Scenarios of the literary lounge “On the roads of K. Chukovsky’s fairy tales. Celebration in elementary school based on the work of Chukovsky Literary lounge dedicated to the work of K.I. Chukovsky. Scenario

Theatrical performance based on the fairy tale by K.I. Chukovsky “Fly - Tsokotukha” for older children preschool age.

Ivanova Elena Vladimirovna, teacher of MBDOU “Kindergarten No. 34”, Ivanovo
Description: This theatrical performance was held as part of the final event for the project “The Land of Fairy Tales of K.I. Chukovsky.” When preparing the performance, special attention was paid to working with parents. They were not only passive spectators, but also actively helped: they created the scenery, sewed the costumes, and came up with the design. There were no empty seats in the hall at the premiere of the fairy tale. Relatives and friends came to support the little artists. Well, the guys, feeling such serious support, performed with all their hearts.
Of course, not all poetic texts are personal compositions (borrowed from the Internet), but, as they say, every artist sees differently. We have our own, unique, musical fairy tale.
Maybe someone will find this experience useful, and you and your senior preschoolers will stage a similar performance.

Target: development creativity older preschoolers through theatrical activities.
Objectives of the priority educational area:
“Artistic and aesthetic development”:
develop an aesthetic attitude towards the surrounding world; develop a sense of empathy for characters works of art; give the opportunity to realize one's own independence creative activity children;
stimulate the development of creative, search activity, and independence of children;
To form in children and adults a sustainable interest in reading works of fiction, to develop the skills of a competent reader through joint activities;
to involve children and parents in joint design activities in modeling costume elements, scenery, and attributes.

Educational objectives in the integration of educational areas:
"Cognitive development":
Develop children's interests, curiosity and cognitive motivation;
Cultivate cognitive interest in creativity domestic writers(K.I. Chukovsky)
Expand children's horizons.
“Social and communicative development”:
familiarization with generally accepted norms and rules.
develop the emotional-volitional sphere, a sense of collectivism, responsibility for each other;
to form positive relationships between children in the process of joint activities;
“Speech development”:
activate and improve lexicon, grammatical structure of speech, sound pronunciation, coherent speech skills, melodic-intonation side of speech, tempo, expressiveness of speech.
to cultivate a culture of verbal communication, self-respect, and a conscious attitude towards one’s activities;
"Physical development":
develop coordination of speech with movement;
develop general motor skills.
Preliminary work:
reading and viewing fairy tales by K.I. Chukovsky, looking at illustrations for fairy tales;
memorizing poetic texts, discussing characters;
preparation of means of theatrical expression (scenery, costumes, masks).
Making posters and invitation cards for guests.

Characters: adults: 1st Storyteller, 2nd Storyteller, children: 1st storyteller, 2nd storyteller, Fly-Tsokotukha, 2nd Bees, 2nd Fleas, 4th Butterflies, 2nd Cockroaches, 4– e beetle, 3 ladybugs, spider, mosquito, dragonfly.

Stage decorations: house for Mukha, costumes for characters, samovar, flowers, barrel of honey, drying bags, postcard, gift box, box of chocolates, boots, saber, flashlight, table setting, stereo system, recordings of musical fragments and compositions for dancing, backing track of Mukha's song.

Children enter the hall to the music and stand in a semicircle.

1st Storyteller:
One simple fairy tale
Or maybe not a fairy tale,
Or maybe not simple
We want to tell you.
We remember her from childhood,
Or maybe not since childhood,
Or maybe we don’t remember
But we will remember.

2nd Storyteller:
Fairy tale, fairy tale, joke,
Telling it is not a joke.
To the fairy tale from the beginning
It was like a river was babbling,
So that all the people are in the heart
She left her mouth agape.
So that no one, neither old nor small
In the end I didn’t fall asleep
Let's wish our children
No feather, no fluff!
Attention! It begins...
Together with children: Fly Tsokotukha!

1st narrator:
One board, two boards -
There will be a ladder.
Glory to the word, put it neatly -
There will be a song.
And ring after ring -
There will be knitting.
Let's sit next to each other on the porch -
There will be a fairy tale.
2nd narrator:
Fly, Fly - Tskotukha
Gilded belly.
A fly walked across the field.
The fly found the money.
The fly went to the market,
And I bought a samovar.
Mucha comes out to a Russian folk melody

I'm the Tsokotuha Fly, I'm dressing up quickly,
After all, I’m waiting for guests!
All my friends and girlfriends will come running from all over.
I have a lot of different sweets for my guests.
I went to the market and bought a samovar.
I’ll treat my friends to tea, and everyone will come in the evening.

The fly sings a song.
Lyrics to the backing track:
1. Come, fly,
I'm waiting for you to visit at exactly six o'clock,
Come running, come running,
If you don't have wings.
Chorus: Puff-puff-puff
The samovar is boiling.
Steam comes out of the pipe 2 times.
2. Fireflies sparkle brightly
This is a festive fireworks display.
And wonderful gifts
My friends bring it to me.
Chorus: same 2 times
1st narrator:
Friends flock to Mukha,
They hurry to Tsokotukha.
Everyone came to the holiday
They brought flowers and gifts.
The Bees run out and dance a welcome dance.

Hello, Tsokotukha Fly, gilded belly.
I, the neighbor's Bee, brought you honey.
Oh, how pure, sweet and fragrant it is.
I also brought you flowers from my native meadows.
They give the fly honey and flowers.

Thank you from the bottom of my heart!
How good the gifts are!
They pass and sit down.
Fleas jump out to the music and dance energetically.
Here we are: flea friends.
We give you, Mukha, boots.
But the boots are not simple -
They have gold clasps.
The legs will dance -
Heels click.
They give Mukha a pair of boots.
Ah, thank you!
So glad!
Come and have a treat!

To the accompaniment of cheerful plastic music, butterflies “fly out”, spin and dance.
1st Butterfly:
We are naughty butterflies, cheerful playthings.
We flutter through the fields, through the groves, through the meadows.
Come on, butterflies fly, and look at the Fly,
How beautiful her outfit is, and her eyes sparkle with fire.
2nd Butterfly:
We fluttered everywhere
We heard about the holiday.
We congratulate you,
We glorify from the heart!
Butterflies give a big card.
Pass this very hour
There is a place for you too!

2nd narrator:
The cockroaches came running.
All glasses were drunk.
With milk, with pretzel.
Today the Fly-Tsokotuha is the birthday girl.
Dance of the Cockroaches

1st cockroach:
We didn't just come
And they brought gifts!
Various flowers -
Yellow and red!
2nd cockroach:
You will accept a bouquet from us,
Treat us to some sweets.
And we will glorify you,
We wish you good health!
They give flowers to Mukha.
"They're arriving" ladybugs, dancing for Mucha.

Hello, Tsokotukha Fly,
Gilded belly.
We came to visit you,
They brought gingerbread cookies and bagels as gifts.
They give away treats.
Dragonfly flies to the music
Dragonfly has arrived
The storm has just ended.
Let's sing songs
Let's eat cake
And then dance
And fireworks!
Gives the birthday girl a gift box.

Ah, thank you, Dragonfly,
You hurry up and come through
Find a place.
Everyone is sitting at the table,
They drink tea and eat.

The Beetles appear, holding canes in their hands, and “solidly” perform a dance.

Hello, Tsokotuha Fly!
We are horned beetles,
Respectable, rich.
We give you, Mukha, a light
A bouquet of beautiful flowers.
Okay, how are you?
The legs themselves are eager to dance.
Thank you, thank you my dears!
Sit down at the table, the samovar is ready.

A Spider appears underneath loud music. The fly hides behind the house, the guests cover their heads with their hands and tremble.

I'm a spider, long arms.
I came to Mukha, I came to Tsokotukha.

2nd narrator:
Suddenly it flies from somewhere
Little mosquito.
And it burns in his hand
Small flashlight.
Dance of the Mosquito with a lantern and saber.

I am a brave mosquito, a daring fellow.
Where is the Spider, where is the villain.
I'm not afraid of his claws.
I'm not afraid of the Spider, I'll fight the Spider.

The spider appears with candy.
I'm not evil, not evil at all.
I don’t eat beautiful flies.
For your holiday lunch
I brought some delicious sweets.
This treat is, well, simply delicious.
Gives away sweets and goes to the guests.

Well done! It would have been like this a long time ago. Fly, don't be afraid of anything, keep celebrating.
Komarik takes Mukha out and holds his hand.
Fly, you are a soul-maiden,
I want to marry you.
I'll take you by the wing - wing,
You and I will fly far away.
Dance of a Fly with a Mosquito

Municipal budget educational institution

"Average comprehensive school No. 11"

Tyumen region of the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug

Literary festival for primary school students

"A Journey through the Fairy Tales of Korney Chukovsky"

prepared by the head of the library

Serdobintseva Valentina Fedorovna

Novy Urengoy



“In my opinion, the goal of storytellers is

is to educate at any cost

in a child there is humanity - this marvelous

a person's ability to worry about strangers

misfortunes, rejoice in the joys of others,

experience someone else's fate as if it were your own"

K.I. Chukovsky

Literary festival for elementary school students.


Presenters, Hustle Fly, Spider.


To expand children's knowledge about the writer K.I. Chukovsky, to instill a love for his work. To teach to understand the entertaining plots of the writer’s fairy tales, the peculiarities of his language. Using the works of Korney Chukovsky, show that good triumphs over evil, instill in children a sense of compassion for the weak and defenseless. Develop a sustainable interest in reading.

Design and equipment:

Portrait of a writer, book exhibition, a stand with a model of a tree and children’s drawings, a basket with things from the writer’s works, a samovar and cups and saucers, a table with treats for tea, a recording of poems and songs.

Progress of the event:

(Melodies of children's songs sound)

Presenter 1:

Hello, dear guys! We are glad to see you again in our library. Today we will take you on a short trip. And where - look around and guess for yourself... Some strange tree has grown in our library, just a “Miracle Tree”. And the leaves on it are very interesting. Do you guys recognize? (Children's answers). Yes, these are your drawings with the heroes of Korney Chukovsky’s fairy tales. Who doesn't know his fairy tales? Even adults, now fathers and mothers themselves, grandparents remember his funny poems and fairy tales from childhood. And today we will go on a journey through the fairy tales of Korney Ivanovich Chukovsky.

Presenter 2:

But it's his literary pseudonym. And who can name real name, Chukovsky's first and patronymic? Nikolai Vasilievich Korneychukov. Korney Ivanovich had a large and interesting life. Born in 1882 in St. Petersburg. He started working as a painter early, but at the same time he was engaged in self-education: he studied English language, read a lot. And then he passed the exam for the gymnasium course and began working in the newspaper. His talent is very multifaceted: literary critic, translator, storyteller. Chukovsky wrote his books at his dacha near Moscow, in the village of Peredelkino. The children of the village and the whole country called him by the affectionate name “Chukosha”. He had a large and friendly family: four children, five grandchildren and great-grandchildren.

Presenter 1:

Korney Ivanovich, by his own admission, wrote his first fairy tale for children by accident. It was the fairy tale "Crocodile". He composed it on the road, on the train, comforting his sick son. Remember this fairy tale?

Once upon a time there was


He walked the streets

I smoked cigarettes

He spoke Turkish -

Crocodile, Crocodile Crocodilovich!

And behind him are the people

And he sings and shouts:

What a freak!

What a nose, what a mouth!

And where does such a monster come from?

The schoolchildren are behind him,

The chimney sweeps are behind him,

And they push him

They offend him;

And some kid

Showed him the shish

And some kind of watchdog

Bit him on the nose -

Bad watchdog, ill-mannered.

Guys, who remembers how the story about the Crocodile ended?

(The crocodile flew to Africa, came to visit the writer and drank tea with him)

And what interesting events happened in this fairy tale, you will remember when you re-read it. Guys, please tell me, in which poems and fairy tales of Chukovsky did you meet the Crocodile? Children's answers. (“Confusion”, “Cockroach”, “Moidodyr”, “Telephone”, “Barmaley”, “Stolen Sun”, “Crocodile”). Korney Ivanovich wrote many wonderful poems and fairy tales. In our library, some of them are presented at the exhibition. Today, we will meet the heroes of these books. (A telephone rings.)

Presenter 2:

My phone rang. Who's speaking?

Children: Elephant.

Presenter 2: Where?

Children: From a camel.

Presenter 2: What do you need?

Children: Chocolate.

Presenter 2: Guys! How do you know all this?

Children: From Chukovsky’s book “Telephone”.

Presenter 2: That's right guys! Well done!

Do you recognize these heroes from Korney Ivanovich’s fairy tale? (Fly-Tsokotukha runs out).

Fly Tsokotukha:

I am the Buzzing Fly, gilded belly!

I'm expecting guests today, it's my birthday today!

I went to the market and bought a samovar.

I’ll treat my friends to tea, let them come in the evening.

I have a lot of delicious sweets for all my guests!

Oh, I forgot, I forgot who I invited to visit.

Guys, help.

Tell me all the guests!

Children: Bugs, fleas, cockroaches, granny bee, grasshopper, moths...

Fly Tsokotukha:

Thanks guys! I have a lot of guests.

I will set the table and greet all the guests!

(The Buzzing Fly circles around the table with the samovar. Suddenly a Spider appears and grabs the Buzzing Fly.)

Fly Tsokotukha:

Dear guests, help!

Kill the villain spider.

Presenter 1:

What's happened? Who gets bullied at our holidays?


I'm an evil Spider long legs and hands!

Your Fly was dragged into a corner

I want to kill the poor thing, destroy Tsokotukha!

Presenter 1:

Let her go. Why are you so angry?


Presenter 1:

All clear. Guys, will you help save the Tsokotukha Fly? (Children's answers).

Spider tell us riddles. And the guys and I will guess them.


I have two horses, two horses,

They carry me along the water.

And the water is hard, like stone!


Ah, don't touch me

I'll burn you without fire!


She grows upside down

It grows not in summer, but in winter.

But the sun will bake her -

She will cry and die.


I'm not wandering through forests,

And by the mustache, by the hair,

And my teeth are longer,

Than wolves and bears.


Little houses are running along the street,

Boys and girls are being taken to their houses.


Here are the needles and pins

They crawl out from under the bench,

They look at me

They want milk.



Thank you guys! Now I will know the answers too. Now help me remember the names of fairy tales. I'll start a line, and you continue the phrase and name the fairy tale.

Cockroaches came running

(All the glasses were drunk)

"Fly Tsokotukha"

The bears were driving


And behind them is a cat




Ran away

The sheet flew away

And a pillow

(Like a frog,

Jumped away from me)


Not the leaves on it,

Not flowers on it,

And stockings and shoes,

(Like apples)

"Miracle Tree"

Suddenly a jackal came from somewhere

He rode on a mare:

“Here is a telegram for you

(From Hippopotamus)


Small children!

No way

Don't go to Africa

(To go for a walk in Africa!)


Hey you stupid plates,

What are you jumping like?

(squirrels) “Fedorino grief”

But the shameless one laughs

So that the tree shakes:

"If I just want,

(And I will swallow the moon!")

"Stolen Sun"


Thanks guys! Well done! How much have you read? Which funny tales at Chukovsky's. And I had fun with you. Now I'm kind. Can I have fun with you at the holiday?

Fly Tsokotukha:

Shall we forgive him, guys? (Children's answers). I really liked how you saved me and answered Spider’s questions in a friendly manner. Can you answer my questions? If you don't know the answer, the good Spider will help you. In a basket under the Miracle Tree we have collected various things from Chukovsky’s works. You must help us find the owners. Name who the item belonged to and read the line from the work that says about it:

(Takes things out of the basket and shows them to the children.)

(And behind him there are mosquitoes balloon)

Mosquitoes. "Cockroach"


(And behind them are saucers -

Ding-la-la! Ding-la-la!)

Fedora. "Fedorino grief"


(Here the soap jumped

And grabbed my hair)

Moidodyru. "Moidodyr"


(And sets and sets thermometers for them!)

Aibolit. "Aibolit"


(Mint gingerbread,


Surprisingly pleasant.)

Barmaley. "Barmaley"

So our basket is empty. But I have more in store for you interesting questions quizzes. Let's remember together the funny poems of Korney Ivanovich:

    What grew on the trees in the poem "Joy"?

    • On a birch; (Roses)

      On the aspen. (Oranges)

    What did the tadpoles ask their toad grandmother in the poem “Tadpoles”?


    Who was Murochka afraid of in the poem “Zakalyak”?

(His drawing “Byaki-Zakalyaki Kusachey”)

    What did Bibigon sail on in the fairy tale “The Adventures of Bibigon”?

(On galoshes)

    Who saved Bibigon in his adventures?

(Pig, toad, Fedosya, granddaughters)

    What fell on the elephant in the fairy tale “The Cockroach”?


    How did the good doctor Aibolit treat sick animals in Africa?


    Why did the pig from the poem “Telephone” ask for a nightingale to be sent to her?

(To sing with him)

Fly Tsokotukha:

Well done boys! And you answered my questions unanimously. I know that many of you remember by heart the poems of Korney Chukovsky. And now we will be happy to listen to the poems that second grade students have prepared for you. (Children read poems)

Presenter 1:

Today we remembered many heroes of fairy tales and poems by K.I. Chukovsky: Fly-Tsokotukha, Moidodyr, Aibolit and even the evil Barmaley, who became kind. Without these wonderful fairy-tale heroes It would be sad for us to live. We will encounter the works of Korney Ivanovich many more times. When you become older, you will get acquainted with Chukovsky's translations of works foreign writers and learn new heroes: Robinson Crusoe, Tom Sawyer, Baron Munchausen and others. Chukovsky has inexhaustible talent, smart, cheerful. In all his books, good always triumphs over evil. Chukovsky's fairy tales and poems are very musical. Almost all of them are written musical operas, songs. Let's listen small excerpt from musical fairy tale Chukovsky "Telephone". (A recording of a fairy tale sounds).

Presenter 2:

So our journey through the works of Korney Ivanovich Chukovsky has come to an end. A wonderful and cheerful storyteller and poet. New meetings with the heroes of his books are ahead of you. And our heroes Tsokotukha Fly and Spider say goodbye to you. See you again! We are waiting for you in the library!

The Tinkling Fly and the Spider treat the children to sweets. The melodies of children's songs sound.

List of used literature

    Petrovsky, M. Korney Chukovsky. - M.: Det. lit., 1989.-125p.

    Russian writers. XX century Biographical Dictionary: In 2 hours. Part 2.M-Ya / Editorial team: N.A. Groznova and others; Ed. N.N. Skatova.- M.: Education, 1998.- 656 p.: ill.

    Tubelskaya, G.N. Children's writers of Russia. One hundred names: Bio-bibliographic reference book. Part 2. M-Ya.-M.: School library, 2002.- 224 p.

    Chukovsky, K.I. Collected works in 2 volumes / Korney Chukovsky. - M.: Pravda, 1990.

T.1: Fairy tales; From two to five; Alive as life.- 653s.

T.2: Critical stories.- 620 p.

5. Chukovsky, K.I. Favorite poems.- M.: AST-PRESS, 1997.- 256 p.: ill.

6. Chukovsky, K. Poems and fairy tales. From two to five/Preface. V. Smirnova;




musical performance

"Fly Tsokotukha"

based on the fairy tale by K.I. Chukovsky


teachers primary classes

Taratynova Elena Olegovna

Music teacher

Knyazheva Anastasia Vladimirovna

Moscow 2014

Two Peddlers appear. They walk around the hall, playing the pipes.

1st Peddler: Fairy tale, fairy tale, joke,

Telling it is not a joke.

To the fairy tale from the beginning

It was like a river was babbling,

So that all the people are in the heart

She left her mouth agape.

2nd Peddler: So that no one, neither old nor small

In the end I didn’t fall asleep

Let's wish our children

No feather, no fluff!

Attention! It begins...

TOGETHER: Fly Tsokotukha!

1st Peddler: Fly Tsokotukha,

Gilded belly.

2nd Peddler: A fly walked across the field,

The fly found the money.

The peddlers leave to the same music.

Music by B. Tchaikovsky from the film “Balzaminov’s Marriage” is playing. A Fly flies out, flies around the hall, and finds some money.

FLY: What should I buy?

Maybe the dress is blue?

Or shoes or a skirt?

So...I'll think for a minute...

No, I'll go to the market

And I’ll buy a samovar there.

Because it's a birthday

I'll be celebrating soon

All the cockroach bugs

Treat yourself to sweet tea.

The fly flies away. Insects come out with trays under Russian. adv. song. The Fly appears.


Fair! Fair!

Awesome fair!

Only with us, only with us

Most best kvass!


Dear audience,

Buy bagels from us!


Tambourines, spoons, Balalaikas,

Buy, choose!

The fly examines the goods.

FLY : Any product is good here,

But I need a samovar!

Gives money. He takes the samovar. Carries him home to the song flies from the site.

FLY : Everything is ready, the table is set.

The samovar is already boiling.

Here my friends will come

I will be very glad!

The music of Strauss "Polka" sounds

Fleas appear and dance.


Fleas came to Mukha,
They brought her boots

But the boots are not simple -
They have gold clasps.

Take it for fleas

A few boots

FLY: - Thank you! Thank you

The boots are amazing!

Sit down here, the guests will arrive soon!

The music of L. Kuprevich “Song of the Bee” sounds M. I. Krasev ,

Bee flies out

BEE: Hello, Tsokotukha Fly,

Gilded belly!

I'm from all my native meadows

I brought you flowers.

I am a neighbor - Bee,

I also brought honey!

Oh, how clean he is

Sweet and fragrant!

Gives Mukha a bouquet of flowers and a jar of honey

FLY: - Thank you! Thank you! My dear!

Sit down at the table, the samovar is ready!

The music is any melody in the Japanese style.

1st BUTTERFLY: We are naughty Butterflies,

Cheerful flyers.

We fly through the fields,

Through groves and meadows.

2ND BUTTERFLY: We never get tired

We spin and flutter.

We live very happily

We collect nectar.

3rd BUTTERFLY: We fluttered through the flowers

We flew to visit you.

BUTTERFLIES (in unison): Congratulations! Congratulations!

We wish you happiness and joy!

We treat you to flower jam!

They pass the jam to Mukha.


Thank you, dear friends,

Please come to the table! Sit down!

Butterflies sit down at the table.

To the music of "Polka Karabas" a cockroach and a bug come out.


The cockroaches came running
All the glasses were drunk,

And they collected a bouquet of flowers for the fly.


And the bugs are three cups each.

With milk and pretzel.

FLY:(fly song)

Thank you, the bouquet is beautiful!

Please sit down at the table,

I ask you to drink some tea.

Addresses all guests and sings the song “Reception of Guests” M. I. Krasev

Guests are treated to food (pantomime)


There's cream and sweets...

And what’s not there!

Flea :

Marmalades, chocolates,

And nuts and sweets!

Bee :

Gingerbread is mint, fragrant,

Surprisingly pleasant!

flea :

Cream tubes, pies

And very delicious cheese curds!


Congratulations! Congratulations!

We wish you happiness and joy!

Help you with everything

We give our word of honor!


Suddenly some old man
Our Fly in the corner
Dragged -
He wants to kill the poor woman
Destroy the clatter!

The fly screams

Struggling,And the villain is silent, grinning.


Dear guests, help!
Kill the villain spider!

And I fed you
And I gave you something to drink

Don't leave me
In my last hour!


But the worm beetles
Got scared
In the corners, in the cracks

They fled:
Under the sofas
And the boogers
Under the benches
And the bugs under the bed -

They don't want to fight!

And no one even moves

Won't move:

Get lost - die

Birthday girl!

But the villain is not joking,
He twists Mukha’s arms and legs with ropes,

Sounds like "Flight of the Bumblebee" orchestral interlude written by N. Rimsky-Korsakov. Mosquito appears.


Suddenly it flies from somewhere
Little Mosquito,
And it burns in his hand
Small flashlight.

Mosquito.- Where is the thief? Where is the villain?
I'm not afraid of his claws!

Leading. Flies up to the Spider,
Takes out the saber
He's at full gallop

Takes away the fly.


There are bugs and boogers here
Crawling out from under the bench:

Glory, glory to Komaru -

To the winner!

MOSQUITO (Fly) : I defeated the spider!

And he freed you

And now, maiden soul,

Let's have fun together!

Let's dance together!

MOSQUITO: Hey, mustachioed Cockroach,

Beat the drum quickly!


Bom! Bom! Bom! Bom!

The Fly and the Mosquito will dance!


You are little insects,
You are cuties


Boots squeak
Heels are knocking -

There will be, there will be midges
Have fun until the morning:

Today the Fly-Tsokotuha

The Peddlers appear.

1st Peddler: The circle is narrower! The circle is wider!

To the left. Turn right.

Smile more cheerfully!

2nd Peddler: Representation of fun

Both for us and for you

We'll finish this hour!

Everyone stands in a circle. The guests dance to the music of A. Spadavecchia “The Good Bug”.

E. Grieg's “In the Cave of the Mountain King” sounds.

All the guests are scared. The Spider appears with his head hanging.

Spider: Have mercy, brave hero,

Let's make peace, Mukha.

I realized that without friends

There is bad in this world.

Mosquito: Okay, you can stay!

Just don't get too cocky!

1st PEDRIAN: The time has come to part,

We say “Goodbye!”

2nd PEDRIAN: Oh, you dear guests,

Come visit us again

We are always glad to have guests!

Bow to the music of A. Spadavecchia “The Good Beetle”

List of references and Internet sources.

1. Korney Chukovsky - poems for children , 2007

2. search/fly clatter musical

3. Basyuk O.V., Golovkina M.A. and etc. Cool watch 1-4 grades. - Issue 2. Book for the teacher. – Volgograd, 2008

4. Clapping fly


Holiday script for children 5-7 years old "Visiting Korney Chukovsky"

Author: Valentina Ivanovna Letova, teacher at MBDOU kindergarten No. 5 “Forget-me-not”, Stary Oskol,
Belgorod region.

Dear colleagues, the proposed holiday scenario is recommended for children in the senior and preparatory school groups and contributes to the development of interest in the work of K.I. Chukovsky.
Continue introducing children to the life and work of K.I. Chukovsky, help children remember the names and contents of K.I. Chukovsky’s fairy tales, show them amazing world fairy tales of K.I. Chukovsky, their wisdom and beauty.
Develop memory, attention, the ability to expressively, emotionally read poetry, enrich vocabulary, develop fine motor skills hands
To cultivate faith in goodness, friendship and love, in triumph over evil.
To form a sustainable interest in reading in children.
Portrait of K.I. Chukovsky, exhibition of his books, tape recorder (recording songs), Queen book, basket with lost things: telephone, balloon, soap, saucer, thermometer, sieve, coin, washcloth, riddles.
Guys, do you believe in miracles?
Children: yes!
A real miracle happened in our group this morning!
Do you want to see?
Children: yes!
Then close your eyes and don’t peek (the children close their eyes, the teacher takes out the Queen book).
Now open your eyes and look. Did you see a miracle? You see, this is the queen - Book, how beautiful she is? Do you like her? (Yes). Let's open it and take a look at the first page. What's on the first page? Here, guys, are the rules for handling the book. Let's remember them.
1. Take books with clean hands.
2. Books should not be torn.
3. Books should not be crushed.
4. You cannot draw on books.
5. You cannot bend corners.
Well done boys! Know how to handle a book correctly.
But the Queen of Books tells us one more thing Golden Rule, which you need to remember: “Books love silence,” so you can’t talk loudly, make noise or play around, you have to be careful if you want to say or answer something. Everyone, remember this rule? (Yes).
How should we behave?
Children: quiet.
Educator. Now we can look at the next page, what's there? Who is this guys? (Korney Ivanovich Chukovsky).
Today the Queen of Books invites us to visit your most favorite writer, whom both adults and children love, Korney Ivanovich Chukovsky.
Grandfather Korney is visiting
All children are invited!
But he is especially happy
Invite these guys
Who can listen to fairy tales?
Or likes to read them.
Do you want to visit? (Yes).
There is a portrait of K.I. Chukovsky on the table, children sit on chairs, and illustrations of his works are on the board.
So, we came to visit. Chukovsky's real name is Nikolai Korneychukov. He was born in St. Petersburg in 1882. Nikolai really wanted to become educated person: He read a lot, taught himself English, became a journalist and critic. High growth, long arms with large hands, large features faces, a large curious nose, a brush of mustache, an unruly strand of hair hanging over the forehead, laughing light eyes and a surprisingly light gait. This is the appearance of Korney Ivanovich Chukovsky. He got up very early, as soon as the sun rose, and immediately got to work. In spring and summer I dug in the garden or in the flower garden in front of the house, in winter I cleared the paths from the snow that had fallen overnight. After working for several hours, he went for a walk. He walked surprisingly easily and quickly, sometimes he even started racing with the kids he met while walking. It was to these kids that he dedicated his books. He had four children: two daughters and two sons. He loved them very much, often played hide-and-seek and tag with them, swam in the sea with them, took them on boat rides, and built fairy-tale sand castles with the children. They lived amicably and cheerfully. But one day a misfortune happened. One of his sons ( a little boy) became seriously ill. He had a high fever and a severe headache. The boy did not eat anything, could not sleep, and only cried.
Chukovsky felt very sorry for his son, he wanted to calm him down, and he began to invent and tell him a fairy tale as he went. The boy liked the fairy tale, he stopped crying, listened carefully and finally fell asleep, and after a few days he completely recovered.
After this incident, Korney Ivanovich Chukovsky began to compose fairy tales. And he came up with many fairy tales that children and adults know and love well. Here we are already waiting for books written by K.I. Chukovsky.
Korney Ivanovich Chukovsky died on October 28, 1969. He was 87 years old.
Do you like fairy tales?
Children: yes.
What tales of K.I. Chukovsky do you know? Name them.
“Telephone”, “Doctor Aibolit”, “Moidodyr”, “Fly-Tsokotukha”, “Fedorino’s grief”.
Well done, you know a lot of fairy tales.
Let's see what's on the next page of the Queen's book (turns the page, on it is an excerpt from “Moidodyr”).
Ran away
The sheet flew away
And a pillow
Like a frog
She galloped away from me.
I'm for a candle
The candle goes into the stove!
I'm for a book
Ta - run
And jump
Under the bed!"
Guys, did you find out what goes like a fairy tale speech?
Children. “Moidodyr”.
Educator. Who can show me this book, where it is? (One of the children shows “Moidodyr” among the books on display).
How did you guess? (Moidodyr is drawn on it.)
That's right guys, from the illustration on the cover of the book we can determine who or what this book is about, the drawing helped us.
Who is this fairy tale about? (Children's answers.)
Korney Ivanovich Chukovsky really did not like children who did not wash their hands or wash themselves. He wrote a fairy tale about such dirty people, which is called “Moidodyr”.
Our children know the verses of this fairy tale, and now they are reading them to you. Let's listen to our guys.
I child.
Suddenly from my mother’s bedroom,
Bowlegged and lame,
The washbasin runs out
And shakes his head:
“Oh you ugly one, oh you dirty one,
Unwashed pig!
You're blacker than a chimney sweep
Admire yourself:
There's polish on your neck,
There's a blot under your nose,
You have such hands
That even the trousers ran away,
Even pants, even pants
They ran away from you.
II child.
Early in the morning at dawn
Little mice wash themselves
And kittens and ducklings,
And bugs and spiders.
You weren't the only one who didn't wash your face
And I remained dirty
And ran away from the dirty
And stockings and shoes.
III child.
I am the Great Laver,
The famous Moidodyr,
Umybasnikov Head
And washcloths Commander!
If I stamp my foot,
I'll call my soldiers
There's a crowd in this room
The washbasins will fly in,
And they will bark and howl,
And their feet will knock,
And a headache for you,
To the unwashed, they will give -
Straight to the Moika
Straight to Moika
They’ll be immersed in their heads!”
Educator. Thanks guys, please take a seat. I am very glad that you love the fairy tales of K.I. Chukovsky.

There are mysteries here, guys. You need to choose any number, I will tell you a riddle under this number. If you guess right, a window will open.
1. He sleeps in a den in winter
Under a huge pine tree
And when spring comes
Wakes up from sleep (Bear).
2. Cunning cheat
Red head
Fluffy tail - beauty
And her name is... (Fox).
3. Here are the needles and pins
They crawl out from under the bench.
They look at me
They want milk (Hedgehog).
4. A ball of fluff
Long ear.
Jumps deftly
Loves carrots (Hare).
Educator. Well done boys. You have completed the task. Look, our window has opened. Do you know who this is?
Children. This is Fyodor’s grandmother from the fairy tale “Fedorino’s Grief.”
Educator. What does this fairy tale teach us?
Children. Be neat, clean, take care of the dishes, wash them, tidy up the house.
Educator. Let's take a look at the next page of the Queen of the Book and see what else she has in store for us.
- And here is the game “Say the Word.” I will read the beginning of the line, and you continue.
Good doctor……….(Aibolit)!
He is under the tree………..(sits)
Come to him for treatment
Both the cow and ……………..(she-wolf).
And the bug and ………………(worm),
And a bear!
He will heal everyone, he will heal everyone
Good…………………(Dr. Aibolit)!
Educator. What fairy tale are these lines from?
Children. Yes! From the fairy tale “Doctor Aibolit”
Aibolit enters.
Dr. Aibolit. Hello guys. Did you call me? Should I treat you?
Educator. Let's stand in a circle and show Dr. Aibolit that we are healthy, there is no need to treat us.
You don't need to treat us,
Good Doctor Aibolit.
We will run and walk,
We will gain strength.
Our stomachs don't hurt,
Like poor hippos.
We will stretch our hands to the sun,
And then we’ll sit down on the grass.
Like eagles we fly, soar,
We look in all directions,
Legs will raise
Walk through the thick grass.
This is how strong and healthy we are.
Sit down, guys.
Educator. And you, Aibolit, stay with us.
What's on the next page of the Queen's book?
Who is this guys? (Fly Tsokotukha).
Do you want to revive her? (Yes).
I will turn you into wizards now. Close your eyes and don't peek. Make a wish and say to yourself for the Fly to come to life (music plays and we turn the child into a Tsokotukha Fly, put on wings and mustaches. When the music ends, the children open their eyes).
Guys, our picture has come to life.
Fly Tsokotukha. Did I walk across the field this morning?
Children. Yes!
Fly Tsokotukha. I found a penny in the clearing.
Children. I ran to the market and bought a samovar.
Fly Tsokotukha.
I am the Tsokotuha Fly,
Gilded belly.
Today I'm waiting for a gift,
Today I am the birthday girl.
I went to the market
I bought a samovar.
I'll treat my friends to tea,
I have for guests
Lots of delicious sweets!
Educator. Thank you Fly-Tsokotukha, sit down with the guys.
Guys, tell me, what fairy tale did this heroine come to us from?
Children. From the fairy tale “Tsokotukha Fly”.
Educator."Who is who".
Which characters do these fairy-tale names belong to?
Aibolit - (doctor)
Barmaley - (robber)
Fedora - (grandmother)
Karakula - (shark)
Moydodyr - (washbasin)
Totoshka, Kokoshka - (crocodiles)
Tsokotuha - (fly)
Red-haired, mustachioed giant - (cockroach)
Korney Ivanovich Chukovsky was distinguished by his great work ethic: “Always,” he wrote, “no matter where I was: on the tram, in line for bread, in the dentist’s waiting room, I wrote riddles for children so as not to waste time. It saved me from mental idleness!” Korney Chukovsky composed not only fairy tales and poems. He came up with many funny and witty riddles. Now our children will wish them for us
1.Flies all day long
Everyone gets bored
The night will come
Then it will stop. (Fly from the fairy tale “Fly - Tsokotukha”)
2. Slipping away like something alive
But I won't let him out
Foams with white foam
I'm not too lazy to wash my hands. (Soap from the fairy tale “Moidodyr”)
3. Never eats
But he just drinks.
How loud will it be?
It will attract everyone. (Samovar from the fairy tale “Fedorino’s grief”)
4.Treats small children,
Heals birds and animals
He looks through his glasses
Good Doctor... (Aibolit from the fairy tale “Aibolit”)
5. A log is floating along the river.
Oh, and it’s furious!
To those who fell into the river,
The nose will be bitten off... (Crocodile from the fairy tale “The Stolen Sun”)
6. Back and forth
The steamer wanders and wanders.
If you leave it - woe!
The sea will be perforated. (Iron from the fairy tale “Fedorino’s grief”)
7. Where the sponge can’t handle it,
It won’t wash you away, it won’t wash you away
I take on the labor:
Rub your heels and elbows with soap
And I scrub my knees, I don’t forget anything. (Washcloth from the fairy tale “Moidodyr”)
8. On the sides of the box there are round buttons,
Right there in the corner there is a pipe with a handle and a cord.
Speaks without tongue
He hears perfectly without ears. (Telephone from the fairy tale “Telephone”)
Well done! Next competition - competition
Now we will hold a competition for the best expert on poetry - fairy tales by K.I. Chukovsky. Guess where these lines come from.
1. Early in the morning at dawn, the little mice wash themselves,
And kittens, and ducklings, and bugs and spiders.
You were the only one who didn’t wash your face and was left dirty,
And both stockings and shoes ran away from the dirt. (“Moidodyr”)
2.And then the herons called: “Please send some drops:
We ate too much frogs today and our stomachs hurt. ("Telephone")
3. The bears rode a bicycle,
And behind them is a cat backwards.
And behind him are mosquitoes
On a hot air balloon. ("Cockroach")
4. And the mountains stand in front of him on the way,
And he begins to crawl through the mountains.
And the mountains are getting higher, and the mountains are getting steeper,
And the mountains go under the very clouds!
"Oh, if I don't get there,
If I get lost on the way,
What will happen to them, to the sick,
With my forest animals? ("Aibolit")
"Basket of lost things."
Game "Basket of Lost Things".
On the table there are objects from different fairy tales K.I. Chukovsky. I have different things in my basket. Someone lost them. Help find their owner, remember the fairy tale and the lines that talk about this item.
Children are divided into 3 teams. Each team must select those things that only fit their fairy tale.
1st team – fairy tale “Moidodyr” (soap, toothpaste, Toothbrush, towel, comb).
2nd team – fairy tale “Fedorino’s grief” (plate, saucer, pan, spoon, fork).
3rd team – fairy tale “Aibolit” (thermometer, heating pad, phonendoscope, syringe).
Game "Cockroach Race"(2 teams, running on all fours)
Educator. So our journey through the fairy tales of Korney Ivanovich Chukovsky has come to an end. You know the tales of this wonderful author very well. And in conclusion we will read a poem.
We love and know Chukovsky's fairy tales.
We read these fairy tales with pleasure.
To make your life more fun,
They were all invented... by the grandfather of KORNEY
Like these ones interesting tales We remembered with you today at our holiday! Both adults and children love these fairy tales for their kindness, humor, and variety. A lot of artistic and animated films. More than one generation of our children will be happy to watch and listen to them... K. I. Chukovsky’s fairy tales help us navigate the world around us, make us feel like fearless participants in imaginary battles for justice, for good. Korney Ivanovich's poems cultivate the precious ability to empathize, sympathize, and rejoice. Chukovsky’s poems sound great, develop our speech, enrich us with new words, form a sense of humor, make us stronger and smarter.
There is a wonderful country in the world,
It's called the Library.
Adults and children come here
Because books live here.
But in the land of a big library
There are special rules:
You definitely need to know them
I'll tell you there are six of these rules.
As you enter the country of the Library,
Don't forget to say hello to everyone.
And behave with dignity and calm,
Be polite and quiet, my friend.
Clear, concise, concise, quick
Name the author and the book,
And when you get what you need,
Say “thank you” politely.
Return the book you received
Be sure to do so within the time period specified therein.
So that this book is no problem
Another child was able to read it.
If these rules, guys,
Will you strictly comply
Then the country Library
We will always be glad to receive you!