The hidden warmth of patriotism - war and peace. Read an essay on the topic of love for the motherland in the novel War and Peace by Tolstoy for free

Patriotic theme in an epic novel. The theme of the liberation war of 1812 introduces the theme of true love for one’s Motherland into the narrative of L. N. Tolstoy’s epic novel. The terrible pages of history test the strength of each hero of War and Peace. On the pages of the work, the author shows the full power of the impulse of “hidden patriotism” of the Russian people.

True patriotism. The thoughts of all true sons of their fatherland, regardless of social affiliation, were aimed only at liberating their country from the invasion of the French. All the positive heroes of the novel strive for this goal - from the ordinary soldier to the commander-in-chief Kutuzov, driven by the desire to bring benefit common cause. Prince Andrei, once in the army, asks to be assigned to a regiment, so he “confirmed himself forever in the court world.” Pierre Bezukhov, having met with soldiers and militias, experiences profound changes in his worldview. The desire to become part of the people fighting against the enemy covers Pierre: “To be a soldier, just a soldier!.. Enter this common life with their whole being, to be imbued with what makes them so.” Natasha Rostova and Marya Bolkonskaya wish for victory with all their hearts and try to participate in helping the wounded themselves.

False patriotism. Feelings true love Prince Vasily Kuragin, Ippolit, Anatole and Helen are deprived of their country. Behind the vehemence with which Napoleon is scolded in A.P. Scherer’s salon, there is not even an ounce of real suffering for Russia. In the salon of Julie Drubetskaya, showing patriotic feelings, the guests speak Russian, and the one who forgets and switches to the language of the enemy is fined “in favor of the donations committee.” This is the most valuable contribution of the salon “patriots” to the liberation of the homeland.

Count Rastopchin (Commander-in-Chief of Moscow!) is fighting with all his might: he puts up calming posters in which the French “are all dwarfs... one woman will throw a pitchfork at the three of them.” The meeting with the emperor in the Slobodsky Palace demonstrates only the ostentatious patriotism of secular society, which L.N. Tolstoy cannot help but ironize: “It was difficult to believe that Russia was really in danger and that the members of the English Club were at the same time sons of the fatherland, ready for him for every sacrifice."

They join the army not at the call of their hearts, but in pursuit of their own selfish interests: Boris Drubetskoy (strives to make a career) and Dolokhov (he is driven by the desire to regain his officer rank and receive awards). Not only the Rostovs or the merchant Ferapontov, but also the military official Berg, the husband of Vera Rostova, remain in Moscow until the last possible opportunity, although their goals are different. Berg buys things cheaply, pursuing only his own profit during the most terrible days for the Motherland. About people like him it says folk wisdom: “To whom there is war, and to whom the mother is dear.”

L.N. Tolstoy in the novel “War and Peace” demonstrates two types of love for the Motherland: “true” patriotism and “false”.

The theme of patriotism in Leo Tolstoy's novel "War and Peace"

In the novel “War and Peace,” Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy masterfully reveals the theme of “Patriotism in the Russian ranks.” Nobody needed the War of 1812, but circumstances developed that way, and it had its place in world history. Russian patriotism is very clearly revealed on the Borodino field. battle of Borodino took place on August 26, 1812. This is a Patriotic War, the entire population of the country stood up to defend the Motherland, their region, villages, and finally every centimeter of Russian land. By order of Alexander 1, militia gathered throughout the country. And the people who entered there were ordinary peasants, ordinary people. The patriotic spirit of the Russian people is very clearly felt on the Borodino field. The Battle of Borodino is a moral victory for Russian soldiers. The feeling of patriotism is a truly popular feeling. It covers all soldiers without exception. The soldiers calmly, simply, confidently do their job, without saying loud words. Many of the higher ranks understood that it was from common people, the life and prosperity of the entire country depends on soldiers. But there is also heroism in these same highest ranks. Kutuzov is the Russian commander-in-chief, one of the outstanding generals of Russia. In his heart he was worried about his Motherland, but could not show this excitement in public, since he was the “face of the army”; his mood was transmitted to the entire personnel. He lives only by the feelings, thoughts, interests of the soldiers, perfectly understands their mood, and takes care of them like a father. He bears his heavy burden with honor, and the spirit of the Russian soldiers was not broken. And also one of important episodes There is a council in Fili, where Kutuzov decides to leave Moscow. This is the decision of a very strong-willed person. Defending Moscow would mean losing the army, and this would lead to the loss of both Moscow and Russia. Raevsky and Bagration are also patriots of the Motherland. “Raevsky’s Battery”, “BAgration’s flushes” are the hottest places in the Borodino battle, they were commanded by true patriots - Raevsky and Bagration. And Tolstoy also shows not patriots, these are foreign generals, Berg, Kuragin are those people who serve only to receive awards, promotion and big name. During the Patriotic War, a term such as “partisan movement” appeared. This was an innovation in the conduct of war. Tolstoy himself admired the partisans: “Before partisan warfare was officially accepted by our government, thousands of people in the enemy army had already been exterminated by the Cossacks and ordinary men.” Denis Davydov can be considered the founder of the partisan movement; it was he who first proposed the creation of a partisan detachment. Guerrilla movement it was spontaneous and widespread. Partisan units burned food, destroyed ammunition and weapons of the enemy. And finally they themselves fought with the few French troops. One such example is a detachment led by Denisov, which was able to attack and capture a French detachment several times larger than them. An indispensable fighter in the detachment is Tikhon Shcherbaty - the personification of the people's club, which rose and nailed the French with terrible force until their entire invasion was destroyed. Tolstoy attributes to him truly heroic qualities; the seriousness does not leave his face. Thus, in the face mortal danger, which threatened Russia, the majority of Russian people showed true heroism and patriotism, abandoning all considerations of personal gain, selfishness, sacrificing their property and lives, they committed heroic deeds that remained for a long time in the history of our state.

The school curriculum includes a tour of the most key moments in Russian history. The final result of studying the list of works is the given patriotism?

Country of Fathers - Fatherland

Our ancestors lived, completely devoting themselves to the development of their country. They worked honestly, gave birth to children, celebrated and fought desperately for every centimeter native land. They didn’t have the question: “Do I need to stand up to defend my Motherland?” They just walked and fought for independence and peaceful life, which is what Patriotism will be about - this is unconditional and unquestioning love for your country, every tree and even the smallest river. Our great-great-grandfathers gave their lives to service native land: they erected and ennobled churches and monasteries, created park areas for recreation, and monitored the cleanliness of the surrounding area. They did it by at will warm heart. The soul of a true patriot is always ready to defend his heritage.

Protection and increase

Residents of their beloved country always take care of environment, because they want to preserve natural wealth for posterity. Why write such an essay? Not everyone knows what patriotism is. But if you don’t love your Motherland in its original form and don’t show concern for surrounding nature, then over time it will simply disappear. Native spaces in the form of clean lakes and wild rivers, forests full of berries, mushrooms and medicinal herbs, beautiful flowers in the fields, will not always look like this without human help. Creative work and increase in wealth, readiness to defend one’s Motherland is true patriotism. This is a story that our ancestors created for children. They called on their descendants to treat their Motherland politely and to be ready, like them, to give their lives for it.

Respect for foreign culture

How to understand the essence of the word “patriotism”? An essay on this topic reveals the main theses of the definition. Firstly, a patriot loves not only the city or village where he was born, but the entire vast country. In childhood, it seems to many people that there is no more beautiful view from the window and no more fragrant grass and more fragrant flowers than in this particular place and at this time. In fact, the Motherland is beautiful by definition. This is not a specific place, it is a huge country with many beautiful places.

Patriotism, an essay about which is more of a discussion on a given topic, also presupposes unconditional respect for foreign countries and cultures. Ignorance in the form of statements: “Russia is only for Russians”, “Our tanks and ballerinas are the best” - is not a manifestation of patriotism.

Knowledge of history

School testing is carried out in different forms, for example, it could be an essay. What is patriotism - explained with junior classes, but personal beliefs do not allow some to understand this concept. A true patriot knows the history of his country, honors the names of heroes on memorable holidays, and takes care of the natural and architectural heritage left behind. He looks at reality with an open gaze, accepting all the imperfections of his homeland. A patriot will not strive to move to another country, but will try to devote his life to improving life in his native land. A great contribution to the development and improvement of the level of the territorial subject is played by proper education. Human resources- this is also a kind of wealth (scientists, doctors, teachers). A true patriot will never lose his roots in a foreign land.

Essay: "Patriotism in the novel "War and Peace"

This title belongs to the work of Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy, which is included in the mandatory school curriculum. War is terrible and scary in any historical period. The events of 1812 described in the book became an example of unconditional heroism and manifestations of personal nobility. Napoleon exposed the Russian people to mortal danger, so the human spirit of millions was united by a sense of unity. It was shining example how patriotism manifested itself in War and Peace. An essay on this topic is imbued with heroic deeds that were performed by everyone, regardless of class, social status, age and gender. Morality and moral principles did not allow one to remain on the sidelines during such serious events for the Motherland.

Go to death to the end, fulfilling your duty

Exactly at Russian Empire Napoleon was greeted with an incredible amount of unity and fighting spirit. People went to certain death in order to contribute to the defense of the Motherland; it was important to realize that they went to the end and did everything they could. It was not strategic plans or military skills that helped the fighters. The inspiration and importance of the historical moment, spiritual resilience and general spirit inspired heroic deeds.

Don't consider yourself a hero

The essay “War and Peace. The Theme of Patriotism” cannot be fully disclosed without mentioning the heroes who fought desperately for victory: Pierre Bezukhov, Tushin, Andrei Bolkonsky. The Battle of Borodino most clearly characterized the hot mood of the Russians. For each of them, only one outcome was possible: victory, no other was given. Before each battle, they dressed in clean linen, as if before an important event. They were ready to die, but not allow the victory of the enemy army.

National unity

The attitude towards personal property benefits during hostilities characterizes a patriot as a person who is ready to sacrifice everything for the sake of victory. Tolstoy in his novel describes the feat of the Russian people, but at the same time hates the war, which brought so much grief and hardship. The devastation and huge losses of army personnel were called a “terrible necessity.” In the novel, Kutuzov says about the Russians “Wonderful, incomparable people!” And this is fair, in the name of liberating their native land they endured severe trials. Everyone should write an essay like this. What is patriotism? It is important to determine the meaning of this concept for yourself personally.

Patriotism in the novel "War and Peace".

Novel "War and Peace" - greatest work world literature.
It was created from 1863 to 1869. There are more than 600 in the novel characters.
The destinies of the heroes are traced over 15 years in peacetime and war.
And although Tolstoy considers peaceful life real life people, in the center of the story is a story about Patriotic War. Tolstoy hated wars, but this war on the part of Russia was a liberation war, Russia defended its independence, the Russian people defended their fatherland. Naturally, therefore, the author touches on the problem of patriotism in his novel, but views it ambiguously. He proves that in difficult days for Russia, the majority of Russian people showed true patriotism and courage in defending their homeland. But there were also those - they were a minority - who only played at patriotism and courage. This is hateful to Tolstoy secular society, regulars at the salons of Scherer, Kuragina, Bezukhova. Their so-called patriotism was expressed in the fact that they stopped speaking French, they did not serve French dishes on their table, and in Helene’s salon they did not refuse this and sympathized with Napoleon. There were people like Boris Trubetskoy who made their careers during the days of the suffering of their fatherland. Tolstoy contrasts this group of false patriots with the true sons of the fatherland, for whom the homeland was the main thing in times of trial. People and best part The nobility, in Tolstoy's understanding, constituted the nation. During the days of the war true love The nobles Bolkonsky, Rostov and many others came to their homeland. They equipped the militia at their own expense; Bolkonsky’s son, Andrei, went into the active army, not wanting to be an adjutant. Pierre Bezukhov remains in Moscow to kill Napoleon. But he fails to do this. At the Raevsky battery he helps the battery workers. Residents of Moscow leave and burn the city. When the old man Bolkonsky sees off his son, he says that if Andrei behaves meanly, he will be bitter and ashamed. Natasha gives carts for the wounded. Princess Bolkonskaya cannot remain on an estate captured by enemies.
Tolstoy talks about the mood that possessed the soldiers. On the eve of the Battle of Borodino, the soldiers put on clean shirts because they were going to a sacred mortal battle for Russia. They refused the extra portion of vodka because they did not want to be drugged. They said: “They want to attack the whole world, they want to make one end.” The writer shows how the soldiers of Raevsky’s battery fought. Pierre was struck by the routine with which they fulfill their duty in these terrible conditions. Tolstoy believes that the Battle of Borodino was a moral victory of the Russian army. The Russians did not give in. The steadfastness and courage shown by the defenders of Moscow in the Battle of Borodino were fueled by a sense of patriotism.
Pierre talks with Prince Andrei. Prince Andrei is extremely angry: “The French are your enemies and mine. They came to destroy Russia. War is an abomination, but the Russians are forced to wage this war, and Napoleon came as an invader, the enemy must be destroyed, then the war will be destroyed.”
Tolstoy draws beautifully guerrilla warfare. He admires the fact that dozens of Karps and Vlasovs, armed with pitchforks and axes, went against the invaders. Ironic about the fact that Napoleon was outraged by the war not according to the rules. Cudgel people's war rose and nailed the French until she drove out the last invader. The partisan movement was the most striking manifestation of the patriotism of the entire people.
Kutuzov in the novel is an exponent of the idea of ​​patriotism; he was appointed commander against the will of the tsar and the royal court. Andrei explains this to Pierre this way: “While Russia was healthy, Barclay de Tolly was good... When Russia is sick, it needs its own man.”
Kutuzov was a truly people's commander, he understood the soldiers, their needs, their mood, because he loved his people.
The episode in Fili is important. Kutuzov takes upon himself the gravest responsibility and orders a retreat. This order contains the true patriotism of Kutuzov. Retreating from Moscow, Kutuzov retained an army that could not yet compare in numbers with Napoleonic's. Defending Moscow would mean losing the army, and this would lead to the loss of both Moscow and Russia.
After Napoleon was pushed beyond Russian borders, Kutuzov refuses to fight outside Russia. He believes that the Russian people fulfilled their mission by expelling the invader, and there is no need to shed more people’s blood.

Kamysheva Anastasia, 10th grade

after reading and studying Tolstoy's novel "War and Peace", the children completed the final work (essay, presentation, video) This is what happened...



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Creative work: “True and false patriotism in the novel by L.N. Tolstoy "War and Peace". Performed by 10th grade student Anastasia Kamysheva.

Background Tolstoy came to the creation of “War and Peace” from the idea of ​​the story “The Decembrists,” begun in 1860. At an early stage of work, the Decembrist theme determined the composition of the planned monumental work about the almost half-century history of Russian society (from 1812 to 1856).

Background Tolstoy's desire to explore the depths of historical and personal existence had a remarkable effect in his work on the great epic. Already in the process of searching for the beginning, drawing up notes and working on the first parts of the future large work its main features were determined as an epic novel, in which the story of individual families and persons, fictional and real, is combined with the disclosure of “the character of the Russian people and troops.”

To reveal the character of an entire people, a character that manifests itself with equal force in peaceful, Everyday life and in large, staged historical events, during military failures and defeats and in moments of greatest glory - this is the most important artistic task of “War and Peace”.

Why an epic novel? 1) The basis of the novel’s content is public life, not private life, events of large historical scale. 2) The work reveals historical process, an unusually wide coverage of Russian life in all its layers has been achieved. 3)More than 600 characters.

Russian national life and the history of the people, as well as the path best representatives noble class to the people are the ideological and artistic core of the work. The path of ideological and moral growth leads goodies“War and Peace”, as always with Tolstoy, towards rapprochement with the people.

True patriotism True patriotism is, first of all, the patriotism of duty, action in the name of the Fatherland, the ability to rise above the personal at a decisive moment for the Motherland, to be imbued with a sense of responsibility for the fate of the people. According to Tolstoy, the Russian people are deeply patriotic. When the French occupied Smolensk, peasants burned hay so as not to sell it to their enemies. Each in his own way tried to hurt the enemy so that they would feel the hatred of the true owners of the earth. The merchant Ferapontov burned down his own shop so that it would not fall to the French. The residents of Moscow are shown as true patriots, who, leaving hometown, leave their homes because they consider it impossible to remain under the rule of impostors.

True patriotism The hidden fire of the people's patriotic feeling arises in the souls of Andrei Bolkonsky and his sisters, Natasha Rostova and Pierre Bezukhov. It is in peasant Russia that Pierre sees “an unusually powerful force of vitality, that force that in the snow, in this space, supports the life of this whole, special and united people.”

We see the features of patriotism in Natasha Rostova at the moment when she, before the French entered Moscow, forces her to throw the family goods off the cart and take the wounded.

True patriotism In the same way, modest, uncommunicative, closed in mental world Marya Bolkonskaya is transformed and invariably grows in our eyes, showing her patriotism. This happens at the moment when Marya angrily rejects the offer of the Frenchwoman Burien to remain in the power of Napoleon, to submit to him.

True patriotism Russian soldiers are true patriots. The novel is replete with numerous episodes depicting the varied manifestations of patriotism by Russian people. We see the true patriotism and heroism of the people in the depiction of classical scenes near Shengraben, Austerlitz, Smolensk, Borodin. Of course, love for the fatherland, the willingness to sacrifice one’s life for it, is most clearly manifested on the battlefield, in direct confrontation with the enemy. It was in the Battle of Borodino that the extraordinary fortitude and courage of Russian soldiers was particularly demonstrated. Describing the night before the Battle of Borodino, Tolstoy draws attention to the seriousness and concentration of the soldiers who clean their weapons in preparation for battle. They refuse vodka because they are ready to consciously enter into battle with a powerful enemy. Their feeling of love for the Motherland does not allow reckless drunken courage. Realizing that this battle could be the last for each of them, the soldiers put on clean shirts, preparing for death, but not for retreat. While courageously fighting the enemy, Russian soldiers do not try to look like heroes. Panache and pose are alien to them; there is nothing ostentatious in their simple and sincere love for the Motherland.

In the ranks of the opponents, everything is different... The spirit of patriotism is absent, everyone wants to curry favor with Napoleon.

True patriotism Mikhail Kutuzov in the novel is an exponent of the idea of ​​patriotism; he was appointed commander against the will of the tsar and the royal court. Andrei explains this to Pierre this way: “While Russia was healthy, Barclay de Tolly was good... When Russia is sick, it needs its own man.” He lives only by the feelings, thoughts, interests of the soldiers, perfectly understands their mood, and takes care of them like a father. He firmly believes that the outcome of the battle is determined by “an elusive force called the spirit of the army” and strives with all his might to support this hidden warmth of patriotism in the army.

The image of Napoleon in the novel. Napoleon -the only image in an epic, depicted satirically. The author's open indignation does not spare the self-adored, deceitful, impudent Bonaparte. Tolstoy compares Napoleon with the Russian Tsar Alexander 1 and emphasizes that both of them are slaves of their vanity and personal ambitions. The author writes about Bonaparte: “He imagined that by his will there was a war with Russia, and the horror of what happened did not strike his soul.” Blinded by victories, the French emperor does not see and does not want to see the numerous victims of the war, which cripples people morally and physically.

Characters of “War and Peace” Changing Frozen Court and secular environment. These people live as “ghosts, reflections of life, imitation”, they are unchanged.

“Frozen” characters Helen always smiles the same at everyone. In her first appearance, her "unfailing smile" is mentioned three times. Prince Vasily Kuragin, like Helen, is only capable of the “equal excitement” of a lazy actor. He is always lifeless. The same lifelessness manifests itself in statesman Speransky.

False patriotism Anna Pavlovna Sherer and Julie Karagina are also cold and deceitful people. They can only be inspired by a false game of patriotism. They are not able to recognize the danger and difficult situation in which the Russian people are experiencing the invasion of Napoleon, they are not able to be imbued with “people's thought.”

True and false patriotism There will be many such people as false patriots until people realize that everyone must defend their country, and that there will be no one else to do this except them. This is exactly what Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy wanted to convey through antithesis, the opposition of true and false patriots. But Tolstoy does not fall into the false patriotic tone of the narrative, but looks at events sternly and objectively, like a realist writer. This helps him more accurately convey to us the importance of the problem of false patriotism.

In the general concept of the novel, the world denies war, because the content of the world is work and happiness, a free, natural and therefore joyful manifestation of personality, and the content and need of war is the disunity of people, nations, destruction, death and grief.

Thus, true patriotism in Tolstoy’s understanding is the highest manifestation of the moral strength and spirit of the people. People's patriotism is an invincible force in the fight against enemies. The winner is the Russian people. The true heroes are ordinary Russian people who accomplished a great deed - they defeated the “invincible Napoleon.” RESULT