Taylor Swift and her men. Post-investigation: Taylor Swift's songs about Jake Gyllenhaal. Katy Perry – Circle the Drain

Hollywood actor Jake Gyllenhaal is actively promoting the biographical drama Stronger, which centers on... tragic story participant in the terrorist attack that occurred during the Boston Marathon in 2013. In the film, Jake played that same man, Jeff Bauman. Yesterday, the actor conducted a broadcast on Facebook, during which he patiently answered questions from the public. And quite unexpectedly the most interest Ask came from Jeff Bauman ─ the real Jeff Bauman, the prototype of Gyllenhaal's movie character.

Jake Gyllenhaal and Jeff Bauman

Jeff, who suffered a double amputation after the terrorist attack and lost both legs, asked the actor how his ex-girlfriend, singer Taylor Swift, would react to the news of Gyllenhaal’s serious injury. “If you lost both legs in real life, do you think Taylor would write a song about it?” Bauman asked.

Jake was a little confused by the question. “For me or about what happened?” he clarified. "For you. Something in the country style,” Bauman retorted. The actor chose to answer vaguely: “Well, she prefers pop music now.”

Jake Gyllenhaal and Taylor Swift (2010)

As we remember, Taylor quite actively uses his romantic stories and memories of ex-lovers as a source of inspiration. Thus, in the single Look What You Made Me Do, many fans of the artist’s work noticed allusions to her relationship with Tom Hiddleston and Calvin Harris. And after the end of her affair with Gyllenhaal, the artist wrote the songs We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together, The Last Time and All Too Well.

June 16, 2018, 20:00

Hi all! Following the release of the country duo Sugarland's recent song "Babe", which Taylor wrote for her album "Red" (the song never made it into the final version of the record), there was talk that the song was written about Jake and the reason for their eventual breakup. and also assumptions about which songs from the album were about Jake began to surface again, and so I decided to write my post with thoughts about these assumptions. I’ve been interested in Jake’s life for a long time, but I can’t call myself a Swift fan, although I’m familiar with her work, I’ve heard many of her songs, some have even been around for a long time. The album is also rumored to be half dedicated to Harry Styles, so some songs may be about him rather than Jake. I will try to give objective comments about whether these songs were truly dedicated to Mr. Gyllenhaal. Please do not judge strictly, these are still my personal observations. The translation of excerpts from the songs is not mine, taken from a site for translating lyrics.

One fan profile on Instagram gives the following list of supposed songs about Jake:

1.State of Grace
3.All Too Well
4.I Almost Do
5.We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together
6.The Last Time
7.Sad Beautiful Tragic
8.Begin Again
9.The Moment I Knew
10.Come Back Be Here
11.Girl At Home
12. Better Man

Personally, before discovering this list, I knew for sure only about two songs that were definitely dedicated to Jake; the rest immediately raised doubts in me. Below I will write an opinion about each song separately in order to figure out whether they really have anything to do with the “romance” with Jake or not.

1.State of Grace. When I read the lyrics to the song, personally, only one line gave away that the song was about Jake - “Just twin fire signs, four blue eyes” - “We are both fire signs and both have blue eyes.” But the rest of the song is simply about a difficult breakup and about a guy who really got into my soul. The song could be about Jake, but it could also be some other guy who fits the same description.

2.Red. The song, which is the title of the album and which, with its title and content, expresses a passionate and ardent love of red color, which is difficult to forget and experience. Honestly, I didn’t see a single hint of a relationship with Jake in the song.

"Losing him was blue, like I"ve never known

Losing him was a bummer. of blue color, I've never experienced anything like this.

Missing him was dark grey, all alone

The longing for him was dark gray, all alone.

Forgetting him was like trying to know

Forgetting him was like trying to find out

Somebody you never met

Someone you've never met

But loving him was red

But love for him was red,

Loving him was red

Love for him was red."

So could Taylor sing about any guy with whom she didn’t have a good relationship, or the song just beautiful essay with a bunch of metaphors that personify a collective image.

3. All Too Well. This is one of two songs that I'm sure were written about Jake. In it, Taylor sings about her very scarf, which Jake keeps, about Jake himself and the details of their relationship.

"Left my scarf there at your sister"s house

I left my scarf here at your sister's house

And you still got it in your drawer even now.

And it's still in your drawer."

You used to be a little kid with glasses in a twin size bed

You used to be a little boy with glasses who slept in a narrow bed

And your mother"s telling stories "bout you on the T-ball team.

And your mom told you about your play on the baseball team.

Now you mail back my things and I walk home alone,

You send me my things by mail, and I return home alone.

But your keep my old scarf from that very first week,

But you've been keeping my old scarf since that first week

Cause it reminds you of innocence and it smells like me.

Because it reminds you of innocence and it smells like me.

Of course, I don’t believe in the story of the loss of virginity with Jake, but the details about the bespectacled boy and the baseball team are indeed references to Jake. By the way, I surprisingly liked this song.

4.I Almost Do. This song is also one of those songs on the list that could be about Jake or could be about another guy, because it doesn't really make any specific references to Jake other than mentioning phone calls. It was known that they called each other, although Taylor sings in the song that she did not answer the phone:

I bet you think I either moved on or hate you

I bet you think I've forgotten you or hated you

‘Cause each time you reach out

'Cause every time you try to call me,

there's no reply

You don't get an answer.

So I'm more inclined to think that this song might not be about Jake at all.

5.We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together. I had previously heard rumors that the lead single from the album was about Jake, but I wasn't sure about it. The song talks about breakups and renewals of relationships, and according to rumors they tried to renew their relationship in early 2011, as well as about those same indie records. According to rumors, they again agreed on the basis of similar musical preferences.

And you, would hide away and find your peace of mind

But you will retire and find your own opinion

With some indie record, that"s much cooler than mine.

With a bunch of indie records that you say are way cooler than mine.

I think this song could very well be about Jake.

6.The Last Time. The song is a duet and a kind of dialogue between a guy and a girl, and the meaning of the song is that the girl asks the guy to behave more seriously towards her, to make her the most important in his life, but he continues to behave irresponsibly, disappear, break promises. Again, there are no direct references to Jake. If we assume that with this song Taylor expresses his complaints about Jake's behavior (and he really seemed to take this relationship lightly), then perhaps the song is about him.

7. Sad Beautiful Tragic. Another song that doesn't directly reference Jake. For me it's just a song about sadness beautiful love, which Taylor is experiencing. A song about regrets about a beautiful tragic thing love story, but you can sing about any guy, so my opinion is that the song doesn't have to be about Jake.

8. Begin Again. Comments on the post say that the song is about Harry Styles, and I’ve heard similar information before. The meaning of the song is that after a painful relationship, a girl meets another guy.

I think it "s strange that you think I"m funny

I find it strange that you think I'm funny

"cause he never did

After all, my ex never thought like that.

I"ve been spending the last 8 months thinking all love ever does

And for the last 8 months my thoughts have been about what love creates -

Is break and burn and end

Brings pain and disappointment, and then ends...

I'm inclined to think that ex-boyfriend, which is mentioned is Jake, and the current one from the song, about whom it is sung further, is Harry.

9.The Moment I Knew. This is the second song I was sure of. This song describes one of the reasons for the breakup between Taylor and Jake, when he did not show up for her birthday, although he promised, and she waited for him all evening.

You should"ve been there,

You should have been there

Should"ve burst through the door,

Should have suddenly burst through the door,

With that "baby I"m right here" smile,

With a smile that means "Baby, here I come"

People ask me how I"ve been

People asked me how I was doing

As I come back through my memory,

And I was going over in my memory,

How did you say you"d be here,

Like you said you'd be here

And what do you do when the one

What will you do?

Who means the most to you,

When the one who means the most to you...

is the one who didn't show?

The only one who didn't show up?

The song is really about Jake, and Taylor also talked about this incident.

10.Come Back Be Here. I'm inclined to agree with Taylor fans here that this song is most likely about Harry. The song talks about separation, parting, and endless flights between cities. As far as I know, Jake was in the USA during his affair with Taylor, but here we are singing about London.

New York... be here.

New York... be there.

But you"re in London and I break down,

But you're in London and I'm losing my cool

Cos it"s not fair that you"re not around.

It's unfair that you're far away.

Jake and Taylor were constantly caught in America, but here she sings about such long distances, so I personally don’t think this song is about Jake.

11.Girl At Home. This song definitely doesn’t seem to me to be about Jake. It says that a guy has a girlfriend, and the guy has his eye on Taylor. Jake didn't have any girlfriend at the time, rather the song also refers to Harry as there were rumors that he was cheating on her.

Don't look at me,

Do not look at me,

You"ve got a girl at home,

You have a girl at home

And everyone knows that,

And everyone knows it

No other girlfriend was known to Jake, but Harry was caught with someone.

12. Better Man. The song is performed by a country group Little Big Town, and it was written by Taylor. In the comments they say that the song is about Calvin Harris, not about Jake, and the lines in it that Taylor herself ran away from this guy confuse me.

I know the bravest thing I ever did was run

And when I left you, it was the bravest thing I've ever done.

Jake broke off his relationship with Taylor; he said that extra attention to their couple was alien to him. So I think that this song is not about Jake, it is even quite possible that it was written after the release of the "Red" album.

13. Babe. I wrote about this song in the preface to the post. After the song came out, there was talk that the song was written about Jake, and about the period when he and Taylor allegedly reunited after breaking up, and Jake went to the Golden Globes with his ex-girlfriend.

I"m here on the kitchen floor

I'm lying on the kitchen floor

You call, but I won't hear it

You're calling but I can't hear

You said no one else, how could you do this, babe?

You said you had no one, how could you do that, honey?

Since you admitted it, I keep picturing

And ever since you confessed, I keep imagining

Her lips on your neck, I can't unsee it

Her lips on your neck, I can't forget it.

I don't think this song is about Jake. I think they finally broke up in December before the Golden Globes, and the song could be about Harry or someone else, but I don’t think this song is about going to an awards show with an ex, I think it’s about real cheating .

That's all, thank you all for your attention! I hope I was able to express my thoughts as objectively as possible and dot the i’s. I will be very glad to discuss the topic in the comments and listen to your opinions :)

Photo: DR

Jake Gyllenhaal had a three-month affair with Taylor Swift back in 2010, but it still arouses public interest. Now the actor is participating in promotional events for the fantastic horror film “Alive,” where he played one of the roles (along with Ryan Reynolds, Rebecca Ferguson and Olga Dykhovichnaya), and is forced to answer awkward questions.

During an interview with the Guardian, he explained that he keeps his private life tightly guarded: “It doesn’t mean I’m always guarded, but I think privacy is very important and I don’t think everyone needs to know details about me.” or my family." This, however, did not stop the journalist, who then asked why the actor was dating Taylor Swift, since she, as you know, writes songs about all her novels.

The Oscar nominee started to answer, but then cut himself off: “I think when you’re in a relationship, you’re scrutinized, your friends are picked on, and...” he said, shrugged, and, according to the interviewer’s account, started drilling him. glance.

After this, the meeting became even more uncomfortable: the actor ignored the question of whether Jake listened to Swift’s songs, which could have been written under the impression of their romance, and the two sat in silence for some time.

Gyllenhaal then said, "I'd rather not talk about my personal life. I'd rather talk about the film."

The conversation continued, and later the actor himself returned to the question about Swift - he told the correspondent about his meeting with Barack Obama and mentioned this episode. “Obama told me, ‘You’re an artist, you help people in difficult times through art. This is your job." My parents said that too. And I'm sure you know this because you clever man and, obviously, they found out some things about me, in particular, those that were written in the tabloids. It's such an irony when people tell me that an actor shouldn't talk about politics. This limits the scope of the topic, and then you can ask about relationships and other things that I think should remain private.”

Yesterday, December 13, one of the most successful young stars Taylor Swift turned 27 years old. The performer spent her holiday, according to foreign media, in the company of her new boyfriend Douglas Booth.

However, by the age of 27, Taylor became not only the winner of 7 Grammys and 15 American Music Awards, but also more than a dozen high-profile romances with the hottest representatives of show business. Let's remember these lucky ones in honor of the singer's birthday.

Joe Jonas

Taylor's tumultuous personal life began with a relationship with Jonas Brothers frontman Joe Jonas. True, the couple were together for only three months, and then the careless boyfriend left the singer over the phone. Swift later wrote the song “The Last Kiss,” in which she took revenge on her former lover.

John Mayer

Next unsuccessful attempt began an affair with pop singer John Mayer. The guy treated Taylor as an easy hobby, and without a torment of conscience broke the girl’s heart. Taylor followed the well-worn path and dedicated the song “Dear John” to him. The ex-boyfriend turned out to be not a timid one and responded in kind - with the song “Paper Doll”

Taylor Lautner

Again whirlwind romance, and again only for a few months. So in 2009, Taylor Swift spent several happy moments in the company of the Twilight star's mother, Taylor Lautner. This time, however, the singer decided to break off the relationship herself.

Jake Gyllenhaal

There were many rumors surrounding this relationship between the performer. The affair with Jake Gyllenhaal did not last much longer than before. The actor himself left the singer, citing a 9-year age difference. After this attempt to build a relationship, the singer gave birth to the anthem of unhappy love “Everything is too good.”

Conor Kennedy

The next contender for the pop diva's heart was Robert Kennedy's grandson, Conor. They dated for 4 months, but due to workload they came to a mutual decision to break up.

Harry Styles

As a rule, the relationship with One Direction member Harry Styles also lasted 4 months. The couple broke up ugly - Taylor left her boyfriend alone on vacation after one of the quarrels.

Calvin Harris

Perhaps this novel remains the most serious in the singer’s biography. The relationship with Calvin Harris lasted almost a year. And there were even rumors of an engagement. However, in May 2016, the couple announced a breakup, and still dislike each other.

Tom Hiddleston

Well, not so long ago blue-eyed Tom Hiddleston was also spotted among Swift’s star partners. The romance between the handsome actor and singer ended as quickly as it began due to Taylor’s desire to keep it a secret. Charismatic Tom, sincerely in love with Swift, refused this ultimatum.

Now the singer, at 27, looks happy with her new boyfriend. We as a whole team wish her creative success and finally find what she has been looking for for so long.

Joseph Adam Jonas dreamed of becoming a comedian since childhood, but fate took him into a completely different area - music. Joe was born on August 15, 1989 in Arizona, and his music career began when, in 2005, his younger brother Nick Jonas sent Columbia Records president Steven Greenberg a cassette recording of a song that Nick performed with his brothers. Inspired not only by his vocal abilities, but also by the very idea of ​​creating a boy band, the Son of Jonas project, later renamed the Jonas Brothers, was launched under the leadership of Greenberg.

Joe was very successful, the group was moving towards fame and popularity, especially among teenage girls. The combination of talent, charm and external data made itself felt. Now Joe is 24 years old, and the number of women he managed to charm would be the envy of a man twice his age.

In 2008, several websites published the news that Joe and popular singer and actress Joanna "Jojo" Levesque are dating after the pair were spotted holding hands. Regardless of whether these rumors were true or fiction, it is certain that they created a union on professional grounds in 2011. Previously, in 2006, Joe dated another young actress and singer, Amanda “AJ” Michalka. AJ herself wrote about this on MySpace, so in in this case there can be no doubt.

Joe Jonas and Taylor Swift

In 2008, the world was once again convinced that Joe loves musicians like him, especially girls. True, unfortunately, this singer loved to write songs about the young people she dated - we're talking about Taylor Swift. After all, she wrote the songs “Forever and Always”, “Last Kiss” and “Better than Revenge” - and all based on her relationship with Joe! What did you have to do to get your ex to write a song about you called “Better than Revenge”? Perhaps leaving her over the phone wasn't really the best idea.

By the way, Taylor was inspired to write the last song not only by Joe, but also by actress Camilla Belle, with whom Joe began dating immediately after breaking up with Swift. The breakup followed after almost a year of relationship.

"Yes, it is true that they have separated," Belle's spokesperson said. “But there is no third person involved in this, and they are doing their best to maintain friendly relations.”

In 2010, the charming Pixie Lott got to Jonas online - according to the Sun newspaper, during her visit to Los Angeles, the young people spent time together every day. Well, not bad.

Joe Jonas and Demi Lovato

In 2010, Demi Lovato confirmed to reporters what everyone had been waiting for for so long: she was really dating Joe Jonas. Reporters didn't leave her alone for a long time: when she was first asked if she was dating any of the Jonas brothers, the actress replied, “Um, maybe,” but after a barrage of questions she finally gave in:

"Yes, Joe Jonas is mine best friend and he’s incredible,” going on to say that he’s a “true gentleman” who “invites me to the most interesting places", and, finally, that "he is perfect."

Lovato and Jonas met on the set of Camp Rock in 2007 and Lovato then traveled with the Jonas Brothers throughout the year on their tour. There have been rumors about Demi and Joe for a very long time that they are a couple, but Lovato previously denied everything.

However, this relationship was not destined to last long. This is how it always happens: as soon as you call your man ideal, there is no trace of him. After the breakup, Lovato gave interviews in which she shared her grief over breaking up with Joe. Demi admitted that this breakup became part of a dark streak in her life.

“When your heart is broken, you inevitably constantly keep thoughts about the culprit in your head,” the actress said. “We were in a relationship and we broke up, it’s no surprise that I’m angry with him.”

It’s amazing how Demi managed to say only good things about Joe on the days when she was experiencing separation from him.

“Now, fortunately, I can safely say that he and his brother Nick have always been family to me, literally like brothers. We are very friends. Of course, we won’t be as close as we were, but that’s okay.”

Despite the fact that in most cases the words “we remained friends” are complete nonsense and a cop-out for the public, Demi and Joe are really friends! Jonas congratulated her on Twitter on May 14, 2010, on the release of her new album:

“Congratulations @ddlovato on the new record! I’m very happy for you.”

It's surprising to see them together after such a painful breakup, but they continue to be friends and support each other in every possible way.

Joe Johnson and Blanda Eggenschwiler

Then the whole world discussed new girl Joe: photos appeared in the media happy couple– Joe Jonas and Blanda Eggenschwiler. Finally, Joe was able to fall in love with what is called the “right” girl.

This relationship, apparently, is much more serious than what Joe had before - apparently, he decided to settle down. There was news that Joe was about to propose to Blanda: wedding bells were ringing, all that remained was to wait for the celebration in the Bahamas, where numerous photographs of the couple were taken.

“Right now there are rumors that Joe and Blanda have split up, but the rumors are very far from reality. Joe plans to ask Blanda main question during their joint escape to the islands. This is the perfect time to propose because his whole family is traveling right now. He had been thinking about it for a long time and really wanted to make it official before the tour started so that Blanda would have a good reason to travel around the country with him. Don't be surprised if Blanda returns from her trip with a new ring on her finger."

An official source said.

You might think that the decision to get engaged came very quickly, but everyone knows that the couple has been inseparable since the day they met. Despite the fact that Blanda lived in Switzerland for many years, the girl without hesitation decided to move to New York to spend more time with Joe. The couple officially announced their relationship only a year ago.

Despite repeated denials of rumors about the couple's separation, in August 2014 it became known about the breakup of Joe and Blanda. The singer's representative said that the young people ended their relationship peacefully and remained friends. However, at that time, this relationship was the longest in Jonas’s collection: the couple stayed together for almost 2 years.

Joe Jonas and Gigi Hadid

For almost six months after breaking up with Blanda, the singer was alone. Forget ex-girlfriend Gigi Hadid, an American supermodel who was 6 years younger than the chosen one, helped. The couple first appeared together in the spring of 2015.

It should be noted that Gigi was not only not inferior, but perhaps even surpassed her boyfriend in popularity: by the age of 20, the girl already had world fame, starred for Vogue, starred in videos and acted as a director. Jonas also did not stand still: in the same year he created new team DNCE, debut single which became a hit - Cake by the Ocean subsequently received triple platinum status. By the way, the video for this song was shot by Gigi.

Sophie Turner

The break with the model was difficult for Jonas, as he himself admitted in an interview. However, already in 2016, Joe presented his new girlfriend– Game of Thrones actress Sophie Turner, who, by the way, is also much younger than the singer. The couple was often caught together by annoying paparazzi, but they did not confirm the relationship.

The secrecy and reluctance to talk about personal happiness indicated that this time Jonas was serious and determined. And it finally happened: in October 2017, the actress shared with fans information that the musician had proposed to her. Jonas also posted a photo on Instagram showing a diamond ring with a short caption that read: “She said yes.”

The couple rarely gives official comments, but little is known about the upcoming wedding: Joe and Sophie are not rushing things and are planning to hold a celebration after leaving last season"Game of Thrones" so that nothing distracts the actress from this important event. It is also known that the bridesmaid will be another actress from the famous TV series, Maisie Williams - the girls have been friends for more than 7 years.