Women of Makarevich. Andrey Makarevich: creative biography, childhood, secret of success, photo Father of Andrey Makarevich

Famous musician, the creator and ideological inspirer of the “Time Machine” group, which has enough fans of various age categories, as well as a TV presenter of his own original programs, writer Andrei Makarevich, despite his 62, is still active and active. This - distinguishing feature singer's nature. A charming smile, according to numerous rumors that float around his person, has conquered more than one woman's heart. That is why we have dedicated today’s entire article to this topic. I would like to figure out which women the musician loved during his life, and which of them received the exclusive right to be called wives of Andrei Makarevich.

In the photo - Andrei Makarevich and his first wife Elena

For my biography famous singer and the musician was married three times, and all three marriages ended in exactly the same way - in divorce. They are also related to each other short duration. First wife of Andrei Makarevich Elena happened back in the distant past Soviet times. This marriage began almost forty years ago. True, the history of its existence itself is not that long - only three years. Elena is a graduate of the Institute of History and Archives and, judging by her parents’ wedding gift (a spacious apartment in the capital), the daughter of far from poor parents. However, none of these factors could keep her fickle lover close to her. Endless tours and concerts eventually destroyed this relationship.

In the photo - Andrei Makarevich with his son Ivan

Andrei Makarevich’s second wife, Alla, even managed to give birth to the singer’s son, Ivan, in the same short period of time. However, even a small joint miracle did not save the parents from separation. Now Ivan Makarevich is an aspiring actor with great promise. The third legal wife, Natalya Golub, appeared in the biography of Andrei Makarevich on the last day of 2013. The stylist and photographer and musician dated for five years before the relationship was formalized. However, this marriage did not last long - only twice as long as the previous ones. Apparently, this is his fate, the singer himself believes, that he never managed to live a long, happy family life with any of his lovers.

In the photo - Andrey Makarevich, Natalya Golub and Ivan Makarevich

Or maybe the reason is not in fate, but in the extraordinary love of Andrei Makarevich? After all, there are also several women who have not grown to the status of wives. Moreover, two of them gave the musician two daughters - the eldest Dana lives in America and is happily married, and younger Anna- with his mother, journalist Anna Rozhdestvenskaya, in Moscow.

Even friends were not invited to the registry office. Although this did not come as a surprise to them. After all, Andrey met his future wife Natasha Golub five years ago. But on initial stage the relationship could not be called romantic. As Natalya herself admitted in one of her interviews: “Makarevich periodically invited me to some parties. But I understood that he was inviting me only because he was bored. And I didn’t want to be a girl for one evening.” Then they didn’t see each other for a long time. And then two years ago we met again at anniversary concert group “ChaiF”. Then something happened between them, a spark jumped. They didn't say a word to each other, they just hugged and... started dating. Every day. And six months later, Makarevich invited Golub to move in with him. Another six months later a new proposal followed. This time hands and hearts. And after another two weeks, Natasha and Andrey went to the registry office. And now in their lives there is a real pink period. In the evenings, the couple argue about who will cook dinner. Andrey always takes Natasha with him on tour. Makarevich taught his other half to dive and ski. And the leader of “Time Machine” considers his wife’s birthday to be his favorite holiday. And prepares surprises. For my last birthday, I organized a trip to Micronesia - islands near Japan. This year - a trip to the Austrian city of Sölden. The newlyweds were accompanied by Andrei's son from his second marriage, 17-year-old Vanya.

Spouses and children

If Makarevich speaks about his previous wives, it is only with respect and piety. The reasons for divorce are the same - love has passed. And when love passes, then why torture each other. It is better to maintain good relations and move on with your life. “When there is internal interaction, you give in to your loved one with joy. And if not, the torture begins,” says Makarevich. In their relationship with Natasha, they don’t even have to give in to each other. Simply because they have no disagreements - they understand each other perfectly. And this despite the age difference - 14 years. “Is it really a difference,” laughs Makarevich. - She’s not a nineteen-year-old young lady. Natasha shares all my hobbies!”

Before Golub (by the way, the girl did not change her last name), Andrei had two marriages. The first wife, Lena, graduated from the Historical and Archival Institute. The parents bought the newlyweds a spacious apartment. But living together ended after three years. “Time Machine” was then actively touring, which did not contribute to the prosperity of family relationships.

Andrey also lived with his second wife, Alla, for three years. They had a son - Vanya. But, despite the child, the marriage broke up. “If mom and dad live together gritting their teeth, then the child will grow up to be a psycho,” says Andrey. In addition to his son, Makarevich has two more daughters. The eldest, Dana, is already 30 years old. He learned about her existence when the girl turned 19. The youngest, Anechka, is now four and a half. Her mother - also Anna - lived with Andrey for about two years.

Portraits of rocker's girlfriends

In general, many novels are attributed to Makarevich. Rumor has it that at one time he was in close relationships with singer Alena Sviridova, TV presenter Ksenia Strizh... These are some of the famous ones. In general, Andrei painted portraits of all his ladies and organized a whole exhibition with a telling name“50 women of Andrei Makarevich.” And he timed the opening of the exhibition to coincide with his own 50th anniversary. True, he made a reservation that “not all portraits have real prototypes" Although he may be disingenuous. Since he himself has repeatedly stated in interviews that “he loves women.” But the current wife Natalya should not be afraid. Firstly, who will remember the past... And secondly, there really is true love in their relationship.

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Andrey Makarevich is a popular musician, People's and Honored Artist of Russia, as well as the leader of the Time Machine group.

Popularity came to him in 1979 after signing a contract with Soyuzconcert and legalizing the Time Machine. To this day, the artist actively participates in touring life, develops new projects and performs solo concerts. Andrey released two biographical books, as well as a couple of collections of poems.

Until recently, he was a member of the Council for Culture and Art under the President of the Russian Federation, but due to the heavy workload in musical activity, left the council.

Personal life

The family life of a popular musician is no less interesting than his professional life. Officially, Makarevich was married three times. WITH last wife, having been married for seven years, he separated just before he moved to new house. Andrei Makarevich has two children (a son and a daughter) from different wives and one illegitimate daughter.

Today, according to numerous press reports, Andrei Vadimovich lives with singer Masha Katz, also known under the pseudonym Judith.

House of Andrey Makarevich

Makarevich for a long time lived in the village of Podushkino (purchased a house from Leonid Yarmolnik), but after full-scale deforestation began in the village, he decided to change his place of residence. Relationship with local residents things didn’t work out from the very beginning, and so Makarevich moved to a new cottage without any special regrets.

The village of Pavlovo is located approximately 17 kilometers from the Moscow Ring Road along Novorizhskoye Highway. There is a lake on the territory, as well as a landscaped area for walking and relaxing, going straight into the forest and illuminated by ancient lanterns. Access to the forest and the presence of a lake were one of the decisive factors when choosing this particular village. Here residents treat their famous neighbor calmly, without any complaints.

Andrei Makarevich moved into the new three-story house already free from the bonds of marriage with Natalya Golub and took care of the arrangement on his own. The house turned out to be very interesting and bright. On the territory there is a large swimming pool, an excellent bathhouse, an artist’s workshop, as well as a barbecue area.

The interior of an elite cottage contains many collectible and original items. Makarevich famous collector: collects antique dishes, dolls, bells, musical instruments, keys from monasteries and beads.

Together with Makarevich, his beloved boa constrictor named Brunnhilde lives in the cottage; a whole room has been equipped for her. Mice, hares and frogs are brought especially for the “ladies” from ecologically clean protected areas.

Andrei Makarevich's house can be recognized not only by its densely planted yard and cleanly mowed lawn, but also by the huge cow sitting on the balcony. Burenka stopped by the musician after a charity event in which the stars painted cows. Makarevich really liked this event, and he decided to install a copy on his balcony.

Makarevich also paid attention to one of the main rooms in the cottage - the kitchen. It contains stoves and various smokehouses. Andrey Makarevich cooks wonderfully and constantly treats his guests original dishes homemade.

The village of Pavlovo, located along Novorizhskoye Highway, is considered one of the most prestigious. average cost A plot of thirty acres with a house of 800 square meters varies between $4 and $5 million.

Andrey Makarevich - Russian musician and composer, singer, bard, author of poetry, TV presenter, founder and permanent leader of the Time Machine group.

Once Andrey gave his group this unusual name, and didn’t even know that years later it would reflect the whole essence of what they had been doing for many years on stage. After all, the group’s music does not age, it reaches a new generation through the years, the members continue to perform with a new lineup, and fans will always associate Makarevich’s surname with “Machine...”

When the group first appeared on the Soviet scene, their music and lyrics immediately sank into the souls of many listeners, and then young Makarevich first became popular. Even then, newspapers wrote about him as a real breakthrough in Russian music, and today the middle-aged and gray-haired members of the group still remain idols for an entire generation.

It is not surprising that they are still interested in their work, and Makarevich himself has become a legend of rock and roll, about whom fans want to know everything, even height, weight, age. You can find out how old Andrei Makarevich is on his Wikipedia page, as well as on many music sites on the Internet. Today the composer is 64 years old, but he is not going to leave the stage, and in 2018 the group is still performing.

Biography of Andrei Makarevich

The biography of Andrei Makarevich dates back to 1953 in Moscow. WITH early years the young man played the piano, composed simple melodies and dreamed that someday he would play for the public. The boy was very versatile, he taught English language in a special school, and was also fond of collecting butterflies. In high school, he dreamed of becoming a reptile specialist, and even kept a live snake at home. In general, Andrey is a passionate person, and his desires changed very often. He wanted to become a musician, a biologist, an athlete, he even became seriously interested in swimming, and after school he entered the Institute of Architecture.

As a student, the guy played the guitar well, analyzed Beatles songs, and with the same “Beatlemaniacs” he created his own music group, which the guys poetically called “Time Machine”. After university, Makarevich worked as an architect, and music was his hobby. The guys performed on stage for themselves and a few spectators, and recorded several songs, including “Time Machines.” At first they played in small clubs, at sessions, and made no money at all, and then in 1979 they signed a contract with Soyuzconcert, and that’s when popularity came.

Andrei Makarevich began to be invited to programs and television, and in 1993 he became the host of the culinary program “SMAK”, which he hosted for 12 years.

Personal life of Andrei Makarevich

Andrey Makarevich became a good confirmation that good music, like water, can sharpen a stone. So unknown to anyone the group that created good music People liked her “for herself” and became famous all over the Union, not because of money and connections, but because she was real. Many fans who have lost track of the group today are wondering where Andrei Makarevich is now, but the answer is simple - everyone is right there, on stage. In 2018 they are giving a new tour of Russia.

The personal life of Andrei Makarevich, like his biography, was never boring. The singer was officially married three times, but divorce followed three times in his life.

Family of Andrei Makarevich

The fact that Andrey grew up very a versatile child and as a child he collected butterflies, and also loved reptiles, an absolute pattern, because his father, Vadim Grigorievich, was an architect, taught at the Moscow Architectural Institute (where the future musician eventually entered), and his mother, Nina Markovna, worked as a microbiologist. The family of Andrei Makarevich, like many Soviet citizens, then lived in a communal apartment on Volkhonka. Here the young naturalist spent his childhood until he was 10 years old, until they moved to a allocated apartment on Komsomolsky Prospekt.

Makarevich’s father, in his free time from work, played the guitar and sang Vysotsky’s songs, so Andrei - a good student his father, who taught the guy to play musical instruments.

Children of Andrei Makarevich

During his life, the singer was officially married three times, and for a short time cohabited with different women. Maybe, creative person it’s hard to be in the company of someone who doesn’t understand his hobbies, because Makarevich’s wives had nothing to do with music and show business, perhaps that’s why the spouses didn’t find mutual language after marriage and how the first love went.

Andrei Makarevich has three children from three women. The children of Andrei Makarevich - two daughters and a son - today live separately from the singer, but he maintains contact with his offspring, and on his birthday, his entire large family gathers in the singer’s apartment.

Son of Andrei Makarevich - Ivan Makarevich

The son of Andrei Makarevich, Ivan Makarevich, was born in 1987 in the actor’s second marriage to Alla Golubkina. Ivan grew up with his mother, but today the naked eye can see that he is Makarevich’s son, since Ivan simply exact copy singer After school, the guy entered the Moscow Art Theater School and then transferred to the Academy of Theater Arts, from which he graduated.

He played in the films “Shadowboxing”, “1814”, and also played young Andrey Makarevich in the film “House of the Sun”. The actor also plays in the theater on Malaya Bronnaya, and in the Moscow Praktika theater.

Daughter of Andrei Makarevich - Dana Makarevich

Andrei Makarevich’s daughter, Dana Makarevich, was born in 1975. Makarevich was then 22 years old, and he lived with a girl who gave birth to Andrei illegitimate daughter, but didn’t say anything to the man, she left for America. Already adult daughter the singer found him in Moscow and offered to meet. The composer once said that he didn’t even doubt that Dana was his daughter, he saw it right away.

The girl graduated from college with a degree in law and works in Philadelphia. Dana is married to a businessman. Makarevich has already flown to visit his daughter in America, they often call each other.

Daughter of Andrei Makarevich - Anna Rozhdestvenskaya

The daughter of Andrei Makarevich, Anna Rozhdestvenskaya, was born in 2000 in the artist’s third marriage to Anna Rozhdestvenskaya. When the girl was born, the parents immediately decided to name their daughter in honor of her mother, so two Anis appeared in their family. After her parents’ divorce, Makarevich’s daughter stayed to live with her mother and grandmother.

Last year, the girl graduated from school and made her debut at the Tatler 2017 ball in Moscow. The girl appeared in a purple dress and high heels, arm in arm with a young man. This year Anya entered the university.

Andrei Makarevich's ex-wife - Elena Glazova

The ex-wife of Andrei Makarevich, Elena Glazova, was the daughter of the famous Soviet political observer Igor Fesunenko, who at that time helped Makarevich’s group “Time Machine”, wrote reviews about their performances and style in music. That’s how they met Lena and immediately fell in love.

The girl was then still a student at the Institute of History, and Makarevich did not lead long round dances around the relationship, but immediately got married. In 1973, they had a wedding, although the young couple did not live long, only 3 years. Andrey does not like to talk about personal things, so journalists do not know the reason for the breakup.

Andrei Makarevich's ex-wife - Alla Golubkina

Makarevich had no luck with marriages, either love really lasts three years, or the singer simply feels uncomfortable in a legal marriage, but Andrei Makarevich’s ex-wife, Alla Golubkina, also lived with the man for only three years. After the first divorce, Andrei was alone for a long time, and then he met Alla and almost immediately married her. The girl worked as a cosmetologist.

Within a couple of months she became pregnant, and soon the couple had a son, Ivan, who today is an actor. Alas, their relationship began to deteriorate during Alla’s pregnancy, so soon after the birth of their son, they divorced.

Andrei Makarevich's ex-wife - Anna Rozhdestvenskaya

After his second wife, Makarevich had several more novels in which he briefly cohabited with women, and soon the media began to say that the singer had fallen in love again. This time, Makarevich’s chosen one was the press attaché of his Time Machine group, Anna Rozhdestvenskaya, with whom he lived in a civil marriage. For a long time they simply talked and looked closely at each other, then they began an affair, and in 1999 Anya became pregnant.

In 2000, their daughter was born, who today youngest daughter performer, but Makarevich got scared again and ran away from responsibility. Ex-wife Andrei Makarevich - Anna Rozhdestvenskaya raised her daughter herself.

Andrei Makarevich's ex-wife - Natalya Golub

The ex-wife of Andrei Makarevich - Natalya Golub is the last one for now ex-wife Makarevich. They met at work, Natalya, a stylist and photographer, helped with the design of concerts, and somehow the couple gradually became closer. Despite the fact that the girl was much younger than the singer, this did not bother them.

Makarevich had several failed marriages, and Natalya just fell head over heels in love. So they started dating, and in 2003 they got married. The singer lived with Natalya longer than all his women; they divorced in 2010.

Andrey Makarevich latest news

Andrei Makarevich has open opposition views, which may be why the actor has already been “buried” several times in the media. In 2015, one of the news sites reported that he had died, and then various Internet portals published such information for several years in a row. Last news news of the singer’s death was picked up very quickly, and the musician got tired of it, he even wrote on his Facebook page telling journalists “Don’t dig in the dung.”

Fans of the artist today are very interested in whether the group “Time Machine” and its permanent leader Andrei Makarevich are performing. The latest news from the singer’s life says that the group not only continues to actively record songs, but also launched a new tour in Russia in 2018.

Instagram and Wikipedia of Andrei Makarevich

Instagram and Wikipedia of Andrei Makarevich will tell you a lot of interesting things about his work. And the artist himself has repeatedly mentioned many funny stories from his privacy. For example, when their song was first taken as a soundtrack (the film “Soul”), after the premiere, all of Makarevich’s friends, including Mikhail Boyarsky and Sofia Rotaru, celebrated the event in his apartment on Leninsky Prospekt.

The pop stars were making a lot of noise and the neighbor called the police. Imagine the surprise of the arriving patrol when Boyarsky himself opened the door for them, and behind him stood a whole crowd of all-Union famous artists. The scandal was hushed up, but the artist remembered this situation for the rest of his life.

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Andrey Makarevich - popular Russian singer, talented composer, the permanent leader of the Time Machine group. Andrei Vadimovich writes poems and lyrics for his songs, paints pictures. His songs are relevant at all times. Many viewers remember him as the TV presenter of the “Smak” program.

Due to recent loud statements, Makarevich was almost considered a traitor to the Motherland. However, Andrei Vadimovich himself once admitted: he was never interested in politics. More than anything else, he wants to do his main thing - music.

Parents saw Andryusha as a successor to the work of his father, Vadim Grigorievich Makarevich, a famous Soviet architect. But in first grade they still sent him to music school, to piano class. Musical notation The boy couldn’t do it at all, and solfeggio lessons drove him to hysterics. In the end, Andrei left classes.

Khrushchev’s “thaw” of the 1960s broadened our horizons Soviet people. One of the discoveries was music British group"The Beatles". Andrei Makarevich first heard Lennon and McCartney at the age of 12 - and also went crazy: “It felt like all my previous life I had been wearing cotton wool in my ears, and then it was suddenly taken out. I just physically felt how something inside me was tossing and turning, moving, changing irreversibly. The days of the Beatles had begun. The Beatles were listened to from morning to evening...

Sometimes my parents, exhausted by the Beatles, would kick me out onto the balcony with a tape recorder, and then I would turn up the volume so that everyone around would also listen to the Beatles...” By the way, Beatles recordings appeared in their house thanks to the father of the family, Vadim Makarevich. He asked a colleague for a foreign record and copied it onto a tape recorder. Of course, the enthusiastic teenager also wanted to play “like the Beatles.” Together with his father, he even cut his first guitar out of plywood.

But in the USSR Beatlemaniacs were not welcome, and neither were English-language songs. But Andrey found a way out. While studying at a school with an English bias, he, together with classmates Misha Yashin, Larisa Kashperko and Nina Baranova, created The group Kids (“Children”), which performed English folk songs. The guys played at school amateur performances, where they even performed Beatles covers. All this was presented as a process of learning English.

One day, musicians from the famous VIA Atlanta came to school. Supervisor VIA Alexander Sikorsky allowed the schoolchildren to play on their equipment. Makarevich was amazed by the sound of the bass guitar. But it was difficult to buy it in those years. Then Andrey bought an ordinary acoustic one and put cello strings on it. The sound turned out to be quite acceptable.

Another serious step was the teenager’s decision to collect new team, which received the name Time Machines (“Time Machines”), This name was invented by drummer Yuri Borzov. That same year, the guys recorded their first album on a home tape recorder.

Performing rock music in the USSR was a thankless task. A few rock groups disguised themselves as VIA, playing rock under the guise of folk music. Soviet group with an English-language name and student body, it had no chance of becoming famous. Makarevich did not immediately, but agreed to rename the title to “Time Machine”. The move turned out to be successful, and in 1973 the Melodiya company recorded a record of the vocal trio “Zodiac”, which was accompanied by “Time Machine”.

“...Even such a trifle helped us exist: in the eyes of any bureaucratic idiot, an ensemble that had a record is no longer just hippies from the gateway,” the musician recalled. A year later, director Danelia invited Andrei and his team to star in the comedy “Afonya”. The group was not included in the frame, but in the scene where Kuravlev’s character comes to the dance, Makarevich’s song “You or I” is heard. But a fee of 500 rubles allowed the musicians to purchase a Grundig tape recorder, which served them as a recording studio for a long time.

Meanwhile, “homemade” recordings of “Time Machine” were spreading across the country. Makarevich’s voice became familiar to thousands, but not many knew what he looked like. And yet “machinists” became popular. When the girls found out that this smiling, curly-haired guy was Andrei Makarevich, they immediately showed interest in him. But his heart already belonged to Elena Fesunenko, the daughter of a famous international journalist.

On the wave of popular popularity, the host of the “Music Kiosk” program, Eleonora Belyaeva, recorded an entire episode with the “drivers.” And although the program was taken off the air, the musicians still had high-quality recordings of their songs.

For several years, “The Time Machine” was not released on big stage. Ultimately, in 1979, a conflict arose between the founders of the group, Makarevich and Kawagoe, which resulted in the closure of the group. And only six months later, Alexander Kutikov convinced Makarevich to revive “Machine”.

Tired of the persecution of the authorities, Makarevich willingly agreed to conclude the first contract with Soyuzconcert. This gave the right to legal touring activities. However, the debut album of “Time Machine” was released not in the USSR, but in the USA “... without any participation or knowledge on our part, it was called “Fortune Hunters” and sounded disgusting,” the musician recalled. “Surprisingly, we never saw any money for it.” But Makarevich was summoned to Lubyanka, where he gave an explanation of how the record with his songs ended up being released overseas.

The 1980s became the peak of popularity of “machinists”. So, in 1981, the director and husband of singer Alla Pugacheva, Alexander Stefanovich, invited the group to star in his film “Soul”, where main role performed by Sofia Rotaru. After the film received several prizes, the artists gathered at Makarevich’s apartment to celebrate its success. An elderly teacher who lived on the floor below decided to teach the musician a lesson and called the police at night.

The door was opened by Mikhail Boyarsky. The patrolmen were taken aback. When Sofia Rotaru, Rolan Bykov, and Ivar Kalnins began to come out into the hallway, the guys in uniform realized that their arrival did not at all imply getting to a celebrity party. After apologizing, they left - but the harmful neighbor did not give Makarevich a quiet life for several more years.

Although Mashina Vremeni concerts were always sold out, until 1986 the group was prohibited from performing in Moscow. Only perestroika finally brought “Machine” out of the shadows. Then, in 1987, Makarevich married for the second time - to cosmetologist Alla Golubkina. The marriage produced a son, Ivan. But after three years, due to frequent tours family life gave a crack. Then Andrei had civil marriages with radio host Ksenia Strizh and journalist Anna Rozhdestvenskaya. The latter gave birth to his daughter Anna. The musician’s third official wife, stylist Natalya Golub, lived with him for seven years - from 2003 to 2010.

What was the reason for the group's success in Soviet years? Fans of Makarevich’s work saw in his songs a protest against Soviet system. He himself then avoided politics. Only in August 1991 did “Time Machine” openly side with Yeltsin, giving a concert at the barricades, and in 1996 the artist became the president’s confidant. And at first he had good relations with Vladimir Putin, he even became a member of the Presidential Council for Culture.

Andrei Vadimovich’s transition to the camp of fierce critics of the authorities occurred after the events in Ukraine in 2014. He did not accept the return of Crimea to Russia and made loud statements more than once. The keyboard player and director of the Time Machine, who supported the government’s policies, were fired by Makarevich. Fans reacted differently: some were on the side of the idol, some were categorically against, and some simply did not understand why the musician got involved in politics. But that's a completely different story. Andrei Makarevich made a significant contribution to the development of Russian music. And icon status Soviet rock it belongs to him by right.