Sergei Nilus - protocols of the Elders of Zion. Great Forgeries: The Protocols of the Elders of Zion

Many Arab and Muslim governments and political leaders have taken a position in support of the authenticity of the Protocols. In some countries, the study of the Protocols is included in the school curriculum.

Over the course of its existence, the Protocols have been reprinted in millions of copies and have been translated into many languages ​​of the world. The circumstances surrounding the creation of the Protocols were fictionalized by Umberto Eco in his best-selling book The Prague Cemetery (2010).

Authorship and origin

The origin of documents was indicated differently by different people and in different publications, often various interpretations were in conflict with each other.

There are a number of versions about the origin of the protocols. Proponents of the protocol authenticity theory do not give an exact answer to this question. So Sergei Nilus tells three versions of how he received the protocols, differing from each other with different guesses about their possible origin. Nikolai Markov claims, without citing sources, that “the original manuscript of the Protocols was seized in 1897 during the Zionist Congress in Switzerland from the portfolio of the Zionist leader Theodor Herzl,” and the “seizure” was carried out by an agent of the Russian secret police.

Some supporters of the authenticity of the protocols (for example, Yuri Begunov and Oleg Platonov) rely on a document (note) written in 1927 by the emigrant Philip Petrovich Stepanov, who lived in Yugoslavia, a former prosecutor of the Moscow Synodal Office, chamberlain and actual state councilor

In 1895, my neighbor on the estate of the Tula province, retired major Alexei Nikolaevich Sukhotin, gave me a handwritten copy of the “Protocols of the Elders of Zion.” He told me that a lady he knew (he did not name her), who lived in Paris, found them with her friend (I think he was Jewish), and, before leaving Paris, secretly translated them from him, and brought this translation , in one copy, to Russia and gave this copy to him - Sukhotin.

I first printed it in one hundred copies on a hectograph, but this edition turned out to be difficult to read and I decided to print it in some printing house, without indicating the time, city and printing house; Arkady Ippolitovich Kellepovsky, who was then an official on special assignments under Grand Duke Sergei Alexandrovich, helped me do this; he gave them to the Provincial Printing House to print; this was in 1897. S. A. Nilus reprinted these protocols in full in his work, with his comments.

Currently, this document is stored in the archives of the Holy Trinity Monastery (Jordanville, USA). There is no factual confirmation of Stepanov’s words; the publications he mentioned have not yet been discovered. Stepanov's statement is considered one of the important documents in the history of the protocols by both authenticity supporters and critics.

Scientists and researchers also do not agree on the time when the protocols appeared. Thus, Norman Cohn dates their compilation between 1897 and 1899 in France in French by Russian agents. Cesare J. De Michelis believes that they were created in Russian between April 1902 and August 1903. Michael Hagemeister says that the witnesses Sliozberg and Tikhomirov, who claimed that the protocols existed in handwritten form and were even in circulation in Russia at the turn of the century, are trustworthy, but he himself concludes that the question is “by whom, when and for what purpose was this text created - remains open."

In studies devoted to this problem, the name of Matvey Golovinsky, a journalist who lived in Paris and collaborated with Russian intelligence. It is believed that it was Golovinsky who compiled the “Protocols”, working under the leadership of the police official Rachkovsky. The version of Golovinsky’s authorship was initially based on the testimony of the Polish-French writer Katarzyna Rzewuska-Radziwill and the American Henrietta Herblat. This version was criticized both by supporters of the authenticity of the “Protocols” (for example, General Nechvolodov) and by those who were confident in their falsification - in particular, Burtsev and Nikolaevsky. Burtsev pointed out that Golovinsky left Paris much earlier than, according to the version of Radziwill and Herblat, he worked on the creation of the Protocols.

Publications, events and research

For the first time in the general press, the existence of the protocols was mentioned by Mikhail Menshikov in the article “Conspiracy against humanity”, published in No. 9372 of the newspaper “Novoye Vremya” (St. Petersburg) on ​​April 7 (20), 1902. Menshikov wrote that a certain secular lady suggested that he familiarize himself with the “Protocols of the Elders of Zion.” He doubted the authenticity of the “Protocols” and called their distributors “people with elevated brain temperatures.”

Later, the “Protocols” were published several times, including abroad. The “Protocols” became one of the tools of anti-Jewish propaganda; they were used for these purposes by anti-Semites in different countries, sometimes they are remembered even now.

The fact that the “Protocols” are a fake was suggested by a number of researchers, and in 1921 the falsification was confirmed by the found primary source. In an article dated May 8, 1920, The Times published an article about the Protocols, describing them as an authentic document and calling for an investigation into the "Jewish conspiracy." However, later, on August 18, 1921, The Times published an editorial in which it reported that the Protocols were a plagiarism of an obscure mid-19th century pamphlet directed against Napoleon III. The pamphlet was called “Dialogue in Hell between Montesquieu and Machiavelli”, its author was the French lawyer and satirist Maurice Joly. Immediately after printing in 1864, the pamphlet was banned in France. The text of the Protocols mainly uses Machiavelli's remarks from the Dialogue, although there are also borrowings from Montesquieu's remarks. The textual similarities are so great that the fact of plagiarism is completely obvious. Subsequently, some researchers have suggested that the Protocols were possibly fabricated from the Dialogue in the early 1990s in France and were originally written in French. It is interesting to note that, according to Umberto Eco, Maurice Joly’s pamphlet, in turn, contains plagiarism from Eugene Sue’s novels “The Secrets of a People” (about the Jesuits) and “The Mysteries of Paris.” Moreover, the Masonic program, which Su attributed to the Jesuits, was in turn invented by Dumas.

Professor of the Russian-American educational and scientific center for biblical studies and Jewish studies of the Russian State University for the Humanities, Doctor of Philology Leonid Katsis noted that “There was a whole series of similar mystical and conspiracy texts that borrowed ideas, pieces, and so on from each other.” And therefore there is simply no point in talking about authenticity or authorship. He pointed out that the statement of supporters of the authenticity of the “Protocols of the Elders of Zion” that the decision of the court in Bern, which established their inauthenticity, was allegedly overturned by a higher court does not correspond to reality. He claims that only 1 out of 11 clauses was repealed - the ban on their distribution.

Ban in Russia

In Russia, in January 2006, members of the Public Chamber and human rights activists called for amendments to the legislation that would create a list of extremist literature prohibited for distribution in Russia, which would include the “Protocols”, but the Protocols were included in this list much later. By decision of the Leninsky District Court of Orenburg dated July 26, 2010, the brochure “The Protocols of the Elders of Zion” was included in the Federal List of Extremist Materials under number 1496.

Protocol topics

Twenty-four protocols were published, containing instructions for establishing complete control over the world. They describe various ways of deceiving the “goyim nations”. The main topics of the protocols are shown in the table:

Protocol number Subject
1 General introduction.
2, 9, 12 Propaganda of all ideas capable of undermining the established order in politics, including Darwinism, Marxism, Nietzscheanism, liberalism, socialism, communism, anarchism and utopianism.
4 Materialism
5 World government
7 World Wars
10 Creating disasters directed against one's own people and justifying these actions with high moral motives.
11 Universal suffrage
11, 12, 17 Reducing civil liberties in order to defeat the enemies of peace
13 Creating the impression of freedom of the press, freedom of speech, democracy and human rights; to cover up actual oppressive actions
14 Distraction technologies
14, 17 Pornographic literature
16 Destruction of Christianity, other religions and cultures; then a transitional stage of atheism; and then the hegemony of Judaism
20 Brainwashing technologies
21 Economic depressions
22 Undermining the financial system through external loans, creating national bankruptcies, destroying money markets and replacing them with state credit institutions
23 Rehabilitation of previous atrocities and anticipation of a new society
24 Reducing the production of luxury goods, destroying large manufacturers, banning alcohol and hashish, unleashing the forces of violence under the guise of the principles of freedom. And only the “King of the Jews” will return all this and thereby become a savior
25 Training of the king, direct heirs, regardless of external moral values.

Comparison of The Protocols of the Elders of Zion with Dialogue in Hell between Montesquieu and Machiavelli

The first publication that shed light on plagiarism was a series of articles in the newspaper The Times, published by Irish journalist Philip Graves, who proved the Protocols were a hoax. Sections 1 - 19 of The Protocols of the Elders of Zion correspond to Dialogues 1 - 17 of Maurice Joly. For example:

"Dialogue in Hell between Montesquieu and Machiavelli" "The Protocols of the Elders of Zion"
How are loans created? By issuing government bills containing an obligation to pay interest in proportion to the amount of borrowed capital. Thus, in the case of a 5% loan, after 20 years the state pays an amount equivalent to the borrowed capital. After 40 years, this payment doubles, after 60 years, it triples, and the original amount of debt remains unchanged.(page 209) In essence, what else is a loan, and even an external one?! A loan is the issue of government bills containing an interest obligation commensurate with the amount of borrowed capital. If the loan is repaid at 5%, then after 20 years the state in vain pays an interest amount equal to the loan taken: in forty years it pays double the amount, in sixty years it pays triple, and the debt remains the same uncovered debt.(page 77)
Like the god Cherry, my press will have a hundred hands, and these hands will extend help in every possible direction. public opinion in the country.(page 141) All our newspapers will be of all possible directions - aristocratic, republican, revolutionary, even anarchic - while, of course, the constitution will live... They, like the Indian god Vishnu, will have a hundred hands, each of which will feel the pulse of any of the public opinions.(p.43)
Now I understand the meaning of the figurine of the god Vishnu; you will have a hundred hands, like an Indian god, and each finger will touch a spring.(page 207) Our kingdom will be an apology for the god Vishnu, in which his personification is located - in our hundred there will be a spring of the social machine.(page 65)

Modern supporters of the authenticity of the Protocols

Texts and videos containing arguments by Yu. K. Begunov on the origin of the “Protocols” are popular in anti-Semitic circles. Begunov is trying to create an evidence base to confirm the authenticity of the “Protocols” and the existence of a worldwide conspiracy. Literary historian A.I. Reitblat believes that Begunov’s article “Secret Forces in the History of Russia,” dedicated to the circumstances of the creation and publication of the “Protocols,” has no scientific value.


  1. Investigation of P. A. Stolypin, 1905 - see Burtsev Proven forgery
  2. *Publication of the article The truth about “The Protocols”: a literary forgery in the Times, 1921
  3. Berne court (English) Russian , 1934-1935
  4. (English) United States Congress, Senate. Committee on the Judiciary. Protocols of the Elders of Zion: a fabricated “historic” document. A report prepared by the Subcommittee to Investigate the Administration of the Internal Security Act and Other Internal Security Laws (Washington, U.S. Govt. Printing Office, 1964)
  5. Islamic Antisemitism in Historical Perspective
  6. (English)
  7. Markov N. E. The history of the Jewish assault on Russia. Harbin, 1937
  8. Begunov Yuri. Secret forces in the history of Russia: Collection of articles and documents. 2nd ed. St. Petersburg, 1996. P. 77
  9. Platonov Oleg. Russia's crown of thorns. The mystery of the Zion Protocols. M., 1999. pp. 198-199.
  10. Michael Hagemeister. IN SEARCH OF EVIDENCE ABOUT THE ORIGIN OF THE PROTOCOLS OF THE ELDERDS OF ZION: AN EDITION DISAPPEARED FROM THE LENIN LIBRARY. Archived from the original on June 23, 2012. Retrieved January 23, 2012.
  11. Norman Cohn. Blessing on Genocide, Chapter II. Archived from the original on February 4, 2012. Retrieved January 23, 2012.
  12. , With. 98-102
  13. L'origine des Protocoles des sages de Sion
  14. , With. 104
  15. , With. 7
  16. Sergey Nilus. “The coming Antichrist and the kingdom of the devil on earth are near.” Ch. X
  17. G. Butmi. Accusatory speeches. Enemies of the human race. Dedicated to the Union of the Russian People. Fourth, revised and expanded edition. St. Petersburg, 1907.
  18. Max Wallace, The American Axis St. Martin's Press, 2003
  19. Umberto Eco Six walks in literary forests. - St. Petersburg: Symposium, 2003
  20. The Protocols of the Elders of Zion: Between History and Fiction.
  21. Nikolaevskii to Vera Cohn, August 30, 1964, Boris I. Nikolaevsky Collection, Series 11, Box 20, Folder 24, Hoover Institution, Stanford University.
  22. (German) Norman Cohn. “Die Protokolle der Weisen von Zion” Der Mythos der jüdischen Weltverschwörung. - Elster Verlag, 1998. ISBN 3-89151-261-9, page 236
  23. Introductory article “From the author”
  24. The mystery of the anti-Semitic “Protocols”
  25. The Public Chamber will create a list of prohibited literature
  26. Charny S. Anti-Semitic books will go to embassies. Jewish News Agency (05/13/2011). Archived
  27. The Foreign Ministry of the Russian Federation is sending antisemitic books all over the world (English). CFCA (29-05-2011). Archived from the original on October 16, 2012. Retrieved September 28, 2012.
  28. RUSSIA (English). Archived from the original on October 16, 2012. Retrieved September 28, 2012.
  29. Balashova Yu. Orthodoxy, autocracy, anti-Semitism // New Newspaper. - M., May 16, 2011. - V. 51.
  31. “The Protocols of the Elders of Zion” - history and modernity. Conversation with Professor Yuri Begunov on the website of the newspaper “Orthodox Rus'”
  32. Reitblat A. I. Nilus and the Protocols of the Elders of Zion // UFO. - M., 2006. - V. 78.

Protocol texts

  • Publication of the protocols of S. Nilus, printed in the printing house of the Holy Trinity Sergius Lavra in 1911
  • Yakov Krotov. The text of the “Protocols” in the library of Yakov Krotov
  • Maurice Joly. Dialogue aux enfers entre Machiavel et Montesquieu ( original text pamphlet by Maurice Joly) in the Project Gutenberg Library
  • Scan of the 1922 Berlin edition in PDF at


  • Vladimir Burtsev. "The Protocols of the Elders of Zion". Proven forgery Paris, (city)
  • Norman Cohn. Blessing for Genocide: The Myth of the Worldwide Jewish Conspiracy and the Protocols of the Elders of Zion. , Per. from English S. S. Bychkova, Moscow, Progress, 1990.

Mr. Kartashov’s joy was, of course, very insincere, because no matter how Yu. Delevsky puffed himself up, no matter how much he scolded anti-Semites, he still could not prove and did not prove the falsity of the “Zion Protocols”.

The entire system of evidence of this nimble Jew was built on a painstaking selection of quotes and individual passages from the literature preceding the Protocols of Zion, which expressed the same thoughts as in the Protocols. Here are Abbé Chaboty, Gougenot de Mousseau, and Edouard Drumont, even the shadow of Pobedonostsev is disturbed, Ratcliffe’s novel is examined and, like the crown of creation, a certain “Dialogue of Maurice Joly” is found in the dust of the archive.

This last document indeed contains many passages in common with the “Protocols” not only in content, but also in individual expressions - with the only difference that in the “Protocols” the secret Jewish rulers speak, and in the “Dialogue” - Machiaveli, under which Joly meant Napoleon III.

From this undoubted similarity of the "Dialogue", written in the 60s of the 19th century, with the "Protocols", Yu. Delevsky triumphantly concluded that the "Zion Protocols" are plagiarism - a reworking of the "Dialogue". At first glance, this conclusion seems correct. But this is only at first glance.

In reality, there was no plagiarism here, but only different writers using the same document at different times - the program of Jewish messianism. Is it possible to call authors who, say, quote the Bible, plagiarists? There is no doubt that each such author, copying pages and texts from the Bible, always writes the same words and expressions, expresses the same thoughts. And if Yu. Delevsky had gone through a number of writers who wrote on biblical topics, he could easily have caught them plagiarizing from each other: - after all, they all cite the same texts, and, accordingly, express the same thoughts.

The revolutionary of the 2nd Empire, the Communard of 1871, the French Freemason Maurice Joly undoubtedly belonged to the secret Jewish community and therefore had access to the secret program of the Messinists - the conquerors of the world. Naturally, having received an order from his order to issue a pamphlet against Napoleon III with accusations of imperialism and terror, he attributed to his Macchiaveli (i.e. Napoleon III) all those plans that his, Maurice Joly’s, leaders actually carried out over and over again. forever, a program developed over centuries.

No matter how vengeful the messianists were, there were still quite a few apostasy from them, there were quite a few people who were horrified by Satanism and left their ranks; and it is not surprising that other writers, like Gougenot de Mousseau, Redcliffe and others, learned about the existence of the messianic program and reported some excerpts from it.

S.A. Nilus was lucky enough to obtain most of this mysterious program and publish it. And if certain passages of this program are similarly set out by previous writers, then this is only evidence confirming the constant existence of the messianic program, and in no way refuting it.

The most important and most significant consideration was expressed by the same Henry Ford: “It is not important who and how obtained and published the Protocols of Zion, but the fact that the Jewish program, published in 1905, was actually implemented in all its main parts over the next twenty years.

On my own behalf, I will add: The program of the Jewish takeover of the state and peoples was not only carried out at all, but was carried out by the very Jewish force on whose behalf the program of the “Zion Protocols” was announced.

The appearance of this ruling, entirely Jewish, clique of terrorists speaks for itself. This villainous gang of Jews achieved despotic power over the 150 million Russian people by 1917 only because Jewry has always had its own Zionist program, and Jewry has carried out and continues to carry out this misanthropic program with an iron, never-retreating persistence.

Prince M.K. Gorchakov

Prince M.K. Gorchakov created the monarchical publishing house "Down with Evil" in Paris, which published Protocols of Zion(from the book by Nilus 1911)

Protocols of the Elders of Zion

taken from the original edition of S. Nilus,

printed in the Holy Trinity printing house

Sergius Lavra in 1911.

Protocol 1.

The right stands. Freedom is an idea. Liberalism. Gold. Faith. Self management. Despotism of capital. The internal enemy. Crowd. Anarchy. Politics and morality. The right of the strong. The invincibility of Masonic-Jewish power. End justifies the means. The crowd is blind. Political ABC. Party discord. The most appropriate form of government is autocracy. Alcohol. Classicism. Debauchery. The principle and rules of the Masonic-Jewish government. Terror. Freedom equality Brotherhood. The principle of dynastic rule. Abolition of the privileges of the goyim aristocracy. New aristocracy. Psychological calculation. Abstraction of freedom. Change of people's representatives.

Putting aside the phrase-mongering, we will talk about the meaning of each thought, illuminating the circumstances with comparisons and conclusions.

It should be noted that people with bad instincts are more numerous than good ones, therefore top scores in their control they are achieved through violence and intimidation, and not through academic reasoning. Every person strives for power, everyone would like to become a dictator if only he could, but at the same time, it is rare that he would not be ready to sacrifice the benefits of everyone in order to achieve his own benefits.

What held back the predatory animals called humans? What has guided them until now?

At the beginning of the social system, they submitted to brute and blind force, then to the law, which is the same force, only disguised. I conclude that according to the law of nature, the right is in force.

Political freedom is an idea, not a fact. One must be able to apply this idea when it is necessary to attract the masses of people to one’s party as an ideological bait, if one is planning to break another party in power. This task is made easier if the enemy himself becomes infected with the idea of ​​freedom, with so-called liberalism, and sacrifices his power for the sake of the idea. This is where the triumph of our theory will manifest itself: the loose reins of government are immediately, according to the law of existence, picked up and picked up new hand because the blind strength of the people of the day cannot live without a leader, and new government only takes the place of the old one, weakened by liberalism.

In our time, the power of gold has become the substitute of liberal rulers. There was a time, faith ruled. The idea of ​​freedom is impracticable because no one knows how to use it in moderation. As soon as the people are left to self-government for a while, it turns into licentiousness. From this moment on, civil strife arises, soon turning into social battles, in which states burn and their significance turns to ashes.

Whether the state is exhausted in its own convulsions, or internal strife gives it over to external enemies, in any case, it can be considered irretrievably lost: it is in our power. The despotism of capital, which is entirely in our hands, hands it a straw that the state has to hold on to unwillingly, otherwise it will slide into the abyss.

To the one who, from a liberal soul, would say that reasoning of this kind is immoral, I ask: if each state has two enemies and if in relation to an external enemy it is allowed and is not considered immoral to use all sorts of measures of struggle, such as, for example, not acquainting the enemy with plans of attack or defense, to attack him at night or with an unequal number of people, then why can the same measures against the worst enemy, the violator of the social order and prosperity, be called unlawful and immoral?

Can a sound logical mind hope to successfully lead crowds with the help of reasonable exhortations or persuasion, with the possibility of a contradiction, even if it is senseless, but which may seem more pleasant to a superficially intelligent people? Guided solely by petty passions, beliefs, customs, traditions and sentimental theories, people in the crowd and the people of the crowd succumb to party splits, which prevent any agreement even on the basis of completely reasonable exhortation. Every decision of the crowd depends on a random or rigged majority, which, due to ignorance of political secrets, pronounces an absurd decision, laying the germ of anarchy in government.

Politics has nothing to do with morality. A ruler guided by morality is apolitical and therefore unstable on his throne. Whoever wants to rule must resort to both cunning and hypocrisy. The great national qualities - frankness and honesty - are vices in politics, because they overthrow the strongest enemy better and more accurately. These qualities should be attributes of the goyim kingdoms, but we should not be guided by them.

Our right is in force. The word “right” is an abstract and unproven thought. This word means nothing more than: Give me what I want, so that I thereby receive proof that I am stronger than you.

Where does law begin? Where does it end?

For a long time, the Protocols were a reference book for anti-Semites. As is known, they are about a kind of Jewish-Masonic conspiracy: wars, revolutions and capitalism were supposedly supposed to, according to the plans of the “wise men,” lead to the fall of the monarchy and the destruction of Christian civilization, clearing the way for world Jewish domination.

As a result of research conducted by leading Russian historian Mikhail Lepekhin, it became known that the protocols were written by Matvey Golovinsky, who devoted his life to espionage and propaganda activities. Having worked for the Tsar's secret police, he subsequently changed political orientation and joined the Bolsheviks.

Golovinsky was born in 1865 in Ivashevka (Simbirsk province). His father was friendly with Dostoevsky and was sentenced to death for his participation in the conspiracy. He was subsequently pardoned and died when Matvey was 10 years old, so the child remained to live with his mother and French governess.

After briefly studying law, Golovinsky joined the Holy Brotherhood, an anti-Semitic secret society that used falsifications as a means of fighting revolutionaries. He was engaged in publishing newspapers and pamphlets using falsified materials. As a result of the contacts established, Golovinsky managed to get a job in the government press department, where he published articles in “obedient” newspapers and paid remuneration to some journalists.

After the death of his patron, Golovinsky was publicly exposed by Maxim Gorky as an informant and was forced to go abroad. Settling in Paris, he came into contact with the head of the Russian secret police, Pierre Ratchkovsky, who offered him a job writing stories about Russia for the French press.

Subsequently, Golovinsky was entrusted with a more important task. Reactionary circles in Moscow, shocked by the successes of the reformers around Nicholas II, were fired up with the idea of ​​fabricating a fake that would show the Tsar that the growth of capitalism in Russia was in fact a Jewish conspiracy to overthrow the monarch himself and the entire Tsarist regime.

At the end of 1900 - beginning of 1901, Golovinsky sat down to work. In writing the Protocols, he took much from a pamphlet written in 1864 by an anti-Bonapartist lawyer who accused Napoleon III of being involved in a conspiracy to usurp all power in France.
The book brought to the attention of readers is of interest in several respects. First of all, it answers the question of the authenticity of the document, which is still in circulation as one of the grounds for Black Hundred anti-Semitic propaganda.
The prominent English scholar Norman Cohn, based on a significant number of documents, traces the history of the creation of a fake, which, under the name “Protocols of the Elders of Zion,” was launched at the beginning of the 20th century by pogromists in Russia, and then used in Germany during the preparation for the Nazis’ coming to power.
I myself had to hear about the reappearance of this fake in the “samizdat” of the Black Hundreds in 1977, and later the “Protocols of the Elders of Zion” became widely known in our country. Unfortunately, the history of the fake was covered in detail only in the foreign press. Although the inauthentic nature of the document is generally recognized, which is reflected, for example, in all recent editions of the Encyclopedia Britannica and in other standard Western European and American reference works, our reader has not yet had a sufficiently complete and detailed description of the history of the creation of this forged text .
The main milestones in revealing how the document was fabricated were outlined by the outstanding researcher of modern Russian history Burtsev. Drawing on Burtsev's revelations and work done by other researchers, Cohn convincingly traces the stages of creating a fake. Using intertextual research methods, he irrefutably proves that the basis for the “Protocols of the Elders of Zion” and their subsequent modifications, which were widely used for Black Hundred propaganda purposes, was a brilliant French political pamphlet of the last century.
One of the main methods of this propaganda was and still is the dissemination of fiction about an alleged Jewish (in Nazi terminology, “Judeo-Masonic”) conspiracy aimed at enslaving other peoples. One of the recent manifestations of this general trend was the discourse on Russophobia that flooded our press.
Unfortunately, this is further evidence of the relevance of Norman Cohn’s book, which recreates that gloomy atmosphere first in Russia at the beginning of the century, then in pre-fascist Germany, which made it possible to spread the fake.
Kohn's book will be usefully read by all readers.
Vyacheslav Ivanov
People's Deputy of the USSR,
Doctor of Philology, Professor

The people who spread the myth of a worldwide Jewish conspiracy in the 19th century make up a rather motley group. This is Barrel and the Simonini Letter at the beginning of the century; much later, in the last third of the century, Gedsche in Germany and the “Rabbi’s Speech”; the French Gougno de Mousseau, Archbishop Meran, Abbot Chabot, Edouard Drumont, Russian Brafmann, Pole Lutostansky, Serb Osman Bey. These people together cleared the way for the famous forgery, which for a long time outlived their own works, which had sunk into oblivion.
“Around 1840,” wrote Osman Bey in his book “The Conquest of the World by the Jews,” “the Jewish Parliament was convened in Krakow. It was something like an Ecumenical Council, where the leaders of the Chosen People gathered for a meeting. The purpose of the meeting was to determine the means most suitable for the Jews to achieve dominion over the entire globe."
This fantasy formed the basis of The Protocols of the Elders of Zion. The "Protocols" consist of reports or notes for reports in which a member of the secret Jewish government - the "wise men of Zion" - lays out a plan to achieve world domination.
The number of “protocols,” reports, or chapters in the usual, standard version is twenty-four; they are collected in a pamphlet, which in both English editions of a small format is about one hundred pages long. The content of the "Protocols" is not so easy to convey, since they are verbose and presented in a pompous style, and their argumentation is evasive and devoid of logic. However, with some effort, three main themes can still be discerned in them: a critique of liberalism, an analysis of the methods supposedly allowing the Jews to achieve world domination, and a description of their future world state. These themes are presented in the most disorderly manner, but in general it can be said that the first two predominate in the first nine "protocols", while the remaining fifteen are devoted mainly to the description of the coming kingdom. If we try to organize the argumentation of the “Protocols”, then, in general terms, it looks like this.
The calculations of the “wise men” are based on a specific understanding of politics. In their opinion, political freedom is just an idea - an idea that has great appeal to the masses, but which has never been put into practice. Liberalism, which undertakes this insoluble task, ultimately leads only to chaos, because people are not able to govern themselves, they do not know what they really want, they are easily deceived by appearances, and are not able to make the right decision when it is necessary to choose. When the aristocracy was in power, which was quite just, and freedom was in its hands, it used it for the common good; for example, she took care of the workers whose labor she lived with. But the aristocracy is a thing of the past, and the liberal order that replaced it is not viable and must inevitably lead to despotism. Only a tyrant can restore order in society. Moreover, since there are more wicked people in the world than good people, force remains the only acceptable means of government. Might is always right, and in the modern world the basis of such strength is capital and control over it. Today gold rules the world.
For many centuries there has been a conspiracy to concentrate all political power in the hands of those who are able to use it correctly - that is, in the hands of the “Elders of Zion”. Much has already been done, although the conspiracy itself has not yet achieved its goal. In accordance with the very precisely formulated plans of the "wise men" in the period preceding the establishment of their domination over the whole world, the non-Jewish states that still exist, but are already sufficiently weakened, must be destroyed.
First, for this it is necessary to achieve an increase in discontent and anxiety in each state. Fortunately, the means for this are provided by the very nature of liberalism. Already now, by encouraging endless propaganda of liberal ideas and incessant chatter in parliaments, the “wise men” are helping to achieve complete confusion in the minds of common people. Confusion and disunity will increase thanks to a multi-party system: the "wise men" carefully deepen the differences by secretly supporting all parties. They will ensure that the people are alienated from their leaders. In particular, they will stir up constant discontent among the workers, pretending to support their demands, but at the same time secretly doing everything possible to lower the standard of living.
In any state it is necessary to discredit the government. The aristocracy must ultimately be destroyed by increased taxation on land; Since aristocrats will never give up a luxurious lifestyle, it is necessary to help them get entangled in debt. As a result, a presidential form of government should be introduced, which makes it possible for the “wise men” to nominate their puppets to the presidency; Preference should be given to people with a “dark past” to make it easier to control their activities. Freemasonry and secret societies must be made obedient instruments in the hands of the “wise men”; any Mason who resists must be physically destroyed. The industry is concentrated in the hands of giant monopolies so that the property of non-Jews can be instantly destroyed when the “wise men” need it.
Relations between states should also be undermined. It is necessary to aggravate national hatred until mutual understanding between nations is completely lost. Stocks of weapons must gradually increase, and wars must be started as often as possible. These wars, however, should not lead to the final victory of any country, but only contribute to the creation of even greater economic chaos. In the meantime, it is necessary to constantly undermine the moral foundations of non-Jews. Widely promote atheism, a beautiful lifestyle, debauchery and vice; For this purpose, the “wise men” are already introducing teachers and governesses specially selected as agents into the homes of non-Jews. Particular care should be taken to encourage drunkenness and prostitution.
The "Wise Men" admit that the Gentiles may still be able to thwart their plot, but they are quite confident that they can break all resistance. They can use the common people to overthrow the rulers, reducing the masses to such a degree of impoverishment that they will simultaneously rise up in all countries at once and, under the complete control of the “wise men,” destroy all private property, with the exception, of course, of property belonging to the Jews. They can play one government off against another; after many years of skillfully weaving intrigues and encouraging mutual enmity, they can easily achieve the outbreak of war against any nation that opposes their will. Even if by chance all of Europe united against them, they could turn to the support of the guns of America, China and Japan. In addition, there is also a metro: underground railway lines were invented for the sole purpose of giving the “wise men” the opportunity to blow up any capital in the event of serious opposition. After this, the remnants of the opposition can be destroyed at any time with the help of terrible diseases. There was even a possibility: if some Jews showed obstinacy, they would be dealt with through anti-Semitism.
Looking around the modern world with their inner gaze, the “wise men” prepare the ground for far-reaching plans. Already now they can state that they have destroyed religions, especially Christianity. Now that the influence of the Jesuits has been reduced to nothing, and the papacy is defenseless, it can be destroyed at any moment. The prestige of secular rulers also declines; murders and assassination threats force them to appear in public only surrounded by bodyguards, and the killers are glorified as true martyrs. Neither rulers nor aristocrats can now rely on the loyalty of the common people. Economic unrest has shaken social foundations. Clever financial manipulations led to economic decline and huge public debts; finances have fallen into a state of complete confusion, the gold standard [The gold standard is a system of monometallism, in which one metal (gold) serves as the universal equivalent and the basis of monetary circulation. It was first established in Great Britain at the end of the 18th century, and in most other capitalist countries at the end of the 19th century. In Russia in the 19th century. silver played this role. In 1897, the gold standard was introduced, under which gold coins circulated freely and were exchanged for banknotes. The gold standard met the needs of developing European and Russian capitalism. - Approx. ed.] everywhere led to a national catastrophe.
The time will soon come when the Gentile states, pushed to the limit, will be glad to hand over the reins of government to the “wise men” who have already managed to lay the foundation for future domination. Instead of an aristocracy, they have established a plutocracy, or the rule of gold, and gold is completely under their control. They established control over legislative activity and brought the laws into complete confusion; the invention of arbitration is a clear example of these diabolical tricks. They have firmly taken over the education system. In this area, their destructive influence was reflected in the invention of teaching with the help of visual aids. The purpose of this technique is to turn non-Jews into “unthinking, obedient animals, waiting for evidence to figure it out...”.
The "wise men" already exercise control over politics and politicians; all parties - from the most conservative to the extremely radical - are essentially tools in their hands. Hiding behind the backs of Freemasonry, the “wise men” penetrated the secrets of all states, and, as any government knows, they are powerful enough to bring into existence societies with new social orders or, conversely, destroy a society whenever they want. After centuries of struggle, costing the lives of thousands of non-Jews and even many Jews, perhaps only a hundred years separate the “wise men” from finally achieving their goal.
Their goal is the advent of the “messianic age”, when the whole world will be united by one religion, that is, Judaism, and it will be ruled by a Jewish ruler from the line of David. This century is sanctified from above, for God himself chose the Jews for world domination, but its structure will be distinguished by a very definite political structure. Society will be organized in full accordance with the principle of inequality; the masses in it are separated from politics; education and the press suppress even the slightest interest in politics. All publications are heavily censored, and freedom of speech and association is severely restricted. These restrictions will be presented as temporary measures that will supposedly be lifted after all the enemies of the people have been dealt with, but in fact they will be permanent. History will be taught only as a visual aid to highlight the difference between the chaos of the past and the ideal order of the present; the successes of the new world empire will be constantly contrasted with the political weakness and failures of the previous Gentile governments. Every member of society will be under surveillance. A numerous secret police would be recruited from all sections of the population, and every citizen would be under strict obligation to report all criticisms of the regime. Anti-government agitation will be equated to the most shameful crime, comparable only to theft or murder. Every manifestation of liberalism will be put an end to, and unconditional obedience will be required from everyone. Freedom will be promised in the indefinite future, but this promise is ephemeral.
On the other hand, a high standard of living of the population will be ensured. Unemployment will be eliminated, and taxes will be made dependent on income. The interest of the “little” person will be spurred by the development of small-scale production. Education will be planned so that young people are trained according to their background. Drunkenness is condemned, as is any manifestation of independent will.
All this will give the masses satisfaction and peace, and the example of the leaders will help them in this. Laws will become clear and unchangeable, and judges will become incorruptible and infallible. All Jewish leaders will be selected from among capable, business-minded and benevolent people. Moreover, the paramount chief will be a man of eminent merit; all unsuitable heirs are ruthlessly eliminated. This Jewish ruler will communicate freely with people, accept their petitions; no one will guess that he is constantly surrounded by secret police agents. He must lead an impeccable private life, without patronizing his relatives; he will not own any property. He is called upon to constantly work on the instructions of the government. The result will be a world without violence or injustice, in which all will enjoy the true benefits of society. The nations of the world will rejoice and praise the wonderful government, and therefore the kingdom of Zion will last long.
This is the plan that is attributed to these mysterious gentlemen, the “wise men of Zion.”
* * *
The general public first learned about it after several editions of the Protocols were published in Russia between 1903 and 1907. The earliest printed version, with minor abbreviations, is the version that appeared in the St. Petersburg newspaper Znamya, where it was published from August 28 to September 7, 1903. The editor-publisher of "Znamya" was P.A. Krushevan, a known ardent anti-Semite. A few months before the “Protocols” appeared in print, he organized a pogrom in Chisinau, during which 45 Jews were killed, more than 400 were wounded, and 1,300 Jewish houses and shops were destroyed.
Krushevant did not say who forwarded or gave him this manuscript; he only mentioned that it was a translation of a document written in France, which the translator entitled “Minutes of the Meetings of the World Union of Freemasons and Elders of Zion”; He himself entitled them: “The program for the conquest of the world by the Jews.”
Two years later, the same version, but this time without abbreviations, appeared in the form of a pamphlet entitled "The Root of Our Troubles" with the subtitle "Where is the Root of Modern Troubles in social order Europe in general and Russia in particular. Excerpts from the ancient and modern protocols of the Universal Union of Freemasons." This work was submitted to the St. Petersburg Censorship Committee on December 9, 1905; permission for publication was obtained immediately, and in the same month the pamphlet appeared in St. Petersburg with the imprint of the Imperial Guard. The editor's name is not was mentioned, but it is likely that in reality it was a retired officer named G.V. Butmi, a close friend of Krushevan, both of them came from Bessarabia.
At that time, from October 1905, Butmi and Krushevan took an active part in the formation of the far-right organization - the "Union of the Russian People" - known as the "Black Hundred", which created armed units to fight radicals, liberals and for mass bloodshed massacres of Jews. In January 1906, this organization again published the pamphlet "The Root of Our Troubles", but this time the editor's name - Butmy - was on the cover, and it was given a new title - "Enemies of the Human Race". The main part of the book is subtitled “Protocols extracted from the secret repositories of the Zion General Chancellery (Where is the root of modern disorder in the social system of Europe in general, and in Russia in particular).” This brochure appeared this time with the output data not of the Imperial Guard, but of the School for the Deaf and Dumb. Three new editions of this version of the Protocols appeared in 1906 and two more in 1907, all in St. Petersburg; in addition, they were at the same time published in Kazan with the subtitle "Excerpts from the ancient and modern protocols of the Elders of Zion of the Universal Society of Franc-Massons."
"The Root of Our Troubles" and "Enemies of the Human Race" are cheap pamphlets aimed at the mass reader. The “Protocols” are presented in a completely different way in the book that appeared entitled “The Great in the Small and the Antichrist as a Imminent Political Possibility.” Its author was the mystical writer Sergei Nilus. The “Protocols” were not included in the first edition of his book (1903). They were included in the second edition, which was published in December 1905 with the imprint of the local branch of the Red Cross in Tsarskoe Selo. Subsequently, we will see that this publication was prepared with a specific purpose - to impress Nicholas II, and therefore bore the imprint of the mystery of the original source. The beautifully published book was camouflaged as those mystical works that the king loved to read. In addition, it contained references to events in France and other countries, while the Krushevan-Butmi edition was more focused on events that took place in Russian Empire.
Let's go back a little. So, Nilus's book was approved by the Moscow Censorship Committee on September 28, 1905, but still remained in manuscript; nevertheless, it appeared in print almost simultaneously with The Root of Our Troubles. But even before that, she attracted attention. Since Sergei Nilus then enjoyed the favor of the Imperial Court, the Moscow Metropolitan gave orders to read a sermon containing an exposition of his version of the “Protocols” in all 368 churches of Moscow. This was performed on October 16, 1905; in addition, the sermon was hastily reprinted in the right-wing newspaper Moskovskie Vedomosti, effectively becoming another edition of the Protocols. It was Nilus' version, not Butmi's, that influenced world history. But this did not happen in 1905, or even in 1911 or 1912, when new editions of “The Great in the Small” appeared. This happened only when the book in question appeared again, in a somewhat modified and revised form, in a larger volume, under the title “There is Near, at the Door.” This happened in 1917.
When you come across a top secret document, which is a whole series of reports, you can’t help but wonder: who wrote these reports, to whom, for what reason; and also, how did this document get to those for whom, obviously, it was not intended at all? The various publishers of the Protocols have done their best to satisfy legitimate curiosity, but their answers are, alas, far from clear and consistent.
Even the earliest edition, which appeared in the Znamya newspaper, is puzzling. While the translator claimed that this document was obtained “from the secret repositories of the Zion General Chancellery” in France, the publisher admits: “How, where, how the minutes of these meetings in France could have been copied, who exactly copied them, we do not know ..." But that is not all. The translator in the postscript says: “The protocols set forth were written by Zionist representatives” and persistently warns us not to confuse “Zionist representatives” with representatives of the Zionist movement - but this does not stop the publisher, who claims that the protocols represent a threat to Zionism, “called upon to unite all Jews on earth into one union, even more united and dangerous than the Jesuit order."
Boutmi also explained that the “Protocols” were removed from the secret archives of the “main Zion Chancellery,” but he sets out a much more colorful story:
“These protocols, as secret ones, were obtained with great difficulty, in fragmentary form, and translated into Russian on December 9, 1901. It is almost impossible to get back to the secret storage facilities in the secret archives where they are hidden, and therefore they cannot be supported by accurate indicating the place, day, month, year, where and when they were compiled."
The author calls the main argument in favor of the fact that the “Protocols” were not forged “shameless self-praise, contempt for all humanity, as well as shamelessness in choosing means to achieve one’s goals, that are inherent in such a measure.” only to the Jews."
Nilus becomes confused in his statements and ends up contradicting not only Butmi, but also himself. In the 1905 edition of the Protocols, a note follows after the text: “These protocols were secretly extracted (or stolen) from an entire book of protocols. All this was obtained by my correspondent from the secret vaults of the Zion General Chancellery, now located on French territory.”
This fiction echoes Boothmy's version, but, unfortunately, the same edition of the "Protocols" is accompanied by a note stating that they were stolen by some woman from a very influential, high-ranking leader of the Freemasons after one of the secret meetings of "initiates" "in France, this nest Masonic conspiracy. And in the 1917 edition, Nilus further confuses the question of the origin of the Protocols:
"...only now has it become known to me reliably, from Jewish sources, that these “Protocols” are nothing more than a strategic plan for the conquest of the world under the heel of the God-fighter Israel, worked out by the leaders of the Jewish people during many centuries of their dispersion and reported to the council of elders" Prince of Exile" Theodor Herzl during the First Zionist Congress, which he convened in Basel in August 1897."
The author couldn't come up with anything better! The original manuscript was allegedly found written in French, but there were no French delegates at the First Zionist Congress, and the official language was German. Herzl himself, the founder of modern Zionism, was an Austrian journalist; all the work of the congress took place with the participation of the public, and the city of Basel was flooded with journalists who could hardly miss such unusual meeting. But in any case, Nilus himself, in the 1905 edition, categorically stated that the reports were read not in Basel, but in France, “this modern nest of the Freemason conspiracy.”
In an atmosphere of general confusion, the publishers of the Protocols continued to invent new versions. The publisher of the German translation (1919), known as Gottfried zur Beck, argued that the "Elders of Zion" were simply delegates to the Congress of Basel; he also explains how their machinations were exposed. According to him, the Russian government, long concerned about the active activities of the Jews, sent a spy to the congress to monitor them. A Jew, tasked with taking a shorthand record of (non-existent) secret meetings from Basel to the "Jewish-Masonic lodge" in Frankfurt am Main, was bribed by a Russian spy to give him the manuscript for one night in some town along the way. Fortunately, the spy had a whole platoon of census takers at hand. During a night of feverish work, they managed to copy many protocols, which were then sent to Russia to Nilus to translate them into Russian.
This is what Gottfried zur Beck said. But Theodor Fritsch, the “patriarch of German anti-Semitism,” in his edition of the Protocols (1920), offers a completely different version. For him, this document was also a Zionist product - he even called them the "Zionist Protocols" - but they were stolen not at the Basel Congress by the Russian police, but in some unnamed Jewish house. Moreover, they were not written in French, but in Hebrew, so the police handed them over for translation to “Orientalist professor Nilus” (who in reality, as we will see, was neither a professor, nor an Orientalist, nor even a translator." Protocols").
A completely different story is given by Roger Lambelain, who published the most popular publication; according to him, the “Protocols” were stolen from a closet in some Alsatian town by the wife or fiancée of the leader of the Freemasons. After such colorful stories, the Polish publisher's assertion that the Protocols were simply stolen from Herzl's apartment in Vienna sounds like gray prose.
The lady, known as the American Leslie Frey, and by her husband as Madame Shishmareva, has written a lot about the Protocols since 1922. Her main contribution to the debate was her arguments to prove that the author of the Protocols was none other than Asher Ginsberg, who wrote under the pseudonym Ahad Gaam (that is, "one of the people"), an author essentially so apolitical that he It’s hard to even imagine another. According to Madame Frey, the “Protocols” were written by Ginsberg in Hebrew, read by him at a secret meeting of “initiates” in Odessa in 1890, and then forwarded to French translation to the World Jewish Union in Paris, and then in 1897 to the Basel Congress, where, as one can assume, they were translated into German for the convenience of the delegates. The hypothesis is too complicated, but nevertheless it finds quite influential support.
Thus, the various authors writing about the Protocols do not have a common opinion about their origin. Even the belief that the “Elders of Zion” are delegates to the Basel Congress is not shared by everyone. The unknown Russian translator of the French text, according to Krushevan and Boutmi, unequivocally states that the “wise men” cannot be identified with representatives of the Zionist movement. For Nilus, before his belated discovery, the "main Zion office" was the headquarters of the World Jewish Union in Paris; Urbain Gautier, one of the first publishers of the Protocols in France, was also convinced that the "wise men" were members of the Union. Others, following Mrs. Frey, have tried to combine the two hypotheses - no easy task, since the Union is a purely philanthropic, apolitical organization, which pinned all its hopes on the adaptation of the Jews to their countrymen and was so hostile to Zionism that it caused general surprise. Of course, there were also the Freemasons, who were very often mentioned in connection with the “Protocols”...
Meanwhile, in 1921, something came to light that proved in the most decisive way that the Protocols were a fake. Moreover, the “Protocols” are such an obvious and ridiculous forgery that it may seem surprising why it was necessary to prove the fact of forgery. However, in the years immediately following the First World War, when the Protocols emerged from the fog and thundered around the world, many quite sensible people took them completely seriously. To realize this, it is enough to refer to what the Times newspaper wrote on May 8, 1920:
“What are these “Protocols”? Are they reliable? If so, then what evil bunch drew up such plans and rejoices at their rapid implementation?.. Have we not, by straining all the forces of our nation, avoided the “All-German Union” only in order to fall into the snare of the "All-Jewish Union"? A year later, on August 18, 1921, The Times published a sensational editorial in which it admitted its mistake. In the issues of 16, 17 and 18 August, she published a detailed report from her correspondent in Constantinople, Philip Graves, which stated that the Protocols were basically a copy of a pamphlet against Napoleon III, a pamphlet dating from 1864. Here's what Philip Graves reported:
“...I must admit that when the discovery reached me, I initially refused to believe it. Mr. X., who provided me with the evidence, was convinced of it. “Read this book,” he told me, “and you will You will find irrefutable evidence that The Protocols of the Elders of Zion is plagiarized."
Mr. X., who does not wish his name to be known, is a Russian landowner whose relatives live in England. Orthodox by religious convictions, by political convictions he is a constitutional monarchist. He came here as a refugee after his final failure white movement in Southern Russia. He had long been interested in the Jewish question in Russia. To this end, he studied the "Protocols" and, during the reign of General Denikin, undertook some research to find out whether there really existed in the south of Russia some kind of secret "Masonic" organization similar to that mentioned in the "Protocols". It turned out that there was only one organization there - the monarchical one. He came upon the solution to the appearance of the “Protocols” completely by accident.
A few months ago, he bought a stack of old books from a former secret police officer who had fled to Constantinople. Among them he found a small volume in French without a title page, measuring 15x9 centimeters, in a cheap binding. Large on leather spine with Latin letters the word "Joly" is imprinted. The preface, entitled “Just an Announcement,” is marked: “Geneva October 15, 1864...” Both the paper and the font are very typical of the 60s and 70s of the last century. I present these details in the hope that they may lead to the discovery of the book's title...
Mr. X. considers this book to be a bibliographic rarity, since otherwise the Protocols would immediately be recognized as plagiarism by anyone who read the original.
The authenticity of the book will not be doubted by anyone who has seen this book. Its first owner, a secret police officer, did not remember where he got it from and did not attach any importance to it. Mr. X., one day, looking through a book, was struck by the similarity between the phrase on which his gaze rested and a phrase from the French edition of the Protocols. He continued his comparative study and soon realized that the Protocols were basically... a paraphrase of the Genevan original...
Before receiving the book from Mr. X.'s hands, I did not believe this. I did not consider the “Protocols” of Sergei Nilus to be authentic... But I would never have believed it if I had not seen for myself that the writer who provided Nilus with the original was a shameless and unscrupulous plagiarist.
The Geneva book is a thinly disguised pamphlet against the despotism of Napoleon III and consists of 25 dialogues... The interlocutors are Montesquieu and Machiavelli..."
Before publishing the message of its correspondent from Constantinople, The Times undertook a search in the British Museum. Joly's name printed on the cover provided a clue. The mysterious volume was identified: it is “Dialogue in Hell between Montesquieu and Machiavelli,” which was written by the French lawyer Maurice Joly. It was first published in Brussels (albeit with a Geneva imprint) in 1864.
In his autobiography, written in 1870, Maurice Joly told how one day he was walking along the Seine embankment in Paris and suddenly had the idea of ​​writing a dialogue between Montesquieu and Machiavelli. Direct criticism of Napoleon's regime was prohibited. In the same way, it became possible, albeit through the mouth of Machiavelli, to reveal the reasons for the actions of the emperor and his methods, freeing them from the usual camouflage. Joly thought so, but he underestimated his opponent. "Dialogue in Hell" was printed in Belgium and secretly delivered to France, but the moment it crossed the border, the cargo was seized by the police, and soon the author of the book was tracked down and arrested. On April 25, 1865, Joly was brought to trial and sentenced to fifteen months' imprisonment. His book was banned and confiscated.
Joly's subsequent life was just as unsuccessful. Witty, aggressive, and disrespectful to authorities, he became increasingly disillusioned with everything and finally committed suicide in 1879. He certainly deserved a better fate. Joly was not only a brilliant stylist, but also had excellent intuition and the gift of foresight. In his novel The Starving People, he showed a rare understanding of the tensions in the modern world that gave rise to revolutionary movements of both the right and the left. But above all, in his reflections on the amateurish despotism of Napoleon III, he achieved a vision that has retained its relevance in relation to the various authoritarian regimes of our time. Moreover, some of Joly's visions came to life again when Dialogue in Hell was turned into The Protocols of the Elders of Zion; and this is the reason, as we will see later, why the Protocols often seem to be a prediction of twentieth-century authoritarianism. But in the end it is an unenviable immortality, and the cruel irony is that a brilliant but long-forgotten defense of liberalism served as the basis for a horribly written reactionary nonsense that has misled the whole world.
Joly's pamphlet is truly a wonderful work, precise, ruthless, logical, beautifully constructed. The debate begins with Montesquieu, who argues that in the present century the enlightened ideas of liberalism have given rise to despotism, which has always been immoral and also unsustainable. Machiavelli answers him with such eloquence and at such length that he dominates the rest of the pamphlet. “The masses of the people,” he says, “are incapable of governing themselves. They are usually inert and happy only when they are governed by strong personality; at the same time, if something awakens them, then they are capable of only senseless violence, and then they again need a strong personality to bring them under control. Politics has never had anything to do with morality, and as for the practical side of things, it has never been so easy as now to establish despotic rule. The modern ruler must only pretend to observe the forms of legality, he must convince his people of the simplest appearance of self-government, in which case he will have not the slightest difficulty in achieving and exercising absolute power. The people willingly agree with any decision that they consider their own; therefore, the ruler must only transfer decisions on all issues to the people's assembly, having first, of course, arranged the matter in such a way that the assembly will make exactly the decisions that he needs. Opposition forces that might oppose his will can be easily dealt with by tightening censorship and instructing the police to monitor their political opponents. He is not afraid of either the power of the church or financial problems. As long as a statesman dazzles the people with the force of his authority and wins military victories, he can be completely confident of support.
This is the book that inspired the author of the fake Protocols. He shamelessly engaged in plagiarism, and the extent to which this was done shamelessly and unceremoniously can be judged by the parallel texts placed at the end of the book [See: Appendix, p. 195.]. More than 160 passages in the Protocols - two-fifths of the entire text - are openly taken from Joly's book; in nine chapters borrowings reach more than half of the text, in some - up to three quarters, and in one (protocol VII) - almost the entire text. Moreover, with a few exceptions, the order of the borrowed passages remains exactly the same as in Joly's, and one gets the impression that the author of the Protocols worked on the Dialogue mechanically, rewriting page after page. Even the arrangement by chapter is almost the same - the 24 chapters of the "Protocols" almost entirely coincide with the 25 chapters of the "Dialogue". Only at the end, where the prophecies of the “messianic age” predominate, does the copyist allow himself some deviations from the original. This is truly an undeniable case of plagiarism and forgery.
The author of the forgery built his evidence on calculations extracted from the dispute between two opposing sides in the “Dialogue”: Machiavelli’s defense of despotism and Montesquieu’s defense of liberalism. But his borrowings are drawn mainly from Machiavelli. What Joly puts into the mouth of Machiavelli, the author of the forgery makes the nameless “wise man of Zion” speak with the same words, but with some important additions. In Joly's book, Machiavelli, personifying the position of Napoleon III, describes a state of affairs that has always existed, while in the Protocols this description is presented in the form of a prophecy about future times. Machiavelli argues that a despot can find in democratic forms of government a useful cover for his tyranny; in the Protocols this argument is turned on its head, with the result that all democratic forms of government are but a cover for tyranny. But the plagiarist borrows some passages from Montesquieu, and here they acquire a specific meaning from him, that, supposedly, the ideas of liberalism are an invention of the Jews and they disseminate them for the sole purpose of disorganizing and demoralizing non-Jews.
Having free time, such material could be used to build a brilliant forgery, but when you read the “Protocols”, you get the impression that they were fabricated in a hurry. For example, the Dialogue makes a very clear distinction between the policies of Napoleon III when he was just trying to seize power, and his policies when he already had power firmly in his hands. "Protocols" suspects nothing of such nuances. In one place the speaker speaks as if the “wise men” already have absolute control, and in another he gives the impression that they have to wait another hundred years for this. Sometimes he boasts that the non-Jewish governments are already intimidated by the “wise men,” and sometimes he admits that they know nothing about the conspiracy of the “wise men” and that they have never even heard of its existence. Other illogicalities are explained by the fact that the despot described by Joly seeks to achieve dominance over France, while the “wise men” try to achieve dominance over the whole world. The author of the fake does not care about somehow reconciling such discrepancies; moreover, he likes to tear apart the verbal fabric of the “Dialogue” with absurdities of his own invention, for example, such as the threat to blow up rebellious capitals, using the subway to achieve this goal.
It is even more strange that the author of the forgery preserves all the passages that are devoted to attacks on liberal ideas and praise of the landed aristocracy as a necessary stronghold of the monarchy... These passages are so gentile in nature that they caused confusion even among the publishers of the Protocols. Some publishers simply excluded them, others tried to explain it by saying that the ardent Russian conservative Sergei Nilus must have inserted his own reasoning here. Their difficulties are understandable. Nilus was not the author of the forgery, but, as we will soon see, the curses against political freedom and the praise of the aristocratic and monarchical system will help us discover the true nature and reasons for the appearance of this forgery.

Blessing on genocide

“...The sharp opposite of the Aryan is the Jew... The black-haired Jewish youth waits for hours with satanic joy in the eyes of unsuspecting Aryan girls, whom he will disgrace with his blood and in this way rob the nation.” Sitting in Landsberg prison, an ugly, nervous man dictated long, rhetorical commandments to his comrades in the unsuccessful putsch, calling for them to save Europe and the nation from destruction. These revelations were recorded by two of his cellmates: a native of Egypt, Rudolf Hess, and a dark, Jewish-looking Frenchman, Emile Maurice - two examples of the “true Aryan breed.”

Author " Mein Kampf“For 20 years now I have been thinking about “the culprits of our troubles.” This ardent fighter for the purity of the race drew his ideological “capital” from the pages of a book that he learned by heart. Its title is “The Protocols of the Elders of Zion.” This “document” opened the eyes of the future “Führer of the German nation” to the secret mechanics of the world and became for him a real manifesto of the “brown revolution”. From there he carefully rewrote the plans of the Jewish conspiracy, which threatened to give the whole world to the “little people.”

A person who opens the “Protocols of the Elders of Zion” learns from them that the Jewish elite intended to use cunning and deceit to destroy the high-born nobility. That the Jews want to replace the old order with decadent democracy. What are their plans to seize (or maybe they have already seized?) all the gold in the world, all the banks and the media. That they are introducing new disgusting doctrines into the unstable minds of people - Marxism, Darwinism and Nietzscheanism - and destroying the traditional values ​​​​that man has adhered to for many centuries. What capitalism, communism and liberalism are different shapes systematic disintegration of society by Jews. That the Jews, having finally taken possession of the world, will install a king from the line of David to rule and rule over all nations, and they will remain subordinate to him. What lies ahead of us? Pax Judaica (“Peace in the Jewish Way”)! In this beautiful world, only ghettos will be open to Aryans...

This thin book became a compilation of the most common prejudices against Jews - a kind of “anthology of anti-Semitic ideas.” Later they were washed in blood - and cursed. It seemed that, along with the reciters of those slogans and covenants, this book itself should have disappeared from people’s memory. But she is alive, her ideas are still tempting. In the countries of the Arab world, “The Protocols of the Elders of Zion” was republished about fifty times (this book was especially liked by the Hero of the Soviet Union Gamal Abdel Nasser). In America, more than 30 publications have been published in just 10 years (since 1990). While reading these “Protocols,” any nationalists are complacently reconciled - from Hitler fans to radicals from the Nation of Islam. Their hatred is directed at a common enemy. “Protocols”, like a tuning fork, tune the rage of the crowd, directing its energy to a “just cause”...

...It was 1921. Three years remained before he wrote the book “My Struggle” as a prisoner at Landsberg Prison. But by that time it had already become clear that the notorious “Protocols” were nothing more than a fake. The correspondent of the London newspaper "The Times" in Istanbul, Mr. Philip Graves, managed to establish that most of the "Protocols of the Elders of Zion" is... plagiarism. He was able to find the original book, which everyone had already forgotten about by that time.

As it turned out, in 1864, when France was ruled by Emperor Napoleon III, a pamphlet was published entitled “Dialogue in Hell between Machiavelli and Montesquieu, or the Politics of Machiavelli in the 19th Century.” Behind this pompous name was hidden a caustic satire. Its author, as a distraction, turned into an unknown stenographer who recorded the confessions of two famous political scientists of the past, sent to hell for reforging, ridiculed, giving free rein to hyperbole and fantasies, the politics of the “new Napoleon.” His anonymity could not protect him from the police. We don’t know whether lawyer Maurice Joly (1829–1878) ended up in hell (although how he could have found his way there), but nevertheless he received 15 months in a French prison “for his libel.” The police confiscated most of the “Dialogues” and destroyed them...

Over the course of three days, from August 16 to 18, 1921, Mr. Graves published a series of sensational articles in the pages of his newspaper in which he exposed the “Protocols of the Elders of Zion” as a long-standing fake. He convincingly proved that this was a case of plagiarism, while the long-standing fiction was interpreted by the compilers of the “Protocols” as an immutable fact. They managed to squeeze almost 40% of the text stolen from Joly into their opus.

Mr. Graves' aimed shot, meanwhile, hit the milk. Joly's "Dialogue" remained a forgotten pamphlet, and the "Protocols" have been disturbing the minds of people for a whole century, turning their despair and vague protests into a clear, enduring hatred of the Jews...

At the beginning of the 19th century, Emperor Napoleon I equalized the civil rights of Jews with other European populations. Many Jews leave the ghetto, some of them quickly become rich. The name of the Rothschild bankers becomes a household name. They came to the forefront of history at the very end Napoleonic wars. In 1811–1816, almost half of all subsidies allocated by England to its continental allies passed through their hands. Their wealth aroused envy and irritation. The upstarts and nouveau riche were also greeted with hostility by representatives of the upper classes, especially those from the old, well-born nobility, who were quickly losing influence on the policies of bourgeois governments.

Jews, on the pages of liberal publications, persistently defended civil liberties, which they knew how to use with such dexterity. In the eyes of a well-intentioned society, they could not help but appear as the most dangerous troublemakers and revolutionaries. “Protect the monarchs from the indignation of the mob, and the country from the dominance of the Jews” - conservative thinkers came to this conclusion, observing with horror the decline of contemporary morals. The conclusion was made. The time has come to collect facts and prepare an indictment against “the spirit of Jewry, which broke out beyond the walls of the ghetto and vulgarized the life and culture of European peoples.”

1862 - an anonymous article was published on the pages of the Munich magazine “Historisch-politische Blaetter”. It talked about how Jews allegedly grouped behind the scenes of political life, creating “pseudo-Masonic” lodges in order to manipulate from there nationalist movements in Italian and German countries. This was said at the beginning of that decade, which blew up the usual order in Italy and Germany and united many small principalities and lands into united states. Crisis, collapse of the old... Who is to blame? Jews.

1868 - German journalist Hermann Goedsche (1815–1878), hiding under the pseudonym “Sir John Ratcliffe,” published the novel “Biarritz.” It caused a sensation in society (its name, by the way, was reminiscent of the famous French resort where Napoleon III, hated by the Prussians, loved to relax). One of the chapters of this novel, stretching over 40 pages, is entitled “In the Jewish Cemetery in Prague.” It describes a secret night meeting that took place among the graves and crypts. 12 figures dressed in white robes surrounded the tomb of the famous rabbi. These were messengers from each tribe of Israel. Undisturbed by anyone, they began to discuss how to subjugate the entire Christian world to their power. These “secret rulers of the world” organize such a gathering once every 100 years. Peoples are only pawns in their game: they exterminate Christians, pitting them against each other in fratricidal wars, and then appropriate the wealth collected by others...

Sir Ratcliffe, alias Herr Goedsche, carefully described the strategy of the Jews. Firstly, many of them are baptized, trying to merge with Christians so that it is easier to carry out their policies among them. Each such cross is a spy, each one is worse than a hundred Russian Cossacks. Secondly, they seek to subjugate exchanges, banks, etc. Cash flows can be compared to the blood vessels of the state. Jews cling to them and, like vampires, drink them without a trace. Thirdly, Jewish bankers obligingly provide loans to aristocrats, entangling them like spiders in their networks, in order to subsequently ruin and destroy them. Fourthly, they persistently seek to weaken the forces of any power, seeking the separation of church and state. Fifthly, they support troublemakers everywhere, they dream of revolutions and take an active part in each. In the end, sixthly, they subjugate all the newspapers so that ignorant people can judge what is happening only in the way that pleases the Jews...

Such was Gedsche's fantasy. It is easy to see that his ideas - with some amendments - still serve modern anti-Semites. The cartridges cast by the Prussian writer still hit the target. Newspapers? Jewish truth! Finance? Jewish money!

Biarritz became a bestseller. The chapter about the secret Jewish evening in the Prague churchyard was especially popular. Finally, someone dared to openly say what had been whispered about for so long both in the closets of the poor and in the palaces of aristocrats! It was rumored that “Sir Ratcliffe” was Jewish himself and knew what he was writing about. Soon the mentioned chapter began to be published as a separate brochure. It has been translated into many European languages. It entered the “treasury” of world anti-Semitic literature.

1886 - Parisian publicist Edouard Drumont publishes the book “Jewish France”. Behind a short time 100,000 copies were sold. In subsequent years, it was reprinted 200 times! At the end of the 19th century, only 100,000 Jews lived in France (out of a population of almost 38 million), but Drumont was sure that this was too many. In those years, he published the anti-Semitic newspaper Svobodnoe Slovo. Its circulation grew to 300,000 copies in the mid-1890s. It was from the pages of this newspaper that accusations fell against the officer of the French general staff, Alfred Dreyfus, a Jew by nationality.

1894 - the trial of the “German spy” Dreyfus began. On trumped-up charges, he was sentenced to life in hard labor, but was pardoned in 1899 because otherwise American representatives refused to go to the 1900 Paris World Exhibition. It was necessary to choose between profit and integrity. In 1906, Dreyfus - by the way, an unpleasant person in himself: an upstart, a braggart, a spendthrift - was rehabilitated.

The “Protocols of the Elders of Zion”, which arose on this wave, as established today, were concocted by immigrants from Russia. Pyotr Ivanovich Rachkovsky (1853–1911) had a direct hand in them. In St. Petersburg he was considered a leading figure in falsifications and a brilliant master of ideological propaganda. 1882 - Rachkovsky headed the Paris bureau of the Tsarist secret police. In those years, a large colony of Russian revolutionaries lived in the French capital - emigrants of the “minus of the first wave”. Rachkovsky followed their activities with attention. His extensive connections helped him. In particular, he was well acquainted with the chief of police of Paris and, on occasion, visited the salon of his wife Juliette.

TO end of the 19th century centuries, about 5 million Jews lived in Tsarist Russia. Most of them were forced to huddle “beyond the Pale of Settlement” - in poor towns and towns in Ukraine and Belarus. Some of the Jews became rich by becoming money changers or merchants. This caused resentment and envy: “Who multiplied the poor?” Jews? Of course, not only them, and not primarily them. And yet it is the Jews who “do not the worst people in Russia” (words by N.S. Leskov) - became the object of persecution provoked from above. These infidels, who were also unpopular in other countries, could easily be blamed for all the troubles. Already in 1881–1882, the first pogroms began to break out in the south of Russia.

Historians suggest that in high government spheres it was decided to entrust Mr. Rachkovsky's art to instigate an anti-Jewish campaign. There could be several undoubted benefits from this. These are the motives that could have guided the people who began fabricating the “Protocols.”

The revolutionary movement was growing in the Russian Empire. It was necessary to discredit him. Why not present the young people who went to the revolution as collaborators with “international Jewry”? This will cause everyone to dislike them.
Jews, especially wealthy ones, must be forced to emigrate from Russia. This will give an advantage to their Russian competitors.

We need to improve Russia's international prestige. Pogroms - a relic of the Middle Ages - can only be justified by the fact that the Jews were preparing a conspiracy against the government and even “against all governments in the world.”
In the end, the international situation was also convenient. France was split by the struggle between supporters and opponents of Dreyfus. At the same time, in August 1897, the First Zionist Congress took place in Basel. In this “kahal” of Jews gathered from all over the world, it was easy to see a prototype of the secret gathering of the tribes of Israel...

1891, June 6 - P. Rachkovsky informed his boss in St. Petersburg that pogroms in Russia were causing disapproving responses in the French press. Therefore, the head of the foreign agents of the police department in Paris proposed, by launching a skillful campaign of slander and discredit, to nip in the bud any sympathy for the Jews and to whitewash any measures taken against them.

The authorities hesitated for a long time. Work began only in 1894. The main sources were a pamphlet by Maurice Joly and a chapter about a meeting in a Prague cemetery from Hermann Goedsche's novel Biarritz. Rachkovsky probably learned about Joly’s pamphlet in Madame Adam’s salon. The style of presentation and some of the ideas seemed very interesting, especially since the first version of the “Protocols” was compiled in French. Russian aristocrat Catherine Radziwill saw their manuscript, read it, as she admitted many years later, and noted how strange and unnatural the French language in which they were supposedly written sounded. 1897 - the text was ready. “The Protocols of the Elders of Zion” was translated into Russian.

The decisive moment has arrived. How to present them to the public so that they do not recognize a fake? The slightest mistake and a major scandal will occur!

Historians have quite accurately traced the fate of the manuscript on its way from the manufacturers to the reader. The first link in this chain was Yuliana Dmitrievna Glinka (1844–1918). The daughter of the Russian envoy in Lisbon, the maid of honor of the Empress, an admirer of Blavatsky, she loved to visit Juliette Adam's salon in Paris and, perhaps, was an employee of Rachkovsky. So she admitted that under very unusual circumstances she came into possession of a strange manuscript...

Once she had a chance to pay a visit to a Jewish friend named Shapiro. It was already late. Suddenly a manuscript written in French caught her eye. The curious lady leafed through it and, realizing that she was dealing with something in highest degree secret, began to immediately translate into Russian. She never left Shapiro's house that night, spending time with pen, ink and paper. By the next morning, this hardworking lady was able to translate the entire treatise she liked, which had been recklessly abandoned by her hospitable host. She eventually left Shapiro's house, smuggling away (in a reticule? corset? pantaloons?) the manuscript of The Protocols of the Elders of Zion. Obviously, these events took place on the longest night of the year - the volume of the brochure (more than 80 pages) suggests such an idea - and in the hands of Mrs. Glinka was the largest reticule in the world (we will keep silent about other versions).

Returning to Russia, the lady shared her booty with retired major Alexei Nikolaevich Sukhotin, who lived nearby. She convinced that the manuscript was “obtained from the secret repositories of the main Zion chancellery.” Sukhotin immediately handed it to his neighbor on the estate, government official Philip Petrovich Stepanov. “He said that a lady he knew (he did not name her for me), who lived in Paris, found them with her friend (Jewish, it seems) and, before leaving Paris, secretly translated them from him and brought this translation, in one copy, to Russia and transferred this copy,” Stepanov later recalled.

The official, who did not suspect a trick, was the first distributor of this manuscript. He entitled it “The Enslavement of the World by the Jews” and printed 100 copies on a hectograph. Prominent dignitaries, ministers and even members of the Romanov dynasty - Grand Duke Sergei Alexandrovich, the emperor's uncle, and his wife Elizaveta Feodorovna, the empress's sister, were honored with reading these leaflets. Many of those who read the manuscript suspected the intrigues of the security department and hastened to stay away from the scandalous pamphlet. But Grand Duke Sergei Alexandrovich and his wife were convinced of the authenticity of the revelations given. The uncle introduced his nephew, Emperor Nicholas II, and his wife Alexandra Fedorovna to the “Enslavement of the World.” At first, the king was amazed by what he read: “What depth of thought!” But, having learned from his ministers what the origin of this manuscript was, he was horrified. In his diary, he wrote that he decided to refuse any support for this work: “You cannot defend a pure cause with dirty methods.”

A copy of the manuscript also fell into the hands of Pavel Krushevan, editor-publisher of the Znamya newspaper, one of the leaders of the Black Hundred, organizer of the pogrom in Chisinau, where 45 Jews were killed. Krushevant immediately considered the “protocols of the sages” to be an authentic document and in 1903 published them in the pages of his newspaper under the title “Program for the Conquest of the World by the Jews.” The publication stretched from August 28 to September 7 and aroused great interest. The final point in the history of this fake was put in 1905 by the writer Sergei Nilus (1861–1929). A wealthy landowner of the Oryol province, he lived for a long time in Biarritz with his mistress, but suddenly received the most unpleasant news from his manager: “I’m ruined, it turns out!” The news shocked him. His whole life went differently now. He turned into an eternal wanderer, wandering from one monastery to another and everywhere finding conspiracies against God.

On all the objects around him, he looked for the terrible stars of David. And the “Protocols” amazed him to such an extent (“This is a document!”) that he released them as an appendix to his novel “Big in Small and as a Close Political Possibility.” Nilus was preparing to present this luxuriously published book to Nicholas II. His wife, Elena Alexandrovna Ozerova, was the queen's maid of honor. She easily obtained permission to reprint the brochure.

Most of those who read this work believed everything written in it. Only some intellectuals protested. Thus, Maxim Gorky sharply criticized the “Protocols”.
After the October revolution, comrades Ulyanov-Blank, Zinoviev-Radomyslsky, Kamenev-Rozenfeld, Sverdlov, Trotsky-Bronstein came to power in Russia. The Empress of Russia died, one might say, with the “Protocols” in her hands, as befitted a victim of a Jewish conspiracy: in Ipatiev’s house, where she spent her last days, she had only three books - the Bible, the first volume of “War and Peace” and the story of Nilus with The Protocols of the Elders of Zion. And the heirs of ancient Russian families, intellectuals, military men, engineers fled to the West, taking away in their suitcases and reticules a brochure in which, long before the revolution, everything that was going to happen in the country was accurately predicted. Rescued from the Russian Revolution, the Protocols began a truly triumphant march throughout all European countries. First of all, they returned to where they were born - to France. But the Protocols found particularly fertile ground in Germany.

1918 - revolution broke out in Germany. Returning home, German soldiers and officers did not recognize their country - it was sliding into chaos, becoming a toy in the hands of fanatical agitators and rebellious soldiers. Under the pressure of the Entente's superior forces, Germany, devastated by the war, capitulated. After such a disaster, it was impossible not to think about who was to blame for what was happening. But who is the culprit of all the troubles that have befallen the country? This thought repeatedly beat in the inflamed brain of the most famous German outcast of the 20th century - Adolf Hitler. The same thoughts were beating in the minds of many of his fellow citizens.

Alfred Hugenberg, an ardent German nationalist, one of the founders of the Pan-German League, the owner of many German newspapers and publishing houses (where were the Jews looking?), established vigorous activity in replicating the “Protocols”. In the immediate post-war years, hundreds of thousands of copies of the Protocols were sold in Germany. This brochure has become a reference book for builders. Lines from the Protocols of the Elders of Zion resonated across hundreds of pages of Mein Kampf.

The Protocols were also very popular among the winners. Their first English version appeared in 1920. It was distributed by the Moscow correspondent of the Morning Post, Victor Marsden. He had lived through terrible times in Russia and was now sure that all the worst things in this world came from the Jews. However, the majority of residents of Great Britain - a country where Benjamin Disraeli was Prime Minister for almost 10 years - were skeptical about this publication: “If the fruit of a meeting of the most prominent Jews of the whole world, who absorbed all the wisdom accumulated by generations of their ancestors, is this modest book, then it’s time to doubt the wisdom and intelligence of the Jewish race.”

The brochure also found an influential admirer in America - automobile magnate Henry Ford. 1920 - He published “The Protocols of the Elders of Zion” in the pages of his newspaper, the Dearborn Independent. Inspired by them, Henry Ford even published his own opus dedicated to the same topic. "International Jewry". In it, he accused the Jews of all sorts of crimes, for example, that, corrupting the souls of ordinary American workers, they came up with such vicious entertainment as cinematography and jazz. However, in 1927, the fighter against Zion threw out the white flag and took back his accusations, because they harmed the reputation of the company. He even had to publicly apologize. Ford insisted that “it was only out of naivety” that he believed in the authenticity of these “Protocols.”

The entire circulation of his own book was loaded onto three trucks, taken to a faraway place and burned. Naive Ford! The genie was already out of the bottle. In Europe, his book enjoyed wild success, although the author, turning to the courts, demanded an immediate ban on its reprint. These days, Ford's International Jewry is reprinted as regularly as Ford cars are produced.

The Protocols of the Elders of Zion successfully survived the Second world war and the defeat of the Nazis, denazification and prosecutions for pro-fascist views, although they also bear, albeit indirectly, blame for the Holocaust. What do historians say about this? “The Protocols of the Elders of Zion are largely responsible for the genocidal policies of the Nazis,” says Norman Cohn, author of A Blessing for Genocide. His other colleagues are more lenient.

“The Protocols only indirectly justified anti-Semitic actions, but did not incite them,” says Michael Berger, professor of Jewish history at the University of Munich. “The whole fault of the Protocols lies not in the fact that they called for some open anti-Semitic speeches, but in the fact that they sowed distrust of Jews and convinced them to deny them help and sympathy,” notes US historian Richard S. Levi.

The 20th century has disappeared over the horizon, and yet new packs of “Protocols” are appearing on trays. Their poisonous revelations are still taken for granted. Their admirers, as before, see in every Jew a “mysterious machine” for the destruction of European and Asian peoples, set in motion by certain “puppeteers” from Zion, and are ready to defend the purity of their race with arms in hand...