Possible topics in the area of ​​experience and mistakes. Sample essay abstracts. Experience and mistakes. Interpretation of concepts

Within the framework of the direction, discussions about the value of spiritual and practical experience are possible individual, the people, humanity as a whole, about the cost of mistakes on the way to understanding the world and gaining life experience.

Literature often makes you think about the relationship between experience and mistakes: about experience that prevents mistakes, about mistakes, without which it is impossible to move forward. life path, and about irreparable, tragic mistakes. FIPI

This direction focuses on reasoning about the importance of knowledge, skills and abilities acquired in practical activities, and about the meaning of the conclusions that we draw as a result of the mistakes we make.

Let's turn to dictionaries

Experience(Dictionary by S.I. Ozhegov)

1. - reflection in the consciousness of people of the laws of the objective world and social practice, obtained as a result of their active practical knowledge. Example: Sensitive o.

Experience(Synonym dictionary)

test, trial, experiment; qualification; attempt, (first) debut; competence, research, skill, experience, school, sophistication, sophistication, skill, practice, dexterity, familiarity, knowledge, maturity, qualification, training, experience.

Experience(Dictionary of epithets)

About character, size, basis of experience. Rich, big, centuries-old, great, worldwide, gigantic, huge, grandfatherly, long, long, long-term, spiritual, living, vital, everyday, individual, historical, collective, colossal, personal, world, centuries-old, perennial, accumulated, folk, considerable, immediate, generalized, social, objective, huge, thorough, practical, real, condensed, serious, modest, established, own, solid, social, subjective, fundamental, alien, wide.

About experience evaluation. Priceless, high, bitter, precious, cruel, wonderful, gloomy, wise, invaluable, advanced, sad, deplorable, useful, positive, instructive, intimate, creative, sober, difficult, heavy, cold (obsolete), cold, valuable.

Error(Dictionary by T.F. Efremova)

Error(Synonym dictionary)

Sin, error, delusion, clumsiness, oversight, typo, slip, deviation, blunder, evasion, omission, incorrectness, roughness, false step, sag, measurement, overlook, miscalculation.

Error(Dictionary of epithets)

Big, disastrous, deep, stupid, rude, destructive, childish, annoying, cruel, natural, excusable, correctable, radical, screaming, large, frivolous, small, boyish, petty, incredible, innocent, unnoticeable, insignificant, incorrigible, absurd, irreparable, unforgivable, insignificant, accidental, offensive, dangerous, basic, obvious, sad, shameful, reparable, shameful, forgivable, common, rare, fatal, serious, accidental, strategic, terrible, significant, tactical, theoretical, typical, tragic, terrible, fatal, fundamental, fraught (colloquial), monstrous, obvious. Naked, frivolous. Arithmetic, grammatical, logical, mathematical, spelling, spelling, psychological, punctuation...

For inspiration


One French peasant had a son who had a bad temper. Then the peasant decided to hammer a nail into the post after each misdeed of his child. Soon there was no living space left on the pillar: everything was covered with nails. Seeing this, the boy began to improve, and after each good deed, the father pulled out a nail from the pillar. The momentous day came when the last nail was pulled out. However, the boy did not feel joy, he cried! Seeing the surprise on his father’s face, the boy said: “There are no nails, but the holes remain!”

Possible essay topics

1. Can an experienced person make mistakes?

2. “Experience is the best teacher, but the price for teaching is too high” (T. Carlyle).

3. “He makes more mistakes who does not repent of his mistakes.”

4. Does inexperience always lead to trouble?

5. The source of our wisdom is our experience.

6. A mistake for one is a lesson for another.

7. Experience is the best teacher, but the tuition fee is too high.

8. Experience teaches only those who learn from it.

9. Experience allows us to recognize a mistake every time we repeat it.

10. The wisdom of people is measured not by their experience, but by their ability to experience.

11. For most of us, experience is the stern lights of a ship, which illuminate only the path traveled.

12. Mistakes are a common bridge between experience and wisdom.

13. Most bad trait, which is common to all people, is to forget about all the good deeds after one mistake.

14. Should you always admit your own mistakes?

15. Can wise men make mistakes?

16. He who does nothing never makes mistakes.

17. All people make mistakes, but great people admit to mistakes.

19. Is it possible to avoid mistakes along the path of life?

20. Is it possible to gain experience without making mistakes?

21. “...Experience, the son of difficult mistakes...” (A.S. Pushkin)

22. The path to truth lies through mistakes.

23. Is it possible to avoid mistakes by relying on the experience of others?

24. Why do you need to analyze your mistakes?

25. What mistakes cannot be corrected?

26. What are misconceptions?

27. What experience does war give a person?

28. How can the experience of fathers be valuable for children?

29. What does reading experience add to life experience?

(Topics in italics from the "Final graduation essay in 11th grade." A.G. Narushevich and I.S. Narushevich. 2016)

Well said!

Quotes and aphorisms

“For most of us, experience is the stern lights of a ship, which illuminate only the path traveled.” S. Collridge

"Experience has produced more timid people than smart ones." G. Shaw

"Experience is the name most people give to the stupid things they've done or the troubles they've had." A. Musset

"Experience has no moral significance; people call their mistakes experience. Moralists, as a rule, have always seen in experience a means of warning and believed that it influences the formation of character. They glorified experience because it teaches us what to follow and what to avoid But he has no experience. driving force. There is as little action in it as there is in human consciousness. Essentially, it only testifies that our future is usually similar to our past and that a sin committed once with a shudder, we repeat in life many times - but with pleasure." O. Wilde

"Experience is a school in which a man learns what a fool he was before." G. Shaw

“We spend a good part of our lives weeding out what we grew in our hearts in our youth. This operation is called acquiring experience.” O. Balzac

"Some people can't learn from anything, not even their own experience." S.King

“You can and should study other experiences, but it is worth remembering that this is someone else’s experience.” L. Gumilyov “Literature gives us a colossal, extensive and deepest experience of life. It makes a person intelligent, develops in him not only a sense of beauty, but also understanding - an understanding of life, all its complexities, serves as a guide to other eras and to other peoples, reveals before you make people's hearts. In a word, it makes you wise." D. Likhachev

“He who has never made a mistake has never tried something new.” A. Einstein

“Three paths lead to knowledge: the path of reflection is the noblest path, the path of imitation is the easiest path, and the path of experience is the most bitter path.” Confucius

"It's so hard to forget pain - but it's even harder to remember the good. Happiness leaves no scars. Peaceful times teach us nothing." Chuck Palahniuk

“It is not at all easy to find a book that has taught us as much as a book written by ourselves.” F. Nietzsche

Proverbs and sayings

Man is not an angel so as not to sin.

A person does not know where he will find it or where he will lose it.

Know how to make a mistake, know how to get better.

As he staggered, he went crazy.

A mistake is a smile for the young, a bitter tear for the old.

If you were mistaken that you hurt yourself, science goes ahead.

Don't be afraid of the first mistake, avoid the second.

The error is corrected.

Once you make a mistake, you will remember it for the rest of your life.

- "The Tale of Peter and Fevronia";

DI. Fonvizin "Undergrowth" (mistakes in education and their consequences);

N.M. Karamzin " Poor Lisa"(Erast's irreparable mistake, the betrayal he committed towards himself - and the consequences of the wrong choice);

A.S. Griboedov “Woe from Wit” (Chatsky, and this is his mistake and tragedy, at first does not perceive Molchalin, does not see him as a worthy opponent. Chatsky’s mistakes and their consequences.)

A.S. Pushkin "Eugene Onegin" (Eugene Onegin's life experience led him to the blues, meeting

Tatiana and Onegin gave her the experience of love and disappointment); “Dubrovsky” (Is Masha Troekurova’s refusal to run away with Dubrovsky, who did not have time to save her from marriage and stopped the wedding procession only on the way back from the church, a mistake?)

A.N. Ostrovsky "Thunderstorm", "Dowry";

L.N. Tolstoy "War and Peace" (Pierre Bezukhov, path true friendship, true love, finding a goal in life, the path of trial and error: marriage to Helen, unsuccessful transformations on southern estates, disappointment in Freemasonry, rapprochement with the people during the War of 1812, lessons from Platon Karataev; Andrey Bolkonsky, experience of mistakes and finding the meaning of life);

I.S. Turgenev "Fathers and Sons" (Evgeny Bazarov - the path from nihilism to acceptance of the diversity of the world);

F.M. Dostoevsky “Crime and Punishment” (the fallacy of Raskolnikov’s theory, “liberation” from moral barriers, which leads to the destruction of personality, suffering, mental anguish; the path to awareness of the mistake and spiritual insight);

A.P. Chekhov "Gooseberry", "About Love", "Ionych" (spiritual degradation of heroes who made irreparable mistakes on the way to their happiness); "The Cherry Orchard";

M. Gorky “At the Depths” (was Luke wrong or right in that a person can correct his mistakes, because everyone keeps within himself possibilities that have not yet been opened to the world);

M. Bulgakov “Notes of a Young Doctor” (Bomgard, acquisition of professional experience, its price); " dog's heart"(what is the mistake of Professor Preobrazhensky);

L.N. Andreev, story “Bite”;

K.G. Paustovsky's "Telegram" (the bitter and irreparable mistake of Nastya, who was late for her mother's funeral and did not want to ease her lonely and hopeless life);

V. Astafiev "Tsar Fish";

B. Akunin, detective stories about Erast Fandorin;

Ch. Palahniuk “Fight Club” (gaining experience turns into tragedy for the hero);

D. Salinger "The Catcher in the Rye" (discovery life experience Holden);

R. Bradbury "Fahrenheit 451" (the mistakes and experiences of Guy Montag), "And Thunder Rolled."

Final essay on the topic “Experience and mistakes.”

Works used in argumentation: “War and Peace”, “Crime and Punishment”

Introduction: Life develops in such a way that everything in it is intertwined with each other: love and hate, ups and downs, experience and mistakes... One is impossible without the other, and it seems that every person has once stumbled, understood the wrongness of their actions and learned important lessons for themselves .

The expression has been known since ancient times: clever man A fool learns from the mistakes of others, but a fool learns from his own. Most likely, this is indeed the case, because it is not in vain that many generations of ancestors sought to pass on their conclusions to their descendants, tried useful tips teach children to live correctly and write down the wisdom of bygone centuries in books.

Huge literary heritage, left by great writers and poets, is an invaluable treasure of life experience that can warn us against many mistakes. Let's look at just a few examples of how works of art The authors, through the actions of their characters, warn the reader about the danger of committing the wrong actions.

Arguments: In the epic novel L.N. Tolstoy's "War and Peace" Natasha Rostova, already being the bride of Prince Andrei Bolkonsky, succumbs to temptation and becomes interested in Andrei Kuragin. The girl is still young, naive and pure in her thoughts, her heart is ready to love and give in to impulses, but the lack of life experience inclines her to a fatal mistake - running away with an immoral person, for whom all life consists of passions. An experienced seducer, who, moreover, was formally married, did not think about marriage, about the fact that he could simply disgrace the girl, Natasha’s feelings were not important to him. And she was sincere in her illusory love. Only by miracle the escape did not take place: Marya Dmitrievna prevented the girl from leaving her family. Later, realizing her mistake, Natasha repents and cries, but the past cannot be returned back. Prince Andrei will not be able to forgive ex-fiancée such betrayal. This story teaches us a lot: first of all, it follows that we cannot be naive, we must be more attentive to people, not create illusions and try to be able to distinguish lies from the truth.

Another example of the fact that the experience of other people is important for avoiding one’s own mistakes can be the novel by F.M. Dostoevsky "". The title itself hints at the moral of the entire work: there will be retribution for misdeeds. This is what happens: Rodion Romanovich Raskolnikov, a poor student, comes up with a theory according to which people can be divided into “trembling creatures” and “those who have the right.” People of the second category, in his opinion, should not be afraid to step over corpses in order to achieve great things. For the sake of verification own theory and instant enrichment, makes brutal crime- kills an old pawnbroker and her pregnant sister with an ax. However, what is perfect does not bring what is desired: as a result of long reflections, which circumstances push him into, main character Romana repents and accepts the well-deserved punishment, serving it in hard labor. The story presented is instructive in that it warns readers against fatal mistakes that could have been avoided.

Conclusion: Thus, it is safe to say that experience and mistakes in people's lives are inextricably linked. And in order to avoid fatal false steps, it is worth relying on the wisdom of the past, including the instructive plots of literary works.

Final essay

in the direction of "Victory and defeat"

It is impossible for a person to go through life's journey without mistakes. In the piggy bank folk wisdom There are many sayings, proverbs and sayings that reflect the problem of experience and mistakes in our lives. Everyone knows the existing phrase: “Only those who do nothing make no mistakes.” A person, trying to achieve certain successes, makes many mistakes along the way. And these mistakes are very different. Some mistakes cause a person to become depressed. Others force you to start all over again. And in the third situation, a person sets new goals for himself, taking into account the bitter previous experience, and moves on. The journey of life is an eternal search for your place in life. Any difficulties and failures are our own mistakes. Every person has the right to make mistakes.

World literature, including Russian, has always been interested in this topic. In Leo Nikolayevich Tolstoy’s novel “War and Peace,” the author’s favorite characters go through a difficult life path. And each of them has their own path of spiritual quest. But they are all united by the desire for happiness. On the path to happiness, Prince Andrei Bolkonsky, Pierre Bezukhov, Natasha Rostova make many mistakes. Enchanted by Lisa, Prince Andrei did not marry for love. Pierre, seriously not understanding life situation, married Helen Kuragina, a soulless and cold beauty. Soon after marriage, he realized that he had been deceived. And Natasha Rostova, having become a bride and future wife Prince Andrey, in his absence became interested in the frivolous Anatol Kuragin. Kuragin's sensual gaze overshadowed the restraint and chastity of Prince Andrei. The heroine behaves completely differently when communicating with Kuragin: Natasha’s shyness, bashfulness and timidity are gone. It seemed to her that this was love. Natasha, young and inexperienced in matters of the heart, nevertheless realized that she had betrayed her loved one. She took her irreparable mistake very hard. Surrounded by the attention of her family and friends, the girl managed to get out of this mental crisis. Happiness is a great sensual and moral force. And L.N. Tolstoy shows that Natasha became truly happy when she married Pierre.

The hero of Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky’s novel “Crime and Punishment,” Rodion Raskolnikov, having committed a bloody crime and confessed to what he had done, does not fully realize the tragedy of what he committed. He did not admit that his theory was wrong. Raskolnikov regrets that he could not transgress, that he would not be able to count himself among the chosen ones. The hero suffers, suffers, is tormented. And only in Siberia, in hard labor, Raskolnikov, tormented and exhausted, not only repents of what he has done, but takes the most difficult path - the path of repentance. And, reading the pages of the novel, we understand that the writer draws our attention to the fact that a person who has admitted his mistakes is able to change. Such a person needs help and compassion. Sonya Marmeladova is precisely F. M. Dostoevsky’s person who is capable of supporting Raskolnikov and helping him.

What conclusion did my reasoning on this problem lead me to? I would like to note that personal experience teaches each of us life. Sad or virtuous, this experience is one's own, lived. And the lessons life has taught us are a real school; it is what shapes character and develops personality.

Subject: " The ability to admit mistakes is a sign of strength.”

All people make mistakes, but the great ones admit to making mistakes.

B. Fontenelle

 Make a mistake and realize it - this is wisdom. Ji Yun

There is no shame in admitting to a person your mistake.

Catherine II

 Admitting your mistakes is the highest courage.

Alexander Bestuzhev

 The weak are often cruel, because they stop at nothing to eliminate the consequences of their mistakes.

George Halifax

Bertrand Russell

Topic: “Error is a step towards experience, knowledge, spiritual development, self-improvement"

    To think is almost always to be wrong.

Paulo Coelho

 Don't be afraid to make mistakes. Then you will gain the strength to resist the evils of life.

Alexander Green

 He who does nothing never makes mistakes.

Theodore Roosevelt

 If any chance is even one percent higher than others, try it. After all, no one is immune from mistakes, even the strongest players...

Haruki Murakami

 Experience is the sum of the mistakes made.

Francoise Sagan

 A truly thinking person draws no less knowledge from his mistakes than from his successes.

John Dewey

 Nothing teaches you more than realizing your mistake. This is one of the main means of self-education.

T. Carlyle

Final certification 2017



Experience and mistakes

Within the framework of the direction, discussions are possible about the value of the spiritual and practical experience of an individual, a people, humanity as a whole, about the cost of mistakes on the path to understanding the world, gaining life experience.
Literature often makes you think about the relationship between experience and mistakes: about experience that prevents mistakes, about mistakes without which it is impossible to move along the path of life, and about irreparable, tragic mistakes.

Possible topic formulations :

He who does nothing never makes mistakes.
To make mistakes is the property of man, to forgive is the property of God.
Experience allows us to recognize a mistake every time we repeat it.
A truly thinking person draws as much knowledge from his mistakes as from his successes.
The only real mistake is not correcting your past mistakes.
Experience is the best mentor.
Our true teachers are experience and feeling.
There is nothing better in life than your own experience.
The only criterion of truth is experience.
A person has the right to make mistakesThe best proof of all is experience.


    Experience prevails. What does it lead to? Could the mistakes have been avoided?

2. Mistakes are made again and again. What does it lead to? Could the tragedy have been avoided?

3. Is it possible to “learn” using someone else’s experience? Is it possible for an experienced person to achieve harmony?

4. A skillful combination of mistakes and experience. What does it lead to? Is it possible to achieve moral perfection in this world?


 N.M. Karamzin “Poor Liza”

A.S. Pushkin “Dubrovsky”, “ Captain's daughter", "Eugene Onegin", " Peasant young lady», « Stationmaster»

 M.Yu. Lermontov “Hero of Our Time”

A.N. Ostrovsky “Dowry”, “Thunderstorm”

I.S. Turgenev “Fathers and Sons”

M. F. Dostoevsky “Crime and Punishment”

A.I. Kuprin " Garnet bracelet", "Olesya"  M. Bulgakov "The Master and Margarita"

V. Rasputin “Live and Remember”

    M. Sholokhov “Quiet Don.”

    V. Rasputin “French Lessons”.

    A Word about Igor's Campaign

    V. Astafiev “The Tsar is a Fish”

    And Goncharov "Oblomov"

    A. P. Chekhov “Man in a Case”,


    I. Bunin “Mister from San Francisco”

    M. Lermontov "Mtsyri"

    N. V Gogol " Dead Souls", " Nose",


    Hemingway's The Old Man and the Sea

hurt the memory of the past

Now, in anticipation of the December test, many teachers are assigning essays on a weekly basis. Of course, students use supporting materials from the Internet to improve their work and diversify their arguments. However, an abundance of absolutely identical essays has literally flooded the World Wide Web, so teachers are increasingly noticing copied works, although their sources are different. To avoid losing points, use a fresh selection of non-standard arguments on the topic “Experience and Errors,” which experts prepared for you today, November 28.

  1. First argument: from Bulgakov's novel "The Master and Margarita" was a mediocre poet and looked at the world through the prism of Soviet propaganda. The young man was too naive about life, trusting every false word. His simple-minded and open character became an easy target for Berlioz, who instilled in his student wretched ideas that groveled before power. The unfortunate poet would have vegetated in ignorance if the mystical experiences associated with the appearance of Woland and meeting the Master had not changed his nature. He realized that he was writing " bad poems"and was mistaken in admiring the system of state coercion that locked him in madhouse. The experience of being in this terrible place stayed with Ivan for the rest of his life. He tried on the martyrdom of the creator in totalitarian state, having been in unjust imprisonment. Seeing what happened to the Master, how his life was distorted by persecution, Bezdomny realized that the title of a poet must be earned through suffering, just like the title of a person. At the end of the novel, we see a completely different Ivan - quiet, thoughtful and consciously decided to change his life for the better. Only experience could perform such a miracle.
  2. Second argument. Famous writer Oscar Wilde illustrates the saving power of experience in his fairy tale. As in the novel The Picture of Dorian Gray, external beauty is contrasted with internal beauty. The boy star (a copy of Gray) is delightfully handsome: “his peers listened to him because he was handsome.” However, worship blinded and embittered the boy, “for he grew up selfish, proud and cruel.” Mystical powers They punished him by turning the handsome man into a snake-like monster. The boy understood the lesson and decided to improve. Beauty returned only after atonement for sins and complete cleansing of the soul. Exactly real loss stimulated a person to work on himself. Having survived a terrible experience, the hero realizes that he was wrong, that true beauty lies in spiritual nobility, and not in the correctness of features. But what would have happened if the boy had remained a handsome self-lover without experiencing a personal tragedy? He would turn into Dorian Gray, who lost his shame and conscience instead of his beautiful appearance. This means that experience is necessary for a miraculous effect.
  3. Third argument. “Experience is the worst teacher; he offers a test before the lesson” Werner Low. In Pushkin’s work “Dubrovsky” the hero experiences the most terrible feeling - despair, for which he himself is to blame. Vladimir does not have time to kidnap his beloved before the wedding, so they are forever separated by Masha’s sacred oath. Dubrovsky arrives too late: the girl is doomed to live with someone she doesn’t love. The young man blames himself for the fatal delay, but he can no longer do anything, just as he is unable to return his father and inheritance. The test was too difficult for Vladimir, he could not solve it. What did such a cruel experience teach him? Rob? Yes, he was robbed by Troekurov’s henchmen, but is this really a reason to steal himself? The teacher taught him only bad things, or rather, forced him to become a robber. Dubrovsky had no alternative. Alexander Pushkin gave an example when experience is not a teacher, but an executioner. After everything he has experienced, the unfortunate person will not be able to return to normal life.
  1. Fourth argument. In “The Tale of Igor’s Campaign,” princes Igor and Vsevolod went against the Polovtsians without warning their brother Svyatoslav of Kyiv, who had a stronger army and could have helped them. Before this campaign, Igor had fought against treacherous nomads more than once, but military experience told him nothing. It only made him overconfident. Noticing a bad omen along the way (an eclipse of the sun), the prince did not pay attention to it. This happened because easy victories created in him the illusion of invincibility. The Polovtsy took him, Vsevolod and the squad by surprise, knowing well the Russian tradition of vigorously celebrating success. It is obvious that experience can mislead a person about the real state of affairs. He has always been lucky, he will say, and will take risks, but next time it will happen differently, and the risk will turn out to be fatal mistake. Unfortunately, such fake experience can be very expensive. The princes, for example, doomed their loyal squad to death.
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