Drawing lesson in the aspect of gender education. Topic: “Professions. Direct educational activities in the preparatory school group. Topic: “Professions

Summary of GCD in senior group. Topic: "Professions".

Explanation for the lesson: The lesson is intended for older children preschool age. Children's ideas about the work of adults and about various professions expand. The following techniques are used: conversation, verbal, didactic games, interactive game, artistic word.
Author: Bykova Natalya Ivanovna, teacher, Child Development Center - Kindergarten No. 110 "Little Red Riding Hood", Petrozavodsk, Republic of Karelia

Summary of direct educational activities on cognitive development in the senior group on the topic: Professions.

Target: Clarify and expand children's understanding of professions.
Educational areas: Cognitive development, speech development, social and communicative development, physical development.
Tasks: 1. Cognitive development: Expand ideas about the work of adults, its necessity and social significance. Create children's interest in various professions. Develop cognitive interest.
2. Speech development: Fix in speech a noun with the general meaning of “profession”. Develop dialogical, coherent speech.
3. Social and communicative development: Cultivate respect for people of all professions. Develop cooperation skills.
4. Physical development: Develop general and fine motor skills children's hands.
Preliminary work: Conversations about parents' professions. Looking at pictures and illustrations on the topic: “Professions.” Drawing on the topic: “Who will I be when I grow up?”
Reading fiction: S. Mikhalkov “Uncle Styopa”, K.I. Chukovsky “Aibolit”, D. Rodari “What do crafts smell like?”, L. Kuklin “Think what would happen...”
Equipment: laptop, screen, projector, audio recording of B. Okudzhava’s song “Let’s compliment each other,” a sun toy, pictures for the game “Divide the pictures into groups” on the topics: “Sports,” “Gorodets painting,” “Professions,” cards for topic “Profession”, didactic game-presentation “What’s extra?”, colored pencils, album sheets for each child.
Progress: I. Introductory part.
1).Verbal game “Compliments”

The first verse of B. Okudzhava’s song “Let’s compliment each other” sounds.
Educator: Guys, what is a compliment? Why are compliments needed in human communication? Give each other compliments so that a radiant sun will settle in everyone’s heart and warm the soul with its warmth. Children pass each other a toy-sun and say a compliment.
Educator: And to you, my dear children, I also want to say compliments. You have these beautiful faces and smiles. There is so much warmth and light in your eyes that when I meet you, I forget about the sad, I rejoice and smile.
2). Didactic game “Divide the pictures into groups.”
Children are offered pictures from 3 groups, each group has 4 pictures: “Sports”, “Gorodets painting”, “Professions”. The topics “Sports” and “Gorodets painting” were covered earlier. In the pictures on the topic “Professions” there are images of people different professions, for example: cook, builder, policeman, military man.
Educator: Guys, this morning someone mixed up all my pictures. Help me, please, sort them into groups.
Children complete the task independently, call each group with a general word; the third group of pictures causes difficulty. Name of pictures new group will be the topic of the lesson.
Educator: Guys, how can you call these pictures in one word? What will we talk about today? (about professions).
II. Main part.
1) Conversation based on children's experiences.
Educator: This morning you all left your house and went to kindergarten. Do you know who built your houses? (builders). Who invented them? (most likely, children will be in difficulty).
Educator: The architect came up with them and drew them on paper. Builders built houses. These are masons, crane operators, carpenters (people who work on wood). It takes many people of different professions to build a house.
Educator: What is a profession? (business, work, occupation) Name the professions of your parents. What are professions for?
2) Game “If there is no…”
Educator: Imagine that all the doctors in our city have disappeared. What will happen? (there will be no one to treat). Tell us what could happen if people of other professions disappear.
Children continue the phrase “If there is no…” and tell what will happen if there are no builders, cooks, firefighters, police officers, hairdressers, educators, teachers, sellers, etc.
Educator: Guys, do you agree with the expression: “all professions are needed, all professions are important”? Why? (children's answers).
3). Didactic game “Who owns this?”
Cards are used on the topic “Professions” (people, tools, equipment). Attached to the board are images of people from different professions, for example: fireman, builder, musician, driver. Children independently divide into pairs, take a card and determine which profession represents what is drawn on it. They pin it on the board and explain their choice to each other.
4).Physical training minute.
Children break into pairs, show each other cheerful and sad artist, a janitor, a conductor, a dancer, imitating the movements characteristic of people of these professions.
5). Didactic game “Find the extra picture.” Invite children to find out the profession of people by the objects located on the slide and find the extra one that is not related to this profession. When you click on an extra item, it disappears and a picture appears confirming the correctness of the answer. Children identify the extra object and explain their choice.
III. Final part.
Educator: Guys, please explain to me the proverb: “He who knows what gets bread” (children’s answers). When you become adults, you will also learn some necessary and important profession. Think about what profession you like best. Draw on a piece of paper any object related to this profession, and we will guess what you want to become in the future.
There are so many professions, and all are good:
Everyone is capable of finding something for the soul.

Tatiana Andryushkevich
Drawing lesson in the aspect of gender education. Theme "Professions"

Program tasks:

Develop an aesthetic attitude towards the environment, convey in the drawing the image of a working person, depicting human figures in a characteristic professional clothes, in a work environment, with the necessary attributes. Expand and clarify children's knowledge about the role employment of men and women. Tell children about women's and men's professions.

Strengthen skills paint main parts with a simple pencil, carefully paint over the drawings. Learn to evaluate your drawings according to the assignment.


White paper (landscape sheet, simple graphite pencil, colored pencils.

Progress of the lesson:

Educator wishes for children puzzles:

Will you answer me children?

Who is the best in the world?

He will be able to treat you:

Give me something to drink and feed?

Children:- cook

Who tell me this

Protects our peace

He keeps order

Doesn't he tell you to bully?

Children:- policeman

I need things like this:

Hammer, vice and pliers,

Key, file and hacksaw,

And the most important thing is skill.

Children:- locksmith

I've been sewing all day today,

I dressed the whole family.

Wait a little, cat, -

There will be clothes for you too.

Children:- seamstress, dressmaker

How can you call the answers in one word?

Children:- professions

Today you guys and I will go to the parade of masters. (Children walk through the gallery). Every master (children) dressed in their professional work uniform. Each child talks about his professions. Draw children's attention to the pictures « Professions» , "Tools". After the parade of masters, children go to an exhibition where the products of all the masters are displayed. Children look at them and determine which product belongs to which professions. Then the children return to the group.

Vos-l: Today we met many professions.

What is it profession?

Children:- This is something that parents do at work.

Name their parents' professions.

Children: Teacher, policeman, artist, fireman.

What are they for? professions?

Children: In order to work.

Why should you study? professions?

Children: To be smart, educated.

Where are they taught?

Children: In institutes, colleges.

Vos-l: Professions can be male or female. Name the men's professions, women's.

Children: Welder, fireman, mechanic, turner - these are men's professions.

Teacher is a female profession.

Why are these professions like welder, locksmith should be only male?

Children: Because these professions require a lot of effort.

And people like teacher - female?

Children: Because only kind women should work with children.

What do you want to be when you grow up? Why?

Children: Driver, teacher, fireman, teacher.

I want to be like mom, like dad. I want to be a teacher to teach children. I want to be a policeman to catch criminals.

Listen to an excerpt from the work of V. Mayakovsky "Who to be?" (The teacher reads) . Yes indeed, professions there are a lot of them and they are all important and necessary.

Physical education minute.

I will talk about myself, and you - about yourself. To do this, do what I did and repeat the words.

IN: I'm walking, and then I got up from the bench,

D: And we go. And then we got up from the bench.

IN: I sing, And I wave my arms,

D: And we sing. And they waved their hands.

IN: I'm running, I clapped my hands,

D: And we run. They clapped their hands.

IN: I sat down on the bench, squatted ten times,

D: We sat down on a bench. We squatted ten times.

Today on during the lesson you will draw that profession, which you like best and which you want to choose in the future when you become big. Remember what form of clothing a master of this particular craft should wear? professions what tools and products should be. First you need draw with a simple pencil, placing the image on the entire sheet, and then coloring it with colored pencils. Children draw teacher carries out individual work.

At the end of the work, a finger test is carried out gymnastics:

The hammer knocked, knocked,

I drove nails into the board

One two three four,

So we hammered in the nails.

A saw is sawing a thick trunk,

One-two, one-two,

Got white hot

One-two, one-two.

Analysis of works:

Children look at the work and tell why drew exactly this profession, choose the most interesting drawings.

Optionally play didactic game "Pick a tool".

Program content:

Develop children's knowledge about the professions of people working in kindergarten; activate the names of instruments in children’s independent speech, necessary for people some professions.

Exercise children in the practical mastery of the coordination of certain grammatical forms. To develop mental operations, the ability to generalize and compare, and the imagination of children.

Material: white robe, thermometer, saucepan, ladle, frying pan; children's musical instruments; mop, rag and bucket; toys, books, pencils, pen; hammer, nails, saw, screwdriver.

Progress of the lesson

Educator: Guys, today we will talk about everyone who was next to us,

You were raised, raised,

Showed concern for you

Did different jobs.

So who has been with you here all these years?

How do people become teachers, nannies, cooks, doctors? Are they born this way? (No.) What does it take to become, for example, a doctor? (Children's answers.)

Yes, only those who study can obtain a profession.

Look at the photo. Whose portrait is this? (Doctor.) How did they find out? (Children's answers.)

Each job requires its own tools and equipment. Look: I have collected various items from all over our kindergarten. Help me determine who could have left them with us.

The teacher shows an object, for example a white coat. Children name and determine who it belongs to from the kindergarten staff.

Then the children choose the items needed for one profession. For example, Sasha will go and choose everything that our nurse needs. When all the items have been sorted out (children can work in subgroups, pairs and individually), the teacher asks:

Why are all these items needed, for example, for a nurse?

What does a cook do with a frying pan, a saucepan and a ladle?

Now, guys, look carefully at all these items and try to remember them. We will play the game “What has changed? What’s missing?”

The teacher covers all previously discussed objects with a screen (screen). One of the objects is hidden (for example, under the table). Then the screen opens. Children must guess which object is hidden. During the game you can hide 2-4 objects.

You guessed everything correctly, well done! Now let’s play the game “Name the Action” with the ball. Passing the ball to each other, you will name the actions that a person of the profession I named can perform. For example, what can a nurse do in our kindergarten? She can give children vitamins, measure temperatures, check the cleanliness of hands, hair, and beds. The nurse will help us if someone suddenly gets hurt or hits. She can check how the children eat, whether the groups are clean, and whether the toys and clothes in the lockers are in order. The nurse can come to our site during a walk. She can check how the cooks prepared dinner and do many other things that are useful for us.

The teacher throws a ball to each child and names their profession. When returning the ball, the child must name the action. The teacher can change the names of professions for each subsequent participant in the game. Or maybe repeat the same profession for several children until their imagination runs out.

One day while walking I observed this situation. Our employees sat on a bench. They are met by kids from the very junior group our garden. The kids started asking who is doing what? Here one of the kids says: “The cook cooks, sews, fries, salts, cuts...” Did he say everything correctly? (No, of course, the chef does not sew!) And who sews? (The castellan is sewing.) What else does the castellan do? (Provides clean linen, dresses up children for holidays, etc.).

The doctor treats, gives injections, washes the floors, takes the temperature...

The nanny cleans, washes the dishes, plays the piano, wipes the dust...

The teacher teaches children, draws, dances, sings with the children, gives injections to sick children and drives an airplane... (After some time, the children themselves can come up with such riddles for each other.)

The teacher hides the object behind a screen and briefly talks about it. In the game “Guess it!” children must name this item and indicate its need for a person of a certain profession in kindergarten.

After 2-3 examples, one of the children can play the role of leader.

Guys, you know the professions of kindergarten employees well. When you grow up, what do you want to become, where to study? (3-4 children talk about their desire, motivating their choice of a particular profession.)

Yes, there are many of you! And many good specialists will work in our kindergarten. Let's count in unison how many cooks there will be?

There are many employees in the kindergarten. Now we’ll do a little exercise and count them all. The game is called “Count to...”.

Children raise their fists above their heads, count loudly, extending one finger at a time: “One cook, two cooks, three cooks, four cooks, five cooks!”

To be a good specialist, you must have not only certain knowledge and skills. You also need to cultivate the character for a certain specialty. Tell me, what character traits should a watchman have? Nurse? Teacher?

Children select adjectives (definitions) for the noun given by the teacher. For example, a watchman is brave, courageous, courageous, strong... A nurse is kind, affectionate, gentle, decisive, calm, cheerful, etc.

Outdoor game “We won’t tell you where we were, but we’ll show you what we did!”

One of the players shows actions characteristic of a representative of a particular profession. The rest of the children must guess who he is showing.

All employees must know their responsibilities. I suggest we finish the sentence:

They work in kindergarten...

If your baby has a stomach ache, then...

The cook works for... He … .

To cook soup, he needs...

In the morning the teacher spends...

The assistant teacher in the group does….

Imagine that in the morning none of the adults came to work at the kindergarten. What can happen to children?

(The teacher gives each child a symbolic picture indicating a profession of the kindergarten staff. Children take turns making assumptions about the question asked.)

Tell me, why can our nannies refuse to work? What upsets them? Yes, children often litter, carry dirt from the street and do not wipe their feet... But what could upset a cook? What upsets the teacher? Musical director?

How should we behave so that there is always peace and order in our garden? What is the most important profession in kindergarten? ( .)

L. Ladutko, S. Shklyar

Elena Bulgakova

Target: Expand children's understanding of the visual possibilities of paints. Strengthen the ability to name primary colors, learn to select desired color when creating a certain image. Cultivate compassion and kindness.

Material. An uncolored rooster drawn and cut out of paper. Landscape sheet with a drawn silhouette of a rooster, red, yellow, blue and green gouache, brushes, jars of water, rags (for each child).

Preliminary work: Introduce children to V. Suteev’s fairy tale “The Rooster and the Colors.”

Progress of the lesson


Children, today an unusual guest came to our garden. Do you want to meet him?

Children's answers.

Educator: Shows an unpainted rooster and speaks on its behalf:

“Everyone laughs at me, they say that I’m not painted, that I’m not real. They told me to go to the artists. They have some paints that they can use to paint me.”

Educator: Children, what is on my table?

Children's answers. Paints.

Educator: What are they called? What color are they?

Children's answers: Gouache paints. Red, blue, yellow and green. - And

Educator: Well done! Oh, you can draw with them.

Children's answers: Sun, grass, apple, tomato, sky.

Educator: Right. With their help, you can paint any object, and it will turn from unpainted into a real, beautiful one.

The teacher asks the children on behalf of the rooster: “Can you guys color me?”

Children's answers: Yes.

Educator:“Of course, we can, today we are artists and we have paints. Look how we will make you a real rooster: we will paint the comb and beard with red paint (as we explain, paint the carved rooster, blue - the feathers on the tail, green paint - the wings, and yellow - the breast... What a beautiful rooster it turned out to be."

The teacher speaks on behalf of the rooster: “Thank you,” says the rooster. “I still have friends, roosters are also unpainted. Guys, help them become real.”

The teacher gives the children album sheets with silhouettes of roosters and offers to help the roosters - color them - using all four colors in their work.

These are the roosters that my children and I got

Publications on the topic:

Summary of the integrated educational activity “All professions are important, all professions are needed” in the middle group GCD theme: “All professions are important, all professions are needed.” Direction of education and development ( educational field): cognitive development(.

Summary of direct educational activities in drawing in the middle group. Topic: “Boots for a centipede” Program content: teach children to draw straight lines from left to right, circles consisting of two semicircles, dots (draw with cotton swabs);

Summary of direct educational activities in unconventional drawing V middle group"The Adventures of Masha." The goal is acquaintance.

Lesson summary for the middle group on introducing adults to labor. Topic: “Important professions.” Goal: To teach and generalize children’s knowledge about the work of a doctor and some of his work actions. Expand lexicon medical terminologies.

The lesson summary is designed for two lessons: the first is aimed at cognitive development, the second at artistic - aesthetic development.

Educational field: “Artistic and aesthetic development”, “Cognitive development”. Objectives: 1. Strengthen drawing skills.

Summary of a drawing lesson in the middle group Topic: “Shoe in a puddle” Goal: To teach children to cut out double silhouettes of paired objects, accurately convey the shape and give it additional expressive features.

Drawing with children 5-6 years old. Class notes Koldina Daria Nikolaevna

Theme of the week: “Professions”

Theme of the week: “Professions”

Lesson 23. Color spectrum

(Drawing with gouache)

Program content. Form an idea of ​​how you can get orange, green, purple and brown colors. Learn to mix basic paints and create new colors. Actively use the words: artist, landscape, palette. Develop an interest in working with paints.

Demonstration material. A doll dressed as an artist, a sketch of a landscape drawn in pencil.

Handout. Palettes-ovals made of thick cardboard according to the number of children with the outlines of seven circles drawn on them; red, yellow and blue gouache, brushes, jars of water, rags.

Progress of the lesson

To find out who is coming to visit, ask the children a riddle:

Multicolored sisters

Bored without water.

Uncle is long and thin

He carries water with his beard.

And his sisters with him

Draw a house and smoke.

(Brush and paints)

Ask the children:

– Who paints pictures with brushes and paints? (Children, artists.)

Play up the situation that an artist (a doll in disguise) comes to you. He brought an unfinished landscape.

“Guess,” says the guest, “where I painted this picture?” (Depending on the content of the landscape, children say - in the forest (or at sea, in the mountains, etc.).)

– Is my painting beautiful? - asks the artist. (Beautiful, but underdrawn.)

“That’s right,” says the artist. “I’m almost all out of paint.” Only red, yellow and blue gouache remained. But I need other colors too. Help me get other colors.

The teacher distributes palettes and gouache paints of three primary colors to the children. Children paint the first three circles with the available colors. And the fourth circle is painted with blue paint, and yellow on top - it turns out green. Ask the children how it turned out green color. The fifth circle is red, and yellow paint on top - it will turn out orange. Ask the children how the color orange came about. On the sixth circle, children mix red and blue gouache - it will turn out purple. Find out how the purple color turned out.

Put it in front of the children problematic situation: How to get brown for tree trunks? (You need to mix all three primary colors on the seventh circle.)

In parting, the artist thanks the children:

– Thank you guys, now I can finish my picture.

IN free time children can help the artist complete his landscape.

Lesson 24. Warm and cold tones

(Drawing with gouache)

Program content. Form an idea of ​​cold and warm tones, teach them to distinguish between them. Practice mixing paints and creating new colors. Learn to draw a picture using a cold or warm range of colors. Continue to use the words: “artist”, “landscape”, “palette”, “cold and warm tones”.

Demonstration material. A doll dressed as an artist.

Handout. One and a half album sheets, gouache, brushes, palettes, jars of water, rags.

Progress of the lesson

Play up the situation that an artist has come to your class again.

Give the children half of the album sheets and let the artist conduct this activity.

The guest invites the children to draw three yellow, orange and red circles on the left half of the sheet, and blue, indigo and purple circles on the right half. The artist asks the children what the colors on one side remind them of (sun, fire, summer, trees, berries, etc.). That's right, these colors are summer, which means they are warm.

The doll asks the children what can be drawn using colors with right side(snow, ice, puddles, rain, etc.). These colors resemble cold and are therefore called cold.

The artist invites children to draw two green circles between the circles with cold and warm tones. Asks the guys to think about whether they are cold or warm. To solve the problem, you need to add warm water to the first green circle yellow paint, then the green color will turn into light green (this is the color of grass and leaves on trees), which means it is warm.

Add blue paint to the second green circle to create a dark green color reminiscent of a cold sea. This means dark green is a cool color.

The guest reads a poem by G. Sapgir to the children:

The grass has green words,

And they are barely audible.

And the wind has blue words,

And they make your head spin.

And the sun has so many clear words,

Red songs,

Golden poems!

I'm calling all my friends today

Listen to the sun, wind and grass.

The artist hands out album sheets to the children and invites them to draw a picture using either warm or cool tones. Or you can divide the sheet in half and draw a warm pattern on one side and a cold one on the other.

From the book Modeling and application with children 6-7 years old. Class notes author Koldina Daria Nikolaevna

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From the book Drawing with children 6-7 years old. Class notes author Koldina Daria Nikolaevna

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From the book Drawing with children 4-5 years old. Class notes author Koldina Daria Nikolaevna

Topic of the week: “My Home” Lesson 41–42. Houses of the Three Little Pigs (part 1–2) (Drawing with pastel crayons, sanguine, charcoal, wax crayons) Program content. Continue learning how to make illustrations for fairy tales. Develop the ability to arrange objects on a sheet of paper. Learn

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Theme of the week “Professions” Lesson 24. Rooster and paints (Brush painting. Gouache) Program content. Expand children's understanding of the visual possibilities of paints. Strengthen the ability to name primary colors, learn to select the right color when creating a specific

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Theme of the week “Professions” Lesson 23. Color spectrum (Drawing with gouache) Program content. Form an idea of ​​how you can get orange, green, purple and brown colors. Learn to mix basic paints and create new colors. Actively

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Topic of the week: “My Home” Lesson 22. House for a bunny and a rooster ( Colored paper. Application from prepared parts of an object) Program content. Cultivate compassion and kindness. Teach children to form a whole from several parts; apply glue to the part and stick it

From the author's book

Topic of the week: “My Home” Lesson 22. Fence near the house (Brush painting. Gouache) Purpose. Continue to teach children to draw various objects consisting of combinations of lines. Learn to retell fairy tales based on illustrations in the book. Develop speech and thinking. Demonstration

From the author's book

Topic of the week: “Professions” Lesson 25. Railway for Dr. Aibolit (Brush painting. Gouache) Purpose. Teach children to draw long and short intersecting lines using a brush. Create a desire to help those who need help. Demonstration material.

From the author's book

Topic of the week: “Plants” Lesson 31. Green bushes (Brush and finger painting. Gouache) Purpose. Improve children's skills in combination various techniques(painting with a brush and fingers). Demonstration material. Album sheet on which a bush is drawn,