Alexander Showa is a singer and composer. Victoria Talyshinskaya Duo nepara personal life now a year

The duet “Nepara” was very popular in the early 2000s, and interest in its participants continues to this day. It must be said that Victoria Talyshinskaya’s first husband, Eldar, whose last name the singer still bears, was involved in the birth of this musical union. Victoria married him back in student years, he was twenty-one years older than her, but the marriage did not last long.

The singer sees the reason for the breakdown of this marriage in the fact that it was too early, moreover, Eldar was too loving and partial to the female sex, and Victoria could not come to terms with this. The relationship between them gradually cooled and they separated. Later, Eldar left for Israel, and when Victoria was there on tour, she met his second wife and daughter.

Meeting with Showa

At one of the birthday parties for her husband’s friend, Victoria met Alexander Shoua, who performed for the guests. She did not miss the opportunity to demonstrate her vocal abilities and sang with him. The duet turned out great and Alexander invited his new friend to perform with him at corporate events. To her surprise, her husband was not against the fact that his wife would do what she loved, and even wrote the words for the song “Fork” for him and Shoua.

In the photo - Victoria Talyshinskaya and Alexander Shoua

Their duet existed for ten years, and during this time Alexander not only taught Victoria a lot, but also for some time became the hero of her novel. At first they hid their relationship for a long time, but they living together turned out to be short-lived - two creative individuals, and it’s also difficult for those working in the same duo to get along. Victoria says that loud quarrels often occurred between them, after which they not only didn’t want to perform together, but also didn’t want to see each other. However, when they found themselves on the same stage, passions subsided.

When the romance between them ended, they continued to perform together, go on tour, but remained only stage partners.

Marriage with a criminal connotation

Victoria Talyshinskaya's second husband was Stas Chepurov, whom she married in 2009. And in next year The singer's husband was involved in a scandal involving big money. At first he borrowed a huge amount of money to provide for his wife luxurious life, but could not pay off his creditors. It is unknown how this story ended, but nothing more is heard about Stas, with whom Victoria divorced two years after the wedding.

In the photo - with Stas Chepurov

Towards new love

Victoria had known Ivan Salakhov for a very long time - they studied at the same school, but life brought them together much later. Victoria Talyshinskaya's third husband works as a restorer at the Tretyakov Gallery. He is the son of the famous Azerbaijani artist Tair Salakhov, the brother of the gallery owner Aidan Salakhova. They got married in 2015, and a year later Victoria gave birth to her first child, daughter Varvara.

In the photo - Victoria Talyshinskaya and Ivan Salakhov

Two months before happy event She, along with her mother and husband, went to America, where until the birth she enjoyed walking with Ivan along the ocean and basking in the warm sun. After the birth of her daughter, Victoria Talyshinskaya is not going to stay at home for long. maternity leave– in 2013, the group “Nepara” reunited and she can’t wait to go on stage again.

They are with Alexander Shoua, who tried to build solo career, realized that apart they would not be able to achieve such success as they did in their duet. After the separation, a lot changed in their lives - Victoria got married, Alexander got married, and the relationships in the group became more mature, its members began to appreciate each other more. The initiator of the reunion was Alexander Shoua, and Victoria immediately agreed. Now that they have become just partners on stage, there are almost no conflicts between them, and if they argue, it is only on professional themes. Talyshinskaya quickly found mutual language with his wife Alexandra, and now they are family friends.

Fans of the group, for whom its breakup in 2012 was a real shock, were delighted that they would again be able to hear songs performed by Victoria Talyshinskaya and Alexander Shoua. Their songs have become even more meaningful, although they still sing about love and separation. Vika is happy about the revival of the Nepara duet, because it was a big part of her life, parting with which was very painful.

A little about life

Victoria's creative streak was already noticeable in early childhood- She sang with pleasure for the neighbors, but her mother took her daughter not to the choir, but to the ballet studio. However, the girl was not attracted to dancing and she did it without any pleasure. At the age of nine, Vika failed the entrance exam to a choreographic school, upsetting her mother, but not upset herself. Then she was sent to the Grenada ensemble, and Vika realized that she was in her element.

After several years of performing in this group, Victoria enrolled in the studio at the Gnessin School, and at the age of fifteen she was invited to television to participate in the “Morning Star” competition, in which she received the audience award. At the final exam at the school. The Gnesins were brought to the attention of Victoria by the director of the Jewish state theater“Lechaim” and invited Reizl to play the role of “Wandering Stars”. Thus, young Vika first met professional theater stage. After school, she entered the RATI in the variety department.

- How did your path to success begin?

Victoria: My journey began in early childhood. From the age of six I was preparing to become a ballerina, but already at nine I clearly understood that I wanted to study singing. Started singing in children's ensemble"Grenada", sung on different languages and played all kinds of instruments; guitar, mandolin and flute. We toured Cuba twice. At the age of 14 she entered the self-supporting department pop vocals at Russian Academy music named after the Gnessins. I was chosen to perform in " To the morning star", and upon graduation they were invited to the state Musical Theatre Lechaim, sang in Hebrew and Yiddish. Working in the theater brought me great pleasure, unfortunately, it no longer exists. After school I entered the Russian Academy of Theater Arts (GITIS) in the pop department. These were wonderful years study and creativity. While studying at RATI, I met Alexandra Shoua at one major party.

Alexander: At the age of four, my parents sent me to music school. Since then I have not parted with music.

- What is your first impression of each other?

Alexander: We met at a party of our mutual friend. The first impression was not deceptive. We immediately realized that we could achieve a lot. Accordingly, a common language was found instantly.

Victoria: I was simply amazed by his voice and style of singing, he sang like Eros Ramazzotti. Then we sang together the whole evening and never parted again, deciding to work together. We hit it off right away, we had common musical tastes and the same desire for music, singing and work. After some time, we met our producer, who immediately liked us and began working together.

- How has your life changed with the advent of popularity?

Victoria: Popularity has not made any tangible changes in my life. There is no so-called “star sickness”, I am always pleased to meet fans, I will never refuse a request to be photographed. Fame is a part of our job that we love very much.

- How has your life changed since the release of your first album?

Alexander: All our albums went platinum. A lot has happened since our first album, Another Family. Sometimes change has taken us to the most unexpected places, but now I am grateful for everything that has happened to us. I can't imagine that life could have turned out differently. On this moment I have the opportunity to do what I love and not worry about tomorrow.

- Tell us about your romance, which you kept secret.

Victoria: I try to hide all my novels and personal relationships. I don’t understand why it’s necessary to put into public view what a person lives for, because it has nothing to do with creativity on stage.

How did your relationship change after you stopped dating?

Victoria: After we stopped dating, our relationship changed not in better side. Most likely, Sasha’s departure partly happened for this reason. Agree, it is difficult to work with a person with whom you have a love relationship.

Alexander: We stopped dating before the official formation of the Nepara duet. As for the breakup of the duo, after the reunion it was easy for Vika and I to work together again, we didn’t even feel like we were drifting apart.

- You broke up to pursue solo careers. Tell us what is the difference between a solo performance and a duet?

Victoria: When we broke up on Alexander’s initiative, everyone did their own thing solo career. I won’t hide it, it wasn’t easy for me - I don’t write songs, unlike Sasha, and besides, I was very sad about our songs. We worked in Nepar for a long time and I always liked our joint work.

Alexander: In a solo career, you are responsible for all mistakes yourself; you cannot shift responsibility. It is interesting to work both solo and in a duet. Every place has its advantages.

- How did your relationship change after the band reunited?

Victoria: A year and three months later, “Nepara” reunited again, but in completely different capacities. We missed our songs and concerts and were able to understand what was really important to us. Now we have calmed down, our quarrels and disagreements have disappeared. In addition, both Sasha and I found family happiness.

- How do you manage to balance work and personal life?

Victoria: My family always supports me and shares my desire for the work I love. I am grateful to my family that they are always there and help me overcome certain difficulties that arise along my way.

Alexander: Balancing work and personal life is like walking on a tightrope. Of course, this is not easy, but I am an experienced tightrope walker, so I can easily cope with this task.

- What difficulties did you encounter during your performances?

Victoria: There were times when it was difficult on tour. Once I became very ill and developed terrible bronchitis, but the concert went ahead. At the early stage of pregnancy I felt unwell and felt dizzy, fortunately Alexander supported me in every possible way and helped me. But these are all temporary difficulties; this cannot be avoided after 15 years of work.

- What do you do in moments creative crisis?

Alexander: My friends help me overcome moments of creative stagnation. We meet often, sing songs together, play the guitar, and the creative crisis goes away on its own.

Victoria: I admit, I never had moments of creative crisis, I always loved working at Nepara. But creative stagnation inevitably happens in a team. Sometimes new songs come out one after another, and sometimes nothing gets into our hearts, and we take a break.

- Tell us about the most memorable incident in your career.

Alexander: The opportunity to do what you love is a significant event every day. Every performance is a holiday.

- What is your source of inspiration?

Victoria: My source of inspiration is my family. In October, the most important person in my life appeared and now there is no need to look for a stronger source of inspiration.

Alexander: Inspiration surrounds us; for me, the main source of inspiration is the stories and destinies of people.

- How do you feel when you go on stage?

Victoria: When I go on stage, I feel a burst of energy that I want to share with the audience.

Alexander: Standing behind the scenes I always worry, but as soon as I see the audience, the excitement goes away, only the music remains.

- What do you like most about your job?

Victoria: What I like most about my work is our music. The process of selecting and approving material, we always want to convey to people the feelings that overwhelm us when performing each song.

Alexander: What I like about my job is that I can do what I like (laughs).

- Will there be a fourth studio album?

Alexander: There are no plans for a fourth album yet. By the fall we plan to record several new songs, when there is enough material we will release the fourth record.

- Tell us about your plans for this year.

Victoria: Raise my little daughter, devote as much time as possible to the family. Also work, getting great pleasure from creativity.

Alexander Shoua, singer, musician, member and ideological inspirer of the Nepara duet, announced his departure from the group and the start of his own solo career.
During the ten years of its existence, “Nepara” caused a lot of rumors regarding the reasons for its creation and the relationship between the soloists. Alexander and Victoria were credited with a passionate romance, a joint family life and even family ties. Today Alexander Shoua admits that the moment has come when even a long Team work unable to keep people together. He does not deny the fact of the affair between him and Victoria, but claims that the feelings have long since become obsolete. It was Showa who initiated the departure from the team. A musician with extensive experience, Showa has long not only performed, but also written words and music. He is the author of many of the group’s hits, such as “Another Reason”, “How So”, “Fork”, “Everything Will Be” and others. And recently Alexander began work on musical arrangement full-length feature film. As the musician admits, he clearly understood that the time had come to move forward, open new doors, conquer new heights. One of which was a solo project, in which he hopes to realize himself in a new way, without looking back. Alexander Shoua makes no secret of the fact that in Lately relations in the duet became increasingly tense, which also served as a definite impetus for the start of their own project. Today, his repertoire includes six full-fledged compositions and the same number are at the arrangement stage. The song “The Sun Above My Head” recently started on the music charts and a video for it is planned to be shot in the near future. Alexander Shoua does not plan to perform songs from the “Nepara” repertoire in the future. The musician of the group is Sergei Nedzelsky (drums), in official group duet in one of social networks thanked fans: " Thank you all! If it weren't for you all, this would have ended much sooner"

In 2002 domestic musical Olympus was replenished with another group with a rather extraordinary name “Nepara”. And indeed, looking at these guys, completely different in character, spirit, habits, it’s difficult to call them a couple...

The names of these two talented individuals are Alexander Shoua and Victoria Talyshinskaya. Alexander was born in the city of Sukhumi in December 1973. Studied at a music school. But political situation forced Sasha to go to Moscow to earn money in order to somehow make ends meet. He did not refuse any work, he worked as a loader. But soon fate brought the artist together with the Aramis group, where he began to work on arrangements and backing vocals. Victoria Talshinskaya was born in April 1977 in Moscow. She worked as a model for some time and studied ballet since childhood.

In 2002 A fateful meeting between these two people took place and the duet “Nepara” was founded. Already with their first songs they conquer the hearts of the public, bringing with them a new original genre- adult lyrics for people who have already seen and experienced a lot in life, people over thirty. Their ballads are about other people's families, unrequited love, separation and living away from each other have found many fans among the masses. After all, they sing about something that is so familiar to many.

In 2003 The duo’s first album, “Another Family,” was released, which immediately began to sell out in large numbers in stores. The songs “They have known each other for a long time” and “Another reason” instantly become popular and take first place in the ratings.

In 2006 the team prepared the second album “All over again”, which also left no one indifferent. By that time, their work and personal life were discussed by many, because they were shrouded in secrecy. Are they a couple, do they live together and what is their relationship like? And the artists themselves constantly stirred up the public’s interest, either with hot embraces on stage or with new rumors about their romances.

year 2009 became the year of birth of the artists’ next album, “Doomed/Betrothed,” which is filled with sincerity, romance and soulful songs about the torment and experiences of lovers. Alexander sometimes uses some disco elements in the arrangements of their songs, which bring innovation, freshness and originality to their style. And most importantly, they touch the soul. Listeners are delighted with this performance. They have found their niche in which they remain in demand and desired by the public.

But, despite the success of the project, it ceased to exist not so long ago. His ideological inspirer Alexander Shoua decided to start a solo career. As he says, the duo has outlived its usefulness and it is necessary to move on.

And finally the long-awaited clip

It doesn't know the end. Their number sometimes amazes the inexperienced music lover. Often they replace each other so quickly that after a couple of months no one remembers about the newly-minted star. But there are also such groups that listeners will remember through long years. This also applies to such a lyrical duet as “Nepara”.

Story famous duet is directly related to the difficult fate of one of its soloists, Alexander Shoua. He was born in Abkhazia during a turbulent time for it. The future artist’s father and uncle were musicians, which contributed to his desire to follow the same path. The boy graduated from music school with honors. He often spoke at various events where he played and sang. Early on, Alexander began trying to compose his own music. As one might expect, he then entered School of Music. But all his plans were destroyed by the conflict with Georgia. Due to the complications of the situation, he and his entire family needed to move to a quiet place. Moscow became the new home for Showa.

The beginning of a musical career

In Moscow, Alexander Shoua lived with his mother’s relatives. There he had to go to work as a simple loader in a grocery store. This could have gone on for a long time if not for meeting Nikolai Kim. He was already there famous musician group "Aramis". He quickly realized that Alexander had talent and invited him to work together. Showa became an arranger, keyboard player and backing vocalist. After some time, the musician realized that he needed something more. Having received an invitation from a German producer, he enters into a contract with a recording studio. The trip to Germany was a real discovery for him. A European studio made him a demo vocalist. But at the end of the contract, Alexander realized that he missed his homeland and returned to Moscow.


Alexander Shoua realized that he needed own project for self-realization. Fate gave him a gift - meeting Vika Talyshinskaya.

The beautiful and mysterious singer worked in the Jewish theater and was thinking about where she could expand the area of ​​​​distribution of her talent. They decided to sing together at several parties, which delighted the audience. It was decided to create a joint project. Just then, by coincidence, they met with Agutin’s producer, Nekrasov. At first they were just friends, but after learning about the newly formed duo, Nekrasov praised him and offered him production. Alexander Shoua and Victoria Talyshinskaya immediately gave their consent to the adventure. It's time to choose a name. Considering the difference in appearance and character, the word “Nepara” quickly came to Nekrasov’s mind. After this, a series of rehearsals began. Alexander became the author of the first hits.

Assessment of others

Alexander Shoua, whose biography was complex and controversial, was able to short term write the first song for the group. It was called "Another Reason". It was about the love of two people who cannot be together due to circumstances. This motive immediately became the key one for the duo’s subsequent compositions. The video for this track became the favorite of millions of TV viewers. Invitations to concerts, awards and interviews followed. Alexander Shoua literally bathed in fame. Victoria was also not deprived of press attention.

Together they released three albums, the first of which was called “Another Family.” Endless questions from journalists followed about whether the group members really had an affair.

Personal life

Alexander Shoua, whose biography was now covered by the spotlight, did not give any comments about his relationship with Victoria. Meanwhile, the whole country watched the couple on TV screens suffer from the fact that they could not be together. The song “God Invented You” was played on all radio stations in the country. Are these words really coming from the mouths of these two? talented people mean nothing to them?

The group existed for ten years - until 2012. The singles and albums were remembered by many fans. But Alexander Shoua suddenly announced that he intended to start a solo career. This came as a surprise to the fans, but not to the producer and Victoria. Their personal relationships in the group have long since cracked. They recently admitted that the affair really took place. However, the young people did not get along due to differences in character. Now there were no feelings left, but the tension began to grow every day.

Alexander recently signed an agreement with W-Records, where he has already begun releasing solo compositions. His first track is already in rotation. In addition, Showa plans to work in the cinematic field, namely, recording soundtracks for domestic cinema. Regarding his past work, he notes that he does not want to perform old songs and perform with Victoria. For him, this page has already been turned. Alexander himself is currently unmarried and absolutely free. He does not have a girlfriend, and he does not comment on his plans to start a family. Now he is only interested in music.