Watch anime horror full-length film. Anime horror: list of the scariest films

The army of scary movie fans is growing year after year. Horror anime have become especially popular these days. List of the most scary pictures presented in this article will be useful to all those who like to tickle their nerves. So, what non-children's fairy tales will certainly appeal to connoisseurs of the genre?

Anime horror: list of the scariest films

What paintings are capable of causing real fear in viewers? What can you recommend to those who like horror anime? The list of the scariest cartoons is given below.

  • "Fish".
  • "Doll."
  • "Gantz."
  • "Monster".
  • "Deceased"
  • "Other."
  • "When cicadas cry".
  • "Ghost Hunting"
  • "Hell Girl".
  • "Elf Song"

All the anime that are on this list, of course, deserve a more detailed description.

Top three

“Fish”, “Doll” and “Hans” are known to all fans of the horror anime genre. A list of the scariest cartoons wouldn't be complete without mentioning them. “Fish” is an anime that tells the story of three friends, university graduates. The girls decide to celebrate the beginning of adulthood by going on a trip. They arrive in Okinawa and find shelter in a beach house owned by someone they know. The vacation, which promised to be pleasant, begins with the fact that the friends are attacked by a creepy-looking fish that can move on land.

“Doll” is a film worthy of the attention of viewers who are attracted to anime horrors. A list of the most terrible paintings can hardly do without it. This is a story about a boy who was orphaned at an early age and forced to take the place of parents for his younger sister. Children have nowhere to wait for help, so they learn to survive on their own. This continues until the girl meets a bright and beautiful butterfly, after which she begins to turn into a monster. In her new form, she attacks people, kills and eats them. However, the brother is convinced that he can save his sister from the curse.

"Gantz" is an anime series that talks about life after death. People who pass away find themselves in a strange place. There they are forced to fight for survival, otherwise they will face final death.


“Monster” is another film that can be recommended to those who are interested in the worst anime horrors. A young and promising surgeon from Japan finds work in Germany. One day, his patient turns out to be a boy with a gunshot wound, whom the doctor saves from death. It turns out that the child suffered at the hands of an unknown criminal who killed his parents. Soon a number of similar crimes occur in the city, and the surviving boy secretly leaves the hospital walls.

There is a lull that lasts about ten years. Then mysterious murders begin to occur again in the city, the number of victims grows.


The top most terrible anime horrors include the film “Departed”. It tells about the terrible events taking place in a small village located in the mountains. Residents do not know who to blame for the mass deaths. They begin to suspect that this is the work of newcomers who have recently settled in big house on a hill.

Not everyone shares this point of view. A local doctor undertakes an independent investigation. Of course, there are heroes who are ready to look for real criminals together with the doctor.


The story begins with a new student appearing in the class of an ordinary Japanese school. The boy is surprised by the atmosphere of fear reigning in the audience. He finds out that many years ago one of the school students died under mysterious circumstances. However, her classmates, who loved the beautiful and smart girl, refused to accept her death. They continued to pretend that the deceased was alive and among them.

The main character of this non-children's fairy tale is actually Death. She knows no pity, embodies darkness and loneliness.

"When cicadas cry"

What other exciting horror anime are there? List of the most scary movies and the series would not be complete without the fairy tale “When the Cicadas Cry.” It owes its popularity to its complex plot, full of riddles.

The main character and his family move to a small village, which gives the impression of being bright and joyful. The boy finds it easily mutual language with classmates, making friends. However, he stops enjoying the move when the villagers begin to disappear one by one.

Hell Girl is an anime that is also on the list of the best. main character- an excellent student whose life is changed by a site accidentally discovered on the Internet. She learns that with his help she can get rid of any offender. You just need to enter the name of the enemy in a special form, and his soul will immediately go to hell. A diligent student has an enemy who poisons her life. She is the arrogant and ruthless class queen who bullies her. However, it will not be possible to settle accounts with the offender if the girl does not pay for it with her own soul.

“Ghost Hunt” tells the story of a mysterious building that is rumored to be haunted. Of course, children, including Mai and her friends, have a special interest in this building. The girls, having heard enough stories about ghosts, decide to conduct their own investigation.

"Elfen Lied" is a creepy anime series that tells the story of a world inhabited by genetically modified creatures. One day, one of these inventions of mankind gets out of control. A creature named Lucy commits one bloody crime after another.

What else to see?

If we continue the list of the most terrible full-length anime horrors, we should definitely include the film “Blood. The Last Vampire." The film opens with the US Army preparing to invade Vietnam. However, war is far from the main threat to the existence of humanity. Soon people will have much more important battle, in which their enemies will be creatures of the night - vampires.

“Death Note” is a famous anime that can be watched both as a full-length cartoon and as a series. The story begins with the fact that an ambitious and smart young man finds an unusual notebook with which he can kill people. The boy, the son of a policeman, decides to change the world for the better and eradicate crime. However, the situation soon gets out of his control.

Halloween, the one day of the year when you can officially bring fear and horror to life, is approaching. You need to prepare for it with feeling, sense and arrangement. Firstly, . Second, decorate your room/cave/science lab.

Thirdly, arrange a horror marathon from those who invented the concept of "", the Japanese.
High-grade mysticism. Utsutsu and Yume had Hard childhood: They didn’t have a Playstation; their parents didn’t like them. One day, when they were walking from school, a strange-looking woman approached them and told them to beware of red butterflies. But younger sister Yume could not protect herself and met with mysterious creatures, after which turned into a monster. A very, very, very hungry monster that feeds on human flesh.

Mayumi was given for safekeeping a large sum charitable money - and someone successfully stole it. In a panic, the girl turned to her classmate Ayu with a request to borrow money. But Ayu evil and treacherous, so actually unhappy became her slave. One day Mayumi found out about a website that sends to Hell the soul of anyone whose name is written on his page at exactly midnight. Naturally, no one began to think about the consequences. To quote the great grandmothers, " it's all your computer's fault".

Up to madness atmospheric anime, which professionally gives you goosebumps. In middle school third grade girl dies- an excellent student, athlete, Komsomol member, whom everyone loved and adored. Despite the fact that doctors, teachers and parents confirmed the fact of death, classmates completely refused to believe in death and continued to pretend that the girl was still next to them. There are no monsters, severed limbs or other paraphernalia here, but all this is fully compensated for strange and frightening circumstances.

It all starts out like another part of Scary Movie. Kaori and her friends just started graduated from university. To celebrate the transition into adulthood, where you can finally walk around without a hat and not have to report to your parents about what you ate, went on vacation. In the beach house where they moved in, on the girls attacked by a strange walking fish. Thus began a series of events that are difficult to surpass in hellishness.

Deeply philosophical anime thriller with a nice dose of drama. The young pop singer decided to move into the TV series industry, but her fans were not happy with this decision. Strange calls, envelopes with explosives, etc. scary trash subtly hint to the singer that world where she lives - complete lies and provocation, and she is not at all who she sees herself. At some point, the audience feels like they are go crazy with the heroine, so the fear in this anime is serious.

The guy moves from the city to a quiet village, where almost immediately he begins to make friends with charming classmates. In the horror tradition, There's horror hiding behind the girls' cute faces, fear, brutal murders and disappearances without a trace. They rule the local ball feral forces of evil. Plot anime difficult, suitable only for those who like to use their brains and know how to read between the lines. Very tense, a lot of blood and destruction.

A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away, Tenzin's school was closed after a series of mysterious and cruel incidents. They didn’t think of building anything better than the Academy in its place. A group of local students is holding ritual, after which, according to legend, they " will stay together forever"But something went wrong: earthquake, classroom floor collapses, and each of them finds himself alone in a dark dilapidated school. Welcome: this is the same Tenzin School where the souls of the dead still roam. Uncompromising brutality and liters of gore.

Release year: 2018

Genre: drama, comedy, horror

Type: TV

Number of episodes: 12+ (25 min.)

Description: Snow slowly fell from the sky. But in the middle of summer, snow was clearly an unnecessary element. Surprised by the weather nonsense, the guy heard his friend’s indignation. He had the right to be indignant: vampires are extremely sensitive to cold. Mahiro was irritated by the whining and whims of the vampire. The eldest son of the family, Arisuno Misono, is forced to stay at home until the circumstances are clarified. He is not allowed to leave the house after Mikuni disappears. Misono feels sad that his father never finishes a chess game, leaving him alone. Misono receives a call from Shiroto, who is surprised by the snow in the middle of summer. The sad guy plans to go to his friends at Katz's house.

The events of the past are revealed to Misono from a new perspective. The guy had a headache from the terrible memory. Mom, brother and grandfather disappeared. He remembered how he held out his watch to a loved one to protect him from danger. Misono woke up in his bed. He was never able to leave the house. The teacher will come to him to give a lesson. The guy's friends suffered from a sudden cold. The guys are worried about Misono, who promised to come to them, but never showed up. Guests who come to the house know the answer to the question about summer snow. It's all because of the filth that forms due to the death of a vampire.

Fans of the horror genre who have watched all the films - it's time to pay attention to japanese anime! There are also plenty of excellent works here, after which it will be difficult to fall asleep. List best anime in the horror genre this is a direct confirmation. Do you think animation effects are not scary at all? How wrong you are. Yes, the Japanese have their own nightmares, but they also know how to scare Europeans properly. At the same time, in anime you can depict any terrible and frightening situation, which would take a lot of time, scenery, and not the fact that to recreate it in a regular film. acting will be able to compare with the characters and charisma of the drawn heroes from the list of the best anime of the horror genre.

Doll (TV series) (2014)
The story follows a brother and sister, Utsutsu and Yuma Hasegawa, whose mother has died and whose father is not particularly interested in them. One day they meet a strange woman who warns teenagers against close contact with some red butterflies. The couple does not take her words to heart, but in vain: a meeting with these same butterflies turns into infection for them with an unknown virus that turns people into giant cannibal monsters. Yume soon transforms, but for some reason her older brother does not...

Doll (TV series) / Pupa (2014)

Genre: anime, cartoon
Premiere (world): January 9, 2014
A country: Japan

Starring: Ibuki Kido, Kuoko Narumi, Shimazaki Nobunaga, Koji Yusa

Ganz (TV series) (2004)
We live in an indifferent world. We are surrounded by dozens of people, acquaintances, colleagues, comrades, but we are alone. We dream of loving and being loved, but we are too selfish to care about anyone but ourselves. As children, we dreamed of becoming astronauts, great actors, writers, ballerinas. Become scientists and invent something fantastic that will change this world. Where are these dreams? They gather dust in the far corners of our memory along with unnecessary childhood fun. We have become adults, serious, reasonable.

Gantz (TV series) / Gantz (2004)

Genre: anime, cartoon, horror, science fiction, fantasy, action, thriller, melodrama, crime, detective
Premiere (world): April 12, 2004
A country: Japan

Starring: Alyssa Anderson, Christine M. Auten, Chris Ayres, Jessica Boone, Victor Carsrud, Emily Carter-Essex, Melinda DeKay, Shannon Emerick, James Faulkner, Russell Freeman

Monster (TV series 2004 – 2005) (2004)
One day changed the life of Dr. Kenzo Tenma, a brilliant Japanese surgeon who arrived in Germany to work at the Eisler Memorial Hospital. On this day he realized that human lives are of equal value, and that human life is worth more than the benefit that can be obtained from saving her. On this day he saved a boy who had received gunshot wound in the head during the murder of his parents. After some time, three more murders occurred, and Dr. Tenma became the head of the surgical department.

Monster (TV series 2004 – 2005) / Monster (2004)

Genre: anime, cartoon, thriller, drama, detective
Premiere (world): April 6, 2004
A country: Japan

Starring: Takehiro Murozono, Masayuki Tanaka, Kevin Brief, Yasuyoshi Hara, Isobe Tsutomu, Hidenobu Kiuchi, Mami Koyama, Mamiko Noto, Nozomu Sasaki, Junko Takeuchi

Deceased (TV series) (2010)
The village of Sotoba, lost in the Japanese mountain wilderness, does not surrender to the advancing civilization at the end of the 20th century. Yes, the old people are leaving, and some young people, like tenth-grader Megumi Shimizu, dream of escaping to the metropolis right after school. But there are others - for example, 32-year-old Toshio Ozaki returned to his homeland and headed a rural clinic, and the Natsuno family generally moved from the city closer to nature. Life in the outback is quiet and serene, but the appearance of mysterious inhabitants has shaken up the area.

Departed (TV series) / Shiki (2010)

Premiere (world): July 8, 2010
A country: Japan

Starring: Kayla Carlisle, Brian Massey, Teru Okawa, Kazuyuki Okitsu, Nozomi Sasaki, Wataru Takagi, Aoi Yuki

When Cicadas Cry (TV series) (2006)
Having moved with his parents from the city to the picturesque village of Hinamizawa and making friends at a small local school with charming classmates, he did not even suspect how deceptive his idea of ​​​​this serene land and its inhabitants was. But, as Keiichi later found out, behind the façade of the village idyll lies dark history brutal murders and traceless disappearances, and under the cover of blissful silence some terrible forces are at work.

When the Cicadas Cry (TV series) / Higurashi no naku koro ni (2006)

Genre: anime, cartoon, horror, thriller, detective
Premiere (world): April 5, 2006
A country: Japan

Starring: Soichiro Hoshi, Mei Nakahara, Satsuki Yukino, Yukari Tamura, Mika Kanai, Tafurin, Toshihiko Seki, Miki Ito, Takuo Kawamura, Fumiko Orikasa

Ghost Hunt (TV series 2006 – 2007) (2006)
Taniyama Mai and her classmates love to tell scary stories about ghosts, fortunately they don’t have to look for stories and themes: in front of their school there is an old wooden building, which everyone is planning (and still can’t!) to demolish. This building is so notorious that the director decided to turn to exorcists for help. Moreover, to make sure it worked, he called in specialists of all stripes: a Catholic priest, a Shinto priestess, a Buddhist monk, and a medium.

Ghost Hunt (TV series 2006 – 2007) / Ghost Hunt (2006)

A country: Japan

Starring: Todd Haberkorn, Cherami Lee, Stacy Oristano, Christine Sutton, Omi Minami, Melanie Mason, Kimberly Whalen, Jamie Marchi, Ken Narita, Kaori Nazuka

Hell Girl (TV series 2005 – 2006) (2005)
It all started when Mayumi lost one hundred thousand yen that the whole class had collected for charity. For a high school student, this is a very decent amount. Fearing everyone's wrath, the girl secretly borrowed money from the class queen Ayu Kuroda, becoming a toy in the hands of this evil beauty and her friends. Under the threat of exposing her deception, the unfortunate Mayumi was forced to obey all of Ayu's humiliating orders and demands, plunging deeper and deeper into the quagmire of lies.

Hell Girl (TV series 2005 – 2006) / Jigoku shôjo (2005)

Premiere (world): October 4, 2005
A country: Japan

Starring: Mamiko Noto, Masaya Matsukaze, Takako Honda, Takayuki Sugo, Shigeru Muroi, Ai Hayasaka, Eriko Matsushima, Kimberly Whalen, Kana Ueda, Hatano Wataru

Elvensong (TV series) (2004)
In the course of evolution, a new species of intelligent beings is born on Earth - “Diclonius”, which have superhuman abilities. Scientists are trying to find out what causes these abilities, so they use Diclonius as guinea pigs, performing the most terrible experiments on them. One of the Diclonius girls, Lucy, who suffers from a split personality, manages to escape. Lucy hates people and kills without remorse everyone who gets in her way.

Elven Song (TV series) / Erufen r&icirс;to (2004)

Genre: anime, cartoon, horror, science fiction, thriller, drama, melodrama
Premiere (world): July 25, 2004
A country: Japan

Starring: Sanae Kobayashi, Chihiro Suzuki, Mamiko Noto, Adam Conlon, Nancy Novotny, Kira Vincent-Davi, Emiko Hagiwara, Yuki Matsuoka, Hitomi Nabatame, Osamu Hosoi

Twilight Mind: Birth (TV series) (2006)
They say that a person does not use 70% of the brain. If a person has superpowers, it is believed that they remain dormant in that same 70%. This unused 70% is known as the Twilight Mind. Two brothers Kirihara Naoto and Kirihara Naoya have supernatural powers. Because of their powers, they were abandoned by their parents and raised in a laboratory, isolated from society. When they escape from the laboratory and enter ordinary society, it is time for change.

Twilight Mind: Birth (TV series) / Night Head Genesis (2006)

Genre: anime, cartoon, thriller, drama
Premiere (world): June 17, 2006
A country: Japan

Starring: Akira Ishida, Morikawa Toshiyuki, Akeno Watanabe

Genre: anime, cartoon, horror, drama, adventure
Premiere (world): October 9, 2014
A country: Japan

Starring: Shimazaki Nobunaga, Aya Hirano, Kana Hanazawa, Masaki Aizawa

Forest of Mermaids (TV series) (2003)
There are many legends about how to gain eternal life. One of them tells about the flesh of a mermaid, capable of granting immortality to those who taste it. Five hundred years ago, that's exactly what Utah did. Now he is forced to wander the earth in search of a mermaid, in the hope that she can take this “gift”. The path of quest leads Yuta to an unusual village, where only women live, who are like two peas in a pod. They greet the uninvited guest very unfriendly and... kill him.

Forest of Mermaids (TV series) / Takahashi Rumiko gekijô: Ningyo no mori (2003)

Genre: anime, cartoon, horror, drama
A country: Japan

Starring: Naomi Nagasawa, Tolisin Jaffe, Yuri Amano, Kinryu Arimoto, Hunter McKenzie Austin, Johnny Yong Bosch, Dim Bristow, John Snyder, Louise Chamis, Sally Dana


Hellsing: War against the Undead (TV series 2001 – 2002) (2001)
Since the time of the legendary vampire hunter, Professor Van Helsing, the secret organization of the Royal Protestant Knights, which inherited the name of its founder - “Hellsing”, has been successfully fighting vampires, werewolves and other evil spirits on the shores of Foggy Albion. Now the organization is headed by the cold-blooded Integra, the great-granddaughter of Van Helsing. She's the one who has to lead real war with the offspring of the mysterious enemies of humanity.

Hellsing: War against the Undead (TV series 2001 – 2002) / Herushingu (2001)

Genre: anime, cartoon, horror, fantasy, action, thriller
Premiere (world): October 10, 2001
A country: Japan

Starring: Joji Nakata, Yoshiko Sakakibara, Fumiko Orikasa, Takehito Koyasu, Craig Robert Young, Nachi Nozawa, Isaac S. Singleton Jr., Takumi Yamazaki, Akiko Hiramatsu, Akure Wall

Tokyo Ghoul (TV series 2014 – ...) (2014)
The action takes place in futuristic Tokyo. The main character Kaneki is an ordinary university student. One day something bad happens to him and he ends up in the hospital. But the troubles don’t end there: he is transplanted with the wrong organs that were needed. It turns out that these are the organs of ghouls - creatures that eat human flesh. After the ill-fated operation, Kaneki becomes one of the monsters, tries to become “one of his own,” but for people he is now an outcast, doomed to destruction. But is it really that bad?

Tokyo Ghoul (TV series 2014 – ...) / Tokyo Ghoul (2014)

Genre: anime, cartoon, adventure, drama, horror
Premiere (world): July 3, 2014
A country: Japan

Starring: Natsuki Hanae, Michelle Rojas, Sora Amamiya, Mamoru Miyano, Sumire Mrokhoshi, Shintaro Asanuma, Aaron Roberts, Sakurai Takahiro, Rie Kugimiya

D: Vampire Hunter (video) (1985)
In the distant future, powerful vampires rule the Earth and have enslaved humanity. These bloodthirsty monsters - immortal descendants of ancient aristocratic families - keep people in fear, enjoying the helplessness of mortals and hot blood in their veins. Having become a victim of the “kiss of immortality” of the terrible Count Lee, the brave girl Doris turns to the traveling vampire hunter D for help. She asks the hunter to take revenge on the Count and save his hometown.

D: Vampire Hunter (video) / Kyûketsuki hantâ D (1985)

Genre: anime, cartoon, horror, science fiction, fantasy, action
Premiere (world): December 21, 1985
A country: Japan

Starring: Kaneto Shiozawa, Michael McConnohie, Tomizawa Michie, Barbara Goodson, Seizo Kato, Jeff Winkless, Satoko Kifuji, Edie Mirman, Sogabe Kazuyuki, Kerrigan Mahan

Dead Party: Tortured Souls (miniseries) (2013)
Tenzin Elementary School was closed many years ago after a series of mysterious disappearances and brutal murders. On the site of this school, Kisaragi Academy was built, where Satoshi Mochida and his friends study. Staying at the school after the festival, the company decided to perform one ritual - tearing apart a paper doll. Rumor has it that those who do this will “stay together forever.” But after they tore the doll...

Corpse Party: Tortured Souls (2013)

Genre: anime, cartoon, horror
Premiere (world): July 24, 2013
A country: Japan

Starring: Kitamura Eri, Yuichi Nakamura, Sato Rina, Hiro Shimono

Portrait of Little Cosette (TV series) (2004)
A talented artist, Eiri Kurahashi, while studying at college, works part-time by selling antiques in his uncle’s store, who travels around Europe and supplies all sorts of antiquities from there. While examining his next acquisition - an 18th-century French antique sideboard with glassware - Airy comes across an unusual colored glass. When he touches it, he sees a vision of a beautiful blond girl in an ancient dress, the spirit of the young Cosette who tragically died 250 years ago.

Portrait of Little Cosette (TV series) / Cossette no shôzô (2004)

Genre: anime, cartoon, horror, fantasy
Premiere (world): April 11, 2004
A country: Japan

Starring: Johnny Yong Bosch, Dorothy Elias-Fan, Ikumi Fujiwara, Rei Igarashi, Marina Inoue, Wendi Lee, Michelle Ruff, Mitsuki Saiga, Megumi Toyoguchi, Kumiko Yokote

Edge of the Void: The Garden of Sinners (film one) (2007)
Shiki Ryogi is a strange girl from an ancient and influential family. She wears a kimono in any weather, does not like to communicate with strangers, and for entertainment prefers walking through the darkest corners of Tokyo at night. Only two people more or less understand her - the cynical sorceress Toko Aozaki and the modest operational genius Mikiya Kokuto. This cheerful trio, under the strict guidance of Toko, works at the Temple of the Void agency.

Border of the Void: Garden of Sinners (film one) / Gekijô ban Kara no kyôkai: Dai isshô - Fukan fûkei (2007)

Genre: anime, cartoon, horror, thriller
Premiere (world): December 1, 2007
A country: Japan

Starring: Maaya Sakamoto, Kenichi Suzumura, Takako Honda, Ayumi Fujimura, Rie Tanaka, Yeri Nakao, Shuzo Nakamura

Other (TV series) (2012)
26 years ago, Misaki, an excellent student and athlete, was in the third grade of high school, and everyone around her simply doted on her. Therefore, when the girl suddenly died, her classmates agreed to pretend that she was still with them, and they continued their studies until graduation. In the spring of 1998, a new student, Koichi Sakakibara, gets into that same class. He soon begins to notice the atmosphere of fear in the classroom. In particular, the quiet beauty Misaki Mei contributes to its escalation.

Other (TV series) / Anazâ (2012)

Genre: anime, cartoon, horror, drama, detective
Premiere (world): January 10, 2012
A country: Japan

Starring: Atsushi Abe, Natsumi Takamori, Tomoaki Maeno, Madoka Yonezawa, Naoko Sakakibara, Kazutomi Yamamoto, Iori Nomizu, Misato Fukuen, Takuro Kitagawa, Hirata Hiroaki

Bloody Guy (TV series) (2013)
Brief summary of the animated series "Bloody Guy". Hell is a place where evil spirits live, more like a metropolis consisting of continuous ghettos. Each district has its own gang and its own boss. Vlad Charlie Staz is a ruthless and terrible vegetarian vampire who rules in one of these districts. Sleeping in a coffin, hunting for pretty girls and drinking their blood is not for him, because he is a depressed otaku who is interested in manga, games, anime and female curves.

Bloody Lad (TV series) / Blood Lad (2013)

Genre: anime, cartoon, adventure, comedy
Premiere (world): July 7, 2013
A country: Japan

Starring: Zach Aguilar

Kurozuka (TV series) (2008)
Brief summary of the animated series. Escaping from his brother, who has just ascended the throne, Yoshitsune, along with his servant, comes across a house in the middle of a deserted mountain. Strangely, in this godforsaken place lives a lonely woman who seems to have a very dark and sinister past. This meeting becomes the starting point of a 1000-year story in which Yoshitsune loses his memory and begins a search for answers - why he became immortal and who was the woman he met in the ominous house...

Kurozuka (TV series) / Kurozuka (2008)

Genre: anime, horror, fantasy, adventure
Premiere (world): October 7, 2008
A country: Japan

Starring: Mamoru Miyano, Park Romi, Joji Nakata, Hoko Kuwashima, Keiji Fujiwara, Miki Shinichiro, Irino Miyu, Kazuhiko Inoe, Choru Okawa, Banjo Ginga

Princess of the Undead: Red Chronicle (TV series) (2008)
15-year-old Ori Kagami grew up in a temple orphanage and is accustomed to seeing the strange: after all, Zen Buddhism, which his “older brothers” profess, tirelessly repeats - the world is not what it seems. But one day he saw something that radically shook his idea of ​​the world. The guardian spirit in the form of a cat called Ori to go to the temple at night, where the guy witnessed a secret ritual of the resurrection of a young schoolgirl, while the monks called the young abbot the Guardian.

Princess of the Undead: Red Chronicle (TV series) / Shikabane hime aka (2008)

Genre: anime, cartoon, adventure
Premiere (world): October 2, 2008
A country: Japan

Starring: Aoi Yuki, Lucy Christian, Aaron Dismuke, J. Michael Tatum, Greg Ayres, Anastasia Munoz, Mika Solusod, Sean Teague, Anthony Bowling, Colleen Clinkenbeard

Blood+ (TV series 2005 – 2006) (2005)
For many centuries, in the shadows of history, the little-known brutal war. Immortal werewolf monsters that feed on human blood are opposed by the Red Shield organization, designed to expose dangerous creatures and destroy them. These days, this age-old struggle is taking an even more serious turn, in the center of which is a seemingly ordinary schoolgirl from Okinawa. The beauty and athlete Saya Otonashi lives quietly and peacefully with her father and brothers.

Blood+ (TV series 2005 – 2006) / Blood+ (2005)

Genre: anime, cartoon, horror, action, drama, adventure
Premiere (world): October 8, 2005
A country: Japan

Starring: Olivia Hack, Liz Sroka, Daisuke Ono, Kiriko Aoyama, Akari Higuchi, Kenichi Ogata, David Rasner, Jean Domon, Jun Fukuyama, Fumio Matsuoka

Mononoke (TV series) (2007)
A mysterious Apothecary wanders around Japan, busy not so much with selling drugs as with fighting evil spirits"mononoke". They are not born in human world, but exist in it thanks to human vices and weaknesses. In order to neutralize mononoke, the Apothecary needs to know their Form, Essence and Desire, therefore, before fulfilling his duties as an exorcist, he first has to act as a detective and confessor...

Mononoke (TV series) / Mononoke (2007)

Genre: anime, cartoon, horror, thriller, drama
Premiere (world): July 12, 2007
A country: Japan

Starring: Sakurai Takahiro, Rie Tanaka, Toshiko Fujita, Kozo Shioya, Eiji Takemoto, Yusuke Numata, Aiko Hibi, Yukana Nogami, Sho Hayami, Namikawa Daisuke

Supernatural (TV series) (2011)
The original series follows the adventures of the Winchester brothers, Sam and Dean, as they drive around the United States in a black 1967 Chevrolet and investigate various paranormal activity, dashingly fighting sinister demonic entities. The anime project will not only recreate the best episodes of the original series, but will also include moments that were not included in the American version. We will see new episodes telling about the Winchesters' childhood...

Supernatural (TV series) / Supernatural: The Animation (2011)

Genre: anime, cartoon, horror, fantasy, drama, detective
Premiere (world): July 26, 2011
A country: USA, Japan

Starring: Jared Padalecki, Andrew Farrar, Hiroki Tochi, Yuya Uchida, Harry Standjofski, Takashi Taniguchi, Jensen Ackles, Angela Galuppo, Alain Golem, Takaya Hashi

Sometimes, in order for a person to drive fear and apprehension out of his soul, he needs to really tickle his nerves. In such cases, they come to the rescue horror online, which can not only really scare you, but also leave noticeable fear for the next few days. Task best horror – is to create maximum psychological tension in order to subsequently enjoy relaxation. Some works can keep the viewer in suspense until the credits roll, while others, on the contrary, frighten periodically, giving the viewer the opportunity to take a little break from the horror on the screen.

Anime horror They try to adhere to the generally accepted rules of scaring people. The main scare is, as a rule, a mystical creature or a murderous maniac. The main thing for screenwriters is to create an oppressive atmosphere and, of course, a hopeless situation. Very often this genre is found in the TOP 100 anime. The hero, falling into the trap of an ominous creature, tries to save his life, despite the tricks of the villain. At the moment when the hero is ready to die with dignity, salvation may unexpectedly come, which can destroy the sinister plans of the killer. Killers are usually very cold-blooded and inhumane. Before the villain can get to the main character, he will take the lives of a huge number of people, the bodies of which the cameramen will show in close-ups.

Unexpected appearance mystical power or killer, can make the heart rattle unusually loudly. Fear, which is a constant companion of the main character, dominates the mind of the viewer who dares to watch horror. On our portal, visitors will be able to find a huge amount of anime fiction about war, mystical, dramatic, mysterious and at the same time horror stories from the lives of real heroes who found themselves in a hopeless situation and came face to face with a powerful killer. Welcome to world of anime fear, death and fearlessness.