Options for celebrating the New Year. Six unusual ways to celebrate the New Year

Very soon there will be a new and mysterious year! No one can predict what it will be like, but let's believe old superstition“how you celebrate the New Year is how you will spend it,” and we will try meet New Year interesting and fun!

New Year is one of the brightest and most colorful holidays. Some people are used to always celebrating it at home, in the family circle, while others, on the contrary, celebrate it in a restaurant with a noisy group. What if you want something new and unusual?

What can you come up with here? where you can celebrate the New Year in an unusual way so that it will be remembered for a long time, and it will be pleasant to remember? There are many ways to celebrate the New Year, today we will share with you ideas and describe six unusual ways New Year's Eve.

Fabulous New Year . Remember your favorite fairy tale from childhood and make it come true! It is not necessary to order costumes, you can make them yourself from available materials, modify the fairy tale script into a more humorous form. Here everything will depend on your imagination, for example, you can look for the egg in which the life of Kashchei the Immortal is located, and this same Kashchei should interfere with the search in every possible way. Distribute in advance which of the guests will be which character. Play, have fun and you will have something to discuss at the holiday table.

On the road. This method is suitable for adventurous and adventurous people. On a bus, train or plane, you can celebrate the New Year with absolutely strangers- your traveling companions. Sometimes communication with strangers can be very interesting and bright. This is the kind of New Year you will definitely remember!

At a hotel or inn. Here you can also meet new people, also from different countries. New Year's program Hotels always have it, so you can rent a room and have fun interacting with people of different nationalities. Or you can go to a sanatorium, there you will celebrate the New Year and improve your health!

Give joy to others .

If you're single and have no one to ring in the New Year with, you can certainly be selfish and celebrate the holiday with your own company by overeating and pampering yourself. But it will be more interesting to become Father Frost or Snow Maiden, go and congratulate people on the holiday and wish them well. You can contact the agency, or you can play a prank on your friends and acquaintances.

Read also: . If you want a thrill, you can celebrate the New Year with divers. You will dance around a Christmas tree at the bottom of some reservoir. Such services are now offered by various agencies.

New Year's trip. A trip to another country is always interesting. And even more so for the New Year.

Where you can go to celebrate the New Year:

Paris. Walk around the city of love and sit in a cozy restaurant in Paris - what could be more beautiful? Not always and not everyone succeeds celebrate New Year in Paris, but if you have the opportunity, be sure to do it. By the way, at this time you can buy wonderful, exclusive things for ridiculous prices at Christmas sales.


On New Year's Day, the world's largest fireworks display is held there. Egypt.

A very popular and economical option for celebrating the New Year in a pleasant climate, near the warm sea.. Rio de Janeiro Much more expensive, of course, than in Egypt, but you will definitely never forget this New Year! IN New Year's Eve

Brazilians send thousands of ships by sea with gifts for the goddess. There are many more countries where can you celebrate New Year,

the choice is yours! But most importantly, this is not the place where you will celebrate this fabulous holiday, but the people with whom you will celebrate. We wish you to celebrate the New Year with your loved ones and dear people! We told you our unusual ways to spend the New Year

, maybe you can share your ideas with us?

If this article was useful to you and you want to tell your friends about it, click on the buttons. Thank you very much! Writing about the New Year is such a thankless task that it’s hard to say. In fact, tons of material has been written about new Year gifts

, about celebrating the New Year in French, Italian and English, what to wear and what dishes to put on the table.

Writing about how to celebrate the New Year is also, in principle, a rather hackneyed topic. The club is a hot country and nature, the other options are variations of the above or dull opuses on the theme of how one should despise society and go to bed.

Non-trivial scenarios for meeting and celebrating the New Year will help you here. Of course, I write them according to my opinion and judgment; you can diversify them with your own details and innovations, taking only the idea itself as a basis. And yes, it’s better to turn off the TV. At all.

1. Submarine

This very unusual way of celebrating the New Year is, first of all, strong for its ending - more on that later. Get ready, dress yourself and your guests in a nautical theme, close the windows with blackout curtains, and lock the doors tightly, saying “you can’t escape from a submarine.” You can put seafood, various seaweed salads on the table, and give Santa Claus a trident instead of a staff.

After midnight and New Year's Eve, taking advantage of the fact that the curtains are closed, collect everyone's watches and phones. At the end of the evening, whoever most accurately names the time among the probably tipsy guests receives a valuable prize. Carefully, there were cases when they did not leave the “voyage” for several days, completely lost in time and not understanding whether it was day or night.

2. Gangster party

Dress in suits, dress the ladies in veils and feathers, hang posters of Al Capone on the walls and announce that this New Year you are celebrating the end of Prohibition. You can rock out to jazz music, roll down and split a symbolic symbol from the roof of your house crystal ball, like in New York, hold competitions with shooting from toy pistols, and hand out suspenders and hats as a reward.

There can be a lot of ideas here; friends even painted a car like a Caddylac and made a snowman with a Thompson submachine gun. Dress up Santa Claus in a coat and stick a dollar sign on his bag of gifts as if it were a bag of money from the bank - add style to the party.

3. Russian party

What could be better than going back to your roots? In addition, outfits can be easily found, or you can cut out a kokoshnik for girls from cardboard, and take the cap of the first guy-in-the-village from a friend of yours in the yard, only after decorating it with a paper rose. Arrange a paid entrance for a ditty or a proverb, communicate only in Old Church Slavonic, and instead of a fluffy pine, be sure to dress up a canonical spruce.

Honey and plenty on the table will be an excellent dilution to your alcoholic menu; Santa Claus does not need to be dressed up as anything, which he will probably be very happy about. The house can be hung with bast shoes, rakes and scythes taken from the grandmother at the dacha, salads can be served exclusively with rocker arms, and sleds can be tied to cars and carefully driven at low speed in the absence of horses.

4. Mystery Party

Everything must be prepared and planned and then everything will have the desired effect. Send an invitation to your guests, say, at 11 pm, and take the precaution to hide on the balcony or in the bathroom. When guests arrive, have them greeted by a poster telling them that you have mysteriously disappeared, and let them follow the instructions if they want to see you.

Let them cut the salad for fun (don’t overdo it and push all the cooking under the pretext of this scenario), decorate the Christmas tree, and sit in the strict order. Notes can be placed under the plates indicating what should and should not be eaten, and the same with drinks. Install a webcam and watch for violators - you can turn it on loud music or a siren - tons of humor are guaranteed.

At 12, make everyone happy with your happy appearance and celebrate in the spirit of mystery, distribute masks to everyone, organize riddle and fortune-telling competitions. You can give Santa Claus a pipe and dress up Snow Maiden as Miss Marple.

5. Corporate style

Are you a fan of the work? Send out a requirement to all guests - a business dress code, hang signs of funny departments everywhere, hang a stand at the entrance " The best people" At the table, arrange everything in the form of a meeting, tie a tie for Santa Claus, and a miniskirt and a white blouse for the Snow Maiden, men will be happy. You can decorate your Christmas tree with giant wire clips, colored folders and colorful pens.

Before the chimes, take on the role of “Director”, pull out the prepared Whatman paper with reports - where will be the growth curve of your meetings and friendly gatherings for the year, announce the best and most active, reward with certificates, show a funny diagram of alcohol consumed. On the street, you can blind an annoying real boss, stick a carrot in him wherever your imagination allows, and organize a competition for accurate shooting with snowballs, handing out notebooks and hole punches as prizes. In a word, improvise and this unusual New Year will leave you with a lot of pleasant memories.

The joyful anticipation of the New Year is always filled with anticipation of wonderful and even magical events. Pleasant chores are interspersed with sweet excitement. Everyone wants to celebrate the long-awaited holiday so that the impressions and emotions received from the celebration are enough to whole year, until next December 31st.

A how to celebrate New Year 2018 in an original way so that it would be fun for both the owners, the guests, and the neighbors who decided to drop in for a sneak peek? Get ready to remember simple but noteworthy ideas for a unique New Year celebration.

Many people probably think that almost all countries around to the globe They are greeted the same way, but this is not the case at all. The way the people of a particular state celebrate this spiritual and beloved holiday is influenced by various reasons: culture, history, as well as the internal specifics of a particular area.

And, if we have already studied our traditions inside and out, starting from fragrant tangerines, and ending with Father Frost and the Snow Maiden, then some interesting traditions You can spy on residents of other countries.

For example, in Bulgaria, at the twelfth stroke of the clock on New Year's Eve, the lights are turned off for three minutes - this is the time for friendly kisses, which replace traditional Russian toasts.

In Great Britain, it is customary to decorate your home with sprigs of mistletoe. Once a year, on Christmas Eve, every man has a chance to kiss the girl he likes, who conveniently stopped under such an interesting and unusual decoration for our latitudes.

Mysterious India conceals incredibly beautiful New Year celebration rituals. North Indians decorate their clothes with flowers in shades of purple, red, white and pink. Residents of central India install on buildings on the eve of the holiday orange flags. In the western regions of the country, hundreds, thousands of small lights are lit on the roofs of houses.

In Sweden, on New Year's Eve, before all the guests sit down at the table, they traditionally break dishes at the doors of their neighbors. I wonder how “Uncle Vasya” will react to such a trick of his beloved neighbors? It’s probably better, after all, to warn the kind people behind the wall in advance about your intentions to celebrate the New Year in Swiss style.

In Germany they prefer it among family and friends. Having all gathered together, close and dear people are sure to exchange gifts. This tradition is called Besherung, and no one can get away with it - everyone will receive gifts!

In a word, consult with your friends, surf the Internet together and boldly bring to life the most daring idea of ​​celebrating the New Year in the style of another country.

New Year at the dacha

Celebrating New Year's Eve in a country house - what could be more romantic, what could be more exciting? First of all, such an idea will appeal to a circle of friends where only “couples” are present. But also more motley noisy and fun company This approach to celebrating the New Year 2018 will seem like a wonderful idea.

Those who love comfort, as they say, “always and everywhere,” should take care in advance of such issues as: availability in the house hot water, kitchen utensils, bed linen, TV, etc.

But for more risky comrades, it would be a good idea to come up with an unusual task - an extreme night in tents in the snow. Between the tents you can light a fire or set up a barbecue. A mandatory attribute of such a pastime is hot mulled wine.

It will be interesting to “visit” each other, moving as a group from home to an impromptu tent city and vice versa. And you can decorate the Christmas tree right on the street, in the yard. In the absence of spruce or, at worst, pine, decorate any tree you like, boldly calling it New Year’s.

On the New Year - on a long journey

For a long time, this way of greeting the New Year has been successfully practiced by many lucky people who have had the opportunity to experience these unforgettable sensations - the road, the expectation of something fabulous and, of course, the New Year's mood.

A change from the usual and, let’s be honest, rather boring environment, and also a lot of new impressions! What else is needed for happiness? Just good travel companions and good luck along the way. How you travel - by train, car, bus - is absolutely not important.

They will create their own “weather” in the car good music(take care in advance and make a playlist), friendly atmosphere and beautiful view outside the window. For example, if you travel to Europe, you will be able to admire the magnificently decorated facades of houses and shops. There is an unspoken competition among Europeans for the best and most original “outfit” of their building for the Christmas and New Year holidays.

You won't be bored on the train either, especially if you're not traveling alone. But even if so, stock up on champagne, delicious chocolates, take with you Christmas balls and streamers, fluffy multi-colored tinsel and then, rest assured, New Year's paraphernalia will create the very atmosphere that reigns in homes on the eve of the most grandiose holiday of the year.

And passengers will be more sociable on the eve of the New Year, and the carriage will be filled with cheerful hubbub and mutual congratulations. In such an environment, it will not be difficult for you to find a company to celebrate New Year's Eve together.

Magical transformation into Father Frost and Snow Maiden

Celebrating the New Year with your loved one, you can this fabulous night turn into everyone’s favorite characters - become Father Frost and Snow Maiden. The necessary attire can be easily rented from fancy dress rentals.

Having dressed up and properly made up (rosy cheeks, red nose, snow-covered eyebrows), go to one of the city Christmas trees or visit friends.

In any case, and even more so for married couple with kids, unexpected appearance on the threshold of a fairy-tale couple will be a real surprise! And if friends find out that Santa Claus and his granddaughter showed up not empty-handed, but with a bag of gifts, then everyone’s delight will be heard even by the neighbors!

For greater effect, place a stool in the center of the room and “call” everyone present to it one by one. Give small souvenirs for telling a poem, joke or song. A chance to return to childhood, even if only for a short time- is worth a lot.

Trying to turn New Year's Eve into the most beautiful celebration of the year, we begin to planlong before December 31st, where, how and with whom to celebrate the long-awaited arrival of 2012. The most amazing thing is that the New Year gives joy not only from the souvenirs received, but also from pre-holiday chores, which are always pleasant. It must be said right away that the fragile shoulders of the fair sex are entrusted with a much greater responsibility for shaping the program of the celebration, so it will take a lot of time to prepare the holiday and themselves for this holiday.

If you want your holiday to be fun and special, and your holiday photos always make you smile, take note of the tips from FashionTime.


What could be better than celebrating the New Year with your other half?! After a noisy series of New Year's corporate parties, congratulations from relatives and friends, you have every right on magical night in an intimate setting. The location can be anything: a Moscow apartment, Vacation home, a cozy room in a Parisian hotel, a chalet on the Alpine slopes or a bungalow on the shore of a Caribbean island. Another thing is important - to move away from the template program and spend New Year's Eve the way you would really like it. Surprises can be not only gifts under the tree, but also other joys that cannot be packed in shiny paper.

On New Year's Eve, half of the conversations are dedicated to him, so it's easy to "accidentally" ask your man what holiday scenario he would like and what he categorically does not accept. At the same time, find out his favorite historical era or artistic image. It’s better if in the end your tastes coincide and you can travel through time. It's time not to watch a movie, but to become the heroes of the New Year's melodrama. To do this you only need a few simple steps.

First, warn your loved ones in advance that you will be unavailable on the night of January 1, and turn off all means of communication - the world of communications will wait.

Secondly, check out the store. theatrical costumes and choose some stylish accessories that will transform both of you. These can be masks, wigs, crowns, the beard of Father Frost or exclusive headdresses (a pirate, Indian, cowboy, hussar, sultan or Russian kokoshnik of the Snow Maiden, oriental veil, Greek diadem). The main thing is that they point to the heroes of the time that you both like. You don’t have to arrange a dressing-up as such - just when the festive evening begins, you will take out the prepared things from the hiding place and invite your chosen one to become the characters of your own novel. A change of image is a very intriguing moment that distinguishes between everyday reality and the world of fantasy. Continuing the costume masquerade, please your loved one with a striptease and fiery couple dances. Just don’t carefully plan a romantic program, the best remedy- improvisation, as if you were on a date.

Thirdly, create a luxurious, festive and romantic atmosphere, as only a woman in love can do - mysterious candle lights, soft musical chords, fragrant foam in the bath, delicious treats in porcelain dishes. If the New Year is spent at home and you are responsible for the kitchen, then you should not overwork yourself at the stove. In addition to the traditional Olivier salad and caviar sandwiches, you can prepare only a few dishes, and for two this will be quite enough. For a hot dish, choose cheese fondue, which is very easy to prepare and equally enjoyable to eat, especially if you take turns feeding each other. From baked goods, you can make a pie (or pies) with berry filling, where notes with erotic hints or names of poses from the Kama Sutra will be hidden. And to diversify New Year's table, add aphrodisiacs: assorted seafood, a basket of nuts and fruits and more dark chocolate. Wine list and others alcoholic drinks instruct the man.

Family style

The New Year in the family circle is distinguished by a special homely warmth, when several generations gather at the festive table at once, and everyone makes toasts in unison. If you have a child, then you can’t do without Santa Claus and touching round dances around the Christmas tree. The main thing is to choose games that would be interesting to both children and adults, for example, "Activity"- this fun unites all ages. For your children to have a truly interesting New Year, give your son or daughter not only a beautiful outfit, but also face painting - colorful pattern on the face, which is safe even for sensitive skin and the eyes of a child. You can order a face painting session at home or make a drawing yourself after acquiring certain skills.

Of course, the New Year in the family circle is also a grandiose gastronomic festival, so there is no doubt that festive table will become the center of the celebration. Let your mother (mother-in-law) take over the kitchen to prepare complex hot dishes, and help stuff the stuffed turkey - an American tradition is becoming increasingly popular in Russia, perhaps because this large bird is perfect for a feast big family. To interest children, prepare some dish with food design. For example, broccoli makes a cute Christmas tree; it can be decorated with cherry tomatoes and a carrot star. And don't forget about the children's champagne!

With friends

Young people usually prefer to celebrate the New Year in a big, cheerful company. The most democratic option is to organize an apartment party with New Year's songs until dawn. You can book a large table or even a hall in a restaurant, or even take a last-minute tour and go to some ice sculpture festival in Scandinavia. The main thing is that there is no time for boredom on New Year's Eve. Play "Fanta", still fashionable among the Russian aristocracy. For the game you will need a hat, in which you need to collect one thing from all the guests and instruct the judge to give the task to its owner. For example, stand on your head, make at least three people laugh, or dance a jig. Agree, a youth party and a formal feast are incompatible things, so instead of giant dishes, it is better to prepare an assortment of canapés that you can enjoy even while dancing. And in addition to champagne, be sure to include in your New Year's bar cocktails in newfangled glasses that glow at the touch of your hand.

In search of adventures

Loneliness and solitude are different concepts, so if you decide to celebrate 2012 without company, then there is nothing bad or sad about it. A New Year's tour to Europe will be an excellent solution to celebrate the New Year in the atmosphere of ancient cities, where you can spend an unforgettable winter holiday and meet new friends. And if you dream of sea-sun-water, then a flight to warmer climes Although it will do without the Russian winter, it will give you a great mood, a boost of energy for the whole year and a well-deserved rest with interesting excursions, glamorous shopping, spa relaxation and gourmet pleasures. In any case, have no doubt that you will remember the interesting New Year at the resort party with pleasant impressions and acquaintances. It's worth leaving your home for the holidays.

At work

Do not forget that while millions of people on the planet are having fun on the New Year, there are also those who work in festive night. Managers of hotels, restaurants, clubs, transport agencies, as well as many representatives of show business do not have the opportunity to celebrate 2012 at home, but this is not a reason to deprive themselves of joy. Even if you need to manage the work process all night, do not lose the New Year's spirit and agree with your colleagues about short breaks during which you will get together to make another toast and raise glasses of champagne.

FashionTime wishes you a truly interesting New Year!

12 ways to celebrate the New Year in an interesting and unusual way

1. Take the last train to the forest. Find and decorate a Christmas tree. Drink a bottle of vodka. Two more. Get to the forester's house. Fall asleep and remember nothing.
2. Call all your relatives, sending each a personal card. Ask each of them to cook. holiday dish. Until the morning listen to heartbreaking stories from their personal lives. Promise them to meet again.
3. Invite only Him. Prepare champignons in pots and something else delicious. Surprise. Give a gift. Sip the champagne. Show off beautiful lingerie. Experience an orgasm. Fall asleep together.
4. Get a sore throat. Wrap yourself in a blanket and sit in front of the TV all night drinking hot tea. Get well by morning.
5. Get a train ticket. Meet the passengers. Meet the conductor. Have a drink in friendly company. In the morning, remember where you are going and why.
6. After the clock strikes, shouting “Hurray!” start throwing unnecessary things from the balcony. Don't open the door for anyone.
7. Go to an unfamiliar company. Tell 24 jokes and make the entire male half of the company fall in love with you. Make four dates the next evening. Take condoms with you.
8. Find magic wand. Make three wishes. Then three more. And so on until it gets really good.
9. Dress up as Santa Claus, Snow Maiden or a ghost. Scare passers-by, neighbors and everyone else.
10. Get tickets to the Opera for the New Year's ball. Do your hair and wear an evening dress. Congratulate the President himself personally. Accept eight compliments from the Prime Minister. Make friends with the opposition. Introduce your husband Vasya to everyone.
11. Kick everyone out. Buy red caviar, champagne, Napoleon cake and lots and lots of fruit. Eat everything and go to bed at ten minutes past midnight.
12. Celebrate the New Year the way you want!

When answering the question “where to celebrate New Year 2011?”, you can also remember that it is wonderful to celebrate this holiday outside the city or abroad. BBQ, skiing, bus tour across European countries, sea cruise, etc. similar methods New Year's Eve will only diversify and saturate your memories with the brightest moments. Moreover, there is no shortage of such offers today.

If you are ready to receive guests or are going to visit yourself fun party, then submit the idea of ​​organizing a themed masquerade ball, specially prepare a small theatrical play, come up with fun competitions with prizes, etc. You can also organize a charity event and take part in the life of orphans yourself. You can prepare a belly dance or striptease for your loved one, radically change your image, write poetry or even a book. Or you can do something original. For example, jump with a parachute, take a test drive, ride a horse, sing karaoke on the street, climb a hot-air balloon etc. You can plunge into cultural traditions other countries and celebrate the New Year in Japanese, Chinese, Italian, etc. You can celebrate the New Year all day long, exactly as many times as there are time zones on our planet... And the ideas don’t end there. In fact, you can celebrate the New Year in any way. The main thing is that you have enough imagination and motivation.

Let's celebrate the New Year brightly and unusually!


To celebrate the New Year brightly and unusually, you can:

Organize a costumed masquerade ball for your friends, maybe a themed one - “Pirates’ New Year” Caribbean Sea", "New Year on Mars", "New Year among the Yumba-Rumba tribe", "New Year at Neptune", "New Year among the Slavic tribes", "New Year among the characters of fairy tales", etc. - you can fantasize a lot!

The main thing is to decorate the hall accordingly (homemade colored lanterns can easily be declared Martian!), come up with competitions and prizes (funny postcards, trinkets, tickets to Mars...), name all the treats in a special way (Tsarevna-Nesmeyan salad or pirate pie ....) and don’t forget to invite everyone!

Remember school theatrical performances and prepare a small New Year's play with the participation of several actors (husband, children, neighbors, friends), which can be shown to relatives or even organized a performance for children. For example, at a boarding school.

Participate in organizing a charity event and wish Happy New Year to those who really need our sympathy and attention - orphans, old people in nursing homes, disabled people, etc. You can raise money by organizing a charity lottery, a paid party, an auction of New Year's rarities (grandmother's old Christmas tree decorations or - even better - Christmas cards drawn by children from orphanage) - this will help you raise money and buy gifts and treats for your charges.

Don't have time to organize such events? You can simply come to an orphanage and teach children to sing New Year's songs (make New Year's costumes from improvised materials), glue Christmas decorations from colored paper, compose New Year's tales etc. The main thing is the desire to please those who have so few festive moments in their lives.

A romantic New Year's Eve with your loved one in an intimate setting with a lot of surprises. For example, it would be nice to finally learn belly dancing, sew a super costume with beads yourself and dance as a gift!

Write a wonderful, unique, brilliant New Year's book (fairy tale) song and become famous! Or at least publish your wonderful creation in your favorite magazine.

Completely changing your image (for example, dyeing your hair red) will definitely bring good luck, happiness, new strength, vigor and just a feeling of renewal in the New Year.

On the day before the New Year, do something extremely interesting and memorable for a long time: for example, jump with a parachute, conduct a test drive racing car, ride a horse, rise above the city in a hot air balloon or sing karaoke on Khreshchatyk.

Celebrate the New Year in accordance with the traditions of different countries: in Japanese, Italian, German, etc. You can celebrate the New Year 24 times according to the number of time zones with an hour interval and in accordance with the traditions of different countries located in different zones.

Publish New Year's wall newspaper For home party with humorous wishes and predictions for all relatives and guests.

Winning a pre-New Year's tour at a competition and giving it to the boss at work will be the best gift for the whole team (especially if the boss leaves ten days before the New Year J)! OR:

give a tour to your mother and celebrate the New Year without her culinary excesses - high-calorie and numerous, which are difficult and almost impossible to refuse... And, long live the light, moderately high-calorie, not harmful to the figure New Year's table!

Please your loved ones with gifts that they have long dreamed of - buying an electric oven for your mother, a Scopions collection album for your husband, and an anti-cellulite massager for your friend... The joy of giving gifts will give you a good mood for a long time.

Nothing on the list is, in principle, new, but you can add your own unique twist to any idea.
The success of implementing ideas will depend on our desire, energy, motivation and, of course, willingness to enjoy ourselves and please loved ones, relatives, acquaintances and everyone around us! How to celebrate and celebrate the New Year in such a way as to remember this event not only for the whole coming year, but also for life? Since what is common for one person is extreme for another, we will try to describe here all the standard and non-standard methods New Year's Eve. Although... As you yourself understand, if you wish, you can celebrate the New Year on the Moon, so we are only making an attempt to describe the most unusual New Year celebrations, but we do not promise to indicate all of them.

Way and scenario to creatively celebrate and celebrate the New Year No. 1

Surprisingly, most of Slavic people rarely goes to restaurants. Either our people are so poor, or so greedy, or catering establishments rarely delight us with tasty and truly healthy cuisine, or show programs are uninteresting, even in addition to nudity female body nothing pleases us, but the fact remains: 95% of Russians and Ukrainian people They go to restaurants only on very big holidays.

Accordingly, for 95% of our fellow citizens, celebrating the New Year 2011 in a restaurant is an extraordinary, downright extreme event. And especially if you consider that the average citizen, who has spent a whole year at home, is absolutely unfamiliar with the kitchen, the restaurant staff and the habits of this establishment, then he seriously risks... ruining his mood for the whole year. Note that most restaurant regulars usually celebrate the New Year at home.

A way and scenario to creatively celebrate and celebrate the New Year No. 2

Well, celebrating the New Year 2011 in a cafe is, if an extreme act, then only in terms of possible surprises, new acquaintances and surprises.

A way and scenario to creatively celebrate and celebrate the New Year No. 3

Celebrating the New Year 2011 in the Moscow region is a fairly creative way to celebrate and celebrate the New Year, especially for finances. But the nature here is very touching and beautiful - after all, the Moscow region is buried in forests.

A way and scenario to creatively celebrate and celebrate the New Year No. 4

Celebrating the New Year in Suzdal can be a revelation for those who want to break out of the constraining confines of everyday life.

A way and scenario to creatively celebrate and celebrate the New Year No. 5

Celebrating the New Year 2011 at the dacha with friends - yes: drinking until the morning, na-na-na! The smoke of menthol cigarettes, the squeals of girls and indiscreet jokes of guys, debauchery to the fullest... It is recommended to celebrate the New Year at the dacha only with those friends and fighting girlfriends in whom you are 300% confident. Otherwise, surprises, not always pleasant ones, cannot be avoided.

A way and scenario to creatively celebrate and celebrate the New Year No. 6

You can go to celebrate the New Year in night club, to the disco there will be a lot of people, so you need to book tickets in advance. Great way relieve the melancholy and celebrate the New Year not in splendid isolation, but “losing” full program surrounded by frisky girls and rowdy guys. Great for young people and married people who want to make some adjustments to their family life, as well as for those who are used to walking “to the left”, even on New Year’s Eve.

A way and scenario to creatively celebrate and celebrate the New Year No. 7

Celebrating the New Year 2011 in Finland is an extremely expensive, but such a pleasant pleasure!!! Children will simply squeal from the most natural Santa Claus, because in Finland there is a whole town of Santa Claus, and adults will enjoy celebrating the New Year in a Finnish sauna with all inclusive service.

By the way, on New Year’s Eve in Finland you can have a great time at discos, concerts, or sit quietly in a cozy restaurant.

A way and scenario to creatively celebrate and celebrate the New Year No. 8

The corporate meeting of the New Year 2011 is a sacred event, which usually begins with ties tightly tied around the necks of clerks and ends with the throwing of these very “male leashes” on christmas tree. Unplanned sex, as well as an unexpected pregnancy, often become a “reward” for a wildly celebrated New Year.

A way and scenario to creatively celebrate and celebrate the New Year 10

Advanced and wealthy comrades book cottages in the Moscow region for the New Year for a pleasant New Year 2011 in a narrow family circle, with the crackling of wood by the fireplace.

A way and scenario to creatively celebrate and celebrate the New Year No. 11

Celebrating the New Year 2011 in a sanatorium or boarding house in Essentuki, Kislovodsk, Zheleznovodsk on the Caucasian Mineral Waters will not only allow you to plunge into the very depths of the beauty of Russian nature, but will also improve the health of vacationers for the whole year.

A way and scenario to creatively celebrate and celebrate the New Year No. 12

A great way to celebrate the New Year 2011 for lovers - get all the dads, moms, grandparents out of the apartment, if this is not possible - rent an apartment for the New Year, and celebrate the arrival of the New Year 2011 just the two of you, enjoying food and sex - in bed, in the bathroom , in the kitchen, on the windowsill, on the balcony...

A way and scenario to creatively celebrate and celebrate the New Year No. 13

Way to celebrate the New Year No. 13 - to celebrate the New Year in a hospital, at the police station, in an accident, in an accident, in general - an unlucky way, according to which it is not recommended to celebrate the New Year!!! Otherwise, the whole coming 2011 will be like this, pah-pah-pah...

A way and scenario to creatively celebrate and celebrate the New Year No. 14

You can celebrate the New Year on a train, on a plane, in a car, on a tractor - in general, on the move. But just keep in mind that you will then have to travel back and forth for a whole year.

A way and scenario to creatively celebrate and celebrate the New Year No. 15

Celebrating the New Year in a passenger or freight elevator is usually associated with some moral and nutritional difficulties and is truly extreme.

A way and scenario to creatively celebrate and celebrate the New Year No. 16

One of the most unusual ways to celebrate the New Year is to celebrate the New Year in masks and carnival clothes, as well as visiting various social events.

A way and scenario to creatively celebrate and celebrate the New Year No. 17

It can also be considered unusual to celebrate the New Year alone with a stuffed rabbit and a bottle of martini. If you just lie under the blanket, then it seems like the New Year has arrived, but it seems like you haven’t met it, which means the year will be nothing.

A way and scenario to creatively celebrate and celebrate the New Year No. 18

How do you like celebrating the New Year in a monastery or in a church? Weak? I am silent about celebrating the New Year at the cemetery - this horror is not discussed.

A way and scenario to creatively celebrate and celebrate the New Year No. 19

It’s unusual, but unpleasant, and God forbid anyone should celebrate the New Year at war.

A way and scenario to creatively celebrate and celebrate the New Year No. 20

Most artists have to celebrate each New Year creatively - at concerts, performing at corporate parties and in nightclubs.

A way and scenario to creatively celebrate and celebrate the New Year No. 21

The performers of the role of Father Frost and the Snow Maiden celebrate the New Year in the most unusual way - they congratulate other people's children and their parents on the New Year, give gifts and drink decalitres of unknown vodka. So creative!

A way and scenario to creatively celebrate and celebrate the New Year No. 22

Order Tarzan the stripper in the role of Father Frost for your wife, and a seductive stripper in the role of the Snow Maiden for yourself. New Year will be fun!

A way and scenario to creatively celebrate and celebrate the New Year No. 23

Or you can arrange an unusual New Year's Eve in the following way: you just need to visit your distant relatives to Moscow or Kyiv - they will be happy!

A way and scenario to creatively celebrate and celebrate the New Year No. 24

Celebrating the New Year at a construction site is something out of the ordinary. And if you celebrate the New Year at a construction site in a group, and someone dresses up as a ghost and occasionally flashes around the building or rooms of the house, then there will be a lot of female squeals! And men will be able to show miracles of courage and save their faint-hearted princesses.

A way and scenario to creatively celebrate and celebrate the New Year No. 25

But the most unusual way to celebrate the New Year is to get married or give birth to a child, or to be born on New Year’s Day on December 31!!!

A way and scenario to creatively celebrate and celebrate the New Year No. 26

An unusual, but not the best way to celebrate the New Year at work on the night shift.

A way and scenario to creatively celebrate and celebrate the New Year No. 27

A way and scenario to creatively celebrate and celebrate the New Year No. 28

Who wants to become famous and who suffers from too much large quantities money, we can advise you to celebrate the New Year in outer space - this pleasure seems to cost only about 300,000 US dollars.

A way and scenario to creatively celebrate and celebrate the New Year No. 29

They celebrate the New Year in Cuba in an unusual way - first you need to fill all the existing containers in the house with water, and at exactly 12 at night, pour all this water out of the windows onto the street! At the same time, in the very first minute of the New Year, you must manage to not only pour all the water out of the windows, but also eat 12 grapes, making 12 wishes!

A way and scenario to creatively celebrate and celebrate the New Year No. 30

In Mexico, New Year's Eve is not much different from ours - the New Year is celebrated with fireworks rocket launchers in their hands.

A way and scenario to creatively celebrate and celebrate the New Year No. 31

The Japanese celebrate the New Year not with bread and salt, but with pasta, rice, fish and beans, while giving each other rakes, which are very convenient for raking more happiness into the house!

A way and scenario to creatively celebrate and celebrate the New Year No. 32

In Germany, the New Year is celebrated with real fun: they shoot guns at anything, this is especially true for young couples, for brides and grooms. Before the chimes, creative Germans climb up onto their chairs with their feet in order to immediately jump onto their feet at the beginning of the New Year, and at the same time they always hold coins or coins in their hands. banknotes.

A way and scenario to creatively celebrate and celebrate the New Year No. 33

The youngest member of the family in Bulgaria celebrates the New Year in a particularly creative way - he must entertain guests all evening, standing under a decorated Christmas tree. Poor baby!!!

A way and scenario to creatively celebrate and celebrate the New Year No. 34

Well, in Italy on New Year's Eve it is simply dangerous to walk under the windows - you can get hit on the head with a heavy and blunt object, which Italians get rid of en masse on New Year's Eve.

A way and scenario to creatively celebrate and celebrate the New Year No. 35

Well, the most standard way to celebrate the New Year (although, perhaps, for representatives of such professions as a conductor or showman it is unusual) is to celebrate the New Year at home, in the circle of those closest and dearest to the heart

I wish everyone a happy and successful New Year!