Sivka Burka Russian folk tale coloring book. How to draw a Sivka-burka with a pencil. The fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it, a lesson for the good fellow. Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin

Once upon a time there lived an old man, and he had three sons. Everyone called the youngest Ivanushka the Fool. Once the old man sowed wheat. The wheat was good, but someone just got into the habit of crushing and trampling that wheat.So the old man says to his sons:

- My dear children! Guard the wheat every night in turns, catch the thief!

Illustrator Oleg Ramodin

The first night has arrived. The eldest son went to guard the wheat, but he wanted to sleep. He climbed into the hayloft and slept until the morning.

He comes home in the morning and says: “I didn’t sleep all night, guarding the wheat!” I was all cold, but I didn’t see the thief. On the second night the middle son went. And he slept all night in the hayloft. On the third night, it’s Ivan the Fool’s turn to go. He put the pie in his bosom, took the rope and went. He came to the field and sat down on a stone. He sits awake, chews the pie, and waits for the thief.

At midnight a horse galloped up into the wheat - one hair was silver, the other was gold; he runs - the earth trembles, smoke pours out of his ears, flames burst from his nostrils. And that horse began to eat wheat. It doesn't eat as much as it tramples with its hooves.

Illustrator Inna Anfilofyeva

Ivanushka crept up to the horse and immediately threw a rope around his neck.

The horse rushed with all his might - but that was not the case! Ivanushka jumped on him deftly and grabbed him tightly by the mane.

The horse carried him and carried him across the open field, galloped and galloped - he could not throw him off!

Illustrator Inna Anfilofyeva

The horse began to ask Ivanushka:
- Let me go free, Ivanushka! I will do you a great service for this.
“Okay,” Ivanushka answers, “I’ll let you go, but how will I find you later?”
“And you go out into an open field, into a wide expanse, whistle three times with a brave whistle, bark with a heroic cry: “Sivka-burka, prophetic kaurka, stand in front of me like a leaf in front of the grass!” - I’ll appear here.

Ivanushka released the horse and made him promise never to eat or trample wheat again.
Ivanushka came home in the morning.
— Well, tell me, what did you see there? - the brothers ask.
“I caught,” says Ivanushka, “a horse—one hair is silver, the other is gold.”
-Where is the horse?
— Yes, he promised not to go to the wheat field anymore, so I let him go.

The brothers didn’t believe Ivanushka and laughed at him to their hearts’ content. But since that night, no one has really touched the wheat...

Soon after that, the king sent messengers to all the villages and to all the cities, calling out the cry:
— Get together, boyars and nobles, merchants and simple peasants, to the Tsar’s court. The Tsar's daughter Elena the Beautiful is sitting in her high mansion by the window. Whoever rides up to the princess on horseback and takes the gold ring from her hand, she will marry him!

On the indicated day, the brothers are going to go to the royal court - not to ride themselves, but at least to look at others. And Ivanushka asks with them:
- Brothers, give me at least some horse, and I want to go and see Helen the Beautiful!
- Where are you going, you fool! Do you want to make people laugh? Sit on the stove and pour out the ashes!
The brothers left, and Ivanushka the fool said to his brothers’ wives:
—Give me a basket, I’ll at least go into the forest and pick some mushrooms!

He took the basket and went as if picking mushrooms. Ivanushka went out into an open field, into a wide expanse,He threw the basket under a bush, and he whistled with a brave whistle and barked with a heroic cry:

— Anything, Ivanushka?
— I want to look at the Tsar’s daughter Elena the Beautiful! - Ivanushka answers.
- Well, come into my room right ear, get out to the left!

Ivanushka climbed into the horse's right ear, and came out into the left - and became such a fine fellow that he could not think of it, nor guess it, nor tell it in a fairy tale, nor describe it with a pen!

Illustrator Inna Anfilofyeva

He boarded the Sivka-burka and rode straight to the city. He caught up with his brothers along the road, galloped past them, and showered them with road dust.

Ivanushka galloped to the square - straight to the royal palace. He looks - apparently and invisibly to the people, and in a high mansion, by the window, sits Princess Elena the Beautiful. The ring sparkles on her hand - it has no price! And she is the most beautiful of beauties. Everyone looks at Elena the Beautiful, but no one dares to jump to her: no one wants to break their neck.

Here Ivanushka hit Sivka-burka on the steep sides... The horse snorted, neighed, and jumped - only three logs short of the princess. The people were surprised, and Ivanushka turned Sivka and galloped away.

Everyone shouts:
— Who is this? Who is this?

And Ivanushka is already gone. We saw where he galloped from, but didn’t see where he galloped off. Ivanushka rushed into an open field, jumped off his horse, climbed into his left ear, and climbed out into his right ear and became still Ivan the Fool.

He released Sivka-burka, picked up a basket full of fly agarics and brought them home:
— Eva, what good fungi!
The brothers’ wives got angry with Ivanushka and started scolding him:
— What kind of mushrooms did you bring, fool? Only you can eat them!
Ivanushka grinned, climbed onto the stove and sat.

The brothers returned home and told their wives what they saw in the city:
- Well, housewives, what a fine fellow came to the Tsar! We've never seen anything like this before. He was only three logs short of reaching the princess.
And Ivanushka lies on the stove and chuckles:
— Dear brothers, wasn’t it me there?
— Where should you be, you fool?! Sit on the stove and catch flies!

The next day, the older brothers went to the city again, and Ivanushka took a basket and went to pick mushrooms. He went out into an open field, into a wide expanse, threw the basket, whistled with a valiant whistle, and barked with a heroic cry:
— Sivka-burka, prophetic kaurka, stand in front of me like a leaf in front of the grass!
The horse is running, the ground is trembling, smoke is pouring out of the ears, flames are burning from the nostrils. He came running and stood in front of Ivanushka, rooted to the spot.

Ivanushka Sivka-burka climbed into the right ear, and climbed out into the left and became a fine fellow. He jumped on his horse and galloped to the courtyard. He sees that there are even more people in the square than before. Everyone admires the princess, but no one even thinks about jumping: they are afraid of breaking their neck! Here Ivanushka hit his horse on the steep sides. Sivka-burka neighed and jumped, only to be two logs short of the princess’s window.

Ivanushka turned Sivka and galloped away. We saw where he galloped from, but didn’t see where he galloped off. And Ivanushka is already in the open field. He let Sivka-burka go and went home. He sat down on the stove, sitting, waiting for his brothers.

The brothers come home and say:
— Well, housewives, the same fellow came again! He missed the princess by only two logs.
Ivanushka says to them:
— Brothers, wasn’t it me there?
— Sit down, fool, keep quiet!..
On the third day the brothers are getting ready to go again, and Ivanushka says:
- Give me at least a bad horse: I’ll go with you too!
- Stay home, you fool! Only you are missing there!
They said and left.

Ivanushka went out into an open field, into a wide expanse, whistled with a valiant whistle, and barked with a heroic cry:
— Sivka-burka, prophetic kaurka, stand in front of me like a leaf in front of the grass!
The horse is running, the ground is trembling, smoke is pouring out of the ears, flames are burning from the nostrils. He came running and stood in front of Ivanushka, rooted to the spot. Ivanushka climbed into the horse's right ear and came out into the left. The young man became a fine fellow and galloped off to the royal court.

Ivanushka galloped to the high tower, lashed Sivka-burka with a whip... The horse neighed more than ever, hit the ground with its hooves, jumped - and reached the window!

Illustrator Inna Anfilofyeva

Then Ivanushka wanted to look at the princess’s precious ring. As soon as he unwound the rag, the whole hut began to shine!
— Stop fooling around with fire! - the brothers shout. “You’ll still burn the hut.” It's time to get you out of the house completely!
Ivanushka didn’t answer them, but tied the ring with a rag again...

Three days later, the king again shouted the cry: so that all the people, no matter how many there are in the kingdom, gather at his feast and so that no one dares to stay at home. And whoever disdains the royal feast will have his head off his shoulders! There was nothing to do, the brothers went to the feast, taking Ivan the Fool with them. We arrived, sat down at oak tables, patterned tablecloths, drinking, eating, talking. And Ivanushka climbed behind the stove, into a corner, and sat there.

Elena the Beautiful walks around, treating the guests. She offers wine and honey to everyone, and she looks to see if anyone has her treasured ring on their hand. Whoever has the ring on his hand is her groom. But no one has a ring in sight...

She walked around everyone and came up to the last one - Ivanushka. And he sits behind the stove, his clothes are thin, his bast shoes are torn, one hand is tied with a rag. The brothers look and think: “Look, the princess is bringing wine to our Ivashka!”

And Elena the Beautiful handed Ivanushka a glass of wine and asked:
-Why is your hand tied, good fellow?
— I went to the forest to pick mushrooms and got stuck on a branch.
- Come on, untie it, show it!
Ivanushka untied his hand, and on his finger he had the princess’s treasured ring: it shines and sparkles!

Elena the Beautiful was delighted, took Ivanushka by the hand, led her to her father and said:
— Here, father, my fiancé has been found!
They washed Ivanushka, combed his hair, dressed him, and he became not the fool Ivanushka, but a fine fellow, you wouldn’t even recognize him!

Drawing with watercolors for children “Sivka-burka” step by step with photos

Sredina Olga Stanislavovna, teacher, head of the art studio of the MDOU TsRR d.s. No. 1 “Bear Cub”, Yuryuzan, Chelyabinsk Region

Creation of educational, exhibition or competition works
Paper A 4 landscape or Whatman paper, watercolor paints, brushes
Learning how to draw a horse without a preliminary pencil sketch
Learn to use a hard and soft brush
Foster patriotism through a love of Russian folk tales
Develop curiosity, fantasy, imagination
Improve skills compositional construction sheet
Preliminary work:
1 - Introduction to the text of the fairy tale
2 - Presentation with illustrations different artists and drawings by cartoonists (optional - watching a cartoon)
3 - Conversation about the coloring of animal fur (horses)

Sivka-burka (fragment)
“The old man had three sons: two were smart, and the third, Ivanushka, was a fool; day and night the fool lies on the stove.
The old man sowed wheat, and the wheat grew rich, but someone got into the habit of pounding and poisoning that wheat at night. So the old man says to the children:
- My dear children, guard the wheat every night in turn, catch the thief for me.
The first night comes. The eldest son went to guard the wheat, but he wanted to sleep: he climbed into the hayloft and slept until the morning. He comes home in the morning and says: he didn’t sleep all night, he was cold, but he didn’t see the thief.
On the second night, the middle son went and also slept the whole night in the hayloft.
On the third night it is the fool's turn to go. He took the lasso and went. He came to the boundary and sat down on a stone: he was sitting, not sleeping, waiting for the thief.
At midnight, a motley horse galloped into the wheat: one hair is golden, the other is silver, it runs - the earth trembles, smoke pours out of its ears, flames blaze from its nostrils. And that horse began to eat wheat: not so much eating as trampling.
The fool crept up to the horse on all fours and at once threw a lasso around his neck. The horse rushed with all his might - but that was not the case. The fool resisted, the lasso pressed his neck. And then the fool’s horse began to pray:
- Let me go, Ivanushka, and I will do you a great service!
“Okay,” answers Ivan the Fool. - How will I find you then?
“Go outside the outskirts,” says the horse, “whistle three times and shout: “Sivka-burka, prophetic kaurka! Stand in front of me like a leaf in front of the grass!” - I’ll be here.
Ivanushka the Fool released the horse and made him promise not to eat any more wheat or trample on it”...

Conversation (quotes from the Internet and print publications)
The horse has long been in Rus' the personification of the power of the Sun. And as a solar animal, he had two faces: Sivka (i.e. grey-haired, white), which appears in the Sky in winter, and Burka (red), embodying the summer Sun. On Russian icons, the horse is almost always either completely white or fiery red.
What color do you think our fairy horse was? All artists paint it differently. What colors are these - gray, brown, brown? How to compose them on the palette? Let's try to figure it out.

Sivka - gray, gray, silver, white.
Burka - brown, dark red.
Kaurka - brown, light chestnut.
Three colors at once - miracles!

What does the word prophetic mean? Prophetic, knowledgeable, knowing - wise, foreseeing the future. And in Russian fairy tales, a horse often helps its owner - it shows the way, helps out in difficult situations.

Practical work:

Choosing a color for the horse. With a colored background, the horse can be white or light gray (dappled), on a white sheet it can be light brown, reddish, or ocher. We discuss their choices with the children, advise them, and adjust them if necessary.

Using a round bristle brush No. 2 or 3, draw a rectangle of the body. We round the short sides and paint them. For some students, this stage (drawing a rectangle) can be performed by a teacher. The rectangle determines the scale of the drawing, and if you draw it too small or too large, the horse may “get lost” on the sheet or may not even fit.

Add a small oval head, a slightly curved neck, triangular ears and also paint over everything. In order to make the silhouette more expressive, you can bend the horse lower lip, pretending to neigh.

We draw the left legs closest to us - the front and back. To begin with, we place a bend point for each approximately in the middle - a joint. Sivka's legs will be slightly bent. Up to the knee, the leg is strong, dense, and has a lot of muscles. It is drawn with two lines, after the knee joint - with one line.

The right legs (both front and back) are raised above the ground. We depict them in this movement and paint them over.

We draw the mane, tail and hooves with scarlet or red paint (you can use orange and yellow). You can use the same bristle brush, or you can take a softer one (pony, squirrel, goat)

We draw a line of grass under the left hooves standing on the ground. For this we take light green shades. In the sky we draw the sun and curly or simply oval clouds.

Add dark green grass bushes. We make them with a soft brush using the dipping method. Using a slightly damp brush, blur the outer edges of the clouds.
Drawings by pupils of preparatory groups.

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Download and print coloring pages from the fairy tale Sivka-Burka

A wonderful Russian fairy tale comes to life for children with the help of Sivka-burka coloring pages. Big choice illustrations for children will introduce them to peasant son Ivanushka and his faithful companion, the magical horse Sivka-burka. Here you can download or print Sivka-Burka coloring pages for free in A4 format.

Ivan was the most younger son who was considered a fool. His father bequeathed him a fairy horse. In order to become a handsome, daring fellow, you had to crawl into one ear of a horse and come out of the other. This magic helped the guy outwit the greedy king, marry the king's daughter and receive half a kingdom in addition.

For children, there is the opportunity to download or print free Sivka-Burka coloring pages to view and color all the adventures of the main characters. The children will be especially interested in choosing the color for the wonderful horse. He may look like other horses, or he may be multi-colored, because he is magical and can even talk. The fairy tale will show the children the beauty of Russian costumes. These coloring pages will appeal to all fans of adventure fairy tales.

Other coloring pages:

» Sivka-burka (another option)

There was an old man, and he had three sons. Everyone called the youngest Ivanushka the Fool.

Once the old man sowed wheat. The wheat was good, but someone just got into the habit of crushing and trampling that wheat.
So the old man says to his sons:
- My dear children! Guard the wheat every night in turns, catch the thief!
The first night has arrived.
The eldest son went to guard the wheat, but he wanted to sleep. He climbed into the hayloft and slept until the morning.
He comes home in the morning and says:
- I didn’t sleep all night, guarding the wheat! I was all cold, but I didn’t see the thief.
On the second night the middle son went. And he slept all night in the hayloft.
On the third night, it’s Ivan the Fool’s turn to go.
He put the pie in his bosom, took the rope and went. He came to the field and sat down on a stone. He sits awake, chews the pie, and waits for the thief.
At midnight a horse galloped up into the wheat - one hair was silver, the other was gold; he runs - the earth trembles, smoke pours out of his ears, flames burst from his nostrils.

And that horse began to eat wheat. It doesn't eat as much as it tramples with its hooves.
Ivanushka crept up to the horse and immediately threw a rope around his neck.
The horse rushed with all his might - no such luck! Ivanushka jumped on him deftly and grabbed him tightly by the mane.
The horse carried him and carried him across the open field, galloped and galloped - he could not throw him off!

The horse began to ask Ivanushka:
- Let me go free, Ivanushka! I will do you a great service for this.
“Okay,” Ivanushka answers, “I’ll let you go, but how will I find you later?”
- And you go out into an open field, into a wide expanse, whistle three times with a valiant whistle, bark with a heroic cry: “Sivka-burka, prophetic kaurka, stand in front of me like a leaf in front of the grass!” - I’ll be here.
Ivanushka released the horse and made him promise never to eat or trample wheat again.
Ivanushka came home in the morning.

- Well, tell me, what did you see there? - the brothers ask.
“I caught,” says Ivanushka, “a horse—one hair is silver, the other is gold.”
-Where is the horse?
- Yes, he promised not to go to the wheat field anymore, so I let him go.

The brothers didn’t believe Ivanushka and laughed at him to their hearts’ content. But since that night, no one has really touched the wheat...

Soon after that, the king sent messengers to all the villages and to all the cities, calling out the cry:
- Gather, boyars and nobles, merchants and simple peasants, to the Tsar’s court. The Tsar's daughter Elena the Beautiful is sitting in her high mansion by the window. Whoever on horseback reaches the princess and takes the gold ring from her hand, she will marry him!
On the indicated day, the brothers are going to go to the royal court - not to ride themselves, but at least to look at others. And Ivanushka asks with them:
- Brothers, give me at least some horse, and I’ll go and look at Elena the Beautiful!
- Where are you going, you fool! Do you want to make people laugh? Sit on the stove and pour out the ashes!
The brothers left, and Ivanushka the fool said to his brothers’ wives:
- Give me a basket, I’ll at least go into the forest and pick mushrooms!
He took the basket and went as if picking mushrooms.
Ivanushka went out into an open field, into a wide expanse, threw his basket under a bush, and he whistled with a valiant whistle and barked with a heroic cry:
- Sivka-burka, prophetic kaurka, stand in front of me like a leaf in front of the grass!

The horse is running, the ground is trembling, smoke is pouring out of the ears, flames are burning from the nostrils. He came running and stood in front of Ivanushka, rooted to the spot.
- Anything, Ivanushka?
- I want to look at the Tsar’s daughter Elena the Beautiful! - Ivanushka answers.
- Well, get into my right ear, get out of my left!
Ivanushka climbed into the horse's right ear, and came out into the left - and became such a fine fellow that he could not think of it, nor guess it, nor tell it in a fairy tale, nor describe it with a pen! He boarded the Sivka-burka and rode straight to the city.

He caught up with his brothers along the road, galloped past them, and showered them with road dust.
Ivanushka galloped to the square - straight to the royal palace.

He looks - apparently and invisibly to the people, and in a high mansion, by the window, sits Princess Elena the Beautiful. The ring sparkles on her hand - it has no price! And she is the most beautiful of beauties.
Everyone looks at Elena the Beautiful, but no one dares to jump to her: no one wants to break their neck.
Here Ivanushka hit Sivka-burka on the steep sides... The horse snorted, neighed, and jumped - only three logs short of the princess.
The people were surprised, and Ivanushka turned Sivka and galloped away.
Everyone shouts:
-Who is this? Who is this?
And Ivanushka is already gone. We saw where he galloped from, but didn’t see where he galloped off.

Ivanushka rushed into an open field, jumped off his horse, climbed into his left ear, and climbed out into his right ear and became still Ivan the Fool.
He released Sivka-burka, picked up a basket full of fly agarics and brought them home:
- Eva, what good fungi!
The brothers’ wives got angry with Ivanushka and started scolding him:
- What kind of mushrooms did you bring, fool? Only you can eat them!
Ivanushka grinned, climbed onto the stove and sat.
The brothers returned home and told their wives what they saw in the city:
- Well, housewives, what a fine fellow came to the Tsar! We've never seen anything like this before. He was only three logs short of reaching the princess.

IN kindergarten, and often at school children are asked to draw an illustration for a fairy tale. At a young age, it is difficult to objectively assess one’s strengths, so the child often chooses a difficult topic. For example, he wants to draw a mermaid, a hero or Sivka-Burka. Many parents are lost and don’t even know how to help. Therefore, today in this article we will answer the question: how to draw Sivka-Burka with a pencil?

Character history

Before answering the question “How to draw Sivka-Burka?”, you need to get to know the character better. This may seem strange to adults, because the horses are all the same, well, maybe they differ a little in size. But that's not true.

A fairy tale that has folk origin, is always allegorical. After all, it was with her help that children were taught and initiated into complex system pagan religion. Previously, it was believed that the horse was a guide to other worlds. And if you read more carefully, the fairy tale makes references to the fact that the horse is not entirely real, it is rather a spirit, one might say, the patron saint of the family. Where is this mentioned? The astute reader understands that horses of such a complex color, where gray, brown, and even brown are mixed, simply do not exist in life. In the fairy tale, they thus demonstrated that the animal belonged to the third generation of owners. So what color is the horse?

Today, not all adults know what strange colors were used to designate a horse, and it’s not worth talking about children. They will not be able to understand without explanation that the description of a horse uses its color characteristics. Gray is white-gray, brown is dark brown, and brown is red.

Making a sketch

How to draw Sivka-Burka step by step with a pencil? You need to start with a sketch. First of all, we outline on paper the so-called overall container, within which we will draw our character. This is also necessary so that during the work the picture does not become very small.

Having outlined the dimensions, we move on to designating the parts of the horse. We outline the head, torso and croup with circles. We mark the line of the legs and neck. The main thing at this stage is not to sketch the horse along the contour, but to build it. Since if the proportions are violated, there will be no point in further work.

How to draw Sivka-Burka so that he looks like a realistic horse? To do this, you definitely need to trace the plasticity of the lines.

The horse is one of the most graceful animals in the world. Therefore, you need to connect the parts of the drawing with one line, without lifting the pencil from the paper.

Working on a sketch of a horse

We continue to figure out how to draw Sivka-Burka. We already have a pencil sketch, now we will work out the details. First you need to draw the main parts of the animal, such as the head, neck, torso and legs. You should not start working on the eyes or ears. Such small details can “move out” during the drawing process if you decide to slightly change the rotation of the horse’s head.

It is better to build an image of an animal by sticking to some photograph of it, since drawing an image from your head is not best idea. Most of us do not have the opportunity to admire a horse every day, so our imagination can play a cruel joke on us. Having worked on the horse's body, we can move on to small details. These should be eyes, nose, ears, mane and tail.


After we have drawn Sivka-Burka with a pencil, we can move on to shading. The style of work will depend on it. If we start shading the entire horse, and then select the light with an eraser, and apply shadows with a soft pencil, we will get quite realistic drawing horses.

If this is what you need to achieve, then you can act this way.

But let's remember what we draw fairy tale character, which is why you need to use your imagination when creating it. For example, add stars in the mane and tail or provide the horse with fabulous horseshoes. But in any case, it is simply necessary to give the animal a little volume so that Sivka-Burka is not one-dimensional.

Drawing in cartoon style

How to draw Sivka-Burka step by step, if you don’t adhere to realism? It can't be said that cartoon characters They draw according to different rules than realistic animals. After all, a horse in a cartoon will not be recognizable if its legs are three times shorter and its neck, on the contrary, is longer. Animation is somewhat similar to caricature: here you can distort the shape, but violating the basic proportions of the body is taboo.

To give Sivka-Burka more fabulousness, you can make his neck and legs longer and his head smaller at the first stage. But you must be aware that this is being done intentionally, and not because it just happened that way.

If you decide to draw Sivka-Burka in cartoon style, then it is advisable to give the picture color. This will be completely justified. If you draw with a pencil and don't want to use paints, you can color the drawing with pastels or colored pencils. Brightness in this case will not harm at all, but on the contrary, will make the work more unique. To soft material did not stain other works, the final touch will be to secure the lead or pastel. Need to use special varnish. If you don’t have one on your household, any hairspray will do.