Sergei Bezrukov and Anna Matison: “Our child is not accidental - we wanted him. Sergei Bezrukov and Anna Matison: first joint interview From journalist to director

Actor Sergei Bezrukov was married to actress Irina Bezrukova, and this state of affairs seemed unshakable for 15 long years.

In 2015, news of the divorce of one of the most beautiful couples Russian cinema amazed fans. The reason for Sergei's departure was new love. He went to the director and producer, playwright and screenwriter Anna Matison.

From journalist to director

Anna Matison was born in Irkutsk in 1983. Her mother was a famous Irkutsk journalist.

Anna loved mathematics very much as a child, and assumed that her life would be connected with this subject. For example, with the economy.

As a result, she entered the international faculty of Irkutsk State University.

While studying she worked part-time as a freelance correspondent on local television, and worked her way up from correspondent to program editor.

Soon, together with director Yuri Dorokhin, Anna founded the company REC.production. The company was engaged in the creation of commercials and videos. The company collaborated with large customers such as Transneft, Atomenergomash and others.

It was at this time that Anna understands what to create own worlds she is much more interested in than integrating into an existing one.

In 2008, Anna Matison decides to move to Moscow, where she enters the VGIK screenwriting department..

And in 2013 he graduated from VGIK with honors.

In 2008, Anna filmed her debut based on the script by Evgeniy Grishkovets, “The Mood Has Improved.” Grishkovets was interested in the work, and he offered cooperation to the young screenwriter.

Together with Anna they are writing a feature-length film script "Satisfaction". This film was released widely and took part in many festivals.

Together with Grishkovets, Matison worked on the documentary series “Without a Script” and on the play “Home.”

Anna Matison also wrote scripts for the films “Yolki-2”, “Yolki-3”, “Yolki-2014”. While working on the film “Milky Way,” Anna took on the position of director. She met on the set of this film. with Sergei Bezrukov.

Love and Baikal

There is an opinion that the future spouses met on the set of “Yolki-2”, where Sergei Bezrukov played one of the roles. Mathieson denies this information. She wrote the script for this film and did not interact with the artists in any way.

Anna and Sergey met on Lake Baikal, on Olkhon Island, in February 2015.

It was there that the shooting of the lyrical comedy “Milky Way” with Bezrukov in the title role took place.

Anna Matison spent a lot of time together both on and off the set. They talked a lot, built creative plans, and through these conversations their love was born.


It so happened that it was in March 2015 that the only son of Bezrukov’s wife, Irina Bezrukova, died. He was found in a Moscow apartment.

It was an accident - Andrei fell, hit his temple, and death occurred instantly.

At the same time, rumors about a quarrel in the Bezrukov family reached their peak. They said that Sergei did not come to his stepson’s funeral, that he had caught his wife cheating, and many other unpleasant things.

Interesting notes:

Irina put an end to this story. Her original program “Conversation on Stage” was aired on the channel “360” near Moscow.

The first guest of the program was her then-ex-husband Sergei Bezrukov. At the end of the interview, Irina handed Sergei a blank sheet of paper.

Later Irina gave frank interview magazine “Hello!”, where she spoke about the state of affairs in their family. Yes, she and Sergei are divorced, but they are still connected by a common cause - Moscow Provincial Theater, Fund for Support of Sociocultural Projects, which they created together with Irina.

And she gave me a blank sheet of paper ex-husband as a symbol that now his life can begin with clean slate.

Life from scratch with Anna Matison

In 2016, the couple got married. Now Sergei Bezrukov and Anna Matison are raising common daughter Maria.

In addition to family matters, Bezrukov and Matison developed a creative union. In March 2017, their joint film “After You” with Sergei in the title role was released. This time Anna took a swing at the drama, and largely due to the fact that she wrote the script for Bezrukov.

Previously, when the script was written for an unknown actor, Anna limited herself in many ways, because she was not sure whether the artist could cope with the proposed task. She is confident in Bezrukov. In her opinion, Sergei can play anything.

The film “After You” is a poignant story about a ballet dancer who ended his career.

Anna paid a lot of attention before classical music in his creativity. She took off documentary about his fellow countryman, pianist Denis Matsuev, about Valery Gergiev, collaboration with the Mariinsky Theater.

Sergei Bezrukov calls this film Anna's gift. He always loved to dance, and in choreography classes at the Moscow Art Theater School he was among the first at the ballet barre.

In the film, 90% of the dances are performed by Bezrukov himself. In this role famous actor no one has seen it yet.

It is known that in the first marriage it was not possible to give birth to a child. Sergei and Irina Bezrukova tried for a long time, tried all treatment methods, but it was all in vain.

Therefore, the birth of daughter Masha in 2016 was the main gift for Sergei.

Outside of the director's stage, Anna is a very homely, gentle person. “Family comes first, it’s not even frowned upon.”

Anna Matison does not use the services of a nanny, believing that the child should spend as much time as possible with his parents.

The mother’s profession allows her to work at home, but even when filming, the Bezrukovs took their daughter with them. She had her own trailer. The actors joke: “On set, Masha is the only one who has a rider.”

New wife Sergei Bezrukov. Who is she?
And this is Anna Matison.
Until last summer, only an experienced theater and film connoisseur could say who Anna Matison was.

But after several publications about Sergei Bezrukov, which said that new lover The actor and director may be Anna Matison, her fame began to grow by leaps and bounds.

This was facilitated by a popular photo report in the magazine “7 Days” at the end of 2015 and a glamorous photo shoot by Bezrukov and Matison in the February issue of Elle.

And yesterday it swept through the media unexpected news like a bolt from the blue. Allegedly, on March 11, Sergei Bezrukov and Anna Matison registered their marriage in one of the Moscow registry offices.

The situation is almost like in the legendary comedy film "Caucasian Captivity".

So who is this young woman who brought one of the most eligible bachelors in the artistic community of Russia in less than a year to the wedding crown?

Here short biography Anna Matison or what you can find out about Sergei Bezrukov’s chosen one from the Internet.

Anna Matison is a production director, production designer and costume designer.

Anna Matison was born on July 8, 1983 in Irkutsk. Graduated from the linguistic lyceum. While still studying at Irkutsk State University at the international faculty, she worked on the local TV channel “AIST”; first as a presenter and editor, then as a general producer.

In 2004, Anna Matison and a group of colleagues founded the independent studio REC and served as its director until moving to Moscow in 2008. Most famous work studio became a short film based on the works of Evgeniy Grishkovets “The Mood Has Improved”.

In 2013, Anna Matison graduated from the All-Russian State University Cinematography named after. S. A. Gerasimova (workshop of Natalia Ryazantseva). In 2009, as a director and screenwriter, together with Evgeniy Grishkovets, she filmed her first feature film"Satisfaction". The main roles starred Evgeny Grishkovets and Denis Burgazliev. The film was awarded prizes at several festivals.
400 thousand dollars were spent on the production of the film. It collected $506,205 at the box office and was watched by about 80,000 viewers (data from the kinopoisk website).

Cooperation with Evgeniy Grishkovets continued for theater stage: in 2009, their joint play “Home” was released, which is currently being performed at the School modern play, Moscow Art Theater named after. Chekhov and other theaters, and in 2014 - the play "WEEK END", which premiered in November this year at the School of Contemporary Play.

As a screenwriter, Anna Matison took part in the work on the films “Yolki-2”, “Yolki-3”, “Yolki-1914”, and in the latter she was also a creative producer.
From 2009 to 2014, she worked as a director on a number of documentary projects about classical music: “The Musician” (about pianist Denis Matsuev), “ Mariinskii Opera House and Valery Gergiev”, “Prokofiev: Along the Journey”, “To Be Continued”, “The Thirteenth”, as well as on the opera films “Lefty”, “Semyon Kotko”, “The Trojans”, “Don Quixote”.

In 2015, Anna Matison, as a director, shot the feature comedy film “The Milky Way,” which was released during the New Year holidays of 2016 and which collected about $850 thousand. True, we don’t know how much was spent on the production of this high-quality comedy.

In the New Year's comedy, Anna acted as a screenwriter and director. In the leading role, Matison saw Khabensky or Dyuzhev, but fate had its own way. And it was New Year's miracle, a well-deserved gift, spectacularly presented to a talented director and beautiful woman by her majesty Fate. Sergei Bezrukov’s consent to execute main role in the “Milky Way” 3 weeks before the flight to Baikal, where the filming took place - a sign from above.

Anna Matison and Konstantin Khabensky had different views on the history of the film “Milky Way”. Matison reworked the script for it several times, and on the advice of the casting director, she invited Sergei Bezrukov to a meeting. Both the script and Anna impressed the actor. Sergei promised to think about it, but knew that he would not agree because his schedule was too busy. But if two are destined to play their roles in life, the earth will spin in reverse side. This is how Anna Matison and Sergei Bezrukov ended up on Lake Baikal.

Local shamans consider Olkhon Island a sacred place where vanity leaves a person, revealing important things to him. All set watched the development of the relationship between Bezrukov and Matison. It was impossible not to notice the special glances of the two - this is how real feelings arise. And the special relationship between director and performer, which always accompanies filming, has nothing to do with it - observers are sure of this.

The couple Bezrukov and Matison actively started talking about after returning to Moscow. Sergei gave out interviews left and right, in which he admired Anna. The actor called her a woman with an amazing sense of taste, proportion and an absolute director's sense of truth.

A few months later, Bezrukov divorced the woman he considered ideal wife. Fans unanimously associated the separation of one of the most beautiful couples with Mathison. Some of Sergei’s fans rejoiced, considering Irina Bezrukova to be too strict a wife, while others argued until they were hoarse, claiming that she was more feminine and more beautiful than Anna. Any arguments were used: even age, height and weight were discussed by Matis and Bezrukova by all and sundry. And the loving couple themselves took up a perimeter defense and did not reveal secrets to anyone. But in Lately The barricades began to slowly crumble...

Matison and Bezrukov increasingly began to appear in public, not at all embarrassed by curious paparazzi. A touching photo shoot for Elle magazine and Sergei’s revelation about a new mutual love threw wood on the fire. No one doubted their feelings anymore, they only wondered about their future wedding and children.

And here is the natural result - March 11 of this year. going to the registry office. Sergei Bezrukov writes on his Instagram: “I still don’t want interference in my personal life, but in order to avoid a huge amount of gossip and rumors, I’m informing you about my new status! Yes! Married!”

Now, in a new capacity, Sergei Bezrukov is completing his participation in the filming of the next film by Anna Matison “After You”, where our hero plays famous artist ballet by Alexei Temnikov, whose career was interrupted in the nineties due to injury. Twenty years later, Alexey learns that the injury is progressing, and very soon he will not be able to walk, which seems to him tantamount to death. The only chance to leave a memory of yourself is the premiere of the ballet in your own production...

It should be added that Anna Matison in this film is allegedly filming Sergei Bezrukov’s 5-year-old son, Ivan, from St. Petersburg actress Kristina Smirnova.

Let's wish our heroes creative success and happily ever after family life!

Spouses Anna Matison and Sergei Bezrukov presented the drama “After You”

On March 5, the premiere of the new collaboration between Sergei Bezrukov and Anna Matison “After You” took place at the Barvikha Luxury Village cinema hall. The film will be released in wide release on March 16, but the first viewers were able to see it last summer, when it was shown as part of Kinotavr.

“After You” is an original drama by Anna Matison, telling about the fate of a ballet dancer, brilliant career which was interrupted due to injury. The main role in the film was played by Sergei Bezrukov. In order to transform into a dancer, the actor took choreography lessons and in the end he managed to do virtually without understudies.

“In this film, I again felt like a debutant,” says Sergei Bezrukov. “At 42 years old, it’s already difficult to find something new in your profession, you get the feeling that you’ve already played everything. The role of Temnikov opened up new opportunities for me.” Agniya Kuznetsova and Maxim Petrov

Mathison says that the role played by her husband was written specifically for him. The director is convinced that no one else could cope with her. “You won’t come across a single cliche that is traditionally used when inviting Sergei to this or that role. The script was written specifically for him and for his capabilities, and I don’t know who else could build the role the way Sergei did, and even It’s easy to deal with it physically.”

An interesting detail: the role of Temnikov’s daughter, Chiara, was played in the film by 12-year-old actress Anastasia Bezrukova, who previously starred with Sergei Bezrukov in Anna Matison’s film “The Milky Way.”
Sergei Bezrukov, Anna Matison and Anastasia Bezrukova

Creative team of the film

Sergei Bezrukov - actor with capital letters. He played a huge number of roles not only on the screen, but also on the theater stage, which cannot be listed all at once. Successful man In his career, he often remains behind the scenes in his personal life. However, in the story with Sergei, everything is much more interesting and dramatic.

A seemingly reliable marriage with Irina Livanova did not end on the most joyful note. However, Sergey Bezrukov I wasn't single for long. His guiding star became a new life Anna Mathison. The young people legalized their relationship without inviting anyone to the celebration, and without even providing .

Remembering the actor’s first works, even then it was noticeable that he was too loving, so his early marriage to Irina left no doubt about going to the left. This was confirmed in 2014, when the artist’s illegitimate children, daughter Alexandra and son Ivan, came to public attention.

Bezrukov’s family relationship ended in the fall of 2015. But after a few months famous man began to appear in the company of a beautiful dark-haired stranger. She turned out to be a beginner director Anna Matison and a talented screenwriter.

The young people were introduced to each other back in the winter of 2011, and in 2015 they continued their acquaintance in the vastness of Lake Baikal while working on the film “The Milky Way”. It was impossible not to notice the magnetic atmosphere between these two. The film was released on the big screen in December 2015, where the actor played the main role.

There was only one thing left to do, a divorce from ex-wife the actor survived it easily, as new ones were waiting for him family relationships. Sergei Bezrukov got married March 11, 2016 quiet, calm, without solemn ceremony, in an ordinary metropolitan registry office. Only a meager message about marriage to one of his friends revealed all the cards in the game.

However, according to the assumptions of the couple's relatives and friends, such public people passed quietly and unnoticed, and most importantly, suddenly indicates that the couple may have been expecting a new addition. This is not surprising, since Sergei Bezrukov’s newly-made wife Anna Matison has long wanted a child, and although the actor has children, they are not from his beloved wife. Soon these assumptions were confirmed by the young spouses themselves.

Yes, Sergei Bezrukov and Anna Matison were expecting their first child. Therefore, at the Kinotavr festival, the couple joyfully posed for photo, in which Anna was with a noticeably rounded tummy. The past day is quiet weddings no one remembered anymore.

Soon after the festival, the Internet was filled with last news from happy Sergei: “ My daughter was born!" The baby was named Maria. The baby became the first legitimate child actor. The girl was born on July 4, 2016.

Today, the actor is involved in the filming of several films, namely “The Thunderer” and “Hunting the Devil,” where Sergei will play the main roles, as well as “Rogue” and “Mysterious Passion.” You can enjoy viewing the paintings in 2017.

However, the young parents did not stay long with the baby within four walls and are actively going about their daily affairs.

Thus, Sergey Bezrukov and Anna Matison (photo), having overcome all the obstacles on the way to his happiness, without unnecessary fuss and pomp weddings finally became a strong family and happy parents. Let us wish them many years together, creative success and health to Bezrukov’s little heiress.

A film in which the surnames of director Anna Matison and actor Sergei Bezrukov will appear side by side in the credits for the first time, Sergei and Anna told 7 Days magazine about their first meeting, about their trip to Baikal to film the film “Milky Way,” about the appearance of a young actress with the surname Bezrukova in Russian cinema, and also shared their plans for the future.

- Sergey, in Anna Matison’s film “The Milky Way” you played the main role. How did you meet?

Bezrukov: In February of this year, my long-time friend, producer Alexey Kublitsky, with whom we worked together on the film “Vysotsky. Thank you for being alive,” he suggested reading Anna Matison’s script. I liked it, very sincere, unlike the standard ones New Year films. There was something from the auteur cinema that I always wanted to act in. But for some reason I had never been offered this before. Maybe they're afraid of me. They probably think Sergey Bezrukov, then he only stars in blockbusters. “Okay,” I said to Alexei. “Let’s meet with the director, get to know each other, and discuss.”

- Were you surprised when you found out that the scriptwriter and director was a young woman?

Bezrukov: My very first director in 1993 in the film “Nocturne for Drum and Motorcycle” was Karine Foliyants. I have no prejudices in this regard at all; I don’t think that films should be made exclusively by men.

- Does the age of the director matter?

Bezrukov: None! I starred with Alyosha Sidorov in “Brigade”. This was his first film work. It would seem that, complicated story, a gangster saga can only be completed by an experienced person who has already gone through fire and water. But Lesha is from Severodvinsk; by that time, despite his very young age, he had probably experienced a lot in life. And he made an amazing big movie. And Anya, in comparison with him then, is already an experienced director, she has several documentaries and the film “Satisfaction” with Evgeniy Grishkovets. This picture made a very strong impression on me at the time.

- Anna, did it help that Bezrukov liked your first film?

Mathison: I didn’t know whether Sergei had seen “Satisfaction” or not. Therefore, there was some uncertainty. Whatever they say, at the first meeting there is almost always some bias towards the female director. Therefore, I always prefer that they first look at my work, and then get acquainted with it in person. I remember well - on the day when Sergei made an appointment for us in Moscow Provincial Theater, the same producer Alexey Kublitsky and I were at first in other negotiations. And between these meetings, I asked Alexey to take me home to change clothes. He asked: “Why? You look good". And I just wanted to avoid attracting attention as much as possible.