What where when school questions. Intellectual game "What? Where? When? Why?" for primary school students

Game "What? Where? When?" for schoolchildren. Scenario

Intellectual Championship of the game “What? Where? When?" for schoolchildren.

Melnikova Tatyana Vladimirovna, teacher - organizer of the MBOU DOD "Palace of Children's Creativity", Zlatoust, Chelyabinsk region.
Material Description: The material will be of interest to teachers, deputy directors for educational work, organizers of extracurricular activities. The game includes a series of intellectual competitions. One of the tours of the intellectual game is presented.
Target: creation of a single intellectual space that allows popularizing the forms of youth intellectual leisure, identifying intellectual leaders.
To form and develop the intellectual movement of students
Reveal the strongest youth teams
Develop the competitive qualities of schoolchildren
Conditions for the Championship:
Teams of secondary schools take part in the Championship.
The composition of the team is 6 people, students of grades 6-8.
A team leader supervises the work throughout all stages of the Championship.
Teams are encouraged to have a name, a single uniform and the presence of paraphernalia.
Ways: questions
Decor: multimedia equipment for showing presentations (slides).
Game progress:


Good afternoon We are glad to welcome you to the game "What? Where? When?".
Let me remind you the rules of the Championship game: I read out the question, you are given one minute to discuss. After a minute, you give the answer.
Then I say the correct answer, and the results of the first question are entered into the table. If the team answered the question correctly, they get one point. There are 24 questions in total in the game, after I read half of the questions, in order for you to rest, you have a 5-minute break. After the break, the game resumes again. Remember the rules. Well now hello teams...
Let's welcome the jury.

- ………………
Let me remind you: Each team has its own individual number, which is stored throughout the game, the jury does not know which school has which number, so we get an anonymous game.
Minute readiness
Break a leg.

Questions 1-12
1. In the list of symbolic names, it is located exactly in the middle. However, it is believed that she is leaving life like a captain from a dying ship.
Attention question: Who is she?
Answer: Hope
2. The Greeks said this about an uneducated person: “He can neither write nor .. ... ". Continue the phrase for the ancient Greeks in one word, given that it has nothing to do with literacy, but we are talking about some kind of physical action.
3. In a well-known work, you describe the birth of the main character, her development, her color and become. This work also mentions two seasons, two representatives of the fauna - a rodent and a predator, an elderly man and children. I hope that all of the above is enough to name the main character of this work.
Attention question: Name her.
Answer: Herringbone. Comments: According to the plot of the song "A Christmas tree was born in the forest."
4. According to the custom of the ancient Romans, they drank 8 cups for Octavian's health. For the health of Vespasian - 9.
Attention question: And how many cups were drunk for the health of Seneca?
Answer: 6. Comments: The number of letters in the name.
5. Recently, a new diet has become fashionable in Italy. Its essence is reduced to the use of products in a strictly defined sequence. Start eating, for example, should be with raspberries, tomatoes or salmon. Then, after a short respite, you can stick to bananas, fried potatoes, or a roll with butter. And for dessert - greens, cucumbers or kiwi fruits. By definition, both "white deaths" fall out of this diet - sugar and salt, as well as black caviar and eggplant. If you understand the principle on which this diet is built, you can easily write its name.
Answer:"Traffic light".
6. One day, journalist Yaroslav Golovanov suggested that the Children's Literature publishing house establish a prize that would be awarded to a family in which the father's name is Mikhail Ivanovich, the mother's name is Nastasya Petrovna, and their son is Mikhail Mikhailovich. According to Golovanov, this prize should have a name that you know well.
Attention question: Which one?
Answer:"Three Bears"..
7. In Ancient Rus', silver bars served as money - they were called grivnas. If the thing cost less than the whole bar, then cut off half. Also money!
Attention question: What was the name of the severed part of the silver bar?
Answer: This part of the silver bar was called the ruble. Hence the name of the monetary unit - the ruble.
8. During the First World War, newspapers reported an interesting incident that happened to a French pilot. He was flying on an airplane at an altitude of about 2 km and suddenly saw that some object was moving near him. When the pilot grabbed it with a glove, he was very surprised.
Attention question: What was it?
Answer: Bullet.
9. Try to continue the Arabic wisdom: "The brave is tested by war, the sage is anger ...".
Attention question: And what does a friend experience?
Answer: Need.
10. A certain Ananda Tour, at the age of 6, took her peers hostage and put forward demands: 100 kg of sweets and cartoons on TV. According to her, she decided on such an act due to the fact that her grandfather read her some well-known book.
Attention question: What?
Answer: Guinness Book of Records. She wanted to get there as the youngest terrorist.
11. According to one of the African legends, the first man descended to earth from the sky.
Attention question: And what animal (according to the ideas, of course, Africans) helped him in this?
Answer: giraffe
12. A cow and an armchair, a chicken and compasses, a tripod and a piano.
Mindful question: What do each couple have in common?
Answer: number of legs.
Teams during the game:

Five-minute break, musical composition.
Questions from 13-24
13. This list was compiled in the first century BC and has remained unchanged to this day, although hundreds of attempts have been made to change this list.
Attention question: What are we talking about?
Clue: list of seven items
Answer: Seven Wonders of the World
14. Continue the Japanese wisdom: give birth to the body, but not ... What?
Answer:... character.
15. Once at the front in the women's air unit, it was decided to arrange an amateur concert. The program turned out to be so large and varied that one of the girls wanted to be IM, because, according to her, such a category of people is also necessary.
Attention question: Name HIM.
Answer: viewer
16. Indonesia is located on the islands of the Indian Ocean and they say about it: “Here if it rains, then it rains, if the tree is so giant, if the butterfly is like a bird, and if the house is like ...”
Attention question: And on what?
Answer:...on stilts A comment: for when the time of the Great Rains comes, there is water everywhere, and it is dry in the houses, for the stilts raise them high above the ground.
17. What did the famous ancient Greek philosopher Socrates call the best seasoning for food?
Answer: hunger.
18. In the 15th century, there were not uncommon court documents in which there was absolutely no THEM in connection with the desire to avoid false interpretations. Reproduce in the answer a textbook example where IT can be put both there and there.
Answer: Execution cannot be pardoned (this is a comma).
19. One of the famous feats of Hercules is the cleaning of the Augean stables.
Attention question: Can you name, to at least an order of magnitude, how many horses they had?
Answer: Not a single one (there were only bulls in the barnyard of King Avgiy).
20. During a drought, Bulgarians ask THEM for rain. And in Poland, parents teach their children: "Don't kill HER - maybe it's your late GRANDMA".
Attention question: Who are the Poles talking about?
Answer: About a butterfly.
21. This was invented by men three thousand years ago in the hot deserts of the East. In medieval Europe, where the first Christian preachers brought this, women were also not allowed to do this. Many knights were engaged in this, and it was possible to get into the closed guild of professionals only after six years of study and the strictest exam. Times are changing: men have long forgotten about this and consider it entirely a female prerogative.
Attention question: What it is?
Answer: Knitting.
22. It's no secret that submariners experience sensory hunger during long trips. They say that after returning to the shore, they are ordered to forbid watching IT in order to protect their monetary allowance from a quick waste. And the newspaper "Drug dlya druga" reports that the authorities of Kursk recognized the elevator cabin as "an effective platform for THIS."
Attention question: What is this?
Answer: Advertising.

Intellectual game "What? Where? When? Why?"

Goals: deepening students' knowledge, developing attention and logical thinking;

skill to work in team.

Equipment: 2 tables for opposing teams, card.

Leading. Good afternoon, dear participants of the game. Good afternoon, dear guests.

Today we are playing our game “What? Where? When? Why?" I present to you the teams of participants: this is the "Why" team and the "Clever and Smart" team.

Our participants will be judged by the jury members (performance).

We wish everyone good luck. Spectators, your applause will be the best support for the participants.


Questions to the teams in turn. The jury awards 1 point for each correct answer.

1 task.

Which hero of A. Tolstoy sold the alphabet and bought a ticket to the puppet theater? (Pinocchio)

Who did the 11 brothers-princes from the fairy tale of H. H. Andersen turn into? (In swans)

What hero of R. Kipling grew up in a pack of wolves? (Mowgli)

Who did the ugly duckling from the fairy tale by G.-Kh. Andersen? (Into the swan)

2 task. Say a word - name the most famous literary heroes.

Questions for the 1st team.

Baba- ... (Yaga).

Fly Tsokotukha).

Turtle... (Tortilla).

Bee... (May).

Owl... (Bumba).

Brer Rabbit).

Sivka- ... (Burka).

Questions for the 2nd team

Hen- ... (Ryaba).

Crocodile Gena).

Brownie ... (Kuzya).

Postman Pechkin).

Little Red Riding Hood).

Koschei the Deathless).

Old man... (Hottabych).

3exercise. Find a rhyme and name the work and the author.

Instead of a hat on the go, he put on ... (frying pan). (S. Ya. Marshak. “A scattered man.”)

Here is the wise man before Dadon

Got up and took out of the bag

Golden ... (cockerel).

(A.S. Pushkin. "The Tale of the Golden Cockerel".)

You have wax on your neck

Under your nose... (blot).

(K. I. Chukovsky. "Moydodyr".)

The fly went to the market

And I bought ... (samovar).

(K. I. Chukovsky. “Fly-Tsokotuha”.)


Will a snowman melt if you put a fur coat on her? (No)

In front of which person is the hat always removed? (In front of the hairdresser.)

Which city is the most angry? (G. Grozny)

What is the name of the baby chicken? (Chick)

How can you carry water in a sieve? (To freeze)

Home for money? (Wallet)

Why do ducks swim? (From the shore)

Why do planes fly? (Across the sky)


My grandmother lived with her grandson Fedor, the dog Sharik, the cat Vaska. How many grandchildren does grandmother have? (One)

There are 8 branches on a birch, each branch has 5 knots. Each knot has 2 apples. How many apples are there? (Not a single one - apples do not grow on a birch.)

A wheel rolls on the table - it is multi-colored. One corner is red, the other is green, and the third is blue. What color will the next corner be when it rolls to the edge of the table? (None. The wheel has no corners.)

What will happen to the crow in 3 years? (She will be in her fourth year.)

If you eat 1 plum, what is left? (Bone)

Many are people, but one? (Human)



Team captains participate in the competition. The host asks them questions. The task of the captain is to give the correct answer faster than his opponent. For each correct answer 1 point is awarded.

Southern tree? (Palm)

Small winter bird? (Sparrow)

bird house? (Nest)

Bird's nose? (Beak)

River crossing? (Bridge)

Insect that gives honey? (Bee)

Where do vegetables grow? (Garden)

Home for a horse? (Stable)

Strong wind with snow? (Blizzard)

Poison mushrooms? (Toadstools, fly agaric)

What is sunflower oil made from? (From sunflower seeds.)

Dry grass? (Hay)

What is left after burning wood? (Coal)

Car house? (Garage)

The person who lives nearby? (Neighbour)

Underground railroad? (Metro)

What is the name of Santa Claus' granddaughter? (Snow Maiden)

What is another name for Santa Claus? (Santa Claus)

organ of vision? (Eyes)

They hide under the nails. (Germs)

The smallest finger? (Little finger)

Homemade Santa Claus? (Fridge)

V round - CONTEST"GUESS-KA" (proverbs and sayings)

1. What kind of pancake usually turns out lumpy? (first)

2. What bird always praises its swamp? (sandpiper)

3. What can't be left out of a song? (words)

4. Without which there is no smoke? (no fire)

5. What should be forged while it is hot? (iron)

6. Who is the business afraid of? (masters)

7. What, according to the proverb, flies when the forest is cut down? (slivers)

9. What gift is not looked in the mouth? (horse)

10. Do not have 100 rubles, but have 100 ... (friends)

12. Do not judge by words, but by what? (on business)

13. What was torn off at the bazaar to the curious Varvara? (nose)

14. What fruit falls close to its tree? (apple)

15. When does appetite come? (while eating)

16. What can't you hide in a bag? (awl)


1. What musical instrument did Gena the crocodile play? (harmonic)

2. Who sang the song "I left my grandmother, I left my grandfather?" (kolobok)

3. How many notes are in the stave? (7)

4. What note is put in the soup? (salt)

5. What note can be a preposition? (before)

6. How many lines does a stave consist of? (5)

7. Which composer wrote his best works while being deaf? (Beethoven)

8. What is the name of the ensemble of four musicians? (quartet)

9. A group that has the same name as the part of the plant ("Roots")

10. Which instrument has both strings and a pedal?

What is this? Undoubtedly, this is our glorious ... (piano)

11. Who manages the orchestra? (conductor)

12. What kind of music do soldiers march to? (march)

13. Will strum us, guess what, jolly ... (balalaika)

14. What did the cat Matroskin from Prostokvashino play on? (On guitar)


Here is a text that contains errors. You need to find and correct all errors in 5 minutes.


I went to the forest daroshka in the village. The area was familiar to me. In the depths of the forest, the call of a malinafka was heard. At the apushka, white daisies flashed on high legs. A herd grazed near the river

Corrected (for the jury):

I walked along the forest path to the village. The area was familiar to me. In the depths of the forest, the voice of a robin was heard. At the edge of the forest flashed white daisies on a high stem. A clearing stretched from the edge of the village to the village, beyond the clearing a river turned blue. A herd was grazing near the river. (25 fixes)


Our game has come to an end.

We have all worked hard.

It's time to sum up

It's not a sin for the team to reward!

Teams are being awarded.

Intellectual game "What? Where? When?" for students in grades 5-6. Scenario

The development is intended for a class hour or extracurricular activities in grades 5-6. It may not be timed to a specific period of study, since the questions are collected based on the general erudition and ingenuity of children of this age.
The favorite pastime of children is play. after learning, this is the leading activity in which the development of social communication skills, the emotional environment of the child takes place. and if the game is educational, then this is a real opportunity to grow intellectually.
In extracurricular activities, the main place among cognitive games belongs to quizzes, in which two points are important: form and content.
Participation in a regular quiz does not always cause great enthusiasm among students. And for the game with the presentation of prizes, musical pauses, children will prepare in advance.
The second important point is the interesting content of the questions. The question can be built according to a simple scheme, for example, "What is the name of one of the major rivers of the European part of Russia?" But it is much more interesting to look for an answer to a differently posed question: "Name the river, the name of which is a note and a consonant letter" (Don River)
In this development, more questions are given than were used in the game. Those interested can add their own questions. A slightly different organization of the game compared to the usual "What? Where? When?": not 1 team of Experts plays, but teams of all classes, sitting in turn at the game table, on which questions are laid out in envelopes.

Target: develop students' cognitive abilities, interest in learning
the surrounding world.
creation of conditions for the manifestation of abilities, intellectual skills of students;
development of such qualities as the ability to listen to another person, work in a group.

Questions for an intellectual game

1. This lake is the pearl of Siberia. Pure water, impenetrable taiga along the coast, nowhere else found species of fish. And yet - it is the deepest on Earth! What is this lake?
(Lake Baikal)
2. "For the strong, the weak is always to blame." What story are these lines from? Who is their author?
(Krylov's fable "The Wolf and the Lamb")
3. What happens if you mix completely opaque sand, the same opaque soda and other opaque materials?
(Glass components listed)

4. Man learned to cultivate this vine in his gardens. She gives him sweet tasty berries of more than twenty-five thousand varieties. What is this liana?
5. “I am a tree, but absolutely without leaves, very hard, and the color is not green, but black. For you people, I am warm, light. What's my name?
6. This sea is not a sea, but the “marine” Marmara or Aegean Seas would envy its size. For a precise definition, we will say that not only salt is extracted from it, but also oil.
(Caspian sea-lake)
7. “I am energy, and plastic, and fabric, and cosmetics, and medicine, and even fat. Say my name."
8. When rays of sunlight pass through the air, we see them as white light. What color will the rays of the sun be if raindrops meet on their way?
(Get a rainbow: seven colors)
9. This plant is warm and moisture-loving. And so much so that it grows only in water. It is very beneficial for cultivation, as in a warm climate it “yields” three times a year. They feed half of humanity.
10. These travelers move only on the ocean, there are especially many of them in the Southern Hemisphere. But a meeting with them is undesirable for ships. What are these mysterious strangers?
11. This material is truly priceless. They drink, eat, make houses, works of art, jewelry from it. Ancient books were "written" on it. What is this well-known material?
12. On it are cities and countries, animals and plants, famous people and great events. Without it, there is no correspondence. For some, it is a passion. What is this mysterious stranger?
(Postage Stamp)
13. These outstanding architectural monuments amaze with their size and grandeur, especially since they were created more than two and a half thousand years before our era. The height of the largest of them is one hundred and fifty meters, and one hundred thousand people built it. What is this "wonder of the world"?
(Egyptian pyramids)
14. Translated from Italian, this word means “fresh”, “raw”; it is very closely related to the colors and walls of the room. What it is?
15. This was first made from plant fibers in China, then from the compressed core of a marsh plant. In the 10th century in Europe, it appeared from boiled and ground rags, tree roots, bamboo chips. It was also made from straw, rye, wheat, oats, nettles, algae, reeds, etc. Now it is cartographic, lithographic, documentary. But the production of this has put mankind before a serious environmental problem.
16. Previously, it meant a light temporary building, usually used for trade at fairs. Then it is a folk theater, a spectacle of a comic nature. What is this word?
17. Many of you have listened to the musical fairy tale "Peter and the Wolf". And who is its author?
18. In ancient times, Japanese children stuck goose feathers into a small strong apple and played with them with the help of a simple device. In a minute, you must name the game that this unripe apple started.
19. Name the river whose name is made up of a note and a consonant letter.
20. Name a river named after a famous female name.
21. "The secret always becomes clear" - such a serious conclusion and suddenly - semolina! In what work are they linked together?
("Deniska's stories" by V. Dragunsky)
Summarizing. Prize giving.

Purpose of the game: development of cognitive and creative abilities, sharpness of thinking and observation, enrichment and development of students' speech; development of intelligence; development of skills of collective (team work).

Equipment: laptop (computer), multimedia projector, screen, table with a spinning top and question numbers arranged in a circle, black box, compass, microprocessor, cereals (buckwheat, semolina, millet), rope.

Rules of the game: there are 6 players in the team, the number of teams is unlimited, the teams sit at the game table in the order of the draw, the team ends the game after three rounds. The results of the game are determined by the results of correct answers.

Game progress: the ticket number that has fallen to the team is selected on the slide (the transition to the question is carried out by clicking on the ticket number, after the team answers, you must return to the slide with questions using the back button). Some slides have a speaker icon to start the melody.



Intellectual game "What? Where? When?"

The selection of questions and the preparation of the presentation were performed by a mathematics teacher

Sergeeva Olga Anatolievna

Purpose of the game: development of cognitive and creative abilities, sharpness of thinking and observation, enrichment and development of students' speech; development of intelligence; development of skills of collective (team work).

Equipment: laptop (computer), multimedia projector, screen, table with a spinning top and question numbers arranged in a circle, black box, compass, microprocessor, cereals (buckwheat, semolina, millet), rope.

Rules of the game: there are 6 players in the team, the number of teams is unlimited, the teams sit at the game table in the order of the draw, the team ends the game after three rounds. The results of the game are determined by the results of correct answers.

Game progress: the ticket number dropped by the team is selected on the slide (the transition to the question is carried out by clicking on the ticket number, after the team answers, you must return to the slide with questions using the back button

"Hello dear guests!" (MUSIC)

We are glad to welcome you to our elite club “What? Where? When?"!

Today, a team of teachers is playing against teams of experts.

Dear club members and spectators!

During the game, you must carefully follow the discussion and at the end choose the best player.

Our experts are invited to the club! (MUSIC)

And now I will introduce you to the rules of the game!

You see a game circle on the table that contains questions on 5 subjects.

– geography

– biology

– physics

  • informatics
  • literature

Connoisseurs must answer 18 questions. For each correct answer they are given 1 point.

18 question - BLITZ. There are 4 questions in this envelope that experts should quickly answer. If they do not answer at least one question, a point is awarded to the team of teachers.

Experts can take the help of spectators once during the game.

So let's start the game!

Questions of the game

1.BLACK BOX. Question from Leonid Nikolaevich. The black box contains a device that became known in Europe in the 12th century. It was believed that it was invented by the Chinese 4500 years ago. Now this version is recognized as erroneous. The basis of the device is a magnetic needle. ( compass)

2 . Question asked by Leonid Nikolaevich. Africans call this mountain "Mountain of the deity of cold." Name it if the coordinates of the mountain are 3 0 S and 38 0 east. (Kilimanjaro)

3 . Leonid Nikolaevich is playing with you. This region of Russia does not border on other regions and is separated from Russia by a distance of several hundred kilometers. Name the area.(Kaliningrad region)

4. Question from Lyubov Alexandrovna.He has a long beard, he is very angry, but this is not Karabas-Barabas. “In his wonderful beard lies a fatal force, and, despising everything in the world, as long as the beard is intact, the traitor is not afraid of evil,” Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin wrote about him. So who is this and from what fairy tale?

(Chernomor, Ruslan and Lyudmila.)

5 . Riddle from Oksana Anatolyevna.I am water, and I swim on water.(Ice)

6. Oksana Anatolyevna is playing with you. Decipher the word for a physical phenomenon:


7 . After rains on the ground, earthworms appear on the sidewalks. How can this be explained?(Earthworms don't get enough air)

8 . BLACK BOX. Question from Anastasia Nikolaevna.In the black box are samples of cereals. Name these cereals if 1 wow obtained from buckwheat, 2 th from wheat, 3rd from millet. (buckwheat, semolina, millet)

9. Asked by Anastasia Nikolaevna. This animal is black and orange, tailed, similar to a lizard, but not a reptile. In spring, it lives in the water, but not a frog. What is it called?(Triton)

10 . BLACK BOX. Question from Olga Anatolyevna.A person has it, and a computer also has it and needs it to process information.

What's in the black box?(Brain, microprocessor)

11 .

How many digits are in the binary number system for the number 13?(4)

12 . The question is asked by Olga Anatolyevna.Once upon a time there were two figures: CIRCLE AND SQUARE. There were 3 houses on their street: one house had a window and a chimney, another one had a window but no chimney, and the third one had a chimney but no window. Each figure lived in its own house. CIRCLE AND SQUARE lived in houses with windows. KVADRAT loved warmth and often stoked the stove.

Who lived in what house? (The square lived in the first house, the Circle in the second)

13 . Black box: Question from Svetlana Vyacheslavovna.With the help of this item, the hero of Pushkin's fairy tale was able to get a debt. What is in the black box?

(Veryovka, "The Tale of the Priest and his worker Balda.")

14 . The Eskimos believe that it is liquid, light, heavy, fragile, shiny, and there are more than two hundred types of it. What is it about?(Snow.)

15 . The question is asked by Anastasia Nikolaevna.Those who have had a chance to get to know them closely say that each of them is "two tons of bad character." Who are they?(Rhinos)

16 . Olga Anatolyevna asks.The invention of Blaise Pascal in 1642 greatly facilitated the work of his father, the royal quartermaster of Normandy. In 1673, the invention of Leibniz made it possible to perform all operations. Both scientists could easily do without the help of their inventions, which cannot be said about 80% of schoolchildren who, according to tests conducted by the Russian Ministry of Education, would not be able to perform a single operation without modern versions of the invention of the 17th century. What is the name of the invention of Pascal and Leibniz?(Arithmometer.)

17 . Question from Oksana Anatolyevna.Known for surviving the winter cold near warm springs, baby Japanese macaques love to do the same things that human children often do in winter. What?(playing snowballs)

18. Blitz Tournament

1) Name the highest continent. ( Antarctica)

2) How many legs does a grasshopper have?(6)

3) Which device requires 101 buttons to work?(Keyboard)

4) What is a molecule? (smallest particle of matter)

Thanks to the experts for an interesting game! See you soon! (MUSIC)


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(7th-9th grades)

Rules of the game

Questions for the game

Assorted questions.

Questions and questions:

Questions from the field of history:

1. Explain the meaning of the words:

  • veche (people's assembly);
  • magi (priests);


How the prophetic Oleg is now going

Vsevolod the Big Nest.)


(7th-9th grades)

Several teams of 6 people can take part.
Teams choose a captain and come up with a name. The game is played in a large room, on the walls of which are hung
posters with the name of the game, colorfully designed images of question marks, drawings of an owl, etc.

On the stage there is a table for the presenter. Behind the leader's place is a scoreboard for displaying the score of the game. During the game, all teams
are sitting in the hall. Each team at a separate table. Teams should familiarize themselves with the rules of the game, the host reminds them.

Rules of the game

The facilitator reads the question and gives one minute for discussion to all teams. After a minute, a sound signal sounds, after which, within 20 seconds, the teams must submit their answers in writing to the moderator. After 20 seconds, a second beep sounds, after which responses from commands are no longer accepted. The facilitator quickly looks through the sheets with the answers of the teams and reads out, without naming the teams, the “original answers”.
Then he pronounces the correct answer, and the results of the first question are recorded on the scoreboard.
If the question is answered correctly, the team receives one point.
Question rating is written in parentheses - the number of teams that did not answer the question. The game continues, the next question is asked.
After passing half of the game, a musical pause is organized to relieve and relieve tension. It can be some number performed by the guys. After a musical pause, the game resumes. The team that won the game (which scored more points) is awarded with commemorative medals of the winners, nominal diplomas of the champions of the game “What? Where? When? ”, As well as prizes.

If two teams have the same number of points, the total rating of all questions is taken into account to determine the winner.
Whichever team has the most wins the game.

Questions for the game

Assorted questions.

1. Name the star closest to the earth. (Sun.)

2. Name the largest stringed plucked musical instrument. (Harp.)

3. Name the very first female astronaut. (V.N. Nikolaeva-Tereshkova.)

4. What is the highest mountain on our planet. (Chomolungma or Everest, 8848 m.)

5. Name the most important book of Muslims. (Koran.)

6. Name the smallest bird. (Hummingbird, less than 2 grams.)

7. What is the most common tree in Russia. (Larch. It makes up 45% of forests.)

8. Name the largest berry. (Watermelon.)

9. What is the most common name on the pages of the works of Kir Bulychev. (Alice.)

10. Name the smallest unit of money in the USA. (Cent.)

11. What is the name of the highest ocean wave? (Tsunami.)

12. Name the most popular vehicle in East Asia. (Bike.)

13. Name the most common drink to quench your thirst. (Water.)

14. Name the largest island on the planet. (Greenland.)

15. Name the most frequently published book in the world. (Bible.)

16. Name the most common footwear in Russia in the 18th century. (bast shoes.)

17. What is the most fun circus profession. (Clown.)

18. Name the most popular flower in Holland. (Tulip.)

Questions from the field of literature.

1. Beauty is life. (N.G. Chernyshevsky. This formula is given in the dissertation “Aesthetic Relations of Art to Activity.)

2. You may not be a poet, but you must be a citizen. (N.A. Nekrasov. "The Poet and the Citizen".)

3. Born to crawl cannot fly. (M. Gorky. "Song of the Falcon".)

4. Man - it sounds proud! (M. Gorky. "At the bottom".)

5. I want a pen to be equated with a bayonet. (V.V. Mayakovsky. "Home".)

6. No one will embrace the immensity. (Aphorism from "The Fruits of Thoughts" by Kozma Prutkov.)

7. You are heavy, Monomakh's hat. (From the tragedy of A.S. Pushkin "Boris Godunov".)

8. Signed, so off your shoulders. (From Griboyedov's comedy "Woe from Wit".)

9. Look at the root! (Aphorism by Kozma Prutkov.)

10. There is a Russian spirit, there smells of Russia. (A.S. Pushkin. "Ruslan and Lyudmila".)

Questions and questions:

1. Which of the Russian poets was hanged by order of the tsar? (K. Ryleev.)

2. Name 11 operas and ballets based on the plots of A.S. Pushkin. ("Eugene Onegin", "The Queen of Spades", "Aleko", "Mazepa",
"Ruslan and Lyudmila", "Dubrovsky", "Mozart and Salieri", "Boris Godunov", "The Fountain of Bakhchisaray", "The Golden Cockerel", "The Bronze Horseman".)

3. The name of which work of a famous Russian writer is an adverb? (“On the Eve” by I.S. Turgenev.)

4. What novel by a famous Russian writer begins with words in French? (“War and Peace” by L.N. Tolstoy.)

5. What sailor, who never sailed, is mentioned in one of the novels by I.S. Turgenev? ("Cat Sailor" in "The Nest of Nobles".)

6. What is the name of Timur from A. Gaidar's story "Timur and his team." (Garaev.)

7. Which of the Russian writers spoke eight foreign languages? (Griboyedov. He was a diplomat - Latin, English, French, Arabic, Italian, Persian, Greek, German.)

8. Which of the writers wrote epigraphs for which works: “Take care of honor from a young age”, “There is nothing to blame on the mirror if the face is crooked”?
(A. S. Pushkin to the story "The Captain's Daughter". Gogol's epigraph to the comedy "The Government Inspector".)

9. Which of the Russian writers skated at the age of 70, was fond of cycling at the age of 75, traveled fast at the age of 82
astride a horse? (L.N. Tolstoy.)

10. What is the name of the work on which M.Yu. Lermontov worked for 12 years? ("Demon", in 1829-1841)

11. Which of the Russian writers took part in the defense of Sevastopol, and what work was written by him under the impression of this
events? (L.N. Tolstoy. "Sevastopol stories".)

12. Which Russian artist redeemed the great Ukrainian poet from captivity? (K. Bryullov bought out T. Shevchenko.)

13. What literary works formed the basis of the paintings:

a) "Mermaid" by Kramskoy ("May Night". N.V. Gogol);
b) "The Cossacks" by Repin ("Taras Bulba" by N.V. Gogol);
c) “Barge haulers on the Volga” by Repin (“On the Volga” by N. Nekrasov);
d) “Rest after the battle” by Neprintsev (“Vasily Terkin” by A. Tvardovsky)

14. What work did A.S. Pushkin after studying the greatest work of ancient Russian literature "The Tale of Igor's Campaign"? ("Ruslan and Ludmila".)

15. Whose words are these: "There is still gunpowder in the flasks." (Taras Bulba from N.V. Gogol's story "Taras Bulba".)

Questions from the field of history:

1. Explain the meaning of the words:

  • veche (people's assembly);
  • polyudye (collection of tribute by the prince from the territories subject to him);
  • magi (priests);
  • wrote (stick with a sharp end for writing on birch bark).

2. What temple was the prototype of St. Sophia of Kyiv? (Sophia Cathedral in Constantinople.)

3. Name at least 3 tribes of the Eastern Slavs. (For example: kivichi, vyatichi, radimichi, glade.)

4. About whom the Russian chronicler wrote: “Easily and inaudibly he walked on campaigns, like a leopard. He did not carry a tent with him, but slept with his saddle under his head. In battle, he was open and bold”? (Prince Svyatoslav.)

5. What does Monomakh's hat have to do with Vladimir Monomakh? (According to legend, the Byzantine emperor Constantine Monomakh gave it to his grandson Vladimir. From the point of view of historians: the hat has nothing to do with Vladimir, because it appeared in Rus' much later under the Mongols-Tatars.)

6. Explain the meaning of what is happening on figure. (By order of Vladimir, on the day of the baptism of the people of Kiev, all pagan idols were thrown into the Dnieper River, this caused horror and fear among the population, a desire to save their gods and the old faith.)

7. A.S. Pushkin has these words:
How the prophetic Oleg is now going
Take revenge on the unreasonable Khazars...
What does history say about this? Did Oleg take revenge on the Khazars, or did another prince do it? (Prince Svyatoslav defeated the Khazars.)

8. Is it true that the poem "The Tale of Igor's Campaign" is dedicated to Igor, the son of Rurik? (No. It was written later, in the 12th century, Igor here is a brother
Vsevolod the Big Nest.)

9. Chronicles conveyed to us the image of Prince Andrei Bogolyubsky as a proud and arrogant man. Explain if only character traits
prince forced him to look down on everyone? (As the doctors established from the remains of Andrei Bogolyubsky, 3 cervical vertebrae had grown together, which made it impossible to tilt his head down, the prince's head was always held high.)

10. X-XII century. Confirm or refute the idea that the Russian people who lived at that time were dark and illiterate. (No. Already under Yaroslav the Wise, schools for boys were opened, and under Vl. Monomakh for girls; numerous birch bark letters from Novgorod, etc.)

Questions from the field of geography:

1. Who made the first trip around the world? (Fernand Magellan.)

2. This point of the Earth is interesting because its geographical coordinates are equal to zero. Where is this point? Find it on the geographic
map. (Atlantic Ocean. Gulf of Guinea.)

3. This city was born from a Roman military settlement, then there was a mighty fortress with its bloody military history. Around it, block after block, new areas piled up - chaotically and unplanned. The city was not built for fun, luxury or entertainment - it was needed here, at the mouth of the river, for trade, for raids on foreign lands. It was the abode of merchants and warriors. Now it is one of the largest cities and ports in the world, in which approximately 14% of the total population of the country is concentrated. Until 1953, in the suburbs of the city, there was an observatory known to the whole world, through which the zero meridian of the Earth passes. Name the city and the famous meridian that passes through it. At the mouth of which river is this city located? (London, Greenwich, Thames.)

4. What is the length of the equator in degrees, kilometers? (360, 4000 km.)

5. Can the geographical latitude be 95 degrees? (No.)

6. What is the length of the arc of the equator in length? (40,075.696 km.)

7. Write down the numerical scale and build a linear one, if named at 1 cm - 5 km (1:500000); in 1 cm - 3500 km (1:350000000), in 1 cm - 100m (1:10000).

8. How can you use contour lines to determine which slope is steeper? (Where the horizontals are closer together, the slope is steeper.)

9. How does relative altitude differ from absolute altitude? (Relative altitude is the height of one point relative to another, absolute altitude is relative to sea level.)

10. What does the term "geography" mean? (Earth description.)

Questions from the field of computer science:

1. What was the original meaning of the word:

  • computer? (The person doing the calculations.)
  • calculator? (Stone (pebble) for counting.)

2. What information processes do you know? (Storage, transmission and processing of information.)

3. Name the first programmer. (Lady Ada Augusta Lovelace, daughter of Lord Byron.)

4. What name did Blaise Pascal give his adding machine? ("Pascalina", 1642)

5. What does jacquard fabric have to do with computer science? (In Jacquard looms, the pattern was set using punched cards.
Charles Babage used this idea to process information using a computer.)

6. What is a chip? (Integrated circuit on a silicon chip.)

7. What diameter can a flexible disk have. (8"" (first floppy disk 1971); 5.25"" (1976); 2"" (1985); 3"" (1982); 3.5" (1987) inches.)

8. How old are the accounts? (2000-5000 years China, Egypt, Greece.)

9. What is a block diagram? (Diagram showing the sequence of the main steps of the program.)

10. What is the difference between a logical error and a syntax error? (Syntax error - typo detected by computer, logical
the error is not noticed by the computer, but leads to incorrect results.)

Questions from the field of physics:

1. There is a book on the table in a moving carriage of a passenger train. The book is at rest or in motion relative to:

a) a table
b) rails,
c) the floor of the wagon,
d) telephone poles.

Answer: At rest.

2. What kind of movement is called uniform?

Answer: Uniform motion is a movement when a body travels the same distances in equal intervals of time.

3. Why is it easier to jump over a moat with a running start?

Answer: When taking off, a person acquires speed and, after taking off from the ground, continues to move by inertia.

4. Why is it dangerous to cross the road in front of nearby traffic?

Answer: The car cannot stop immediately when the brakes are applied, it still moves forward for some time (moves by inertia).

5. Are cold water molecules different from hot water molecules?

Answer: Molecules do not differ, only the speed of their movement differs.

6. Explain why gases can be compressed more than liquids?

Answer: The distances between gas molecules are much greater than the distances between liquid molecules.

7. Why is the fragrance of flowers felt at a distance?

Answer: Due to the phenomenon of diffusion.

8. Why do odors of odorous substances spread quickly in calm air, and a dye (for example, blue) spreads slowly in calm water?

Answer: The diffusion rate in a gas is greater than the diffusion rate in water, because molecules move more freely in gases and the distances between them are greater than in liquids.

9. Molecules of a solid body are in constant motion. Why don't solids disintegrate into individual molecules?

Answer: There are forces of attraction between molecules.

10. Molecules of a substance are attracted to each other. Why are there gaps between them?

Answer: Between molecules at close distances (smaller than the diameter of the molecules), repulsive forces arise.

11. What is the reason for the destruction of buildings during an earthquake?

Answer: The phenomenon of inertia, since the soil, together with the foundation of buildings, begins to move, and the building itself remains at rest.

Questions from the field of art and music.

1. Name the names of famous Russian landscape painters. (Shishkin, Levitan, Kuindzhi, Polenov, Aivazovsky.)

2. In which picture of Russian artists is the sea depicted by one painter, and the man by another? (Pushkin by the Sea by Aivazovsky and Repin.)

3. What are the most famous Wanderers artists you know? (Kramskoy, Perov, Savrasov, Ge, Shishkin, Makovsky, Repin, Surikov,
Vasnetsov, Levitan).

4. What paintings by Russian artists were once removed from the exhibition by the tsar? (“Refusal of Confession” by Repin and “Rural Procession for Easter” by Perov.)

5. Which of the great artists was an anatomist, biologist, astronomer, musician, writer, architect? (Italian Leonardo da Vinci, 16th century.)

6. The whole world knows the cartoons, under which is the signature "Kukryniksy". But it's a pseudonym. Who are the authors of these works? (Soviet artists: Kupriyanov, Krylov, Sokolov.)

7. Which Russian artist devoted his entire creative life to creating one painting? (Ivanov Alexander Andreevich "The Appearance of Christ to the People")

8. What great composer started his concert activity at the age of six? (Mozart.)

9. Which famous Russian composer was a chemist by profession, an academician of the Medical and Surgical Academy? (A.P. Borodin.)

10. What famous Russian composer was a general of the Russian army, a scientist in the field of military engineering, a professor of engineering
academy? (Kui Caesar Antonovich.)

11. The great Russian composer Borodin died before he could finish his opera Prince Igor. Who finished it? (Rimsky-Korsakov and Glazunov.)

12. What famous Russian composer was a participant in the Patriotic War of 1812, and then, on a false denunciation, was arrested and exiled to Siberia? (Alyabiev Alexander Alexandrovich.)

13. What pieces of music are dedicated to the legendary battleship Potemkin? (Opera "Battleship Potemkin", composer
N. Rechmensky.)

14. Based on the excerpt from the song, what is the name of the song (and who are the authors of the lyrics and music)?

What are you, my dear, look askance.
Tilt your head low.
Difficult to say and not to say
Everything that is in my heart.
(“Moscow Evenings”, lyrics by M. Matusovsky. music by V. Solovyov-Sedogo.)

  • From these questions, you can make a quiz game for participants of any age from 5th to 9th grade.