Medieval gothic solitaire. Gothic (medieval) solitaire online fortune telling for the future, free online fortune telling

Solitaire based on the Middle Ages. This is accurate solitaire fortune telling online for the future, it consists of 20 cards that carry the meaning of four events. Folds out Solitaire Gothic simple: 5 cards in 4 rows. Rotate the cards by clicking on them with the mouse until the pictures match. Forecast online fortune telling for the future- 2 weeks. Then look at the value online Gothic solitaire below.

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Interpretation of Gothic Solitaire symbols

Symbolizes doubts, hesitations, weighing all the pros and cons before making a decision. It also portends all kinds of conversations, conversations, negotiations and disputes. If the “Sword” symbol is also present in the layout, then “Libra” in this case can be interpreted as justice, retribution.

This symbol speaks of gifts, carefreeness, dreams and hopes. This could be a gift of fate, a reward for success, honors, or maybe a wedding in the sense of marriage. Landing with the “Face” symbol indicates an encounter that will bring a surprise. With “The Hat” he promises the fulfillment of a wish.

Indicates a trip. But it can also be a symbol of life’s path, development, destiny, life line. It can also mean leaving. Together with the symbol “Clock” can be interpreted as “ new way in life".

Quite a bad sign. It symbolizes real life loneliness or suggests that you will have to do something on your own. When you see this sign, get ready to experience a long and unpleasant period.

Informs that the path is closed and is almost always a symbol of inaccessibility. Bad sign. This is a dead end - nothing will work. Dead end of business, dead end of relationships, dead end of development. If there is no “Key” symbol in the layout, then the problem may remain unresolved. “Castle” can also mean mystery, secrecy and silence. If it appears along with the “Chain” picture, then the path is probably closed due to removable obstacles. The path can only be closed for a period of time (1 month).

A sign of trouble, cunning and deceit. It is also a symbol of envy, and where there is envy, there is rivalry. Therefore, for women “Snake” can mean a rival or betrayal, and for men it can mean temptation. Sometimes it can portend illness.

It says that the way is open. This is a decision, a “green light”, taking the initiative into your own hands, discovery, insight, understanding. An open path for something. In love it can mean open path to the heart.

Symbolizes a government house, some kind of official institution, school, institute, work, any institution where something will happen. If dropped together with the Skull symbol, it indicates a hospital.

It is a symbol of something unusual, not everyday, which means it promises surprise, shock, shock. There will definitely be a shock, but whether it is good or bad must be judged by the accompanying symbols. If there is only one “Bell” in the scenario, then most likely it warns of something bad.

Most often indicates a conversation about relationships between people. This is a symbol of relationships and contracts, a certain circle of people united general idea. In this case, it may mean entering such a circle, acceptance into some kind of closed society. Together with “Heart” - a break in relations, with “Flower” - recognition, and if “Bonfire” joins the flower, then we will probably talk about marriage. Business conversation with Flag.

It can mean a trip, but not necessarily in the physical sense, it can also mean a journey into dreams, fantasies, hopes and plans. It appears when real tangible happiness awaits. This is a bright splash, a sea of ​​emotions and pleasures, seventh heaven. If the symbol appears together with the “Hat”, this is a promise of real magic.

Symbolizes complete success in everything. This is a kind of positive answer to all questions, success in any planned activity and, of course, success in love. Neutralizes all negative symbols.

Symbolizes the family hearth, family, home. Sometimes a fire means “staying at home.” For young people, it symbolizes the parental family, even if they have their own.

A symbol of physical affection, flirting, compliments and intimate relationships. The cat goes well with other symbols and is always easy to interpret: a cat with the “Bowl” - a close relationship after a party, a cat with the “Face” - a casual relationship, a cat with the “Bonfire” - intimate relationships in marriage, a cat with the “Skull” - illness sexually transmitted disease, or unwanted pregnancy.

Denotes fate, karma, test. The cross is also the crossroads of two roads, two lines of life, two people. You need to pay special attention to this symbol. Together with the “Skull” - death or very terrible disease, with the “Letter” - fatal news, with the “Chalice” - a long drinking session, and if with the “Chalice” and “Skull” together, then a terrible hangover. Everything to which a cross is added takes on the color of inevitability and especially vivid manifestation.

Good news, good news, favorable outcome. If it falls in the middle of the layout, then you don’t have to worry about anything anymore. If he appears last, everything will end well, no matter what symbols appear in front of him.

Symbolizes acquaintance, a new person in life, in the environment. Sometimes he talks about meeting a person who is not new, but, on the contrary, an old acquaintance. In other senses, this face is “the truth in the face”, “the result is obvious” and the like. When divining for pregnancy, it can mean its presence (a new face is a child).

This is a very pleasant and positive sign and means passion. Most often, this is a passion for people, falling in love or a new interesting friendship that will captivate. It could also be a passion for something. In general, some strong passion to something or someone.


These are empty rumors, empty talk, something that will not last, will fray and become dust. Sometimes a sign appears with some futility and says that nothing will work out, everything will be in vain. A vain dream - together with the symbol “Hat”, a fruitless path - with the “Dear”, useless activity - with the “Flag”.

Symbolizes money, material assets, profit or loss. Intangible gains are also possible (for example, valuable information or profitable business connections).

Symbolizes news. Pay attention to exactly how this symbol appeared in the layout. If the crescent of the month coincides with the letter C, then it is a waning month. If the sickle faces reverse side, then the month is growing. The interpretation of the alignment may depend on this: if the month is waning, it means something is declining, decreasing, going away, and vice versa. Sometimes he talks about news for a month. A question, matter, result is either postponed for a month or will be resolved within a month.

Means a quarrel. If the sword falls out, a quarrel is inevitable. A sword with a “Skull” means a fight, with a “Heart” - a quarrel will lead to separation. If the “Clock” also fell, then the quarrel will have global consequences.

A lightning-fast decision, a sign of sudden insight. Together with “Month”, this is a direct instruction to postpone solving a problem or a planned task for a month.

Anxiety, fear, all sorts of worries of a very negative nature. A condition when a person experiences unsupported, subconscious anxiety and cannot do anything about it.

Document, paper, message, news. This news, quick and mostly official, is often very informative and long-awaited. Whether it is good news or bad can be judged by the other symbols, but most often these are just facts.

Definitely a very good sign! If this symbol appears in the layout, it means that fortune will smile and a lucky streak will begin. This sign is very simple, you don’t need to think or invent anything about it - it’s simple happiness, clear and very true. The horseshoe neutralizes all negative symbols that appear in the layout.


Symbolizes thoughtfulness. Either it will be thinking about some news, or it will be thinking after some events. Sometimes it is simply a call to take your time and think about everything again.

A sign of peace, relaxation, tranquility and harmony.

Symbolizes a broken heart, foreshadows events that will bring suffering, pain, and mental anguish. At the same time, unhappy love is the least of all evils. Together with the “Skull” - severe mental suffering, despair, depressive states.

This is a symbol of dawn, prosperity in life. Everything that was bad before in the scenario is all neutralized. The sign promises that everything will be fine in the end, no matter how bad things are now. This sign is always focused on the future, even if it answers a question about the past.


This is a very bad symbol, talking about betrayal, and a very painful one. Together with “Hat” it means the collapse of a dream, with “Tree” - you will be left completely alone without help, with “Bonfire” - betrayal, betrayal of a loved one.

Achieving the goal. True, if there is no goal, then this sign is absolutely useless.

New activity. The sign appears quite rarely and is always positive. A new activity will be more interesting than troublesome if this sign appears alone. Together with all other signs, it characterizes the essence of this activity.

Love, romantic courtship, declaration of love, gift.

Changes in life. There is no need to be afraid of this sign, it is very positive. Even if now it seems that changes are happening for the worse, then it turns out that this is not so. These changes are always global.

The symbol, at first glance, is pleasant and cheerful, means a feast. However, you need to look carefully at the neighboring signs - they can explain and reveal the result of the party.

It symbolizes stability and what gives confidence in one’s position. But an anchor is also a hook, a weight that does not allow it to budge. In fact, the sign does not mean anything terrible - nothing will change, everything will be fine. But it’s difficult to get out of this state, and during this period nothing really happens in life...

I would like to introduce you to another ancient solitaire game, it’s called “Gothic”. It is under this name that you can find it on sale. You will be simply amazed at the accuracy of the predictions that you will get with the help of this solitaire game. Fortune telling will seem easy and exciting to you. All you need is to arrange the cards in 4 rows (more precisely, rows) of 5 cards each, find the symbols you get and interpret them.

And it looks like this:

The Gothic solitaire game features 40 symbols, you can get acquainted with them right now, here they are:

I will indicate the meanings of the Gothic Solitaire symbols in alphabetical order:

Scales- hesitation, doubt, weighing all the pros and cons before making a decision. Something like "to be or not to be - that is the question." It is also a symbol of all kinds of conversations, conversations, negotiations, disputes - whose cup will outweigh. Since Themis is holding scales in her hands, this symbol can still be interpreted as justice, but only if the Sword also coincides in the layout.

Wreath- gift, romance, carefree, dreams and hopes. But we must also remember that a wreath is a crown, and a crown crowns. You can marry people, it can be a reward for success, honors, it can also be a wedding in terms of marriage. But there is also such an expression as “the crown is the end of the matter,” that is, the crown crowns the matter, signifies its completion. In general, this is a symbol that something ends and something completely different begins. It is not for nothing that a wreath is a symbol of the transition from this world to another. Do not forget that the wreath can also be of thorns.

Road- drive. There seems to be nothing to add here. But the road can also be a symbol of life’s path, fate, and development. This is our life line. It can also mean leaving.

Tree- loneliness. Yes, indeed, a tree can mean loneliness or the fact that you will have to do something on your own. But the tree is also a symbol of life, vitality, growth, development. Its roots go into the ground, and its branches reach towards the sky, thereby connecting two worlds - the spiritual world and the material world. It is also a symbol of the family, family tree, where the roots are ancestors, the branches are sisters and brothers, and the fruits are children, descendants. In the small oracle of Lenormand, the Tree is considered a symbol of health, growth and development.

Lock- the path is closed. A castle is almost always a symbol of inaccessibility and protection. If you do not have the Key in the layout, then your problem may remain unresolved. A castle can also mean secrecy, secrecy and silence.

Snake- trouble. A symbol of cunning and deceit, wisdom, mind, intelligence, intuition, medicine, secret knowledge. It is also a symbol of envy, and where there is envy, there is rivalry. For women, the Snake can mean a rival, betrayal, and for men - sexuality, attraction, temptation. There are also opinions that the Snake can also mean illness.

Key- the way is open. The key is the solution. If the lock is the problem, then the key is the solution. This is a green light, taking the initiative into your own hands, discovery, illumination, insight.

Book- government House. Official institution, school, institute, work and so on. But the Book can also mean the Internet, especially if the Spider also coincides in the scenario, here the book is more like a tool, a means of obtaining information.

Bell- hit. The ringing of bells is a signal that in the old days meant an alarm about an attack by enemies or a fire, and in our time it is a sign that a service is underway in the church on the occasion of a major holiday. In any case, the Bell is a symbol of something unusual, not everyday, which means it promises you surprise. Will this surprise be a blow? Unknown. Perhaps it would be better to say that it will be a shock.

Ring- explanation. In general, a ring is a symbol of relationships and contracts, but since we usually associate a ring with a declaration of love and a marriage proposal, it can also mean an explanation, recognition. It is also a circle, a certain circle of people united by a common idea. This could be family, team, friends, gang and so on. And the ring can mean entering such a circle, accepting you into some kind of closed society.

Ship- boundless happiness. The ship is movement, it is vehicle, which helps us move in space from point A to point B. Therefore, a ship can mean a trip, but not necessarily in the physical plane, it can also be a journey into a dream, fantasy, hopes and plans.

Crown- success. There are no words, although no... there is one more word - power. The crown is a symbol supreme authority, ambition and pride.

Bonfire- family hearth. We almost always associate home comfort with the warmth of a fire crackling in a fireplace, cast iron heating up in a Russian stove, and whatever... an ordinary kitchen in a Khrushchev-era building and a warm lunch or dinner on the stove are also quite suitable. We all love to go to nature, make a fire and cook shish kebab, and then in a friendly company lap it up with both cheeks and wash it down with homemade wine. We've had this since the days primitive people left. A fire then meant a gathering point for a tribe, a clan, a kind of camp. This is what united the tribe into one whole.

Cat- flirting. What other animal can compete with a cat for the right to be called affectionate, gentle, graceful, soft and fluffy and at the same time be a predator, a hunter? Well, maybe a person ;) Indeed, cats can be very affectionate, they love to be stroked, scratched on the neck or behind the ear... at the same time they rub against their legs and purr. Have you ever seen a cat sitting on the window and muttering something while looking at the birds? It is he who mutters “spells”, this is how he hypnotizes the birds, attracting their attention to himself, which helps him catch them. Isn't it true, it looks like a ladies' man who "powders" women's brains, seducing them with light chatter mixed with compliments? This is a hunter after all. In general, a cat is a symbol of physical affection, flirting, compliments and intimate relationships.

Cup- feast. The reason for the feast can be any event (from a birthday to a funeral), especially in our large Slavic country.

Cross- fate, karma, test. The cross is also the crossroads of two roads, two lines of life, two people. Pay special attention to layouts in which this symbol coincides.

Swan- good news, good news. In general, the swan is a symbol of fidelity and devotion, and good news carried by a white dove. Be that as it may, the appearance of a swan in a reading is a very good sign, you can count on full support true friend or life partner.

Face- acquaintance. A new face in your life, in your environment.

Lute- hobby. Lute is musical instrument, and music is creativity, inspiration, passion and entertainment. If you look at a Tarocci deck of cards, you will see that the Joker (jester, fool, fool, clown) is depicted with a lute in his hands. That is, you can’t count on the “guy with a guitar” to be serious.

Mill- gossip. The mill works provided there is wind, and the wind is just air, zilch, empty. They say “he has wind in his head”, “a windbag”. In addition, the mill grinds grains into flour, that is, it grinds something into dust. In general, the Mill is empty rumors, empty talk, what will not last will fray and become dust.

Coins- money. Material values. Profit or loss.

Month- news is on the way. Notice how this symbol matches in the layout. If the crescent of the month coincides with the letter C, then it is a waning month. If the sickle looks in the opposite direction, then the month is growing. The interpretation of the alignment may depend on this, since if the month is waning, then something is waning, decreasing, cooling, and vice versa. In general, the moon is a symbol of the feminine principle, the female cycle, changeability and emotionality, homeland and the past, nostalgia and melancholy.

Sword- argument. Of course, a sword is a weapon with the help of which relationships are clarified, who is stronger, who is “more right”, and so on.

Lightning- lightning-fast solution. Lightning is a discharge of electricity, an instant, a moment. There is also such an expression as “throwing lightning”, which means to be angry, angry, angry. But as practice shows, lightning strikes most often via SMS and on the Internet. In general, if you were struck by lightning, then maybe you fell in love?

Spider- anxiety, fear. Are you afraid of spiders? I was terribly afraid as a child. I remember I couldn’t even sleep once at a camp site from inexplicable anxiety and fear, I turned on the light, and above my bed sat on the wall a huge (fear has big eyes) furry black spider. Well, I managed to get rid of this arachnophobia with the help of psychotherapeutic techniques, so now I associate a spider more with a web, a net, a trap.

Letter- news. Document, paper, message, news...

Horseshoe- happiness. Finding a horseshoe is a good sign; it portends happiness, prosperity and good luck. If this symbol coincides in your layout, it means that fortune will smile on you and you will be lucky.

Spyglass- thoughtfulness. As a child, who among us did not dream of standing on the deck of a large ship and looking at the horizon through a telescope or binoculars, and who was not interested in spying on bacteria through a microscope during biology lessons, and who would remain indifferent to contemplating the stars in a telescope? That's right, no one. We are all interested in looking at things that cannot be seen with the naked eye. This is curiosity. This is the desire to take apart the details.

Candle- peace. A candle is a source of light in the dark, it is a symbol of faith.

Heart pierced by an arrow- broken heart. Although in the West it is a symbol of love, that is, your heart was pierced by the arrow of Cupid, the god of love. But since Cupid shoots anywhere, such love often turns out to be non-reciprocal:(

Sun- luck. The sun is the center of our galaxy, all the planets revolve around this star. Without the sun there would be no life. Therefore, the sun is a symbol of what is most important, most necessary, most important for us.

Vulture- betrayal. He's just looking to snatch something like this from you. Meeting this bird is highly undesirable in the scenario.

Arrows- achieving the goal. Don't forget about the arrows of Cupid... and about the arrows of jealousy too;)

Flag- new activity. The goals have been achieved, victory has been achieved, it’s time to move on to new conquests.

Chain- obstacle. Fetters are what hold us back and limit our freedom of action. Circumstances are against you. Think about what you are so attached to and what you depend on so much that you can’t help it.

Flower- Love. Flowers have always been a symbol of romantic courtship, declaration of love, and gift. It is not for nothing that love is compared to a bud that blooms and blossoms. Then, however, it fades, but in order to prolong the beauty of life you need to properly care for and protect your flower of love.

Watch- change in life. Every second, every minute, every hour, everything in life changes and today is not the same as yesterday, and tomorrow will not be the same as today. There is no more changeable phenomenon on earth than time. Everything flows, everything changes. That’s why they say “the morning is wiser than the evening” or “time heals” or “tomorrow you will laugh at this” or “later you will regret it”...

Scull- disease. The human skeleton has always been associated with something scary, dangerous, and deadly. It is not good if the skull comes together in your reading.

Hat- dream. Solitaire has a wreath, a crown and a hat - all headdresses, but they are all very different. If a wreath is a result, a crown is ambitions, then a hat is just ideas, fantasies, dreams, thoughts, plans.

Anchor- stability. Good word to a symbol of stability and reliability. An anchor is what gives us confidence in our position. But an anchor is also a hook, a weight that does not allow us to move. What is it, maybe work, maybe family, or maybe our beliefs, stereotypes, attitudes and complexes? We'll sort it out, my friends.

Solitaire is an ancient form of fortune telling using twenty cards with pictures. Divination Gothic Solitaire You can do it online for free on our website. The predictions obtained here are amazingly accurate and truthful, with their help you can navigate the present and look into the future.

Principles and rules of fortune telling

Fortune telling Gothic solitaire is also called Medieval Solitaire. The cards should be laid out in four rows of five in each row. This type fortune-telling solitaire is used both to determine the future and to obtain answers to specific questions. For getting more Match cards can be rotated around their axis. Next, examine and interpret the resulting symbols.

Attention! Fortune telling may contain symbols that match initially without turning the cards. They denote events in the present or very near future. And the symbols received when spinning cards tell you about upcoming events that await you in about a month.

Online version

Formulate the question as precisely and specifically as possible and you can start fortune-telling!

Interpretation of the meaning of cards

The rules for interpreting Gothic Solitaire are quite simple: just find the meanings of the matching cards and make up a complete interpretation from them!

  1. Scales. The personification of doubts and thoughts of a person when making a decision. This symbol– these are also conversations, conversations, negotiations, disputes, discussions. If they appear together with the Sword, they should be considered in the meaning of justice, justice, retribution.
  2. Wreath. Promise of gifts, surprises. A symbol of carelessness, dreams and hopes: for example, the likelihood of a gift of fate, rewards for achievements, honoring, and also a wedding in a church. In combination with the picture, the Face appears in the meaning of the meeting during which you are expected a pleasant surprise. The presence of the Hat nearby promises the implementation of the plan.
  3. Road. Symbolizes the trip life path, development, destiny. It is also important to leave a certain company. In combination with the Hours it is interpreted as a new round of life.
  4. Tree. Not a good harbinger. It means loneliness or some kind of independent action, without someone’s help. This sign prepares you for a fairly long period of difficulties.
  5. Lock. It symbolizes the absence of a path, its closedness, and also denotes the inaccessibility of something. An indicator of a dead end in life: in business, in relationships, in development, etc. If you don’t get a Key next to the Castle, then there is a chance that the issue will not be resolved. This symbol also has the meaning of secrecy, secrecy and remaining silent. If the Chain picture appears next to the Lock, it can be considered as a temporary closure of the path (for about a month) and the insignificance of the obstacles encountered.
  6. Snake. Means trouble, cunning and deceit. Represents envy and a sense of rivalry. In the scenario for a woman, the Snake shows the likelihood of the existence of a rival or the infidelity of her husband. In fortune telling for a man, this is a sign of temptation. In some cases, it is a harbinger of illness.
  7. Key. An indicator of a free, open path, advice to take initiative, understanding something. In the context love relationship- an indicator of an open path to a person’s heart.
  8. Book. A symbol of a government house, any official institution (for example, a school, university, work, etc.). In combination with the Skull symbol, it symbolizes the hospital.
  9. Bell. It is interpreted as something unusual, not everyday, and, accordingly, causing surprise, amazement and, possibly, shock. Whether these emotions will be positive or negative will be determined by the cards drawn nearby. When there is only one Bell in a reading, it is a warning of impending troubles.
  10. Ring. This is usually an indication of conversations concerning human relations. This is the connection of people with a certain community of ideas. And in this understanding, the Ring predicts joining the circle of such people, acceptance into some kind of closed society. Here are several combinations of the Ring symbol with other pictures and their interpretation: Heart - termination of communication, Flower - approval; together with the Flower and the Bonfire, the Ring promises marriage. In the vicinity of the Flag - a prediction of an upcoming business conversation.
  11. Ship. Designation of any kind of trip, both in reality and in dreams and plans. Usually this symbol is a harbinger of some really happy event, joyful emotions, joy, positivity, pleasure. Next to the picture, the Hat predicts something magical.
  12. Crown. Success in business. Interpreted as the answer Yes to the questions asked, well-being in a pair with a partner. Erases the negativity of all negative signs.
  13. Bonfire. The personification of hearth, family, home. Sometimes staying at home makes a difference. For young people it means the family of their parents (even if they have their own family).
  14. Cat. Interpreted as caresses, flirting, compliments, intimacy. This symbol is harmonious in combination with other images, it is easily interpreted: together with the Cup it means intimacy after some holiday, a fun evening; with the Face - prediction of random connections; in combination with Bonfire - physical intimacy of the spouses, with Skull - the likelihood of a sexually transmitted disease or an unplanned pregnancy.
  15. Cross. A symbol of fate, karma, upcoming trials. Also, the Cross is a symbol of a crossroads on the road, the intersection of people’s lives. The sign demands increased attention, since next to the Skull it predicts someone’s death or serious illness, with a Letter it predicts receiving very bad news, with the Chalice - prolonged drunkenness, at the same time with the Chalice and the Skull - a severe hangover. To any symbol, the Cross adds a connotation of the inevitable, inevitable, and also high degree manifestations of meaning.
  16. Swan. Good news, good news, a favorable resolution of the situation. When it occurs in the middle of a reading, it indicates that there is no reason to worry. When one of the last symbols appears, it is a promise of good luck in any case, regardless of what cards were there before.
  17. Face. Prediction of acquaintance, appearance in life and in the environment new personality. Perhaps the promise of a meeting with an old acquaintance. Sometimes this is the meaning of the truth spoken to a person's face. For a woman, it can mean pregnancy - the birth of a new person.
  18. Lute. A pleasant symbol in all respects, denoting passion for something or someone (falling in love, friendship).
  19. Mill. This is a prediction of empty rumors and conversations. In some cases, the card appears in difficult situation and shows the futility of human efforts; they will not bring any results. With the Hat - pipe dreams, with the Road - going nowhere, with the Flag - wasted work.
  20. Coins. The personification of material assets in general, as well as the designation of profits or losses, including profits not related to finance (for example, important information, useful connections).
  21. Month. Interpreted as news. In this case, you need to pay attention to its appearance: if the shape of the month resembles the letter C, this means that the month is waning; if it is turned in the other direction, then it is growing. This is important when determining the meaning: with a waning month, things go downhill, come to naught, with a growing month, they increase, go up. In some cases, a month may mean receiving news within a month (in a month).
  22. Sword. Quarrel with friends and relatives. Sword with Skull - promise of a fight; with the Heart - the result of a quarrel will be separation; paired with the Clock - very bad and major consequences of a quarrel.
  23. Lightning. Very fast decision making. In combination with the Month - advice to wait, to delay the moment of choice.
  24. Spider. Feelings of anxiety, fear, loss of peace, various kinds of fears. This is the feeling a person feels when something has been bothering him for a long time and painfully.
  25. Letter. Designation of documents, papers, news. Often this is expected official news. Whether it will turn out to be positive or negative will be determined by the surrounding cards.
  26. Horseshoe. Certainly a wonderful symbol. Its appearance means the smile of Fortune and luck in life. It's just happiness without further ado. The benefit of the Horseshoe also lies in removing negative values all previously drawn cards.
  27. Spyglass. Thought indicator. This is a reflection on the received news, event, and sometimes just advice to think carefully about everything.
  28. Candle. Indicates peace, relaxation, tranquility, agreement with something.
  29. Heart. The personification of a broken heart, a harbinger of events that cause anxiety, pain, suffering. And here unrequited love- not the worst thing that can happen. With a Skull - a prediction of severe mental anguish, despair, depression.
  30. Sun. Interpreted as light, vital well-being. The sun nullifies all previous negative meanings of the cards and promises only good things, even if this moment things are not going well for the person in the best possible way. This symbol shows exclusively future events, even in the case of answers to questions regarding the past.
  31. Vulture. A negative sign meaning betrayal, as well as its painful experience by a person. Paired with a Hat, they represent a shattered dream, with a Tree - loneliness and lack of support, with a Bonfire - a prediction of a partner’s betrayal.
  32. Shooter. Achieved goal(if it exists). Otherwise it's just a picture with no meaning.
  33. Flag. The new kind activities. Always has a positive meaning. This activity is likely to be useful and fun. The combination of the Flag with other symbols determines the essence of the activity.
  34. Chain. Obstacle, barrier, restraint, restriction of freedom. In this case, you need to think: what binds a person so strongly, makes him so dependent that he is unable to do anything.
  35. Flower. A symbol of love, romance, pleasant courtship, confessions, gifts.
  36. Watch. Predicting upcoming significant changes. This is a positive sign, so you should not be afraid of it. You may think that change is not good, but time will show you were wrong.
  37. Bowl. A good symbol that has the meaning of a feast or holiday, but you need to pay attention to the surrounding signs that determine the consequences of this event.
  38. Scull. It has a sharply negative meaning - illness (both in the physical and spiritual sense).
  39. Hat. Interpreted as an idea, fantasy, dream, idea. In the vicinity of positive signs, the Hat brings the implementation of these ideas closer, and with negative signs, it moves it away.
  40. Anchor. A symbol of stability and self-confidence. At the same time, the Anchor is similar to a hook that restrains a person’s actions.

Gothic or Medieval Solitaire- ancient card fortune telling. The layout is done using a special deck of twenty cards. They bear distinctive symbols. The correct interpretation of mystical images helps to obtain true predictions for the future, clarifies the situation in the present, answers troubling questions, and indicates the direction in which to move to achieve goals.

Questions that will be answered using Gothic Solitaire cards:

  • What should you do now?
  • What to expect soon?
  • Which choice will be correct?
  • Are there any obstacles to new beginnings?
  • What will be the result?

Rules for conducting and preparing for the ritual

Before performing fortune telling, formulate a question that is of concern at the moment. As soon as the thought is clear, begin the ritual. Lay out the deck of cards into four vertical rows, each of which consists of five cards. When the layout is completed, study the resulting picture. You will notice that each card has four halves of different symbols. They may coincide, presenting a solid pattern, or some of them will have to be rotated to form a certain image.

The symbolism of the drawn cards with the finished picture will “tell” about the state of affairs in currently or about a situation related to the near future. The cards, which had to be rotated to match the symbols, “speak” about upcoming events, but those that will not occur earlier than in a month.

The interpretation of the symbols proposed in the table will help you understand the card message. It is important to study each description and, adding imagination, draw final conclusions.

Interpretation of the meaning of cards in Gothic solitaire

The main rule for interpreting signs in Gothic solitaire is to study the dropped patterns formed by “neighboring” cards. They will tell and warn about many things.

Image on the mapWhat does it express?Detailed interpretation of the meaning
ScalesDoubt, hesitationThe state of confusion of a person in a situation of making a difficult decision. He cannot decide on the final result of his thoughts. Internal struggle between “for” and “against”.
Discussion, disputeA conversation in which there is an argument between the interlocutors.
Justice (next to the sword image)The ancient Greek goddess Themis holds scales in her hands. This symbol is the embodiment of the force that administers justice and punishes the evil committed.
WreathGift, rewardThe wreath is the embodiment of carelessness, dreaminess and hope. The person who received the card with this symbol will receive good news, and for achievements, honors from others.
Achievement (next to the hat)All your plans will come true.
RoadFate, developmentQuick trip. "Liberation" from bad influences bad company, which will have a beneficial effect on future fate.
Event (next to the clock image)A new twist of fate, " Blank sheet», « new page» life.
TreeLifeThe tree means personal growth, a surge of energy, wellness and overcoming difficulties.
FamilyStrengthening family ties. The tree, with its roots deep in the soil, is inextricably linked with the earth - the symbol of “mother”. The fruits of the tree are children, continuation of the family.
LockClosedness, alienationA secret or secret that a person carefully keeps.
(next to the image of the chain)
Lack of aspirations, a clear path to follow. If in this layout there is no key next to the images, then this state will last a long time.
Links (chains)Boundaries, restraint“Shackles,” often of a spiritual nature, do not allow a person to abandon the past and prevent him from moving forward. You need to overcome yourself, free yourself from the “shackles”, and move towards the future
SerpentDeceit, envyThe image of a snake is associated with cunning and wisdom. You should be more careful with your surroundings. Perhaps there is a calculating and envious person, communication with whom will bring trouble.

  • For a woman: warns of the existence of a rival.

  • For a man: The snake personifies grace; with its smooth movements it attracts the eye. Therefore, on the way of a man, perhaps he will meet a seductress.

DiseaseThe image of a snake has been used in medicine since ancient times. A dropped card with this symbol warns of health problems.
KeyAnswerThere will be solutions to complex tasks. The main thing is not to be afraid to take the initiative into your own hands and act.
BookGovernment HouseSoon it will be possible to visit one of government agencies. If the card falls next to the image of a spider; inevitably going to the hospital.
BellSurprise, anxietyThe bell foreshadows events that can shock a fortuneteller. The ringing of a bell is a harbinger of danger.
RingRelationshipYou have a serious conversation with your other half. Or perhaps with friends, about the prospect of a relationship, or with colleagues on business issues.
Rupture (next to the heart image)Ending a relationship with a loved one or friends. If we are talking about colleagues, then dismissal is possible.
Blessing (next to the flower image)The approval of others.
Union (next to the image of the heart and flower)Marriage proposal.
ShipDriveThe ship is sailing. This is a symbol of movement not only in space, but also a flight of fancy. The emergence of inspiration.
CrownSuccessPower will be in the hands of the fortuneteller. There will be good luck in business. Relationships with your partner will improve.
CatCaress, tendernessThe image of a cat is associated with pleasant sensations; kindness and tenderness. It portends receiving compliments and attention from the opposite sex.

  • Intimate connection after the holiday (next to the image of the cup).

  • Intimacy with a random person (next to the face image).

  • Intimate connection between spouses (next to the image of fire).

  • Intimate relationship with undesirable consequences, possibly infection (next to the image of the skull).

CupFeastA festive feast awaits.
CrossKarma, testA cross, a crossroads is a symbol of a crossroads. Anyone who sees a cross while playing solitaire should be careful. The card warns of possible illnesses, deaths, and trials. It will take a lot of effort to fight.
SwanGoodIt's time for peace. There are no problems to worry about. Measured lifestyle.
FaceMeetingA new acquaintance will appear.
LuteEnthusiasmDisclosure creative potential, or meeting a talented person.
MonthEmotionsThe month represents feminine. The image with this symbol that appears in the layout describes the person’s mood: excessive emotionality, changeable views, uncertainty in further actions.
SwordForceA sword, a bladed weapon, portends a major quarrel that will lead to a break with a person of opposing views.
LightningSpeed, instantThe cards do not advise making hasty decisions. You need to restrain yourself, not throw lightning, and get to the bottom of the issue.
EnvelopeMessageNews of an official nature. Determine whether it will be positive by paying attention to the “neighbors” of the dropped card.
BonfireHearthIt's a good time to get closer to your family. Spend more time together. Go on a trip.
SpiderFearIn the near future you will be haunted by a feeling of anxiety. The expression “being afraid of one’s own shadow” is a good description of one’s sense of self.
HorseshoeFortune, amuletLuck will smile. Going towards the goal, you will achieve good results, and you will find happiness.
Bird (vulture)DestructionVulture is negative image. It brings disappointment and betrayal.
Collapse (next to the hat picture)Broken hopes and dreams.
Betrayal (next to the image of the fire)Cheating partner.
CandleWorldThe candle fire symbolizes faith. He will protect a person walking along the “dark corridors” of life.
Heart is broken)SufferingThe image of a heart resembles two halves joined into one whole. To break it means to find torment and pain. A sad image foreshadows the onset of a “dark streak” that threatens to turn into depression.
SunLightLife is impossible without the sun, the sun gives hope, and with its sunrise all shadows and fears disappear. Focus on what really matters. Don't waste your time on trifles.
ArrowTargetThe purpose of the arrow is to achieve the goal. So a fortune-telling person, like a marksman, will hit its “target”.
Trumpet (spyglass)Question, thoughtA time of reflection, sometimes bordering on fantasy. Listen to your own self. This period– time to think about what your heart really wants.
FlagOpeningThere is something new ahead, but don’t be afraid. This is a positive development.
FlowerLove, romanceCourtship, flirting, confessions, sympathy - such romantic events are prepared by fate in the near future.
WatchChangesDon't be afraid of change, it is necessary. Movement is life itself. Time to “change the scenery.”
BowlHolidayThe feast is fun event, but make sure the bowl is full.
ScullDiseaseA dangerous sign warning of a serious illness.
HatIdeologyRealization of a dream. It is important to focus on your plans; now is the time to implement them.
AnchorConfidenceAn anchor is a symbol of stability and firmness. He clings to the bottom and holds his position, not allowing him to “go astray.” The main thing is that the anchor does not turn out to be a load.

Fortune telling Gothic Solitaire projects various images. Working with his own energy field, a person, without knowing it, indulges in magic. He visualizes fantasies. This means that a good sign can come true. The power of human thought can give impetus to any endeavor. The main thing is to sincerely believe in a good outcome of events and in yourself. The universe goes towards those who wish selflessly.

The practice of playing solitaire teaches unity with your own consciousness, guiding you in a positive direction. IN creative work With drawings, it is important to master the meanings of the symbols, and then, taking into account their initial interpretation, you can complete the predictions, turning them to your advantage.

A WREATH is one of the very complex symbols. Initially it means “gift”, but as practice shows, not everything is so straightforward. Likes to appear together with a cross, as a gift from fate. It looks cute when you make a wish for a potential, desired pregnancy and the wreath falls out along with the skull (sort of a gift). With a face - means a meeting that will bring a surprise. With a hat promises the fulfillment of a wish. But with the mill - rude flattery. Yes, everything is complicated with a wreath - you always have to rack your brains.

LIBRA is a symbol of fluctuations, the most diverse, it can be anything. A symbol can be an answer to a question or an addition to other symbols.

RAVEN is a very bad symbol. This is a betrayal, and a very painful one at that. A setup. Together with a skull or a heart, this is really bad. With a hat means the collapse of a dream, with a tree - you will be left completely alone without help.

TREE - loneliness. Bad sign. Unlike a candle, this is real life loneliness, which they fear and do not want. When you see this sign, get ready to experience a long and unpleasant period.

THE ROAD is a road in Africa too. Together with a heart and a key means that you will go to hell (that is, you will be sent), and if plus a skull or cross, then further than just to hell. With a watch can mean “a new path in life.”

CASTLE - closed path. Bad sign. This is a dead end - nothing will work. Dead end of business, dead end of relationship. If along with chains, then perhaps the path is closed due to removable obstacles. The path may be closed for a period of time (month).

The SNAKE is a very specific sign. It always means trouble. Just a nuisance. And then look at what causes it, aggravates or smoothes it out.

The KEY is the open path. But here, strictly depending on the situation - if you ask “will I be fired from my job?”, and the answer is a key, then this means the path to the labor market is open for you (that is, you are free, payment and goodbye!), and if we're talking about about a new opportunity, a new business that you have started, then this is a favorable sign showing the absence of obstacles. In love, it can also mean an open path to the heart; you can, for example, ask: “Does Vasya have a girlfriend?”, and by the key understand that he does not. Or an open path for a hike, never mind if you ask: “Is Vasya going to leave me?” In short, the task of the key is to open it.

A BOOK is a government house, just like the good old maps. Any institution where you will have something going on. And educational establishments and labor organization. Well, if suddenly with a skull, then the hospital.

BELL - strike. Something will shake you, something will hit you in the head from around the corner with a sack. No, it’s not necessarily bad, sometimes joy hits hard too. There will definitely be a shock, but whether it is good or bad must be judged by the accompanying symbols. The bell and the road can mean an accident. The bell and the skull in the most extreme and terrible case are sudden death. But together with coins it can also mean a good deal - a bunch of money will suddenly roll in. And so on. If there is only one bell, then most likely, unfortunately, it speaks of something bad.

QUIVER is my favorite sign! Represents the achievement of a goal. True, if you don’t have any goal, then this sign is useless for you, but if you have a goal.... oooh! - You will understand me very soon!

RING - explanation, confession, conversation, bazaar in the end! The ring means that there will be some serious conversation. Together with a heart, this is a break in relations, but together with a flower, it is recognition; if a hearth joins a flower, then we will probably talk about marriage. With a flag - a business conversation. Most often, this symbol indicates a conversation about relationships between people.

SHIP - boundless happiness. Occurs when you experience real tangible happiness. A bright splash, a sea of ​​emotions, seventh heaven. If the symbol appears along with the hat, this is a promise of real magic.

CORONA - success. This is a kind of positive answer to all your questions. And this is success in the business that you have in mind and this is success in love. Success in everything. Can neutralize bad signs.

CAT is one of my favorite symbols. “The piece of paper” said “flirting.” But in fact, it’s a symbol of sex and everything connected with it. The cat goes well with other symbols and is always easy to interpret: a cat with a cup - drunken sex, a cat with a face - a casual relationship, a cat with a tree... (this also happens). A cat with a skull is a venereal disease or an unwanted pregnancy.

THE CROSS is a cruel thing, fate, damn it, and that’s all, you can safely go bang your head against the wall - nothing will change. In the company of a skull - death or very good. a terrible disease, with a letter - fatal news, with a cup - severe drunkenness, and if with a cup and a skull, then a terrible hangover. In general, everything to which a cross is added takes on the color of inevitability and bright manifestation.

SWAN - but this is also news, but very good. Good news, a favorable outcome. Such a good sign. If it comes up during fortune telling, you don’t have to worry about anything anymore; if it’s the last, everything will end well, no matter what stands in front of it.

FACE is a symbol most often denoting a person. New acquaintance new person or a meeting with a person who is not new, but, on the contrary, an old acquaintance. In other senses, this is “the truth in the face”, “the result in the face” and the like. When divining for pregnancy, it can mean its presence (a new face - a newborn).

LUTNE is a very pleasant sign, it means passion. Most often this is a passion for people, falling in love or a new interesting friendship that will captivate. There may also be a passion for the business. In general, some kind of strong passion - a fire in the ass.

MILL - a very unpleasant sign. In the original it means rumors and gossip. But in reality it turns out that this sign appears with some futility, nothing will work out, everything will be in vain. Vain dream (hat), fruitless journey (road), useless activity (flag). If this symbol appears in the layout, all other symbols become empty and useless. The children are crying. But! Bad symbols are also smoothed out - unnecessary worry (spider), trifling quarrel (swords). Well, the importance of gossip and rumors has not been canceled.

MONTH - news within a month. Your question, your goals are either postponed for a month or will be resolved within a month, depending on the accompanying signs. A month is meant not exactly as a calendar month, but as consisting of either 21, 24, or 28 days.

SWORD - means a quarrel. If a sword falls out, a quarrel is inevitable, hide sharp objects and keep quiet. Swords with a skull looks like a fight. Sword with broken hearted it looks like a quarrel will lead to separation. If the clock has also fallen, then the quarrel will have global consequences. To catch up, ask Solitaire a question about what will happen after the quarrel.

COINS - well, everyone knows this: coins are money. And that's not all! Firstly, coins don’t fall out very often (for me, at least), and secondly, they can just as easily mean non-material profit (valuable information, for example, or profitable business connections). Well, it’s clear that if the coins are with a wreath, then it’s a gift and good, but if with a raven, then, for example, they’ll throw money at you.

HIRE - a symbol of family, home. In principle, the symbol is positive, but my experience shows that although we are talking about family, it is not necessarily about family joys, rather about family problems. Sometimes hearth means “staying at home.” For young people, the hearth symbolizes the parental family, even if they have their own.

A SPIDER is an unpleasant sign, but what is pleasant about a spider, well, for most people? Nevermind! a spider is all sorts of worries of a very nasty nature, when you sit and worry, it’s vague and dreary and you can’t do anything about it. Any other symbols can explain what the spider refers to. It may be that first the spider comes, and then a good symbol - which means the worry is in vain, and everything will work out. And if after good signs, then not everything is so good and you will still have to worry.

LETTER - and in Africa there is writing. This news, quick and mostly official, is often very informative and long-awaited. Good or bad news can be judged by the other symbols, but as practice shows, most often these are facts, just facts.

HORSESHOE - happiness. The talking symbol is a horseshoe, a sign of happiness. Moreover, this sign is very simple. There is no need to speculate or invent anything about it; happiness is simple, clear and very true. Definitely a good sign!

A CANDLE is a sign of peace and relaxation, which is not always, however, calming. You tell him: “How will I pass the exam?” - and he - “calm down”, you tell him “Vasya loves me?” - and he - “calm down, fool.” Imagine: winter, snow, a blizzard howls “uuuu... uuuu...”, you are sitting in your hut with your paws tucked in, and there is a candle on the table, and the tongue of its flame flutters so terribly - this is a candle!

HEART is even worse than a skull, like unhappy love, but in fact these are events that will really bring unreal pain to the heart, and unhappy love is the least of all evils. It overshadows any other symbol, and if it appears together with a raven, go and hang yourself without delay - a very cruel betrayal awaits you. Together with the skull - severe mental suffering and despair.

THE SUN is a sign of dawn, prosperity in life. Everything that was bad before in the scenario is all neutralized. The sign promises that everything will be fine in the end, no matter how bad things are now. This sign is always focused on the future, even if it answers a question about the past.

PIPE - thoughtfulness. And such a bad one. You’ll sit down just like that and think hard, for a long time. Either it will be thinking about the news (swan, watch, letter), or it will be thinking after some events. Or just a call to think.

CLOUD - a sign of sudden insight. Fast and accurate solution to the problem. When you tell fortunes and see this sign, it becomes completely unclear what is happening, here you need to trust. Together with the month, this is a direct indication to postpone the problem for 21-28 days.

FLAG is a new activity. The sign appears quite rarely and always means only a conversation about business. In most cases (and almost always) the sign is positive. A new activity will be more interesting than troublesome if this sign appears alone. With all other signs it will characterize the essence of this activity.

A FLOWER - well, my friends, this is definitely the most desired symbol - love. There’s not even anything to comment on here; anyone can deal with anything, let alone love (I apologize for the tautology). CHAINS - a sign of obstacles. These obstacles are always tangible, but small and annoying. A very nasty sign, unpleasant. Personally, he begins to irritate me wildly, because there is nothing worse when your business is hampered by endless nonsense.

CLOCK - changes. There is no need to be afraid of this sign, it is very fair. Even if it seems that changes are for the worse, then it turns out that this is not so. Good or bad, these changes are always strong.

BOWL - a symbol that is supposedly pleasant and cheerful, means a feast. Booze, party. Be careful if combined with a skull - there could be poisoning or pregnancy if a cat also gets involved. With a tree - drinking alone.

SKULL - never means anything good. Pain and illness. Physical and spiritual. Well, he behaves accordingly - he rarely (and almost never) comes up with good symbols, but if this happens, it turns out to be a very fat “fly in the ointment”.

HAT - a dream. The sign is very ambiguous. It’s even difficult to advise how to interpret it. You have a dream, so think about what and how it relates to it in your scenario. It is clear that good signs will bring its completion closer (quiver, clock, swan, key), bad ones will destroy and move it away (skull, raven, lock, chains).

ANCHOR - essentially the sign does not mean anything terrible. An anchor is stability. Nothing will change, everything will be fine. But personally I don’t like this sign. It is difficult to get out of the anchor state and during this period in your life, nothing really happens and you begin to go crazy about it, although there may be people who will be okay with it.