Sports dancing on the pole. Destroying myths about Pole Dance

Head of ECSTASY Pole Dance STUDIO Margarita Tarasova spoke about the most common myths about Pole Dance

1) This is a striptease

— Pole Dance is a type of pole dance with elements of acrobatics and choreography. This independent species a dance that has long been separated from striptease. There's no room here revealing outfits and movements. Pole Dance categorically excludes not only nudity, but even hints of movements of an overtly sexual nature. At Pole Dance competitions, participants are disqualified for such things, and even the rules for participation in many championships strictly stipulate how much revealing clothing is allowed during a performance. Points for performance are reduced even if underwear is visible from under clothing.

Pole Dance is an art. And the art, I must say, is quite seductive!

In addition to being an incredibly exciting dance, it is also very difficult. To master it, you need to put in a lot of effort, but the result will exceed all your expectations. For girls, this is a great alternative to the gym, which will not teach you femininity, but this is so important!

Pole Dance helps strengthen muscles, develop flexibility and plasticity. You will gain strength and endurance, which will be useful to you outside the gym. This is not just a dance, it is the revelation of your inner energy and strength, femininity, self-confidence and your uniqueness!

2) Pole Dance requires good physical preparation

— Even if you have never played any sport before, there is no need to be afraid. In just a couple of weeks you will feel the results of your training and see how your muscles have become stronger, your body has become toned, and your body has taken shape. During the warm-up part of the class, stretching exercises are necessarily given, so some beginners can do the longitudinal splits after just a couple of months!

3) I remember movements very poorly and am generally not flexible

— A lot here depends on the teacher’s approach and his teaching system! For example, girls who attended another school for six months study in our studio, and they achieved almost zero results. However, after a month regular classes With our teachers, they completely calmly perform basic elements and twists. A good trainer is already 60% of success, everything else depends only on your desire and desire to work on yourself and your body.

4) I don’t have time for such sports, it’s easier to go to the gym

- In this regard, no ordinary fitness can compare with pole fitness! Within a month you will definitely feel the result; your figure will tighten before your eyes! And, the most remarkable thing, exactly in those places where it is most needed - the waist, hips, buttocks. The load in the classes is very intense, and the most interesting thing is that the learning process is so exciting that you won’t even notice this load until you leave the room. For girls, this is a great alternative to the gym with its series of repetitive exercises, which will not teach you femininity, but this is so important!

5) I am too short/tall

— Height during Pole Dance classes has absolutely no meaning! If you are still haunted by your short stature, use heels :)

6) I won’t be able to dance in such high heels (strips), I don’t wear heels at all

— It is not at all necessary to wear stripes during classes. During regular training, girls train in socks, ballet shoes, or even barefoot. Strips can be worn, for example, when you are planning a spectacular performance for your loved one or a performance at reporting concert. The strips, it is worth noting, are created specifically for dancing, and not for walking, these are two big differences. The percentage of time that you stand on the floor while dancing is minimal, due to this the load on your legs is small.

7) Pole Dance is a dance for girls with a model appearance and perfect figure

— Not all of our students have a model figure. However, this does not bother anyone. In class, everyone is doing more interesting things to do than looking at your own or others’ flaws. We repeat, no ordinary fitness can compare with pole fitness! Within a month you will definitely feel the result; your figure will tighten before your eyes and exactly in those places where it is most needed - the waist, hips, buttocks. Very soon you will even forget about such things as cellulite and self-doubt!

8) Pole Dance is very painful

— Yes, at the beginning of training there will be pain, as well as bruises. Your skin will get used to the grip of the pole. Not all girls have bruises after classes, although there are some who really have a lot of them. It all depends on your blood vessels. There are usually the most bruises at the very beginning of the training process. In this case, there are many different effective creams and gels against bruises and contusions. However, within a few weeks after the start of training, the bruises will become less and less. Your skin will simply get used to pole training. It’s not so scary, here, as in everything, the main thing is to start!

In which girls can find classes in Pole Dance (pole dancing). The tables indicate schools and the cost of a one-time pole lesson. You can also find prices for subscriptions on the portal pages. The description of the dance school contains the address and phone number of the institution, available dance styles. The reviews about pole classes left by students of teachers are very interesting.

How to find pole and pole dancing lessons in Moscow?

Skill, grace and flexibility are the constant components of pole dance or pole dancing. He captivates fans of the movement with his surprisingly harmonious combination of different dance styles, his sensuality and beauty. However, this external lightness requires great endurance and strength, since this is not just a dance - it is acrobatics on the pole. The smooth movements of floor dance will teach you to love and feel your body, to feel irresistible and sexy.

Pole dance. What is a pylon?

A vertically installed metal pipe is assumed under the pylon. It is played in nightclubs, bars or special dance halls to dance around her or perform various tricks. Depending on the design, the pylon can be static or rotating, stationary or removable. However, you should not combine pole striptease, which also requires a pole, and pole dancing in one place. These are two different directions.

What is pole dancing?

Pole Dance classes are a special genre dance art, combining elements of acrobatics and the elegance of dance, built around and on the pole. The main features of floor dance include “verticality,” in which the dance is performed on three levels.

  • Upper level - the dancer performs all tricks on a pole high above the floor.
  • Intermediate level - this includes overflights, plastic elements and twists around the pole, including more than 360 degrees.
  • The lower level is the ground floor, which includes the use of the floor in tricks.

It must be taken into account that it is really beautiful dance on the pole has little in common with striptease. In the latter case, the emphasis is on demonstrating the naked body and spectacular undressing. Pole dancing is more of a sport, an art with erotic elements. Since 2003, competitions and championships have even been held in this regard. dance direction, in which not only girls, but also men participate.

Pole dancing training - features of the process

From the outside, learning to pole dance looks quite simple, just like the dance itself. However, this is not the case. Pol dance requires serious endurance, coordination, flexibility and dexterity from the student. During classes, the teacher will teach standard and original combinations of elements. Students who choose pole dancing for beginners quickly gain excellent stretching, increase overall muscle tone, and increase the strength of the muscles of the lower and upper body.

Pole classes combine aerobic and anaerobic exercises, which will later be used in combinations and individual dance movements. To get significant results, you should prepare for long-term training - it will take several months to achieve pole dancing elegantly and easily. An experienced teacher can speed up the process by conducting competent pole lessons for beginners.

The article will reveal all the secrets of pole dancing and help you make a choice among the variety of ways to lose weight and tighten your body.

Pylon is a pole on which striptease dancers dance. This fitness trend is also called half-dance and is directly related to strip plastic. In Russia, this type of fitness has recently gained popularity.

The effect of pole dancing on your figure

Pole dancing has a beneficial effect on the female figure. Thanks to acrobatic sketches and unlike conventional strip dance, pole dancing effectively tightens the skin and promotes weight loss. Thus, by dancing for an hour you can lose up to 600 calories, as well as become more flexible and learn to move beautifully.

These classes are similar to gymnastics, only on a vertical bar. It is useful for women who cannot maintain their posture or have a deformed back. Classes will help you gain beautiful posture and gait while working on all muscles and joints, and become more flexible, attentive and coordinated.

When practicing pole dancing, girls lose up to 10 kg per month. It’s better to exercise 3 times a week, but not every day, alternating workouts with weekends, thereby giving your muscles a rest and preparing for the next load. Pol-dance your image of a gym without exercise equipment. All exercises take place on the floor or pole.

Where to begin

First, you need to decide where and how your classes will take place: at home on your own or with a personal trainer, in a fitness room, in group classes or individual ones. Make your choice based on your capabilities and character. Shy girls will very quickly lose interest in group classes, and some get lost alone with a trainer. Optimal choice To begin with, you will begin to study individually with a master about three to four times, while gaining a basis for studying in a group.

Pole dancing is available to girls aged 18 to 30. It is not necessary to be physically fit and trained, as all this is acquired during the training process. This type Sports helps to gain external beauty and self-confidence.

Interesting fact! In Russia there is a sports federation for pole dancing and it was officially recognized as a sport in 2009.

What is necessary

The following clothing is required for pole dancing:

How the training goes

The entire dance process is dedicated to the interaction of the dancer with the pole, and the main elements pass vertically. IN in this case vertical positions are divided into several types:

Warm-up is needed for:


  • on the muscles of the arms and legs;
  • easy running;
  • body rotation to develop flexibility;
  • main part.

The main part of the classes includes practicing elements of pole dance. Tricks, acrobatic elements, unusual combinations between tricks. All actions take place on the pole.

The following elements are processed:

These and many other elements are included in the bulk of pole training.

Strength exercises– development of new complex elements requiring a large load, passing on a pylon.

Particular attention in half-dance is paid stretching, since most elements and tricks are performed using it. performed either alone or with the help of a partner.

Where to learn

You can learn this dance technique in specialized dance schools. In fitness clubs. There are also online courses with which you can learn pole dancing at home. Pay special attention to choosing a place to study, thereby ensuring your future success. When choosing a club, school or coach, read reviews, talk to someone who is already doing it.


As in any other sport, there are contraindications in dancing:

  1. body mass index above 32;
  2. infectious diseases;
  3. chronic diseases during exacerbation;
  4. mental disorders;
  5. classes after operations;
  6. weak heart;
  7. weak musculoskeletal system;
  8. asthma;
  9. pregnancy.

You should immediately prepare yourself mentally. The first time in class will be very difficult, especially for those who are physically unprepared. You need endurance, training will hurt, there will be bruises and failures, but it’s worth it. The result will not keep you waiting: in 4-5 classes, endurance will be developed automatically, and after 3 months, complex acrobatic feints will be achieved.

Problems with loved ones may arise. It is very difficult to explain to many that pole dancing is not a striptease, but a sport. You can introduce your family to half-dancing through videos or by attending classes.

Keep a positive attitude, believe in yourself, and everything will work out!

Hello to all readers of my blog! As you know, many girls start visiting fitness clubs to tighten and improve their figure, make their muscles more prominent and achieve a pronounced weight loss effect. The most common and proven method is exercises in gym.

However, not every woman likes such activity. Fortunately, there are many different, alternative fitness programs and activities to choose from, including not only sports exercises, but also dance movements. And today we will focus on something so interesting and relevant for many modern girls and women's version, like Paul Dance for beginners.

In fitness, Paul Dance is considered a type of activity that can fully replace power loads. It is essentially an intense dance using a fixed pole or pole. It ideally combines dance plasticity and strength training, promoting comprehensive development bodies.

Pole Dance consists of many specific movements that develop different muscle groups. Traditionally, this activity is usually divided into three main categories:

  • Sports Pole (Pole-Dance Fitness) is a dance that combines rhythmic elements with complex acrobatic stunts on the pole. Ideal for those who want to lose weight, become more fit and slender. Frankly, this work is completely on the pole. For example, in competitions you can only touch the floor three times.
  • Exotic Pole (Pole-Dance Exotic) – grace, tenderness in every movement and measured dance as a whole prevail here. Mainly beautiful movements at the pole and on the floor, developing/demonstrating natural female plasticity. Approximately 20% is allocated to pole tricks.
  • Art-Pole – here the emphasis is primarily on dance performance, expressiveness and artistry. Its main difference is the ratio of elements on the pylon and on the floor, approximately 50 to 50.

In addition to these main directions, there are many branches. Despite all the diversity, in fact, any experienced teacher can mix combinations of twists, tricks, ground parts and passes from different directions within the framework of their training.

What muscles work during pole training?

The girl has to lift herself onto the pole using the strength of her arm muscles. Static and dynamic actions develop all muscle groups of the upper extremities well, including biceps, triceps, deltoids and especially the forearms.

The oblique muscles of the back, trapezius and rhomboids, the teres major, teres minor and serratus muscles, as well as the lumbar quadratus and erector spinae muscles are well worked out during the training process.

Legs are the most problematic area for many girls and are also actively involved in work.

Benefits and harms

Let's start with positive side medals. Main advantage sports dance on the pole as a hobby - finding a holistic and harmonious physical development. If you do it correctly and pay enough attention to your training, the results will not take long to arrive -

On the other hand, this sport cannot be done without certain problems. One of them, common especially among beginners, is bruises, contusions and sprains. At first they will definitely appear and you will have to put up with them for some time. Special ointments such as bruiseOFF, Rescuer 911 and Troxevasin are suitable for healing.

Frequent pain is another characteristic side feature. In this case, it is not an indicator of muscle growth, but rather an indicator of the adaptation process. Injuries to ligaments and joints are not uncommon here, and therefore it is important to learn to distinguish the sensation of soreness from sprains.

Who should not practice on the pole?

I would like to note that if you do not have adequate physical fitness, it is better to sign up for classes only after doing aerobics or in the gym for some time. Otherwise, you will not be able to avoid injuries during lessons.

You should also exclude such activities if you have high blood pressure and severe problems with the vestibular system.

Other medical contraindications

  • Aggravated inflammatory processes and infectious diseases.
  • Chronic diseases.
  • Psychological and mental disorders.
  • Physiological disorders of the central nervous system.
  • Diseases of the musculoskeletal system, spinal pain and joint problems.
  • Heart diseases.
  • Previous strokes and heart attacks.
  • Pregnancy.
  • Postoperative period.
  • Epilepsy.
  • Bronchial asthma.

Where to start training?

The first step is choice musical accompaniment. Rhythmic tracks in the style of jazz, soul, as well as R"n"B and even rock are best suited. The next step will be choosing a suitable uniform - the main thing is that the clothes are comfortable and do not restrict movement. Since Pole Dance is not a striptease, but an athletic sport, it is inappropriate to come, especially to the first classes, in sexy dresses or miniskirts.

The choice of pole is also important. There are two varieties - dynamic and static. For beginners, the first option is suitable. Next comes the selection of a training program.

You can supplement group exercises in the gym by watching relevant training videos to hone certain tricks and speed up your progress. I highly recommend watching Pole Dance video courses by Anna Eliseeva and similar educational video lessons.

The main technical challenge when taking your first steps is to learn how to climb a pole. And not only with the help of hands, but also with the lower extremities. And now a few words about warm-up and basic exercises for beginners.

Basic elements for beginners

  • The Basic Lift is a basic lift that everyone should master. Develops tenacity and teaches how to properly hold/climb a pole for subsequent execution of elements of the upper tier.

  • Spins are the most common within Pole Dance. This is where learning begins. In the process you learn to maintain weight own body on the pylon, performing elements in the upper, middle and lower tiers, starting to study the element from the lower tier.
  • Frog - simplest option twist, which is taught to everyone without exception from the first lesson. You stand on the left side of the pole, hold onto it with both hands, right foot Under your knee you cling to the pylon, and with your left you push off from the floor and bend it in the same way.

  • The chair is the first static element in the pole, ideal for a beginning dancer. Develops overall strength, flexibility and coordination of movements. We hold our hands on the pole in a spread, and push off from the floor by bending our legs. We maintain a beautiful position, with a straight back and straight arms. Main mistake For all beginners, this means poor emphasis with the lower hand and pressing against the pole.
  • Birdie - performed in the upper tier. We stand in front of the pylon, holding onto it with both hands from above. We raise both legs forward and clamp the pole between them, then we lean slightly on one side and transfer our body weight, then we bend both legs. Then we bring the body forward a little and grab the pylon under the armpit. At first, this exercise is very painful, and there may be bruises.

  • The fan/sun is also a rather complex element that is performed in the middle tier, but beginners can do it from the floor. To master it, you will need a certain dexterity, arm strength, abs, stretching/splits and good skills V basic exercises. This acrobatic trick involves spinning on a pole with a one-handed grip and jumping with both feet as you spin.

In addition, quite often in the program for beginners you may encounter such elements as “crane” and “barrel”.

In this context, I cannot fail to mention the importance of warming up and stretching, which should never be underestimated. Good preliminary preparation significantly increases the result of work.

Don’t be lazy, spend 10 to 15 minutes warming up, mobilizing, warming up and preparing your body for the upcoming training. Jumping rope, jogging in place and simple gymnastic exercises in place, including bending the torso to the sides, swinging the legs, twisting the arms to warm up the joints and ligaments, are perfect.


For the first time, you will not need to take with you high heels and special uniforms, which require considerable investment. At this stage, a sports top, regular shorts, a T-shirt and socks will be enough. Then, following the advice of the trainer, you can purchase a special uniform for Pole Dance, represented by the following components:

  • Shorts.
  • Special suits and sets.
  • Gymnastic half shoes or jazz shoes.
  • Bandages and wristbands.
  • Training gloves.
  • Grip aids.

Speaking of the latter: many people believe that at first it is necessary to take pole gloves or magnesium with you, which improves grip on the pole, in order to avoid slipping of your hands. Always follow the instructions and tips of your coach in these matters. If he finds it necessary to use grip products, including magnesium gel, liquid or dry magnesia, powder, cream against wet palms, as well as a means for wiping the pole (this can be ordinary alcohol/vodka) and a rag, be sure to use them.

Newbie mistakes

Floor dancing is not aerobics, in which exercises are performed in a limited amplitude and in a familiar manner. Like other types of artistic gymnastics, pole acrobatics -. Many beginners rush to master complex tricks, receiving many injuries and sprains, being physically unprepared.

Many are quite inconsistent in their training, which is why not only joints and ligaments suffer, but also the result of the work as a whole. , which also reduces efficiency and often leads to injuries, sprains and other undesirable effects. Some people focus on working out movements in one direction. This fairly common mistake leads to a strong imbalance in muscle pumping, which ultimately does not give any aesthetics to the body and often leads to health problems.


Floor dancing is a great opportunity to develop endurance and strength of the body, learn plastic movements to music, master complex acrobatic techniques, become the owner of a healthy and slender figure and always be in good shape. At the same time, of course, we must not forget about regularity and adherence to accompanying diets, which will help speed up the effect of the training.

In contact with

Pole dancing – an amazing type of acrobatic pole dancing, which combines the types of physical activity necessary for uniform weight loss. The most pleasant thing about acrobatic classes is the interesting tricks on the pole, which will not allow even the most unsportsmanlike ladies, for whom sports have always been a kind of punishment, to get bored.

Pole exercises will not only allow you to lose weight, but will also contribute to the development of artistry, plasticity and, of course, gain weight. positive emotions.

You can start classes without physical preparation. All the necessary skills will come gradually when doing the exercises. The necessary flexibility and coordination of movements will appear, and the muscles will become strong enough to perform more complex tricks on the pole.

1 workout burns about 1000 calories, therefore, in no case should you adhere to a too strict diet, otherwise you will have absolutely no strength to perform the dance. The combination of choreography and strength training will allow you to see the first changes in your figure after 5-6 lessons.

The most effective way to lose weight will be a combination of pole training every other day. On rest days, it is recommended to attend Pilates or race walking. With this alternation you can reset everything overweight quite quickly and surprise others with a rapid transformation.

Where to start classes and where to study?

It is recommended to start training:

  1. From the choice of musical direction. Here you can give flight to your imagination and your imagination. In acrobatic dances it is possible to use jazz, dance style, rap, rock and any other rhythmic music. It will be better to choose a direction that evokes a lot of positive emotions and a desire to move; this will allow you to feel as confident as possible.
  2. From choosing comfortable clothes. The first training does not include revealing dresses and high heels on the dancer. You should always start with the most comfortable clothes. Short, tight shorts and a tank top are perfect. It is in them that it will be easier to cope with acrobatic tricks and at the same time not hide the sexuality of your own figure. But at first you won’t need shoes at all. It will be more convenient to exercise in socks or slippers.
  3. From the equipment model. There is a rotating type of pylon and a static one. For beginners of course in the best possible way A static view is suitable, in which it will be much easier to get acquainted with the basics of acrobatics.

There are several options for classes:

  1. Self-study of dance. You can purchase a pole at a specialty store and install it according to the instructions. The lesson program can be downloaded on the Internet or a disc can be purchased in a store. However, due to the complexity of performing acrobatic maneuvers, it is not recommended to start pole dancing from scratch at home without a specially trained trainer.
  2. A fitness center will be an ideal option for those who want to lose weight and impress their home audience with their own program. The set of exercises is designed with weight loss and figure improvement in mind.
  3. Dancing school promotes serious training with a more complex program. Here, in addition to working with a pole, a whole bunch of complex dance moves. And on the pylons a wide variety of and, moreover, more complex tricks are performed than in a regular fitness club. The most pleasant bonus of visiting specialized dance schools is the opportunity to participate in various competitions. It is better to start learning dance techniques by purchasing several one-on-one lessons with a trainer. And only then, attending group classes will be much more effective.

Selection of equipment and clothing

The dancer's clothing must be revealing maximum amount bodies. The purpose of such open nudity is to better contact the skin with the pole, because it is the skin that can hold onto the pole. During the first training sessions, it is quite problematic to learn how to hold yourself on acrobatic equipment without slipping, so some trainers allow you to use leather gloves.

  • short, tight-fitting T-shirt;
  • short tight shorts;
  • socks;
  • gaiters;
  • elastic bandage to maintain a stable condition of the arm muscles;
  • leather gloves (only for first lessons);
  • (optional);
  • sandals or stripes;

Shoes must be worn high heels and open the sock, and the straps hug the skin as much as possible and prevent them from falling off while dancing. Despite the fact that it is quite difficult to walk in stripper shoes, it is much easier to dance in them once you gain some experience, since the sole allows you to make your swings in pole tricks as precise and strong as possible.

Thus, strips provide some kind of assistance when performing complex elements. However, new acrobatic movements should first be performed in socks, and after rehearsing well, you can put on sandals.

Pylons for home use should be purchased from a specialized store to be sure of the quality of the product. To install it, you should definitely invite a specialist, because the safety of the dancer’s acrobatic elements depends on the stability of the pole.

Advantages and disadvantages

The main advantages of pole dancing classes are:

  1. Uniform weight loss and help in . A variety of acrobatic elements work out all muscle groups and systematic attendance at training will not only bring a boost of energy, but will also evenly remove all the extra centimeters and the appearance of cellulite. In return, the figure will acquire the correct muscle relief.
  2. Incredible flexibility and plasticity. No matter how clumsy the first pole exercise skills sometimes look. After several visits to the studio, a special sense of the rhythm of the music appears, and the dancer simply dissolves in it. The body becomes so flexible and plastic that it seems real to perform absolutely any acrobatic movement. Thanks to such grace, a feeling of pride in one’s own achievements appears and, of course, a degree of self-confidence increases.
  3. Accessibility to everyone. Age, preliminary physical training, and even more so external data are not at all important here. Anyone can attend the training without having serious problems with health.

There are very few contraindications for dancing, but they still exist:

  1. Presence of scoliosis. Performing acrobatic elements involves a serious load on all parts of the spine. Sometimes the load is distributed completely unevenly, which can lead to undesirable consequences.
  2. Knee or ankle injury. Many twisting-type exercises involve the knee area, so even if there were injuries in the distant past, it is definitely recommended to consult a doctor about the desire to introduce this kind of load.
  3. Obesity above degree 2 also limits access to activities due to excessive stress on the ligaments and joint area.

If all of the above is missing, then nothing prevents you from starting training.

Efficiency and reviews

When going to classes for the purpose of losing weight, it is recommended to go to 8-10 lessons with a personal trainer. He will help you build a program in a cardio-strength style, where the emphasis will be on burning calories. And after that, it’s worth including the study of choreographic movements.

During classes, the muscles of the back, shoulder girdle, and calf will be involved. Therefore, it will be possible to lose extra centimeters proportionally. To bring your figure into ideal condition, you should start training with 15-20 minutes (frequency – every other day) and increase training to 60-80 minutes with the same frequency.

On other free days, you can choose activities to your liking. Perfect for swimming, walking.

In this mode, you can see the first results after 10-14 days, and already after 2 months of training there will be a complete transformation that will be difficult not to notice.

Having achieved the desired result, it is not recommended to stop exercising. You can simply reduce the time of daily training or just go to pole dancing 2-3 times a week. This will allow you to maintain perfect shapes body and maintain acquired plasticity.


Lera:“At a fairly young age, I did rhythmic gymnastics. But after entering college, I gave birth to a baby and abandoned everything. 10 years have passed. The children grew up, and I wanted to regain my former slimness and play sports. But it took many months to choose what to do.

Nowadays there are so many different fitness centers, gyms, dance schools, so it’s quite difficult to decide. While I was searching, I accidentally saw a blog of a girl who does Pole Dance. After looking at the beautiful elements of pole dance performance, I fell in love. And of course I went to dance school.

After 10 minutes of training, I was incredibly tired, but thanks to my sports background, I took it into my fist and... 3 months passed after the first training session. There are just a million impressions and they are all so positive that I am completely confident that I will never give up this sport.

Not only does my body look better than in my younger years, but in addition there is a vital sparkle in my eyes, incredible confidence in myself and my own attractiveness. In addition, my movements became graceful and flexible. I’m happy that I discovered pole dancing!”

Victoria: “It’s hard to say that I took pole dance classes to lose extra pounds. I have never been particularly overweight. But the skin looked flabby and when going to the beach I wanted to wear the most closed swimsuit. Deciding to get my muscles in order and pump them up a little, I went to the fitness center for pole dancing lessons.

After just a few weeks, the muscles have tightened significantly and you can now see a sporty figure in the mirror. attractive figure. Classes take place at a fast pace with energetic music. At the beginning of the lesson there is always stretching, running, exercises to pump up the muscles of the back, legs, abs and of course the buttocks.

Next come the bridges. And after that - various acrobatic elements on the pole. I am very pleased with the results of the lessons. In addition to the toned muscles, it became very pleasant to feel the acquired strength of the arms and legs. Oh yes! I completely forgot to brag. After a few months of going to dances, small cubes appeared on my stomach! It looks incredibly sexy!”

Alexandra:“After giving birth, I urgently needed to get my figure in order. Since visiting the gym brings boredom and monotony, the choice settled on such a wonderful sport - pole dancing.

When you attend training, you completely forget all your problems and household chores. Lose yourself in the music and acrobatic stunts. And the best part is that the extra pounds melt away before your eyes. The first result was visible after the fifth lesson! In addition to dancing, in my free time, I go swimming and hiking with my child. Sometimes I go to Pilates.

I stick to it, but I don’t go on strict diets. I give myself a well-deserved day off only on Sundays. For a month like this physical activity lost a little more than 10 kg excess weight, tightened my abdominal muscles, and now I just don’t want to give up such a fascinating sport. As long as I have the strength and opportunity, I will practice pole dancing!”