Tests on works of fiction. Literary test for knowledge of immortal works

Literary test on knowledge of the works of Russian classics

If you studied Pushkin's poems, finished reading "War and Peace", know who Oblomov or the blacksmith Vakula is, then you are one of the few who will pass this test perfectly. Good luck!

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An erudite person is a versatile educated person who has extensive knowledge in many areas. Do you consider yourself an erudite? Let's check it now. Have you ever wondered what the space between the eyebrows is called? Do you know what the largest muscle in humans is? We have collected tricky questions from different areas life. Will you be able to pass the test without errors? Few people manage to answer all the questions correctly without ever looking at Wikipedia.

In the USSR there was a different judicial system and representatives of the law looked at violations differently. Not working? Parasitism! Have you decided to earn extra money? Speculation! Did they say something about power? Sabotage! Sometimes completely innocent people were targeted. Do you think this wouldn’t happen to you? Let's imagine that you find yourself in the Soviet Union. Would your lifestyle raise suspicion among the party leadership?

A little information. Synonyms are words that sound different but are close in meaning. It's easy to find synonyms for words you use every day. What about rare words? We hope you can handle the questions about “catharsis” or “empathy.” Moreover, eight more smart words are waiting for you that you usually do not use in your speech. Attention! Man with little vocabulary the test will be difficult. Let's see how many rare words you remember.


Did you know that people with an IQ above 115 can handle any job? And people with an IQ of 145 points are classified as real geniuses. Is your intelligence sufficiently developed? Let's check it now! We have selected non-standard questions that require not only extensive erudition, but also sophisticated logic. You will have to rack your brains to get the maximum score. If you are smart enough, you can pass this test. We warn you, there will be no easy questions.

According to statistics, every fifth person in the world has a mental disorder. The most common mental illness is depression, which is twice as common in women as in men. Is everything okay with your psyche? This test will help you determine which mental illness you are most susceptible to. Perhaps after the test you will take a closer look at your own behavior. As psychiatrists say, accepting the problem is the first step to healing!

We have selected for you very rare, extraordinary and interesting questions that will intrigue a curious person. Today we will not ask about the age of our planet or major events October revolution. Our test is for real scholars. Do you know in which country you can legally kidnap yourself and which human organ turns red along with your face from a rush of blood? Hopefully you have a really broad general knowledge. Try to score at least 7 points.

An erudite person is a versatile educated person who has extensive knowledge in many areas. Do you consider yourself an erudite? Let's check it now. Have you ever wondered what the space between the eyebrows is called? Do you know what the largest muscle in humans is? We have collected tricky questions from different areas of life. Will you be able to pass the test without errors? Few people manage to answer all the questions correctly without ever looking at Wikipedia.

The Soviet era is the time when the main Russian films were made. Older generation warmly recalls such masterpieces as “Ivan Vasilyevich changes his profession”, “The Diamond Arm”, “Operation Y”. We have prepared an interesting test that will definitely immerse you in pleasant nostalgia. We invite you to find out Soviet artists according to photo. Can you never make a mistake? Only a Soviet man can do this task!

There are many interesting facts in the history of the USSR. For example, in 1984, the world's first laser pistol was created in the Soviet Union. Why do you think? At the end of the 50s, a car with an automatic transmission was produced in the USSR. Do you know which one? In our test, we collected ten interesting facts from the history of the USSR that are difficult for a non-Soviet person to answer. Can you handle them? We suggest checking it out!

Test based on the legend of M. Gorky “Danko”.

1.What is the genre of M. Gorky’s work “Old Woman Izergil”?

1) story

2) legend

3) story

2.What surrounded the camps of people?

1) steppe

2) forests

3) swamps

4) darkness

3.What legends are included in the story “Old Woman Izergil”?

1) about Danko

2) about Larra

3) about the old woman Izergil

4. Why did the people in the camp die?

(From the stench)

5.Why couldn’t people die in battle?

1) out of fear

2) because of the love of life

3) because of the covenants


2) melodious


7.What was not on the faces of the people Danko led?


8. With whom does Gorky compare the people whom Danko led?

1) with animals

2) with wolves

3) with the crowd

4) with stones

9.Who owns the words: “This is where they come from, the blue sparks of the steppe that appear before the thunderstorm”?

1) Gorky


3) old woman Izergil

Test based on the work of M. Gorky " Old year».

1.What is the genre of M. Gorky’s work “The Old Year”?

1) legend

2) story

3) story

4) fairy tale

2.What does the Old Year arrange for his successor on the last day of his life?

1) gala evening

2) gala ball

3) ceremonial meeting

3.Who were among the guests?

1) vague and strange people

2) vague and strange names

3) vague and strange shapes

4) vague and strange creatures

4.Who came first?


2) Stupidity

3) Mind


5. About whom is it said: “...a half-naked and very rude woman, with eyes in which there was a lot of sensuality and not a spark of thought”?

1) Stupidity


3) Hope


6. Determine whose descriptions these are?

1) a broken and wavering creature

2) flashed like a spark and disappeared somewhere

3) dressed in bright and light fabrics, decorated with a lot of fake stones

4) timid and downtrodden, sick and sad

7.What was close to those gathered at the Old Year?


2) grinding

3) ugliness

8.Why did the Old Year feel sorry for those gathered?

9. Until when should the Old Year remain with people?

1)until everyone dies

2) until they update doom

3) until they renew their feelings

4) until they grow old

Work testA.S. Pushkin. " Stationmaster»

1. What is the main theme of A. S. Pushkin’s story “The Station Warden”?

a) condemnation of children who forget their parents

b) depiction of the life of a “little man”

c) realistic description of the post station

2. For what purpose does A. S. Pushkin introduce exposition into the narrative?

and for detailed description life at post stations

b) for realistic image reality

c) to reveal the narrator’s worldview, his character

3. Which of the heroes of Russian literature is called the “little man”?

a) child

b) minor character

c) a person who does not have a high rank

G) typical image a poor person suffering from social injustice

4. Which one symbolic detail introduces A.S. Pushkin into the description of the stationmaster’s home?

a) pots of balsam

b) popular prints depicting scenes from the parable of prodigal son

c) a bed with a colorful curtain

5. Compare the portraits of Samson Vyrin from the first and second parts of the story. For what purpose does A.S. Pushkin describe the hero’s appearance twice?

Part I: “I see, as now, the owner himself, the man
fifty years old, fresh andcheerful, his long green
new frock coat
With three medals on faded ribbons..."

Part II: “I looked at his gray hair, at the deep seas
the skin of a long unshaven face, on a hunched back..."

a) for more vivid description character of the hero

b) in order to show how strong Vyrin’s grief is

c) create a feeling of authenticity

6. Why did Vyrin let Dunya go for a ride with Minsky?

a) was careless

b) could not imagine that an officer would repay evil for good

c) wanted Dunya to leave with the officer

7. A. S. Pushkin shows that people of “decent society” in morally much lower than Samson Vyrin, using

a) plot

c) artistic detail

8. Which episode of the story emphasizes the moral superiority of the caretaker over the “well-dressed” people of the privileged class?

a) Vyrin’s refusal to complain

b) the banknotes thrown by Vyrin were picked up by a “well-dressed young man” who, seeing the returning caretaker, ran away

c) description of the caretaker’s second attempt to return his daughter

a) Vyrin 1) reproaches, does not justify

b) Dunya 2) condemns, indignant

c) Minsky 3) sympathizes, sympathizes, sympathizes

10. What is ideological plan story and most significant for the author?

a) depict a family drama

b) show tragic fate petty official

c) show the social inequality on which relationships between people in society are built

11. Is Dunya happy?

a) yes, because she loves Minsky

c) no, since well-being cannot be evidence of a happy life

12. What principle underlies the life of people of “decent youth”?

a) “the end justifies the means”

b) “honor the rank of rank”

c) “good will always triumph over evil”

d) “you can’t build your happiness on someone else’s misfortune”

13. Why didn’t Vyrin go to complain about Minsky?

a) lacked courage

b) was very kind person and forgave Minsky

c) didn’t know how to do it

d) understood the pointlessness of such an attempt

14. What do the stories “Blizzard” and “The Station Agent” have in common?

a) depth of characterization of heroes

b) social issues

c) everyday life description

d) complex plot

e) the image of the narrator

15. What is the main significance of the story “The Station Warden” for Russian literature?

a) the writer makes you think about the lack of rights of the “little man”

b) shows the awakening of pride and human dignity in "little man"

c) the story opens in Russian literature a gallery of images under common name"small man"

Work testA.S. Pushkin. "Blizzard"

1. What, from your point of view, is the meaning of the title of A. S. Pushkin’s story “The Snowstorm”?

a) the blizzard radically changed the lives of the characters in the story

b) the meaning of the name is associative to the saying “New
the broom sweeps in a new way"

c) the name expresses the role of the elements in the fate of man

2. Who is the narrator in the story?

a) Belkin b) Pushkin c) Burmin

a) admiration

b) irony

c) indifference

d) pity

4. What is the main idea of ​​the story?

a) the role of fate in human life

b) the influence of the elements on the fate of the heroes

c) depiction of the heroes’ love

d) the influence of French novels on the formation of the character of a provincial young lady

5*. Convey the main plot of the story.

Work testM. E. Saltykova-Shchedrin. Fairy tales

1. What type folk tales Are the fairy tales of M. E. Saltykov-Shchedrin close?

a) magical

b) about animals

c) household

2. What is the difference between the fairy tales of M. E. Saltykov-Shchedrin and folk tales?

a) a sharp plot

b) allegory

c) introduction of details of modern life

e) satire on the social and moral vices of society

3. Determine the idea of ​​the fairy tale “The Tale of How One Man Fed Two Generals.”

a) denunciation of officials

b) praising the hard work of the common people

c) the problem of slavery and the lack of rights of submissive people under serfdom

d) overcoming the difficulties encountered by the generals on the island

4. What everyday details of modern reality were introduced into the fairy tale by M. E. Saltykov-Shchedrin?

a) uninhabited island

b) department

c) newspaper "Moskovskie Vedomosti"

d) generals

5. The culmination of the tale is

a) transfer of generals to a desert island

b) the scene in which the generals almost ate each other

c) the appearance of a man

d) return to Podyacheskaya

6. What technique does the author use in the following passage: “...Suddenly both generals looked at each other: an ominous fire shone in their eyes, their teeth chattered, a dull growl came out of their chests. They began to slowly crawl towards each other and in the blink of an eye they became frantic. Shreds flew, squeals and groans were heard; the general, who was a calligraphy teacher, bit off the order from his comrade and immediately swallowed it...”?

a) hyperbole

b) grotesque

c) allegory

d) satire

a) admiration, admiration

b) contempt, disdain

c) regret, bitterness

d) indifference

8. Who is the narrator in the fairy tale?

a) one of the generals

b) man

c) storyteller

9. In the scene when a man twists a rope for himself, M. E. Saltykov-Shchedrin uses

a) hyperbole

b) grotesque

c) humor

d) sarcasm

"The Wise Minnow"; "Truth and falsehood"; "Bear in the Voivodeship"; "The Soldier and the Devil"; " Wild landowner"; "Horse"; "Funeral of a Goat"; "The Master and the Man"

Work testA.P. Chekhov. "Chameleon"

1. Which of the characters can be called the main one in the story?

a) Ochumelov

b) Khryukin

c) puppy

d) general

2. Determine the genre of the work.

a) story

b) essay

c) epigram

d) story

a) sympathy

b) indignation

c) ridicule

d) indifference

4. What artistic technique is most characteristic of A. P. Chekhov’s short stories?

a) internal monologue

b) everyday life

c) psychologism

d) artistic detail

5. What are the following objects in the story: “an overcoat”, “a basket filled to the brim with gooseberries”, “Khryukin’s raised finger”, “a bundle in his hand”?

a) everyday life

b) artistic detail

c) a symbol

6. Who in A.P. Chekhov’s story can be called a “chameleon”?

a) Ochumelov

b) Khryukin

c) Eldirina

d) cooks

d) a crowd of onlookers

7. What is the meaning of the title of the story?

a) the story ridicules hypocrisy and hypocrisy

b) metaphorical designation of bureaucracy

c) deep metaphysical symbol

8. Compare the two passages given (Chekhov’s “Chameleon” and Saltykov-Shchedrin’s “The Tale of How One Man Fed Two Generals”). Which of them can be called humorous, and which is closer to satire?

a) “...Ochumelov makes a half turn to the left and walks towards the gathering. Near the very gates of the warehouse, he sees, standing the above-described man in an unbuttoned vest and, holding up right hand, shows the crowd a bloody finger. It was as if it was written on his half-drunk face: “I’ll rip you off, you scoundrel!” - and the finger itself looks like a sign of victory. In this man, Ochumelov recognizes the goldsmith Khryukin...”

b) “...And the man began to make fools of how he could please his generals because they favored him, a parasite, and did not disdain his peasant labor! And he built a ship - not a ship, but such a vessel that it was possible to sail across the ocean-sea right up to Podyacheskaya..."

9. Read a fragment of the story. How does he characterize the police supervisor Ochumelov? “- What is the occasion here? - asks Ochumelov, crashing into the crowd. - Why here? Why are you using your finger?.. Who screamed?”

a) as a limited and ignorant person

b) his veneration and servility are revealed

c) as a person accustomed to unlimited power

Work testI. S. Turgenev “Biryuk”

a) story

b) essay

c) parable

d) story

2. Who is the main character of the work?

a) hunter

b) Biryuk

c) caught man

3. Why did Biryuk let the peasant go?

a) was ashamed of his cruelty in front of the master

b) was afraid of the peasant’s revenge

c) felt sorry for the man

d) realized that the peasant was reduced to extreme poverty

a) respect

b) sympathy

c) neglect

d) condemnation

5. What, from your point of view, is the main character trait of Biryuk?

a) honesty, fairness

b) cruelty

c) kindness

d) love for children

6. Why does Biryuk so zealously “do his duty”?

a) the owner pays him well

b) Biryuk is responsible by nature, fair man confident in the rightness of his cause

c) Biryuk is a greedy, evil person

d) Biryuk - “a forced person”

7. For what purpose does I. S. Turgenev describe a man’s outburst of anger?

a) shows how hard it is for the forester

b) emphasizes the quarrelsome disposition of the peasant

c) describes the miserable position of the serf peasant

8. The description of the forester’s hut speaks of

a) his laziness and mismanagement

b) the extreme poverty of the peasant family

c) the forester’s indifference to anything after his wife’s escape

9. What is the role of landscape in the story?

a) is the background against which the main action develops

b) serves as a means of transmission states of mind author and heroes

c) introduced for the sake of colorfulness of the story

10. The story is

a) a type of essay, where main role what plays is not the reproduction of a fact, but the depiction of impressions, thoughts and associations

b) genre narrative literature; the nature of the development of the action is more complex than an essay, but less developed than a novel. Most often this is the story of one human life, which inevitably comes into contact with the destinies of other people

c) prose documentary genre, most often based on contemporary author life and facts

11. Choose a work that corresponds to the “story” genre.

a) N.V. Gogol. "Taras Bulba"

b) M. Yu. Lermontov. "Mtsyri"

c) A.P. Chekhov. "Chameleon"

d) L.N. Tolstoy. "Childhood"

Work testA. S. Pushkin " Captain's daughter»

1. Determine the genre of the work.

a) novel

b) historical story

c) family chronicle

d) legend

d) memoirs

2. The narration in “The Captain’s Daughter” is told from the perspective of

b) narrator

c) Masha Mironova

d) Petra Grineva

d) Pugacheva

a) compositions

b) epigraphs

c) plug-in elements

e) choosing a hero

4. Pugachev in the story “The Captain's Daughter” is presented as

a) rebel, criminal

b) historical figure- leader of the popular uprising

c) romantic hero

d) a simple person who enjoys the respect of the people

5. What is the basic principle underlying the creation of the images of Grinev and Shvabrin?

a) comparisons

b) complementarities

c) antitheses

d) compositional parallel

6. Name artistic techniques, which Pushkin did not use to create the image of Pugachev.

b) portrait

c) the attitude of other characters

d) epigraphs

d) speech characteristic e) plug-in elements

7. What is the meaning of the title of the story? Masha Mironova -

a) the only one female character stories

b) the ideological and artistic center of the story

c) beloved Peter Grinev

d) daughter of a deceased Russian officer

8. Correlate the elements of the composition and the elements of the development of the love plot.

a) exposition 1) scene of the duel with Shvabrin, father’s letter

b) plot 2) release of Grinev, marriage to Masha

c) climax 3) Petrusha’s childhood on the family estate

d) denouement 4) Grinev’s acquaintance with the main character stories

9. For what purpose is Petrusha’s dream introduced into the story?

a) characterizes Grinev

b) foreshadows the further development of the relationship between the two characters

c) characterizes Pugachev

d) emphasizes Pugachev’s bloodthirstiness

10. Who owns the statement “God forbid you see a Russian rebellion, senseless and merciless...”?

b) Catherine II

c) Petrusha Grinev

d) Savelich

11. Match pairs of heroes whose characteristics are based on the principle of antithesis.

Pugachev; Shvabrin; Savelich; Catherine II; Grinev; Orenburg generals.

12. What folklore genres uses A. S. Pushkin to create the image of Pugachev?

a) epics

b) riddles

c) fairy tales

d) songs

d) proverbs, sayings

e) myths

13. Which chapter is preceded by the epigraph: “At that time the lion was well-fed, even though he was ferocious from birth. “Why did you deign to welcome me to my den?” - he asked affectionately. A. Sumarokov"?

a) "Court"

b) "Arrest"

c) “Attack”

d) "Uninvited Guest"

e) “Rebel settlement”

14. What is the main problem of the story “The Captain's Daughter”?

a) the problem of love

b) the problem of honor, duty and mercy

c) the problem of the role of the people in the development of society

d) the problem of comparing the clan and service nobility

15. How is Savelich shown in the story?

a) downtrodden, voiceless serfs

b) an obedient, slavishly devoted person to his masters

V) deep person endowed with self-esteem

d) a loving, caring assistant and advisor

16. About what historical events we're talking about in the story?

A) peasant war under the leadership of E. Pugachev

b) rebellion of the Yaik army

c) rebellion of Ivan Bolotnikov

d) Prince Golitsyn’s campaign against Orenburg

e) Streltsy riot in Moscow

17. What symbolic images are used by A. S. Pushkin in the story “The Captain's Daughter”?

a) way, road,

b) grave

c) storm, blizzard

d) eagle, raven

d) dagger

e) gallows

18. What are the features of a Russian national character shown by A.S. Pushkin in the image of Pugachev?

a) intelligence, resourcefulness

b) laziness, inactivity

c) daring, generous nature

d) tendency to drink

d) memory of goodness, gratitude

19. Whose portrait is this?

“She was in a white morning dress, a nightcap and a shower jacket. She seemed to be about forty years old. Her face, plump and rosy, expressed importance and calmness, and Blue eyes and the light smile had an inexplicable charm..."

a) Maria Mironova.

b) Vasilisa Egorovna

c) Catherine II

d) Avdotya Vasilievna

Story Soviet Union- these are not only dates, names and titles key events. History can be interesting if you pay attention to interesting facts. For example, many prisoners in Soviet times got tattoos of Stalin and Lenin. Do you know why? Which one then Soviet product was considered a delicacy abroad and was served only in expensive restaurants? The answer will surprise you. We chose Interesting Facts about the USSR, which few people have heard of. This the test will pass only a true patriot of the Soviet Union.

We are sure that you will easily identify a Soviet person in a large company. And it's not a matter of age. Soviet people think in other categories. And these categories modern people don't understand. After all, where else, if not in the Soviet Union, did they drink on the road, hang carpets on the walls, hand over glass containers and go to labor camps. We invite you to remember with us how people lived, what household items they used and how they were treated. If you - soviet man, then you can easily answer our questions. Let's check it out.

Techies are in vogue today. Leading sciences - genetics, IT, engineering - require accurate calculations and a technical mindset. Are people who are not inclined towards physics and mathematics left behind? Down with discrimination against humanists! A person with a humanitarian mindset, if desired, can master mathematics and physics in the same way as a technician can master philosophy and history. We have prepared for you ten simple questions on five humanitarian subjects from school programs: Russian language, social studies, history, literature and English language. Can you handle them?

The first tank was created in 1916 during the First World War and was called Mark I. We invite you to take an interesting test about tanks, where you will have to recognize a combat vehicle based on one silhouette. Do you know what the best tank of World War II looks like - the T-34? What was the name of the main US combat vehicle? Only a true expert can handle our test about tanks. If you play World of Tanks, then this test is a mandatory minimum. Anyone who cannot recognize the silhouette of a combat vehicle has no right to call himself a military expert and an avid tanker. Can you score at least 6 out of 10?

Many people remember their Soviet childhood with nostalgia. We invite you to benefit from nostalgia. Today, with its help, you can pass one of the most difficult Soviet tests. You will have to think carefully about frivolous issues. Is it difficult for you to remember the pioneer anthem and the inscription on the pioneer badge without prompting? We have prepared interesting questions that only those who spent their childhood in the USSR can answer. We guarantee that you will remember many pleasant moments from your childhood that you have long forgotten.

What is IQ really? The abbreviation stands for intelligence quotient. In short, the score reflects how your intelligence matches your age. After all, the older a person is, the more extensive his knowledge should be, in theory. For example, you may be savvy in matters of law and know what you are entitled to if your plane flight is delayed. But at the same time not be comprehensive enough to maintain a conversation with a real intellectual. What would be the IQ level of such a person? In this test we have collected ten difficult questions about everything in the world. What is the smallest bone in the human skeleton? Which ancient Greek philosopher lived in a barrel? Test your knowledge and find out your approximate IQ level right now!

We offer you a new intellectual test. Today we'll test your intelligence. And if for good erudition it is enough to read books, then living thinking is a more subtle thing. In the test you will find various logic problems. You have to look for extra words, connections and answer trick questions. We have prepared for you ten tasks of increased difficulty that will test your intellectual abilities and acumen. There is no need to rush into answers: think carefully about each question.

Spring is coming, make way for spring! Are you sure you're ready for the holiday season? Seeds, containers, fertilizers, soil, tools - is everything in order? If yes, then it's time to test your knowledge about plants. Try to answer a simple question: how do you water tomato seedlings? Every second one is wrong. Test your knowledge before the start of the summer season - it won't hurt. We bet you'll discover something new. We have prepared ten questions for you about seedlings and plant care rules. Let's check how much you know.

Over 14 million people around the world play World of Tanks. Every player considers himself an expert. However, all tank models, locations, mods and strategies are difficult to remember. Therefore, there are much fewer real experts in the game. Our online test about tanks will show whether you can be classified as one. We invite you to answer questions regarding game mechanics, nuances and history of World of Tanks. Are you ready to test your strength in a test about the world of tanks? At the end, you will receive a title that will reflect the real level of knowledge about one of the most popular games in the world.

Let's compare Soviet salaries with modern Russian ones. In 1985, a citizen of the USSR received an average of 135 rubles. Of this, about 33% was spent on food, 18% on clothing and fabrics, and 11% on other non-food products. A liter of milk cost 22 kopecks; today a liter bottle costs an average of 75 rubles. If we derive the coefficient and recalculate Soviet prices, it turns out that in 1985 the average salary in the USSR was 40-50 thousand modern rubles. Not a bad income, however, someone managed to live in poverty. This is all due to restaurants, scarce goods, and imported clothing. We invite you to go back in time and compare your current lifestyle with Soviet realities. Answer a few of our questions and find out if you could survive on the average Soviet salary.

Tired of commuting for hours to work every day? There is an exit! Today you can find many remote jobs. According to statistics, 70% of workers find a home office more comfortable. But how do you know which remote job is right for you? Career guidance tests are an important element when choosing a profession. They determine what type of activity you are inclined towards. It is very important that a person does what he loves and enjoys his work. We suggest taking our online career guidance test, which will determine what kind of remote work you are created for. It's time to change your life and stop wasting your time!

A child of the 21st century cannot understand what it is like to keep coins in a champagne bottle, to be a pioneer and to gather with friends in front of the TV on a day off to watch cartoons. Older Soviet young people knew very well what porridge shoes were and what a fashionable hairstyle should be. Life in the USSR is a time for which millions of people are now nostalgic. How much do you remember about the Soviet era? We suggest checking it out. Only someone whose childhood and youth passed in the Soviet Union can answer our questions. And remember, the questions seem simple only at first glance.

Not everyone passes standard geography tests without errors; political geography is an even more confusing subject. It is not enough to understand continents and countries and know where the borders of different states lie. Political geography is not just the names of capitals and countries. First of all, it is a science that studies the territorial differentiation of political phenomena and processes. Not clear yet? But this is only the beginning of one of the most difficult tests. People without special education are allowed to look on Google, because otherwise they cannot answer the questions. If you are confident in your knowledge, try taking the test without prompts.

You can live your whole life with color blindness and not know it. If you think that colorblind people are completely colorblind, you are mistaken. In some forms of this pathology, a person is unable to recognize only a few colors. For example, red and green - instead of them a person sees brown, dark gray, black and light gray, yellow or light brown. How are you doing with color perception? Has it ever happened that you saw things of different colors, while your friends claimed that they were the same? We suggest checking it out! The rules of the test are simple. We show you the figure, and you choose one of three options - the closest in shade. Be prepared, some colors can only be distinguished by an expert!

The United States of America is one of the most influential states in the world, and its history spans three centuries. Take a look at the statistics. The United States has more dollar millionaires than any other country in the world. However, as the economy grows, so does the price of education. Studying at a good college or university becomes an overwhelming burden for many. Cheap institutions provide mediocre knowledge. This leads to a decrease in the literacy of the population, even to the point of ignorance of the history of their own country. We invite you to compete a little with the Americans and see which of you knows the history of the United States better.

Food prices are rising every day. In 2015, a loaf of bread could be bought for 25 rubles; now the same loaf costs an average of 35 rubles. In the Soviet Union, food prices remained almost unchanged. A ruble could buy several loaves of bread, and the most expensive plane ticket - from Moscow to Vladivostok - cost 134 rubles. At the same time, the average salary was 150 rubles. Today a ticket from Moscow to Vladivostok costs about 30 thousand one way. Do you know how much the products we were used to cost during the USSR? We suggest checking it out!