“The worms taste sweet, like delicate cream!” - Ivanna Mironenko. Participant of the show “MasterChef” Ivanna Mironenko: “In childhood, when I was often hungry, it seemed that I could eat anything Ivanna Mironenko after the project

Super finalist of the second season cooking show"MasterChef" Ivanna has gone missing. There has been no news about the girl for 20 days. As “Teleblonde” writes, Ivanna was diagnosed with a tumor several months ago, and her colleagues on the project came to her aid - they opened an account to which all those who cared could transfer money. But, as it turned out, the account was closed the other day. Anna Zavorotko, a participant in the same “Master Chef”, reported this, and at the same time named the reason.

On her VKontakte page, Anya wrote: “Good day everyone! On Friday I had to block the account into which money was being received for Ivanna Mironenko. The fact is that she has not been in touch for about 20 days. She has not been in touch before I always answered the phone, and I had to find her through my sister and mother-in-law. The last thing I know is that she was discharged from the hospital. I repeatedly invited her and the children to live for the summer, and we found options in both Feodosia and Nikolaevka (for free). , but Ivanna couldn’t pull herself together...

Lisa is very worried, because people suggested real help, and Ivanka can’t be reached by phone. The deputy's assistant called about 5 times, he needed information for the request - he never received it. We don’t know what’s going on, but it’s very sad that our attempt to help her so absurdly fizzled out precisely because of her reluctance to somehow react and give information about her condition. Many thanks to Lizochka Glinskaya - she took the brunt of the dirt and negativity! I wish Ivanna good health and I hope she will somehow explain her behavior. Before closing the card, I sent her an SMS and she withdrew the money remaining in the account. Many thanks to everyone who helped! I can print out the full report through the bank - it will show that all funds from the card were withdrawn in

The famous Ivanna Mironenko miraculously survived, and Gennady Tsiauk almost broke the bridge. at 20:10 viewers of the STB channel will see a special episode entertainment show"CUBE". Participants of the second season of the MasterChef show - Ivanna Mironenko, Gennady Tsiauk and Vitaly Ivashchenko - will fight for half a million hryvnia. Let's see if they can tame the invincible Cube as easily as the kitchen.

The beautiful and very talented chef Ivanna Mironenko admitted that she wants to spend the money she won on a trip to Venice with her children. After all, the girl always dreamed of seeing this city. If the amount is substantial, then Ivanna will also open her own cafe. Today we will find out whether the woman has enough strength and patience to tame the Cube and what sacrifices she will have to make to achieve her goal.

Previously reported... The MasterChef finalist, who was diagnosed with a tumor, has gone missing. Ivanna Mironenko has not been in touch for 20 days.

Superfinalist of the second season of the culinary show “MasterChef” Ivanna Mironenko has gone missing. There has been no news about the girl for 20 days. As “Teleblond” writes, Ivanna was diagnosed with a tumor several months ago, and her colleagues on the project came to her aid - they opened an account to which all those who cared could transfer money. But, as it turned out, the account was closed the other day. Anna Zavorotko, a participant in the same “Master Chef”, reported this, and at the same time named the reason.

Read also: Winner of the show “MasterChef” Elizaveta Glinskaya: “I killed a frog, cried, and then cooked it”

On her VKontakte page, Anya wrote: “Good day everyone! On Friday I had to block the account that received money for Ivanna Mironenko. The fact is that she has not been in touch for about 20 days. She didn’t always pick up the phone before, and I had to find her through my sister and mother-in-law. Last I knew, she was released from the hospital. I repeatedly invited her and her children to live in Crimea for the summer, and we found options in both Feodosia and Nikolaevka (for free), but Ivanna just couldn’t get it together...

Lisa is very worried, because people offered real help, but Ivanka couldn’t get through to her. The deputy's assistant called about 5 times, he needed information for the request - he never received it. We don’t know what’s going on, but it’s very sad that our attempt to help her so absurdly fizzled out precisely because of her reluctance to somehow react and give information about her condition. Many thanks to Lizochka Glinskaya - she took the brunt of the dirt and negativity! I wish Ivanna good health and I hope she will somehow explain her behavior. Before closing the card, I sent her an SMS and she withdrew the money remaining in the account. Many thanks to everyone who helped! I can print out the full report through the bank - it will show that all funds were withdrawn from the card in Zaporozhye, and what was paid from the card.”

Note that 23-year-old Ivanna Mironenko was one of the most emotional participants in the second season of the MasterChef show. A housewife from Zaporozhye is raising two children.

“I even danced in Cuba, I really liked it, since I had previously studied oriental dances and even performed at weddings,” says Ivanna. In the studio, her daughters will be rooting for the girl, who believe in her mother’s success.

And Kiev resident Gennady Tsiauk will play in order to be able to improve the health of his son, who suffers from allergies, and who will cheer for his dad in the studio. He will also be supported by his wife, brother and another MasterChef 2 participant, Vladislav. It should be noted that Gennady is perhaps the most emotional participant who was in KUB in the fourth season. He even almost broke the bridge. KUB showed his cunning towards him. What exactly did he do? We'll find out today.

Vitalia Ivashchenko, as a true lover of her craft, will come to fight the Cube in order to organize culinary master classes for orphans. After the show, Vitalia, together with Oksana Nazarchuk (another participant in the second season of the show), organized their own business. They prepare lunches and buffets for various companies. The girls dream of developing their own business, “infecting” people with a love of cooking, and teaching them how to cook deliciously.

Leading social project“Save Our Family” on STB will tell you how to warm up your feelings for each other.

Deal with complex life situations Ukrainians will be helped by regular post-show experts: mother of many children and TV presenter Snezhana Egorova, showman Dmitry Kolyadenko, chief psychologist of the project Irina Kirichenko. And also the leader creative association, which is filming the project “Save Our Family”, Miroslav Domalevsky, physiognomist Tatyana Larina and the permanent host of the program - psychologist Dmitry Karpachev.

We selected such families, when you look at them you understand that it is impossible to live like this,” says Miroslav Domalevsky. - In addition, after each program you will find a post-show dedicated to global problem, and not to a specific family, as was the case before. Now viewers will be able to express their opinions on the project’s website, and the audience in the hall will be able to actively participate in the discussion.

Oksana and Alexander Mikitenko

Alexander is 24 years old, he does not work anywhere. Oksana is 23, she is a housewife and mother of three-year-old Anya. Sasha dreams of rapping on stage, and his wife dreams of building a strong family. Apart from reading rap and books, the husband does absolutely nothing, but every time he scolds his wife if she sleeps longer than usual. To get money, the guy pawned all his money in a pawnshop. household appliances and even furniture!

Oksana is expecting her second child, but this does not stop Alexander from constantly scolding and humiliating his wife... The girl often cries, which angers her husband even more. Constant quarrels began to affect the couple’s sex life. Driven to despair, Oksana made a deal and invited her husband to try a so-called swing relationship, when couples exchange partners. But this experience did not help improve the relationship. Moreover, Sasha insists on continuing to meet with other couples, and Oksana is afraid that one day her husband will leave her. Can a man who is used to asserting himself at the expense of his wife change?

Ivanna and Artem Mironenko

Three years ago, Ivanna had everything: a husband, two wonderful children and the opportunity to make her childhood dream come true. Ivanna Mironenko became a participant in the MasterChef project and entered the top five finalists. No one had any idea how her relationship with her husband changed after participating in the project: quarrels based on jealousy and even fights... The wife is forced to participate in very specific sexual experiments, which her husband insists on, and in case of refusal, Artem can use force. Despite such difficult relationships, it was Artem who asked for help in the project. He claims that he loves his wife and sincerely repents of making her suffer. But is this really love?

Valeria and Alexander Samay

The family of Lera and Sasha is the youngest among the participants. Although they are only 19 years old, the couple has already gotten married, given birth to a daughter, Sophia, and divorced. Now they are in a civil marriage, although their relationship is more like a meeting between two teenagers. Everyone lives at home with their parents, the couple meets in free time in an apartment that belongs to Lera’s mother, and little Sofia is raised by the girl’s grandmother and mother. Sasha spends the money she earns on her needs and on the purchase of low-alcohol drinks, which she drinks almost every day. IN drunk the guy becomes aggressive and may even hit his wife. Sasha explains his addiction to alcohol by the fact that he wants to relax, because Lera often shouts and insults him. Valeria believes that she and her husband love each other, but how to build healthy family relationships- they don’t know...


The heroes of the program are married couples who are on the verge of divorce and want to save their marriage. For each family, experts develop an individual change plan. Many participants are waiting pleasant surprises: joint entertainment, exciting trips, unique trainings. But at the same time they face a tense psychological work, full of emotions and experiences. But if they endure and do not give up, the reward will be worthy. In a few weeks intensive training with experts, couples will have a real opportunity to save their families!

In just a few episodes of the second season of the MasterChef project, which started at the beginning of the month on the STB channel, Ivanna Mironenko was remembered and loved by many viewers - sincere, spontaneous and ordinary girl was not afraid to set out to win the hearts of culinary judges. In the second season, the participants' dishes are tasted and the "best" are determined - the world famous chef Hector Jimenez Bravo, TV presenter Zhanna Badoeva and Kiev restaurateur Nikolai Tishchenko.

In each episode, the participants are given a variety of culinary tasks, and each time both the judges and the participants support our Ivanna, because something constantly happens to her on the project - she cries, faints, or in a fit of happiness throws herself on Hector’s neck.

The girl shared her impressions of the project and said that at the beginning of filming, all the participants called her nothing more than “33 misfortunes”:

“At one time in the show, something constantly happened to me: either I hit myself hard somewhere, or lost consciousness from overexertion, once they even operated on my arm: some insect bit me on the elbow. Although nothing like this happened to me before MasterChef. Now something like this happens to other participants, but now everything is fine with me.”

Ivanna, tell us what prompted you to take part in the MasterChef project?

I have always really enjoyed cooking, and when I saw the news about the casting for MasterChef, I immediately decided that I wanted to try it. But because of the small child, the first season was out of the question, and since now the second child is already one and a half years old, and the first is three, my husband sent me away - he told me to go towards my dream. And while I’m on the project, he’s with the children. Before the project, I was exclusively involved with family and children, and was a housewife. “MasterChef” for me is an opportunity to break out among people.

I miss the kids so much on the show that because of this I constantly make mistakes in competitions. My children are now discovering life for themselves, but I don’t see it all and it hurts. Every day I spend a long time on the phone with them, they understand everything, they see me on TV, but that doesn’t make it any easier.

What impression did the jury make on you?

They are very good, not only on camera, but also behind it. They are real and communicate with us, even when there are no operators nearby, they are interested in us. It is very interesting to communicate with them! Hector is the most demanding during the tests; I am most afraid of his criticism.

What did you find most difficult on the project?

Cooking worms! I'm still afraid of them. We had a task to cook something from fusion cuisine and use special worms for this. As always, I came up with a sweet dish. But cooking with worms is so disgusting, and you had to collect a whole bowl, then dismember and cook. And then eat it too!

During the preparation, Zhanna Badoeva helped me - both I and she were disgusted, but when she was nearby, it became easier, I felt her support. In general, the dish turned out well - the worms taste sweet, like a delicate cream. Although it is difficult to separate the taste of a dish from the picture that you see before your eyes when you know what it is made of. After this competition, the competition with frogs that had to be caught and cooked is no longer even close. They were just flowers!

Ivanna, when did you start cooking?

I started cooking seriously at the age of 20, when I already had a family. Once for a holiday - my mother-in-law's birthday - I set a large table and prepared everything myself. Many guests came and everyone praised me very much, saying that the dishes were “just to die for.” From that moment on, I started cooking seriously. Although I first started working on the stove when I was 9 years old, then I baked a lot delicious cookies, my friends used my recipe for a long time. I was always inventing something in the kitchen.

What do you love to invent the most?

Cakes! I really like sweets, and it doesn’t matter whether it’s cookies, pie, cake or cake. I not only love to cook such dishes, but also to eat them! For example, if there is a choice between pasta homemade with exotic fish with an interesting sauce and a piece of Napoleon, I will choose the cake.

Given your sweet tooth, tell us how you manage to maintain such a good figure?

If today I eat something high in calories, then tomorrow I will try to limit myself in food, I may not eat at all for the whole day. This probably helps to maintain balance.

For what purpose did you join the MasterChef project?

Firstly, I want to learn how to cook well and realize myself. If I win the project, I will have the opportunity to study at the best culinary school in Paris, Le Cordon Bleu. And in the future I will be able to provide for my family and help my husband in this. “MasterChef” is a boost for me, I’ll try to take full advantage of it! I want to specialize in baking, this is my direction.

What do you expect from the project?

The main thing is that I don’t expect any living creatures in our show again, worms or frogs, I think that’s already been enough. Oddly enough, I would like to get such a task on MasterChef to overcome my fear of heights. And I also want to receive as many tasks related to baking as possible. Give me 20 minutes and I'll fry, grate and invent!



Ingredients: 20 g flour, 60 g cane sugar, 2 tbsp. l. powdered sugar, vanilla, 2 eggs, 100 g chocolate and 150 g Mascarpone cheese.

Method of preparation: melt chocolate and 100 g of Mascarpone in a steam bath, but do not boil. Then break 2 eggs and grind with 60 g of sugar, add flour, beat and add a mixture of chocolate and Mascarpone. Pour into molds and bake. The molds should be small and shallow. Sprinkle the remaining 50 g of Mascarpone with two tablespoons of powdered sugar and vanilla and brush the top of the cake with it.

Bon appetit!

Karateeva Anastasia

A 23-year-old resident of Zaporozhye, who was remembered by the audience for her panicky fear of worms, snails and frogs, told how radically the project changed her life

If Ivanka had not thrown a tantrum during one of the decisive competitions of the television program, she most likely would have made it to the finals. But the snails that needed to be cooked original dish, horrified the cooking show participant. Ivanna sobbed, wrung her hands, swore, but did not get to work. The jury members were terribly unhappy with this scene. True, many viewers sympathized with Ivanka, imagining themselves in her place. Like, to a good cook there is no need to catch and kill something from which the dish will later be prepared. As a rule, food arrives in the kitchen already prepared. But a show is a show. Participants have to follow its rules. When Ivanna left the set, they said about her: “She is a wonderful cook, she has a great future.” But this young woman, the mother of a one-year-old son and a three-year-old daughter, began to learn the basics of preparing gourmet dishes right on the project. And she made it into the top five! Before that, she had not had the opportunity to study cooking or try delicious dishes in restaurants. For many years Ivanna literally words had to survive...

“To feed my younger sister and brothers, I set up snares in the forest to catch hares.”

“I’ll tell you something that I haven’t told anyone,” she began our conversation. Ivanna Mironenko. - As a child, sometimes I had nothing to eat. It seemed that I would eat anything out of hunger. And one day I decided to fry the earth spiders that I caught with plasticine. I put them in a jar and wanted to fry them later. When I opened it - hefty hairy spider jumped on my face. Then, for the first time, my heart sank... After that, I’m afraid to even pick up a worm. When I see some cockroach insects, I shake - I remember those spiders... As a child, I learned to set up loops to catch hares, which I then cooked younger sister and brothers. I myself did not eat this meat - I felt sorry for the animals, I was very worried that I was forced to do this. Somehow I came across a pregnant hare. I realized this when I was already cutting her up and saw rabbits in her stomach... Since then I haven’t been able to kill anyone. I practically don’t eat meat, so during competitions, when I had to catch and cook frogs that were brought to our studio, or a snail, I was horrified. All the experiences and fears of childhood awoke.

Despite this, you are among the top five culinary experts. If we could overcome our fear of snails, we could go further.

-You don’t communicate at all?

I call her and congratulate her on the holidays, but she doesn’t, even on her grandchildren’s birthdays. This hurts me. Yes, I have a family - husband, children, mother-in-law. But my mother should be the closest person, even if she abandoned me as a child...

They said that because you had to take care of your younger brothers and sister, you didn’t even finish school...

I didn't study very well, that's true. But I made it through nine classes. My sister and I were bullied a lot by our classmates at school because we didn’t have notebooks, books, or pens. We just couldn't buy them. At the age of 15, I went with my 30-year-old neighbor to load grain at night. It was necessary to fill two KamAZ trucks, 15 tons each. For one car, the loader received 15 hryvnia. I downloaded one, but couldn’t download the second. I came home at two o'clock in the morning...

Mom drank heavily. She could disappear from home for several months, leaving us alone. She was not deprived of parental rights, so we were not taken to a boarding school. Frankly, I even wanted this. After all, there you wouldn’t have to think about where to get food for yourself and your younger sister and two brothers. When my mother left us the first time, one was still a preschooler, the other a first-grader. We also have an older sister, but my mother kicked her out of the house at the age of 13. Seeing that we were left on our own, my sister cried terribly. I told her that we had no food for a week, we went into the woods and looked for honey mushrooms under the snow. We were hungry... Neighbors sometimes told us that we were stealing. But I never allowed either myself or my younger ones to take what belonged to others. She asked her sister to take the boys to their father, who lived in a neighboring village. My sisters and I don’t know anything about our father... In general, the car in which my sister, Sergei and Andrey were traveling was involved in an accident. For several days I didn’t know who was hurt or if everyone was alive. Horror! Then the sister returned and said: the car turned over eight times, but everyone remained safe.

- What is your relationship with your sisters and brothers now?

My younger sister now also lives in Zaporozhye, not far from me. She and I are very close. But I haven’t seen my brothers for many years. I called up the elder, topped up his phone account, and handed over packages. Sergei is now 20 years old. Recently he got into strange story, he was arrested. But there are witnesses, evidence that he is not guilty. When I started to find out what was what, it turned out that my brother was not in any pre-trial detention center or in any prison. We don't know what's wrong with him. I hope to get on the “Battle of Psychics” program so that these people can tell me whether Seryozha is alive and where to look for him. I really want to bring the whole family together.

“My husband recognizes my dish from hundreds of other similar ones”

In one of the competitions, when relatives of project participants had to guess what was in store for them close person, your husband said: “I would recognize Ivanna’s pilaf in a million.” And I was not mistaken. What else will he determine accurately?

Borsch, chicken wings with red sauce, and all my desserts. I am one hundred percent sure of this. My mother-in-law also cooks at home, but I constantly change something in the recipe, add new things, so both my husband and friends always find out what exactly I cooked. These flavor notes are probably what you can guess. My children are very picky: I want this, I don’t want that... They prefer baked goods and desserts. Together with them we make homemade “Barney”. I am preparing a butter sponge cake with condensed milk and custard. Just don’t make it exclusively with yolks - it’s not tasty. Use a whole egg. You can also add a little mascarpone cheese to the cream. I pour half of the dough into special bear molds, then squeeze out the custard with mascarpone from a pastry bag, and the second half of the dough on top. I add cocoa to part of the dough and from this chocolate dough I squeeze out ears, noses, and mouths for the bears. No matter how many Barneys we bake, everything gets eaten.

- When did you start cooking?

At the age of 17, she got a job as a cleaner and dishwasher in a cafe in the village where she lived. But at the same time she watched how the chefs cooked and helped them. Once I baked Easter cakes. I made more than a hundred of them in different sizes and... sold them. I liked the result. Soon I moved to Zaporozhye. There I found work as a waitress, helping the cooks whenever possible. When I baked something and brought it in to try, I was praised.

- Who initiated your participation in “MasterChef”?

When they were recruiting for the first season, I was pregnant, so I didn’t even try to get on the show. I just watched it on TV. I filled out the application form for the second season after receiving my mother-in-law’s approval. Youngest son I was only one year old then. My mother-in-law said that she would look after the children, and I should try my hand.

- Going to the show, did you dream of winning?

At that time, I knew almost nothing to cook except desserts. I could bake a “Napoleon” or some kind of cake according to a recipe, but nothing more. I really wanted to learn everything. And also - change your life. After the bullying I suffered as a child, I wanted to prove to everyone: I CAN. To be honest, I wasn’t sure that they would take me on the show. But then the TV channel called and invited me to a casting in Kyiv. I was so confused then that I didn’t even understand whether I needed to take food with me to cook there, or whether I needed to bring the dish... I thought for a long time about what to choose for the casting, I scoured the entire Internet. I began to study in detail the recipes for Fondan and Brownie cakes. I decided to combine them and add mascarpone cheese, which I knew nothing about at the time. I put all the ingredients by eye, without following the recipe. I couldn’t believe that these desserts needed so little flour - only 20 grams! I filled everything with flour - and the dough didn’t fit. Only after several attempts I got the desired result. We had a bad time with money back then. To go to Kyiv, they borrowed money from whomever they could. And my “training” at home was not cheap - I had to buy high-quality chocolate and mascarpone. But everyone at home was supportive and understood how important this was for me.

*“I was offered a job in a French restaurant in Kyiv, but I refused,” says Ivanna

“Right on the street I asked people: “Let me into your kitchen, borrow your stove for an hour.”

In general, I went to Kyiv for the casting with a suitcase full of products,” continues Ivanna. - Hundreds of people gathered at the appointed place, discussing who had brought what. It turns out that you had to come with already ready-made dish. The organizers suggested to me: “Let’s just record an interview with you, and then we’ll see.” I refused: “No, no, I don’t want that. There are no easy ways." And she left. I think: “What should I do, go back home? With the same products, the same debts, the same life? And miss your chance? I stood there for about twenty minutes and decided: I’ll go ask people - maybe someone will let me into my kitchen? As they say, demand does not hit the nose. At first I went to cafes, supermarkets - where there was a stove. Did not work out. Then I walked along the entrances. I dialed numbers on intercoms, asked people coming out of the door if it was possible to come to them, and explained everything to them. I didn’t hear anything in response!

- What did you say: “Let me into your kitchen - I need to prepare a dish for the casting of the MasterChef show?”

Yes exactly. To be honest, if they approached me with such a request, I wouldn’t let anyone in either. As a result, I found myself near a supermarket and asked passers-by: “Lend me your stove for an hour!” I will cry!" But no one reacted. A time is running. I'm almost crying already. In general, I clung to a man who was standing nearby, literally begging him to let me into his kitchen. How embarrassing it was! I had never even asked for a piece of bread in my life, but here... In the end, he took pity on me, and my wife over the phone allowed me to bring “some kind of crazy woman.” Then they even took me to the casting. Good people, we still communicate with them.

I showed my dish to the jury and went to the station to go home. And tickets only cost 500 hryvnia. I don't have that kind of money. The conductors don't want to take you without a ticket. And I just watch how the trains leave for Zaporozhye one after another. It was the worst day of my life. I cursed everything in the world. But I was lucky - literally three minutes before departure last composition a man appeared who handed over the ticket. I gave all the money I had for it and jumped on the already departing train! I sat there for two hours, coming to my senses. My feet were so tired and swollen that I couldn’t take off my boots.

- After such trials, I probably didn’t want any show anymore...

I understood that I had little chance, but I still waited for a call from the TV channel. And, imagine, I missed it when I was busy with the children! It’s good that later they sent out SMS messages: “You have passed the hundred.” I was happy! It turns out that there were 13 thousand applicants! But the judges liked my dish. That's when I had an incredible desire to participate in the show! And everything was cool and cool until I fell into potatoes. It seemed like a ton had to be peeled and cut into strips. I still can't look at her.

- After the project you became a chef?

I was offered a job in a French restaurant in Kyiv, but I refused. The fact is that we cannot yet rent an apartment in the capital as a family, otherwise we will have to pay all our earnings for housing and a nanny. In addition, Pavel Sipatin, a participant in the first season, suggested to me interesting work in Zaporozhye. The owner of the restaurant at first wanted to name the new establishment very funny - “Pepper-German-sausage”. As a result, “Fed Wolf” opened. We already have regular customers. There is a store attached to the restaurant, where we immediately prepare the dish chosen by the visitor for takeaway.

- Will they recognize you?

Often. Sometimes I hear: “Oh! Are you alive?!” It turns out that even men watch MasterChef. Honestly, I still don't believe that all this happened to me. I participated in the show, I was recognized as a chef... I haven’t succeeded in everything yet, but this is due to my uncertainty and lack of knowledge.

- It’s hard to believe that you learned to cook right during the project...

But it is so. When I came to the show, I didn’t know how to do a lot. At home I cooked everything very simple. She called her dishes “Kolgosp Chervone dishlo”. You know, when I wanted to cook something new, I had nowhere to read the recipe, no one to ask. I remember my first soup. IN cold water I gave up pasta, and then potatoes, meat... Both by participating in the show and by reaching almost the final, I proved a lot, first of all, to myself. I also think that those who once laughed at me now regret it.

During our conversation, you never once uttered the word “kick”, which became your “ business card"during the project.

And at work they are surprised that I don’t pronounce it,” Ivanna laughs. - I don’t swear at all. And I myself can’t understand how it happened that I regularly used it on the show. Apparently due to emotional stress. Believe me, this is not my favorite word.