Babaev Center for Cultural Development. Duet Valery, Gleb

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Pantomime is a very ancient and very complex genre. Not everyone can become a clown, and even more so a professional one, able to show any image in a comical, accurate and original way. Among the most famous artists of this trend in Russia and Europe is the wonderful duet of pantomime "Valeria and Gleb". For the first time, two cheerful guys met in the mid-eighties. Then young and resourceful, both guys played in the theater-studio "MIM". In 1987, they, students of the Ural Polytechnic Institute, did not seriously think about what business they would devote their whole lives to. Gradually, Gleb and Valera got involved in the crazy rhythm of the group, and in 1989, after dozens of victories at youth humorous festivals, the guys got into the team of the Ural State Philharmonic. Together with the troupe, they began to travel around Russia and neighboring countries. For more than two years, the pantomime "Valery and Gleb" studied acting at a street theater school in Germany.

After that, they first began to perform with the author's program at children's events, and later at serious concerts in the cities of Austria, Switzerland, Spain, France, Slovenia, Italy, Holland and Cyprus. In 1996, the pantomimes "Valery and Gleb" became laureates of the first competition of variety artists "Antre", a year later they received the second prize of the international festival "Newcamer". In addition, charming mimes are officially recognized as the best clowns of Innsbruck (Austria). In 2002, the pantomimes "Valery and Gleb" with a new show program became laureates of such festivals as "Westspitzen" (Germany) and "Cup of Humor" (Moscow). It was these two magnificent and unique masters who became regular participants in the filming of the television humorous projects “Laughing Panorama”, “Crooked Mirror” and “Joke After Joke”. In addition, being able to always wonderfully convey the mood and images of their characters, these artists were filmed for the show of the program “Humor Park”. At the moment, the pantomimes "Valery and Gleb" are constantly performing in Russia. They have become a real find for organizing all kinds of entertaining and humorous celebrations. Their performances can be the highlight of both a serious corporate holiday and a fun, laid-back children's event.

Circus artists, clowns, animators will easily fit into the program of any event. The rooms of Valery and Gleb are designed for a wide audience and are well suited for both a corporate party or a birthday, as well as a wedding or an anniversary. The duo Valery and Gleb approach the productions of their shows Mim with great responsibility. You can personally verify the spectacular performances of circus artists, clowns, animators by inviting stars to your holiday. On which it will not be difficult for Valery and Gleb to transfer you and your guests to another reality. Find out the prices and the rider of the spectacular show on our official website or by phone.

Mime duet "Valery and Gleb"

Dear children and their parents! Especially for you, the School of Clowns hospitably opens its doors. "School of Clowns" is a fun interactive program for all lovers of clowning, pantomime, laughter and fun.

Mime - a duet of Valery and Gleb, participants in numerous television humorous programs (Smehopanorama, Crooked Mirror, Laughing is allowed), reveal to you all the secrets of the merry skill of clowns!

Our school has the most interesting lessons in the world: juggling, tricks, step, training "animals"! We will teach you to surprise your friends, make a huge hall laugh and cause a thunder of applause! And also the opportunity for each child to go on stage with the artists and conquer all the audience with their skills!

Selfie lovers! Don't forget your cameras and phones.

Mime duet "Valery and Gleb"

The duo has existed on the professional stage since 1987. Since 1989, the artists began their work abroad by studying the school of street theater in Germany. This was followed by tours with solo and children's programs, participation in gala concerts, numerous festivals, master classes in Europe and Asia. The team worked in Germany, France, Denmark, Holland, Slovenia, Italy, Cyprus, Spain, China, Australia, Switzerland, Austria and other countries.

"Valery and Gleb" became laureates of the first open competition of variety artists "Antre", which was held in 1996 in St. Petersburg.

1997 - the second prize of the international competition "New cameras" in Dortmund (Germany);

1999 - the best clowns of the year at a competition in Innsbruck (Austria);

In 2002, the duo became laureates of two festivals at once: "Westspitzen - 2002" (Germany) and "Cup of Humor - 2002" (Moscow);

"Valery and Gleb" also won the audience award "Golden Crow - 2003" (Germany).

These well-known mimes are regular participants in various Russian TV shows.

"Crooked Mirror", "Laughing is Allowed", "Cup of Humor" and many others.

Duet "Valery and Gleb" is the only team to date , professionally representing the art of pantomime on the modern Russian stage.

This unique creative symbiosis combines the best traditions of European and Russian humor.

Duo's repertoire:

concert program "Not for life, but for laughter!"

children's and family program "School of clowns"

variety pantomime numbers

various animation programs

management of corporate and private events.

Since 2013, artists have begun teaching and art therapy work. They have developed a unique mime therapy system that combines non-verbal communication with traditional psychotherapy.

The current artists are Jr. Researchers at the Center for Mental Health of Children and Adolescents. G.E. Sukhareva and employees of the psychotherapeutic center "Alvian".

Mime duet "Valery and Gleb" - presenters, showmen and entertainers, regular participants in the television programs "Crooked Mirror", "Full House".

Ordering a mime duet for a celebration is very simple - call us!
Our phone numbers are listed on the site!

Mimes to meet guests, hold events, own unique concert program, interactive performances, draws and contests. Leading in different ways.
Mim duet is a duet professionally representing the art of pantomime in the modern Russian stage. A unique team of mimes, which combined the best traditions of European and Russian humor, arose in 1987 as part of the student pantomime theater theater-studio "MIM" at the Ural Polytechnic Institute in Sverdlovsk (now Yekaterinburg).
As part of the theater, he was a participant and laureate of numerous student festivals at that time. Later, becoming a professional group of the original genre and receiving billing at the Ural State Philharmonic. toured all over the country.
Since 1989 - work abroad. About two years studying the school of street theater and pantomime in Germany. Then touring with solo and children's programs, participation in gala concerts, numerous festivals, pantomime master classes in Europe and Asia. The team worked in Germany, France, Denmark, Holland, Slovenia, Italy, Cyprus, Spain, China, Australia, Switzerland, Austria and other countries.
Since 2003, the artists have been living in Moscow and working on the most famous stages of Moscow and St. Petersburg with the most popular pop artists.
- Laureates of the first open competition of pop artists "ANTRE" in 1996 (St. Petersburg)
- The second prize of the international competition "Newcamer" - 1997, Dortmund (Germany);
- The best clowns of 1999 in Innsbruck (Austria);
- Winners of the festival "Westspitzen - 2002" (Germany);
- Laureates of the festival "Cup of Humor - 2002" (Moscow);
- Audience Award "Golden Crow - 2003" (Germany), etc.
- Regular participants in the television programs "Crooked Mirror", "Laughing Panorama", "Joke for Joke", "Laughing is allowed", "Humor Park" and many others.

Invite a mime duet to a celebration, birthday, anniversary as hosts of your holiday, it is possible to conduct in various images with drawings and competitions, or order a unique concert program with interactive numbers, invite a mime duet to meet guests - very simple - call us!

Mim duet - meets guests before the start of the event.
Firstly, this is a great occasion to cheer up your guests even before the start of the holiday. Micromagic, short dialogues, sketches - all this will help us to unite the invitees, introduce them to each other, establish the first mutual sympathy.
Secondly, we use this opportunity to get to know the guests ourselves, find out additional information about them or the upcoming event, understand who will be our active assistants during the evening, in order to be fully equipped by the time we say the long-awaited words: “ Good evening, dear friends!"
Images for meeting guests can be chosen based on the scenario of the event, the theme of the evening or even the interior of the restaurant.

Contests, drawings, games, attractions and other fun activities.
Any holiday is like a sandwich. The more layers it has, the tastier it is. One of the most "delicious" moments of any holiday is the entertainment program. Contests, drawings, games, attractions - this is the most improvisational part of the celebration. We want to give every guest the opportunity to express themselves, because everyone present at your holiday has a talent. But to create an atmosphere so that even the most shy one feels easy and confident, this especially fun part of the celebration helps!
Our signature tricks: give a toast not only to the winner, but also to the most active fans. As a result, a person who actively empathizes with others begins to speak easily and emotionally, even if before that he was terribly afraid of the microphone.

concert block is a very important part of our business. The performances that we choose to perform are closely linked to the theme of each holiday and are agreed with the customer.
As a rule, each number is an excellent occasion for a general toast. For example, after the number "Adam and Eve" you want to raise a glass for love! And the participants of the "Orchestra" number get the opportunity to improvise, without preparation, to say one toast for three.

The most popular numbers are presented on the site (see texts below).

Performance cost

from 25 000 before 100 000 rubles

From 25000 rub. – 1 exit (25 min.).


Valery and Gleb are a unique team of mimes following the best traditions of Russian and European humor. Since 1989 the artists have been working abroad. Since 2003, mimes have been living in Moscow and performing at the most famous venues in Moscow and St. Petersburg. The artists are laureates of the festivals: "Best Clowns" (1999), "Westspitzen" (2002), "Cup of Humor" (2002), "Golden Crow" (2003), the first open competition of pop artists " Antre" (1996). Memes take part in TV shows: "Joke after Joke", "Crooked Mirror", "Laughing Panorama", "Humor Park", "Laughing is Allowed" and others.


Mime show program "Not for life, but for laughter!"
Children's and family variety program "School of Clowns"

Program duration

from 25 minutes before 1 hour


2 people:


meeting guests, graduation party, children's party, corporate party, holiday, wedding