Ananyev People's Artist. Two artists from the Alexandrov ensemble died on the eve of the wedding. A coincidence that saved a life

Gala concert of the Twice Red Banner Academic Song and Dance Ensemble Russian army named after A.V. Aleksandrov ended with the song “To Serve Russia” by Eduard Khank and Ilya Reznik, performed by People’s Artist of Russia Vadim Ananyev. It takes your breath away when his surprisingly strong and richly colored voice soars above the choir. " Business cards" of the famous tenor became "Kalinka", "On a Sunny Meadow", "Nightingales" ...
Our conversation with Vadim Petrovich took place immediately after the performance in the wings of the Winter Palace.

– Along with the Kalashnikov assault rifle, the MiG-29 aircraft and the T-34 tank, the Alexandrov ensemble, which celebrates its 80th anniversary this October, is one of the brands of the Russian army. But what was the starting point in his existence?
– The ensemble’s birthday is considered to be a concert in Central house Red Army, held on October 12, 1928. Then the program involved eight singers, two dancers, an accordion player and a reader. Literary and musical compositions ("Far Eastern", "Krasnoarmeiskaya" ...), or, in today's language, musicals, were very popular. Our ensemble began working in this genre eighty years ago! Today there are 186 people in our team, consisting of a choir, orchestra and ballet. But we had the largest composition after the war. In the 50s it consisted of up to 320 artists. And he organized the ensemble...
– ...professor at the Moscow Conservatory, National artist USSR, creator of the music of the USSR (and subsequently Russia) Anthem, Major General Alexander Alexandrov.
- Everything is correct. On April 13 we celebrate the 125th anniversary of his birth. April 12 – concert in the village of Plakhino Ryazan region, where Alexander Vasilyevich was born, on the 13th - in the Yesenin Hall in Ryazan. In one of his last letters Alexandrov wrote: “So much has been experienced and what a path has been traveled from the time when I was a boy in bast shoes to the present moment. There was a lot of good and bad. But life was a continuous struggle, full of work, worries, difficulties. But I don’t complain about any that. I thank fate for the fact that my life, my work has brought some fruit to my dear Fatherland and people. This is great happiness...”
From 1946 to 1987, the team was led by his son, Hero Socialist Labor, People's Artist of the USSR, laureate of the Lenin and State Prizes of the USSR, Major General Boris Alexandrov. Now the head of the ensemble is Honored Worker of Culture of the Russian Federation, Colonel Leonid Malev, and artistic director and the main conductor is People's Artist of Russia Vyacheslav Korobko.
– The history of the ensemble is covered with many legends. According to one of them, Stalin, having heard the “Holy War” performed by the “Alexandrovites”, could not restrain himself and shed a stingy tear. The story is no less impressive: the first front-line brigades left for Western Front already June 24, 1941, although, it would seem, what kind of songs are there...
– Two days later – June 26 – our artists performed on three fronts: Southern, Western and Southwestern. The ensemble was divided into four front-line brigades, which performed in all sectors almost continuously. During the war years, our team gave more than one and a half thousand concerts. And when in 1943 the ensemble began to lack musicians, Alexandrov turned to Stalin and he ordered the orchestra to be urgently staffed. It turned out that an excellent trombonist, a graduate of the conservatory, was fighting in Stalingrad. He, an artilleryman and battery commander, was urgently recalled to carry military service we have. And it’s no coincidence! Alexander Vasilyevich said about this: “I have never been a military specialist, but I still had a powerful weapon in my hands - a song capable of defeating the enemy.”
Lebedev-Kumach's poem "The Holy War" was published in Izvestia on the second day of the war, and a day later Alexandrov had music ready, turning this text into main song Great Patriotic War. It was performed by our ensemble as the first soldiers left the Belorussky Station for the front.

– To this day, your artists, sometimes risking their lives in the name of maintaining the morale of Russian military personnel, appear in the most troubled places on our planet: in Afghanistan, Algeria...
– ...In Yugoslavia, Transnistria, Chechen Republic, Tajikistan. By the way, the next tour in Tajikistan is planned in November, and from June 6 to 13 our concert group will perform in Abkhazia. But our main task is not foreign tours, but performances around Russia - in “hot spots”, in military units, hospitals, clubs, officers' houses. The lion's share of concerts takes place in our country, although, of course, we have always been considered a “detachment of the cultural front.”
- Still would! Your foreign tours are accompanied by corresponding newspaper headlines: “Russian army in the Vatican”, “Russian army captured London”, “Russian army conquered NATO headquarters”...
– Last May marked the 10th anniversary of the signing of the Founding Act on Mutual Relations, Cooperation and Security between the North Atlantic Treaty Organization and the Russian Federation. Diplomats and high military officials agreed that we will give three concerts on this occasion in Brussels, at the Palace fine arts, in Antwerp and at the military school of the Belgian army. Upon arrival in Brussels (a few days before the first concert), our command had a bold idea: what if at NATO headquarters?! Despite possible bureaucratic delays Russian ambassador in Belgium Lukov and the representative of the Russian Federation to NATO Totsky agreed on everything in a very short time. The concert was fantastic! “The Russian army demonstrated its most powerful weapon, which no iron can compare with,” one of the Western diplomats later noted.
A year earlier, during our planned tour in Sofia, no less than interesting story. A NATO session was just taking place there, the agenda of which included the issue of placing bloc bases on Bulgarian territory. So, people at the concert raised slogans: “One blood and one brothers.” And with the first chords" Holy war"The whole audience stood up in one impulse and listened to the song standing up, like an anthem... A lump rolled into our throats! The next day you could hear everywhere: “Russia is closer to us!”, “NATO bases are not needed!” Although we did nothing on purpose and no one They didn’t provoke – they simply presented their program: “Victory Day”, “Katyusha”, “Alyosha”...
– How do people in today’s Bulgaria perceive the song about Alyosha, soulfully performed by the duet of Honored Artists of Russia Dmitry Bykov and Viktor Sanin?
– From the position of the Slavic brothers. This is a general pain causing sincere sympathy. Proof of this is always fresh flowers at the monument to the Soviet Soldier-Liberator. We also laid our wreaths. When we gave a concert in Prague at the Sazka Arena and 12 thousand spectators did not let us leave the stage - this also testifies to our attitude towards Russia?! In the Czech Republic there are spectators who collect CDs, posters, constantly congratulating us on all holidays and birthdays, moving to concerts from city to city.
And you should see how we are received in Poland! During our last trip we gave 25 concerts in 24 cities. And it's sold out everywhere. Encores often became the third section. Tickets are sold out online several months before the tour. And when the audience goes home after the concert, many cars hear " evening call, evening Bell", "Along St. Petersburg", "Dark-skinned girl"...
– It’s one thing – “Darkie”, heard from a foreign car, another – in the residence of the Vicar of St. Peter on Earth!
“The reception at the Vatican was great. This was in 2004. The concert took place in the Pope Paul VI Hall, which seats seven thousand spectators. The ensemble performed a classic 75-minute program. As a gift to John Paul II, they sang an excerpt from Verdi's opera "Nabucco" in Italian and the Polish folk song "Oka". During the performance of one of the songs, the entire hall watched in amazement as assistants began to move the pontiff’s chair from the central aisle towards us. It turned out that dad, spellbound, himself asked to be brought closer to the stage. The Italian impresario said after the concert that the Vatican had never seen anything like this!

– The ensemble has visited almost all continents, more than 70 countries. And performances in the language of the hosts, which were started by Alexandrov, have become a good tradition...
– Yes, in Korean, French or, say, Arabic. In Morocco, the audience roared with delight when we sang the kingdom's national anthem. The concert in Rabat at the Mohammed V Theater was attended by the brother of the Moroccan monarch, Prince Moulay Rachid, other representatives of the royal family, members of the government and parliament. "Russians are coming!" – this is how the Moroccan newspaper Le Matin titled an article dedicated to our tour.
– You probably study the lyrics of songs in unfamiliar languages ​​all night long?
– Work on learning the language in which to perform new song, very serious and painstaking. Diplomats from the country to which we are going on tour help with it. The easily distorted meaning of foreign words and, consequently, the reaction of the public depend on phonetic and spelling nuances. But success accompanies us. Let's say in North Korea I felt like a star. My songs were constantly played on both radio and television. I go into a store or walk down the street, and my voice comes towards me from everywhere.
Last year in Chebarkul Chelyabinsk region Team exercises and a meeting of heads of state of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization took place. We prepared songs for it in the languages ​​of all participating countries, and started with the Chinese “The Red Army is not afraid of a long journey.” And Chinese President Hu Jintao greeted us as his old acquaintances (the year before last in Beijing he watched our two-hour concert, after which he shook hands with each soloist)...
– Your team has many fans abroad. What is the general public like? Are there many young people among them?
- There are a lot of young people. Those who discover our country in defiance of politicians come to our concerts. We always perform live, without a soundtrack. And natural products are invariably in demand.

– The ensemble amazes the imagination with both its art and equipment!
– Much attention has always been paid to equipment. Especially when traveling abroad. By the way, this happened for the first time in 1937 - the team went to Paris for International exhibition technology and art and received the Grand Prix there. We've always had best tools. Many could only dream of getting to work in an ensemble. In the 1960s, the competition for the choir was forty people per place (more than at any theater university!).
– They say that even young Joseph Kobzon, among others, came to the audition, and then they looked at him, but... they didn’t take him!
– Yes, but now he often performs with our team.
- How did you get into it?
– Twenty-one years ago, when I was in my fourth year at Gnesinka. I began to think about my future place of work, and my teacher advised me to go to the Alexandrov Ensemble, in which I myself worked for a time. Accepted on a competitive basis. At first - in the choir (sang the part of the first tenors), then he began to solo...
- IN different time The title "Mr. Kalinka" was awarded by the foreign press to Viktor Nikitin, Evgeny Belyaev, Vasily Shtefutse. Now it's yours! But what about the further relay of generations?
– It’s not easy, but, as they say, the ice has broken. New soloists have appeared: tenor Sergei Surkov, “velvet voice”, baritone Boris Dyakov, bass Ivan Stolyar. True, if we compare “their” time and “ours,” I can say: it was more difficult for us. The team was different, much larger (we flew on two planes on tour!). 90 people sang in the choir alone. Hence the legendary power of our songs!
We are awaiting a decision from the General Staff to increase the size of the ensemble. There are plans to create an ensemble within vocal group with a completely new repertoire for young people. And “Kalinka” abroad, by the way, is still performed to applause from the first chord!
– They applauded it no less in Moscow when you performed this song in a duet with Karel Goth. But there were in the history of the ensemble and Hard times. They seemed to have forgotten about him - they didn’t show him on television, they didn’t support him financially...
– Indeed, the 90s were a “black streak” for the ensemble. Artists, including soloists, received a salary of 2-3 thousand rubles. But even then, “patriotism” was not an empty word for us. Songs about the greatness of Russia and the courage of Russians instill confidence in tomorrow, unite people and remind us that we are a united and strong nation that must be reckoned with.

In 2005, the ensemble received a presidential grant, helping to adequately pay artists, create new musical and dance works, sew colorful costumes, and purchase musical instruments... The Ministry of Defense helps us a lot. One of the first visits of the new minister Anatoly Serdyukov after his appointment was to us, to the ensemble. Much of what he promised has already been done, is being done and, we hope, will be done. That is, the financial situation has changed. And creativity has always been at its best. There is no other orchestra like ours in the country! Its uniqueness lies in the fact that it simultaneously combines copper group, and brass: balalaika, domra and then trombones, trumpets. Or take for example our choir, in which there are wonderful opera voices, every second is a soloist.
The repertoire includes more than two thousand works: and folk songs, and opera classics, and complex polyphonic a cappella works. But we are not standing still, systematically organizing new projects. Festive concerts for women are becoming a tradition, the motto of which is the words of Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin: “The army knows: the main thing is love!” This year on March 6th on the stage of the Central academic theater Stars of the Russian and foreign stage– Demis Roussos, Toto Cutugno, Dmitry Malikov, Philip Kirkorov, Dima Bilan, Nikolai Baskov, Alexander Marshal, Leonid Agutin, Igor Krutoy, Turetsky Choir, “Disco “Crash”, “Chelsea” and many others. The premiere of “Gusarsky” took place at the concert march" from Imre Kalman's operetta "The Circus Princess" performed by Boris Dyakov and Sergei Surkov.
- Ooh, it's better than a glass of champagne! The audience in Zimny ​​also appreciated it, singing after the concert near the exit of the theater.
– We performed with Riccardo Fogli and Thomas Anders, with the “Leningrad Cowboys”, recorded and shot a video for the song “One, two - with the left” by Kim Breitburg and Sergei Sashin, designed for conscript youth...

– As far as I know, the soloists of the ensemble also do not limit themselves to just one group. Who have you collaborated and are collaborating with?
– Previously - with the Czech Variety Symphony Orchestra, with the big band, with the Moscow Philharmonic Orchestra "Russian Patterns", now - with the Kazan Philharmonic Orchestra. I work separately as a soloist.
- On one of these solo concerts Did you meet your current wife?
- Right. It was a performance at the House of Russian-German Friendship in Moscow on Malaya Pirogovka. I sang on German
– Does your wife work in the cultural sector?
– In a construction company, which is probably for the best. Elena and I have a daughter, Anna, who is one year and seven months old. His son Vladislav from his first marriage is studying at an aviation institute, he is 19 years old (although he doesn’t sing, he dances decently). Family and self-realization - what else does a person need to be happy?!
– Vadim Petrovich, you were invited to participate in the cultural program of the winter Olympic Games in Nagano in 1998. What are your plans for February 2014?
– If they invite me, of course, I will come to Sochi! I really like your beautiful southern city, conducive to both relaxation and creative work. This is my second visit here in my entire life. The first one was a couple of years ago. I rested at the Rus sanatorium and performed at the Bocharov Ruchei residence at concerts organized on the occasion of Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin’s meetings with the presidents of France and Germany. Then we worked in a team with Tamara Gverdtsiteli and Nadezhda Kadysheva. And now - the Winter Festival of Army Songs. Every meeting with Sochi is a holiday!

Leading soloist of the Russian Army Song and Dance Ensemble named after Alexander Alexandrov.

Vadim Ananyev was born on March 21, 1959 in the city of Samara. His father worked as a rural veterinarian, his mother as a cook. Since childhood, the boy had a phenomenal voice and loved music. Graduated with honors music school in piano class. At the end of the 1970s, he served in the strategic missile forces in Belarus, during which he played in a brass band.

After demobilization, he received a diploma from the conducting and choral department of the Kazan State Institute of Culture. Next, Vadim Ananyev served as a soloist of Yoshkar-Olinsky musical theater, and in 1984 he continued his specialized studies by entering the Gnessin State Musical and Pedagogical Institute, the vocal department, in the class of the People's Artist of Russia, Professor Konstantin Pavlovich Lisovsky.

It was on his advice that in the fall of 1987 Vadim Petrovich successfully took part in the competitive selection for the choir Academic ensemble songs and dances of the Russian Army named after Alexander Alexandrov, and in 1999 he became a soloist of the choir.

As a member of the ensemble choir over the past thirty years, he has constantly taken part in holiday concerts, tours in large and small cities of Russia, Europe, Asia, America, and has performed many times as part of the choir in places of military conflicts of recent decades in the territories of Yugoslavia, Chechnya, and Syria.

In many domestic and foreign media, Vadim Petrovich is referred to as “Mr. Kalinka” for performing the solo part in a famous Russian song. In 2004, Vadim Petrovich performed “Kalinka” and others most famous songs for Pope John Paul II at an exclusive concert in honor of the 26th anniversary of his pontificate in the Apostolic Palace in the Vatican and was highly praised performing skills, and was even awarded a silver medal by the Pontifical Council.

At the invitation of the Chairman of the Pontifical Council for Culture, Cardinal Gianfranco Ravasi, Vadim Ananiev took part in the meeting of Pope Benedict XVI with artists in Sistine Chapel, held on November 21, 2009. The meeting was attended by 250 artists, sculptors, architects, writers, musicians, singers, theater and film directors from all over the world.

Due to the birth of his son, on December 25, 2016, he did not fly to a performance at the Khmeimim airbase of the Russian Aerospace Forces in Syria, when the plane crashed and killed most of choir of the Alexandrov Ensemble. After the plane crash, the only survivors of the Ensemble's choral department were soloists, except Ananyev: baritone Boris Dyakov, bass Valery Gavva, choir artists: Roman Valutov and Vladimir Khlopnikov.

Vadim Ananyev
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basic information
Birth name

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Full name

Vadim Petrovich Ananyev

Date of Birth
Date of death

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Singing voice

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"Mr. Kalinka"


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Vadim Petrovich Ananyev(March 21, Kuibyshev, RSFSR) - Soviet and Russian singer, leading soloist of the Song and Dance Ensemble of the Russian Army named after A. V. Alexandrov, People's Artist of the Russian Federation (2005), member of the jury of the All-Russian annual vocal competition among subjects Russian Federation"New star". Over the past decades, he has been a permanent soloist of the songs “Kalinka” and “Katyusha” abroad and in Russia as part of a choir.


Vadim Petrovich Ananyev was born on March 21, 1959 in the Kuibyshev region. His father was a rural veterinarian, his mother a cook. He graduated with honors from a music school in piano. He served in the strategic missile forces in Belarus, during which he played in a brass band.

Songs performed

  • Modern version of the National Anthem of the Russian Federation
(1959-03-21 ) (60 years)

Vadim Petrovich Ananyev(March 21, Kuibyshev, RSFSR) - Soviet and Russian singer, leading soloist of the Song and Dance Ensemble of the Russian Army named after A. V. Alexandrov, People's Artist of the Russian Federation (2005), member of the jury of the All-Russian annual vocal competition among the constituent entities of the Russian Federation "New star". Over the past decades, he has been a permanent soloist of the songs “Kalinka” and “Katyusha” abroad and in Russia as part of a choir.


Vadim Petrovich Ananyev was born on March 21, 1959 in the Kuibyshev region. His father was a rural veterinarian, his mother a cook. He graduated with honors from a music school in piano. He served in the strategic missile forces in Belarus, during which he played in a brass band.

Songs performed

  • Modern version of the National Anthem of the Russian Federation

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An excerpt characterizing Ananyev, Vadim Petrovich

Having cleared the road, Denisov stopped at the entrance to the bridge. Casually holding back the stallion rushing towards his own and kicking, he looked at the squadron moving towards him.
Transparent sounds of hooves were heard along the boards of the bridge, as if several horses were galloping, and the squadron, with officers in front, four in a row, stretched out along the bridge and began to emerge on the other side.
The stopped infantry soldiers, crowding in the trampled mud near the bridge, looked at the clean, dapper hussars marching harmoniously past them with that special unfriendly feeling of alienation and ridicule with which various branches of the army are usually encountered.
- Smart guys! If only it were on Podnovinskoye!
- What good are they? They just drive for show! - said another.
- Infantry, don't dust! - the hussar joked, under which the horse, playing, splashed mud at the infantryman.
“If I had driven you through two marches with your backpack, the laces would have been worn out,” the infantryman said, wiping the dirt from his face with his sleeve; - otherwise it’s not a person, but a bird sitting!
“If only I could put you on a horse, Zikin, if you were agile,” the corporal joked about the thin soldier, bent over from the weight of his backpack.
“Take the club between your legs, and you’ll have a horse,” responded the hussar.

The rest of the infantry hurried across the bridge, forming a funnel at the entrance. Finally, all the carts passed, the crush became less, and the last battalion entered the bridge. Only the hussars of Denisov's squadron remained on the other side of the bridge against the enemy. The enemy, visible in the distance from the opposite mountain, from below, from the bridge, was not yet visible, since from the ravine along which the river flowed, the horizon ended at the opposite elevation no more than half a mile away. Ahead there was a desert, along which here and there groups of our traveling Cossacks were moving. Suddenly, on the opposite hill of the road, troops in blue hoods and artillery appeared. These were the French. The Cossack patrol trotted away downhill. All the officers and men of Denisov’s squadron, although they tried to talk about outsiders and look around, did not stop thinking only about what was there on the mountain, and constantly peered at the spots on the horizon, which they recognized as enemy troops. The weather cleared again in the afternoon, the sun set brightly over the Danube and the dark mountains surrounding it. It was quiet, and from that mountain the sounds of horns and screams of the enemy could occasionally be heard. There was no one between the squadron and the enemies, except for small patrols. An empty space, three hundred fathoms, separated them from him. The enemy stopped shooting, and the more clearly one felt that strict, menacing, impregnable and elusive line that separates the two enemy troops.

People's Artist Vadim Ananyev is the leading soloist of the Ensemble named after. Alexandrova has a surprisingly soft lyric tenor and a huge range. His special, magical performance of the famous "Kalinka" earned him the title "Mr. Kalinka", and Pope John Paul II teared up his performance at the Vatican. On the eve of the Ensemble's tour in Israel, Vadim Petrovich spoke about himself, the team and great art

After graduating from the Kazan State Institute of Culture, Vadim Ananyev worked as a soloist of the Yoshkar-Ola Musical Theater. In 1984 he entered the Moscow Gnessin Musical Pedagogical Institute, and in 1987 he was accepted into the choir of the Ensemble named after. Alexandrov, where he worked his way up from a choir artist to a leading soloist.

Vadim Ananyev's repertoire is enormous, his touring routes are endless, his fame knows no bounds. But behind all this is not only talent, but also daily colossal work.

Since childhood, I dreamed of being a singer and a military man, and my dream came true. I grew up listening to the songs of the Aleksandrovtsy, and when I was accepted into this legendary band, I was in seventh heaven. During my career I have sung to both presidents and kings. Performed "Kalinka" for John Paul II in the Vatican. After an exclusive concert, I was asked to approach the Pope and from his hands I received a silver medal. I remember the throne of John Paul II illuminated by a bright spotlight. It was very beautiful.

You have performed on all continents. How does the public react to the military ensemble?

Male choir works magically: military, beautiful, everything is perfect, with amazing voices. And the form has a hypnotizing effect. Sometimes there are situations when I perform with a civic orchestra, and when I go out to military uniform- what applause! I went out in a tailcoat, a tuxedo, and a suit, but this can’t compare with a jacket! For some reason, people are very inspired by the uniform, they perceive the art of the vocalist more emotionally.

Artists on tour often have funny incidents. Has anything funny happened to you or does this not happen in the Military Ensemble?

Why doesn't it happen? It happens... One of the first foreign trips was terrible funny incident. This was in the late 80s. We went as always with stew and a boiler. We saved travel allowances as best we could. And my roommate decided to boil water, put the mug on the table in the room, and a huge stain formed from the temperature. What to do? I really didn’t want to pay the fine in foreign currency! My colleague went to the market, got a saw somewhere and we sawed the table, packed it in some bags and carefully took it out of the hotel. The maid came in, looked around in bewilderment and asked - where is the table? We say - what table? There was no table here. She ran to the administrator. He asks, did anyone take the table out of such and such a room? The hotel administrator came and was surprised that there was no table in the room... So no one found out anything. And there was also funny story in Cuba. We were taken to the beach, a beautiful beach, sand, ocean, palm trees. And along this beach there walked an orchestra - a national one with guitars, a double bass, an accordion, all these... maracas... entertained the vacationers. I asked them - guys, do you know “Bessame mucho”? And right there I sang with them, and they accompanied me with pleasure. Everyone who was there came running!

Vadim Ananyev captivates the audience not only with the beauty of his timbre, but also with the sincerity of his performance. The Russian language is particularly popular with listeners. folk song"Kalinka", "Amapola" by the Spanish composer Lacalle, as well as "On a Sunny Meadow" and "Nightingales", "Roads", "Three Sisters".

Vadim Ananyev will come to Israel with the Ensemble named after. Alexandrov, whose repertoire includes more than two and a half thousand compositions and works: not only favorite Russian folk and military songs, but also opera arias, masterpieces of pop music, colorful fiery dances, causing delight and applause at all performances of the legendary group without exception.

Don't miss the grandiose and bright show from November 5 to 11 in Tel Aviv (Heikhal Hatarbut), November 10 in Haifa (Heikhal Raanan Katz).

Order tickets at the Lean box office or by phone: * 8780

Anna of Macedonia