Victoria Talyshinskaya. Alexander Showa - biography, information, personal life Not a couple, what's with the group

Alexander Shoua, singer, musician, member and ideological inspirer of the Nepara duet, announced his departure from the group and the start of his own solo career.
During the ten years of its existence, “Nepara” caused a lot of rumors regarding the reasons for its creation and the relationship between the soloists. Alexander and Victoria were credited with a passionate romance, a joint family life and even family ties. Today Alexander Shoua admits that the moment has come when even a long Team work unable to keep people together. He does not deny the fact of the affair between him and Victoria, but claims that the feelings have long since become obsolete. It was Showa who initiated the departure from the team. A musician with extensive experience, Showa has long not only performed, but also written words and music. He is the author of many of the group’s hits, such as “Another Reason”, “How So”, “Fork”, “Everything Will Be” and others. And recently Alexander began work on musical arrangement full-length feature film. As the musician admits, he clearly understood that the time had come to move forward, open new doors, conquer new heights. One of which was a solo project, in which he hopes to realize himself in a new way, without looking back. Alexander Shoua makes no secret of the fact that in Lately relations in the duet became increasingly tense, which also served as a definite impetus for the start of their own project. Today, his repertoire includes six full-fledged compositions and the same number are at the arrangement stage. The song “The Sun Above My Head” recently started on the music charts and a video for it is planned to be shot in the near future. Alexander Shoua does not plan to perform songs from the “Nepara” repertoire in the future. The musician of the group is Sergei Nedzelsky (drums), in official group duet in one of social networks thanked fans: " Thank you all! If it weren't for you all, this would have ended much sooner"

Their duet has always stood out Russian stage. He is courageous, with piercing green eyes, she is airy, fragile, tender, it seems that she is about to disappear. In one word: “Nepara”. A few months ago the group released the song “In the Clouds.” Since then there has been silence. The group's lead singer, Victoria Talyshinskaya, told our reporter about her personal life and what happened in the popular group.

The first thought that arises when you see Victoria Talyshinskaya: She is even more beautiful in real life than on screen. The eyes alone are worth it: dark brown with thick, long eyelashes. The singer sits down and takes out a funny glass jar from her bag. I couldn’t help but wonder what was there, maybe miraculous herbs?

“There’s just water there,” Victoria laughs. – I have a habit: before eating, take a sip of water. This is probably why my mother, knowing this, placed coasters for glasses of water in my apartment. But these are not the only changes that have occurred in my home lately. We have finally completed the second half of the apartment! They tore down the wall between the kitchen and the living room, and a second bedroom appeared. I hope in the future it will become a children's one.

All the rearrangements were entirely handled by my mother - I’m on tour all the time. I wanted to offer her help, but she refused, saying that she gets great pleasure from remodeling my apartment. To monitor the renovation work, mom just needs to take a couple of steps: a few years ago we bought her a home in the same house as me. Previously, she and her mother, my grandmother, lived in a house on Frunzenskaya Embankment. When my grandmother passed away, it became unbearable for my mother to be alone all the time. We sold that apartment, although without renovation, it would have cost an astronomical sum, and bought my mother another one, next door to me. So now I am always under my mother’s watchful eye.

– I can’t help but ask, did you and Alexander have an affair?

“I was,” Victoria laughs, “I was, I’ll finally admit it!” But that's a thing of the past. Previously, I read comments from fans on the Internet, saying, why did Sasha captivate me, because he is far from handsome. And I have never had stereotypes about appearance: if a person attracts me, then it doesn’t matter what he is: fat or thin, long or not. I am more wary of handsome men who, passing by the mirror, strive to admire themselves.

– I wonder how you and Sasha got along, because you are both leaders by nature.

– Yes, we often had disagreements, but we always found a consensus both personally and musically. Although Sasha could often hit the table with his fist and declare: “I said so, so it will be so!” But I’m not a quiet mouse either. Therefore, our battles took place regularly. Sometimes we met before a concert and didn’t even say hello to each other. But everything happened on stage.

– How did you manage to remain friends after your love story ended?

– I can’t say that we remained friends. We are more like stage partners, but nothing more. Of course, after a breakup, it is better not to see your loved one for some time so that the wounds heal. Sasha and I met constantly, we had to go on tour and even sing songs about unhappy love. This is probably why our songs touched the hearts of the audience so much.

– Has Alexander now found happiness in his personal life?

– As far as I know, he is not married. He has a daughter, Maya, from his first marriage, she is now 13 years old. She is very talented and beautiful girl. Maya even went on tour with us several times. But he doesn’t seem to be planning to follow in his dad’s footsteps.

– She probably loves to visit your house, because you collect dolls: that’s where freedom is for a girl!

– I don’t collect classic dolls, but unusual ones. For example, I put together a collection of “mock dolls” by designer Polina Voloshina. I have three shelves allocated for them. There are five pieces on each. These dolls are teenage girls, angular, with elongated limbs. Perhaps only I like them. When my goddaughter comes, she wrinkles her nose: “They’re very ugly, do you have a Barbie?” But I don’t even have Barbie.

- Isn’t it because you collect them because you yourself adolescence were you unhappy with yourself?

– I never considered myself beautiful, I was never successful with boys. She was too thin and angular. Even when I was already working in a modeling agency, I had complexes about my height: I’m only 175 centimeters. At castings I was even advised to add two centimeters to my profile. So I didn’t have delusions of grandeur about my appearance.

“But they were probably considered one of the boys.”

– I have always had more friends among men. And when I worked at the Jewish musical and drama theater “Leikham”, and then in the group “Nepara” - there were nine men there and I was alone. But the guys didn’t treat me like a princess; on the contrary, they called me “our little brother.”

– I will never believe that you didn’t have a passionate romance in your life!

– Yes, it seems to me that I have actually loved three times in my life. I had a passionate affair with a Spaniard. We met in Spain. This is where passions boiled and sparks sparkled! I was ready to give up everything for him: college, country - everything! Having no doubt that my beloved would accept and support me, I even found out about working in Spain. But the man, apparently, was afraid of responsibility and began to distance himself from me in every possible way. His behavior, of course, cooled my ardor. And when my beloved wrote a month later: “I’ve thought about everything, come!”, I was already burned out. And she wrote him a letter: “When happiness is given to you, you must grab it right away!” He wrote to me for a long time afterwards, but it was already... irrelevant.

– Irrelevant because you met your husband Eldar?

- This is the first man I loved. Now I think if he were my relative - uncle or brother - it would be great. He was much older than me, but looked very young. Even almost until the wedding I thought that he was much more less years than it actually turned out to be. I was very surprised when I found out his age. Noticing my bewilderment, Eldar asked: “Does this really change anything? Have you started treating me differently?”

- Why did you break up?

- Firstly, it was an early marriage. Moreover, his friends did not perceive me as an equal. To them I was a little girl. I recently asked him what he saw in me then. After all, at the age of eighteen, apart from naivety and good looks, I had nothing.

– Did you meet Sasha when you were married to Eldar?

– Yes, my husband and I were at a friend’s birthday party in a club, where Sasha was on stage singing songs by Eros Ramazzotti, my favorite singer at that time. Friends insisted that we sing with him. So during the evening I went on stage with him several times, they asked me: “Vika, sing, you do it so well!” After the banquet, Sasha and I talked and decided to perform together at corporate events - to cover world hits. But then the producer saw us and decided to make the Nepara group. They tried to create a Russian version of Al Bano and Romina Power out of us. That’s what they told us: “You must work in contrast. Let Sasha “sausage”, and you should be the personification of tenderness and femininity, sing in a subtone.” I obeyed the producers - I did everything as they told me.

– Eldar, as far as I understand, was not against your work. It would seem that you can live and be happy, but you decided to divorce him...

– To put it mildly, my husband loved and probably still loves the female sex too much. Loves him too much. And this despite the fact that for him I was a queen. But I know myself, I can’t put up with cheating. At some point I just got tired of them. He, of course, tried to hold me back. Soon we decided to try to be together again. But at some point I realized that my feelings for him had changed. I began to perceive and love him as a relative, and not as a man. The love between a man and a woman has left the family. This is probably why we broke up: the loss of love was my main complaint against him.

– Eldar was your first love, who are the others?

“Only I know about this, those men who were nearby, the one who is nearby now.


Victoria Talyshinskaya, 35 years old. From the age of six she studied choreography, and from the age of 10 she joined the patriotic song ensemble “Grenada” and participated in “Morning Star”.

In 2002 she created the duet “Nepara” with Alexander Shoua.

She was married to businessman Eldar Talyshinsky. Have no children.

Biography: The group with the strange name “Nepara” brought an unknown and fresh genre“songs for those over thirty,” or something like that. “Nepara” is a duet consisting of a thirty-year-old composer and singer Alexander Shoua and a twenty-six-year-old beauty with magnetic eyes named Vika. The group's first song, “Another Reason,” won over the audience almost instantly. ...

Read all Biography: The group with the strange name “Nepara” brought to the domestic pop scene an unknown and fresh genre of “songs for those over thirty,” or so. “Nepara” is a duet consisting of a thirty-year-old composer and singer Alexander Shoua and a twenty-six-year-old beauty with magnetic eyes named Vika. The group's first song, “Another Reason,” won over the audience almost instantly. It seemed that before, almost no one sang about the relationships of people who would like to, but cannot due to various social reasons, such as: another family, children, work, home, an established life. Well maybe closer to people

at the age of the duet members?

The band members themselves strongly support the idea of ​​their own “unpairedness” and at the same time intrigue the audience in every possible way, both by performing heartfelt songs about “other families” and by tender embraces on the booklet included with the debut album. “We met by chance,” the artists say, “you know what happened next.” So think what you want. As for the actual, then almost all of it is worthy of all praise. The album “Another Family” was released quite recently, but in all music stores it takes pride of place on the largest shelf with the most important new releases. “Nepara” is being sold like hot cakes: it is a truly great album. It could have been even better if the arrangements had not used disco elements, since the music of “Nepara” itself has nothing to do with disco.

But the artists decided otherwise - their right. The important thing is that these constant disco inserts (high violin passages, light guitar, sometimes even the harmony itself) do not look like carelessness or inability to create an arrangement. They look like a conscious move by the songwriters. And if they think that this is how it should be, this opinion must be respected. Although, in my opinion, a calmer sound would be more natural for such music.

The theme of the songs is generally the same as in the title “Another Reason” - as we would like, but it is not possible. Oddly enough, I feel the effect of that theme even on my cynical and seemingly unsurprised soul. And if the problems of eighteen-year-olds have not touched me for a long time, then the problems that “Nepara” sings about, you know, have touched me. A rare fact.

Is on the album and very funny song. This is a cover of the megahit “Boney M” “Sunny” called “Autumn”. Something tells me that this song is destined for a sweet and cloudless summer life.

The summary is simple. The album “Neparas” Another Family should definitely be purchased by anyone interested in Russian pop music. It's so rare now to hear something we haven't heard before. Even if this previously unheard piece is framed with hackneyed disco techniques, the melodies and lyrics of “Nepara” are worthy of all attention. Unless, of course, you are closer to thirty. I think young people are unlikely to be interested in all this. Young people simply won’t understand what we’re talking about.

Biography source.

The group with the strange name “Nepara” brought to the domestic pop scene an unknown and fresh genre of “songs for those over thirty,” or so. "Nepara" is a duet consisting of a thirty-year-old composer and singer Alexander Shoua* and a twenty-six-year-old beauty with magnetic eyes named Vika.

The group's first song, “Another Reason,” won over the audience almost instantly. It seemed that before, almost no one sang about the relationships of people who would like to, but cannot due to various social reasons, such as: another family, children, work, home, an established life. What could be closer to people the age of the duet participants?

The band members themselves strongly support the idea of ​​their own “unpairedness” and at the same time intrigue the audience in every possible way, both by performing heartfelt songs about “other families” and by tender embraces on the booklet included with the debut album. “We met by chance,” the artists say, “you know what happened next.” So think what you want.

As for the musical material itself, almost all of it is worthy of all praise. The album “Another Family” was released quite recently, but in all music stores it takes pride of place on the largest shelf with the most important new releases. "Nepara" is being sold like hot cakes: it is a truly great album. It could have been even better if the arrangements had not used disco elements, since the music of “Nepara” itself has nothing to do with disco.

But the artists decided otherwise - their right. The important thing is that these constant disco inserts (high violin passages, light guitar, sometimes even the harmony itself) do not look like carelessness or inability to create an arrangement. They look like a conscious move by the songwriters. And if they think that this is how it should be, this opinion must be respected. Although, in my opinion, a calmer sound would be more natural for such music.

The theme of the songs is generally the same as in the title “Another Reason” - as we would like, but it’s not possible. Oddly enough, I feel the effect of that theme even on my cynical and seemingly unsurprised soul. And if the problems of eighteen-year-olds have not touched me for a long time, then the problems that “Nepara” sings about, you know, have touched me. A rare fact.

There is also a very funny song on the album. This is a cover of the megahit "Boney M" "Sunny" called "Autumn". Something tells me that this song is destined for a sweet and cloudless summer life.

The summary is simple. The album "Nepairs" Another Family should definitely be purchased by anyone interested in Russian pop music. It's so rare now to hear something we haven't heard before. Even if this has never been heard before and is framed with hackneyed disco techniques, the melodies and lyrics of “Nepara” are worthy of all attention. Unless, of course, you are closer to thirty. I think young people are unlikely to be interested in all this. Young people simply won’t understand what we’re talking about.

* Sasha is from Abkhazia. Since childhood, he studied music and played the piano. However, due to the outbreak of the Georgian-Abkhaz armed conflict, the Sukhumi School of Music he failed. Maybe it's for the better. After all, Sasha moved to Moscow, where he became the lead singer of the group “Nepara,” whose songs we all love. True, he didn’t succeed right away; first he had to work as a loader in a grocery store. Today Alexander, in addition to his singing activity He is an almost professional photographer and also professionally rides a motorcycle. However, he also takes part in our numerous photo sessions very professionally.

In November 2013, to the great joy of the group's fans, new single called "1000 Dreams".

The premiere took place on October 17, 2016! Video clip for the song "Don't Cry!" filmed, as always, about love. And as always, this is a story of tangled roads leading either to happiness or to sadness. Filming of the video took place in September in extreme haste. Considering the busy work schedule of director Maxim Rozhkov, well-known in the Russian music industry, as well as the fact that the lead singer of the duo, Victoria Talyshinskaya, was going abroad for a long period, only a day was found for preparation for filming and a day for filming both artists. But the experience and talent of Maxim Rozhkov outwitted time. The director and his team brilliantly coped with the difficult task, using only the tricks they knew. The idea of ​​the video is that people, once separated, can hardly find their way back to the lost harmony and happiness. Wandering through the labyrinth of life, we are faced with the fact that we find ourselves in dead ends and traps set by ourselves, and we decide our own destiny, deviating from the straight path, turning into different sides. Author of the song "Don't Cry!" – Rinat Dzhanibekov, – collaborates with the duet “Nepara” for the first time, but talent young author the producer of the SorokaMusic company Oleg Nekrasov has long noted. Song with deep touching words and music promises to become a new hit in the artists’ repertoire.

The first husband of the beautiful Vika, Eldar, was a wealthy businessman. The singer does not want to advertise her second husband, preferring to “walk around as girls” (photo “PENGUIN”)

The soloist of the duet “Nepara” Vika TALYSHINSKAYA belongs to that category of artists about whose behind-the-scenes life practically nothing is known. On the official website of the team she is positioned as one of the most enviable brides Russian show business. Meanwhile, Vika has a legal husband. This was discovered thanks to a very unsightly scandal in which he was involved.

Until recently, I was friends with Victoria Talyshinskaya and her family, but Vika’s husband behaved very ugly,” businesswoman Nelly Anisimova complained to me. - Yes, she has new husband. His name is Stas Chepurov. He borrowed 10 thousand dollars from me and, although all the deadlines had long passed, he did not give the money back. It turned out that he had a lot of debts. He even pawned his car. Since it was registered in Vika’s name, Stas assured that everything was being done with her consent. And he lied to her that the car was being repaired. “Nepara” is invited to “reserves”, and Talyshinskaya has money. But they have it like this: Vika’s earnings are hers, and Stas’s money is shared. Vika's mother Larisa wanted to go on vacation to Turkey and chose a very expensive hotel; the trip cost about 12 thousand dollars. Where could Stas get that kind of money if he doesn’t do anything, but just runs around Moscow and throws dust in everyone’s eyes?! He himself is not a Muscovite, he has neither a stake nor a yard here. Lives in Vika's living space. He goes on tour with her. He allegedly makes money in cash. But after the bank takes its interest, the intermediary is left with at most one percent.

The duet of Alexander SHOW and TALYSHINSKAYA was born in 2002. The words to their first song “Fork” were written by Victoria’s former husband

Can you imagine how much money you need to cash out to earn some real money?! Since Stas and I had a trusting relationship, I didn’t even take a receipt from him. And now he's hiding. Doesn't answer calls. And to protect himself, he turns our mutual friends against me. I recently transferred major surgery, I have cancer. And to do this to me is unworthy of a man. In an amicable way, Stas should have initially told his wife and mother-in-law: “I’m not an oligarch. If you want, accept me as I am." But he hides the true state of affairs from Vika. She doesn't know about his debts. I tried to call her, but she didn’t pick up either. She needs to open her eyes to Stas. Today he began to deceive her friends, and tomorrow he will deceive her.

Nelly ANISIMOVA complains that her friend set her up

“We got everything back!”

In the hope that the lead singer of “Nepara” would still communicate with me, as a journalist, I called her on her mobile phone. A man picked up the phone and, introducing himself as her husband, began to inquire about what issue I was calling.

Nonsense! - Stas was indignant when I explained the essence of the matter. - We borrowed from Anisimova, but we returned everything! She, in turn, took this money from other people - concert director Pugacheva Elena Chuprakova and her ex financial director Alla Borisovna Olga Javakhadze. And she did not repay the debt to them, citing the fact that we allegedly did not repay the loan. These people called us, we explained the situation. They understood everything and apologized. Nellie is simply playing a double game. As a result, she had problems, and she decided that we were doing nasty things to her. Now she is writing threatening letters to Olga Javakhadze. She thinks that we are also somehow connected. By the way, you can call the director of Irakli Olga Sergeeva. It is her best friend. Money was transferred through her for Nellie: we didn’t go to her ourselves.

Unfortunately, I was unable to reach Olga Javakhadze. As knowledgeable people told me, after the scandalous dismissal from Pugacheva, she got a job with Igor Krutoy.

And, apparently, she was busy with financial transactions for the New Wave. But I talked to Elena Chuprakova and Olga Sergeeva. They did not deny that they knew Anisimova and were aware of her conflict with the husband of the Nepara soloist. However, for some reason none of them wanted to confirm that he had repaid the debt.

“I considered Nelly Anisimova my friend for eight years,” said Sergeeva. - But now I don’t communicate with her and I don’t even want to hear about this person. Perhaps the “chemistry” influenced her this way, but she has been behaving inappropriately lately. All the friends who were with her during a very difficult period of her life broke off relations with her. And who owes whom, I cannot say. I was not present at this.


Two years ago, producer Vitaly Manshin, telling Express Gazeta about his participation in the fate of the singer MakSim, mentioned her close relationship with a wealthy businessman, who in the past was the husband of Vika Talyshinskaya and initial stage helped her promote the “Nepara” project (“EG” No. 19, 2008). And recently Vika herself confirmed the information about ex-husband in an interview with a glossy publication. “Unfortunately, Eldar and I did not get along, we broke up, but maintained our friendship,” the singer admitted. - Now mine ex lives in Israel, and when we were recently on tour there, I met his current wife and daughter."