The term "creative connection" describes the process by which one art form directly influences another. When we begin to express ourselves through movement and sound, moving in response to our feelings, and then immediately move on to working with color and clay, our very artistic creativity changes.

Process creative connection can stimulate a person to use his innate creativity in order to open windows into your own unconscious. Engaging in creative connection can be one way to become more spontaneous and relaxed. Drumming, dancing, drawing, journaling, meditation, improvisation and singing become vehicles that bring a person to creativity.

What does it mean to act expressively?

Stretch your arms up, just to stretch them. Do it right now. Now do it a second time. Close your eyes and imagine the feeling of the warmth of the sun and the ocean breeze. You stretch your arms to get it all. Breathe in the ocean air and warm sun.

Mental image of the warm sun and fresh air changes your movement and overall experience. -

Do you feel the difference between the way you stretched your arms up the first time and the second time? Where did you feel it? In the chest? In heart? In your soul?

Suppose I just get up from my chair and go pour myself a glass of water. But everything will change if I imagine myself as a stalking lion. My movement will take on an expression of excitement.

To use art expressively is to enter into your inner world to discover your experiences there and then express them through artistic forms, movement, sound, writing or dramatic act. Expressive arts allow us to discover intuitive, mythological and spiritual aspects of ourselves.

Visual arts

Visual arts allow us to express ourselves radically, poignantly, colorfully and thus gain insight into who we are. We can release our feelings by expressing them non-verbally and gain insight into our deeper selves through the experience of art.

Drawing makes it possible for images to appear when words have not yet taken shape.

Again and again we can look at our work, reflect on it, let it speak to us.

The way of expressive self-expression is well illustrated by the example main character film "Love in Words and Pictures". -

Try these drawing techniques:

  • For ten to twenty minutes a day, sketch your experiences and feelings through rapid artistic expression. As you create these drawings, you may find that your moods change quickly or that your mood changes.
  • Try using your non-dominant hand from time to time. Your non-dominant hand has less control, giving you the ability to draw more spontaneously.
  • Draw the dreams you had the day before or the feelings they caused.

According to Frances Fachs, who specializes in art and hypnotherapy, “art has the ability to be both midwife and child of our inner selves.”

Big doodles

Have a colored marker in each hand. Close your eyes. While humming a song, start moving your hands in the air. First, doodle in the air, letting your hands dance to your tunes. Open your eyes for a moment to see a piece of paper. Using both hands at the same time, begin to doodle on the paper.

Experiment with closed ones first and then with with open eyes. Keep humming your tune. Let what happens happen. Don't worry about what exactly your doodles look like. As you continue, move on to the next sheet to draw even more doodles.

You can draw without markers, just with your hands, as artist Heather Hansen does. -

The mystery of the creative process

Images come from the unconscious to help us understand our inner world. We can use creativity as a kind of bridge between our inner and outer realities.

Try free writing after a walk in the woods. Get creative when you experience deep feeling love. Art does not have to be professional to please yourself and others. Instead of just sitting in a chair listening to music you like, try dancing.

Everyone has their own myth in life. We are involved in the process of writing our own life stories. And expressive arts serve a powerful tool their translation into reality. Art and writing, movement and dance, chanting and song - all this helps us discover our essence and integrity.

“Creative Connection” is a book for those who are ready to radically change their lives through creativity.

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Even the image of a woman and a man is not easy to draw, let alone a pencil drawing of a person in motion. Whether it’s the action of an athlete, a gymnast, or an ordinary school student going to school or home from class, reproducing a sketch based on a step-by-step master class will take quite a bit of time. And although the process is interesting, you still have to with patience, several sheets of paper and an eraser.

Man in motion pencil drawing, how to draw?

Before you start drawing, you need to think through the idea well, or at least choose the most successful option for sketching with a pencil. It is best if the sketch is not complex, but step-by-step work- understandable, not requiring adherence to anatomy.

Below in the article, several step-by-step techniques for sketching are demonstrated, which are suitable for people of different ages, with or without the skills to draw a person in motion with a pencil.

A girl from a support group (cheerleading) with pom-poms, photo

A schoolgirl with pom-poms cheering for her favorite team is also called cheerleading. She performs with other girls in a single tandem, demonstrating mesmerizing dances, distinct movements and gymnastic figures. In the USA, there is even competition between support groups for prizes and the title of American champion. It is not surprising that many artists prefer to depict this character on a white sheet of paper in motion. This allows you to revive the drawing, making the person on it not just drawn, but “free”.

Step-by-step lesson in the photo:

1) Make a sketch of the girl so that you get a real “frame” on a piece of paper. To do this, use a simple pencil and an eraser to correct errors.

Important! In order for a person to be in motion, it is necessary to emphasize the curve of the spine, one arm raised, the other drawn back, and the foot brought to the second leg.

2), select the chin.

3) Draw the lips, neckline, and pom-poms.

4) Finish the sketch by drawing clothes, legs and shoes, highlighting all the features.

5) Color the picture with colored pencils and markers.

Skier in motion, photo

A pencil drawing of a person and part-time skier is much easier to draw than a girl from a support group. Step-by-step master class allows you to reproduce beautiful and at the same time light picture in 3 gradual steps.

  • Step #1

Draw the main features of the image, which will help create a masterpiece from interconnected straight lines.

  • Step #2

Bring the sketch to completion by giving proportionality to the skier, clothes and ski poles.

  • Step #3

Color the finished picture with pencils, paints or markers.

Girl in motion, photo

Drawing a child is many times easier than drawing an adult. Small man in move with a simple pencil suitable not only for the creativity of adult beginners, but also for children school age who decided to dedicate free time drawing lessons.

  • Step #1

Mark a dot in the middle of the sheet. Draw a straight vertical line from it, and add legs, head, arms and head to it.

  • Step #2

Draw the ponytails, facial expressions, clothes, bag and shoes.

  • Step #3

Erase the extra lines to complete the sketch of the drawing.

  • Step #4

Color the finished picture by choosing the appropriate ones. color scheme tones.

Running man, photo in motion

If our readers have not yet found a suitable option for how to draw a person in motion in pencil, then it’s time to look at more complex MKs. They require strict adherence to proportions, without forgetting about volume, outlines and all kinds of details.

The photo below shows several solutions, although they are all complex and require detailed implementation.

Video tutorial: how to draw a person in motion

Many people remember more visually when they are shown all the actions by example. So why not take this as an example by watching a detailed video tutorial that allows you to learn how to depict the movement of the torso and arms, walking, running, a person in a sitting position or with a load.

Man in motion pencil drawing, finished work in the photo:

The lesson “How to draw a ballerina” is designed for those who already know how to draw well, since drawing a person is not at all easy. Draw a picture dancing ballerina especially difficult, since the drawing needs to convey the grace and elegance of ballet dance. But, if you want to try to draw a ballerina, try doing it with me step by step. By drawing step by step with a simple pencil you may well succeed beautiful drawing ballerinas

1. Initial steps of drawing a ballerina

The main thing is to accurately observe the proportions and location of the contour primary lines, then the drawing will be more accurate. First, draw the ballerina's skirt (tutu) in the form of an inclined oval, only draw the left edge sharp. Next, draw two lines for the ballerina's legs, two arms and a circle for the head. Now it will be easier for you draw a ballerina.

2. General shape of a dancing ballerina

In the next stages, you just need to add pencil lines to the main outline, drawing out the entire figure of the dancing ballerina. First draw the line of the shoulders, then the line of the waist and the approximate shape of the legs. The ballerina should be slender, so try to draw her figure graceful and tall so that the ballerina does not turn out to be too plump.

3. Draw the ballerina's legs and arms completely

Draw the complete shape of the ballerina's legs and arms. When she dances, she stands on her toes, so drawing them is actually not difficult, especially since she has pointe shoes on her feet. The ballerina's legs should be slender, do not make them too full.

4. Remove unnecessary contour lines from the drawing

This stage of drawing a ballerina can already be said to be final. Anyway, after you remove the extra ones contour lines with an eraser and draw the palms and fingers, the ballerina will already be “dancing”. There will only be drawing of a ballerina add a few details and draw the girl's face in detail.

5. How to draw a ballerina's face

Drawing a dress for a ballerina is not difficult, but drawing a face is quite difficult, especially without experience. If you draw a picture on the entire sheet, then you need to try to draw the face in the smallest details. If the picture is small, then you can get by with just a few general strokes of the mouth, nose and eyebrows and then lightly shade the face. A ballerina's hair is always tidy, so a small outline around her head is quite enough. Now the ballerina in the drawing has almost come to life, and all that remains is to decorate her dress, or rather the ballerina’s costume, and add shadows to the ballerina’s picture with a soft simple pencil.

6. The final stage of drawing a ballerina

Make the ballerina's tutu transparent, for this you need to leave as much as possible white. Draw the details of the corset and shade the entire drawing. Look again carefully, perhaps you missed some little things, for example, the ties on the pointe shoes. Do not forget that any drawing of a person always looks more vivid against the background of his surroundings.

7. Draw a ballerina on a tablet

Since the ballerina is dancing on stage, it is advisable to draw the floor, even with the surrounding environment and decorations in the future. Just do not overload the drawing with additional elements so that they do not distract attention from the main character of your picture - the dancing ballerina.

If you need to draw close-up the face of a ballerina, then this lesson will help you do it correctly. Human eyes most attract attention, and therefore they must be drawn very precisely. In this lesson we will learn how to draw a person's eyes with a pencil step by step.

Try to first draw a conventional person, study his proportions, and then draw a ballerina. First of all, some tips. IN fine arts the most important thing is not the accuracy of the proportions and lines of the drawing, but the image of the main, most important thing. For a person - his mood, character, eye expression, and some other characteristics.

Learning to draw a portrait of a person, even with a simple pencil, requires not only time to learn, but also talent. The difficulty of drawing a portrait of a person lies in the ability to convey the emotional state of a person, his facial expressions, the depth of his gaze, etc. But, it is quite possible to learn a simple technique for drawing a person’s face on your own, especially if you draw a person’s face step by step. If you will be draw a ballerina"close-up", then this lesson will help you draw the ballerina's face correctly.

The drawing of the Snow Maiden, just like the drawing of a ballerina, was made on a graphics tablet in stages. You can use these lessons to draw with a regular pencil.

Everyone represents an angel in their own way. Some see him as a child with wings, others imagine him as a girl.

You can capture a moment of graceful dance if you know how to draw a ballerina. Below are 2 image options. Someone will want to paint an aspiring ballerina who looks like an anime heroine. Others may like the second image method, which will help to draw a professional dancer.

Young ballerina. We start creating from the head

Little sketchers can depict just such a heroine; she is funny and sweet.

Now we will tell you how to draw a ballerina. For beginners, this option is perfect, since in this image you do not need to draw out the details of the face, each of them is drawn with just one line.

Start your creation by drawing a circle. Place a sheet of paper vertically and mark the contours of the circle. At the bottom of this figure, draw a horizontal oval. It will help to depict the girl's chubby cheeks.

Here's how to draw a ballerina with a pencil step by step. In the center of the circle, draw two curved lines - these are the narrowed eyes of the heroine of the canvas. Draw almost the same rounded line, similar to an inverted celestial moon, just below the eyes - this is the snub nose of the little dancer. Her mouth will also be created by a semicircular line, but it is curved downwards.

It remains to draw 2 eyebrows, and you can outline the face along the contours, indicating the protruding cheeks. Draw a ballerina's hairstyle - smoothed hair, a bun on the top of the head, and you can start drawing other parts of the body.

Body, arms, legs

Draw a line from the shoulders in both directions. Draw a small circle at their ends - this is a schematic representation of the palms. Draw the girl’s hands based on their diagram. Draw fingers at the end of the palm circles.

Let's start drawing the legs. At the bottom of the body, in the middle, draw a small circle. This is the upper part of the dancer's left leg. You will also create the same detail of the right leg using a small circle. Two lines originate from these figures. The first one goes down, the second one goes left. As you already understood, the dancer stands on one leg and stretches the other back. She performs a fouette or other ballet movement.

Completing the first drawing

Now draw a diagram of the legs, depicting pointe shoes at the end of them. The lacing that secures them to the leg is tied around the calves.

Talking about how to draw a ballerina with a pencil step by step, it should be noted that the time has come to erase the auxiliary lines. This is easy to do with an eraser. Dress the dancer in a leotard and a full skirt. The upper part of the robe has thin straps, it fits the girl's figure. The skirt is semicircular, draw its bottom with a wavy line. If you are happy with the drawing, you can leave it that way. If you want, color the painting. Go over your hair with a black pencil and make your dress pink.

Here's how to draw a ballerina who is still very young. If you want to portray a girl who is a professional dancer, use the tips below.

We draw an adult ballerina, starting with a diagram of the head and torso

We also start drawing an elegant girl with circles. Two of them will be the same size. First draw the first one, placing it at the top of the sheet. From there, down to the right, draw a small straight line, and at its end attach a circle the same size as the one just shown - this is the upper part of the body. From this circle, down and slightly to the left, draw another line, but it is larger than the previous one.

At its end, also draw a circle, but it is slightly larger than the previous two. This is a schematic representation of a dancer's hips. Create her legs using two straight lines. The first is drawn from the circle downwards, the second - to the left and slightly up. Here's how to draw a ballerina to convey her image as she performs a dance move.

Schematic representation of legs and arms

Now you need to draw the upper part of the legs, calves and feet. You will do this using ovals that are slightly beveled towards the bottom. The top one is the largest, it ends with the knees. Next comes a smaller oval - these are the girl’s strong calves. She has pointe shoes on her feet and her toes are pointed out.

The small circle that is drawn from the upper torso will soon turn into the girl’s shoulder. From it to the left and quite a bit upward there is a straight line, which will soon become the dancer’s hand.

Outlining auxiliary lines

Carrying out dance movement, the girl tilted her head back. Facial features will help convey this. The eye and nose are almost on the same straight line. Since the girl stands in profile to the viewer, only one of her eyes is visible. Draw the lips and chin.

The hair will also help convey that the ballerina is in motion: it is fluffed up. Outline their growth line and show the volume with several slightly wavy lines located horizontally.

Speaking about how to draw a ballerina with a pencil gradually, I must say that the girl’s neck is slender and thin, just like her figure. This is even more clearly visible when the ballerina tilts her head back.

From the bottom of the chin to the beginning of the chest, draw a straight line down and slightly to the right. In the Foto this trait shown in red. Next, outline the ballerina’s chest and her stomach. Starting from the hip line, draw the dancer's voluminous tutu, then draw her back and finish off her upper body by outlining her arms. Don’t forget that the girl’s hands and fingers are thin.

Based on the ovals created earlier, outline the heroine’s legs; pointe shoes are put on their feet.

Finishing the art

At this stage, you need to erase the sketchy lines with an eraser and the dashes at the top of the legs. Here you will draw a dancer's tutu. The photo shows how to give it volume. Draw the armpit, then draw the top of the adjacent robe.

Here's how to draw a ballerina step by step, using a pencil. If you want, you can depict a scene, have a graceful girl soar through it in a magical dance.

Everyone loves music, and the best thing to do while listening to it is dancing. In this article we want to tell you and show you a few step by step examples which I will demonstrate how to draw dancing people. In some paragraphs we will look at a couple of a man and a girl, while in others the girls will dance alone.

Couple dancing

The first paragraph of this article will be devoted to how to draw people dancing together. The guy will hold the girl's hand while she spins in front of him. This drawing is made in the anime style, but if you don’t like it, then you can simply redraw the guy’s head in any other style, other elements are depicted in the same way.

We'll start by drawing a guy. You need to place it on the left side of the sheet, since the girl will be on the opposite. At this stage we should work on the head and half of the torso.

At the next step we need to draw the girl, she should be a little shorter in height.

Take a black pen or thin marker in your hands and trace all the lines. We will erase the extra pencil strokes with an eraser.

Using the same black felt-tip pen or pen, paint over the man’s suit and the woman’s belt. At this point the drawing can be considered complete.

Dancing girl

This paragraph will be much simpler than the previous one, because this time we will learn how to draw a dancing girl. This time she will be without a partner, and the drawing technique is a little simplified, so the example is perfect for beginner artists or children.

Let's start by drawing the head. It will have an oval shape, and the hairstyle will be collected in two small buns. Due to the fact that the face is slightly turned, only one ear of our dancing girl will be visible.

Let's move on to the body. First, let's draw two hands apart different sides, and then we’ll work on the topic. Pay attention to the fingers, they are made using a simplified technique, but despite this, the drawing does not become less beautiful.

Our girl will be dressed in a fluffy skirt, from which two legs will stick out. One will hold the balance, and the other will be lifted up.

The drawing is ready, but it is done in black and white, since we only depicted contours. If you wish, you can use colored pencils and color it. In addition, we recommend watching the video tutorial with this example, which demonstrates the live drawing process in detail.

A simple example of a dancing couple

We have already looked at the example with dancing partners, but it was very complex. This time we want to show you how to draw a dancing couple using a simple drawing technique. For this you do not need any special artistic skills. Just follow the instructions below and you will end up with a beautiful drawing of dancing people.

We will place the basis of our drawing on top and depict two heads and three hands interacting with each other.

Drawing a woman's dress. Don't forget that you should draw not just a rectangle, but beautiful figure with the curves of the chest and waist.

Let's finalize the edges of the dress and draw in the legs.

Our dancing woman ready and now we need to move on to working on her partner. To do this, draw the torso and legs of a man.

On final stage we need to apply chiaroscuro like in the photo below. It should be noted that if you are going to depict the drawing in color, then the shadows should be painted over with a darker color. For example, a man's suit is all blue, but in the shadow areas it should be dark blue. Then the picture will turn out very beautiful!

Dancing girl

In conclusion of our article, we will look at how to draw a dancing girl in a red dress. This is a fairly simple way of drawing and you can get a finished drawing in just three simple steps.

We are working on the top part. One hand will be raised up and the other down. Also, we will depict the head and the top of the dress.

Now we need to work on the bottom. When moving, people's clothes are not static; this is exactly what we should reflect on paper. This can be done thanks to wavy lines like in the picture. You don't have to try to draw the lines exactly like in the photo. Clothes constantly take on different shapes as they move, so it’s not scary if some lines turn out to be larger, and some, on the contrary, smaller.

We take colored markers and color as in the photo. You've probably already noticed that our girl doesn't have a face or a finger. We decided to leave freedom for creativity to novice artists, so that you yourself can come up with what kind of face to draw and what position your fingers will be in.

If you want to look at the drawing process in more detail, you can watch the video tutorial with this example.