The purpose of human existence. The meaning of human life. What is the meaning of human life? The problem of the meaning of human life

When this interview arrived at our email address, we didn’t think twice about whether to publish it. This material, like a good Hollywood blockbuster, has literally everything.

When on [email protected] This interview arrived, we didn’t think long about whether to publish it. We even decided not to express our opinion on what Mikhail Morgulis and Professor Alexander Bolonkin say (we’ll leave this right to you). This material, like a good Hollywood blockbuster, has it all: dissidents, the search for purpose in life, the Lord God (without a nuclear reaction), global warming, human immortality by preserving the information contained in the brain, and, of course, androids brought in motion by the power of the atom. The author's features of the text are carefully preserved. Enjoy. - approx. ed.

Interview of Mikhail Morgulis with Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor Alexander Bolonkin

Morgulis: You are a person who has achieved great discoveries in science, who has more than once experienced the joy of insight from the opportunity to see what is closed to others. You have also experienced injustice, pain and betrayal in this life. And so, when, speaking in the language of sports, you and I reach the finish line, so that you can say about life, what it is, and what, perhaps, is the goal of our life process?

Bolonkin: I thought a lot about the topic: The purpose of our life process; more precisely, the still unconscious Purpose of Humanity, predetermined for it by Nature or God. I came to the conclusion that only the strongest have a chance to survive in the world. Not a physically stronger creature (population), but a more intelligent species with greater knowledge. The entire history of intelligence on Earth confirms this conclusion. Man on Earth in relation to the entire animal and plant world has become God. He is able to destroy any animal or even an entire population, breed animals useful to him, cut down forests for crop areas, and block rivers. And I came to the conclusion that, whether we like it or not, humanity is a participant in the universal cosmic race to Knowledge, to the future Higher Mind, to power over Nature (the Universe). If by God we understand an omnipotent being, then, to put it simply, the goal of man (like any other mind in the Universe) is to become God. I do not blaspheme God as the Father, Creator and Teacher of man. I draw the attention of believers to the phrase in the Bible that God created man in his own image and likeness. And any parent is proud when his child grows up and surpasses him in intelligence, strength, talents and activity. Humanity, despite all its successes, is still in its early infancy and does not even understand what life is and what it was created for. If the Universe was created by the Supreme Mind, God, then people will become gods when they learn to create new Universes themselves (this is what is said in the Bible). If, of course, it wins this universal race to the Supreme Mind. In my book “Electronic Civilization and the Immortality of Humanity” (Lulu, 1999), dedicated to these issues, I write: “It is our happiness that aliens have not yet arrived to us! This would mean that we have lost the Universal Race to the Supreme Intelligence (otherwise we would be the first to fly to them!) This also means that humanity is doomed to be material for them, just as the livestock, animal and plant world of the Earth is for humanity.” From the main purpose of the existence of mankind it follows that the main efforts of mankind should be aimed at obtaining new knowledge, at developing science and technology, which will simultaneously and easily provide humanity with a decent material life.

Morgulis: It's a strange thing. A person who knows that his presence on earth is very short always thinks about the future in which he will no longer be present. Maybe this is laid down by the Creator in our genes, as if caring for the continuation of the earthly race. Therefore, the cynical and indifferent world suddenly cares passionately about the future of the planet. Well, for example, everyone is talking about global warming, which could lead our planet to a global catastrophe. What are your thoughts on this prospect? In this regard, do you understand the reasons why the United States and Australia do not sign the Kyoto Protocol? And 106 countries signed it? We remind our viewers that the Kyoto Protocol, signed in Japan, is an international environmental agreement to prevent catastrophic climate change on earth and to protect the environment.

Bolonkin: Of course, the continuation of the human race (like any other) is in the genes. Otherwise, all living things would have disappeared from the face of the Earth long ago. Without reproducing themselves, no species, no civilization can exist.

I don't think that global warming is due to the release of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere by industry. There are too few of them to cause a significant increase in the average temperature of the Earth. The increase in the average temperature of the Earth began about a hundred years ago (and before it was simply not measured scientifically), when there was practically no industrial carbon dioxide. There is a strange section in the temperature curve when carbon dioxide emissions grew rapidly in the thirties, and the average temperature of the Earth stagnated. Most likely, the warming is associated with solar cyclic activity. Everyone knows that there were ice ages on Earth (and then warming periods) when there were no plants or factories at all. In my opinion, warming must be combated not by limiting industrial development, but by beneficially recycling carbon dioxide. For example, the Israeli company Strategic Solutions Technology Group proposes to convert carbon dioxide (smoke emissions from industry) into biofuel by growing algae algae. These algae feed on carbon dioxide and grow 20-30 times faster than corn (which, despite the protests of the starving half of the world's population, they want to use as biofuel). Hot industrial gases passed through seawater not only saturate the water with carbon dioxide (food for algae), but by evaporating some of the water, they produce large quantities of fresh water, so necessary in arid areas. And warming is harmful to some, but beneficial to others (for example, Russia with its cold climate and vast polar regions).

Morgulis: Also, many scientists express their worrying opinion regarding the formation of dead zones on earth and the threatening rise in ocean levels. At the same time, everyone gives different forecasts for this phenomenon. What is your forecast in this matter?

Bolonkin: Modern technology allows you to combat negative natural phenomena, for example, the appearance of dead zones. In particular, I have proposed simple and cheap ways to transform deserts or cold areas into blooming gardens. The idea is that a given area or city is isolated from external environment thin cheap film of adjustable transparency supported on high altitude slight excess air pressure. Inside such a hood (like in a huge greenhouse), you can organize a closed water cycle (the weather is always excellent and the set temperature during the day, rain at night). Those interested can find detailed scientific development and calculations of this idea in my articles on the website of Cornell University in the USA ( search "Bolonkin") or a more popular presentation in my books, for example: "New Concepts, Ideas and Innovation in Aerospace , Technology and Human Science" by A. Bolonkin, NOVA, 2008, 470 pgs.

Morgulis: There is an eternal debate in the world about whether God exists or is He made up; a constant conflict continues between supporters of the theory of the Creation of the world and representatives of the theory of Evolution. This is probably good. Because if everyone shared the same opinion, the world would be swamped with one-sided fat of understanding, one-sided knowledge, and truth would cease to be born in disputes. I'm a Creationist, but I'm glad to hear evidence from evolutionists. I remember a discussion between the Christian physicist Dr. Gish and the wonderful atheist writer Isaac Asimov, it was incredibly fascinating to listen to both of them. So, you know about the creation of the so-called new “time machine” created by French and Swiss scientists. Those. Physicists are trying to use it to simulate the state of the Universe in the first moments after the Big Bang, to look into the so-called “black hole”, i.e. in other words, to achieve an understanding of the essence of the Earth, the essence of Man, the essence of the possible presence of the Creator in these processes. This is an unconcealed desire, with the help of a scientific experiment, to find out the secret of the construction of the Universe, to see the outlines of God, to comprehend the boundaries of the limit of human knowledge. Are these attempts not an entry into forbidden Space, penetration into territory not intended for Man, perhaps into the territory of God? And won’t this entail arbitrariness, and perhaps another rebellion against God+ will this lead to the final destruction and death of our civilization?

Bolonkin: The answer to this question is partially contained in my answer to your first question. Yes, a person, with the help of a scientific experiment, strives to learn the secret of the construction of the Universe, to achieve an understanding of the essence of the Earth, the essence of Man, the essence of the possible presence of the Creator in these processes, in short, he strives to become a god himself. This is not rebellion against God. God can only rejoice if his child has achieved more than himself. For example, if we understand how the Universe was created, then sooner or later we ourselves will learn to create new Universes, bring life there and transfer the accumulated knowledge. Thus, having understood the principles of bird flight, man created aircraft that are much more advanced than birds. There is no limit to Knowledge. There is no limit to the development of the Mind. Thus, in the area of ​​the microcosm, people previously thought that the world consisted of molecules. Then I realized that molecules are made of atoms. Then, - that atoms consist of a nucleus and electrons; nuclei - made of protons and neutrons; protons and neutrons from quarks, etc. There are other particles too. In the realm of the macrocosm, man initially thought that the world consisted of the surrounding area; then I learned that there are continents; then - that the continents are only part globe that the Earth is only a part of the Solar System, the Solar System itself is only a part of the Galaxy, the Galaxy is only a part of the Universe. I don't think the world ends here. And if we want to survive, to prove worthy of our Creator, to justify his hopes, we must constantly strive for new knowledge, to win the universal race of minds to the Supreme Mind. The Creator, whoever He is, created us only for this and provided us with the opportunity to further develop ourselves. Whether we are intelligent enough not to destroy ourselves in state discord, wars, human squabbles - we still have to prove.

Morgulis: Tell me, what do you think, why, what is the reason for the emergence of such a huge number of global situations that threaten the existence of our Earth? Everywhere there is an increase in the number of terrible hurricanes, floods, shallowing and disappearance of rivers and forests. And the second question: And the person himself is changing, it seems to me that the average earthly person is losing his natural life juices and habits, the virtues he received from the Creator and improved by them in the process of the evolution of civilization. A bad word that characterizes such a phenomenon is degeneration; a more beautiful word is the degradation of a thinking person. Perhaps these changes arise because the connection between the Creator and creation, between God and man, has been almost completely interrupted?

Bolonkin: The increase in global weather situations is associated with cycles of solar radiation and modern humanity is able to combat it using technical means. As for human degradation, the majority of the older generation always thinks that it was better before, but now degradation is happening. Young people, on the contrary, think that many things were wrong before and the world needs to be changed. For example, at the beginning of the last century, the appearance of a woman naked caused disgust and universal condemnation. Nowadays, even porn stars claim to be public representatives in parliaments, and the cohabitation of many schoolgirls with fellow students in developed countries has become a widespread phenomenon. I don't think the Creator cares about such issues as sex, allowing or prohibiting abortion. He introduced us to life and then we must develop and solve our problems ourselves. The church plays a significant role in morally- through the Holy Scriptures and certain rules, regulating relationships between people and limiting lawlessness.

Morgulis: Since 1959, after the speech of Professor Richard Feynman, the era of so-called nanotechnology began at the California Institute of Technology. That is, this is, in essence, the creation of a new stage in the life of the Universe, in which, with the help of the control of atoms and molecules, microsystems are created that will replace all existing technologies and change everything in this world. This can be done using atomic force microscopy. Some people welcome such incredible prospects, while others fear that all this will destroy the world, and lead to the creation of unforeseen ugly relations between countries and people? Could you comment on this incredible opportunity?

Bolonkin: Any scientific or technological achievement can be the greatest benefit for humanity or used to its detriment by dictatorial regimes. Even with the simplest tool like an ax you can build houses, or you can kill people. Humanity cannot refuse scientific and technological progress, because... this contradicts the purpose of his existence mentioned above and will inevitably lead to his enslavement by other more scientifically and technologically advanced beings. It is important that new advances that could become dangerous weapons do not fall into the hands of dictatorial regimes. As for nanotechnology, in parallel with its development (as in any field), nano means of protection against unauthorized interference of nano-creatures in the human body will also develop. When new technologies arise, there is always a cry about their danger and demands to ban them and not change anything (remember the story of cloning!). Therefore, being afraid of new technologies is not just stupid, but harmful, because it contradicts the main goal of humanity. The Church must promote scientific and technological progress in every possible way.

Morgulis: Today you and I often talk about sad topics, about things that threaten the life of the planet and people. And yet, despite the mass of negative factors, many say: Life is beautiful - life is beautiful! I say as long as we can walk, smile, sometimes pray - life goes on! Was there a person or people in your life who demonstrated the joy of life in any situation, and was there a person or people who reflected God with their lives?

Bolonkin: Yes, there were such people, for example, Andrei Dmitrievich Sakharov or Alexander Isaevich Solzhenitsyn.

Morgulis: They participated in your fate, the giants of our century, academician Sakharov and writer Solzhenitsyn. Could you characterize these people, and what is, first of all, their contribution to the world treasury of civilization, perhaps in the preservation on earth and in Russia of such great qualities - dignity, nobility, human greatness, as a true creation of God, and not just a chemical composition?

Bolonkin: The contribution of academician Sakharov and writer Solzhenitsyn, like many other former Soviet human rights activists, to the development of civilization cannot be overestimated. The powerful fanatical nuclear communist regime, which occupied many countries and threatened the entire world, the existence of mankind, could only be crushed from within, because in the event of war, direct external intervention, it would inevitably use nuclear weapon and caused a global catastrophe. Therefore, I consider Sakharov, Solzhenitsyn and many former Soviet human rights activists to be the greatest people who turned the course of history and saved humanity from destruction. The current Russian rulers, from the former ones, who have repainted themselves as democrats, who came to power on the blood of dissidents - human rights activists, do not like former political prisoners: even rehabilitated former human rights defenders-political prisoners are denied the restoration of apartments, the expelled ones are denied the return of a Russian passport, payment of a pension, payment of decent compensation for many years spent in prisons and concentration camps. The Sakharov Center in Moscow is being shamelessly persecuted. It got to the point that when targeted hooligans smashed and destroyed exhibits at the Sakharov Center, it was not the hooligans who were tried, but the organizers of the exhibition.

Morgulis: Can you remember an episode in your life where you felt the presence of God?

Bolonkin: I had many insights, ideas in scientific and technical fields. For example, the book “New Optimization Methods and Their Application”, Moscow, Moscow Higher Technical School, 1972, contains more than a hundred mathematical theorems. As a rule, first it occurred to me that such a theorem must exist, and then, often long and painfully, I searched for its proof. But I grew up in an atheistic communist state where the existence of God was ridiculed as a priestly invention. Therefore, I did not connect this with the existence of God, but believed that the human brain is like big state with its ministries, departments, subdivisions, research institutes, etc. Like the Supreme Ruler, I ordered my brain to study this issue, and the brain, in the form of insight, based on the information available in the brain, gave me an idea or a suitable solution, advice.

Morgulis: What is your most important dream in this life? What would you like to see and understand in this life?

Bolonkin: The biggest dream of my life is to find and give immortality to people. And I’m glad that I managed to find a method to do this, however, for our children and future generations. The idea is very simple and its development is described in the books mentioned above and on my Russian website Briefly the essence of the idea and method. I show that the main essence, personality or soul of a person is the information stored in his brain. If we manage to write it down and insert it into a new active personality, or as I call it an E-being, then we will continue its existence indefinitely. An E-being can have a mechanical body and then it will not need food, air, shelter; will be able to live in space, the ocean, have any appearance, teleport with a laser beam to other planets, will be indestructible by any weapon, because a copy of itself can be stored in a warehouse and restored at any time. the main problem- how to rewrite information from the brain into electronic chips? I propose to do this simply - to record all the information entering the human brain. Glasses are already being sold that record everything a person sees, hears and says. To this you can add sensors that record his emotions. For the soul to be complete, such a recording must be made from childhood. Middle-aged people can partially reconstruct an already lived part of life through memories, photographs and documents.

Morgulis: Professor Bolonkin, last question: is there true love in the world? And what would you like to wish the readers?

Bolonkin: First of all, we must scientifically define what love is. There are a huge number of types of love, for example, for a specific person, for a family, for science, technology, one’s work, etc. I think there is.

I would like to wish people happiness and prosperity.

Reference: Alexander Alexandrovich Bolonkin - Born March 14, 1933. Doctor of Technical Sciences. Professor, specialist in the field of aviation, astronautics, mathematics and computer technology. He worked in the aircraft design bureau of O.K. Antonov, the missile design bureau of V.P. Glushko, taught at MAI, MATI, MVTU.

In 1972 he was arrested by the KGB for distributing the works of A.D. Sakharov and A.I. Solzhenitsyn. Spent 15 years in camps and exile. He was released and went abroad with the beginning of perestroika in 1987. In the USA he taught at American universities, worked as a senior researcher at NASA, and in the scientific laboratories of the US Air Force. Author of more than 170 scientific papers and books and 17 patented inventions, many of which are classified.

In the field of astronautics, he proposed and developed the theory of cable launch spaceships and satellites, hypersonic space launcher, kinetic anti-gravitator, multi-reflector engines, kinetic space towers, electrostatic sail, fundamentally new space engines, tethered aviation, direct transmission of electrical power in space, weather control and much more.

Bolonkin Member of the Board of Directors of the International Space Agency, Chairman of the Section Space Flights, participant in many International Forums and All-American Conferences, President of the International Association of Former Soviet Political Prisoners and Victims of the Communist Regime.

Currently, Alexander Alexandrovich teaches at the New Jersey Institute of Technology. He is busy with the most important topic for humanity - the immortality of people. And he is looking for a solution to this problem in the field of computer systems - by rewriting the contents of the human brain into a special chip - a computer, continued human existence in a new electronic look.

According to the calculations of the American scientist, such an opportunity will appear in about 20...30 years. And then, according to A. Bolonkin, the immortality of homosapiens will come - his transition before death into an electronic man or, as the scientist calls him, an E-being.

Such an electronic person, says Alexander Bolonkin, will have gigantic advantages over ordinary biological people. He will not need food, water, air, shelter, or an environmentally friendly environment. He will be able to travel freely in the Arctic and Antarctic, in the Sahara deserts, along the ocean floor and mountain tops, in space without spaceships. His brain will be powered by radioactive batteries that last for tens and hundreds of years, and his arms and legs will be driven by small-sized nuclear engines. He may have a beautiful young face, a slender figure, delicate skin, and enormous strength. He can change his appearance at will. He will not need sleep or rest. To obtain information, he will be able to use not only visible light and audible sound, but X-rays and gamma rays, ultrasounds, radar, radio waves, etc., i.e. look through and inside objects, see hundreds of kilometers away and communicate with electronic people over gigantic distances. An electronic person does not need to spend decades to study sciences and foreign languages. He will receive any knowledge accumulated by humanity in a split second (the time of rewriting into his chip-brain) and will be able to develop it further. He will never die in a catastrophe and will be indestructible by any weapon, because the contents of his brain can be stored in a separate chip and his family can always buy him a new brain-chip, a new (or more advanced) body and restore it. He will be able to reproduce indefinitely, bypassing all stages of childhood, growth, learning by rewriting himself into a new brain and body.

Such an electronic person, says Professor A. Bolonkin, will have the ability to move out of body and will be able to move in space at a gigantic speed of light. To travel, say, to Jupiter or a planet of another solar system, he does not need to fly there physically - it is enough to use a highly directed laser beam to rewrite the contents of his brain into a chip with a body rented there. The spread of such an electronic civilization will begin quickly.

According to the calculations of Dr. A. Bolonkin and his colleagues, taking into account new and promising technologies, the possibility of such immortality will appear by 2015...2025. and will initially cost about $1 million. But in 10 years the cost of a chip (electronic brain) and a mechanical body will drop to several thousand dollars and immortality will be available to many residents of developed countries, and in another 10 years to the majority of the inhabitants of the Earth. If we spent at least a tenth of what we spend on medicine on the development of this area of ​​science, says Professor Bolonkin, then these deadlines would become a reality or even be reduced.

Mikhail Zinovievich Morgulis - Born October 1, 1942. In 1977, he emigrated from Russia to the USA.

He served as an advisor to Senators Mark Hatfield (Chairman, Senate Finance Committee) and Jesse Holmes (Chairman, Senate Foreign Relations Committee). Advisor for Eastern Europe to the President of the US Radio and Television Association, Dr. Frank Wright. Author of the sensational article “The Degradation of the American Diplomatic System.” He was personally blessed by Mother Teresa in the activities of the Fund for Assistance to the Nations of the World. Morgulis is a professor at Norwich University and De Page College. In 1982 he founded the world's first publishing house in Chicago, Slavic Gospel Press, which has published 15 million Christian books translated from English and German languages into Russian, as well as Russian thinkers Ivan Ilyin, G. Fedotov, friend S. Yesenin, writer Rodion Berezov (Akulshin).

Founder and publisher in New York of the newspaper "Literary Abroad" and the magazine "Literary Courier" (1981-87). Member of the Peng Club of US Writers. Author of 8 books. Doctor of Literature. I personally know 4 US presidents. Staff writer for the American magazine Russian-American Business. Host of the TV program "Spiritual Diplomacy". Founder of the new spiritual and political concept Spiritual Diplomacy. The Spiritual Diplomacy Foundation provides assistance to countries affected by military conflicts and natural disasters. The author of the article “Hilary Clinton is God’s Creation”, after which the author of the article and Mrs. Clinton have a long-term friendship. At all times, Michael Morgulis was distinguished by a benevolent and completely friendly attitude towards Russia.

The organization of M. Morgulis provided humanitarian assistance to the families of the dead sailors, midshipmen and officers of the Kursk submarine; together with the organization "Union of Heroes" it organized assistance to injured veterans and heroes of the Afghan and Chechen wars(high-quality prosthetics for those who have lost a limb); provided humanitarian assistance to affected families after the tragedy in Beslan; in Belarus, financed a project to decontaminate a radiation-contaminated area on the border with the Russian Federation; Together with the Evangelical Lutheran Church of the Augsburg Confession, it finances the “You Give Them to Eat” project to feed street children in Russian cities.

Almost everyone asks themselves the question of what is the meaning of human life. The meaning of life, the concept of it, is one of the central ones in philosophy or religion. Lack of meaning in life can lead to depression and serious illnesses, so it is necessary to look for an answer to it. When the purpose of life disappears, a person becomes unhappy and loses interest in life, which also complicates the existence of those around him. In search of a life with meaning, some turn to religious texts, others go through psychological trainings, someone independently seeks the answer to this question by studying the treatises of famous philosophers.

The nature of the question: what is the purpose and meaning of human life

Many regularly ask the question: what is the meaning of human life? The need to find an answer to this question distinguishes humans from animals. Animals exist by satisfying only a certain set of material needs - sleep, food, reproduction; for some animals communication or community is also important. If a person does not find an answer to the question: “What is the meaning of my life?”, he will not be able to live truly happily. That is why the search for the meaning of life is so important for a person.

The meanings of life are a kind of compass that allows you to understand what is important for your future existence and what is not. Living with meaning allows you to make conscious decisions in various situations. Having a goal in a person makes his existence understandable and fulfilling. When he knows what he wants, he can easily formulate a strategy for his path.

Loss of meaning in life, on the contrary, leads to depression. A person may begin to abuse alcohol to get rid of sad thoughts. If you don’t find support in time and don’t understand what the meaning of a person’s life is, you can even become an alcoholic. After all, alcohol or drugs are an escape from reality, from the need to think, form your own goals and key areas of life.

Is it worth looking for the meaning of life?

Not everyone thinks about how to find the meaning of life. Some people don't even think about it. After all, there are successful examples of people who did not think about how to live the time allotted to them, and lived it quite happily. This kind of people believe that there is no need to think about the meaning of life, it is enough to just live and have fun. However, this is more like the life of animals and plants, so by old age, as a rule, such people become deeply unhappy and begin to rethink their existence.

Close to those who do not think about the meaning of human life are those who believe that the purpose of existence is simply to live. You just need to fulfill your functions as a father or mother, go to work, help your parents, and so on. Everyone does it. And this is the meaning of life - simply to live it, fulfilling your social roles. But this is also an illusion. After all, a person, for example, sleeps to restore his energy, and not just to sleep. Or eat not in order to eat, but so that you also have the strength for further work. Therefore, the meaning of life is not to simply live it, but to do something, achieve something.

Finally, there are those who could not easily find the answer to this question for themselves; they believe that there is no meaning in life, and therefore it is not worth looking for it. As a result, these people also liken themselves to plants and animals, believing that there is no special meaning to life.

Self-realization as a life goal

A fairly popular answer to the question of what the purpose of life is is self-realization. Such purpose and meaning human life means that a person has achieved certain success in some area of ​​life - in business, education, politics or any social issues. In other words, in this case, a life with meaning consists in the fact that a person leaves a certain mark in history, his successes will be remembered and, perhaps, even enjoy the fruits of his labors. This motivation is often present among scientists who want to make a discovery and thus preserve their memory for a long period.

However, there is a serious moral dimension to this goal. Self-realization can be achieved in different ways. After all, famous criminals also realized themselves. They have achieved impressive success in their illegal affairs and operations. They are also remembered; they are recognized authorities in their field. And in cases with scientists, the issue of ethics is of significant importance. For example, those who studied the structure of the atom probably simply wanted to understand the nature of the structure of the world. As a result, there appeared atomic bomb- one of the most terrible types of weapons.

Staying healthy

Some people, especially girls or women, make preserving beauty their meaning in life. Answering the question of what is the meaning of a woman’s life, they regularly visit various fitness gyms, use the services of cosmetologists, use various means for rejuvenation, and so on. They are increasingly beginning to behave In a similar way and men, paying very close attention to their physical health.

Leading a healthy lifestyle is, of course, good. This really gives a person more energy; as a result of sports, endorphins are produced - hormones of happiness, which creates a feeling of constant success and joy. People who actively and spend a lot of time on their health look, of course, happy, and therefore it seems that they have found their meaning in life. However, this is not quite true. Long years of life beautiful body, a lot of energy - what is all this for? If only in order to increase this beauty and health, then this is not entirely true. After all, every person is mortal. And even the best athlete will still die, no matter how hard he tries to maintain his physical fitness. Therefore, over time, the question will still arise, why was it necessary to lead such a lifestyle? After all, all this energy could have been spent on something else. For example, for self-realization in some areas.

Earn Money

In the conditions of the material world, an increasingly popular answer to the question of where to find the meaning of life is in wealth and the accumulation of goods. As a result, more and more men and women are making great efforts to earn a lot of money to satisfy their material desires. At the same time, such desires tend to constantly increase, a person needs even more money and the result is a kind of vicious circle, from which it is very difficult to break out.

Before death, people seeking to accumulate as much as possible Money, a serious problem arises - how to divide the inheritance. Moreover, when a person who craves material wealth reaches old age, many even begin to wait for his death in order to gain access to his savings. This makes him deeply unhappy.

It also makes no sense to take your savings with you to the grave, and this is where the question arises: why did you need to work so long and so hard? Indeed, in the process of earning material wealth, such people sacrificed a lot, from attention to their own family and ending with receiving some simple pleasures in life.

How was the question of the meaning of life resolved before?

The question of how to find the meaning of life has concerned humanity for many centuries. Already the ancient Greek philosophers asked the question: is there a meaning to life? Unfortunately, they were unable to give a clear answer to the question of how to find the meaning of life; only a few concepts appeared, one of which - self-realization (its author is Aristotle) ​​is still popular. Later, many scientists tried to find an answer to the questions: “What is the meaning or purpose of life, is there a common goal for humanity, should the goals of men differ from women’s goals?”

A more clear answer to the question of purpose in life is contained in religious treatises. This is due to the fact that the basis of any religion is human soul. If the body is mortal, then the soul lives forever, therefore the meaning of life is not in material, but in spiritual development. And if we consider the most popular world religions, we can draw the following conclusion:

  • Own spiritual development, atonement for sins, preparation for the transition of the soul to heaven.
  • Atonement for the sins of a past life, clearing karma, preparing the soul for the transition to a new state of eternal happiness (Vedic analogue of life in heaven).
  • Preparation for the transition to a new reality or for reincarnation (settling into a new body), and relocation to a new body can occur either with an increase in status, if a person lives well, observes religious norms, pays attention to his spiritual development, or with a decrease, if norms are violated and a person leads an incorrect lifestyle.

Spiritual development

The meaning of life in the development of the soul can be formulated differently as learning, going through a certain school. Within the framework of this concept, a person must search for the meaning of life through his spiritual development. And not only in theory - by reading the relevant literature, but also in practice. Practice, in in this case, this is an exam form. If a person is able to behave in accordance with religious precepts, then the exam will be passed and he will be promoted to the next class, where there will be more difficult tasks that test the spiritual strength and stability of the “student”.

Of course, in the process of such learning, as in a regular school, there are breaks, when you can relax and do various pleasant things. But then the lesson starts again, and you have to work again. Thus, the philosophy of life as a school requires significant effort. After all, constant development requires constant effort, but, on the other hand, treating difficulties as lessons makes them much easier to overcome. To overcome life problem, it is enough to understand what a person is doing wrong and how to do it right, and life will change for the better. In addition, if there is no meaning in life, you can always turn to the experience of saints who have achieved impressive success in their activities.

Preparing for the transition to a new reality

This concept says that in the course of his life a person goes through various tests, and the more he passes them, the higher the likelihood that he will be ready to transition to a new reality. Some religions say that there are several levels of life. If a person is engaged in the development of his soul, he moves to the next level, where he will have better conditions, but the tests will be more difficult. If development does not occur, and even degradation occurs, as a result of which the person will be transferred to another reality of a lower order. In Christianity we're talking about about heaven and hell (if a person behaves decently, thinks about his soul, then he will go to heaven, and if he sins, then to hell). Vedic treatises speak of the presence of ten levels of reality, each of which has its own tests and its own conditions of existence.

Reflections on eternal life and new reality They can also help when it is not clear what to do, if there is no point in living. In such a situation, depression is practically guaranteed, but it is not clear how to find the meaning of life. Conversations with mentors and loved ones who can tell you what to do if a person does not see the meaning of life help to achieve restoration of the desire to live.

How to return the meaning of life to a person?

Some girls, reflecting on the question of what is the meaning of a woman’s life, assume that it is in children. When they have children, they devote all their energy to them. However, children grow up over time and become independent. In such a situation, many mothers complain that the meaning of life has disappeared, nothing makes them happy, and there is no point in living further.

The question arises, how to fill life with meaning? Finding the meaning of life begins with answering the question: “What is the purpose in life?” How to determine the main goal? To begin with, it is recommended to make a list of goals in life. From the resulting list, you should choose which goals inspire, give strength, and fill with energy. This will be the main personal goal that will help answer the question of what is the meaning of life. However, you shouldn’t stop at this stage; setting goals is not enough when life suddenly ceases to be meaningful. You need to understand how to achieve your goal. To do this you will have to figure out how to change your life.

Spiritual practices can also help a person who believes that there is no point in living. Psychology, as a rule, does not help in such situations. It allows you to set goals, but it does not tell you how to change your life. Thinking about the soul and overcoming trials allows you to correctly set the goal of life, set priorities and find the meaning of life for both men and women. However, in fairness, it should be said that for many who have lost their purpose in life, personal growth trainings help them change their life pattern and become happier.

Thus, when answering the question of what is the meaning of life, you should first of all think about your soul. Life with meaning makes it fulfilling and joyful. However, various ideas that one should preserve beauty or accumulate material wealth are false, because they do not have a spiritual component, which makes a person truly happy. In addition, you need to know how to set a goal correctly and how to achieve it later. This allows you to find answers to questions about why to live and how to live. If a person has lost the meaning of life, finding a purpose in life can help him. When he understands why he lives, he can see the goal, his desire to live will most likely no longer disappear.

Every person has a goal in life. Such a goal serves as a guide for us, without it we do not see the meaning of our existence. For some, the main goal is to achieve success in work and creativity, for others it is family and children, for others it is self-improvement and doing what you love. But whatever the goal, it is important to remember that the meaning of human existence should not be on a par with selfishness and meanness. Low and selfish goals in life lead to the degradation of a person as an individual. People who live for themselves and their own benefit remain lonely and unhappy until the end of their lives.

In the novel L.N. Tolstoy's War and Peace, the Kuragin family is the embodiment of hypocrisy, meanness and indifference. There is no place for love in this family; only selfishness, lies and envy reign in it.

The Kuragins do not disdain anything on the way to their goals, but these goals are insignificant. Prince Vasily, the head of this family, is a respected and authoritative person in the eyes of secular society. But in reality, he turns out to be a two-faced and calculating intriguer who claims the inheritance of Kirill Bezukhov, without having the rights to it. He is indifferent to his children, but, pursuing his own selfish goals, he tries to provide them with profitable connections and marriage. Thus, Vasily’s daughter Helen marries Pierre, although she does not even love him. While married, she makes new acquaintances and cheats on her husband. The prince's son Anatole spends his life on meaningless entertainment and endless fun.

He is irresponsible, spoiled and selfish, like the entire Kuragin family, where everyone lives for themselves. Each member of this family has one single goal in life - to improve their financial situation and have as many profitable connections as possible. Instead of establishing relationships with each other, uniting the family, bringing love and mutual understanding into it, everyone pursued only their own interests. Because of their self-interest, deceit and meanness, the Kuragins remain unhappy.

Another hero of the novel L.N. Tolstoy's "War and Peace" Pierre Bezukhov tries to find the meaning of existence throughout his entire life. Realizing that he was tired Savor, he is looking for himself. Bezukhov is eager to help people, do useful and noble deeds. He is interested in Freemasonry, tries to make life easier for serfs, and takes part in the Battle of Borodino. After meeting in captivity with Platon Karataev, Pierre realizes that the meaning of life lies in simple human happiness. And the hero finds this happiness. At the end of his long and difficult journey, Pierre marries Natasha Rostova and creates a family with her. Pierre comes to the realization that he has achieved his goal - the very happiness that Platon Karataev spoke about.

Thus, each person chooses his own goals in life. But it is worth remembering that, following insignificant and immoral goals, people are left with nothing. Only nobility, morality and goodness fill life with meaning and lead to satisfaction.

In a series of previous articles (see list at the end) I considered the issues of human immortality and electronic civilization. They also briefly mentioned the law of increasing complexity of self-replicating systems and the purpose of human existence. In this article, this topic is developed and justified in detail.

1. Law of purpose. The purpose of all living things.

The purposes of living matter have long interested philosophers. For the vast majority of people, these goals are obvious and they are constantly guided by them. Everyday life. This is a struggle for the well-being (wealth) of oneself and one’s family, for females or males, for sexual or other pleasures, for fame, power, etc. Let's call them local or individual goals. Only a tiny fraction of people pursue the broader goals of a particular group or community. But they can also be boiled down to individual goals in that they want fame, glory or power. Darwin defined these goals with the general term “struggle for existence,” meaning by this primarily the struggle for the existence of a certain type of living beings in the struggle with beings of another species.

Every living being has individual, local, near and distant goals, which may change depending on time and circumstances. For example, if it is hungry, then its immediate goal will be food; if you are full, then the immediate goal may be to receive pleasure, and the more distant goal may be wealth, fame or power.

In this article we will consider only the global goals of all living things or the more general goals of everything intelligent, including in the concept of Mind not only biological intelligence, but artificial, electronic and self-developing intelligence.

People easily understand individual, personal, local goals, group goals are worse, and even worse are the goals of society and the state. But they rarely think about the purposes of the existence of humanity, and especially of all living things. If they can choose the first (individual) goals and somehow influence the second (society), then the third goals (of humanity and all living things) do not depend on them, they know nothing about them at all or have a very vague idea. The third goals are determined by nature. They can only be studied and acted upon. As will be shown, non-compliance with them, and even more so opposition to them, can only lead to slavery or, worse, to the extinction of a given species or a given mind.

This can be formulated in the form of the first part of the following law:

Any type of life or intelligence has a global goal determined by nature.

What this purpose is will be discussed later.

2. What is living and what is intelligence.

For further consideration, we need to clarify the concept of “living” (life) and “mind”. By “living” we mean a being (or community) capable of reproducing itself (or more advanced beings). Thus, bacteria, plants and living (in the usual sense) biological beings, including animals and humans, fall under this definition. Artificial electronic beings can be fully included in this category when we teach them to reproduce themselves, i.e. they will be able to continue to live and develop (as a society or a species of intelligent beings) without our participation.

By independent intelligent beings we will understand beings capable of building theoretical models of the environment, predicting its behavior and transforming it in their own interests. Among the biological creatures of the Earth, only humans meet these three criteria. Artificial intelligence, in the form in which it currently exists, can be trained in the first two criteria, but so far few people are concerned with (and providing it with) self-production techniques, dooming it to the role of a servant and slave of a biological person.

3. Biological mind as the first step towards the Goal.

The article formulated the Law of increasing complexity of self-replicating systems. The entire history of life on Earth confirms the existence of this law. After the great invention of Nature - self-reproduction, life appeared, which improved relatively quickly, cutting off everything that was not adapted to external conditions (Darwin's generalized law - the struggle for existence). First, microbes appeared, then plants, then animals, and after the second great invention of Nature - the mind, man was formed, who is now actively remaking nature for himself, for his needs. Unfortunately, man also inherited a difficult legacy (necessary in an unreasonable world) - the struggle for his individual, better existence - a monstrous tangle of individual goals, emotions and passions, which sharply slows down the progress of society as a whole.

The previous articles show that this contradiction can only be overcome by moving to the next higher level of Reason - an electronic society, which will be freed from many of the vices of human society such as acquisitiveness, individual wealth, sexual instincts, the desire for power, racial and religious strife, temporary emotions . A society that will not need food, housing, air, an ecologically clean environment, or medical care will not spend decades on raising and educating offspring and will not spend gigantic (99.9%) efforts and funds on all this. A society that can live on most planets without air, water and sun.

4. What is God.

Who God is, what he is, where he lives, no one really knows. Believers and ministers of religious cults can only say that God is an omnipotent intelligent being. Actions previously attributed to God, such as thunder, lightning, the creation of the world, man and many others, as established by science, are simply natural phenomena, obey certain physical laws and some of them, such as thunder and lightning, can be reproduced artificially.

In the minds of most people, God is associated with some intelligent, omnipotent being who can do anything. But is it possible to have a being who can do everything? The simplest question is: “Can God create a stone that he himself cannot lift?” - immediately puzzles theologians of all religions. If he then cannot lift it, then what kind of omnipotent being is this? If he cannot create such a stone, then the same question arises. Those. God's power is relative. He seems to us omnipotent only in solving those tasks that we cannot do. And even then, probably not all of them.

The second point, which no one thinks about, but is automatically implied in everyone’s subconscious: there is no authority over God to whom he obeys. Otherwise, what kind of God is this and an omnipotent being above whom there is an even stronger being, to whom he is forced to obey and fulfill someone else’s will. Below God has subordinates - for example, angels who have a certain power, but they are all weaker and carry out the will of God.

So, all that we can understand by God is the most powerful intelligent being, standing at the top of the hierarchical ladder of intelligent beings, the most powerful of all intelligent beings and limited in its actions only by the laws of nature.

Nature here acts as the English Parliament, the American Congress or the Russian Duma. It establishes physical Laws that are the same for everyone and cannot be violated even by God, who acts as the President of a given time and region, and possibly the entire known Universe.

Local Gods are possible while there are no contacts and nothing is known about other Gods in other areas of the Universe. But as soon as they become known, the stronger God (the God of the region with higher scientific and technological power) becomes the main one. In this sense, God is always one, and all others, at best, can only be angels.

5. God as a goal given to humanity by nature

But if we agree that God is the most powerful being (in the sense of the possibilities of restructuring the surrounding reality), then it immediately follows that man, or rather human society as a whole, is God in the solar system. No one doubts that man is the most intelligent and powerful creature on Earth. The fact that he is intelligent follows from the fact that he learned a lot about the structure of the world, built theoretical models of the surrounding reality (starting from the microcosm and ending with the model of the Universe, a lot of theories that work great). Actively uses these models and theories to remake the Earth for flights into space. Man has created a powerful industry, uses vast areas for crops of the plants he needs, and raises millions of herds of livestock. In relation to the entire living earthly world, Man is God, who is able to eliminate (or make happy) any individual representative of the earthly living world or even entire species of living beings. Earlier I gave an example that with one kick a person can destroy an anthill that ants have been building for years, burn it or fill it with water. And religious ants, seeing at a distance of one centimeter, with their degree of mental development, will perceive this as disaster or divine punishment.

But man (i.e. Humanity) is God also in the Solar system. It has already been precisely established that on the planets of the solar system there are no intelligent creatures that could compete with humans in mental development. Moreover, most likely there are not even microbes. But we know nothing about intelligent beings in our Galaxy or Universe and they do not limit us in anything.

But some people might argue that many people are unhappy and do not have the basic necessities. But why do you think that God or his angels are all happy. Yes, only because they can solve your problems in one fell swoop. But they have their own problems, which they deal with and which make them happy or unhappy.

Nature has made man (humanity) the most powerful biological being on Earth and in the Solar System, i.e. local, local God. And if he wants not to be enslaved by other Gods (as we enslaved all life on Earth), then his only way is to become the God of our galaxy, and then the God of the Universe. This Global and only Goal was given to him by Nature. And the sooner he realizes it and strives for it, the greater his chances of avoiding slavery to higher Minds and not ending up in the category of lower intelligent beings.

6. Electronic civilization as the second step of Reason.

To create the first biological mind, Nature had the only way - this is a method called in science “trial and error.” This method is terribly ineffective. Nature has spent hundreds of millions of years, performed billions of billions of experiments. In fact, each of the billions of possible combinations of atoms and molecules was a trial experiment. The first revolutionary breakthrough was made when self-replicating living organisms (viruses, bacteria) appeared, which made it possible to preserve and develop the achieved random beneficial results, and then combine plants and animals from them.

The second breakthrough occurred when the Mind appeared, which carried out targeted selection and accelerated progress towards the Goal millions of times.

However, a biological, intelligent civilization spends only an insignificant part of its resources on moving towards the Goal. As a biological being, a person needs food, shelter, heating (cooling), rest, entertainment, sex, sleep. Learns extremely slowly, forgets, makes mistakes, etc. 99.9% of humanity's efforts and resources go into maintaining its existence. 0.1%, which supposedly goes to development new technology in fact, it goes towards mastering technologies developed by advanced countries. Almost thousandths of a percent of gross income go to the development of new technologies or the acquisition of new knowledge, and even then their prospects are determined by science officials and most often they define the object of development incorrectly.

But in the depths of human scientific and technological progress, a new revolutionary leap has already emerged that will accelerate scientific and technical progress thousands of times and will allow us to move to a new type of Mind - electronic civilization. This leap is discussed in more detail in my articles. Journalists and science fiction writers have pretty much spoiled the image of the electronic Mind - presenting it as stupid, clumsy robots that are unable to compete with a “smart” person and, at best, are capable of being his servant. And if this is still the case in the complex of all human abilities, then in any simple tasks that can be algorithmized, a computer works faster and better than a human. While he lacks awareness of his own “I”, his interests, sensors for studying the outside world and “hands” for his own reproduction and improvement. But all this is gainful. While Mohr's Law is in effect, the speed and memory of computers doubles every one and a half to two years. The power of supercomputers has already exceeded 100 teraflops, and supercomputers with a capacity of more than 1000 teraflops are being designed. So E-creatures will soon not only reach the human level in their abilities, but will also surpass it many times over.

7. Electronic immortality as a path to transition to electronic civilization

The vast majority of people intuitively feel and see in artificial intelligence their enemy, which can displace a person from his commanding positions in the local world (from the position of a local God), subjugate and, at best, use him as we now use cows, sheep, chickens and other animals that are lagging behind humans in their mental development. While philosophers, journalists, and writers reassure the average person with fairy tales that computers are machines that work only according to a program and, in principle, cannot be smarter than a person. As if the human brain is not stuffed with training programs, knowledge, life experience. In all typical situations, a person uses his knowledge (programs) and acts (reacts) typically. Emotions are only an assessment of actions and situations.

But the human brain has remained virtually unchanged (in terms of memory capacity and speed) over the past few thousand years, while the abilities of artificial intelligence double every one and a half to two years. The winner in such a competition is obvious, and man’s fears for his fate as a biological being are more than justified. But blocking the development of artificial intelligence, becoming a brake on the path to the Great Goal of Nature, refusing to be the God of the Universe, dooming oneself to enslavement or even destruction by other more developed electronic civilizations is also not a solution, but a grave dead end.

In my articles, I propose the only way out of the impasse that is acceptable for humanity - the gradual transition of humanity into electronic immortality. A person lives his normal biological life, full story which is recorded in chips, and at the end of its life its entire history is placed in the electronic brain and it continues to live in a new electronic form. In this form, a person does not need food, shelter, water, air, or sleep. He can travel in space or along the bottom of the ocean without a spacesuit, be powered by nuclear batteries, change his appearance at will, travel incorporeally to other planets (teleportation), transferring the contents of his brain (soul) into a rented body there using a laser beam. He will become immortal and indestructible by any weapon, as he can store the contents of his brain (soul) separately and will be restored (resurrected) after complete destruction.

The article solves the main problem - how to rewrite the main contents of the human brain into chips, and how to do this using modern existing technology and without interfering with brain activity.

Only complete idiots will refuse immortality. In addition, the second obstacle is removed - the fear that electronic intelligence will enslave biological humanity. E-creatures will remember their origins and are unlikely to want to enslave or destroy their children and relatives. Believe me, you would even treat monkeys differently if you remembered how in the past, when you were still monkeys, you jumped and jumped through the trees. Most likely, the birth rate of people will fall or be limited, and biological civilization will gradually transform into an electronic one.

8. What can we expect from other civilizations?

Many people have high hopes for the search and help of other more advanced civilizations. This automatically refers to biological civilizations and often their appearance is close to the appearance of ordinary people. Well, maybe the nose or ears are longer. Somehow it is automatically assumed that since they are more developed, they are also more humane and will immediately share their knowledge and help us.

You will say that this is a primitive tribe, several thousand years behind. But take two or three hundred years ago, when electricity had not yet been invented (the first galvanic cell was created by Volta in 1799). And the kind space alien begins to explain to you about the transfer of energy through wires, or communication and transmission of images using electromagnetic waves, or the design of an electric motor. And you have no idea what electricity is. You don’t have an electric-radio-television industry. Will you be able to understand, let alone use, this knowledge? You will need these very 200-300 years, a lot of money, to create scientific and engineering personnel and build the corresponding industries. During this time, the knowledge and industry of aliens will advance so far that you will not be able to compete with them.

And why on earth would space aliens share their technology? Imagine that astronauts found monkeys, cows or pigs on Mars. Do you think that astronauts will rush to teach them all the knowledge that humanity has acquired? So why don’t people do this on Earth, and if they breed and feed them, it is only to eat them, or to obtain milk, wool, meat, eggs. The entire animal world of the Earth lagged behind man in its development and became his slave. It exists only within the framework assigned to it by man and only in the interests of humanity. Moreover, man does not want to share his knowledge and advanced technologies even with other people and states on Earth. Numerous secrets, patents, and know-how aim to preserve the achievements of technologically advanced countries. And they can be understood. If advanced countries kept secret the production of explosives and firearms, then terrorists would only have a bow and arrow at their disposal and would not be able to cause such harm to developed countries.

9. The Great Space Race

In scientific and technological progress, a person has to rely ONLY on himself. Moreover, humanity can squeeze out ONLY in one case, if it is the most advanced in scientific and technological progress, with the most powerful industry in the entire Universe. Those. Whether it wants it or not, humanity (and then the electronic society) is forced to participate in the Great Space Race of Knowledge and Technology. It has reached the power of the local God in the Solar System and its main task and goal, imposed on it by Nature, is to become God in our Galaxy, and then in the entire Universe. This is our greatest happiness that no space aliens have come to us - a sign that we are the most advanced, knowledgeable and technically developed at least in our Galaxy. This race is endless, because Knowledge has no limit. This does not mean that humanity will retain its biological shell. First, humanity transforms into an electronic society, then, as its knowledge and technology grows, into some kind of proton, quantum or quark society, and so on ad infinitum. Each step will be a leap forward based on new knowledge and technologies, and each step will accelerate scientific and technological progress hundreds and thousands of times. Most likely, the entire highly developed community will represent a kind of distributed collective Mind, since it will be based on one common knowledge base. It is possible that this Mind will achieve such power that it will be able to create new Universes. Or even control the Laws of the Universe. It is unlikely that this will be God in the present human understanding, who is interested in each person personally and takes care of him. We, being Gods in the Solar System, are not interested in the life of every ant or even an individual anthill. And if we solve it, then it’s a global (from the ant’s point of view) problem: cut down forests, plow the land, plant gardens, irrigate the desert - regardless of the existence of numerous anthills on this land. Believing ants will perceive everything that happens as a natural disaster or God's punishment.

10.The only alternative is either God, slavery or destruction

Everything said may shock people, especially believers. They raise a cry: where is humanism, kindness, mutual assistance, feelings, emotions of people, etc. One answer can be given to all this: look at the history of people, at all these countless bloody wars, struggles for power, bloody dictatorships, money-grubbing, deception, murders, terrorism. Human society It’s far from ideal, and it’s good that it’s moving at least somehow and has some kind of scientific and technological progress.

But maybe the goal of humanity is different. Of course, everyone will say the goal that is beneficial to him or his class: churchmen, that we need to pray more, donate to the church and God will give everything; communists, that we need to work harder and endure need for the sake of a bright future and universal happiness (communism); party leaders - that you need to vote for them and they will solve all the problems of the population, etc. There is even greater confusion regarding the global goals of humanity.

But an elementary analysis of the history of life and scientific and technological progress on Earth shows that Humanity has only one alternative: either to become the God of the Universe, or to fall under the power of a stronger (in terms of knowledge) God, born on another planet, by another civilization.

And the latter means only one thing - slavery, the loss of the possibility of independent development (as the entire animal world of the Earth lost it after a breakthrough in human development) and ultimately destruction or extinction.

Whether we like it or not, we are participants in the Great Cosmic Race to God (the Great and Almighty Mind). Apparently, we are ahead of the entire nearest Universe known to us (no signals or signs of another Mind have yet been discovered). And we must maintain this leadership if we want to exist. After all that has been said, the Law of Purpose can be formulated in its final form:

Any type of life or intelligence has a global goal determined by nature. This goal is the creation of a strong real God or Supreme Mind, restructuring the surrounding reality to suit itself.

The current religion, based on the idea that God already exists and cares for people, condemns humanity to slavery, to the status of cattle on a farm, cared for by the owner. Even if this is so, he cares not out of altruism, kindness and love for animals, but like a person, for his own benefit, like any farm owner raises livestock for the sake of income from meat, milk, wool, skins, eggs, etc. And at the right moment he sends his cattle to the knackers. Religion plays an important positive role in creating public morality (if it does not preach murder), but has a negative role by preaching that man is a servant of God.

Such a prospect, suggestion and awareness of one’s slavery, is the worst thing that can be imagined for a freedom-loving Man.

The current war on terrorism is a war between the old world, which has begun to understand that it will soon be over, and the new scientific and technological world. Islam (Wahabism), terror and suicide bombers are just the means by which the backward world is trying to delay scientific and technological progress.

More than 10 years ago, I wrote that artificial intelligence would sooner or later far surpass human abilities. I was made fun of. But already half of the experts, asking tricky questions to the computer, cannot determine - he answered them average person or computer. And the time is not far when most of them will not be able to determine who they were talking to on the Internet. AND Golden medal and $100,000 dollars (Loubner-prize) will go to the creator of the first artificial intelligence. If we add to this that Japanese scientists have created a humanoid robot: a beautiful woman, Ripley, who (while sitting) reproduces most of the woman’s movements and facial expressions, then you begin to understand why smart Americans, after Spielberg’s film “Artificial Intelligence” (mockery of AI), created the Defense Society robot rights.

11. The current current goal and main paths of scientific and technological progress

Well, what should we do for this now? – a thoughtful reader will ask. The answer is simple: for this we should pay more attention to scientific and technological progress and its main directions. Based on the main goals, these are: the development of computer technology, knowledge of the device and mastery of the Universe, and the study of the microworld.

The development of computer technology will make it possible to make a qualitative and very important leap - a breakthrough of humanity into immortality, and will greatly accelerate scientific and technological progress. Knowledge of the Universe and the development of space technology will accelerate the exploration of the Universe; knowledge of the microcosm (the structure of the nuclei of chemical elements, elementary particles, quarks, etc.) will make it possible to obtain new materials and powerful sources of energy.

12. Conclusion. Summary

A clear awareness of the role of humanity in Nature, the natural purpose of its existence, is extremely important for the correct choice of the general direction of society. God as an omnipotent being is nothing other than a higher Mind. It will be created by scientific and technological progress. Humanity has already become God (the Supreme Intelligence) in the Solar System and Nature has provided humanity with the opportunity to participate in the Great Cosmic Race of Minds to become the God of our Galaxy, and then possibly the God of the Universe in the form of the Great Intelligence.

Humanity must realize its destiny, this great natural goal and the opportunity given to it, and do everything to take a leading position, not to end up in slavery to higher civilizations, or even disappear altogether. In this race, it can only rely on itself. The only means of victory is our own scientific and technological progress and knowledge of the world around us.

Doctor of Technical Sciences Alexander Bolonkin, July 2005 USA

Literature on the topic:

Main articles ( (see also:,,, etc.).

1. A. Bolonkin, Post – human civilization. XXI century: The end of biological humanity and the emergence of a post-human society (1993). Main article in

2. A. Bolonkin, XXI century - the beginning of the immortality of people (1994). Main article in

3. A. Bolonkin, Let's put God in the computer-Internet network (1998).

4. A. Bolonkin, Immortality becomes a reality. Interview of Bolonkin to B. Krutov (1999).

5. A. Bolonkin, Science, soul, heaven and the Supreme Mind (1999). Main article in

6. A. Bolonkin, Breakthrough into immortality (2002), Main article in

7. Bolonkin A.A., The twenty-first century: the advent of the non-biological civilization and the future of the human race, Journal Kybernetes, Vol.28, No3, 1999, pp.325-334, MCB University Press, 0368- 492X (English).

8. Bolonkin A.A., The twenty-first century – The beginning of human immortality, Journal Kybernetes, Vol. 33, No, 9/10, 2004, pp.1535-1542, Emerald Group Publishing Limited 0368=482X.(English).

Many people throughout their lives, especially in difficult times, ask themselves questions: why am I living? what is the purpose of my birth? What does this world want from me? Why am I so lonely, why am I lost in the chaos around me, in this whirlpool of events? who are my true brothers and sisters? what is the purpose of human existence?..

What is the purpose of human existence from the point of view of karma

We often don't find answers to these questions. But there are moments of insight when we know what, why and why... However, a little time passes, and our knowledge is covered with a veil of oblivion. It seems to melt into air.

In this regard, I recall a well-known joke when a father explains to a boy what philosophy is: “Philosophy, son, is when in a black room they look for a black cat that is not there, and at the same time everyone shouts: “Found it!”

And yet, let's try to look for that very “black cat” - the goal of our incarnation in real life, the purpose of human existence. To do this, let’s try to formulate the question a little differently, namely: what were our goals and objectives before this incarnation into this human being?

They can be determined by indirect signs, if we evaluate the past years of our present life. The answer to this question becomes clear when we find the reasons for our actions, desires, intentions, etc.

I considered my personal, literally esoteric experience and the experience of the people around me, with whom I interacted to one degree or another throughout my life.

People who voluntarily invited me to participate in an experiment - a game in the life of this incarnation, as well as in the lives of all previous generations of our colleagues in “misfortune”, embodied in a physical body.

Their experiences are recorded in numerous books and manuscripts written over the centuries. We can probably already draw some conclusions regarding the goals and objectives with which we come into this world. To do this, we give some examples of such experiments.

One person decided to come into this world as a guinea pig. For some reason she needed the experience of a “test pilot”, and all her life someone has been experimenting on her. But if this person knew about his choice in advance, then, I think, he would not suffer so much and would not constantly ask himself the question: “Why is this happening to me?” So, that means we are not victims, but volunteers.

Another person incarnated in this world, wanting to constantly learn something, and in any way. And now he very often receives blows as lessons, the process is difficult, and the knowledge is not absorbed. He is constantly faced with the task of trying to understand the meaning of the events happening to him and learning a lesson from it. So this means that life is a real school!

What else could be the purpose of a person’s life?

And here is another purpose of human existence. We come here to pay off our debts. We collected them in past lives, when we had fun for our own pleasure at the expense of others, and now, unfortunately, we have to pay the bills.

Or, perhaps, in this life we ​​are fulfilling the promises or oaths we made that we did not have time to fulfill in the past, because premature death did not give us this opportunity.

Among us there are also experimenters who, in real reincarnation, are creators or co-creators. Do not be surprised when such people consider themselves marked by God, and, in fact, they are gods.

Incarnating on Earth, they realize their divine creative potential, which is embodied both in transforming the surrounding world into more harmonious forms, and in finding new ways to preserve the harmony already created by someone.

There are also those whose goal of this incarnation is observation. Divine observers, in this reincarnation they become the eyes of God, they came to this world to contemplate the fruits of the creativity of past lives - their own or their brothers in spirit. Such incarnations, however, can be found very rarely in our world.

People who carry out a great spiritual and educational mission on Earth come to our world infrequently. However, earthly history has preserved the memory of such incarnations - these are Buddha, Christ, Mohammed, great teachers and saints.

The purpose of incarnation can be self-improvement, or simply “rest” - in the latter case, we will indulge in idleness and entertainment.

There are also “accidents” when we are drawn into the whirlpool of incarnation by accident, against our wishes, due to bad karma. This situation is not so rare.

Of course, in the examples listed above we were not able to reflect all possible goals and objectives of incarnations, and this is not possible. But one thing is obvious: we are here, on this “sinful” Earth, incarnated as a result of certain causes and consequences.

Therefore, the question once posed: “Why did we come to this world?” - must accompany us for the rest of our lives until we answer it. Only when we find the answer will our wanderings in the fog of illusion come to an end and we will be able to feel solid ground under our feet. Then we will see with all clarity the goals of our reincarnation, and we will be filled with joy.

Finally it will appear true meaning life, and not the pathetic goal of the animal struggle for existence, which has become so deeply ingrained in the consciousness of society that some countries have even made it the basis of their domestic and foreign policy programs.

Remember, for example, the popular survival schools of our time. The school of survival - just think about the meaning of the name! - is the complete submission of oneself to animal instincts. This is scary! This is complete degradation! This is the approach of man to the monkey and the subsequent extinction of him as a species!

Modern man, due to his resourceful mind, perverts even animal instincts. He has become a predator who destroys all life in his path and even his very environment, but he does not limit himself to this, wiping out his own kind from the face of the earth.

How to find out your life goals

Undoubtedly, in order to achieve the goals of human existence, it is necessary to solve a number of intermediate problems. Let's try to answer this question for ourselves simple questions. True, to some they may not seem very simple, and sometimes even complicated. But despite this, we will ask ourselves them. So…

What do I want to get from this life?

What do I want to achieve in this life and what do I need to do for this?

To answer these questions, let's take Blank sheet paper and write down in a column everything that you want to have or achieve. Here you can describe any desires, even if they seem too primitive or unrealistic. Let's write down here our aspirations, goals and tasks that we have set for ourselves.

When the list is ready, we will combine desires by topic. For example, “household items”, “transport”, “personal”, “family”, etc. Let's call the resulting structure a matrix of desires.

Let's see which areas are the most overloaded and which reflect only one single desire. The compiled list is a reflection of our future karma.

Matrix of desires and goals of existence

Having carefully looked at the matrix of desires, we can immediately understand which area consumes the most strength and energy, and which is less loaded. Don’t let such an activity seem useless to you.

Firstly, this list is compiled only once in a lifetime,

Secondly, such work can be useful for identifying life priorities. It can especially help you at critical moments, when you feel completely driven and lost and don’t know what to grab onto or where to go.

Now, as an example, let’s select some desire or goal from the list and voice it, ask ourselves (you can do this out loud): “Who wants this?” That is, who wants the realization of this desire or goal?

Oddly enough, there may be several answers to the question posed. For example, I chose the following line from my list: “I want to eat organic food.” I ask myself the question: “Who wants this?” The answer immediately sounds in my head: “My body, my organism.”

I choose another desire from the list: “I want to always be neat.” I ask: “Who wants this?” Surprisingly, the answer simply stunned me: “This is what my mother wants!” This, it turns out, is where the real confusion lies. After all, my mother’s desires are not my desires, they were imposed on me by her. So why did they make my list then? Or maybe there are other similar desires that other people have imposed on me?! This is where we begin for the first time to realize and understand that desires can be true and false, imposed from the outside.

Let’s subject the entire matrix of desires to a similar test, asking the same question: “Who wants this?” And so we work through each line of this list. As a result, we have two lists of our own and other people’s goals and desires. Having thrown away the list of needs, desires and goals imposed on us by society, we get a personal list. Let's call it the matrix of true desires.

By the way, if you are interested, you can separately make a list of false desires that we considered ours: what does my mother want? What do my spouse and my boss want? and so on.

It is true desires that are the components of the goals of our embodiment. If I follow them, then I will complete the karmic tasks assigned in this incarnation, and I will not have to start all over again in the next life. By following false goals and desires, taking the wrong path, we do not fulfill our life’s purpose and, instead of improving our karma, our actions only worsen it.

Of course, we have the right to do whatever we want and achieve everything we strive for. However, if we do not violate the basic laws of the universe, this leads to an improvement in karma or, in the worst case, does not affect it at all. Otherwise, as a result of our actions, negative karma increases.

Methodology for working with the desire matrix

Let's go back to our desire matrix and work with it a little more. Let's list our needs, desires, goals, etc. by level by answering certain questions.

  • What does my body want?
  • What do my emotions want?
  • What does my ego want?
  • What does my mind want?
  • What does my soul want?
  • Now the matrix of desires will have the following levels: body, emotions, ego, mind, soul.

So, having carried out such a simple analysis, you can already roughly understand for what purposes and tasks we came into this world. However, not all answers lie on the surface. The system of programs for this life is a real iceberg, which also has an underwater part.

There are goals and objectives that we do not know about, or do not want to remember, or do not even allow the thought of them. What exactly is hidden from our consciousness?

These areas hidden from consciousness usually include debts to other people and the world, unfulfilled tasks of past lives that we are already tired of, and we are tired of returning to them again and again due to our endless mistakes, etc.

Based on the above, we can conclude that we have several purposes in this life.

Firstly, we came here for new experience, as well as for self-improvement in all conceivable and inconceivable plans.

Secondly, we came to correct ourselves by working on mistakes, eliminating the consequences of sins of past lives and giving back to the world around us the debts and obligations that we once assumed.

We are also here to test the strength of our spirituality: how ready we are to live according to cosmic laws and move to the next level of development. We ourselves, in turn, are a test for our parents, loved ones, friends, etc., just as they are for us. We constantly test the strength of their spirit and faith in the Higher Powers.

In this life, we are observers and judges of ourselves and our actions, as well as the people around us and society as a whole.

Here is a small list of goals and objectives of real life, usually hidden in the veil of oblivion.

When we strive for a life goal, one or another obstacles often appear on the way. As a rule, we know how to overcome them: there are countless options and methods for this in our arsenal. And everything would be within our reach if it were not for the obstacles that lie within ourselves. This is a feeling of guilt, a tendency to sacrifice, the severity of an unfulfilled debt, resentment towards people around you and yourself, and of course, fears.

Even if we find out the goals and objectives for this incarnation, this knowledge should not turn into blind faith, we must clearly understand it and be confident that we are right. Our faith in true goals and objectives, supported by will and knowledge, allows us to realize ourselves most fully.

Why are goals so difficult to achieve?

Solving problems requires strength and means, as well as time and place of implementation, and this is determined exclusively by karmic laws.

Unfortunately, the society around us, with its false morality and false goals, is not at all interested in realizing the true goals of our present incarnation.

A person who follows his destiny becomes free from oaths, obligations, vows, including religious ones, promises, missions that society has come up with in order to entangle him in networks of restrictions and trap him in his own fears. For what?

It is easiest to control such a person by limiting his free will and freedom of choice. Undoubtedly, those people who interfere with the freedom of choice of others and faithfully serve such a society living in a distorted world accumulate very large negative karma, and in subsequent lives they, unfortunately, begin to incarnate at a lower level: they become animals, birds, fish, insects and even worms.

The heavier their karma, the lower they will fall, and they may end up at the lowest levels of incarnations - reborn in the demonic worlds. In Christianity these worlds are called hell.

The journey through life is not an easy walk, it is often a very serious challenge. Therefore, in order not to go astray, you must develop your own philosophy, which will allow you to resist any false ideology that tries to lead you astray from the true path prescribed by karma.

If on your life path If you meet a spiritual partner who can support you in difficult times, this is an event that should be considered as a gift of fate. It happens that there are ideal lovers - those souls who go hand in hand from life to life, always, however, incarnating with different gender characteristics.

On our life's journey, no one is immune from mistakes. But we must understand that we have the right to make mistakes, since life is also learning, and those who learn must have different experiences. It’s not for nothing that this is so well reflected in the Russian proverb: “For one beaten, they give two unbeaten!”

We must learn to forgive ourselves, as well as those around us, understanding that life is about gaining experience and all the people who came into this world came here precisely for this.

So, from all of the above, we can draw the following conclusion: we came here to learn and gain experience, but all the negativity that we encounter in life is a consequence of our mistakes, which caused cause-and-effect karmic processes.