The theme of the work is the enchanted place of Gogol. Essay Real and fantastic in Gogol’s story “The Enchanted Place”

/ / / What does Gogol’s story “The Enchanted Place” teach?

Tale by N.V. Gogol’s “The Enchanted Place” is not just a “fable” about evil spirits, but instructive story. In it, the writer implements the idea that no one can make money through dishonest labor. It is revealed gradually in a plot with real and fantastic events.

This instructive conclusion appears at the end of the story, before attentive reader can find many more wise life lessons. Our people have long believed in evil spirits. Indeed, different, sometimes completely incredible, things have happened to people, so there were reasons for caution. Modern man takes the devil lightly, but sometimes thoughts arise that you need to be more careful.

The sexton, the grandson of the main character of the work, was convinced that if the devil wants to “faint” a person, he will do it without difficulty. And it’s good if a person gets away with nothing but deception, like Grandfather Maxim. The sexton understands that everything could have ended worse, so he warns his listeners to get involved with the devil.

In trouble with the devil's place main character got in because he liked to brag. He started dancing to show the Chumaks that he was still agile. Several times the grandfather tried to dance in the enchanted place, but nothing worked. He repeated his attempts several times until he provoked the devil. This incident forces braggarts to think about their behavior. Sometimes it is wiser to stop in time to protect yourself from trouble.

N.V. Gogol in “The Enchanted Place” once again shows what courage and perseverance are capable of. Grandfather Maxim was not afraid of either Satan or the damned place. He boldly entered the battle for the treasure. Bravery helped the hero get home, and even find the treasure. If the old man had been afraid, he would most likely have gotten lost, since the devil would have continued to fool him.

The hero did not go for the treasure for his own benefit. He thought to please his grandchildren with sweets and zhupans. It can be argued that his love for his loved ones helped him find the treasure. Thus, the writer once again proves that a bright feeling can work miracles.

The episode in which the grandfather appears with a barrel in his hands is depicted in a humorous tone. The old man enthusiastically tells his grandchildren that he brought wealth for them, and then discovers the garbage. In this episode, the author ridicules the thirst for easy money and argues that one can only earn money that will go to good use through honest work.

After this incident, grandfather Maxim warns his grandchildren from dealing with the unclean. This warning should be taken not only directly, but also in figurative meaning. There is no need to go for easy money, as you may end up with nothing.

Christians have long revered God, believing that he can protect from any misfortune. So it is in the story by N.V. Gogol’s grandfather Maxim, after meeting the devil, turns to the Lord and calls on others to do the same. This detail is also a kind of lesson, especially for Christians.

Tale by N.V. Gogol can be perceived in different ways: both as truth and as fiction for gullible listeners. This is a personal matter for each reader. But it’s worth remembering the lessons given by the writer.

“The Enchanted Place” is included in the collection of short stories and stories by N.V. Gogol “Evenings on a Farm near Dikanka”. According to the writer’s idea, the beekeeper Rudy Panko collected all these bright, sparkling stories and decided with them, as he says, “to stick his nose out of his outback into big light". The story “The Enchanted Place” was told to the spider by the sexton of one of the churches. This story happened to his own grandfather. At that time the narrator was only eleven years old.

<…>The Chumaks came to visit Grandfather for Bashtan, and after telling stories they treated themselves to melons. Then the grandfather decided to encourage his grandchildren, Ostap and Foma, to dance, and he himself also started dancing. This is the plot of the work. While dancing devilry takes the old man to an unknown place, and it seems to him that he has found a treasure. The old man's experiences and his conflict with evil spirits are described. The action continues until the grandfather finds a cauldron with treasure. Evil spirits frighten the old man. This is the culmination of the work.

The denouement comes when the grandfather brings home the found cauldron. He thinks that there is a treasure in the vessel and calls his grandchildren to look at the gold. And there is “rubbish, squabbles... it’s a shame to say what it is.”

Plot features of the story: the plot is chronicle, closed, events are concentrated around one main character, the action is completely exhausted. Descriptions of nature correspond to what is happening in this moment action - whether it is raining, interfering with the search for the grandfather, or frightening the night landscape at the time when the old man decided to raise the cauldron with the treasure.

"Enchanted Place" is unique folklore features- use folk legends. Gogol introduces evil spirits into the story, but it has nothing to do with mysticism. Folk fiction attracts us with its everyday side, its naive spontaneity. Gogol's images are full of bright life colors and sparkle with fervent folk humor.

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Drafts of Gogol's story "Enchanted Place" have not been preserved, therefore exact date its creation is unknown. It was most likely written in 1830. The story “The Enchanted Place” was included in the second book of the collection “Evenings on a Farm near Dikanka.”

The works in this collection have a complex hierarchy of narrators. The subtitle of the cycle indicates that “Evenings on a Farm near Dikanka” was published by a certain beekeeper Rudy Panko. The stories “The Evening on the Eve of Ivan Kupala”, “The Missing Letter” and “The Enchanted Place” were told by the sexton of one church. This removal of the author from the participant in the events allowed Gogol to achieve a double effect. Firstly, to avoid accusations of inventing “fables”; secondly, to emphasize folk spirit narratives.

Plot The story is really based on the traditions of folklore, which were well known to the writer from childhood. Tales about “cursed places” and treasures are typical for the myth-making of many peoples. In Slavic legends, treasures were often sought in cemeteries. The desired grave was indicated by a suddenly lit candle. Traditional for folk stories And motive turning ill-gotten wealth into trash.

The originality of the story is manifested in the bright and juicy language, which is generously dotted in Ukrainian words: "Chumaks", "kuren", "bashtan", "lads"... Extremely accurate image folk life, as well as the writer’s sparkling humor create a special Gogolian atmosphere, full of poetic fantasy and slyness. It seems to the reader that he himself is among the sexton’s listeners. This effect is achieved through the narrator’s apt comments.

Main character story - grandfather Maxim. The author describes it with kind irony. This is a lively, cheerful and active old man who loves to boast, dances dashingly and is not afraid of the devil himself. Grandfather really likes to listen to the stories of the Chumaks. He scolds his grandchildren and calls them "dog children", but it is clear that the old man dotes on the tomboys. And they make fun of their grandfather in a friendly manner.

An important element of the story is the enchanted place. In our time it would be called an anomalous zone. Grandfather accidentally discovers "bad place" while dancing. As soon as the old man gets to his border “near the cucumber bed”, so the legs stop dancing on their own. And inside the enchanted place, strange things happen with space and time, which the grandfather attributes to the action of evil spirits.

Transition between real and unreal world depicted as distorted space. The landmarks that the grandfather marks for himself in the anomaly zone do not appear in the real world. He just can’t find the point from which the priest’s dovecote and the hair clerk’s threshing floor are visible.

Damn place has "one's own character". It does not like strangers, but does not harm uninvited guests, but only frightens them. Particular damage from the penetration of irrational forces into real world also no. The land in the anomalous zone simply does not produce crops. The enchanted place is not averse to playing with grandfather. Either he doesn’t allow you to come to him, despite all your efforts, then suddenly he opens up easily. In the arsenal anomalous zone a lot of unusual means: suddenly bad weather, disappearance of the month from the sky, monsters. Fear forces the old man to abandon his find for a while. But the thirst for profit turns out to be stronger, so otherworldly forces decide to teach the grandfather a lesson. In the cauldron, which was obtained with such difficulty in a cursed place, there were not jewelry, but “rubbish, squabbles and ashamed to say what it is”.

After such science, the hero of the story became very religious, swore to deal with evil spirits himself and punished all his loved ones. The grandfather takes revenge in his own way on the devil who fooled him so much. The old man fences off the enchanted place with a fence and throws out all the garbage from the tower there.

Such an ending is natural. Gogol shows that such treasures do not bring good. The grandfather receives not a treasure as a reward, but ridicule. Thus, the writer affirms the idea of ​​the illusory nature of any wealth acquired by dishonest labor.

Pushkin, Herzen, Belinsky and other contemporaries of Gogol enthusiastically accepted The Enchanted Place. And today readers with a smile and great interest plunge into amazing world, where wit, poetry and fantasy reign, the very soul of the people comes to life.

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They say that people can cope with an unclean spirit. You shouldn't say that. If evil spirits want to deceive, so be it.

The narrator was 11 years old. In total, the father had 4 children. In early spring my father went to Crimea and brought tobacco for sale. He took his 3-year-old brother with him, and the narrator stayed at home with his mother and 2 brothers. Grandfather sowed a vegetable garden right next to the road and went to live in the kuren.

Grandfather liked the fact that about 50 carts passed by him a day, and everyone could tell him something.

One day 6 carts were driving past Maxim’s grandfather; these were his grandfather’s old comrades. They sat in a circle, ate and talked. The grandfather took the narrator and his brother to play the pipe and dance. Unable to resist, the grandfather himself began to dance right on the path between the cucumber beds. This is where the unclean thing happened: as soon as the grandfather reached the middle of the path, his legs immediately stopped rising. He started again from the beginning of the path, danced to the middle and again his legs became stiff. It was some kind of enchanted place. The grandfather immediately began to swear and called this place devilish.

Immediately behind the grandfather, someone laughed. The grandfather turned around and looked - and the place was unknown, the field around was unfamiliar. I took a closer look and recognized the threshing floor of one of the volost clerks. This is where the unclean force took my grandfather.

Then the grandfather decided to go out onto the road, and to the side on one of the graves he saw a candle flashing. Soon it went out and a second light came on, a little further away. The grandfather thought that a treasure was hidden in this place. I thought about digging right away, but I didn’t have a shovel with me. Then he decided to remember the place and return here later. With these thoughts he walked home.

In the evening next day the grandfather took a shovel and a spade and went to the place of the treasure. But, having reached the place, he was surprised - if there is a threshing floor, then there is no dovecote, but if a dovecote is visible, then there is no threshing floor. Suddenly there was a heavy downpour, and the grandfather wandered back home.

The next day, the grandfather walked through his garden to the enchanted place with a spade in his hands. Hitting the place where his legs were stiff with a spade, he immediately found himself in the field where he had seen the candles. Only now he had a spade.

He got to the place indicated by the candles and began to dig. Soon he dug out the cauldron. While digging, the grandfather talked to himself, and someone repeated his words several times. The grandfather thought that this was the devil who didn’t want to give up the treasure. Then he left the treasure and ran to the house, and there was silence all around. Then he returned, took the pot and ran as fast as he could. So he got to the priest's garden.

The mother waited for the grandfather until the evening. We’ve already had dinner, but he’s still nowhere to be seen. The mother washed the pot and began to look for where to dump the slops. Suddenly she saw a kukhla floating in the air in the dark. The mother took the hot slop and poured it there. Immediately there was a loud cry from the grandfather. The grandfather told about the treasure he had found and hoped that now all the children would have bagels and bagels.

Hoping for gold, the grandfather opened the pot, and there was something that was embarrassing to even talk about.

After this incident, my grandfather lost all his trust. And he often told his grandchildren that they should never trust the devil - he would definitely deceive. And if I heard something turbulent going on somewhere, I immediately began to be baptized and shouted to my grandchildren to be baptized.

The grandfather fenced off that enchanted place on the path where his legs grew stiff with a fence, and threw all the garbage and weeds there.

Kukhlya* is a vessel for transporting liquids over short distances.

Drafts of Gogol's story “The Enchanted Place” have not survived, so the exact date of its creation is unknown. It was most likely written in 1830. The story “The Enchanted Place” was included in the second book of the collection “Evenings on a Farm near Dikanka”.

The works in this collection have a complex hierarchy of narrators. The subtitle of the cycle indicates that “Evenings on a Farm near Dikanka” was published by a certain beekeeper Rudy Panko. The stories “The Evening on the Eve of Ivan Kupala”, “The Missing Letter” and “The Enchanted Place” were told by the sexton of one church. This removal of the author from the participant in the events allowed Gogol to achieve a double effect. Firstly, to avoid accusations of writing “fables”, and secondly, to emphasize the folk spirit of the story.

The plot of the story is indeed based on the traditions of folklore, which were well known to the writer from childhood. Tales about “cursed places” and treasures are typical for the myth-making of many peoples. In Slavic legends, treasures were often sought in cemeteries. The desired grave was indicated by a suddenly lit candle. The motive of turning ill-gotten wealth into trash is also traditional for folk stories.

The originality of the story is manifested in the bright and rich language, which is generously dotted with Ukrainian words: “Chumaks”. “kuren”. “bashtan”. "lads". .. An extremely accurate depiction of folk life, as well as the writer’s sparkling humor, create a special Gogolian atmosphere, full of poetic fantasy and slyness. It seems to the reader that he himself is among the sexton’s listeners. This effect is achieved through the narrator’s apt comments.

The main character of the story is Grandfather Maxim. The author describes it with kind irony. This is a lively, cheerful and active old man who loves to boast, dances dashingly and is not afraid of the devil himself. Grandfather really likes to listen to the stories of the Chumaks. He scolds his grandchildren, calling them “children of dogs.” but it is clear that the old man dotes on the tomboys. And they make fun of their grandfather in a friendly manner.

An important element of the story is the enchanted place itself. In our time it would be called an anomalous zone. Grandfather accidentally discovers a “bad spot” while dancing. As soon as the old man gets to his border “near the cucumber bed.” so the legs stop dancing on their own. And inside the enchanted place, strange things happen with space and time, which the grandfather attributes to the action of evil spirits.

The transition between the real and unreal world is depicted in the form of distorted space. The landmarks that the grandfather marks for himself in the anomaly zone do not appear in the real world. He just can’t find the point from which the priest’s dovecote and the hair clerk’s threshing floor are visible.

The cursed place has “its own character.” It does not like strangers, but does not harm uninvited guests, but only frightens them. There is also no particular damage from the penetration of irrational forces into the real world. The land in the anomalous zone simply does not produce crops. The enchanted place is not averse to playing with grandfather. Either he doesn’t allow you to come to him, despite all your efforts, then suddenly he opens up easily. The anomalous zone has many unusual means in its arsenal: suddenly bad weather, the disappearance of the month from the sky, monsters. Fear forces the old man to abandon his find for a while. But the thirst for profit turns out to be stronger, so otherworldly forces decide to teach the grandfather a lesson. In the cauldron, which was obtained with such difficulty in a cursed place, there were not jewelry, but “trash, squabbles and it’s a shame to say what it is.”

After such science, the hero of the story became very religious, swore to deal with evil spirits himself and punished all his loved ones. The grandfather takes revenge in his own way on the devil who fooled him so much. The old man fences off the enchanted place with a fence and throws out all the garbage from the tower there.

Such an ending is natural. Gogol shows that such treasures do not bring good. The grandfather receives not a treasure as a reward, but ridicule. Thus, the writer affirms the idea of ​​the illusory nature of any wealth acquired by dishonest labor.

Pushkin. Herzen, Belinsky and other contemporaries of Gogol enthusiastically accepted “The Enchanted Place.” And today, with a smile and great interest, readers are immersed in a wonderful world where wit, poetry and fantasy reign, and the very soul of the people comes to life.

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