Sports festival “The Scarecrow is looking for friends. Scenario of the autumn matinee "a garden scarecrow at the children's holiday"

"Invincible Scarecrow"

Holiday script for senior group

Children do an exercise to music

Leading: The holiday came into every home today
Because autumn is wandering outside the window.
Autumn holiday came to kindergarten
To please both adults and children.
1st child

Red rowan trees,

Yellow birch trees

Leaves in the wind

They make a lot of noise.

2nd child

Like clapping hands

Golden maples.

Our garden rejoices in autumn.

Song: Gold and Crimson


Guess who's coming

Greet the people?

In a golden sundress

And in a kokoshnik made of leaves.

The girl came to visit us.

Who is she, guys?.. (Autumn.)

Autumn comes to the music

Autumn: Hello my friends! I came to you for the holiday!

I dressed everything up, gilded the dark forest!

It became as bright as day, the leaves there were burning with fire!

Me, Autumn! I am the beauty of the earth!

I create miracles everywhere.

Leading. Thank you, autumn, you are very kind.

And generous with autumn colors

We love you, dear autumn,

We dedicate autumn poems to you.

    Autumn, golden autumn,

How good are you!

They fly like flocks

The leaves rustle merrily.

    Red rowan paint

Decorated in the gardens

Splashes of scarlet viburnum

Scattered it on the bushes.

    Autumn will give us generously

The beauty of rowan trees and oaks.

And in the forest awaits us

Lots of berries and mushrooms!

Song “Dear Autumn, rustle” (sit down)

Autumn: Thank you guys, we saved the fall! And now magic leaves take it in your hands and show me the dance!

Dance with autumn twigs(dev)


And now we, Autumn,

We'll ask you to play with the children.


Well, of course I'll play

I know an interesting game.

Here's my umbrella - funny guy

Let's play with it now.

Music game "Umbrella"


I'm glad you respect autumn

You meet with dances, poems, and songs.

I'll wave the leaves now

I'll invite everyone to the dance.

Pair dance with clapping (sat down)

Autumn: Oh, guys, it seems my basket is leaking, and all my golden leaves are lost!

Presenter: Well, let's help our autumn leaves find? (Yes)

Round dance game “Autumn walked around the garden”

Autumn. Thank you guys for inviting me to the party, it’s so much fun! And I also want to invite you to visit my autumn garden, there are a lot of interesting things there too!

The Garden Scarecrow (an adult dressed in a jacket with patches and a straw hat) enters the hall.

Scarecrow. Shoo! Shoo! Look, the crows are noisy! Shoo! (Notices the children.) Oh! Hello! What are you doing here? A? Why are you silent? I'm asking you? What are you doing here? After all, I'm on public service I am a member here - I guard the garden. Are you probably on some kind of excursion? You won't destroy my garden? (Children's answers.) Well, then stay. Oh, I forgot to introduce myself. Do you know who I am? I am Scarecrow, and my last name is Ogorodnoye.

Leading. Hello, Scarecrow Garden! Do you want us to tell everyone how good you are?

Scarecrow. I still want it!

1st child

Noble, noble

Scarecrow Garden

Sitting astride a shovel,

Watches the crows in the sky.

2nd child

The Scarecrow has a brave appearance:

A helmet made from a pot full of holes,

Mustache made from a red broom

And one hundred orders from burdock.

3rd child

Bad jokes with this guy -

Turkeys and ducks speak.

If the Scarecrow frowns -

It's scary even for a cow.

P. Sinyavsky

"Song about a Scarecrow"

Scarecrow. Right! If it weren’t for me, the crows and hares would have destroyed the entire garden. And what is there in my garden: (bends fingers) NO melon, NO pineapple, no bananas either. But there are vegetables, and guess which ones!

There, a bush grew in the garden bed.

All you can hear is crunch and crunch!

The cabbage soup and hodgepodge are thick.

This is... (cabbage).

Mi and la, fa and sol -

Musical bean.

Why am I bad for songs?

Also a relative... (peas).

Here our fire burns brightly,

Let's sit next to each other - it's very hot!

And the fire went out a little -

Baked to your heart's content... (potatoes).

The tail itself, like a pig, is a hook.

What kind of vegetable? (Zucchini.)

Scarecrow. Now let's see what vegetables we have grown in our beds!

Children - "vegetables" are seated in the beds. The scarecrow points at them with his hand.


Once upon a time a sensitive scarecrow

I sensed a suspicious noise:

On the border of his domain

Three ghosts appeared.

(Three boys appear in turn - “ghosts”.)

The first is hands on hips,

The second - with glasses and a cowboy shirt,

The spectacle is sad.

(The boys, stealthily, begin to make their way to the beds.)


And now someone's sneakers

They stomp straight to the carrot.


And someone's bare heels

They hurry to the cucumber patch.


Is death near? -


The poor radish is wailing.

Even the pumpkin is scared.


Sound the alarm, Scarecrow!

The scarecrow blows the trumpet.

Vegetables squat, as if hiding in the beds.


Ghosts retreat in panic

They roll head over heels into retreat,

And the ghosts rushed home

Correct your behavior.

If the Scarecrow is on duty -

Walk around the garden a mile away.

Scarecrow. Look, guys, what a great harvest we saved from robbers! Come on, vegetables, tell us about yourself!

Children - “vegetables” stand in the beds at full height, each of the “vegetables” recites a poem by T. Shorygina about themselves.


There are many dishes made from potatoes

You can cook

Both simple and complex:

It is boiled, fried, ground.

What's tastier in the whole world?

What's a jacket potato?


Zucchini, zucchini

Lay down on the side of the garden bed,

He looks like a pig

The tail is a thin curl,

But where is the patch?


Aunt Thekla,

Red beetroot!

I salads, vinaigrettes

I decorate with scarlet color.

Nothing tastes better

And rich borscht.


Everything is ripe, everything is ripe,

The harvest will be generous!

There's something for everyone here,

Don't be lazy and collect!

Round dance "Let's Gather the Harvest"

Scarecrow: Well done guys, you did a good job! Now let’s make borscht from our vegetables, and compote from these fruits. Divide into 2 teams, one puts vegetables in a basket, the other fruits.


All the guys are great,

We tried our best!

Become quickly

Let's dance more fun!

General dance for show

Scarecrow: I liked it so much, I would have stayed with you in the garden, but it’s time for me to continue protecting the garden!

Autumn: Well, it's time for me to say goodbye.

It's such a shame to part with you.

But Winter's turn is approaching,

We will meet only in a year.

And goodbye, friends,

I would like to treat you!

Handing out treats, end.

Scenario for the Autumn holiday for children of the senior preparatory group

The garden scarecrow is visiting the guys. Autumn matinee for older children up to school age

Ivleva Irina Mikhailovna, MBDOU DS No. 93, music director, Chelyabinsk
Description of material: the material is useful for teachers and music directors when organizing autumn leisure activities with older children preschool age.
Target: create a joyful mood in children, cause a positive emotional uplift.
Equipment: fake rowan tree, musical instruments, dummies of vegetables and fruits, baskets for dancing, a Scarecrow costume, children's costumes (prepared by parents), a table with medicines for Badger.
(two children enter the hall and read poetry)
Child: Rain fell on the rowan bunches,
A maple leaf circles above the ground
Ah, autumn, again you took us by surprise
And again she put on the gold outfit.
Child: You bring with you a sad violin,
So that the sad tune sounds over the fields,
But we, autumn, greet you with a smile
And we invite everyone to our festive hall!
(a waltz sounds, all the children run into the hall and stand scattered)

1. Login
Child: It's autumn time again
Spun by the wind,
She has wonderful colors
Everyone was fascinated by:
Look at the carpet
Leaves at the doorstep!
It's just a pity that bright days
A little in the fall.
Child: It's raining all over the earth,
Wet road
Lots of drops on the glass
And there's a little heat.
Child: Birch trees sleep in silence,
Brighter than the green of the pine trees,
Because it's outside
Gold autumn.

2. Song “Round dance at Ryabinushka’s”

The children take their seats.

3. The sounds of birds flying away are heard.
Host: Oh, guys, what does this mean?
Do I think someone is crying?
Musical director: These are birds gathering in flocks
And in the spring they return to us again
High, high from the ground
The cranes flew south.
Wings raised to the sky,
We left our dear land.
They began to purr in the distance
Crane cranes.
I know you have prepared a lot of songs and poems about birds, let’s perform them for our guests.

4. Song “Cranes”
Child: Starling! Look, there he is!
It's time for him to go south
And he before departure
He returned home suddenly.
A bird flew to us
To say goodbye until spring.
Child: Over the yellowed grass,
Above the grove of poplars
A crane flies south,
With a flock of cranes.
Crane, crane,
Bon Voyage!
Crane, crane,
Come in spring!
Host: Now everything is clear to me. You know so much about birds that I wanted to play the game “The Birds Have Arrived” with you. Now I will only name birds, but if suddenly I make a mistake and you hear something else, then you can stomp or clap. Begin.

5. Game “The birds have arrived”
Presenter: The birds have arrived:
Pigeons, tits,
Flies and swifts... (Children stomp.)
Presenter: What's wrong?
Children. Flies!
Leading. And who are the flies?
Children. Insects.

Leading. You're right. Well, let's continue:
The birds have arrived:
Pigeons, tits,
Storks, crows,
Jackdaws, pasta!.. (Children stomp.)
Leading. Let's start again:
The birds have arrived:
Pigeons, foxes!...
Leading. The birds have arrived:
Pigeons, tits.
Lapwings, siskins,
Teapots, swifts... (Children stomp.)
Leading. The birds have arrived:
Pigeons, tits,
Lapwings, siskins,
Jackdaws and swifts.
Mosquitoes, cuckoos... (Children stomp.)
Leading. The birds have arrived:
Pigeons, tits,
Jackdaws and swifts.
Lapwings, siskins.
Storks, cuckoos.
Swans, starlings...
Well done to all of you! (Applause for yourself!)
Host: Well, we won’t be sad!
Autumn is good too!
Let's all dance together,
Let your soul have fun!

6. "Adults and children"
After the dance, the boys escort the girls to their chairs.
And the Garden Scarecrow comes into the hall, swears and waves his arms - “chasing” the crows. When the children sit down on the chairs, the Scarecrow stops waving his arms.
Scarecrow: Who else is this? I'm tired of chasing the crows here - everyone is trying to peck the apples! - and then uninvited guests arrived.
Host: These are the guys from kindergarten. And who are you?
Scarecrow: I am a garden watchman. My name is Scarecrow Garden. I’m protecting the harvest here so that the birds don’t eat it. Why did you come? Break the order? Should I pull out my vegetables? Shoo! Go here!
Host: Let us not touch your beds. You’d better tell me how long have you been guarding the garden?
Scarecrow: Yes, I’ve been standing since spring! As soon as the first shoots appeared, they put me here. They made it out of straw, gave him a shirt and a hat - for the sake of respectability.
Host: Aren’t you bored here?
Scarecrow: Isn't it boring? They themselves would try to hang on a stick from morning to evening. There is no one to exchange a word with. Only birds around.
Host: So let us amuse you.
Scarecrow: How is that possible?
Presenter: Our children can sing, dance, and read poetry.
Scarecrow: Really? So let them show their skills!

7. Noise orchestra.
Scarecrow: I see, you people are cheerful,
I invite you to my garden.
To make it more fun, start the game quickly.

8. Attraction “Sort out the vegetables and fruits”
Host: Well, we played together. Vegetables and fruits were scattered in buckets. And here old grandfather He still can’t figure out where the turnips and carrots are in his garden. Let's tell our guests a story about a grandfather who got everything mixed up.

(Children, the heroes of the scene, come out and take their places)

Presenter: My grandfather planted a turnip in the garden...
Grandfather said to turnip:
Grandfather: You grow, grow big.
Become a rich harvest
So that I can be proud of you.
I'll bring you some water,
Five buckets of fertilizer...
Oh, I'm tired, it's time to sleep.

(Lies down near the turnip and falls asleep.)
Host: Grandpa sleeps without worries.
Meanwhile the turnip grows,
Yes, he fights with weeds:
Their feet and hands...
It's already autumn in the yard.
Chilly morning in September
Grandfather woke up and got scared.

(Grandfather wakes up and jumps from the cold, his teeth chattering.)
Grandfather: Oh, I'm old and overslept.
It's time to pull the turnip.
I've grown up, I look a little.
Oh, yes, the turnip is born!
I never dreamed of such a thing.

(Grabs a turnip and pulls.)
Presenter: Grab it, but the turnip was indignant.
Carrot: What a clumsy old man!
I'm not a turnip, I'm a carrot.
You clearly haven't washed your eyes.
Turnips I'm a hundred times slimmer.
I have no substitute for soup...
And one more secret.
I'm rich in vitamins
All useful carotene.
I am a great harvest!

And I’ll pull out another turnip.
Potato: Oh, oh, oh. I protest!
I'm not a turnip. I am Potato! Even the cat knows this.
I am the head of all fruits
It’s as clear as two and two:
If there are no potatoes in the soup,
There is no need to pick up a spoon.
I'm talking about chips, grandpa,
The most important component.
In hot oil, look
I can become French fries
I am your main harvest!

Grandfather: Well, get into the basket.
I'll go down the turnip again.
How tightly it sits in the earth!
Oh yes turnip, here you go!

Cabbage: Really, I’m outraged!
Grandfather, you ate too much Snickers,
I've seen enough TV series,
Maybe you fell off the stove?
Once I didn’t recognize cabbage.
I don't look like a turnip
She has only one clothes
I have a hundred of them!
All without buttons...
And then...
I am crispy cabbage!
Without me the salad is empty,
And any lunch with me
Cabbage roll or vinaigrette...
It will be 10 times more useful!
And then me, my dear,
You can ferment and salt...
And store it until summer.
You can eat me all winter!

Grandfather: You are welcome... in the basket.
But it's still interesting
Where is the turnip? Maybe this one?

Bow: I'm almost the same color
But not a turnip, old man,
I am your onion!
Even if a little insidious,
But he is popular among the people.
The most delicious kebab
The one with the onion in it.
All housewives know me
Add to soup and porridge
In pies, in mushrooms, in broth...
I am a nightmare for viruses!
Even the flu scares me...
At least now I'm ready to fight.
I am a great harvest!
Grandfather: Well, get into the basket.
Host: The evening is coming to an end.
The moon is coming out in the sky.
It's time for grandpa to go home.
Tomorrow morning
He will look for the turnip again,
And now I want to sleep.
Wow, heavy basket
A car would be useful...
And the fairy tale came to an end.
Well done to whoever listened.
We expect applause from you,
Well, and other compliments...
After all, the artists tried,
Let them be a little confused.

(children artists sit down)
Host: Now, girls, take your baskets and go for a walk in the autumn forest.

9. Dance with baskets.
Host: Well, Scarecrow-Ogorodnoye, did our guys entertain you?
Scarecrow: Oh, they entertained, oh, they entertained!
Host: How long are you going to stand here?
Scarecrow: The owners said until the fall. When is this autumn? How will you know?
Host: Well, autumn is already here.
Scarecrow: It can't be! You're deceiving me.
Host: Guys, tell Scarecrow what time of year it is?
Children: Autumn!
The presenter invites the children to name signs that indicate that it is autumn.
Child: Summer flashed by quickly, ran through the flowers,
He walks somewhere beyond the mountains and gets bored there without us.
Birds flew after him
To a region where it is hot all year round.
Autumn is knocking on our doors,
Autumn is coming to visit us!
Child: All around, colored umbrellas opened in the rain.
Someone's boots started running away from the rain.
In vain my mother gasped
It's raining, so be it.
I'm not made of sugar at all
I'm not afraid to melt.
Under the roof for me and the girls
I don't want to go
Like saffron milk caps and butter
We are in a hurry to grow up.
Child: There is a crow sitting on the fence.
All the barns have been locked for a long time.
All the convoys have passed, all the carts have passed,
It's time for bad weather.
She's fussing about on the fence.
Woe to her. Real grief!
After all, the crow doesn’t have a grain
And there is no defense against the cold...
Scarecrow: What's true is true. And I didn’t even notice!
Presenter: So, the Scarecrow came up to your end duty. The vegetables in the garden are ripe, the apples on the trees are ripe. You can rest. Get off your pole and warm up properly!
Scarecrow: Hurray! Hooray! Autumn time! Let's run and play! Let's sing songs!

10. Song “For mushrooms”
Leading. Shouldn't we have an autumn show?
To everyone's surprise!
Our group of artists is full of
And it’s easy for them to perform a performance!
There was a forest behind the village,
Full of fabulous wonders.
To the accompaniment of cheerful music, animals are engaged in “forest” activities: squirrels are circling, a hare with a little hare in a stroller is walking, a bear is sitting on a bench, etc.
Leading. The magpie has arrived
And she sat on a spruce branch.

A magpie flies in to the music.
Magpie: Attention! Attention!
Dear residents!
Would you like to hear the latest news?
Badger opens a pharmacy
And he calls all the animals to him.
For dear customers
There will be a rich choice there.
The prices are very tempting,
The discounts are simply amazing!
Hurry there quickly
To Uncle Badger's Pharmacy!
All the animals sit down to the music.
A badger appears. A table is placed next to him, with various medicines on it.

Badger: Gentlemen! Gentlemen!
I'll ask everyone to come here!
Come quickly,
Take a closer look!
There are forest herbs
Spare tails
Useful tinctures
And iron teeth.
Have fun flying
And buy, buy!
Presenter: The solemn moment has come:
The first client appeared at the door!
Mikhailo Potapych came.
Bear: I was visiting the beaver,
I caught a cold - just fear!
I urgently need to warm up,
Maybe rub something on it?
Badger: For colds
Birch broom is the healthiest!
Heat the bathhouse hotter,
Take the broom with you -
Tomorrow you'll be like a cucumber
You will forget about illness.
To the music, the bear receives a broom and leaves.
Presenter: Two beauties galloped up,
Do you recognize red squirrels?

The squirrels run out.
1st squirrel: We were in the fox’s salon,
They curled their mustaches there.
2nd squirrel: We burned our noses with a hairdryer
And they came to you for ointment.
Badger: I’ve known this excellent remedy since childhood!
Buy sea buckthorn here and rub it gently on your nose.
Wait three minutes and blot with a napkin.

The squirrels get the remedy and run away.
Presenter: A mother comes in with a child,
A hare with a little bunny.
Hare: My son blew up the firecracker.
His ear dropped.
I used to frolic like a foal,
And now the child can’t hear anything.
(sobs): Help quickly!
Give me something quickly!
Badger: Take this herbal tincture,
Apply a compress to your ear at night.

The hare and the little hare leave.
Presenter: Then the dragonfly stood in line.
She stood and stood. Yes, I fainted!

Screaming, the dragonfly falls onto the bench.
Presenter: Hey, orderlies, run here,
Bring the dragonfly to the hospital quickly!

Under live music a wolf - an orderly - runs out, checks the pulse,
listens to breathing.
Wolf: Yes! All clear!
The red summer sang,
I didn't take any vitamins.
The orderly takes the dragonfly by the hands.
Dragonfly (waking up): To the hospital? Injections?
Well, no, no!
Shooting I'm better
More candy!
Wolf: No!
Buy lingonberry syrup
And take it every day!
Presenter: The patient buys syrup,
He drinks it right away (the dragonfly buys it, drinks it..)
And out of joy the dragonfly began to sing songs.

11. Song.
Presenter: Attention, dear viewers!
Would you like to see the continuation?
Evening is coming in the forest,
Badger closes the pharmacy
Counting money at the cash register.
Suddenly, out of nowhere,
Swamp kikimora appear!
Kikimora appears. Busily inspects the pharmacy, important
sits on a chair, crossing his legs.
Kikimora: What do I see? Business here?
Let me sit down!
Trade flourishes here.
And you miss me!
Jars, bottles, honey, mustard...
And why do you all need treatment?
My advice: eat in the morning
Three huge mosquitoes.
You will be healthy for a lifetime,
And no doctors needed!
Presenter: I just managed to say,
Suddenly she bent over and crooked!
(Kikimora bent over from imaginary pain.)
A strong cough appeared
The right eye suddenly squinted!
(Kikimora coughs and squints her right eye.)
Suddenly my hand broke,
Suddenly my leg started to itch.
(Kikimora performs movements according to the text.)


  • Foster a love of nature through children's matinee dedicated to the time of year;
  • to consolidate and expand children’s ideas about autumn natural phenomena through their expressive performance of songs, dances, poems, and games;
  • develop musically - Creative skills children, maintain an emotionally positive attitude;
  • contribute to the development of children's creative abilities, the development of a sense of collectivism, and the ability to work in a team.


  • Teach children to expressively perform songs, recite poems, and dance on stage;
  • develop communication skills, a sense of mutual assistance, develop creative abilities, educate careful attitude to nature.



"Autumn and Scarecrow visiting the guys."

Autumn holiday scenario

Music is playing. Children enter the hall in pairs. They hold maple leaves in their hands.


Our music hall is decorated only once a year

Leaves, mushrooms - see for yourself.

What time of year is it? The weather is gloomy

The leaves are falling, the birds are flying away.

The cloud covered the sun,

Children: It's autumn!


We'll have a holiday today,

And we will invite you to visit us in the fall.

We'll dance with her, we'll play,

Let's sing autumn songs!

Song about autumn


1.Yellow leaf on the palm,

I'll put it to my cheek.

It's sunny summer

I hold it in my hand.

2.Yellow leaf on the palm,

It was once green.

He flew into our window.

Why did he turn yellow?

3 Who, friends, will we ask?

They will say: autumn has come.

Presenter: Now we'll wave a leaf,

Let's invite Autumn to visit!

Dance with autumn leaves.

At the end of the dance, the children throw leaves into the circle and sit on chairs.

Presenter: That's how many beautiful leaves we have. The guys and I will go and collect all the leaves.

Game “Pair your leaf” (at the end of the game, talk to the children: what kind of leaves? (oak, maple, birch)

Presenter. But where is Autumn? What if she forgot the way to us?

Maybe she was a little slow with things to do?

She needs to paint the forest, collect mushrooms and pine cones,

Send the birds on their way, invite them to visit in the winter.

Where do you go, golden autumn?

Come quickly, we ask you!

Autumn doesn't hear me, does not respond,

Autumn does not respond to my call...

Let's call her together, guys.

Let's sing a song about Autumn.

Song "Autumn in a golden scarf"


Someone is knocking on our doors, someone is coming to visit us!

Well, let's ask the guest: come in, who are you?

Autumn : - Autumn (comes in with a basket in his hands).

Hello autumn to you, Friends!

I was in a hurry to come to you for the holiday.

I walked quietly through the forest and gilded the leaves with a wonderful brush,

Then I flew over the field, high

And accompanied flocks of birds into the sky.

Presenter: Hello Autumn, you are welcome!

We are looking forward to seeing you!

For you, dear Autumn, we will start a round dance.

Round dance " Autumn is a dear guest»

Presenter: Autumn has come to visit us

And she brought gifts:

The apples are beautiful, the eggplants are blue.

She brought us vegetables for both porridge and cabbage soup.

And apples are like honey, for jam, for compote.

Autumn : There are so many delicious things in my basket!

Do you want to try it? You'll have to be patient a little!

I was in a hurry to come to you, I put all the gifts in one basket, mixed everything - both fruits and vegetables. Maybe you can help me put my basket in order?

Presenter: Guys, let's help Autumn? Let's put all the gifts in their places. One team will collect fruits, and the other will collect vegetables.

A game "Harvest the harvest"(2 teams)

Autumn : Well done, guys! Thank you for your help!

Presenter. Can your parents distinguish between vegetables and fruits?

Game with parents “Wonderful bag”

Presenter: You brought vegetables and fruits.

Did you bring us good weather as a gift?

Autumn : I brought the rain with me. Are you happy about the rain?

I can’t live without rain, - We are best friends.

Presenter: We’ll take an umbrella and go play in the rain.

Game "Clouds - Weeping Clouds"

1 child. You probably don't know:

All the guys are interested

Go for a walk in the rain!

Just need to take an umbrella!

2nd child. Why did mom gasp?

It's raining - so be it!

I'm not made of sugar at all

I'm not afraid to melt!

Dance with umbrellas.

Autumn : What a wonderful dance!

Presenter: Autumn, do you still have friends?

Autumn : Of course, I have a lot of friends!

Presenter : Maybe you can tell us about them?

Autumn : If you guess my riddles,

You will know the names of my friends.

Presenter: Guys, Let's guess the riddles of Autumn?

Autumn :

The lady sat down in the garden bed,

Dressed in noisy silks.

We are preparing tubs for her

And half a bag of coarse salt.(cabbage)

There is a green hook on the fence,

A chest hangs on a hook

There are five guys in the chest

They sit quietly next to each other.

Suddenly the chest opened -

Everyone scattered around!(peas)

Curious red nose

Rooted into the ground up to the top of his head.

Only green heels stick out in the garden bed.(carrot)

The grandfather is sitting, dressed in a hundred fur coats.

Whoever undresses him sheds tears.(onion)

Burgundy, pot-bellied, like barrels,

They sit alone in the ground.(beet)

Well done boys , All my riddles have been solved!

Presenter: You have wonderful friends, Autumn! You give us many different vegetables because you are rich, generous, and productive.

Autumn : Yes, I'm very lucky! I really have a lot of friends. But I don’t know how I can cope with such a rich harvest?

Presenter: Don't be upset, Autumn, the guys will help you!

Children, let's go out into the garden and start a round dance!

Song - dance "Garden - round dance". Music B. Mozhzhevelova.

Presenter: What a fun garden!

What doesn't grow here!

How many vegetables do you want?

For salads and cabbage soup.

Autumn : Thanks friends! I couldn't have done it without you!

Runs into the hall to the music Scarecrow.

Presenter: Guys, who came to us for the holiday??

Scarecrow : Hello, Sashi, Masha, Svetka and the rest of the kids! Let me introduce myself, - Scarecrow. This is my first name, and my last name is Ogorodnoye.

Presenter: Hello, Scarecrow Garden. Did we invite you to the party?

Scarecrow : What are you doing? How are you without me? Yes, if it weren’t for me, the crows and hares would have stolen the entire harvest from the garden in the summer!

Presenter: Yes, what you say is correct. We have a holiday today, the guys sing songs and dance. And you, Scarecrow, can you sing?

Scarecrow: No.

Autumn: What about dancing?

Scarecrow : No! But I know a very interesting game and I want to play it with you.

Game "Scarecrow"

(Children stand in a circle. The scarecrow walks in a circle:

The sparrows are tormented, there is no rest from them,

They are not afraid of the Scarecrow, they flocked to someone else’s.

I won’t stand here, I’ll scare the sparrows.

(children run away)

Presenter: You made us laugh, Scarecrow! Only guys

Scarecrow - ours turned out to be quicker than you!

Autumn : It was the shells that let me down!

Scarecrow : What kind of shells are these?: Yes, here they are! You have to carry so much weight in your pockets! I use these shells to drive away crows.

Presenter: (takes out cones from his pockets), All clear. You know, Scarecrow

Scarecrow and our guys also know an interesting game. Only for this game your shells will be needed. Can you give us your shells?

Presenter: : I’ll be happy to give it to you!

Well, thank you! Children, let's play with the cones? Game "Don't be late!" (with cones) (The cones are laid out on the floor in a circle, one less than the children. To the music, the children run in a circle, performing simple moves

. When the music ends, they grab one cone at a time. The game can continue several times. There are no losers). Presenter: Scarecrow,

Scarecrow We really liked you! Winter is coming soon, you have nothing to protect in the garden. And our watchman needs an assistant. Maybe you'll stay with us? The children will teach you to sing and dance. When spring comes, will you return to the garden?

: Will you take it for allowance?

You will have the best life!

How I howl, how I bark,!

I'll scare away all the thieves

Presenter: We will straighten your hat,

Let's take this rag off you,

We'll give you a new mop, -

Scarecrow You are the only one we have!

: Thank you for your concern!

Autumn I'll run to work!

: Well. friends, I have to go.

There are still things waiting for me. But I brought you guys a treat.

Presenter: (hands out treats to children)

Thank you, dear Autumn, for coming to us for the holiday, thank you for the rich harvest! We look forward to our next meeting with you.Autumn leaves with music

Presenter: , the children wave after her.,

We are finishing the autumn holiday:

And we wish all the guests,

May the autumn days

They will be fun and easy!

Children leave the hall to the music.
- develop agility, strength, endurance;
Equipment: - cultivate goodwill and a desire to help others.

rings, stick, shoes, umbrellas, balls, potatoes, apples, clothes for the scarecrow (scarf, stick, hat, belt), music for relay races “We are little children, we want to play.”

Progress of the event

Leading: Children enter the hall to the music and sit down (merry march music) Hello guys and dear guests. We are pleased to welcome you to autumn holiday

in the city of Krepysh. Here you can show off your agility, courage and speed.

The Scarecrow enters to the music (in the garden or vegetable garden)
Whether in the garden or in the vegetable garden
The scarecrow stood.
Nimble jackdaws and crows
Leading: It quickly accelerated.
The Scarecrow enters to the music (in the garden or vegetable garden)
Children, who came to us?
I live in the garden
And at least it seems harmless
I scare everyone with my scary appearance.
Leading: Ah, garden scarecrow, shame on you. You've driven away all the birds in your dachas, orchards and orchards. Why did you come to us? Who are you planning to scare?
The Scarecrow enters to the music (in the garden or vegetable garden)
In the hot summer I work hard
And I'm proud of my work
When I see my flock
So I wave my rags.
Leading: Well, the worker praises himself. Why didn’t he come to us now for work, but for a holiday?
The Scarecrow enters to the music (in the garden or vegetable garden)
The harvest has already been harvested
Birds in warmer climes ran away
The sky is dripping, the winds are blowing -
I can smell winter with my long nose!
To be honest, I'm bored alone
Can I play with you?
Children: Yes!
The Scarecrow enters to the music (in the garden or vegetable garden)
Then guys, all come here in a circle.

The scarecrow stands in the center with a hoop in a circle.
Children join hands and dance in a circle with the words:

“The scarecrow is standing in the garden, in full view of the people,
Don’t be bored, Scarecrow, it’s better to play with us.”

Children take turns crawling under the hoop.

Well done boys! Now let’s play a game with you: how do you live?

(Imitation of movements)

How are you living?
Like this!
How are you going?
Like this!
How are you running?
Like this!
How do you sleep at night?
Like this!
How do you take it?
Like this!
Do you give?
Like this!
How are you being naughty?
Like this?
Are you threatening?
Like this!
Leading: And now guys, we’ll play relay races. (divided into teams)

1. Running with an umbrella

Scarecrow: Do you know how to plant potatoes and harvest them?

2. “Plant and Harvest”
1-plow the land (put down rings).
2-plant potatoes (put potatoes in rings).
3-collect potatoes.
4-collect the rings.

The Scarecrow enters to the music (in the garden or vegetable garden)
You can do everything, but try to guess the riddles.
- Who picks apples with their backs? (hedgehog)
- Who has a cheek instead of a bag? (hamster)
- Hangs and turns green
Falls and turns yellow
Lies and turns black (sheet)
- What kind of vegetable has eyes? (from potatoes)
— How I put on a hundred shirts and crunched in my teeth (cabbage)
- Makes everyone around you cry
Although he is not a fighter, but... (onion)
The Scarecrow enters to the music (in the garden or vegetable garden)
That's it guys, that's it guys
Solved all the riddles
Leading: Scarecrow, can you recognize the taste of vegetables?

The scarecrow tries a vegetable.

Guys, can you recognize the taste of a vegetable? eyes closed?

The game “Guess the Vegetable” is played.

Leading: Scarecrow, can you sing?
Scarecrow: No.
Leading: What about dancing?
Scarecrow: No, but I know Interesting games and I want to play with you.

Potato relay.

Scarecrow: You guys are so great. What fun you have here. And I’m still in the garden.
Leading: Don't be sad, scarecrow. Now we will find you friends.

“Dress the Scarecrow” relay race.

Leading: What beautiful scarecrows they turned out to be. Scarecrow are you satisfied?
Scarecrow: Of course I'm happy!
Leading: Scarecrow, I want to tell you a riddle.
I'm as big as a football.
When ripe, everyone is happy.
I taste so good.
Who am I?
What's my name?
Scarecrow: Watermelon. And you guys could run with two watermelons.
Children: Yes.

Relay race “Carrying watermelons”.

Scarecrow: How dexterous, strong, and fast you are. I have prepared a treat for you.

The scarecrow brings out a basket of apples.

There are no tastier ones in the world,
Eat vitamins children.

Scarecrow says goodbye to children

Organization: MB DOU 49

Locality: Krasnoyarsk Territory, Krasnoyarsk



Invisible autumn

comes to visit us

And autumn's steps are inaudible

Yellow-red brush

Leads through the branches

Everyone will notice the traces of autumn

Song "Golden Autumn"

1 child

Red rowan trees,

Yellow birch trees

Leaves in the wind

They make a lot of noise

2 child

Like clapping hands

Golden maples.

Our garden rejoices in autumn.

3 child

Cranberry turned red

And lingonberries too.

Their cheeks blush

Autumn hand.

4 child

Asters are rising

Proud heads,

Autumns nod -

Glad you came.

Song AUTUMN (sit down)


Guess who's coming

To us guys in the garden?

In a golden sundress

And in a kokoshnik made of leaves.

The girl came to visit us.

Who is she, guys?.. (Autumn.)

Autumn enters.


Hello guys!

Welcome autumn

Start the song!

Round dance game "Hello, autumn!"


Autumn never gets tired.

Looking into all the gardens,

Helps you collect

Golden fruits.


Tilting the branches, it tears,

And into barrels and jugs

Thick fragrant honey pours.

Leading. Thank you, autumn, for your gifts.

Song Falling Leaves

Now let's all take a look at the garden and look at the autumn gifts.

The Garden Scarecrow enters the hall

Scarecrow. Shoo! Shoo! Look, the crows are noisy! Shoo! (Notices the children.) Oh! Hello! What are you doing here? A? Why are you silent? I'm asking you? What are you doing here? After all, I am in the civil service here - I guard the garden. Are you probably on some kind of excursion? You won't destroy my garden? (Children's answers.) Well, then stay. Oh, I forgot to introduce myself. Do you know who I am? I am Scarecrow, and my last name is Ogorodnoye.

Leading. Hello, Scarecrow Garden! Do you want us to tell everyone how good you are?

Scarecrow. I still want it!

1 child

Noble, noble

Scarecrow Garden

Sitting astride a shovel,

Watches the crows in the sky.

2 child

The Scarecrow has a brave appearance:

A helmet made from a pot full of holes,

Mustache made from a red broom

And one hundred orders from burdock.

3 child

Bad jokes with this guy -

They say turkeys and ducks.

If the Scarecrow frowns -

It's scary even for a cow.

Scarecrow. Right! If it weren’t for me, the crows and hares would have destroyed the entire garden. And what is there in my garden: (bends his fingers) no melon, no pineapple, no bananas either. But there are vegetables, and guess which ones!

There, a bush grew in the garden bed.

All you can hear is crunch and crunch!

The cabbage soup and hodgepodge are thick.

This is... (cabbage)

Mi and la, fa and sol -

Musical Bean.

Why am I bad for songs?

Also a relative... (peas).

Here our fire burns brightly,

Let's sit next to each other - it's very hot!

And the fire went out a little -

Baked to your heart's content...(potatoes).

The tail itself, like a pig, is a hook.

What kind of vegetable? (zucchini)

For vegetables to grow

It needs to rain.

Child (rain)

Suddenly it suddenly got dark,

There was a lot of thunder in the sky,

The rain dripped down the path,

The paths became wet.

Dance with Umbrellas ( sat down)

Scarecrow. Thanks to the rain! He watered the beds well, look at the vegetables that grew on them.

Children - vegetables are seated in the beds. The scarecrow points at them with his hand.

Scarecrow But one day a wonderful scarecrow

I sensed a suspicious noise:

On the border of his domain

Three mischievous men appeared

Three boys wearing bandanas appear one by one.

The boys, stealthily, begin to make their way to the beds.

Carrot And now someone's sneakers

They stomp straight to the carrot.

Cucumber And someone's bare heels

They hurry to the cucumber patch.

Vegetables (on site) Vegetables groan and groan,

Vegetables are asking for help.

Radish Is death near? –

The poor radish is wailing.

Pumpkin Even the pumpkin is scared.

Sound the alarm, Scarecrow!

The scarecrow blows the trumpet. Vegetables squat, as if hiding in the beds.


Who's going to get upset here?

Who steals vegetables here?

Scarecrow And they rushed home

Correct your behavior

All 4 children If the Scarecrow is on duty

Walk around the garden a mile away.

Scarecrow Look, guys, what a great harvest we saved from robbers! Come on, vegetables, tell us about yourself!



There are many dishes made from potatoes

You can cook

Both simple and complex:

It is boiled, fried, ground.

What's tastier in the whole world?

What's a jacket potato?


Zucchini, zucchini

Lay down on the side of the garden bed,

He looks like a pig

The tail is a thin curl,

But where is the patch?


Aunt Thekla,

Red beetroot!

I salads, vinaigrettes

I decorate with scarlet color.

Nothing tastes better

And rich borscht.


Everything is ripe, everything is ripe,

The harvest will be generous!

There's something for everyone here,

Don't be lazy and collect!

Round dance harvest collect

Playing with vegetables and fruits – 2 columns (dummies)

Presenter competition with parents

Who has potatoes in their hands?

He is now preparing a spoon.

Hot potato relay. 2 teams


The Scarecrow was tired of standing in the garden,

Come out with us, Scarecrow, and play.

Umbrella game

Scarecrow(brings in a loaf)

Today our table is rich -

Pears, apples, tomatoes,

And carrots and potatoes,

A basket full of cranberries,

And a honey loaf - A good, generous harvest!

The scarecrow invites the children in the group to eat a loaf of bread.