Anastasia Volochkova year of birth. Scandalous lifestyle. Who was Anastasia Volochka’s ex-husband: why the ballerina’s family life didn’t work out

Nastya was born in St. Petersburg family professional tennis player - master of sports of international class and USSR table tennis champion Yuri Fedorovich and engineer by profession and tour guide by vocation - Tamara Vladimirovna Volochkova.

The inquisitive girl was interested in learning something new, and not only watching, but also participating. When, at the age of five, her mother took her to see “The Nutcracker” at the Mariinsky Theater, Nastya literally fell in love with the sacred action that took place on stage. Even then, she told her parents that she would definitely become a ballerina.

Why not? The baby was taken to choreographic school, after which she entered the St. Petersburg Vaganova Academy of Russian Ballet. The ballerina will never forget the entrance exams. According to Volochkova, her heart literally stopped during each of the tours.

They looked at her several times, forced her to show what she could do, and shook their heads: “There is no talent,” was the verdict of the famous admissions committee. Anastasia confirms: she herself understood that she could not jump high, raise her leg... her foot lacked lift and eversion.

But having paid attention to the zeal of the young girl, she was still accepted - with a probationary period of six months. Rumor has it that choreographer Konstantin Sergeev insisted on a positive verdict from the commission members.

It was difficult for Anastasia to study. She still believes that the teachers did not like her and they deliberately bullied her. But my classmates felt sorry and sympathized. Sweet, kind and open Nastya quickly won their trust and was popular among students.


She was so eager to fulfill her cherished dream that she worked day and night, honing her skills. As a result, Volochkova graduated from the academy with enchanting success in her diploma “Swan Lake” on the stage of the Mariinsky Theater. Played main role and, with honors, received an invitation to the troupe.

Feeling like a high-class professional, she begins to participate in festivals. Victory in international competition ballet dancers named after Serge Lifar reinforced her confidence in her own abilities. Moreover, the audience here gave the ballerina a standing ovation.

On the stage of the St. Petersburg theater she will soon begin to receive leading roles in most ballets. The ballerina herself admits: that period was not easy. The constant squabbles and intrigues of the ballet world directly affected her. Soon the leading parties stopped giving her money, and then they actually removed her from work altogether.

The break with the theater occurred in 1998. For two years she has been touring on her own - in Japan and France the Russian ballerina is received with great trepidation, and two years later she suddenly appears at the Bolshoi.


The appearance of a ballerina undesirable at the Mariinsky Theater in the main theater of Russian ballet immediately becomes surrounded by gossip. Successful employment is associated with two things at once: male names. The famous sports philanthropist Anzori Aksentiev, whose acquaintance the ballerina still denies, allegedly had a hand in “arranging” his protégé into the very famous theater peace.

The second name associated with Volochkova’s appearance at the Bolshoi is Yuri Grigorovich. She quickly became his favorite. The friendship between the choreographer and the ballerina lasted for many years.

In the same year 2000, the ballerina participates in the prestigious Austrian festival and receives the Golden Lion there, which gives her the right to be called the most talented ballerina in Europe. After the festival she toured, and when she returned to the Bolshoi she suddenly stopped getting roles.

The new management of the theater is opposed to her. Not only did Volochkova begin to be artificially pushed aside, but completely tactless gossip and ridicule immediately appeared around her name.


Despite the fact that theater experts claimed that Volochka had recognition, and that it was “her” who went to performances, the theater management declared the ballerina unfit for professional duties. First of all, they didn’t like her height and weight - supposedly she was too tall and heavy for a ballerina. Anastasia's height is 171 cm, weight varies from 50 to 55 kg. For comparison: the recognized prima of Russian ballet Maya Plisetskaya weighed from 49 to 58 kg with a height of 167 cm.

Behind the scenes, the story of “Volochkova being too big” was picked up. Gossips they sent the ballerina to be a swimmer and sympathized with Anastasia’s partners, they say, how can they carry someone like that?

The offended ballerina sued the management of the Bolshoi. The litigation lasted for several years, as a result of which the court sided with Anastasia, obliging the Bolshoi to return her to her place in the troupe. As moral damages for her offended dignity, the ballerina asked for one ruble and, of course, did not remain in the Bolshoi troupe.


Ballerinas have always been patronized by millionaires. This rule turned out to be true for Anastasia Volochkova. At first, her appearance at the Bolshoi was associated with the name of Anzori Aksentyev. Then her appearance at the English National Ballet (where she danced the role in Sleeping Beauty) - with the name of British millionaire Anthony Kerman.

Kerman, according to rumors, even abandoned his family in order to love the Russian beauty unhindered. He was fascinated by her stretch and green eyes, followed the ballerina on her heels, threw armfuls of white roses at her feet and invariably declared his love.

In addition to romantic surprises, Kerman undertook to manage Anastasia’s affairs. The famous fine connoisseur of ballet was welcomed in the best theaters a world where he was easily able to negotiate tours for his protégé.

However, Anastasia denies having a relationship with the British man. She says that he is just her “lawyer” who helps to conduct business. Calls their relationship friendly. Anastasia will call her lovers friends more than once - always with an invariable soft smile and a naive look, confirming her unearthly origin.


The ballerina has a reason to deny everything. In the early 2000s, just when Kerman was arranging it professional life, Volochkova tried to arrange her personal life. Oligarch Suleiman Kerimov drew attention to her. Nastya was captivated not only by the charisma of the famous businessman, but also by his broad gestures. The man did not hesitate to pamper his beloved.

However, after two years the relationship ended. Anastasia says that the breakup was her willful decision and connects the scandal at the Bolshoi with the man’s revenge. According to other sources, the Kerimov family did not like Volochkova. In particular, Suleiman's parents believed that this relationship had a bad effect on their son's attention to business.

In 2005, Volochkova, who never married, gives birth to her first child, daughter Ariadna, and two years later her father, businessman Igor Vdovin, agrees to a luxurious wedding ceremony. The event becomes social, the ballerina sews several dresses and holds several weddings.

Photo shoots, videos, happy faces of lovers... only after breaking up with Vdovin, lonely Nastya admits on the “Let's Get Married” program that she never got married - the wedding with Igor was just beautiful holiday, not related to official registration.

Another high-profile romance with an oligarch, which the ballerina boasted about, began in 2013. This time, the head of the oil transportation company, Bakhtiyar Salimov, was next to her. After a short time, she admitted to her followers on Instagram that she was leaving her lover.

Many will agree modern ballet– this is art for the “chosen few”. But the grace of the performers, the effectiveness of the production and the amazing sublimity of feelings cannot leave anyone indifferent.

Without a doubt, when it comes to Russian ballet, her name is first remembered. It was this ballerina who could become an idol contemporary art dance.

Her grace, her figure and beautiful appearance, even at the age of “over 30,” make her the most desirable woman. She can rightfully be considered a sex symbol of Russia.

This is Anastasia Volochkova - Honored Artist Russian Federation, actress, movie star and loving mother.

Ballet is the meaning of life

The future ballerina was born in the spiritual capital of Russia - the city of St. Petersburg. In 1976, it still bore the name Leningrad.

And the little girl Nastya, with a confident step, walked with her mother to the Mariinsky Theater for the ballet “The Nutcracker”. 5 year old girl She was so amazed by what she saw that she immediately decided for herself: “I will definitely become a ballerina.”

After graduating from school, the girl is accepted into the Academy of Russian Ballet. She demonstrated tenacity and perseverance in training and soon attracted the attention of the famous teacher and choreographer Natalia Dudinskaya.

Later, Anastasia will have many pleasant moments and great rewards associated with this leader.

In 1994, the young ballerina received her first role in the production of Swan Lake. A girl goes on stage Mariinsky Theater, her childhood dream came true. But she didn't stop there.

Soon Volochkova received leading roles in the productions of “Giselle” and “Firebird”. Her career is rapidly rising, she meets famous directors and choreographers, among whom was even Soviet legend Tatiana Terekhova.

The end of the 90s was marked in the life of Anastasia with great tours. She performs in Japan, Korea, England, France, USA and Canada. The audience applauds the talent of the Russian ballerina in admiration.

They begin to invite her to grandiose show productions in which the girl played the main roles. Her first teacher Natalia Dudinskaya played an important role in this.

It is she who invites Volochkova to Tokyo, to the troupe of the New National Ballet.

The crowning achievement of this period of the ballerina’s life can be considered the receipt of the Serge Lifar Prize for her performance of the composition “Death of the Gods” at an international competition in Kyiv. Then came another good news - Nastya was invited to perform at the Bolshoi Theater.

Scandals and the beginning of a solo career

In 2000, Volochkova performed with the English National Ballet in London. She is applauded by the Queen of Great Britain herself, a representative of the English Parliament.

Soon she receives the most prestigious Golden Lion award as the best ballerina in Europe. And two years later she was awarded the title “Honored Artist of the Russian Federation.”

Were there in life Russian star and dark moments. They are associated with the Bolshoi Theater and its director Evgeny Ivanchenko.

He refused to renew the contract with Volochkova, citing the poor physical shape of the ballerina and the lack of a partner for her. Began litigation, in which Anastasia still won.

But she was unable to continue working at the Bolshoi.

The solo career of the ballet star developed just as rapidly and rapidly. She was recognized all over the world. Scripts for productions were written for her.

In 2007, she presented her own program “Nerve”, with which she performed at the Coliseum Theater in London. This became a real event in ballet life Europe.

Personal life of a ballerina

In 2001, Anastasia Volochkova began dating businessman Suleiman Kerimov. But the relationship lasted only a few years, after which the couple broke up.

The next chosen one was Igor Vdovin - big businessman, Doctor of Law. Even after legalizing the marriage, the couple could not stay together for long.

Motivating the separation by divergence in interests, they separated, but maintained friendly relations for some time.

In 2005, a lovely daughter, Ariadne, was born in Anastasia. The girl became the real meaning of the Russian star’s life. They starred together in photo shoots and TV shows.

WITH youth the daughter was accustomed to life in front of television cameras.

She wrote an autobiographical book, which sold quite a large circulation. She also managed to defend her dissertation in economics and start her own business.

Anastasia Volochkova is a symbol of enormous hard work, skill and creative perseverance.

She deservedly takes her place in the hall of fame of Russian ballet legends and continues to delight fans with her creativity.

How to be a successful, beautiful and wonderful mother in

Anastasia Volochkova is a famous ballerina, actress, singer, philanthropist and creative figure.

Childhood and youth

Anastasia Volochkova was born in ordinary family January 1976 in the Northern capital of the Russian Federation. Her father was a sought-after athlete, a Union and European champion in table tennis, and later the man began coaching. As for the mother, she worked as an engineer. The parents of the future celebrity were unable to save the marriage; they separated when little Nastya was still a child.

At the age of five, Volochkova’s mother took her to famous ballet called "The Nutcracker", which was shown on the stage of the Mariinsky Theater. Since then, the girl fell in love with dancing. At such an unconscious age, she began to clearly say that she dreamed of becoming a successful ballerina.

The parents tried to support their daughter in everything. After regular school, Volochkova went to classes at the Academy of Russian Ballet. Vaganova. They did not want to take the girl, allegedly due to lack of data. Gave her probation, the size of six months. However, thanks to perseverance and hard work, the blonde with an unusual appearance proved the opposite.

At the academy, after a while, Volochkova was noticed by a famous teacher. It was she who helped the talented ballerina move forward.

Career start

On graduation party Anastasia Volochkova performed her solo role superbly and without one mistake in the legendary production of Swan Lake. The performance took place in 1994. By the way, educational institution The dancer graduated with the highest marks. After this she was officially accepted into the troupe cultural institution, in which she worked for several years.

For four years, Volochkova received a variety of roles, including leading ones. As the ballerina herself later said, her career at the Mariinsky Theater was not easy for her. The young dancer had to learn what meanness and weaving intrigues are in the theatrical sphere. The work conflict reached such proportions that Volochokova eventually decided to party and was completely left without any work.

In 1998, the ballerina, at the suggestion of Vladimir Vasiliev, moved to Moscow. There she showed herself in popular and important production"Swan Lake", which was staged at the capital's Bolshoi Theater. I really liked the dancer's work creative group, so she continued to work there.

Unofficial information indicates that a native of St. Petersburg got into the Bolshoi Theater thanks to the connections of businessman Anzori Aksentyev. Allegedly, he was Volochkova’s patron. The dancer herself never confirmed the fact of meeting and communicating with the entrepreneur.

In 2000, Volochkova went to Austria for work, where she received the honorary Golden Lion award. She was named one of the most talented and sought-after ballerinas in Europe. Here the blonde also had her own patron. It's about about millionaire Anthony Kerman. For the sake of Volochkova, he even abandoned his family, but the romance did not last long.

In 2003, the ballerina became involved in loud scandal. The whole point is that the leadership Bolshoi Theater didn't sign with her labor contract. Allegedly, the dancer’s demands were at odds with the entire troupe. In addition, it was stated that Volochkova was unsuitable. Allegedly, her weight for her height was 171 cm, about 55 kilograms, and her shoulders were very wide.

Volochkova tried to submit applications to the courts and challenge the above decision, but did not win a single lawsuit. After that, she decided to develop an individual career. In 2004, the dancer found work as part of the Grigorovich ballet in Kuban.

Further career

Volochkova tried herself in the film industry in 2004. She played one of the roles in the small Russian film “A Place in the Sun.” A year later, the blonde was waiting for another project, “The Black Prince.”

In 2009, Volochkova decided to write an autobiography in which she told how she achieved success. Two years later, she opened her own creative center.

Along with professional activity Volchokova decided to be active on social networks. Every now and then she published candid photographs, not embarrassed by her body. The ballerina herself is very proud of herself. According to her, to look like her, you need to work every day.

In 2013, Volochkova was hit with a barrage of criticism after intimate photographs of her with singer Nikolai Baskov appeared on the Internet. Allegedly, the couple enjoyed sunny days together in one of the best hotels in the Maldives. It was there that Volochkova often got used to spending her holidays. The blonde also often visits Greece and Turkey.

Personal life

Any novel by Anastasia Volochkova is the subject of discussion in the press and in social networks. Herself great love became a rich man named Suleiman Kerimov. The businessman literally gave the dancer gifts, bought real estate, expensive jewelry, and flew with her on vacation. Volochkova even received an offer to become his next wife, because this is permitted by faith. However, here the ballerina wanted to be the only one. The couple finally separated in 2003.

In 2005, Anastasia Volochkova became a mother for the first time. Her daughter Ariandna was born in one of the capital's maternity hospitals. The girl's father was entrepreneur Alexander Vdovin. In 2007, a luxurious wedding took place between a businessman and a ballerina. However, a year later it turned out that it was just a magnificent event, and in fact the couple did not document their relationship.

In 2013, Volochkova began dating oil businessman Bakhtiyar Salimov. The couple met in Vladivostok when the ballerina was on tour. The romance lasted only one year.

At the beginning of 2018, the media announced the name of the ballerina’s new lover. He became an ordinary programmer Mikhail Loginov. Volochkova insisted that she didn’t care what kind social status for a man, the main thing is his attitude towards her. However, the relationship did not work out here either; by the summer of 2018, the couple was no longer together.

Modern Russian ballet would probably have lost a lot if not for the determination of one little girl. About Us early childhood dreamed about big stage, so she was ready to make any sacrifices to make her dreams come true. And today a grateful viewer enjoys watching this performer. The ballerina, actress, and simply charming woman demonstrates incredible energy and optimism.

Anastasia Volochkova, whose weight and height is always under the supervision of the paparazzi and fans, is a bright and extraordinary person. She is also famous for her numerous novels and scandals associated with her name. The star was born in St. Petersburg on January 20, 1976. Her career developed very rapidly: she successfully performed at the Bolshoi Theater and also delighted audiences with solo programs. However, the end of the second millennium was marked by conflict famous ballerina and the administration of the establishment. The management of the Bolshoi Theater issued a statement that Anastasia Volochkova, whose weight and height does not meet ballet standards, can no longer work for them. However, the girl herself believes that this statement was only the reason, because her parameters are the same as those of Maya Mikhailovna Plisetskaya during her finest hour.

Anastasia Volochkova's height and weight today are average for a ballerina. She weighs only forty-nine kilograms and is one meter seventy-one centimeters tall.

It’s no secret that ballerinas simply have to be slim. They can't be plump. Anastasia, whose parameters are considered ideal, admits that she has always been inclined to be overweight. By nature she has a large physique, which she has to constantly struggle with. The desire to make a brilliant career in ballet gave her the strength to endure a grueling struggle with own body. However, the star admits that when she fell in love with herself the way nature created her, overweight began to go away on their own. Here's a way to get the perfect figure from famous ballerina, and believe him or not - decide for yourself.

Anastasia Volochkova, whose weight and height should be ideal for working in the theater, reveals her own secret to her fans. In her opinion, you can never relax. You should always take care of yourself and keep yourself in shape. Volochkova's diet is the same diet followed by Anita Tsoi. Famous singer told the ballerina that all she needed to do was eat grapefruit and egg whites. Eating must be every two hours. And the star limits herself to food in order to do what she loves for as long as possible.

Ask any resident of Russia which ballerina of our time is the best. Without hesitation, he will answer: “Anastasia Volochkova!” Her weight and height are almost perfect, as are her grace and flexibility. Natural beauty and charming face are complemented acting skills, which allows you to brilliantly fit into any image. These qualities cannot leave men indifferent, which is why crowds of fans always hang around the seductive blonde.

  • Anastasia is an Honored Artist of Russia (2002), People's Artist of Karachay-Cherkessia and people's artist North Ossetia-Alania.
  • Anastasia dreamed of becoming a ballerina from the age of five, ever since her mother took her to the Nutcracker ballet at the Mariinsky Theater.
  • Volochkova graduated from the St. Petersburg Academy of Russian Ballet. In 1994, while still a 2nd year student, Anastasia began her career as a leading ballerina of the Mariinsky Theater.
  • In 1998, he received an invitation from Vladimir Vasiliev to the Bolshoi Theater for main party Swan Princess in his new production « Swan Lake" Along with working in the Bolshoi Theater troupe, the ballerina begins solo career, performing with his own concert numbers and in the troupe of other theaters.
  • From 2000 to 2005, with interruptions, Volochkova’s conflict with the administration of the Bolshoi Theater continued. In 2003, Volochkova was fired from the Bolshoi Theater with a scandal.
  • The formal reason for dismissal was that the ballerina did not meet the requirements physical fitness and it is impossible for her to find a partner (Evgeny Ivanchenko, the ballerina’s only partner, left the theater after being injured). Volochkova herself connects her dismissal from the theater with the personal revenge of billionaire and deputy Suleiman Kerimov, with whom she broke up shortly before her dismissal. "Problem" excess weight The ballerina explains that the director of the Bolshoi Theater A. Iksanov forced the male part of the troupe (Nikolai Tsiskaridze refused) to sign a letter in which they refused to dance with Volochkova.
  • On June 17, 2010, Volochkova defended her dissertation on the topic of creative schools in the regions of Russia and received an MBA degree in High school economy.
  • On January 11, 2011, Volochkova posted erotic photographs from her vacation in the Maldives on her blog. According to the ballerina, she took such a step “to spite the paparazzi” and because she has nothing to be ashamed of. The photographs caused a great stir in the press.
  • On the night of April 29, 2013, the mansion rented by Volochkova on Molokova Street in the Moscow district of Lianozovo was raided by robbers who stole two safes with jewelry from the house. The artist herself was on tour in Warsaw at that time. After the robbery, the ballerina, in a press interview, estimated the value of the stolen jewelry at several hundred thousand dollars.
  • In an interview with the Ukrainian TV channel 1+1 in April 2014, she noted that for her Crimea will always be part of Ukraine. Regarding the “Crimean topic,” Volochkova spoke negatively about public position singer and her husband, producer Joseph Prigozhin, calling these two show business figures “political prostitutes.”