Zvezdinsky biography. Radio chanson broadcast. The most famous songs of Mikhail Zvezdinsky

Mikhail Zvezdinsky... The whole country knows this performer and author of Russian chanson today. IN different time his songs were sung by Maya Kristalinskaya and Joseph Kobzon, Mikhail Gulko and Alexander Malinin, Zhanna Bichevskaya and Stas Mikhailov, the group “White Eagle” and Mikhail Shufutinsky, Mikhail Chuev and many others.


Zvezdinsky Mikhail Mikhailovich was born in Lyubertsy, in the Moscow region, on March 6, 1945. His real name on his father's side - Deinekin. However, as Mikhail himself always says, Zvezdinsky is not a creative pseudonym. This is how the surname of his ancestors from Poland is translated into Russian, sounding like “Gvezhdinsky”, who after the gentry uprising moved to St. Petersburg and became Russian in spirit.

The singer's grandfather, who was a colonel in the tsarist army, was shot seven years before his birth. He was a military builder and built bridges. The father, in order to avoid the fate of his grandfather, went back to Poland. Mikhail's mother, Lidia Semyonovna, who worked in the design bureau at an aircraft plant, was repressed.

The future performer of Russian chanson was raised by his grandmother. She was a real noblewoman who graduated from the Smolny Institute. It was the grandmother who instilled in her grandson a great love for pre-revolutionary Russia. Based on her stories about the tsarist empire and its officers, about Mikhail’s grandfather, his memories of civil war Later, songs from the White Guard cycle were created.

Childhood memories

On summer months the family went to Tomilino, where they had a dacha, and in winter they returned to the city, to a Moscow apartment on Nastasinsky Lane. Later, Mikhail Zvezdinsky will recall that from the very early childhood He was incredibly restless, which caused a lot of trouble for his mother and grandmother. He was expelled from school several times, despite his academic upbringing. If the rest of his peers read fairy tales about Moidodyr, then Misha was already school age was familiar with the works of M. Tsvetaeva and N. Gumilyov, and knew Pasternak’s poems.

Love for music

At the age of nine, the future chansonnier was already keen on Mikhail Bulgakov and by that time even managed to read “ White Guard" and "Running". Also in preschool age Mikhail Zvezdinsky began to get carried away musical creativity. His first instrument was a guitar, inherited from his colonel grandfather.

Lidia Semyonovna, noticing how many hours a day his son was “tormenting” the family heirloom, imbued with understanding, enrolled the child in music school, located in the town of Zhukovsky. But, to Misha’s great chagrin, guitar was not studied there. Therefore, he had to temporarily retrain as a drummer. But the boy was not very upset. At that time, jazz was just coming into fashion, so good drummers in bands were “worth their weight in gold.”

Musician career

From the age of fifteen, the future celebrity has already been performing in various cafes and clubs, singing on dance floors. Since the late fifties, Mikhail Zvezdinsky has appeared in Moscow jazz centers as part of a variety of musical groups. He performed in very popular cafes at that time: “Molodezhnoe”, “Aelita” and “ Blue bird" His partners at jazz parties were the then middle-aged Georgy Garanyan, Leonid Chizhik, Alexey Zubov, Alexey Kozlov and others.

First independent work

However, in adult companies of already “venerable” musicians, Mikhail Zvezdinsky felt like a supporting figure. Moreover, he was often offended by the fact that his senior comrades treated him condescendingly, in a fatherly manner, not allowing him to reveal his talent in full force. Mikhail himself believed that his work was much wider than the boundaries that his senior colleagues outlined for him. From the age of fourteen, the future chansonnier wrote songs. They could well compete with the works that were played in restaurants in those years, Zvezdinsky believed.

Mikhail, all of whose songs at that time had the same theme - emigration and the White Guard movement - was still impressed by the work of the writer Bulgakov. And close communication with his cousin Igor Gorozhankin also left its mark on his first works. The latter, as a graduate student, studied the history of the white movement.

It is thanks to these factors that in the early sixties Mikhail Zvezdinsky created a large cycle of songs on this topic. The most famous of them - “Paris is waiting for you” and “Lieutenant Golitsyn” - are popular until today. True, over time he admits that the author of the latter melody is Major General of the Kolchak army G. Goncharenko.

Concert activities

Many works performed by Russian chansonniers today are Soviet years were prohibited. But they were still listened to. Mikhail Zvezdinsky was also involved in organizing underground concerts more than once. “Candles”, “Lieutenant Golitsyn” and his other songs were first performed there.

In 1980, he, together with the vocal and instrumental ensembles “Favorit” and “Joker”, recorded their first concerts. In the same year, Mikhail Zvezdinsky was arrested and received six years for private entrepreneurship and bribery. However, the singer did not forget about music for a minute. Already in a forced labor camp in 1986, he was able to record his famous songs: “The Son of a Cook and a Patterner,” “They’re Going North,” “I’ll Tell You About My Own,” “The Embezzlers Are Being Transported from Leningrad,” “The Process Is Over,” “By the plan was born,” “Pigeons are flying over our zone.” All of them were included in the album called “In a zone with two guitars.”


In 1988, Zvezdinsky, returning to Moscow, continued his creative activity. He is a registered author of many songs. It must be said that many performers sang songs written by Mikhail Zvezdinsky. “Enchanted, bewitched” to the words of Zabolotsky, “Wolves” and “Haymaking”, “Black Cat”, “Raider Boys”, “Going North”, “We are going on the attack”, “The roses have withered”, “Bacillus and the Plague” “... And although all these works in the Russian Authors' Society are registered in his name, some “comrades in the shop” have doubts about Zvezdinsky’s involvement in their creation.

Songs written by Mikhail Zvezdinsky - “Burning, the candles are crying”, “Bacillus and the plague”, “Embezzlers are being transported from Leningrad”, “Gentlemen officers”, “Last dawn”, “I walked all over Russia”, “Prostitute Burelomova” - also performed by A. Severny.

Personal life

Mikhail Zvezdinsky's wife is Nonna Gennadievna. She waited for him from prisons and camps for sixteen years, for which the singer is incredibly grateful to her. Their relationship began to develop in 1979, and in 1980 Zvezdinsky was imprisoned. A year later, Nonna came to see him in a forced labor camp. Mikhail secured a long-term date for five days, and after nine months the couple had their son. The boy's parents named him Art - from the word "art". However, close relatives, changing it to the more familiar one, Artem, began to call him that.

Until now, Mikhail Zvezdinsky drinks to his wife’s health while standing. The singer considers his wife a real Decembrist: after all, she traveled to him from Moscow ten thousand miles, not only by train or plane, but also by helicopter, dogs and even deer.

Curious facts

In 1990, Russian bard Alexander Lobanovsky began a lawsuit against Mikhail Zvezdinsky. In his lawsuit, he indicated that the latter appropriated his songs, including such hits as “Burning, the candles are crying” and “Enchanted, bewitched,” “Roses have faded” and others. And despite the fact that Lobanovsky managed to win the case, in the Russian Authors’ Society, nevertheless, both authors are listed as the creators of the controversial works, with the exception of “Prostitute Burelomova”, “I Walked into the Night” and “Non-Rus”.

Zvezdinsky had problems with the law several times during his life. In 1962, he was imprisoned for one year for stealing jewelry and a car. He was sentenced again in 1966 for desertion to three years, and in 1973 to another three for having a relationship with a foreign citizen.

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Prison universities"Lieutenant Golitsyn"


The first troubles with the law occurred with Mikhail Zvezdinsky in 1962. In the evening, after one of the concerts, young singer invited to take a ride in his luxury car by one of the fans of his work. In addition to its owner, there were two girls sitting in the car, who no less actively invited the singer into the salon. Zvezdinsky agreed. However, before they had time to drive even a few hundred meters, gunmen (current traffic cops) stopped them at the nearest intersection. And then the unexpected happened. The owner of the car and his companions scattered, and Zvezdinsky, burdened with the guitar with which he never parted, got stuck in the door and was captured by the valiant police. But even when he found himself in the police station, he did not lose his presence of mind, believing that he owed his arrest to the absurd oversight of the Orudovites - after all, it was not he who was driving, but the owner of the car, who should be held accountable for violating the rules traffic. However, everything turned out to be much more complicated.

In the trunk of the car, the police found some valuables that were listed as stolen. To all Zvezdinsky’s assurances that he had never seen these things, the police only grinned skeptically and advised him to confess everything frankly. As a result, a criminal case was opened against the singer. On September 19, 1962, the People's Court of the Baumansky District of Moscow sentenced Zvezdinsky under Article 144, Part 2 of the Criminal Code of the RSFSR to one year in prison. There is a version that in this way the authorities dealt with a 16-year-old boy who had the courage to sing White Guard songs in public.

Zvezdinsky served a little less than 10 months of his sentence; he was released on July 2, 1963. Returning to Moscow, he again went on stage - he began performing in various musical groups, accompanying the then pop stars: Maya Kristalinskaya, Gelena Velikanova, Margarita Suvorova. Along the way, he wrote new songs and performed them in a variety of audiences. In particular, he wrote the following works: “Burning, the candles are crying” (1962), “Fragile Heart” (1963), “Enchanted, Bewitched”, “Trace of Love” (both 1964), etc.

In 1965, Zvezdinsky was drafted into the army. Then he got into trouble with the law for the second time. One day he received a telegram from his relatives, in which he was informed that his mother was seriously ill. Zvezdinsky appealed to the command of the military unit in which he served with a request to grant him leave. However, the command considered that the mother’s illness was not a convincing reason for granting the soldier a short-term leave, and Zvezdinsky’s request was denied. And then he left the unit without any permission. For this he was declared a deserter and prosecuted. The trial took place on October 19, 1966. Under Articles 255a and 246a of the Criminal Code of the RSFSR (escape from a unit, desertion), Zvezdinsky was sentenced to three years in prison.

Zvezdinsky was released on May 18, 1969. His criminal record was expunged and he returned to Moscow. I took up creativity again. At one time he worked as a drummer in the vocal-instrumental ensemble “Norok”, where at that time the very young Ksenia Georgiadi made her debut, then he moved to the ensemble “ Funny boys" However, Zvezdinsky soon got bored of being in the second, or even third, plan all the time, and he resumed solo performances. By that time, the songs he composed in the early 60s were already sung by half the country (in particular, they were performed in the Union by Arkady Severny, abroad by Willy Tokarev, Grigory Dimont, etc.), so the ground was well prepared for his return. And Zvezdinsky began performing as a soloist in a variety show at the Arkhangelskoye restaurant. It was 1972. However, his solo work was soon interrupted by a new arrest.

Once again Zvezdinsky was arrested in the fall of 1973 during a sea cruise from Odessa to Batumi. Moreover, KGB officers took part in that arrest. Why them? The fact is that Zvezdinsky at that time was in love with an Italian woman, and such matters were within the competence of the state security agencies. The Italian was sent home, and Zvezdinsky was accused... of raping her and on October 19, 1973, he was given a new sentence - three years in prison. True, the singer did not have the chance to serve his entire sentence - on January 15, 1974, he was released from serving his sentence in a correctional labor colony and sent to construction sites National economy- for "chemistry". Zvezdinsky worked there until 1976.

Returning to Moscow once again, Zvezdinsky got a job at the restaurant " Pinery", where he began performing with his own program. In his words: “Sergei Apollinarievich Gerasimov often came to my restaurant. And in general, the whole House of Cinema was gathering at my place. Vysotsky, Borya Khmelnitsky, Dolinsky, Misha Kozakov, Evstigneev, Zhvanetsky, Kartsev and Ilchenko. It’s funny for me to call... You ask, who didn’t come to me?

Many guys started with me. Those who became stars today: Volodya Kuzmin, Barykin, Sasha Serov played the saxophone. Presnyakov Sr., Misha Muromov was then an administrator at the Old Castle, and I taught him to play the guitar, Malezhik... “Let's go to Zvezdinsky” sounded about the same as “let's go to the Moulin Rouge or Maxim.”

For four years the authorities patiently watched as Zvezdinsky “corrupted” Soviet people songs about the White Guards and earns fabulous money (several thousand rubles per evening). Finally her patience came to an end. In March 1980, on the eve of the Moscow Olympics, it was decided to destroy the “nest of anti-Sovietism.” Eyewitnesses tell how this happened.

Nikolai Mironov (now a retired police major general, and then the head of the BHSS Directorate): “At the end of the day, the head of the Central Internal Affairs Directorate Trushin called me into his office and said that, supposedly, the first secretary of the city party committee Grishin gave instructions to catch and imprison within a month Mikhail Zvezdinsky. The reason is that “all foreign “radio voices” are trumpeting that Moscow is communist during the day and merchant at night. And this discredits the name of the capital, an exemplary communist city.

One employee reported that at approximately 9-10 pm this person usually leaves the restaurant on Kalininsky Prospekt, warning the regulars: “Today I will sing in such and such a place...”

They sent agents there. Entrance was not cheap: foreigners were charged 100 “greens”, and Soviet citizens – a thousand rubles. All sorts of crooks, “shady people,” gathered there, wasted money left and right—in a word, they caroused on a merchant scale until five in the morning. Then the “cab drivers” delivered the gentlemen and their ladies to their “numbers”. Such orgies often took place in the Yuzhny restaurant on Leninsky Prospekt. Zvezdinsky performed songs on request, accompanied by a small orchestra. During the evening I collected revenue from 20 to 50 thousand rubles.

For us, the difficulty was to determine in which establishment the “object” would appear next and how, without arousing suspicion, to give him a microphone without a cord in order to secretly record on radio equipment. We looked for such a microphone for a long time (at that time it was a rarity), we finally got it, but the singer, alas, did not take the bait. Our people were very worried, because Trushin gave the command to record the audition repertoire for Grishin. Apparently, he was curious about what Zvezdinsky was doing. As my subordinates reported to me, there is no obvious anti-Sovietism, mostly emigrant songs like “Lieutenant Golitsyn.” By the way, my kids liked them. However, Trushin was dissatisfied: the quality of the recording was poor, and for this reason he did not show it to Grishin.

A lot of employees were involved in the operation - about three hundred people, as if they were catching a particularly dangerous repeat offender. We learned that before March 8 he “rented” a restaurant in the Sovetsky district.

Guests began to arrive at two in the morning, many in luxury foreign cars. The less wealthy are on the buses. The capture group hid in a nearby unfinished house. Everything was covered with ointment. But the cards were mixed up by one of Zvezdinsky’s admirers, who was late for the concert. Driving up to the restaurant, he spotted traffic police cars and suspected something was wrong. Concerns intensified after he copied patrol crews stationed on all access roads. Having flown into the hall, he calls Zvezdinsky back: “Misha, get away, you’re surrounded!”

There was a commotion, foreigners jumped up from the tables, indignantly: “You have no right!” One of the Murovites did not mince words: “Do you know that by decree of the Moscow Council, restaurants are allowed to operate until 11 p.m.? How much now? Why are you violating our rules? In general, he put them in their place..."

Next, let’s listen to the story of M. Zvezdinsky: “The police burst into the hall just at the moment when the soloist, orchestra and the entire audience thundered the famous chorus from my song: “Eh, boys!” Yes, you are raiders! Wallets, wallets and wallets!..” „Everyone stay in their places! - the policemen shouted. “Weapons and documents on the table!” The women in the hall screamed in fear. Someone protested and demanded an explanation. Dishes rattled from overturned tables. The girls were frightened and stuffed jewelry into the salad that they shouldn’t have. Someone rushed to the exit, but that was not the case - the path was blocked by a barrier. They ran to the attic, someone jumped through the windows into the snowdrifts, where they fell into the hands of police officers from the cordon. I also tried to hide. He was young, strong, cool. He jumped out the window and knocked down the policemen who arrived in time. But still they overtook me, threw me into a snowdrift, twisted my arms, and threw me into a “crater.”

N. Mironov: “The capture group took the drunken crowd out and put them on buses. The detainees were taken to Petrovka, 38. To pick them all up, three trips had to be made. About two hundred people, more or less sober, were interrogated. They immediately split and told in detail how much they paid their idol. And soon Zvezdinsky himself was brought here..."

M. Zvezdinsky: “After the interrogation, I was taken to a cell. Imagine, I get to the thieves in the top three from Cardin. I spoke at festive concert and was dressed accordingly. Some people didn't like the way I dressed up. I had to put two dissatisfied people on the floor - I was seriously into karate. While they were coming to their senses, I heard from the corner: “Are you Zvezdinsky?” So I was convinced with my own eyes that the fans of my work were not only the “cream” of society, writers, artists, actors, but also... thieves in law who frequented my concerts. The prison telegraph immediately flashed: “Don’t touch Zvezdinsky!”

Soon after this, a trial was held that convicted Zvezdinsky under Article 153 Part 1 and 174 Part 1 of the Criminal Code of the RSFSR to 4 years in the camps and 2 years in prison for giving a bribe and private entrepreneurship. Zvezdinsky served the first half of his sentence in a camp near Ulan-Ude. It was there that he soon received the news that his son, Artem, was born in freedom.

Zvezdinsky met the mother of his child, Nonna, about a year before this arrest. Nonna studied at the Institute of Asian and African Countries, was a Komsomol activist, and was fond of amateur performances. And then one day Zvezdinsky came to perform at her institute, and after the concert there were dances. They met at a dance. When Zvezdinsky was convicted in 1980, Nonna did not renounce him and spent almost every vacation with him - in the zone near Ulan-Ude.

In 1988, Zvezdinsky was released and returned to Moscow. At that time he had neither housing nor registration. The same Nonna came to the rescue, whom he married and under whose roof he moved with all his meager property. Since 1989, Zvezdinsky has returned to the stage and has not left it to this day.

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Mikhail Zvezdinsky is well known to fans of chanson. Would you like to get acquainted with his biography and work? We are happy to provide you with this opportunity.

Biography: family and childhood

Mikhail Zvezdinsky was born on March 6, 1945. His home and favorite city is Lyubertsy, located in the Moscow region. The real name of the chanson performer is Deinekin. Zvezdinsky is far from a pseudonym. The fact is that his ancestors come from Poland. But in 1861 the Zvezdinskys (Gvezhdinskys) moved to St. Petersburg.

His father, Mikhail Evgenievich Deinekin, and grandfather, Evgeny Pavlovich, were shot shortly before the birth of our hero. His mother and grandmother were involved in his upbringing. But soon he was left an orphan. Mother, Lidia Semyonovna, was repressed. All responsibilities for caring for and raising the boy fell on the shoulders of the grandmother.

Mikhail Zvezdinsky grew up as an active and restless child. He was kicked out of school several times. My grandmother, who graduated in due time, helped fill the gaps in education. She forced her grandson to read a lot (Pasternak, Tsvetaeva, Gumilyov, and so on).

IN adolescence Misha became interested in music. He taught himself the guitar. He got this instrument from his grandfather. In the late 50s, a talented guy performed in different groups. Later, our hero began to write his own songs. He graduated School of Music, having received the specialty “drummer”.

Life behind bars

In January 1974, Zvezdinsky was sent to prison for 3 years. He was found guilty of raping his Italian girlfriend. He was released in 1976. But start a decent life with clean slate he didn't succeed. Mikhail appeared in court several times - in 1962, 1966 and 1980. Among the charges he was charged with were “theft of a car and jewelry,” “desertion,” and “giving a bribe.” In total, he spent 16 years in captivity.

Mikhail Zvezdinsky: creativity

Our hero’s first concerts with VIA “Joker” and VIA “Favorite” were recorded in 1980. This period can be considered the beginning creative activity Mikhail.

In 1986, while serving another sentence, he recorded the concert “In the Zone with Two Guitars.” It included such compositions as “The Process Is Finished”, “The Son of the Cook and the Patterner”, “Pigeons Are Flying Over Our Zone” and others.

In 1988, Mikhail Zvezdinsky was released. He returned to his Moscow apartment and began developing musical career. Currently, his creative collection includes about 25 albums and several collections. The most popular songs by M. Zvezdinsky are listed below:

  • “The roses have faded”;
  • “Burning, the candles cry”;
  • “The rails will break”;
  • “We are going on the attack”;
  • "Last dawn";
  • "Enchanted, bewitched."


Before us is a man with great talent and a difficult fate. Let's wish him creative inspiration and family well-being!

Mikhail Mikhailovich Zvezdinsky (real name Deinekin). Born on March 6, 1945 in Lyubertsy. Russian musician, singer, chanson performer.

As the artist noted, Zvezdinsky is not exactly a pseudonym: it is the surname of his Polish ancestors, although in Polish the surname sounded like Gwezdinsky.

Father - Mikhail Evgenievich Deinekin and grandfather Evgeny Pavlovich Deinekin (junker of the tsarist army) - were shot before Zvezdinsky was born. Although according to other sources, the father left for Poland before Mikhail’s birth. Mikhail’s grandfather signed his letters to his grandmother like this: “I kiss your hands tenderly, Lieutenant, always in love with you.” During his arrest, he was told that “there are no lieutenants in the Red Army,” without listening to arguments that this was a humorous signature in personal correspondence.

Mother - Lidia Semyonovna Deinekina - worked in the design bureau of an aircraft plant, and was also repressed. Therefore, the future artist was raised by his grandmother, a noblewoman who graduated from the Smolny Institute noble maidens. She instilled in her grandson a love for pre-revolutionary Russia. Based on her stories about life in the Russian Empire, officers, Zvezdinsky’s grandfather and the civil war, the songs of the White Guard cycle were written. The first of them was the romance “Paris is Waiting for You,” written in 1960.

In the summer, the family lived in a dacha in Tomilino, in the winter - in Nastasinsky Lane in Moscow.

He grew up as a hooligan and was expelled from school several times.

Graduated from the music school in Zhukovsky near Moscow in class percussion instruments. Also mastered classical guitar- two instruments remained in the family from my grandfather.

At the age of 15 he began performing in various clubs, cafes and dance floors.

In 1962, under Part 2 of Art. 144 of the Criminal Code of the RSFSR was imprisoned for one year for theft of a car and jewelry. He was again sentenced in 1966 to three years for desertion. In 1973, he received another three years for raping a foreign citizen.

In the 1970s, according to the artist, he worked in the restaurant industry. He also organized underground concerts.

“Every year I opened a new restaurant, which became a fashionable nightclub. We got together with friends and organized such evenings. If you know how to sing, sing, if you know how to play, play: complete democracy. At such concerts, “Lieutenant Golitsyn”, “Candles” and other songs. Soviet times all this, of course, was prohibited, but there was some kind of flair of mystery, mystery,” said Zvezdinsky.

According to him, she performed in one of “his” restaurants: “It was 1976, the Arlekino restaurant, named, by the way, in honor of Alla. Maxim Dunaevsky, Savely Kramarov, Yuri Antonov were there... Everyone performed, as they say, for themselves: everyone could go on stage and sing something. And no one received a penny. Pugacheva was already popular then, but she got into trouble because of these “concerts.” She sang in English, we couldn’t get her to so that she would perform her hits. In general, it was a bohemian club in Odintsovo, with very good cuisine, soloists often came there Bolshoi Theater, popular actors, pop performers."

In 1980, he recorded the first concerts with VIA Favorit and VIA Joker.

In 1980, he received six years for bribery and private entrepreneurship.

In 1986, while in a forced labor camp, he recorded the concert “In the Zone with Two Guitars,” which included the songs “They’re Going North,” “The Son of a Cook and a Patterner,” “Embezzlers Are Being Transported from Leningrad,” and “I’ll Tell You About My Own.” , “Born according to plan”, “The process is over”, “Doves are flying over our zone” and many others.

In 1988, Zvezdinsky returned to Moscow and began active creative work.

Mikhail Zvezdinsky - Lieutenant Golitsyn

He is the registered author of the Russian Authors’ Society of the songs “Lieutenant Golitsyn” (in fact, the author of the melody is Major General of Kolchak’s army Georgy Goncharenko), “Burning, the candles are crying,” “Enchanted, bewitched” (words by Nikolai Zabolotsky), “They are going north "(words - unknown) "Wolves", "Haymaking", "We are going on the attack", "The roses have faded", "Boy Raiders", "Black Cat", "Bacillus and the Plague" (words - unknown) and others, although in some cases its authorship is questionable.

Most of the songs, the author of which M. Zvezdinsky is registered with the Russian Authors' Society, were performed by A. Severny (“Bacillus and the Plague”, “Burning, the Candles Cry”, “Lieutenant Golitsyn”, “Going North”, “The Roses Have Withered”, “Boys” -raiders”, “Black Cat”, “Embezzlers are being transported from Leningrad”, “Last Dawn”, “Gentlemen Officers”, “Prostitute Burelomova”, “I walked all over Russia”).

Mikhail Zvezdinsky - Enchanted, bewitched

IN different years Zvezdinsky's songs were performed by: Maya Kristalinskaya, Alexander Malinin, Zhanna Bichevskaya, Mikhail Chuev, the Pearl Brothers, White Eagle, Fyodor Karmanov, Anatoly Mogilevsky, Anatoly Canvas, and many other lesser-known performers.

Satirically depicted by the writer Andrei Valentinov in the trilogy “Eye of Power” under the guise of the singer Zvezdilin, the false author of the song “Lieutenant Ukhtomsky”.

In 1990, he sued Mikhail Zvezdinsky, indicating that he appropriated his songs “Burning, the candles are crying,” “Enchanted, bewitched,” “Prostitute Burelomova,” “I walked into the night,” “The roses have withered,” “Haymaking” and “ Non-Russian." Despite the fact that Lobanovsky won the case, in the Russian Authors’ Society, the authors of all controversial songs, except for “Prostitute Burelomova”, “I Walked into the Night” and “Non-Rus”, indicate both Zvezdinsky and Lobanovsky.

Personal life of Mikhail Zvezdinsky:

Wife - Nonna Gennadievna.

His wife waited for him for 16 years from prisons and camps. Their relationship began in 1979, in 1980 he was imprisoned, and in 1981 Nonna came to his camp. Their son was conceived there: Mikhail got a five-day date, and after 9 months the couple had a boy, whom they named Art - from the word “art”. However, his relatives changed his name to the more familiar Artem.

“The most authoritative people standing up drink to her health. In my opinion, this woman is a real Decembrist: she traveled to me ten thousand miles from Moscow on dogs, on deer, on helicopters, she waited for me anxiously,” Zvezdinsky said about his wife.

Discography of Mikhail Zvezdinsky:

1980 - With the ensemble “Favorite”
1980 - With the ensemble “Joker”
1986 - In a zone with two guitars
1990 - Don’t lose your courage
1991 - Beyond Russia
1992 - Golden hits
1993 - Trace of Love
1994 - Enchanted, bewitched
1995 - Don't lose heart
1996 - Kremlin Regiment
1996 - Wolves
1996 - Eh, Russia
1996 - Communication without borders
1996 - Comstar
1997 - Moscow metro
1997 - We were born in Siberia
1998 - And the path is both long and far
1998 - A poet lives in you
1998 - Breath of Love
2000 - Russia XXI century
2002 - Moscow-St. Petersburg
2003 - Beer King
2004 - Forward and upward
2005 - Warm heart
2006 - Phoenix
2007 - Claim your rights
2008 - The Best
2009 - The Best (mp3)
2010 - Olympic track
2011 - Believe in bright dreams
2012 - Ingeocom

The most famous songs of Mikhail Zvezdinsky:

"Lieutenant Golitsyn"
“Burning, the candles cry”
"Paris is waiting for you"
“Enchanted, bewitched” (words by N. Zabolotsky)
“I won’t write”
"I'm waiting"
"What a pity"
"Forgive me, tramp.."
"The roses have faded"
“Blue Sky of Russia” (words by S. Yesenin)
"Boy Raiders"
"Black cat"
"We are going on the attack"
"Last dawn"
"Neither prison nor exile"
"Why do you need to know this?"
“Two kopecks for happiness” (“It’s very easy”)
"The rails will break"
"The Bacillus and the Plague"
“Bonjour, madam, your lieutenant writes to you...”

Filmography of Mikhail Zvezdinsky:

1991 - Stamp - singer in a restaurant