Billiard room business plan. Business plan for a billiard club: details of drafting

Billiard club.

Target: open a club providing billiards services.

The main activity of the future club will be the provision of billiards services, with an additional activity being a bar. An important advantage of the club is the installation of professional billiard tables.

Based on financial forecasts, opening a billiard club will require 3,228,200 rubles.

The payback period will be 4.5-5 years.

To organize a club, it is planned to rent a room of 300 square meters. meters.

Cost of 1 sq. meter - 350 rubles, the rental cost per month will be 105,000 rubles. The lease agreement was concluded for 4 years with the condition of its further re-conclusion (i.e. its extension). Thus, to implement this project, rental costs will amount to 1,260,000 rubles per year.

The premises will be renovated. The total cost of repairs will be 1,000,000 rubles.

The need for borrowed funds to implement the project is 3,228,200 rubles. A loan for a period of 4 years to cover the costs of implementing the project is expected to be taken from the Bank at 15% per annum. The total costs associated with repaying the loan to the bank will amount to 5,165,120 rubles.

Demand sports entertainment is constant and depends little on factors such as seasonality, so the question of a club occupying part of the market segment in the city is only a matter of creating advantages over competitors already operating in this market

Analysis of the advantages and disadvantages of the Billiard Club.


  • Professional gaming tables
  • Large number of tables
  • Small number of competitors
  • Proximity to transport interchange
  • Original interior design in the style of Ancient Egypt
  • The focus of the company's activities on a specific market segment
  • The market is not seasonal


  • 2 competitors in the area of ​​interest
  • Lack of some entertainment offered by competitors:
  1. bowling
  2. air hockey

Market competition:

Regarding competition, it should be noted that it is advisable to classify as competitors those companies that provide services similar to those of our club.

The main competitors of our club are:

  1. "Viking"
  2. "M-35"

A detailed analysis of competitors is carried out according to the following criteria:

  • location
  • working hours
  • quality and interior style
  • bar prices
  • prices for billiards services
  • availability of advertising
  • availability of security
  • number of billiard tables
  • quality billiard tables
  • presence of a bar

A comparative assessment of competitors with the company Billiard Club LLC according to the above criteria is given in the table. The criteria are assessed using a 5-point system.

Comparative assessment of competitors

Criteria Firm Main competitors
OOO "Billiard


"VIKING" "M-35"
Description grade Description ots. Description ots.
1.Location near 5 remoteness

from the avenue,


4 Autob.


2.Time 12.00-6.00 5 13.00-6.00 4 17.00-6.00 3


Exc. 5 Chorus. 4 Chorus. 4
4. Bar prices Short 5 High 3 High 3
5. Price for services


120 rub./hour 5 250 rub./hour 3 200-250 rub./hour 4
6.Availability Signboard, printing, TV, radio 5 TV, 4 Seal, 3
7.Availability 4 people, sign. 4 5 people, sign. 5 2 people, sign. 3

billiard rooms

10 5 8 4,5 6 3
9.Quality of billiard rooms High 5 High 5 good 4
10.Availability Eat 5 Eat 5 There is a bar

only beer

TOTAL: 49 41,5 35,5
% discrepancy

from the total

2 17 29

Each criterion receives a score from 0 (weakest position) to 5 (strongest position). A discrepancy in the total score of more than 20% downward compared to competitors means a difficult situation in terms of competitiveness, and more than 40% indicates the need to leave this market segment.

So, according to the table, it can be seen that the main competitor is Viking. Then comes the M-35. Our club expects to interest its future clients with low prices, large premises, the quality of billiard tables and their quantity, as well as a billiards school (in the future), where everyone can learn to play billiards. Our club also plans to organize billiards competitions in the city among non-professionals and make them regular.

Price policy.

The pricing analysis will take into account:

  • cost of services
  • competitors' prices

When creating a new club, prices will be set at relatively low level, i.e. not higher than competitors in order to attract the maximum number of consumers.

The company's pricing policy will be based on the principle high quality- low price, which will create the necessary demand for our services during the first time the enterprise operates.

Cost of club services.

A light board will be installed on the building of the newly created company, announcing the new Billiard Club.

The following types of advertising are expected to be used:

  • Billboard advertising.
  • Printing in newspapers.
  • A television.
  • Radio.

In the last 2 weeks before the opening, billboard advertising will be carried out on the main highways, at the entrance to the new club (in order to attract residents of nearby areas), a radio commercial will be prepared; Colored booklets with photographs of the club have been prepared and distributed in crowded places and throughout mailboxes residential buildings. At the opening there will be bright show with prizes and a lottery for honored guests and visitors.


  • Accountant - 1
  • Bartender - 2
  • gaming room operator - 2
  • waiter - 2
  • security guard - 2
  • Cleaning lady - 1
  • Wardrobe attendant - 2

Monthly payroll – 117,000 rubles.

Production plan

The premises will be renovated. Since the current layout of the building does not allow for proper placement necessary equipment, then redevelopment (reconstruction) of the building will be carried out. The total cost of repairs will be 1,000,000 rubles. Repair costs include:

  • costs of carrying out work on redevelopment of the building,
  • costs for interior decoration (including plumbing work),
  • costs for external finishing of the premises.

After repair work, the company needs to purchase basic equipment.

Cost of capital equipment.

Name Unit Qty Cost per unit, Total amount, rub.
A pool table PC. 10 84000 840 000
Lighting equipment for billiard tables PC. 10 2000 20 000
PC. 1 30000 30 000
Audio equipment PC. 1 75000 75 000
Signaling PC. 1 30000 30 000
Total: 995 000

In addition to the main equipment, you will also need to purchase Additional materials and equipment.

Additional expenses of the club.

Name Unit. Qty Cost per unit, rub. Total amount, rub.
Sofa PC. 1 20 000 20 000
Armchair PC. 2 8 000 16 000
Desk PC. 2 7 000 14 000
Computer PC. 1 25 000 25 000
Telephone PC. 2 1 500 3 000
Round table PC. 13 3000 39 000
Chair with back PC. 52 700 36 400
Wardrobe hanger PC. 260 100 26 000
Plumbing 35 000
Barware and accessories 60 000
TOTAL: 274 400

Operating a bar will require the following monthly food and alcohol costs:

Costs for food and alcohol per month.

Costs for food and alcohol per month will be 462 800 ,over the year they will be 462,800 x 12 = 5 553 600 rub.

As practice shows, on average, one person leaves about 150-300 rubles at the bar. However, it is necessary to take into account the fact that some visitors will not be limited to this amount and may exceed it several times, while some clients may not use the bar’s services at all.

The price in the bar will consist of the purchase price of goods and trade margin. The purchase of goods for the bar will be made from a regional distributor.

Bar prices.

Based on this, to create a billiard club, it is planned to take a loan in the amount of 3,228,200 rubles for a period of 4 years at 15% per annum.

The loan is taken to cover the following initial costs:

  1. Rental payments for 4 months 420,000 rub.
  2. Costs for the purchase of main and additional equipment

995 000 + 247 400 = RUB 1,269,400

  1. Repair costs 1,000,000 rubles.
  2. Advertising costs for 2 months 76,000 rubles.
  3. The cost of purchasing goods for the bar for the first month is 462,800 rubles.

Payment of loan amounts and interest on it.

The following stages of project implementation are planned:

1) Registration of the company “Billiard Club” LLC – 2 weeks.

2) Conclusion loan agreement, conclusion of a lease agreement – ​​2 weeks.

3) Purchase necessary materials for renovation of premises, carrying out repairs and reconstruction work – 1.5 months.

4) Purchase of equipment and materials for the arrangement of premises, arrangement of premises - 1 month.

5) Search and selection of personnel – 2 weeks.

The billiard club "Billiard Club" LLC will operate under a simplified taxation system in accordance with the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, which provides for the replacement of payment of corporate income tax, corporate property tax and a single social tax payment of a single tax calculated based on the results economic activity organizations for taxable period. Organizations using simplified system taxation, pay insurance premiums for compulsory pension insurance in accordance with the law Russian Federation. An organization has the right to switch to a simplified taxation system if, based on the results of nine months of the year in which the organization submits an application to switch to a simplified taxation system, sales income, determined in accordance with Article 249, does not exceed 11 million rubles. The tax will be paid at the end of one calendar year at a rate of 6% of the enterprise’s revenue in accordance with Article 346.20.

Gross revenue of Billiard Club LLC for the year.

Type of service Revenue on weekdays (256 days), rub. Revenue on weekends (109 days), rub. Amount of revenue,
Time period, hours Time period, hours
from 12.00 to 18.00 from 18.00 to 6.00 from 12.00 to 18.00 from 18.00 to 6.00
Billiards 322 560 1 658 880 261 600 1 255 680 3 498 720
Bar 1 372 000 3 225 600 915 600 1 831 200 7 344 400
TOTAL: 10 843 120

So, the gross revenue for the year will be 10 843 120 rubles The table shows that the main income will come from the bar.

The club's income was calculated based on:

  1. average occupancy of billiard tables is 45% on weekdays and 60% on weekends and holidays;
  2. The average attendance of the bar on weekdays is 85 people per day, on weekends and holidays - 120 people per day. Also, when calculating the income from the bar, it was taken into account that each person who visited the bar would leave an average of 200 rubles.

Initial cost of fixed assets (excluding VAT).

Depreciation on fixed assets will be calculated using the straight-line method over 4 years, i.e. the depreciation rate per year will be 25%.

The amounts of depreciation charges for 4 years can be analyzed:

Amounts of depreciation charges for fixed assets.

The main thing Initial cost, rub. Depreciation charges, rub.
1 year 2 year 3 year 4 year
A pool table 688 800 172 200 172 200 172 200 172 200
Bar equipment (counter) 24 600 6 150 6 150 6 150 6 150
Audio equipment 61 500 15 375 15 375 15 375 15 375
Signaling 24 600 6 150 6 150 6 150 6 150
Sofa 16 400 4 100 4 100 4 100 4 100
Computer 20 500 5 125 5 125 5 125 5 125
TOTAL: 836 400 209 100 209 100 209 100 209 100

Annual structure fixed costs firm without taking into account the payment of tax payments and loan amounts will be as follows:

Cost structure of Billiard Club LLC.

Thus, taking into account all of the above, the expected result financial activities for the 1st reporting year will be as follows.

The result of the financial activities of Billiard Club LLC

for the 1st reporting year.

Articles Amount, rub.
1. Loan payments 807 050+484230=1 291 280
2. Labor costs 1 404 000
3. Electricity costs 280 000
4. Utilities 80 000
209 100
462,800 x 11 = 5,090,800
7. Lease payments 135,000×8=840,000
8. Advertising costs 20,000×6=120,000
9. Unforeseen expenses 30000
10. Gross revenue 10 843 120
11. Tax payments 10 843 120 x6%=650,587
12. Net profit 847 353

The return on sales based on the results of financial activities for the 1st year will be 847 353 :10,843,120×100=7.81%, in other words, net profit is 7.81% of the enterprise’s gross revenue.

Since during the first year of the club’s operation a certain demand for our services has already formed, further planned calculations provide for an increase in prices by 7% in order to increase revenue and, consequently, net profit. It would also be wise to take inflation into account.

In the 3rd reporting year it will be increased wage club employees by 20%.

The result of the financial activities of Billiard Club LLC for the 2nd, 3rd and 4th reporting year.

Articles Amount, rub.
2nd year 3rd year 4th year
1. Loan payments 1 291 280 1 291 280 1 291 280
2. Labor costs 1 404 000 1 684 800 1 684 800
3. Electricity costs 281 000 286 000 288 000
4. Utilities 80 000 83 000 86 000
5. Depreciation charges 209 100 209 100 209 100
6. Expenses for the purchase of goods for the bar 5 553 600 5 563 600 5 575 600
7. Lease payments 1 260 000 1 260 000 1 260 000
8. Advertising costs 120 000 120 000 120 000
9. Unforeseen expenses 30 000 31 518 32 464
10. Gross revenue 11 602 010 12 414 151 13 283 141
11. Tax payments 696 121 744 849 796 988
12. Net profit 676 909 1 140 711 1 938 909

The return on sales in the 2nd, 3rd and 4th reporting years was 6%, 6% and 6%, respectively.

In the 2nd reporting year, the company itself had to pay all the costs of purchasing goods for the bar and pay rent for the entire 12 months.

In the fourth financial year, the company paid off the loan with the bank.

The result of the financial activities of Billiard Club LLC for the 5th reporting year.

Articles Amount, rub.
1. Labor costs 1 684 800
2. Electricity costs 298 000
3. Utilities 97 000
4. Depreciation charges 209 100
5. Expenses for the purchase of goods for the bar 5 675 200
6. Lease payments 1 260 000
7. Advertising costs 130 482
8. Unforeseen expenses 33 000
9. Gross revenue 13 947 298
10. Tax payments 836 838
11. Net profit 3 722 878

Thus, the return on sales reached 26.7% due to the fact that there is no longer a need to take into account loan payments in costs, since it was repaid last year.

The total profit based on the results of five years of the club’s operation was 8,326,760 rubles.

Based on the above calculations, the Billiard Club with an investment of 3,228,200 rubles (loan from the Bank for 4 years at 15% per annum) will pay off in 5 years.

The success of a sports business often depends on the season, as well as economic situation in the country as a whole. Open areas fall into disrepair with the onset of frosts, fitness clubs suffer losses due to the crisis. However, there is a niche in the field of sports that can provide an entrepreneur with a constant income at any time of the year. If you're intrigued, we encourage you to read the sample billiards club business plan. By drawing up your own plan based on a ready-made one, you can open an enterprise whose profitability will reach 25–30%. Of course, you can easily choose another option if you wish.

Development opportunities

Before registering an enterprise, purchasing equipment, and so on, it is worth deciding what type of billiard club you want to open. Depending on the target audience Such organizations are divided into three types:

  • entertaining;
  • sports;
  • VIP clubs.


As the name implies, entertainment billiard rooms are visited by people who just want to have fun, celebrate a birthday or a corporate event. The difference between such clubs and sports clubs is the availability of appropriate personnel: in the latter case, you will need to hire a coach who is able to take students to the highest level. Such a specialist should receive at least 45–50,000 rubles per month, while an ordinary animator, who will explain the rules of the game to guests and monitor the safety of the equipment, can receive 15,000 rubles. The difference in salaries is also due to the fact that an ordinary employee will be less busy. Masters agree that an athlete needs to hone his playing skills at least two to three times a week.

As for VIP clubs, such establishments will attract not only very wealthy athletes and entertainment lovers, but also entrepreneurs organizing business meetings. As you know, such people can negotiate cooperation and enter into contracts in an informal setting. That is why the main source of income for a VIP club will not be the area with billiard tables, but the bar located in the same premises.

If you want to occupy a niche in the elite sphere, in the business plan of a billiard club, one of the options is you, you will definitely have to enter at least 600,000 rubles for organizing a small cafe, as well as for receiving:

  • permits from the sanitary and epidemiological station;
  • certificates from the fire inspection;
  • licenses for the sale of alcohol.

Format selection

In addition to classifying clubs depending on the target audience, there is another way to divide billiard rooms, namely into establishments:

  • large (these occupy separate buildings or points with an area of ​​at least 300 m2);
  • medium (usually located in hotels or sanatoriums);
  • small (they can often be found in shopping and entertainment centers).

Of course, you may prefer any form of enterprise, depending on your ambitions and financial capabilities. However, presented in this article ready business plan billiard club is based on the fact that you are opening a small point of entertainment focus.

Competition problem

How to write a business plan: Video

Project: organizing a billiards club with additional services: a bar and a disco.

Range of products and services – provision of billiards services, sale of alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks, simple dishes, organization of discos.

As a rule, it is not random people who are interested in opening a billiard club, but entrepreneurs who are passionate about this game. This means that your goal is to make the billiard room, first of all, interesting for yourself as a person and a player, and then as a businessman. But to make the business go smoother and with fewer surprises, we recommend drawing up your own billiard room business plan, for which you can use the club business plan that we offer you to download as an example.

First, an entrepreneur needs to decide on the concept of a billiard club. There are three types of billiard rooms:

  • mass club - the establishment is positioned as a club for the broad masses of visitors of various levels, where billiards acts as a means of leisure;
  • sport Club– the billiard room is positioned as an establishment for professional players;
  • elite club - the billiard room is positioned as an establishment for wealthy gentlemen and its feature is the provision of exclusive services, often unparalleled in other clubs in the city.

Investments, of course, increase depending on the concept, although a mass one may turn out to be more expensive than a sports one due to the greater need for space. Space, by the way, is one of the biggest problems when organizing a billiards club. The needs are quite large - from 400 sq. m. and at the same time the hall should have a regular rectangular shape (for the most effective use). Keep in mind that each table requires from 30 sq. m. - so that there is enough not only for the table, but also for the span of the cue and for the presence of spectators. Compare - 30 “squares” is enough to accommodate a hairdresser (see). Don't forget the cafe-bar area. Consider these needs in your billiard room business plan.

Proper attention should be paid to the layout of the hall. For commercial and sports clubs, a more common layout is in which the various areas of the billiard club (bar, tables for visitors, the place where the billiard tables are installed, etc.) should be combined in one room, in some single space. This will be the most convenient place for players and spectators to leave money. For elite billiard clubs, on the contrary, it is worth making sure that each company can retire in a separate room with its own billiard table. It is better to arrange the billiard tables directly using a special software, what equipment suppliers can do for you.

When choosing equipment and a supplier, it is better to associate your work with a well-known company that will not only supply exactly what is required, but will also undertake further maintenance. Unfortunately, decent billiard tables are expensive, and in addition to them you will also need balls, cues, stands, lamps, control electronics, etc. Don’t forget to billiard room business plan about a lot of small things that will also cost you a pretty penny.

A billiard club cannot survive not only without visitors, but also without intelligent staff. First, you should look for a decent manager (if you don’t plan to spend time at the club yourself) and professional markers. The latter must thoroughly know the rules of all billiard games and be good players, since they often have to play with clients, some of whom are quite professional, to be good psychologists - to feel when to win and when to lose, listen to clients, give advice, take care of expensive billiard equipment, and ensure that clients do not damage this equipment. It is better to look for such people among your friends (if you are an avid player).

Despite the importance of the game for a billiard club, often the income from the bar and kitchen exceeds the income from renting tables and equipment. This is facilitated by both the consumption of drinks by the players themselves and by spectators who have never even held a cue in their hands. In particular, a lot of beer will be consumed, therefore you will have to have a sufficient assortment of it, but do not forget to constantly and strictly control the bartenders so that they do not “slip” their drinks. Please pay attention when adjusting billiard club business plan attention to employee control issues (video surveillance is very useful).

The price level for drinks and food must be kept below restaurant prices, otherwise they won’t eat at your place - billiard rooms, first of all, are associated with games, so people won’t understand high prices like a secondary element.

The payback period for a billiard club usually ranges from six months to 2 years. The main factor, as elsewhere, will be attendance, and it will depend on the attractiveness of the billiard room and your managerial work. On average, no more than three months pass from the opening of a club to its estimated attendance. If, after three months from the date of opening, the attendance at the club has not reached the expected value, then the club owners need to reconsider their approach to business.

As a conclusion, we point out that everything described in billiard room business plan, can be improved and raised to new level(add uniqueness to the establishment), so you will have plenty of reasons to think.

Attention! The free business plan offered for download below is a sample. Business plan, the best way appropriate to the conditions of your business, you need to create it with the help of specialists.

A billiard lover, now lucky, tells the story self employed from Nizhny Novgorod, Feoktistov Ruslan, owner of a billiard club. Ruslan rented a small building in a residential area, carried out repairs on his own, and purchased the equipment necessary for billiards. Members of Ruslan’s family, and he himself, work at the small club. The billiard club appeals to the stronger sex, and even on weekdays all the billiard tables are occupied. In addition to playing billiards, the club has a small but cozy bar.

Ready business plan for a billiard club. Download or create?

Introduction. How to make money with a hobby?

I've been playing billiards since I was 14 years old. My father first showed me this game, and later I started playing it myself. Unfortunately, I didn’t turn out to be a professional billiards player.

Perhaps I didn’t have enough talent, or perhaps I didn’t try hard enough, but it turned out the way it turned out. I got higher education, but billiards has always remained my favorite game, to which I devote a sufficient amount of free time.

I know a lot about billiards and I enjoy playing it every day.

My main job (I work as a design engineer) does not bring in much income. It’s hard to live with a family on 30 thousand a month, you have to earn extra money and this is incredibly degrading.

Therefore, I decided to open my own business. It’s definitely a risky business, but I have a decent understanding of billiards, which means I can handle opening my own billiard room quite well.

However, opening a good billiards club is not as easy as it might seem at first glance. Good and high-quality repairs are needed, and tables covered with green cloth are very expensive.

In addition, you will have to buy cues, balls, molding and much, much more. In addition, good billiards is unthinkable without cigars and cognac, so there should be a place for this too.

How I came up with a plan of action

I had a wild desire to earn money and do what I loved. But there was no sensible plan. And the initial capital was tiny.

This means that the plan must answer the following questions:

  • How much will be needed for repairs and rent of the premises?;
  • How much should you spend on equipment?;
  • Do I need to hire additional employees?;
  • Will I be breaking any laws by opening a billiards club?

All these questions must be answered good business plan. Without a clear procedure, there is no point in trying to start a business. I don’t have a lot of money, and every wrong step and incorrect waste of money will end in the failure of the whole venture.

Finding the perfect business plan cheaply is quite possible!

I am not a financier, there are also no professional economists in my family, so there is no one to help with a business plan.

I also don’t have the free funds to hire a competent economist. I was about to despair, but by a lucky coincidence my wife came across a site where for mere pennies you can download a completely practical business plan on our topic.

Naturally, this plan does not take into account everyone individual characteristics our enterprise, but in 10 days we managed to completely rework it to our requirements and start working on the project.

I want to say that perhaps it was thanks to the plan that my family and I managed to fulfill our dream and open our own billiard club.

Some useful information and a brief presentation of the billiard club business plan:

Brief business plan for opening a billiard club

A billiard club is a gaming establishment that provides sports and entertainment services. Consumers of these services are athletes who play billiards professionally, fans of this game and just bar visitors.

Those who are planning to open their own billiard club must understand that this business requires considerable investment, tactical skills, willpower and dedication.

The minimum investment amount in the billiard business is 6,000,000 rubles.

This amount includes the following activities:

  • searching for a suitable club location;
  • business registration;
  • development of interior design and architectural design;
  • construction of a building for a billiard club or rental of premises;
  • purchase and installation of equipment;
  • hiring and training employees;
  • conducting an advertising campaign;
  • opening and presentation of the billiard club.

Billiard club “Metkiy” Irkutsk

The first step is to start looking for a building or premises in which a billiards club will be organized. In this case, you should not ignore residential areas, because a location in the center is not at all a guarantee that a billiard club will become successful.

If the premises are to be rented, it should be taken into account that the cost of 1 sq.m. a ready-made billiard room “turnkey” varies from 400 to 800 dollars (depending on the level of the establishment).

It is also important to think through the concept of a billiards club.

IN currently Three main concepts are popular, one of which must be chosen as the base one.

The first is commercial, in which the billiard club is positioned as a gaming establishment for the broad masses of consumers at various levels.

The second is sports, the main audience is professional players who are interested not so much in recreation as in the game of billiards itself.

And the third is the concept of an elite club, in which the establishment is intended for wealthy clients. A special feature of such a club is the provision of expensive elite services, which, as a rule, have no analogues in other clubs in the city.

Technical equipment of the billiard club

As for the equipment for a billiard club, it must be of the highest quality and meet all requirements. current standards and standards.

Since there are a lot of offers on the billiard equipment market today, it would be best to trust a trusted company that does not risk its reputation by selling, for example, tables with chipboard slabs under the guise of “professional”.

Preference should be given only to those companies that provide further maintenance of their equipment.

So, to set up a billiards club you will need:

  • bar counter;
  • billiard tables;
  • billiard equipment (cues, balls, stands, etc.);
  • plasma TV;
  • lighting system;
  • air conditioning system;
  • cash machine;
  • dining group (tables, chairs).

Table No. 1. Potential of consumers of billiard club services in Russia


If the billiard club is successful, its payback period will be from six months to two years. This period depends on many factors, the main of which is attendance. Attendance, in turn, depends on the location of the billiard room and the quality of the services provided by the establishment.

On average, from the day of opening, a billiard club reaches its estimated attendance within three months. If, after this period, the establishment’s attendance has not reached the calculated value, the owner should reconsider and change his approach to business.

With sufficient attendance, the investor’s income for two years of operation of the billiard club will be over 400,000 rubles.

We recently told you how to organize yours, today we'll talk about a game that is also in demand, like billiards. The idea of ​​opening your own billiards club often comes to the minds of people who are interested in this type of entertainment. Businessmen who are passionate about billiards and know a lot about it have a better chance of creating an interesting and attractive billiard room for clients than those who are far from this game.

How to open a billiard club

Opening of a billiard club usually produced in one of three forms:

  1. Club for great circle visitors - clients are the broad masses of people different levels games for which billiards is a means of entertainment and relaxation.
  2. Sports club – visitors are professional players in billiards, such a club can host tournaments, championships, etc.
  3. Elite club - this billiard room is positioned as an exclusive club for wealthy people of high wealth. Such a club may be distinguished by the provision of certain services that have no analogues in a given city.

There is no specific relationship between the size of the investment and the type of club. A mass club may be even more expensive than a sports club, as it may require space bigger size. But for a sports and elite club, more expensive equipment and special decoration of the halls will be required. Therefore, the amount of investment will depend on all factors in total.

One of the main difficulties you will encounter when organizing a billiards club is choosing the right premises. Quite a lot of space is needed - from 400 sq. m. and above. Each table must be allocated at least 30 square meters. m., or better yet more, because there should be enough space for both the swing of the cue and the placement of spectators around the table. In order to use the entire area of ​​the room as efficiently as possible, it must be of the correct rectangular shape. Don’t forget also about space for additional services – a bar, a dance floor.

It is recommended to compare the layout of the hall with the concept of the club. If you are going to organize a mass or sports club, then it would be more advisable to place everything in one big hall- a bar, tables for clients, billiard tables, and a place for a disco. Clients of elite establishments will like it more if they and their company can sit in a separate room with a table and a minibar.

Equipment suppliers will help you set up billiard tables using special software.
The supplier should be chosen carefully; it is better to contact an already well-known company that can offer not only the supply and installation of equipment, but also further maintenance. Nice tables They are quite expensive, and in addition to them you will also need cues, balls, lamps, stands, electronics, etc. Carefully write everything down in the business plan to avoid unexpected expenses.

A large part of the success or failure of your business venture is your staff. In addition to the manager, bartender, etc., great attention should be paid to the selection of markers. Special requirements are put forward for these people: they must be professionals in billiards, know the rules of billiard games well, when playing with clients, they must feel when it is better to win and when to lose, communicate with clients, discuss the nuances of the game with them, and give advice. It is also the responsibility of the markers to take care of the equipment and ensure that visitors do not damage it. If you yourself are a billiards player, then we recommend looking for markers among your friends, rather than taking people from the street.

Undoubtedly, for a billiard club the most main role plays billiards directly. But, nevertheless, often the income from the kitchen and bar is higher than from the payment for the game. Drinks in large quantities will be consumed by both players and spectators. Therefore, create a wide range of drinks to suit every taste.

Another point that should not be missed in your business plan is control over personnel. It will be very useful to equip the premises with CCTV cameras in order to control the bartenders, since sometimes their behavior with clients is not entirely correct.

Prices for food should be set slightly lower than in cafes and restaurants. Still, people will come to you primarily to play billiards, so there will be no demand for cuisine if the prices are high enough.

Average payback of a billiard room– 6-24 months. How quickly your business will pay off depends on traffic, and this, in turn, on the attractiveness of your establishment. Therefore, think through all the aspects of organization, and try to make your billiard club unique, not like thousands of others.