What is better: a diploma holder or a laureate of a competition. Difference between prize-winner and laureate

The competition or just its participants? What is the difference between a laureate? Is there anything similar or different at all? If you also ask these questions, then this article will certainly answer them. I want to explain to you in detail what each of these concepts represents and find out the difference. But let's take things in order.


Laureates and diploma recipients are those participants in a prestigious competition or festival who distinguished themselves with a high level of preparation and were able to impress the strict jury. They are usually encouraged by the organizers, which undoubtedly stimulates their desire for creative growth. Becoming a laureate and diploma holder is not only prestigious, it obliges you to live up to a high status and continue to move towards success, achieving new goals.

Who are the laureates and diploma recipients?

Someone who has won a high-level competition or festival; a person who has received a prestigious award for services to music, dance, sports, science, art or film.

A 1st degree diploma winner is one of the competition participants who won a prize. There are also 2nd and 3rd degree diploma winners who confirm the success of the performance or the high level of performance of the competitive work.


First, let's look at what the laureate is. statuses is associated with long-established award procedures. Everyone knows that only one participant can become the winner. It is he who is the laureate of the competition, receiving a reward, that is, a prize. It is usually approved by the competition committee. The remaining participants are awarded different prizes depending on their place.

Let's delve a little deeper into history to find the meaning of the word "laureate". Translated from Latin language it means "crowned with laurels." IN Ancient Rome heroes, politicians, and athletes were awarded a laurel wreath. This tradition has been preserved in our time, although it has changed. Instead of laurel branches, the winners receive prizes and bonuses for their merits.

Most likely, you know that one of the most prestigious titles in the field of science, culture, and literature is the following: laureate Nobel Prize. Other prizes can be awarded to the winners of various competitions in any field. The participant who takes first place receives a medal or a valuable prize, a cup. Can also become the owner of a diploma in one of the nominations.

Diploma holder

Diploma winners are participants whose merits were noted by the jury or competition organizers as particularly outstanding. All this is noted in the diploma, which is certified by the seal of those who conducted the competition. Each jury member also leaves his signature.

Unlike the laureate, the winner of the competition is not always one person. And a diploma is not only honorary award, but also a kind of evidence of the high level of training, professionalism and talent of the participant. It allows the owner to present his work more to a wide circle connoisseurs.

Main differences

To structure the information given above and consolidate knowledge, let’s note the main differences.

1. Diploma winners are participants in the competition who received an award in the form of a diploma for special distinctions, and the laureate is the winner, awarded a prize or other valuable prize.

2. A diploma holder can be a prize-winner and at the same time take first place. In turn, the laureate is highest degree awards.

3. It is not the winner of the competition who can become a diploma holder, but a laureate - a 100% winner who has special merits in a particular field.

Now you will certainly be able to distinguish these concepts from each other and will not look ridiculous in society, because the difference between them is significant. And in conclusion, I would like to wish you to become both a diploma winner of an important competition and a laureate of some prestigious award! Good luck and new victories!

Are diploma winners the winners of the competition or just its participants? What is the difference between a laureate? Is there anything similar or different at all? If you also ask these questions, then this article will certainly answer them. I want to explain to you in detail what each of these concepts represents and find out the difference. But let's take things in order.


Laureates and diploma recipients are those participants in a prestigious competition or festival who distinguished themselves with a high level of preparation and were able to impress the strict jury. They are usually encouraged by the organizers, which undoubtedly stimulates their desire for creative growth. Becoming a laureate and diploma holder is not only prestigious, it obliges you to live up to a high status and continue to move towards success, achieving new goals.

Who are the laureates and diploma recipients?

A laureate is someone who has won a high-level competition or festival; a person who has received a prestigious award for services to music, dance, sports, science, art or film.

A 1st degree diploma winner is one of the competition participants who won a prize. There are also 2nd and 3rd degree diploma winners who confirm the success of the performance or the high level of performance of the competitive work.


First, let's look at what the laureate is. The gradation of these statuses is associated with long-established award procedures. Everyone knows that only one participant can become the winner. It is he who is the laureate of the competition, receiving a reward, that is, a prize. It is usually approved by the competition committee. The remaining participants are awarded different prizes depending on their place.

Let's delve a little deeper into history to find the meaning of the word "laureate". Translated from Latin it means “crowned with laurels.” In Ancient Rome, heroes, politicians, and athletes were awarded a laurel wreath. This tradition has been preserved in our time, although it has changed. Instead of laurel branches, the winners receive prizes and bonuses for their merits.

Most likely, you know that one of the most prestigious titles in the field of science, culture, and literature is the following: Nobel Prize laureate. Other prizes can be awarded to the winners of various competitions in any field. The participant who takes first place receives a medal or a valuable prize, a cup. Can also become the owner of a diploma in one of the nominations.

Diploma holder

Diploma winners are participants whose merits were noted by the jury or competition organizers as particularly outstanding. All this is noted in the diploma, which is certified by the seal of those who conducted the competition. Each jury member also leaves his signature.

Unlike the laureate, the winner of the competition is not always one person. A diploma is not only an honorary award, but also a kind of evidence of the participant’s high level of training, professionalism and talent. It allows the owner to present his work to a wider circle of connoisseurs.

Main differences

To structure the information given above and consolidate knowledge, let’s note the main differences.

1. Diploma winners are participants in the competition who received an award in the form of a diploma for special distinctions, and the laureate is the winner, awarded a prize or other valuable prize.

2. A diploma holder can be a prize-winner and at the same time take first place. In turn, laureate is the highest degree of award.

3. It is not the winner of the competition who can become a diploma holder, but a laureate - a 100% winner who has special merits in a particular field.

Now you will certainly be able to distinguish these concepts from each other and will not look ridiculous in society, because the difference between them is significant. And in conclusion, I would like to wish you to become both a diploma winner of an important competition and a laureate of some prestigious award! Good luck and new victories!

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Who are the laureates and diploma recipients? What are the similarities and differences?

Are diploma winners the winners of the competition or just its participants? What is the difference between a laureate? Is there anything similar or different at all? If you also ask these questions, then this article will certainly answer them. I want to explain to you in detail what each of these concepts represents and find out the difference. But let's take things in order.


Laureates and diploma recipients are those participants in a prestigious competition or festival who distinguished themselves with a high level of preparation and were able to impress the strict jury. They are usually encouraged by the organizers, which undoubtedly stimulates their desire for creative growth. Becoming a laureate and diploma holder is not only prestigious, it obliges you to live up to a high status and continue to move towards success, achieving new goals.

Who are the laureates and diploma recipients?

A laureate is someone who has won a high-level competition or festival; a person who has received a prestigious award for services to music, dance, sports, science, art or film.

A 1st degree diploma winner is one of the competition participants who won a prize. There are also 2nd and 3rd degree diploma winners who confirm the success of the performance or the high level of performance of the competitive work.


First, let's look at what the laureate is. The gradation of these statuses is associated with long-established award procedures. Everyone knows that only one participant can become the winner. It is he who is the laureate of the competition, receiving a reward, that is, a prize. It is usually approved by the competition committee. The remaining participants are awarded different prizes depending on their place.

Let's delve a little deeper into history to find the meaning of the word "laureate". Translated from Latin it means “crowned with laurels.” In Ancient Rome, heroes, politicians, and athletes were awarded a laurel wreath. This tradition has been preserved in our time, although it has changed. Instead of laurel branches, the winners receive prizes and bonuses for their merits.

Most likely, you know that one of the most prestigious titles in the field of science, culture, and literature is the following: Nobel Prize laureate. Other prizes can be awarded to the winners of various competitions in any field. The participant who takes first place receives a medal or a valuable prize, a cup. Can also become the owner of a diploma in one of the nominations.

Diploma holder

Diploma winners are participants whose merits were noted by the jury or competition organizers as particularly outstanding. All this is noted in the diploma, which is certified by the seal of those who conducted the competition. Each jury member also leaves his signature.

Unlike the laureate, the winner of the competition is not always one person. A diploma is not only an honorary award, but also a kind of evidence of the participant’s high level of training, professionalism and talent. It allows the owner to present his work to a wider circle of connoisseurs.

Main differences

To structure the information given above and consolidate knowledge, let’s note the main differences.

1. Diploma winners are participants in the competition who received an award in the form of a diploma for special distinctions, and the laureate is the winner, awarded a prize or other valuable prize.

2. A diploma holder can be a prize-winner and at the same time take first place. In turn, laureate is the highest degree of award.

3. It is not the winner of the competition who can become a diploma holder, but a laureate - a 100% winner who has special merits in a particular field.

Now you will certainly be able to distinguish these concepts from each other and will not look ridiculous in society, because the difference between them is significant. And in conclusion, I would like to wish you to become both a diploma winner of an important competition and a laureate of some prestigious award! Good luck and new victories!

Laureates are direct prizes. Diploma holders are, as it were, next to the laureates.

1st degree laureate - first place

2nd degree laureate - second place

3rd degree laureate - third place

Diploma 1st degree - fourth place

A diploma holder is like a consolation prize. There are Diploma holders without degrees, in which case all participants except Laureates and Champions are awarded a diploma. Like a diploma for participation.

1st degree diploma holders what place

Participants who have distinguished themselves with a high level of performance become laureates and diploma holders of prestigious competitions or festivals. competitive program. This type of moral encouragement stimulates the creative growth of the individual: becoming a laureate or diploma recipient is not only prestigious, it obliges you to confirm your success with new achievements.

What is the difference between a laureate and a diploma holder?

The gradation of these statuses is associated with the historically established procedure for awarding participants in competitions, in which only one person can be recognized as the winner. He becomes a laureate of a competition or festival and receives a monetary reward in the form of a prize established by the state or an international competition committee. All other participants receive awards, prizes and incentives in accordance with their places.

Translated from Latin laureatus means “crowned with laurels.” In ancient Rome, a laurel wreath was awarded to heroes, generals, politicians and winners of sports competitions. This custom has not lost its meaning in our time, although instead of laurel branches there are modern competitions and festivals usually present prizes and awards.

In the field of science, culture and fiction The most prestigious title is considered to be the Nobel Prize laureate. State prizes can be awarded to winners of all-Union and international musical, literary, pop and theater competitions.

Participants who take first place in them are awarded medals, valuable prizes, cups and, in accordance with the rules of the competitive event, may become winners of diplomas in certain categories.

Diploma winner is a participant in a competition, competition, festival or exhibition who received a diploma for special distinctions. Laureate is the winner of a prestigious competition or festival, which is awarded state or international prize.

The diploma holder can simultaneously be a prize-winner of the competition or take first place in the competition. Awarding the title of laureate is considered the highest assessment of creative or scientific activity participant of the competitive event.

Material prepared by E.A. Maksagina –

1st degree laureates

Laureate of the national project “Russia.21st century. Affairs and people" - 2014. 2nd and 3rd degree laureates in the category " folk dance", special prize "Dancing Klondike". The laureates and diploma winners of the competition are the prize-winners of the competition.

In the field of science, culture and fiction, the title of Nobel Prize laureate is considered the most prestigious. What is the difference between a laureate? Unlike the laureate, the winner of the competition is not always one person. 2. A diploma holder can be a prize-winner and at the same time take first place. In turn, laureate is the highest degree of award. 3. It is not the winner of the competition who can become a diploma holder, but a laureate - a 100% winner who has special merits in a particular field.

1st degree laureates in the nomination “folk dance”, special. jury prize for the preservation of folklore and work with children at the IV International festival-competition “Super dans from folk to modern”, St. Petersburg. Diploma of Laureates at the Open District Festival, dedicated to the Victory in WWII “Roads of Victory”. 2nd International Festival - Competition " Winter's Tale" Author and chairman of the organizing committee International project Festivals-competitions of art, culture, science and education “Sofia-Rus”.

Laureates and diploma winners of prestigious competitions or festivals are its participants who have distinguished themselves by the high level of implementation of the competition program. He becomes a laureate of a competition or festival and receives a monetary reward in the form of a prize established by the state or an international competition committee. All other participants receive awards, prizes and incentives in accordance with their places.

1st degree laureates

In ancient Rome, a laurel wreath was awarded to heroes, generals, politicians and winners of sports competitions. This custom has not lost its significance in our time, although instead of laurel branches at modern competitions and festivals, prizes are usually presented and awards are given.

Other participants in competitions also become diploma winners if their merits are assessed by the jury or competition committee as particularly outstanding. Diploma winner is a participant in a competition, competition, festival or exhibition who received a diploma for special distinctions. Laureate is the winner of a prestigious competition or festival who is awarded a state or international prize.


Participants who did not take prizes, but especially distinguished themselves in the implementation of the competition program, also become diploma winners. The laureate is the undisputed winner of the competition, having outstanding achievements in the field of activity to which the competition is dedicated.

First, let's look at what the laureate is. Let’s delve a little deeper into history to find the meaning of the word “laureate.” Translated from Latin it means “crowned with laurels.” This tradition has been preserved in our time, although it has changed. Diploma winners are participants whose merits were noted by the jury or competition organizers as particularly outstanding.

1. Diploma winners are participants in the competition who received an award in the form of a diploma for special distinctions, and the laureate is the winner, awarded a prize or other valuable prize. Now you will certainly be able to distinguish these concepts from each other and will not look ridiculous in society, because the difference between them is significant.

The degree of author's contribution in the selection (development, “invention”) of methods and means of implementing the idea is up to 10 points. However, in the final document the name of the competition will be written as it is presented in the regulations.

Whose importance is greater: the laureate or the diploma recipient? Laureates of the district arts festival and folk art"Victory Salute". Diploma 2nd degree Liza Volkova is a classic. 1st degree laureates at the International Festival “Russian Dance from Traditions to Modernity”. 3 degrees in the category “modern choreography” senior group.

Diploma of Laureates, Certificate of the Moscow City Duma, Certificate of the Department of Culture. 1st degree in IFPDT “Friends of Bulgaria”, “Success” ( Folk version), Moscow region. 1st degree for the number “Dove” at the II Festival-Competition modern choreography"Bridges", Kazan.

Laureate diploma. Laureates VIII International folklore festival "Moscow round dance". Diploma and commemorative medals International Festival children's creativity"Sunny Rain 2008" in Berlin. Diploma 1st degree II Open festival choreographic art"Crystal Slipper"

If an error is discovered in the data printed on the diploma, you must promptly inform the organizers of the Olympiad and wait until it is corrected. To do this, along with the diploma of the winner (prize-winner) of the Olympiad, you will have to submit the original certificate at once. DIPLOMANT, a, m A person awarded a diploma (certificate) for successful performance at a competition, festival, winner in which category. competition, etc.

The winners of film and photo competitions were also awarded. 5. Question: Is there a financial fee for Thanksgiving letters(diplomas) addressed to teachers and persons who help us in preparing the competition? Member of the editorial board of the journal Teacher XXI Century (psychology and education).

Council of the All-Russian Competition in the field of pedagogy, education and work with children and youth “For moral feat teachers." Golden Hands”, Laureate of the “Grand of Moscow” competition.

Dean of the Faculty of Pedagogy and Psychology, MSPI, candidate psychological sciences, assistant professor. Diploma winner of the 1st Moscow Competition-Festival of Pedagogical Excellence. Moscow. Students of Katyreva E.I. - Laureates of City, All-Russian and International instrumental competitions.

TO ALL groups and soloists,

Diploma winners of All-Russian and International competitions and art festivals. Teaching experience – 17 years. Worked in Moscow state university culture and arts, Krasnogorsk Choreographic School. In 2015, he received the title of laureate of the 2nd degree at the 2nd All-Russian competition choral conductors. Kulikova Y.A. They have repeatedly been prize-winners of All-Russian and International Arts Festivals, Musical and Theater Competitions.

Diploma holder of the 3rd degree - senior group in the categories “Classical” and “folk dance” at the All-Russian competition - festival of children’s and youth creativity “Spring Freaks - 2016”, Kazan. 1st degree laureates in pairs group and younger group girls. II All-Russian competition among laureates in the field of choreographic art “Grand premium”. 2nd place at the International festival competition “Earth under white wings” in Mozyr, Belarus.

Diploma winner and laureate: what is common and what is the difference?

Participation in competitions requires a high level of skill and creativity. But it's even more difficult to choose winners. The main problem arises when there is no precise definition between the names of prize places and the jury, like the participants, cannot understand the division of awards. Modern society provides us with many names for competitors: participant, diploma winner, winner, prize-winner, laureate. The most difficult thing is to define such concepts as “diplomat” and “laureate”. How are these two terms different?

Who is a “diplomat”?

A diploma holder (derived from the word “diploma”, translated from Greek as “folded in half”) is a person who has been awarded a diploma for different types activities, for example:

  • Performance at the competition.
  • Participation in the festival.
  • Taking part in the competition.
  • Exhibition of scientific works.

The term “graduate” is often used synonymously with the word diploma student. Diplomas awarded to distinguished competitors have a special structure. They must indicate the surname and initials of the participant, the date, name and location of the competition, the seal of the organization and the signatures of the jury members.

“Laureate” - who is it?

Laureate (translated from Latin as “one who is crowned with laurels”) is a person who has been awarded a special award: district, city, state, republican, international; the winner, in most cases, art competitions.

Areas of this type of award:

This term comes from the times Ancient Greece, where winners and outstanding people were crowned with a laurel wreath. A modified tradition is presented in our time. The laurel wreath is a symbol of honor. The outdated meaning of this word is a person who graduated with an award from an educational institution in the artistic direction.

The presentation of prizes and awards to laureates takes place in a solemn atmosphere, often using artistic performances.

What do these values ​​have in common?

There are many general qualities, which are observed in the meaning of both terms:

  1. The awards order is historical and requires only one winner per category.
  2. These titles can be awarded to any participant in the competition who has demonstrated best qualities in some area.
  3. The awarded participants were noticeably ahead of their competitors in the tasks.
  4. Both titles can have a three-tier structure.
  5. The winners are selected by a jury committee.
  6. At the same competition, both laureates and diploma winners can be awarded.
  7. Can be used in any field of art.
  8. They are characterized by special documents that confirm the position of the participants (these documents are formed in accordance with the norms of the law).
  9. These titles ensure success for the person who receives them and are the basis for their further creative growth.

Main differences in meanings

Despite the fact that there are many general characteristics There are still characteristic differences between the meanings of the words “diplomat” and “laureate” that will help to accurately understand the problem posed:

  • At the lexical level, the main difference is the origin of words with different languages- Greek and Latin.
  • A diploma winner is only a participant who managed to conquer the audience and the jury in one type of activity, and a laureate is a person who is awarded a cash prize for winning a festival, competition, competition.
  • If the title of laureate is the highest award in the event and this participant can no longer take any prize place, then the diploma holder can also become a laureate of the competition, that is, receive two awards.
  • The scope of awarding the laureate is only the one to which the competition is dedicated, that is, the title of laureate is absolute, while the diploma holder may not prove himself in general condition competition, but he will clearly succeed and be ahead of other participants in one specific type of work.
  • The winner is awarded a special diploma, and the laureate is awarded a diploma and a cash prize.
  • The title of laureate is the highest in the hierarchy of awards.

In conclusion, it should be noted that despite a large number of both general and different characteristics, both types of awards are very necessary.

In today's competitive environment, it is very important to correctly evaluate participants. And the existence of such categories as “diploma holder” and “laureate” will help to reach a larger number of competitors and thereby increase their motivation and desire to develop creatively.

Doctor Tolstoy

Laureate (I, II, III degrees) – for each age group and nomination. The winners of the competition were: In the category “ vocal ensembles» from 6 to 10 years: “LIKSMASMASIS DO” (Lithuania) - 1st degree laureate, “SIS BEI TAS” (Lithuania) - 2nd degree laureate.

Laureates and diploma winners of prestigious competitions or festivals are its participants who have distinguished themselves by the high level of implementation of the competition program. This type of moral encouragement stimulates the creative growth of the individual: becoming a laureate or diploma recipient is not only prestigious, it obliges you to confirm your success with new achievements. He becomes a laureate of a competition or festival and receives a monetary reward in the form of a prize established by the state or an international competition committee.

1st degree laureates

In ancient Rome, a laurel wreath was awarded to heroes, generals, politicians and winners of sports competitions. Other participants in competitions also become diploma winners if their merits are assessed by the jury or competition committee as particularly outstanding. Laureate is the winner of a prestigious competition or festival who is awarded a state or international prize. Participants who did not take prizes, but especially distinguished themselves in the implementation of the competition program, also become diploma winners.

Are diploma winners the winners of the competition or just its participants? First, let's look at what the laureate is. It is he who is the laureate of the competition, receiving a reward, that is, a prize. Let’s delve a little deeper into history to find the meaning of the word “laureate.”

The third ceremony of awarding laureates and diploma holders of the National Award for achievements in the field of road safety “Safety is everyone’s business!” took place. 2016

This tradition has been preserved in our time, although it has changed. Diploma winners are participants whose merits were noted by the jury or competition organizers as particularly outstanding. 1. Diploma winners are participants in the competition who received an award in the form of a diploma for special distinctions, and the laureate is the winner, awarded a prize or other valuable prize.

(ensembles and small forms from 8 people)

And in conclusion, I would like to wish you to become both a diploma winner of an important competition and a laureate of some prestigious award! In the nomination “soloists from 17 years and above”: Ilze Ozolina (Latvia) - 1st degree laureate, Sylvia Liko (Poland) - 2nd degree laureate, Magdalena Bialoruska (Poland) - 3rd degree laureate. Laureate title and third place: Nastya Rashchupkina - soloist of the ballet studio “Grace”, Zelenograd, Russia.

DIPLOMANT, a, m A person awarded a diploma (certificate) for successful performance at a competition, festival, winner in which category. competition, etc. Diploma winner of an international competition. The laureates are awarded diplomas and cups, certificates, and gifts from sponsors.

The difference between a laureate and a diploma holder

A contestant can submit an unlimited number of numbers and take part in several categories. All laureates receive diplomas and prizes of various statuses, at the discretion of the organizers. Contestants who receive the points listed above become Laureates of the corresponding degrees.

If a participant wants to perform 2 or more songs, then the best result is counted and the title of Laureate of the corresponding category is awarded. Only competitors who participated at any stage and received the title of Laureate of 1st, 2nd or 3rd degree can take part in the finals.

The organizers of the festival-competition are not responsible to the authors of works and songs performed by participants of the festival-competition! The receiving party does not meet or accompany participants to the competition venue due to big amount participants.

1. Teachers, educators, parents, schoolchildren, preschoolers, etc. can take part in the competition. The names of 9 laureates and 18 diplomats were announced in concert hall"Royal" television and radio complex "Ostankino TV Tower".

TO ALL groups and soloists,

The gradation of these statuses is associated with the historically established procedure for awarding participants in competitions, in which only one person can be recognized as the winner. All other participants receive awards, prizes and incentives in accordance with their places.


This custom has not lost its significance in our time, although instead of laurel branches at modern competitions and festivals, prizes are usually presented and awards are given.

State prizes can be awarded to the winners of all-Union and international music, literary, pop and theater competitions. A diploma is both an award and a document indicating a high level of professionalism. Diploma winner is a participant in a competition, competition, festival or exhibition who received a diploma for special distinctions.

News from competitions and festivals (2010):

The awarding of the title of laureate is considered the highest assessment of the creative or scientific activity of a participant in a competitive event. The laureate is the undisputed winner of the competition, having outstanding achievements in the field of activity to which the competition is dedicated. If you also ask these questions, then this article will certainly answer them. I want to explain to you in detail what each of these concepts represents and find out the difference.

Competition regulations

Translated from Latin it means “crowned with laurels.” Instead of laurel branches, the winners receive prizes and bonuses for their merits. All this is noted in the diploma, which is certified by the seal of those who conducted the competition. A diploma is not only an honorary award, but also a kind of evidence of the participant’s high level of training, professionalism and talent.

To structure the information given above and consolidate knowledge, let’s note the main differences. Now you will certainly be able to distinguish these concepts from each other and will not look ridiculous in society, because the difference between them is significant.

For Galina Khokhlova and other parents from our nursery choreographic studio. From July 22 to July 27, 2010, the XII International Children's Pop Song Competition “Little Stars on Golden Sands” was held in Golden Sands, Bulgaria. From July 20 to July 31, 2010, the IX International Competition of Choreographic Groups “Round Dance of Friendship” was held in the city of Obzor (Bulgaria). The winners of the competition were: Diploma and title “ best soloist": Masha Yanyutina - soloist of the Children's Art School gr. Mozhaisk Russia, Danil Stroganov - soloist of the Children's Art School gr. Mozhaisk Russia.

Unlike the laureate, the winner of the competition is not always one person. Laureate title and first place: Nastya Sinitsyna - soloist People's collective Ballet Theater "Grace" Mozhaisk Russia. 3. It is not the winner of the competition who can become a diploma holder, but a laureate - a 100% winner who has special merits in a particular field.

Meaning of words: prize-winner, laureate of 1st degree. What is this?

The word laureate comes from Latin word laureates, which translates as crowned with a laurel wreath.

Who is the laureate modern understanding? Laureate is an honorary title assigned or awarded to a person or group of persons for special merits in the field of science or art, as well as for victory or successful performance at a competition or festival. The word laureate is often used as part of the following terms:

The laureate of the competition is a participant in the competition awarded by decision of the jury. By special conditions In some competitions, only the winner, that is, the participant who took first prize or first place, is awarded the title of laureate of the competition. Some competitions allow that the title of laureate can be awarded to several participants, usually three. In this case, it is customary to distinguish between a laureate of 1st degree, 2nd degree and 3rd degree.

1st degree laureate what place is this

Laureate 4th degree what does it mean

In the Other Arts section, the question is: what is more prestigious: laureate or 1st place? The best answer given by the author Natalya Simakova is the Laureate - this is the place. Grand Prix is ​​higher than the laureate. Diploma holder - all other places after 1-3.

Is it possible. They can even share places. Two second or three third, or maybe not at all. at the request of the jury. It’s just that the word PLACE is more sporty and understandable to our children. The laureates are present in the field of art: music, literature, painting, etc.

Children understand 1st place and prize

The winner is those who took the prize (1, 2, 3). Therefore, there may be a laureate of the first degree (prize), second degree, etc.

Those who do not take a prize are often given diplomas of participation - and they are called winners of the competition.

Therefore, laureate and 1st place are one and the same.

Wrong! Diploma holders of the competition are those who received diplomas not for participation, but those that say so - “Diploma holder”; “Diploma-I,ll,lll,lV degrees”; or Diploma-I,ll,lll,lV; or Diploma “For. "; or “Audience Award;; or “Diploma of hope. “There are many different titles, but if

diplomas of participation. - it's just without reward. just a participant. Gentlemen.

To write such messages. necessary. Be yourself literate (in the topic), don’t write what you don’t know.

International Festival-Competition of Creativity and Art

Age of participants: 3-25 years and older

Date: March

Ø Identifying young talents, promoting the development of children's and youth creativity, moral education the younger generation.

Ø Establishment and strengthening creative connections between cities.

Ø Attracting the attention of leading cultural figures, government institutions and educational institutions to talented performers and groups.

· Implementation of festival events that enhance the motivation of children's and youth teachers' activities creative teams.

· Identification of talented teachers, groups and performers, coverage of their activities in the media.

Organizers of the festival-competition, management.

Production center "EZhiKS" with the support of local governments

Evgeniy Zhuravkin – Laureate of International and All-Russian competitions, senior teacher of the Vocal Arts Department of the Russian Academy of Theater Arts GITIS, creator of his own method of voice production, producer

Sergey Krainov - CEO production center "EZhiKS", Director of the International Festival "VinArt", All-Russian competition beauty "Russian girl", member Russian Association producers, creator of musicals and music and choreographic shows, music producer

To participate in the festival-competition, you must provide the organizing committee with March 5, 2016 the following documents:

Questionnaire – participant’s application of the established form (Appendix No. 1)

Scanned (possibly photo) diploma of 1st OR 2nd DEGREE LAUREATE

Children's groups (up to 12 years old) must have at least one accompanying person per 10 people;

A participant (team, soloist) has the right to participate in several disciplines and nominations with the condition of providing separate application form, showing a competitive performance in each declared discipline;

A member of a group performing solo is considered an individual participant;

Participants are judged on one performance performed by one lineup.

The phonogram is being recorded separatelyUSB flash the only track. Each sound recording is checked during rehearsals before the competition.

The organizers have the right to use video and audio materials from the festival-competition at their discretion.

The main composition of the jury: academicians, professors of leading Russian and foreign universities, honored workers and leading experts in the field of culture.

The distribution of prizes in the competition program is based on the protocol of the jury and the number of points scored in the competition program.

The evaluation of the competitive program is carried out in accordance with the declared discipline, nomination, professional level And age group participants separately.

The decision of the jury is final and cannot be appealed.

After the competition has been held and the summary statements have been approved, no changes in the award of degrees are allowed. Corrections are allowed only in cases where there are spelling and stylistic errors.


1st place Cup of the winner of the competition-festival.

II place. Cup of the silver medalist of the competition-festival.

III place. Cup of the bronze medalist of the competition-festival.



What is the difference between a laureate and a diploma holder and what are their similarities?

Taking part in competitions is not so easy, you not only need to have creative potential, but also have a high level of skill. In fact, it is more difficult not to participate, but to choose the winners. Especially if the jury does not have an exact definition of how the prize places differ and the participants themselves cannot really decide on this. IN modern society There are so many designations of winners and contestants. And many cannot determine the difference between a laureate and a diploma winner, and a prize-winner from a winner.

Diploma holder

Diploma holders are people who have received a diploma as a reward for participating in various competitive events. Only those competitors who distinguish themselves against the background of other participants can receive diplomas. This distinctive document must contain the surname, initials of the diplomat, date and place, as well as the seals of the organization, and each member of the jury must sign. This will help you understand the difference between a laureate and a diploma holder. The diploma itself is a three-level award. On rare occasions, contestants are given a special example of this type of award. With this title, a person can begin to engage in additional types of work in the field in which he became a diploma holder. In addition, he has the opportunity to present the results of his activities to the public.


To understand the difference between a laureate and a diploma holder, you must first understand what these titles mean. IN direct translation from Latin, “laureate” is a person who has been crowned with laurels. IN modern world The title of laureate is received by the competitor who is entitled to a district, city, international or any other award. This is, first of all, the winner of the event; most often the winners are the contestants of art competitions. The origin of this term is attributed to the times of Ancient Greece. Then the winners wore laurel wreaths on the head too In a similar way simply outstanding people were singled out. This tradition has survived to this day, albeit in a slightly modified form. Until now, laurel wreaths have remained as a symbol of honor.

Presentation of awards

To receive the title of laureate, the jury must select a specific competitor. How many laureates there can be at the event is determined by its conditions. In other words, at one competition there can be only one laureate, while at another up to three participants can receive this title. But under such circumstances, these places are distributed according to a certain hierarchy. Moreover, these types of awards can be awarded not only to a specific competitor, but also to a group of people presenting their skills at the event. Diplomas and prizes are presented to contestants in a festive atmosphere, sometimes with the use of additional artistic performances.

Similarities between laureates and diploma recipients

Even though this is completely different types awards of competition participants, there are still certain similarities between them. For example, both incentive categories require the selection of only one winner. This title can be received by any competitor who has demonstrated the greatest performance in the area that is being evaluated. Both laureates and diploma recipients are considered undisputed winners and are significantly higher in the hierarchy than other awarded competitors. Both titles can be divided into three levels of honor. In both cases, the winner is determined by a jury. Moreover, the assignment of these titles can be within the framework of one event. They are used in determining best representatives all spheres of art. The position of the participants in both cases is documented. Both the first title and the second are direct confirmation of a person’s success and provide him with the opportunity for creative growth in the future.

What is the difference between a laureate and a winner of a competition?

These concepts have a lot in common, but there are no less differences. The very first thing is that the names of the prize places come from different languages, Latin and Greek. A diploma winner is a participant who managed to attract the attention of the jury and spectators in a certain type of activity. But a laureate is a contestant who has received a cash prize for winning a competitive event. Another rule that distinguishes a laureate from a diploma holder music competition, this is because the one who received the highest title of laureate does not have the right to further take part in the competition or take any other places, while the participant who received the diploma has the right to earn another award, including the highest. To receive the title of laureate, the contestant must prove himself as best participant in all areas of the competition. But a diploma student can succeed only in one type of work and not deserve attention at all in others. If the winner receives only a document confirming his victory, then the highest award also includes a cash prize. And the most important thing that distinguishes a laureate from a diploma holder is that the former receives the highest award in the hierarchy of evaluation of creative and scientific skills.

Laureate or winner?

What's cooler? My daughter was given such a diploma at school.

But there were children who were laureates... I think that a winner is a winner... but... Doubts arose because when my daughter came after the competition, she said that she took 2nd place... That is. Laureate - 1st, winner - 2nd, prize-winner - 3rd.

Well, dad and I were given a certificate)))

The laureate is the winner... it’s strange that they issued certificates there... couldn’t they have done it simpler?

We wanted to do something nice for all the children...) but it turned out as always.

The first thing was to say “the winner is cooler,” but some doubts began to arise. I crawled to look at what they wrote in the dictionaries... I was completely confused.

The winner is the one who has won

Laureate - the one who was awarded the prize

(A person awarded a special prize for outstanding achievements in the field of science, art, for achievements in work)

(Laureate in the Encyclopedic Dictionary:

Laureate - (from Latin laureatus - http://tolkslovar.ru/u239.html laurels) - http://tolkslovar.ru/l3076.html who was awarded a state, republican, international, etc. prize, and http:/ /tolkslovar.ru/t299.html http://tolkslovar.ru/p8530.html competitions (mainly artistic).

Prizewinner - a participant in a competition who has received a prize

))) I'm even more confused)) Thank you!

That's what I'm talking about. asked more adequate ones.

the winner is the first. winner - he's in the prizes.

laureate - he, in fact, is also a winner, but in the real sense, he is more of a “chosen” winner.

a prize-winner is someone who was named in the main competition: usually from first to third... the winner can also be called a prize-winner: “And then the prize-winners, having forgotten their past sporting enmity, got drunk on vodka in unison. »

and the laureate is someone who, in addition to the main competition, was awarded something, like “for the biggest eyes.” "including "audience choice"




For example, those who took the three highest positions in the competition can be declared laureates. In this case, degrees are awarded: I, II and III. In other cases, all particularly distinguished participants (in any number) receive this status without specifying specific prize places.

Difference between Laureate and Winner

Sometimes only one, the most talented applicant, becomes a laureate or winner.

When figuring out what the difference is between a laureate and a winner, it’s worth considering one more nuance. It lies in the fact that the concept of “winner” always implies a competitive aspect. In this case, before the most successful participant is identified, there is competition between at least two parties.

There are many different titles, and each has its own meaning. What is the difference between a laureate and a winner, what is so interesting about each of them? When presenting prizes, diplomas, and various awards, these two words are often heard. So what is the fundamental difference between them, or is there none at all? And what exactly do these two concepts mean, when they are used in context, and why are they so often confused when used, even by those who are supposed to know such subtleties.

What is the difference between a laureate and a winner of a competition?

The word laureate itself has Greek roots and means a person who took part in a competition and achieved a win there, as well as received outstanding results in any type of activity, be it scientific or any other specificity. It takes its name from the laurel plant, a wreath from which was used to decorate the heads of the winners.

But the winner is the one who got victory over his rivals in any organized competition, competition or tournament.

To make the difference clearer, how the laureate differs from the winner, let’s give an example:

  • winner of any creative, literary, musical or dance competition will always be a laureate, like the other participants who took prizes;
  • the winner can be in an intellectual or sports competition, where all participants were given exactly the same task and whoever showed the best result took first place.

In addition, the laureate differs from the winner in that the definition itself is more prestigious.

What is the difference between a laureate and a winner?

It is given for victory and achievements in various international competitions and festivals of a republican scale, as well as for prizes in events where the best participants in this field compete.

Those who take the first three places in the competition are also declared laureates. This is also the name given to those who have especially distinguished themselves and shown top scores, even if he didn’t become the winner. This is another difference between these concepts - the laureate is not always the winner, but the winner is always the laureate of one or another type of competition.

We often confuse these concepts also because in our educational institutions The term “laureate” is not used; only three winners who took prizes are noted. Meanwhile, the rest, who are given certificates for participation and for special achievements in the competition, are its laureates.

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To obtain the status of a laureate or winner, you need to make a lot of effort and impress a strict jury with the result achieved. What exactly do the two names mentioned mean, in what cases are they used, and how does the laureate differ from the winner? Let's try to figure this out.


Laureate- a person who has won a competition or achieved outstanding results in any type of activity. The word originated in Ancient Greece. It is associated with laurel. The intertwined branches of this plant adorned the heads of those who turned out to be the strongest and most dexterous in the competition.

Winner- a person who has prevailed over his rivals in an organized competition, tournament, etc.


Both terms can refer to competitors who beat others in an ongoing competition or competition. At the same time, the difference between a laureate and a winner can be seen in the fact that the first name is more often used in relation to creative events (musical, literary, dance), and the second is also applicable to sports or intellectual competitions.

It must be said that the word “laureate” has a louder connotation. So, for example, they can call someone who received an award at an international or republican festival. But for small-scale competitions the term “winner” is more applicable. Much is also determined by the specific situation and preferences of the organizers of an event.

For example, those who took the three highest positions in the competition can be declared laureates. In this case, degrees are awarded: I, II and III. In other cases, all particularly distinguished participants (in any number) receive this status without specifying specific prize places. Sometimes only one, the most talented applicant, becomes a laureate or winner.

When figuring out what the difference is between a laureate and a winner, it’s worth considering one more nuance. It lies in the fact that the concept of “winner” always implies a competitive aspect.

Laureate or winner?

In this case, before the most successful participant is identified, there is competition between at least two parties.

Meanwhile, the word “laureate” also has a slightly different meaning. According to one interpretation, such an honorary title is given only to those individuals who were able to contribute special contribution into the life of society and deserved, for example, the Nobel Prize. In this sense we're talking about not about the competition, but about someone's hard work for the benefit of others.



Diploma holder


The gradation of these statuses is associated with the historically established procedure for awarding participants in competitions, in which only one person can be recognized as the winner.

Diploma winner and laureate: what is common and what is the difference?

He becomes a laureate of a competition or festival and receives a monetary reward in the form of a prize established by the state or an international competition committee. All other participants receive awards, prizes and incentives in accordance with their places.

Translated from Latin laureatus

Other participants in competitions also become diploma winners if their merits are assessed by the jury or competition committee as particularly outstanding. This is indicated in the diploma, which must be certified by the seal of the organization that held the competition, festival or exhibition, and by the signatures of the jury members.

Conclusions TheDifference.ru

Lexical meaning: definition

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Laureates and diploma winners of prestigious competitions or festivals are its participants who have distinguished themselves by the high level of implementation of the competition program. This type of moral encouragement stimulates the creative growth of the individual: becoming a laureate or diploma recipient is not only prestigious, it obliges you to confirm your success with new achievements.


Laureate– winner of a competition or festival at the republican and international level, who received a state or established international organizations Award for outstanding achievements in the field of science, literature, music, performing arts, cinematography or sports.

Diploma holder– a participant in a competition, festival, exhibition who took a prize and was awarded a diploma of 1st, 2nd, 3rd degree or received a special diploma for successful performance and high quality work presented at the competition event.


The gradation of these statuses is associated with the historically established procedure for awarding participants in competitions, in which only one person can be recognized as the winner. He becomes a laureate of a competition or festival and receives a monetary reward in the form of a prize established by the state or an international competition committee. All other participants receive awards, prizes and incentives in accordance with their places.

Translated from Latin laureatus means “crowned with laurels.” In ancient Rome, a laurel wreath was awarded to heroes, generals, politicians and winners of sports competitions. This custom has not lost its significance in our time, although instead of laurel branches at modern competitions and festivals, prizes are usually presented and awards are given.

In the field of science, culture and fiction, the title of Nobel Prize laureate is considered the most prestigious. State prizes can be awarded to the winners of all-Union and international music, literary, pop and theater competitions.

Participants who take first place in them are awarded medals, valuable prizes, cups and, in accordance with the rules of the competitive event, can become winners' diplomas in individual categories.

Other participants in competitions also become diploma winners if their merits are assessed by the jury or competition committee as particularly outstanding.

This is indicated in the diploma, which must be certified by the seal of the organization that held the competition, festival or exhibition, and by the signatures of the jury members.

A diploma is both an award and a document indicating a high level of professionalism. It gives the graduate the right to engage in additional activities in his field and present his work to a wide public circle.

Conclusions TheDifference.ru

  1. Diploma winner is a participant in a competition, competition, festival or exhibition who received a diploma for special distinctions. Laureate is the winner of a prestigious competition or festival who is awarded a state or international prize.
  2. The diploma holder can simultaneously be a prize-winner of the competition or take first place in the competition. The awarding of the title of laureate is considered the highest assessment of the creative or scientific activity of a participant in a competitive event.
  3. Participants who did not take prizes, but especially distinguished themselves in the implementation of the competition program, also become diploma winners. The laureate is the undisputed winner of the competition, having outstanding achievements in the field of activity to which the competition is dedicated.