Biography of Igor Krutoy and personal life. Wedding report: How Igor Krutoy married off his daughter Victoria Year of birth of Igor Krutoy

The biography of Igor Krutoy and the details of his personal life have always been of interest to both his many supporters and admirers of his talent, and his opponents, of whom he also has many. And this is natural: Igor Krutoy is, first of all, a great personality, and then everything else.


Igor Krutoy was born in 1954 in the city of Gayvoron, Ukrainian SSR. Contrary to misconceptions, Krutoy is not a pseudonym. It just so happened that real name coincided with fate.

Igor Krutoy in childhood

He was born into a family far from music: his mother was a housewife, his father worked at a local radio factory. Perhaps the biography and personal life of Igor Krutoy was influenced by his Jewish nationality. Music has been in his blood since childhood.

IN music school He quickly mastered the button accordion, and then learned the secrets of the piano. It was there at school that his production abilities showed themselves: he created his own group and organized concerts. Most likely, nationality has nothing to do with it. It’s just that some people are given talent from God, others are not.

Igor Krutoy in his youth

Igor always knew what he wanted and did not turn away from the musical path: he graduated from the music school, then the conducting department of the Nikolaev Pedagogical Institute.

Carier start

Early 80s – crucial moment, when significant changes occurred in the biography and personal life of Igor Krutoy. Acquaintance and friendship with Alexander Serov, work in the Blue Guitars VIA, work as the leader of Tolkunova’s ensemble, performances with Evgeny Leonov - these are just some of his milestones creative path that period.

Igor Krutoy with Alexander Serov

The star of composer fame truly rose for him in 1987. Serov performed the song “Madonna” based on Kazakova’s poems, and the song instantly became a number one hit. The most popular songs of the composer of those years:

  • "Do you love me"
  • "Wedding music"
  • "To Spite of Fate"

Producer activity

Since 1989, Krutoy has been the president of the production and concert company ARS. He managed to attract to cooperation both the most famous performers, and aspiring stars.

The company has acquired significant weight and a good reputation in the colorful world of show business. Suffice it to remember that Michael Jackson’s tour in Moscow in 1993 was organized by ARS.

Composer Igor Krutoy

IN different time Collaborated with the ARS company:

  • Mikhail Shufutinsky
  • Nikolay Trubach
  • Irina Allegrova
  • Shark and many others

Health problems

After the conflict with the First, the composer completely gave up. He was unrecognizable in the photo. He had to go to the USA for treatment, and in New York he underwent a complex operation, which ended successfully. However, one of his ill-wishers started a rumor about his death. It was at that time that the composer became very aware of who is a friend and who is an enemy. Fortunately, he recovered quite quickly and returned to his creative life.

Composer Igor Krutoy

Personal life

The personal life of Igor Krutoy in the late 70s, photos of those years, his first wife - this is not the brightest page of his biography. The first marriage with Elena in 1979 was unsuccessful. Scandals constantly broke out, and after the divorce, Krutoy’s wife did not allow him to see his son Nikolai, born in 1981. Then Krutoy had problems with alcohol, but he managed to overcome them.

First marriage with Elena

The second marriage turned out to be much happier. Alla Pugacheva introduced the composer to Olga during his tour in New York. Something broke out between them classic love at first sight.

Dedicated to the future wife famous hit Cool “I love you to tears.” The composer's wives turned out to be very different people, respectively and living together Things turned out completely differently with them.

Igor Krutoy always believed that the crown of any biography and personal life is, of course, children. Son Nikolai from his first marriage did not follow in his father’s footsteps. He is quite successfully engaged in the construction business.

Igor Krutoy and son Nikolai from his first marriage

The children from the second marriage are an adopted daughter, Victoria, and a daughter, Alexandra, born in 2003.

For about two years, a rumor circulated on the Internet that Krutoy’s daughter Alexandra had autism. It is difficult to say what was the impetus for such gossip. Perhaps the whole point is that the girl did not spend enough time on social networks and with her smartphone. There is no reason to believe that this is true.

Krutoy and his wife have never made any statements on this matter. By the age of 16, Alexandra blossomed, became a real beauty, she always smiles in the photo and looks completely happy.

Igor Krutoy, his wife and daughters

Igor Krutoy now

At the end of 2017, Igor Krutoy scared fans with his photos. In them he looked too thin and somehow exhausted. Of course, rumors immediately spread about him serious illness. However, fortunately, these rumors were not confirmed.

The composer is still full of strength and energy and took an active part in numerous New Year’s celebrations. music shows and corporate events at a high level.

Igor Krutoy

Igor Krutoy devotes a lot of energy to his brainchild - the Children's New Wave Festival. He is and general producer festival, and a member of the jury. It remains to wish the maestro for long years and conquering new creative heights.

In 1979, Igor Krutoy married for the first time. His wife Elena gave him a son, Nikolai. However, the marriage did not last long. Now, according to Krutoy, he does not communicate with his ex-wife. “We don’t have a warm relationship, I won’t lie. But we have a common son and two granddaughters with whom she often communicates,” the composer said.


In 1995, Krutoy married for the second time. His wife Olga gave birth to his daughter Alexandra. The Cool couple is considered one of the most harmonious in the domestic show business. However, the composer does not hide the fact that not everything is always smooth in their relationship: "Every family has its own problems, there is no need to idealize. And we have problematic situations, but we've been together for over 20 years."

The composer admitted that his 82-year-old mother Svetlana Semyonovna is a reference point for him. " Imagine, at the age of 80 she learned how to use a computer, learned English language, is now reading novels on it. She decided to get a driver’s license, but I told her: calm down, half the city remains to be demolished..." - quotesCool "Interlocutor".

The popular composer does not hide the fact that he admires the love of life of his elderly mother:

“She has a thirst for life, for new knowledge, and this gives her the opportunity to look younger than her age. Although, when you ask her how she feels, she answers: according to her passport data.”

According to the composer, the most important thing for him in life is the future of his family. "I get so much joy from every child, every grandchild. And God smiled at me. I am one of my family who has reached a different material and social level. And my task is to make it easier for children. Not like me - I spent decades trying to get to Moscow, get a room in a communal apartment, registration, howl with joy that you have four walls... I hope that life will be easier for them. I do everything for this: so that they receive a good education and in everyday life so that there are no problems. And at the same time, taking care of them gives me great joy. And of course, it is important for me that my mother is alive. As long as our parents are alive, we are children. So that she can live as fully as possible. And she does just that and makes me happy. And so that my friends are alive and well,” concluded Krutoy.

Cool Igor, whose biography will be covered in this article, is known not only in our country, but also abroad. This talented composer, songwriter, producer. His merits are confirmed by the titles of Honored Artist of the Russian Federation, People's Artist of Russia, People's Artist of Ukraine. Now Igor Krutoy owns the production company "ARS", the Independent Copyright Agency, the radio stations "Radio Dacha", "Love-radio", "Taxi-FM", the TV channel "Muz-TV" (25%). How did he manage to reach such heights and what was his path to success? The biography of Igor Krutoy will help you find out about this.


The future composer was born in 1954, on July 29, in Ukraine, in the city of Gayvoron - the regional center of the Kirovograd region. His mother, Svetlana Semyonovna, worked as a laboratory assistant at the sanitary and epidemiological station, and his father, Yakov Aleksandrovich, worked at the Radiodetal plant as a freight forwarder (the composer’s father died when he was 53 years old). Igor’s parents met at a dance, and on the same day, after seeing Svetlana home, Yakov proposed to her. Five years after the birth of their son, the couple also had a daughter, Alla (now sister Cool lives in the USA, works as a TV presenter, is married, has a daughter Natalya and a grandson Yakov).

Igor fell in love with music early childhood, although he first dreamed of becoming a driver. His first musical abilities Father noticed, he bought him an accordion. Already at the age of 5-6, little Krutoy played the instrument, then he was invited to accompany the school choir. In the 5th grade, Igor and the boys organized an ensemble, in which he played the role of an accordionist. And then in the House of Culture I sat down at the piano for the first time. After finishing 7th grade, the mother took her son to the regional School of Music. The teachers took note of the boy and promised to take him to the theory department if he learned to play the piano within a year. The young talent coped with the task. From that moment on, the biography of Igor Krutoy began a new round.


After graduating with honors from the Kirovograd School in 1974, Igor tried to enter the Kyiv Conservatory. However, he failed. For a year, the young man taught music at a rural school, and then was able to successfully pass the exams and become a student at the Nikolaev Pedagogical Institute (music and pedagogical faculty, conducting and choral department). Simultaneously with his studies, Igor began working part-time with his friend in a restaurant. This friend was then a nobody, but now the singer Alexander Serov, beloved by millions. Krutoy played, Serov sang. After graduating from the institute, in 1979, the aspiring composer decided to move to Moscow. In 1981, he entered the school because he believed that it was impossible to fully realize his talent without having a specialized musical education.

Career development

The biography of Igor Krutoy makes it clear how difficult the path to recognition is. At first, he had a hard time in the capital. The composer could not find work for a long time, until one day luck smiled at him. Igor received a call from Lenkom and was offered to join touring group actor Evgeny Leonov. Later, Krutoy invited Alexander Serov to join the team. Together with Leonov, they traveled around the country, eager to become famous. However, the first significant success came only in 1987, when Igor wrote the song “Madonna”, and it was performed, of course, by none other than his comrade Alexander Serov. “Madonna” won “Song of the Year”. On the wave of success, Krutoy wrote several more songs for Serov, including: “How to Be,” “Wedding Music,” “Do You Love Me.” With them, Alexander won the “Inspiration” and “Despite Fate” competitions.

Creative takeoff

From that moment on, the biography of Igor Krutoy was replete with bright events. In 1989, he was awarded the Lenin Komsomol Prize for his services in the field of music. During the same period, he also began to engage in producing activities. He became artistic director, and later (in 1998) president of the concert and production company ARS. Under Igor's leadership, the organization has grown into one of the largest in the country in its field. Since 1994, Krutoy, together with the ARS company, has been organizing his own creative evenings, which bring together many representatives of the Russian stage.

At the pinnacle of success

The composer wrote songs, perhaps, for everyone best artists, it’s even difficult to list all his hits. Igor’s creative evenings were held not only in our country, but also abroad - in Israel, Germany, and the USA. Every year, pop performers delight the audience with more and more hits of the maestro. However, the composer works not only with adult artists, but also with children. He is the organizer of the Children's New Wave festival, which reveals the names of young talents. And Igor Krutoy’s children’s songs, the most famous of which is perhaps “Music is a Wonderful Country,” are no less popular and beloved.


Of course, one of the most striking manifestations of Igor’s composing talent is the composition instrumental music. In 2000, his first album entitled “Without Words” was released, and in 2004, “Without Words” appeared. Part 2”, and in 2007 - “Without words. Part 3". The last of the albums in this series was an obvious and stable sales leader in the Russian music segment for more than 4 months. popular music. In 2012, the 4th and 5th discs of the “Without Words” cycle were released.

In 2009, the composer presented the double album “Deja Vu,” recorded together with the famous opera baritone, who performed 24 compositions to Krutoy’s music in French, Italian, and Russian. And in the fall of 2010, admirers of the maestro’s talent had the opportunity to enjoy Igor’s new grandiose project with the participation of the world-famous singer Lara Fabian. Together they recorded the album “Mademoiselle Zhivago,” which included songs written by the composer based on poems by Fabian.

Family of Igor Krutoy

In 1979, the maestro married a girl, Elena, from St. Petersburg. In 1981, the couple had a son, Nikolai. However family life it didn’t work out, the couple separated. Now Nikolai is already a completely independent person, he is married and has a daughter (Krutoy’s granddaughter was born in 2010).

Only almost 15 years after the divorce, the composer found his other half. Current wife Igor Krutoy - Olga - lives in the USA and is engaged in business. They met in New York, Alla Pugacheva introduced them to each other. Beautiful woman Igor liked it at first sight. Without thinking twice, he proposed to her, and, fortunately for him, she agreed.

Olga had a daughter from her first marriage - Victoria (born in 1985), Krutoy accepted her as his own, adopted her and gave her his last name. Vika Krutaya graduated from school in New Jersey and is now trying herself as a singer. In 2003, Olga gave birth to the maestro common daughter- Alexander. Igor became a father again at almost 50 years of age. The composer has very touching feelings for Sasha, he even wrote a lullaby especially for her, which he called “Sasha.” The children of Igor Krutoy delight their father with their successes. According to the composer, they give him the desire not to grow old.

For many years now, Igor and his wife have been living in two houses. Olga and her daughters spend most of their time in the United States, and Krutoy has to constantly fly across the ocean. But they do not separate for more than one month.

The key to popularity

Igor says that even now he does not feel completely successful. According to him, in his passport he is always Cool, but in his work he can only be Cool when his music is in demand and touches the souls of listeners. The composer notes that he has not yet fully realized his potential and will strive for new victories.

On the NTV channel. In an interview with TV presenter Lera Kudryavtseva, the popular composer revealed some secrets of his personal life, and in particular, spoke about his relationship with his son, born in the maestro’s first marriage. He broke up with 31-year-old Nikolai's mother, Elena Kruta, many years ago, but father and son maintained a close relationship, and the musician always warned the heir against mistakes. Once the producer even insisted that Nikolai leave the woman he loved. According to Krutoy, he did not like his son’s chosen one. The girl Nikolai was dating already had a child from a previous relationship.

But the point is not even that she was with the child. The fact is that this child was born from a man who died as a result of taking potent substances. “I was afraid of this story,” admitted Igor Krutoy.

Nikolai did not dare to immediately break off relations with his beloved girl - he asked his father for three months to think about it. But in the end, he still listened to his parent and broke up with his girlfriend.

Igor Krutoy was indirectly behind Nikolai’s decision to break up with his first wife. The couple’s relationship did not work out, and the composer advised his son not to suffer in marriage, but to dissolve it - since there was no love left.

My son came to me and said that everything was bad in his relationship with his wife Natasha,” Igor Krutoy recalled. “I said that we need to try to save the family, and if it doesn’t work out, then they all go... As the song says, we’ll find another one.”

As a result, Nikolai separated from his wife after six years of marriage. Two years ago he married again - Igor Yakovlevich approved new darling son Yulia and arranged a magnificent wedding for the newlyweds.

In his second marriage to businesswoman Olga Krutoy, the producer raised two daughters. The eldest Vika is the composer’s stepdaughter, Olga’s daughter from a previous marriage. Youngest daughter Alexandra was born to Igor and Olga in 2003.

The producer himself once admitted that he and his wife Olga had a guest marriage. He lives permanently in Moscow, she lives in New York. Krutoy’s busy work schedule does not allow the spouses to be together often. They see each other only occasionally, once every few months. According to Olga, this situation also has its advantages: separation allows them not to conflict over trifles and maintain their love.

For us, the situation is simplified by the fact that for the most part Igor and I live separately,” Olga said in an interview.

“I’m mostly in Russia, Olya and Sasha are in New York,” admitted Igor Yakovlevich. - We gather together only in Miami in the winter and in Monte Carlo in the summer. And our periodic one-off flights to each other are short-term. Previously, I perceived this situation somewhat painfully, but then I got used to it. Everything fell into place. And despite not quite ordinary life into two countries, there remains an unbreakable internal connection between us, which neither the ocean nor the eight-hour time difference can break.

Despite the separation, Igor Krutoy assures that there is no jealousy between them: they simply do not give each other a reason.

Recognized Russian and Ukrainian composer, National artist Russia and Ukraine, producer of “New Wave”, “Song of the Year”, owner of a production company, TV channel and many other advantages and merits of Igor Krutoy can be listed.

Biography of Igor Krutoy

Igor Yakovlevich was born in the city of Gayvoron, Kirovograd region (Ukrainian SSR). Even as a child, student Igor Krutoy independently learned to play the button accordion, which pleased his parents and the school amateur group, helping out school productions by accompanying the choir. Igor managed to study at a music school for six months before the teachers found out that the boy did not know a single note. Thanks to perfect pitch Krutoy could reproduce any composition he once heard without errors. By middle school, children's performances had grown into a real school ensemble.

All photos 7

After finishing school, Krutoy’s mother Svetlana Semyonovna suggested that her son get a serious musical education. It was decided to enter the Kirovograd Music School. But Igor lacked the ability to play the piano, which is what the young composer did all his life. next year. Having mastered the instrument, Krutoy was enrolled in the theoretical department. After four years, with a diploma in hand, he decided to give lessons in playing the button accordion and a year later he entered the Nikolaev Musical Pedagogical Institute, and then graduated from the Saratov Conservatory named after L.V. Sobinov.

While still studying, Igor Krutoy performed in restaurants, where he met Alexander Serov and began writing for him. At the same time, he was invited to the Moscow Panorama orchestra.

Soon Igor Krutoy received an offer to play in Valentina Tolkunova’s ensemble as a pianist, but literally immediately became the leader of the orchestra. At that very time, the musician was actively working with Evgeny Leonov, touring and gaining experience.

Growth by career ladder happened in 1987, after Krutoy wrote the composition “Madonna” for Alexander Serov. She gained popularity, and thanks to her talent, the composer soon became a laureate of the Song of the Year festival. After such success, Krutoy worked with Serov more than once, but the most significant event for his career was his debut with Irina Allegrova in the video “An Unfinished Romance.” Since then, the whole country knew Igor Krutoy.

Then Krutoy began to try himself as a producer and in 1989 headed the ARS production company. Over 9 years of work, he turned this company into one of the most successful organizations in Russia. It was thanks to ARS that Jose Carreras and Michael Jackson came to Russia on tour.

In 2003, Krutoy had a serious conflict with one of the TV channels. Its reasons remain unknown. After that, Krutoy literally disappeared from TV screens. It got to the point that artists performing his songs were denied performances. But his iron character and ability to take a punch helped Igor reappear on the screens and regain his popularity.

In 2010, the composer became seriously ill and needed the most complicated operation on the pancreas. Close relatives, as well as Igor himself, understood that the risks were very high. Fortunately for everyone, the operation was successful - the composer was given a second life by specialists from a New York clinic.

Now Igor Krutoy continues to write music for performers of different genres and different continents. Songs based on his compositions are performed by Alla Pugacheva, Angelica Agurbash, Leonid Agutin, Nikolai Baskov, Dima Bilan, Laima Vaikule, Valeria, Oleg Gazmanov, Joseph Kobzon, participants children's competition « New wave», opera singers Andrea Bocelli, Lara Fabian, Dmitry Hvorostovsky and many others.

Personal life of Igor Krutoy

Even during his studies, the musician did not waste time and met the woman of his dreams, Elena. An adventurer, Igor proposed marriage to the girl on the third date. They merried. The young family had a hard time; the constant search for rented housing and low income did not bring the spouses closer together. In search of work, they had to move to Moscow. To solve the housing problem, Elena sold her apartment in St. Petersburg, and together with Igor they bought an apartment in Moscow. But after a while the couple broke up. From his first marriage, Igor Krutoy has a son, Nikolai.

The divorce was a real blow for the composer. But time passed, and he returned to creativity with renewed vigor. Despite the recognition and success in his career, Igor waited for the lady of his heart for ten long years. But chance intervened. At one of the banquets, Igor was introduced to the bright and beautiful business lady Olga. The woman won the musician’s heart and on the third date received a marriage proposal.

The love between them was so enormous that it stretched across two continents: Russia and the USA. Olga lived in New York for a long time with her daughter from her first marriage, Victoria, and Igor lived and worked in Moscow. Understanding and caring spouses decided not to force each other to move and to compromise. Each of them still does what they love and lives in their favorite city; they constantly call each other and often meet to enjoy each other’s company.

Olga and Victoria were the most important and beloved women in Igor’s life, for their sake, as he himself said, he was ready to do anything.

Two years after the operation, Olga and Igor were in for a huge surprise - the wife gave birth to the composer’s daughter, Sasha. Common child became an incredible event for the Cool. Igor was happy and said that Sasha was a gift from heaven.

“You don’t have to look for happiness in yourself, it’s in others: in your family and friends,” are the words of Igor Krutoy, which, like nothing else, show his attitude towards his family and loved ones.