Rita Dakota: biography. Couple of the month SOKOLOV: Vlad Sokolovsky and Rita Dakota Rita Dakota and Vlad Sokolovsky when they started

On June 8, the singers played a magnificent wedding Vlad Sokolovsky and Rita Dakota. The celebration, held in one of the Moscow restaurants on Leningradskoye Shosse, brought together not only relatives and friends of the couple, but also celebrity guests, among whom were Alexander Revva, Yegor Creed, Svetlana Loboda and many others.

The main color of the celebration was red. The hall where the banquet took place was decorated with bouquets of red roses and huge papier-mâché poppies, next to which the wedding guests happily took pictures. Cards became another theme of the celebration. For example, behind the newlyweds there were two cards with portraits of Vlad and Margarita.

The bridesmaids wore long gray dresses, and Dakota herself appeared in front of the guests in a dress made of thin lace. A fluffy skirt and a long veil completed the bride's look. The groom's friends, in turn, opted for classic black suits.

Photo: Anastasia Belskaya, Andrey Nastasenko, Oleg Galinich, wedding agency "Svadberry" (Organizer Anna Gorodzhaya)
Photo: Anastasia Belskaya, Andrey Nastasenko, Oleg Galinich, wedding agency "Svadberry" (Organizer Anna Gorodzhaya)

Vadim Galygin and Alexander Revva were responsible for the humorous component of the celebration. The latter appeared before the guests in an elegant suit in sunglasses and with a cigar in his mouth. Later, the showman performed his hit “The Samaya Samaya” together with Yegor Creed. Svetlana Loboda, Bianca and Anita Tsoi also took the stage on this holiday.

Andrey Sokolovsky, Alexander Revva and Yegor Creed Photo: Anastasia Belskaya, Andrey Nastasenko, Oleg Galinich, wedding agency "Svadberry" (Organizer Anna Gorodzhaya)
Photo: Anastasia Belskaya, Andrey Nastasenko, Oleg Galinich, wedding agency "Svadberry" (Organizer Anna Gorodzhaya)

Less than a week before the wedding, on June 3, Vlad and Rita got married in the presence of their parents. Friends and the press were not present at the painting and wedding, so a celebration was held especially for them a few days later - on the 8th. By the way, the date of the ceremony was not chosen by chance. On the same day 25 years ago, Sokolovsky’s parents got married.

Photo: Anastasia Belskaya, Andrey Nastasenko, Oleg Galinich, wedding agency "Svadberry" (Organizer Anna Gorodzhaya)

Despite the fact that the main celebration took place only today, the newlyweds began receiving gifts a few days ago. What made the young friends and relatives happy, Vlad described in his blog.

Photo: Anastasia Belskaya, Andrey Nastasenko, Oleg Galinich, wedding agency "Svadberry" (Organizer Anna Gorodzhaya)
Photo: Anastasia Belskaya, Andrey Nastasenko, Oleg Galinich, wedding agency "Svadberry" (Organizer Anna Gorodzhaya)

On the eve of the wedding, the lovers decided to take a little break from each other and had a bachelorette and bachelor party. Dakota and her friends went to the pool, where she indulged in sweet desserts. Vlad, like his wife, preferred to choose a venue with a swimming pool as the venue for his bachelor party.

January 30, 2018

Three months ago, Star Factory graduates became parents. Rita Dakota gave her husband a daughter, Mia. Until recently, the star couple hid the baby from the public, but today they showed her to fans for the first time.

Vlad Sokolovsky and Rita Dakota / photo: instagram.com

I gave birth at the end of October last year. The singer’s husband, Vlad Sokolovsky, supported her and waited at the door of the chamber for his heiress to be born. On the day of the birth, the artist filmed his experiences on video, as he and his wife are running a video blog. A few weeks ago they arranged for Mia and went on holiday to Bali. All this time they hid the girl from the public. According to them, they are not superstitious, but they wanted to show the baby when the time was right.

Today is the day when Rita and Vlad showed their daughter’s face to fans for the first time. On their blog they introduced the baby to their subscribers. “Daddy’s Mia,” Dakota immediately declared when her husband took the baby in his arms. The girl inherited Blue eyes his father, as Sokolovsky showed. She sat calmly in her dad's arms and grabbed his hands. “We’re already cooing and grabbing hands,” the singer shared with fans. The lovers also decided to show a photo of their daughter just a few weeks old.

Daughter of Vlad Sokolovsky and Rita Dakota/Photo: frame from the spouses’ blog

In the photos, Mia is captured in different costumes, from a hat with deer antlers to a cute pink bunny outfit. Fans were happy about such a gift and began to share their emotions in the comments: “God, she’s lovely,” “Baby honey,” “My beauty!! Dad’s copy!”, “Mia is just a miracle! Rita passed by! While the couple continues to relax with the heiress on the paradise island and share their impressions of the holiday on the Internet. They previously promised that they would share many pictures of their daughter after they showed her for the first time.

Rita Dakota (real name - Margarita Gerasimovich) was born on March 9, 1990 in Minsk. The family lived in a poor area of ​​the city, but the girl’s parents tried to ensure that their daughter did not lack anything. As a child, the girl spent a long time walking with the guys from the yard, preferring to play Cossack robbers and other “boyish” games.

Young Dakota dreamed of creating music since childhood. She sang songs for the neighboring grandmothers, and secretly dreamed of becoming famous composer. The girl wrote her first poem at the age of five. It was dedicated to toys and was called "Steady Little Soldier."

Rita Dakota on stage

The future singer’s mother noticed her daughter’s talent, and when she was seven years old, she sent her to a music school. At the entrance exams, Rita performed the song “ Moscow Nights" After some thought, the girl was enrolled in piano lessons, and she studied vocals as a free listener, joining the school choir. Musical education was easy, together with other children Rita performed at international festivals and competitions.

At the age of eleven, Dakota became the author of her first song. She wrote her first serious composition, being impressed by the French film “Leon” and the composition “Shape of my heart” by the British musician Sting. She sang this song with her school friend at graduation party in fourth grade.

Already at the age of fourteen, Dakota was actively writing songs for her punk band and selling musical sketches to radio stations. In order for the girl and her business proposal to be taken seriously, she had to take one of the adults with her.

After school, Rita planned to enter School of Music name, and learned about the outstanding vocal teacher Gulnara Robertovna. The teacher helped record demos of Dakota's songs in order to maintain copyright on them. At the same time, Rita became interested in graffiti and learned to draw. Then graffiti artists from Portugal were visiting Minsk; they saw the singer’s drawings and described them as “dakotat”. The girl liked this word so much that she made it her pseudonym.

The first steps in her creative biography was participation in the Belarusian talent competition “Star Stagecoach” in 2005. However, the project did not bring victory to the girl, since the competition jury accused the singer of lack of patriotism due to her performance of the song on English language.

Such an event almost became an obstacle for Rita to achieve her goal, but the girl continued to fight. She firmly decided to realize herself on stage.

A fateful moment for her will be participation in the large-scale Russian reality show “Star Factory”. It is the television musical project “Star Factory” that opens up new opportunities for Rita.

"Star Factory"

In 2007, her active professional growth began. A 17-year-old girl came from Minsk to a Moscow casting next season“Star Factory” simply because I wanted to present CDs with my music to famous Russian producers. Belarusian girl She didn’t at all dream of becoming one of the “manufacturers,” but in the end she was accepted for the project - she even became its finalist.

When the start of casting for the Star Factory-7 project was announced, the singer’s friends suggested that she sell or even donate several of her songs to the competition participants for the sake of advertising. If not for the support of friends, Dakota would have abandoned such an idea. The judges reacted favorably to the singer, she passed all the rounds and ended up in the television version of the project.

On the show, Dakota performed exclusively her own songs, and also wrote compositions for other participants. Her hit “Matches” was downloaded from the Internet more than a million times. Bright image, strong vocal abilities and interesting songs made Dakota one of the most memorable on the show.

After "Factory" Dakota lacked money and support from friends, she was disappointed in Russian show business. Then the girl decided to end her career as a pop musician and focus exclusively on composing songs.


Dakota gradually disappears from the screens and creates an independent rock band, Monroe. She does not hide her reason for leaving show business, declaring some injustice:

“When I realized that this is a cruel, dishonest, “show-off” world, in which there is no place for music, and there is only continuous gossip and deception, I decided to leave the stage as an artist.”

Subsequently, the rock band Monroe became a regular participant in the Kubana and Nashestvie festivals. Together with the group, the girl toured the country, collecting full houses in different regions countries.

The singer chose an image to match the music - quite bold and aggressive. Dreadlocks, bright makeup, tattoos - Dakota was even called Russian.

“The main thing is not our shell and musical preferences, but what is inside us. Inside, we are absolutely identical,” Rita admits in an interview.

In 2015, Rita Dakota became a member music project“Main Stage” on the TV channel “Russia-1”. Her mentor on the project was famous producer, who was in charge of the “pop” and “pop-rock” directions at the show. The singer performed exclusively her songs, which helped her reach the semi-finals of the competition.

What brings the performer the greatest popularity is not her participation in various competitions, but the track “Half a Man,” which was released in 2016. Immediately after the release of this composition, her fans were delighted with the new creation. It was this song that pushed Rita to work on new albums, audio recordings and videos.

In February 2017, information appeared in the media that Rita was seriously considering the possibility of leaving Russia. It can change the cold and cloudy weather to the warmer ocean climate on the island of Bali. Holidays at a popular resort famous singer I really liked it. Online Instagram the girl has repeatedly published photos in a swimsuit on the beach of a beautiful island.

Rita Dakota realized that Bali had become practically her homeland: there she not only enjoyed her vacation, but lived a full life.

Personal life

On the TV project “Star Factory-7” Rita Dakota met young musician, who in the future will become her husband. The love story of Rita and Sokolovsky deserves special attention. The couple met in 2007 at the Star Factory. Initially they were good friends and even called each other “brother” and “sister”.

At the seventh “Factory”, Vlad Sokolovsky creates the duet “BiS”, which becomes quite popular. New team won first place in the charts of radio stations and famous music channels. Blue-eyed and blond-haired Vlad became recognizable in Russian show business and gained a huge army of loving fans. At that time, Rita and Vlad had nothing in common at all, since they did not take part in projects together, and only occasionally crossed paths at large social parties.

A few years later, the young people met at a mutual friend’s birthday party. Years passed, Rita and Vlad changed noticeably, matured and looked at each other differently. The romance between them developed rapidly, and soon they completely amazed their fans with the news of their upcoming wedding.

In 2015, a man proposed to his beloved while vacationing on the island of Bali. Rita, after not very long deliberation, agreed to become his wife, and her first photo appeared on Instagram wedding dress. On June 3, 2015, the couple got married in one of the capital’s churches, and five days later the lovers had a luxurious wedding.

In April 2017, friends of the couple said that Rita was pregnant. On October 23, 2017, Rita Dakota and Vlad Sokolovsky became parents. in a Moscow maternity hospital, a girl named Mia. Young parents spoke about their emotions on their YouTube channel.

Rita Dakota now

Rita and Vlad continued to maintain their blog in 2018, in which they shared details of their personal lives and creativity. The young family showed footage of rehearsals, friendly gatherings, travel, and shared joyful events (whether it was paying off the mortgage or Mia’s first successes). The Sokolovskys gave the impression of a successful and ideal family.

In August 2018, fans were shocked. Rita Dakota announced on her Instagram that she was divorcing Vlad because of his numerous infidelities during the period from the wedding to last days.

The girl expressed resentment due to the fact that a lot of mutual friends and relatives knew about her husband’s infidelities. At the same time, many of them, including Sokolovsky’s father, covered up Vlad’s infidelities.

IN this moment The couple have already divorced. The divorce process could hardly be called simple; the division of property lay ahead of them, since Vlad refused to voluntarily leave everything to his wife and daughter. Represented Dakota's interests in court. According to Ekaterina, until this moment she was fulfilling the task of solving the problem behind the scenes. But the plans to “agree behind the scenes and peacefully” did not come true. Gordon placed responsibility for this on Sokolovsky, noting that it was difficult to trust “someone who lied so much.” As a result, the recently acquired apartment of the ex-spouses was transferred to Mia, and Rita no longer has anything to do with the once family business(chain of grill bars "Zharovnya").

The loudest divorces in Russian show business

Vlad Sokolovsky and Rita Dakota got married June 8, 2015. The magnificent wedding took place in one of the restaurants in Moscow on Leningradskoye Shosse. The celebration was attended by relatives and friends of the newlyweds, as well as celebrity guests.

Among the stars of the “Star Factory” graduates Vlad Sokolovsky and Rita Gerasimovich (Dakota) were Alexander Revva, Yegor Creed, Svetlana Loboda, Yulia Kovalchuk, singer Elka, Vadim Galygin, Sergei Lazarev, Olga Marquez, Bianca, Alexander Panayotov, Anita Tsoi, Chelsea group. The hall was decorated in a gangster style, in the spirit of the film “Once Upon a Time in America.” The room was decorated with red roses and papier-mâché poppies. Behind the newlyweds there were large playing cards with portraits of Vlad and Rita. The celebration itself was organized on the 25th wedding anniversary of Vlad Sokolovsky’s parents. Moreover, it is noted that at the time of their marriage, his parents were the same age as Vlad himself is now. The wedding was organized by the famous wedding agency “Svadberry”, directly by Anna Gorodzhey.

Vsevolod Andreevich Sokolovsky (Vlad Sokolovsky)- singer, dancer, TV presenter, participant in Alla Dukhova’s ballet “Todes”, former soloist group "BiS". Born on September 24, 1991 in Moscow.

Margarita Sergeevna Gerasimovich (Rita Dakota)- singer. Born on March 9, 1990 in Minsk.

Rita and Vlad met on the TV project “Star Factory 7”. A friendship began between them, which a few years later turned into a romance. In 2015 star couple admitted that she was going to legitimize her relationship. The wedding took place on June 3, 2015. Vlad Sokolovsky and Rita Dakota held a luxurious wedding on June 8.

Vlad Sokolovsky and Dakota wedding video

Wedding of Vlad Sokolovsky and Rita Dakota photo

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She is not only an excellent vocalist, but also a very talented composer and the author of the texts. Today her songs are performed by: famous artists, like Ani Lorak, Anita Tsoi, Dominic Joker and others.


Her date of birth is March 9, 1990. She was born in the capital of Belarus, the city of Minsk. As a child, Rita was not particularly interested in typical games for girls: Barbie dolls and coloring books with princesses were lying under the bed. And at that time she herself was racing in the yard and playing war games and Cossack robbers with the boys.

But performing abilities began to manifest themselves even then. In the evenings, along with other people her age, Rita entertained local grandmothers with yard concerts. The boys sang songs by Andrei Gubin and the group " Ladybug", and the girls sang the compositions of Tanya Ovsienko and Kristina Orbakaite.

School of Music

Even in childhood, my mother noticed her daughter’s musical gift. She heard how Rita hummed songs purely from the point of view of intonation, read the poems that she wrote; heard the melodies she composed. The family decided to send the girl to study at a music school. Then, as a seven-year-old child, having come with her mother to enroll in the piano department, she conquered the main vocal teacher with her singing. As a result, it was decided, in addition to studying to be a pianist, to also sing in a choir. Later, thanks to teachers and Rita’s natural gift, she became one of the best participants in this vocal group. Singer Dakota and her band went on tour in almost all European countries. It should be noted that the members of this choir different time there were singer Bianca, pianist Vlasyuk and other famous personalities.

Difficult choice

After graduating from music school, fourteen-year-old Rita decided to enter the music school named after. Glinka to the Faculty of Composition. All documents were collected, but last moment, literally before the doors of the school she changed her mind. As singer Dakota herself admitted, she unexpectedly came to the conclusion that if a person studies hard, he can eventually understand how to write the right music. But learn to write good music only possible if you have talent. Deciding then that composition would be her hobby, she set out to improve her vocal abilities by entering the studio pop vocals"Forte".

Star Factory

Having failed to pass the casting for participation in the Belarusian musical show project "Star Stagecoach", singer Dakota (see photo below), accused by the jury of "lack of patriotism" for singing a song in English, for some time refused desire to build a solo career.

At that time, she was much more interested in writing her own compositions. Therefore, when Rita learned from her friend Armen (a famous singer in Belarus) about the beginning of the casting of the seventh “Star Factory”, she decided to definitely go there to show Konstantin Meladze her original works. To do this, she made a demo of her songs, determined to prove to the producer that she would make a good composer.

But things didn't work out as Dakota planned. The singer, whose biography proves the versatility of her talent, was accepted into the TV project “Star Factory-7” as a participant.

During the project, Rita wrote several new songs, met big amount creative people. The teachers appreciated her vocal abilities, recognizing her voice as one of the best in the history of the Star Factory. Margarita became a finalist of the project. She recorded such popular original songs as “Matches”, “I Knew Everything”, “Alone” and “To My Best Friend”.

Meet Dominic Joker

Upon completion of the project, numerous tours“Factory”, in one of which the singer Dakota meets Dominic Joker, also a graduate of one of the previous “Factory”. At that time he was a successful singer, composer and producer. Subsequently these two creative person became close friends. But friendship was not the only thing that connected them. Dominic and Rita recorded several joint songs. Their most famous work is the soundtrack to the TV series “Mom Moscow”.

On the edge of poverty

At the end of the tour, Dakota, still bound by her contract, found herself unclaimed. But her obligations did not allow her to leave for her native Belarus. Without work, there was virtually no means of subsistence. She lived in a room outside the Moscow Ring Road, practically starved, but did not lose her fortitude. The desire to create music has not disappeared either.

Not far from Rita’s then home there was a school. The girl asked the watchman to let her into the assembly hall at night so that she could compose new songs on the old piano. There, covered with a blanket, she recorded the fruits of her creativity on a voice recorder, once a gift from Konstantin Meladze. At some point, the realization came that her songs could be interesting to other artists. Dakota offered them to several aspiring performers to perform. When she realized that her creations were in demand, she began to collaborate with “stars” of higher rank.

When all the difficulties are behind

Now that the difficult period in Margarita’s life is over, she is a sought-after composer and lyricist. It is enough to mention a few songs that are now heard on the waves of all radio stations. The song “I will remember”, performed by Alexander Marshal and T-killah, “Sky” performed by Elka, “Not needed”, performed by Svetlana Loboda.

Dakota is also currently taking part in the “Main Stage” project, where she mainly performs songs of her own composition.

Singer Dakota and Vlad Sokolovsky: a love story

They met back in 2007, being participants in the “Star Factory-7”. It’s interesting, but then they became very good friends and talked a lot, jokingly calling each other “brother and sister.” At the end of the project for a long time didn't communicate. Dakota is a singer whose personal life has never been publicly known. But there were many rumors about Sokolovsky’s stormy adventures. Among his girls were models, singers, and dancers... She created an independent rock band, and then for some time she was on the verge of poverty.

Later, when success came to Rita and her songs became in great demand, they met at one of the parties. By that time Vlad had replaced Wavy hair to shoulder length fashionable haircut, and the youthful “outfit” of a suit and tie. He matured and became a man. She was no longer an ardent rebel in sneakers, obsessed with rock music. Probably, these circumstances allowed them to look at each other in a new way. After this meeting, they never parted again, but they hid their relationship from the general public for quite a long time. And after some time they began to appear in the press joint photos With various events. It was then that fans suspected that there was something more between them than friendly relations. And indeed, the couple soon admitted that they were in love and happy. And after a year and a half of relationship, Vlad and Dakota finally got married.

The singer and Vlad Sokolovsky, whose wedding took place on June 8, 2015, are now enjoying family life, do things together creative activity(Rita writes songs, and Vlad performs them). It is also known that the guys decided to go into business and opened several mobile fast food outlets.

I want to believe that this a beautiful couple will live happily ever after. And Dakota will write and sing a lot more beautiful songs, which will delight her loyal fans.