The largest cities in the Perm region

Have different story and fate, vary in size and population. How many are there in total within the region? When were they founded and what can tourists see here? You will learn about this from our article. Particular attention will be paid to the second most populous city in the region - Berezniki.

Cities of the Perm region

One of the subjects Russian Federation, which is located in its European part, in the Urals. Geographically, only 0.2% of the region's territory is located in Asia.

The region is famous beautiful nature, rich in mineral resources and a developed economy. Coal has been mined here for two centuries, oil since 1929. The only chromite deposit in Russia is being developed in the region. The region is quite highly urbanized: the share of the urban population here reaches 76%. The cities of the Perm region, with the exception of Perm (the administrative center), are small. There are 25 of them in total.

Full list of cities in the Perm Territory (settlements are listed in order of decreasing population):

  1. Permian.
  2. Berezniki.
  3. Solikamsk (part of the same agglomeration together with Berezniki).
  4. Chaikovsky.
  5. Kungur.
  6. Lysva.
  7. Krasnokamsk.
  8. Chusovoy.
  9. Dobryanka.
  10. Chernushka.
  11. Kudymkar.
  12. Vereshchagino.
  13. Lips.
  14. Nytva.
  15. Kizel.
  16. Krasnovishersk
  17. Wow.
  18. Alexandrovsk.
  19. Gornozavodsk.
  20. Gremyachinsk.
  21. Okhansk.
  22. Usolye.
  23. Cherdyn.
  24. Chermoz.

It is curious that the last two cities have a population of less than five thousand people. Within the Perm region there are towns and even villages in which more people live.

The number 1 city in the region is Perm: in terms of size, population and economic potential. But not by age. The Perm region is Cherdyn, which was once the capital of these lands. It was founded back in the 15th century. Today it is provincial town with a population of 4.5 thousand people. It's amazing how radically the fate of a particular settlement!

architecture, interesting places

The most famous tourist attractions of the Perm region are not in the cities, but outside them. These are, first of all, huge tracts of taiga forests, mountain rivers, mysterious caves and, of course, amazing rock outcrops. It is not for nothing that travelers call this region the land of rocks and stones. Gray, Talkative, Written Stone - all these objects attract many tourists every year.

The cities of the region also have a lot of interesting things: numerous museums, temples and architectural monuments. Fans of beautiful architecture and ancient estates should definitely visit Perm, Usolye, Lysva, Solikamsk and Kungur. It is best to stay in the “capital” of the region - Perm. The city is located in its central part, and from it it will be convenient to make radial trips and excursions to different corners region.

The city of Berezniki (Perm region): history and attractions

Berezniki is the second most populous city in the Perm region, with a population of about 150 thousand people. It was founded not so long ago - in 1932, although the history of salt mines in these lands began in the 17th century. The Verkhnekamskoe potassium salt deposit is the largest on the planet. And since the 1970s, oil has also been produced in the city.

In Berezniki several ancient architectural structures. This is a temple from 1754 and several civil buildings beginning of the twentieth century (hospital, school, cinema).

Local sinkholes - unique landscape formations that arose on the site of underground workings - can be considered a unique attraction. In the 2000s, several serious sinkholes up to 90 meters deep occurred in the city.


The cities of the Perm region can be very interesting for tourists and travelers. There is old estates and temples, museums and beautiful civil architecture. The most attractive cities in the region in terms of tourism are Perm, Lysva, Solikamsk, Berezniki, Usolye, Kungur.

PRIVOLZHSKY federal district. Perm region. Area 160.24 thousand sq. km. Formed on December 1, 2005.
Administrative center of the federal district - city ​​of Perm.

- a subject of the Russian Federation, part of the Volga Federal District, located in the east of the East European Plain and the western slopes of the Northern and Middle Urals.

It is part of the Ural economic region. The Perm region has a variety of natural resources and powerful industrial potential. Main industries: mechanical engineering, chemical, petrochemical, oil refining, forestry, woodworking, pulp and paper, printing, ferrous and non-ferrous metallurgy. Potassium and table salts are mined in the region. coal, oil. In the north of the region there are the largest deposits of potassium salts in Europe. There are precious (diamonds) and semi-precious (selenite) stones, gold and platinum, chrome ores, metallurgical and cement raw materials, and carbonate raw materials. 205 oil and gas fields have been discovered in the region, and eight alluvial diamond deposits have been discovered in the north. The forest resources of the region are also significant. Profitable geographical position determines the full structure of the transport system. On the territory of the region, transcontinental railway, road and air lines intersect, there are four easternmost ports of a single deep-water system of the European part of Russia, providing access to the Northern and Southern Europe. At the same time, the region has unfavorable natural and climatic conditions for conducting Agriculture and food self-sufficiency of the population. Feed production for meat and dairy farming has been developed; grain crops, potatoes and vegetables are grown. The leading branch of agriculture is livestock farming: dairy and beef cattle breeding, pig farming, poultry farming, goats and sheep are raised. Poultry farming and beekeeping are developed, and suburban farming is located around industrial centers.

The Perm region was founded on October 3, 1938. On December 1, 2005, as a result of the merger of the Perm region and the Komi-Permyak Autonomous Okrug, the Perm Territory was formed.

Cities and regions of the Perm region.

Cities of the Perm region: Perm, Aleksandrovsk, Berezniki, Vereshchagino, Gornozavodsk, Gremyachinsk, Gubakha, Dobryanka, Kizel, Krasnovishersk, Krasnokamsk, Kudymkar, Kungur, Lysva, Nytva, Osa, Okhansk, Ocher, Solikamsk, Usolye, Tchaikovsky, Cherdyn, Chermoz, Chernushka, Chusovoy.

Urban districts of the Perm Territory:"City of Perm"; "Bereznikovsky"; "City of Kungur"; "Kudymkarsky"; “Village Zvezdny ZATO”; "Solikamsky".

Municipal areas: Alexandrovsky district, Bardymsky district, Berezovsky district, Bolshesosnovsky district, Vereshchaginsky district, Gainsky district, Gornozavodsky district, Gremyachinsky district, Gubakhinsky district, Dobryansky district, Elovsky district, Ilyinsky district, Karagay district, Kizelovsky district, Kishertsky district, Kosinsky district, Kochevsky district , Krasnovishersky district, Krasnokamsky district, Kudymkarsky district, Kuedinsky district, Kungursky district, Lysvensky district, Nytvensky district, Oktyabrsky district, Ordinsky district, Osinsky district, Okhansky district, Ochersky district, Permsky district, Sivinsky district, Solikamsky district, Suksunsky district, Uinsky district, Usolsky district, Chaikovsky district, Chastinsky district, Cherdynsky district, Chernushinsky district, Chusovsky district, Yurlinsky district, Yusvinsky district.

The list of cities in the Perm Territory includes 25 settlements, which are the administrative centers of districts and districts. Moreover, the number of residents varies from 1 million to 3.5 thousand. Many of them are large industrial centers with developed infrastructure.

Historical reference

The history of the cities of the Perm region can be traced from XIV century, when refugees from the central principalities of Rus', suffering from Mongol yoke. Mixing with local Finno-Ugric tribes, they organized permanent settlements. The largest settlement of that period is Rozhdestvenskoye in the Karaginsky district, located on an area of ​​20,000 m2. It was the largest center of crafts and trade in the region. Today it is located here rural settlement With same name. In the middle of the 15th century, the city of Cherdyn, one of the oldest existing cities in the Urals, was founded.

The second stage of the founding of cities in the Perm region began in the 17th century after the discovery of large mineral reserves in the region and the beginning of the development of metallurgy. Salt was mined here (Solikamsk, Berezniki, Usolye), copper was smelted (Pyskor, Dobryanka, Chermoz), and later cast iron and pig steel. Since the 19th century, coal and iron ore deposits have been actively developed in the area between the Chusovaya and Kosva rivers.

During Soviet times, the region became a major center for mining and electricity generation. New factories and hydroelectric power stations were built, around which settlements grew. The creation of the cities of Gornozavodsk, Gremyachinsk, Krasnokamsk, and Tchaikovsky dates back to this period.

List of cities in Perm Krai

After the merger of the Perm region with the Komi-Permyak Autonomous Okrug in 2005, the Perm region began to consist of 25 cities.


Date of foundation

Number of inhabitants














The largest city in the Perm region is the capital of the region - Perm. It was founded in 1723 (according to other sources - in the middle of the 17th century) by Vasily Tatishchev in a strategic location at the intersection of land and water trade routes. The area was rich in copper and silver ore. On May 4, 1723, the Yegoshikha copper smelter began operating, contributing to the expansion of the settlement.

A powerful impetus for development was the construction of a railway line to the city in 1878. In 1916, the first Ural University. According to official statistics, at the end of 2017, 1,048,005 people lived in the city.

Today, among all the cities of the Perm region, Perm has the most powerful industrial and scientific potential. There are large factories in the metallurgical sector, military-industrial complex, petrochemical industry, mechanical engineering and instrument making.


It is the second largest city in the Perm region. The population of the settlement is 145,115. It was founded as a salt-making center at the turn of the 16th-17th centuries. However, a powerful stimulus for expansion was the construction of a soda factory by merchant I.I. Lyubimov in 1883 - one of the first in Russian Empire. A workers' settlement was built next to the enterprise, designed in accordance with all urban planning rules.

Today Berezniki is the largest center for the production of potash fertilizers in Russia. Behind long years underground workings, voids have formed that periodically collapse. In the photo of the city of the Perm Territory, taken from a height, the formed failures are clearly visible. Some are in the middle of residential areas.


The city of power engineers was founded in 1955. Over the next fifty years, its population grew to 84,000 people. The birth of the settlement is associated with the construction of the large Votkinsk hydroelectric power station on the Kama River. By the way, on the site of Tchaikovsky there was the Osinsky Transfiguration Monastery, founded in early XVII century, and the village of Saigatka.

In architectural terms, it embodies the ideas of Soviet specialists about ideal city. The residential sector is divided into microdistricts with multi-storey buildings, among which there are many “Khrushchev” buildings. The blocks are interspersed with parks and squares. Foreign partners were also invited to Tchaikovsky, in particular from the GDR and Turkey. The second most important industrial facility in the city after the VGES is the Silk Fabric Factory.