The full name is written as Slava. What does the name Vyacheslav mean - meaning of the name, interpretation, origin, compatibility, characteristics, translation. Name in different languages ​​of the world

This name has, without a doubt, Slavic roots. It is part of many famous names, originally male (Vladislav, Yaroslav, Mstislav, etc.), from which female versions were formed (Stanislava, Vyacheslava, Miroslava, etc.). Such names are quite common, and from them they form various options. Both masculine and female name Fame is most often a shorthand. However, sometimes it is also used as a full form, the meaning of which corresponds to the concepts of “glorious” or “Slav”. As for its origin, such a name is not recorded in Old Slavonic sources. Its appearance is associated with the fashion for Old Russian names.

Rules for writing and formatting

Since Slava corresponds to the short form of many names with such a stem, it is not further abbreviated. At the same time, there are many options for affectionately addressing its bearer: Slavochka, Slavunya, Slavusya, Slavchik, Slavonka, Slavulya, etc. This name is unknown abroad, so in other languages ​​the transliteration Slava is used for it. In the Orthodox calendar there is no such naming. At baptism, the girl is given a different name, according to which she will celebrate her name day.

The spelling SLAVA is used in the international passport.

Childhood and school years

The literal meaning of the name is manifested in Slavonka’s character already in early age. She is distinguished by her activity and persistence, which often turns into mischief.. Her irrepressible energy splashes out in outdoor games, more suitable for boys, and she often becomes the ringleader in the company of her peers. All attempts by parents to force their daughter to do anything will be doomed to failure. They better raise Slavusya by example and explain that all their demands are aimed at her benefit.

A girl’s school success is directly dependent on the extent to which she is fascinated by the subject, as well as on the level of sympathy for the teacher. If Slava is really interested in something and sees a friendly attitude towards herself, then she will work hard and achieve great success. Very often a girl finds something she likes outside the framework school curriculum, and such a hobby could become her future profession.

Slava rarely suffers from anything serious. Active image life has a positive effect on her health, and her physical condition can only worsen during periods of forced inactivity. Slava will make an excellent athlete, but inactivity is contraindicated for her.

Features of adulthood

Over the years, Slava’s energy and determination only increase. At the same time, she develops traits of perfectionism, a desire to do everything perfectly. She does not like to discuss her plans with anyone and prefers to act alone. The bearer of this name always achieves her goals and desired results. At the same time, she practically makes no mistakes, has impeccable taste and looks great.

All this makes a wonderful impression on others. Fame usually enjoys authority, it has wide circle communication. But although her goals and actions seem impeccable, she is actually very critical of other people. Moreover, the woman will not hesitate to use them to her advantage, declaring that she is acting solely for the common good. The secret of Slava’s personality is her ability to cleverly manipulate people.

Love and family

Slava’s activity and good external data attracted the attention of the stronger sex to her even in school years. However, the girl knows her worth and knows how to analyze the advantages and disadvantages of a potential suitor for her heart. She will never lose her head and will not be condescending to his shortcomings.

For Serious relationships the owner of such a name is looking for a man who will agree to her leadership and the fact that the final word will always be hers. Oddly enough, if she wants, Slava solves this difficult task as successfully as everyone else, and her married life develops quite happily. She understands that the strength of a family depends on how well the interests of all its members are taken into account, so she consults with them on important issues and makes a decision, trying not to injure anyone. The same applies to raising children, for whom Slava tries to do everything as best as possible.

Work and profession

Women with this name determine their interests during their school years, so they acquire the necessary knowledge and skills quite early.

The range of application of their abilities is very wide: an original fashion designer or designer, a high-level professional in sports, politics, law, finance, etc. Slava achieves excellent results everywhere, but at the same time values ​​her skills and abilities and will not agree to low pay or promises of income in the future. In addition to money, she is also interested in other motives, for example, public acceptance, authority, high status. Whatever Slava does, she will do it in the best possible way.

Etymology of the name Slava

Some names have been preserved from the times of the Old Russian language. Let us remember the names of Russian princes - Mstislav, Rostislav, Vsevolod, etc. It is traditionally accepted that the name Vyacheslav is full name,Glory is its short form. What is the origin of this name?

Consider the full name. Slava, as a variant of the name Vyacheslav, consists of two parts: “vyache”, which means “large, all-encompassing” and “glory”, i.e. “fame”. If interpreted literally, the meaning of the name is “the most glorious”, “the most famous”.

Full name Slava. His options

The form of this name is one of the most famous and common names in Russia. We considered only one option. However, the full name Slava can sound differently. Stanislav, Mstislav, Yaroslav, Rostislav, Vladislav - all these names can have the discussed diminutive form.

It is known that before the advent of the Old Russian language, the Old Church Slavonic language existed. Over time, they emerged from it East Slavs(Belarusians, Russians, Ukrainians), Western Slavs(Poles, Slovaks, Czechs) and South Slavs (Bulgarians, Macendonians, Serbs). The Old Church Slavonic language disintegrated and soon disappeared completely, but its forms still exist, as in the name Stanislav.


Stanislav is also a full name. “Slava” means “power”, and the first part of the name comes from the Polish “stan”. The full name means “to become chief.”

The form of the name Mstislav means “revenge and greatness,” and the name Yaroslav contains the meaning “became famous brightly, lightly.”

The etymology of the name Vladislav says that the first part is formed from the verb “to own”, i.e. "possessing glory." The name Rostislav contains the meaning “growth, grow”, i.e. "a man of growing fame." Thus, Rostislav is a full name.

The name Slava can sound like any of the variations described above, and each of them will be correct. The meanings of the names overlap, but have some differences.

Female name Slava

Fame is pretty unusual shape name for a girl. It is quite rare.

As in the above male names, variations are possible. It is based on a man's full name. Slava (female name) can sound like Vladislava, Mstislava, etc. The full forms of this name are not very popular, so parents prefer to write the girl’s name in documents using short form. Therefore, if there is any doubt about how to spell the full name, Slava is the correct option.

The secret of the name Slava

People who are interested in astrology will be interested in what fate they will reward the child by giving him one or another of the names. Whatever the parents choose for the child’s full name, Slava will always sound courageous and original. Astrologers say that men with this name are very purposeful and always try to achieve what they want. These are life positions Glory. However, if difficulties arise, anger may occur.

Mentally, Slavas can be unstable: they are prone to nervous impulses, the release of negative or positive emotions. However, people with this name are born optimistic and sanguine.

If we talk about Slava’s health, then we don’t need to go far; let’s remember the brave and strong Russian princes and conquerors. Fair and wise, they had excellent health.

It is worth paying special attention to Slava’s professional abilities. Surprisingly, a person with this name can have a craving for absolutely any field, be it related to technology or the study of science. Slavs, as a rule, are versatile and educated individuals.


It is worth noting famous people, wearing or wearing given name. These are Butusov, Dobrynin, Shishkov, Shugaev. The female version is the least popular. Among famous women we can mention the singer Slava (Anastasia Slanevskaya), even if it is a pseudonym.

Thus, names in Russian have variations, like the name Slava. The full name, whatever you choose, will be beautiful and unique in its own way.

This name simply programs the child for success, no matter whether it is a boy or a girl. We Slavs are incredibly lucky. Peoples speaking Romance languages ​​only have female version- Gloria. And here, the sonorous word Slava (the full name can be very different) can be used to name children of both sexes. What makes it special? This is the so called pair name. Like Evgeny/iya, Valery/iya, Valentin/a. In the diminutive (in scientific terms, hypocoristic) form they sound the same: Zhenya, Lera, Valya.

In addition, it is also a two-pronged name. This means that a cognate word must be added in combination with it. Most often it comes at the beginning and thus directs and correlates the full name. “Glory” because of this prefix can be directed both at the person himself and at the deity. For example, those who honor God were called Boguslav. The children were named this way to be religious. But the desires for growing, thundering or greater praise and fame gave birth to the Rosti-, Gremi- and Vyacheslavs. How did the hopes of the fathers for their sons to earn laurels for themselves in the military field resonate? They gave the world the name Mieczyslaw. And so on.

There is only one original full name - “Glory” is placed at the beginning of it. Who should win the honor and respect of people in his life path? This is Slavomir and his feminine namesake (Slavomir). But a diminutive nickname for a girl will sound like “Mira.” Bearers of such double names, as well as their parents, are also lucky in that they have at least two options for a petting diminutive nickname for their child. A boy can be Yarik, Vlad, Stas, Rostik, Radko, Vaclav, Bogus... And girls, in addition to the usual Slava, can be affectionately called Lada, Mirosy, Milami and even Sveta. How does this work? Last two diminutives coincide with Lyudmila and Svetlana. But what will be written in these women’s passports? Yes Miloslava and Svetislava.

This is how it happened in the Russian language.

Most importantly, if someone’s friendly name is “Slava,” the full male name of such a person will be Vyacheslav. Shouldn’t we really call him Vyachik? This name has many analogues in other related languages: Ventsislav or Vaclav. It was formed from the archaic word “great”, which means “much larger” or, as they would say today, “to the maximum.” This name was practically never encountered until the second half of the 19th century century, since Vaclav (aka Laszlo) is a Catholic saint of the 10th century and he was not included in Orthodox calendar. But interest in ancient Russian antiquity resurrected the name Vecheslav.

Whatever the full name, Slava always craves laurels and praise. Parents need to work hard on these inclinations of his (or her) in order to turn their child’s exorbitant ambitions into a healthy direction. It is necessary to convince the little ambitious person that he cannot achieve success in literally all areas of life. Otherwise, the unprepared Slava, faced with the fact that he is not the most talented student in the drawing club, may fall into frustration and earn himself complexes for the rest of his life.

But Yaroslav (this is his full name, Slava is again a diminutive) will face other problems in life. His leadership qualities are already overflowing in childhood. He is the initiator and organizer of all pranks.

the prefix “Ardent”, which means “stormy”, “strong”, can do such a Slava a disservice. Sometimes he will act too voluntaristically, too firmly and directly, which can ruin his relationships with colleagues, and especially subordinates. But it’s not for nothing that one of Kyiv princes bore the nickname Yaroslav the Wise - such a person would be smart enough to smooth out the conflict and defuse the situation. (Pictured is Jaroslava Machova, a famous Czech opera singer.)

DOB: 1928-02-08

Version 1. What does the name Vyacheslav mean?

Vyacheslav - from. other Russian great glory, old man. Vecheslav.

Derivatives: Vyacheslavka, Slava, Slavunya, Slavusya, Slavukha, Vyacha, Vava.

Folk signs.

On the day of Vyacheslav, children are sprayed on the threshold with a sieve - to ward off damage, the evil eye, slander, and in general for health.


Vyacheslav is strong and physically resilient, which cannot be said about his mental fortitude: he is touchy, irritable, after an outburst of anger he usually feels awkward, becomes quiet, docile. IN family life reliable, helps his wife, takes care of the children. But once Vyacheslav is deceived by a woman, he never believes again. He himself is capable of treason. This may be by great love, but can become a “harmless” habit. At the same time, the family remains unshakable.

DOB: 1938-03-02

Version 2. What does the name Vyacheslav mean?

Comes from the Old Russian “vyache” (more) and “slav” (glory).

These boys grow up strong, and the “winter” ones, in addition, have endurance and good willpower. Therefore, parents will do absolutely the right thing if they send Vyacheslav to the sports section.

In childhood it is difficult to put up with injustice; being unable to protect the offended, little Vyacheslav may cry and, powerless, throw some thing. This trait will remain in the adult Vyacheslav. Faced with injustice, he may explode, flare up, and write a letter of resignation. Hot temper makes itself felt in other situations. After an outburst of anger, he usually feels awkward and becomes more accommodating. He's trying to take her as a wife smart woman, values ​​not only beauty in a future wife, but also a sense of independence, originality and lack of complexes. In family life he is reliable, helps his wife with housekeeping, and takes care of the children. As a rule, he does not need to be reminded about a broken faucet, a creaking door, or an unfed dog. He takes the distribution of household responsibilities for granted and does not divide work into men's and women's. Moderately jealous, he builds his relationship with his wife on trust; once deceived, he never trusts again. Women like him for his kindness and charm and courtesy. He remains faithful to his wife, which does not require much effort from him, since he is all about business, thoughts about work. Always puts work first. He completes the work he starts, is punctual, and conscientiously carries out assignments. He does not give preference to any professions; he can succeed equally well in any field, although there is a noticeable attraction to technology. If Vyacheslav has a car, he will devote a lot of time to caring for it. He enjoys receiving guests, loves to drink, but, fortunately, it rarely comes to the point of alcoholism.

“Winter” ones are stubborn, persistent, stronger than “summer” ones. “Autumn” and “spring” are prone to heart attacks and are more severe in nature.

Vyacheslav needs to think hard before proposing to Helena, Vera, Gella or Tatyana.

DOB: 1961-10-15

3 version of the meaning of the name Vyacheslav

Vyacheslav - “great glory” (Old Russian)

As a child he usually good health, and “winter”, in addition, has endurance and willpower. All this contributes to success in sports; parents will do absolutely the right thing if they send the boy to a sports section.

Little Vyacheslav does not want to put up with injustice; being unable to protect the offended person, out of despair he is ready to cry and throw some thing. Adults also have this trait. Faced with injustice, he may explode, flare up, and write a letter of resignation. Hot temper makes itself felt in other situations. After an outburst of anger, he usually feels awkward and becomes more accommodating.

He tries to take an intelligent woman as his wife; in his future wife he values ​​beauty, originality and the absence of complexes, a sense of independence. In family life he is reliable, helps his wife with housekeeping and takes care of the children. As a rule, he does not need to be reminded about a broken faucet, a creaking door, or an unfed dog. He takes the distribution of household responsibilities for granted. Moderately jealous, he builds his relationship with his wife on trust; once deceived, he never trusts again. Women like his kindness, charm, and helpfulness. He remains faithful to his wife, which does not require much effort from him, since he is all about business, thoughts about work.

Always puts work first. He completes the work he starts, is punctual, and conscientiously carries out assignments. There is no preference for any profession; he will succeed equally well in any field, although there is a noticeable craving for technology. If Vyacheslav has a car, he will devote a lot of time to caring for it.

He enjoys receiving guests, loves to drink, but rarely reaches the point of alcoholism.

In general, Vyacheslav is predisposed to pharyngitis and sinusitis, and he has an unstable nervous system.

“Winter” - fair, hot-tempered, straightforward.

“Autumn” - specific, reliable. Can become an electronics engineer, programmer, machine straightener. The name matches patronymics: Andreevich, Petrovich, Alekseevich, Valerianovich, Mikhailovich, Valentinovich.

“Summer” is very kind, loves children, not only his own, but also others.

“Spring” is sensitive and compassionate, independent and freedom-loving. Can become a lawyer, lawyer, journalist. The name matches patronymics: Stanislavovich, Vladislavovich, Savelievich, Borisovich, Romanovich, Tarasovich, Bogdanovich, Afanasyevich, Georgievich, Adolfovich.

DOB: 1934-11-30

Soviet and Russian actor theater and cinema, National artist USSR

4th version of the interpretation of the name Vyacheslav

Sport is his passion, especially if Vyacheslav - winter month birth. Always achieves good results thanks to stubbornness, assertiveness and the will to win. Vyacheslav is kind, but very hot-tempered.

Irritable if something doesn't work out. In this state, Vyacheslav is capable of rash actions: write a letter of resignation from his favorite job, sever ties with friends, destroy the only copy of an important document, etc. However, having splashed out his emotions, he becomes flexible and even more conscientious, which is generally characteristic of him. He is good-natured with everyone, rarely enters into conflicts, and is even in his relationships.

Vyacheslav is a reliable family man, but is predisposed to alcohol abuse. Perhaps only sports training keeps him from this. In old age, heart attacks are more likely.

DOB: 1947-02-17

6 version of the meaning of the name Vyacheslav

The name Vyacheslav comes from Old Russian words“vyache”, meaning “more”, and “slav” (glory). The Vyacheslavs are strong boys, have endurance and good willpower, and are good athletes.

Possessing physical strength, he will always fight injustice and protect the weak. Vyacheslav is quick-tempered, can flare up instantly, and is prone to impulsive actions. He can give free rein to fits of anger, but he also quickly cools down and, feeling guilty, becomes more flexible. In a future wife, he will value beauty, individuality, and the absence of complexes. He is reliable in the family, helps around the house, and takes care of the children.

Important place life takes up work. He brings everything to completion. Equally successful in any profession.

In numerology, the name Vyacheslav corresponds to the number 2.

date of birth: 0000-00-00

7 version of the meaning of the name Vyacheslav

VYACHESLAV - most famous (old-famous).

Name day: October 11 - Saint Vyacheslav, Prince of the Czech Republic, pleased God with his concerns for the spread of the Christian faith in the Czech Republic, with his love for church prayer, mercy; killed in the 10th century by his brother Boleslav on the threshold of the church where he was going for morning prayer.


Planet - Venus.

Color - pale golden.

The auspicious tree is hazel.

The treasured plant is heather.

The patron of the name is the buffalo.

The talisman stone is topaz.


Vyacheslav is stubborn and persistent; strong, resilient - but only physically, and spiritually unstable: quick-tempered, touchy. After an outburst of anger, he usually feels awkward and becomes flexible. In family life he is reliable, helps his wife, takes care of the children. Once deceived by a woman, he never believes again. He himself is capable of treason. The first time it happens out of great love, then it becomes a habit. But “the family hearth is sacred” is his favorite motto.

DOB: 1979-03-04

8 version of the meaning of the name Vyacheslav

Very kind, charming, temperamental. They will flare up, but immediately apologize, if they offended you, they will caress you. If something doesn’t work out, they get irritated, but they finish the job - they are conscientious. They love their children, usually boys, good fathers and husbands.

Vyacheslav receives guests with pleasure and does not refuse to drink, although he does not descend into alcoholism.

Winter ones are stubborn, persistent, stronger than summer ones. They make good athletes.

Autumn and spring people are prone to heart attacks and are psychopathic.

Name day named after Vyacheslav

January 14, March 17, August 16, August 23, August 25, October 11, October 13,

A person has only one name day - this is either the name day that falls on the birthday, or the first after the birthday

Famous people named Vyacheslav

DOB: 1928-02-08

Soviet and Russian theater and film actor, People's Artist of the USSR

DOB: 1938-03-02

Russian fashion designer, painter, graphic artist, artist theatrical costume

DOB: 1961-10-15

Soviet and Russian rock musician, writer

DOB: 1934-11-30

Soviet and Russian theater and film actor, People's Artist of the USSR

Vyacheslav Dobrynin

date of birth: 0000-00-00

Soviet and Russian crooner, composer, People's Artist of Russia

DOB: 1947-02-17

Soviet and Russian pop singer, poet, composer, Honored Artist of Russia

date of birth: 0000-00-00

Russian symbolist poet, philosopher

DOB: 1979-03-04

Russian football player, goalkeeper, Honored Master of Sports of Russia

Vyacheslav Molotov

DOB: 1890-03-09

Soviet political and statesman

Vyacheslav Fetisov

DOB: 1958-04-20

Soviet hockey player, Olympic champion, Russian statesman

Vyacheslav Shalevich

DOB: 1934-05-27

Russian and Soviet actor theater and cinema, People's Artist of the RSFSR

Vyacheslav Klykov

DOB: 1939-10-19

Soviet and Russian artist and sculptor

Vyacheslav Polunin

DOB: 1950-06-12

Soviet and Russian pop artist, mime clown, People's Artist of Russia

Fours analyze everything that happens around them. Knowledge about the structure of mechanisms is important for them; they love science. Since Fours do not like to fantasize, their ideas are always realistic.

The meaning of the letters in the name Vyacheslav

IN- sociability, optimism, love of nature and art. People with names starting with "V" choose professions related to creativity. They are excellent musicians, artists, fashion designers and writers. Despite their passion, they approach the choice of a partner extremely responsibly and are able to live their entire lives with one person.

I- people who have this letter in their name know their worth. They strive to achieve love and respect from the people around them. People with the letter "I" are good thinkers and are capable of hiding many secrets. In addition, they are excellent conversationalists and romantic people with a rich imagination.

H- stubbornness, determination to achieve specific purpose. These people are true philanthropists and are capable of selfless acts. They are very trusting and romantic natures. It would do them good to be less trusting of others.

E- sociability, insight, commercialism and selfishness. Owners of this letter are able to win people over. They are simple and charming at the same time. They constantly strive for a good life, which they value more than friendship. They realize themselves well in creative professions. They are interesting conversationalists.

WITH- characterized by stubbornness, unpredictability and leadership qualities. In their actions they are accustomed to rely on logic and common sense. They can be overly emotional, and sometimes even capricious. They constantly want to stand out from the gray mass. Excessive demands may be placed on the partner.

L- artistic and inventive individuals. They prefer to be guided in their actions logical thinking. They know how to win over. In rare cases, they are narcissistic and disdainful of other people. It is extremely difficult to endure separation from loved ones. They are too capricious and demand increased attention to your person.

A- the alphabet begins with it, and it symbolizes the beginning, the desire to achieve success.

If a person has this letter in his name, then he will constantly strive for physical and spiritual balance. People whose name starts with A are quite hardworking. They like to take initiative in everything and do not like routine.

Name Vyacheslav in English (Latin)


When filling out a document in English, you should write your name first, then your patronymic with Latin letters and only then the last name. You may need to write the name Vyacheslav in English when applying for a foreign passport, ordering a foreign hotel, when placing an order in an English online store, and so on.

Useful video

This name simply programs the child for success, no matter whether it is a boy or a girl. We Slavs are incredibly lucky. Peoples speaking Romance languages ​​have only a female version - Gloria. And here, the sonorous word Slava (the full name can be very different) can be used to name children of both sexes. What makes it special? This is the so-called pair name. Like Evgeny/iya, Valery/iya, Valentin/a. In the diminutive (in scientific terms, hypocoristic) form they sound the same: Zhenya, Lera, Valya.

In addition, it is also a two-pronged name. This means that in combination with it, it must be added. Most often, it comes at the beginning and thus directs and correlates the full name. “Glory” because of this prefix can be directed both at the person himself and at the deity. For example, those who honor God were called Boguslav. The children were named this way to be religious. But the desires for growing, thundering or greater praise and fame gave birth to the Rosti-, Gremi- and Vyacheslavs. How did the hopes of the fathers for their sons to earn laurels for themselves in the military field resonate? They gave the world the name Mieczyslaw. And so on.

There is only one original full name - “Slava” is placed at the beginning of it. Who should earn the honor and respect of people along their life path? This is Slavomir and his feminine namesake (Slavomir). But a diminutive nickname for a girl will sound like “Mira.” Bearers of these and their parents are also lucky in that they have at least two options for a petting diminutive nickname for their child. A boy can be Yarik, Vlad, Stas, Rostik, Radko, Vaclav, Bogus... And girls, in addition to the usual Slava, can be affectionately called Lada, Mirosy, Milami and even Sveta. How does this work? The last two diminutive names are the same as Lyudmila and Svetlana. But what will be written in these women’s passports? Yes Miloslava and Svetislava.

This is how it happened in the Russian language. Mostly, if someone’s friendly name is “Slava,” the full male name of such a person will be Vyacheslav. Shouldn’t we really call him Vyachik? This name has many analogues in other related languages: Ventsislav or Vaclav. It was formed from the archaic word “great”, which means “much larger” or, as they would say today, “to the maximum.” This name practically did not appear until the second half of the 19th century, since Vaclav (aka Laszlo) was a Catholic saint of the 10th century and he was not included in the Orthodox calendar. But interest in ancient Russian antiquity resurrected the name Vecheslav.

Whatever the full name, Slava always craves laurels and praise. Parents need to work hard on these inclinations of his (or her) in order to turn their child’s exorbitant ambitions into a healthy direction. It is necessary to convince the little ambitious person that he cannot achieve success in literally all areas of life. Otherwise, the unprepared Slava, faced with the fact that he is not the most talented student in the drawing club, may fall into frustration and earn himself complexes for the rest of his life.

But Yaroslav (this is his full name, Slava is again a diminutive) will face other problems in life. He is beaten over the edge already in childhood. He is the initiator and organizer of all pranks. But the prefix “Ardent”, which means “stormy”, “strong”, can do such a Slava a disservice. Sometimes he will act too voluntaristically, too firmly and directly, which can ruin his relationships with colleagues, and especially subordinates. But it was not for nothing that one of the Kyiv princes bore the nickname Yaroslav the Wise - such a person would be smart enough to smooth out the conflict and defuse the situation. (Pictured is Jaroslava Machova, a famous Czech opera singer.)

According to Mendelev

The name of a stable, conservative person with traditional and even somewhat outdated views on life. The values ​​of the signs “bright” and “joyful” only slightly rise above the average, neutral level.

This is a soft and, frankly speaking, not very assertive and strong-willed person with a weak type of nervous system, easily suggestible and accepting some views as his own today, and completely different tomorrow. Very sociable, sociable, but not too deep and independent thinking man. His statements are more often banal and trivial than original and deep. That is why he always lives in accordance with the existing this moment power and is the support of any regime. People like him form the middle layer of any society.

Vyacheslav is not inclined to long, hard work. Of course, he is not indifferent to wealth and money, but he fights for them sluggishly, passively, without passion and fire.

He will not betray a friend and will not play dirty tricks on his neighbor, but he will not defend anyone, especially if this defense poses some kind of threat to his well-being.

By temperament - sanguine, moderately cheerful, moderately sad, easily excited and just as easily cools down. He has many friends, and even more good acquaintances. Very often Vyacheslav has some kind of hobby, a “hobby”. Here he is no longer superficial and gullible, but a deep, knowledgeable and original-minded person.

He is devoted to his family and children, absorbed in small household chores and worries, improvements in the apartment, etc. This gives him a feeling of satisfaction, peace of mind and peace of mind.

Slava is just as dim, but simpler, more courageous and stronger. Vyacheslav seems to fade and become discolored with age.

Twenty-five to thirty years ago the name Vyacheslav sounded quite often. Now it is much less popular.

The color of the name is orange-red.

Sexy portrait of a name (according to Higir)

His sex life is full of variety and adventure, he is never left without the warmth of a loving partner. Vyacheslav is picky, chooses his girlfriend carefully, preferring an affectionate and gentle woman who is able to understand his intimate desires by one of his gestures. “Summer” Vyacheslav has a rather bleak sex life; deep down he suspects that other men have it much brighter and more interesting. When communicating with a woman, he is constrained and indecisive. “Winter” Vyacheslav makes love without prohibition and restrictions. He tries to choose an experienced partner who knows a lot about sex, but at the same time he wants her to be slim, with a beautiful bust. A woman’s breasts especially attract and excite Vyacheslav.

Possessing tender soul and with warmth, imagination and inventiveness, he always achieves success. His woman is never unsatisfied; she not only strives for him, but is captured by an uncontrollable desire to be with him as often as possible. Vyacheslav has a very developed sense of duty to his girlfriend, he is frank and natural in sex, tries to know his partner’s sexual capabilities as fully as possible, loves to bring her to ecstasy. He is extremely sensitive to foreign odors - to such an extent that he can even fail during intimacy and never meet this woman again. Vyacheslav is able to get married without knowing the sexual capabilities of his future wife, and subsequently pay for it.

According to Higir

Comes from the Old Russian “vyache” (more) and “slav” (glory).

These boys grow up strong, and the “winter” ones, in addition, have endurance and good willpower. Therefore, parents will do absolutely the right thing if they send Vyacheslav to the sports section.

In childhood it is difficult to put up with injustice; being unable to protect the offended, little Vyacheslav may cry and, powerless, throw some thing. This trait will remain in the adult Vyacheslav. Faced with injustice, he may explode, flare up, and write a letter of resignation. Hot temper makes itself felt in other situations. After an outburst of anger, he usually feels awkward and becomes more accommodating. He tries to take an intelligent woman as his wife; in his future wife he values ​​not only beauty, but also a sense of independence, originality and lack of complexes. In family life he is reliable, helps his wife with housekeeping, and takes care of the children. As a rule, he does not need to be reminded about a broken faucet, a creaking door, or an unfed dog. He takes the distribution of household responsibilities for granted and does not divide work into men's and women's.

Moderately jealous, he builds his relationship with his wife on trust; once deceived, he never trusts again. Women like him for his kindness and charm and courtesy. He remains faithful to his wife, which does not require much effort from him, since he is all about business, thoughts about work. Always puts work first. He completes the work he starts, is punctual, and conscientiously carries out assignments. He does not give preference to any professions; he can succeed equally well in any field, although there is a noticeable attraction to technology. If Vyacheslav has a car, he will devote a lot of time to caring for it. He enjoys receiving guests, loves to drink, but, fortunately, it rarely comes to the point of alcoholism.

“Winter” ones are stubborn, persistent, stronger than “summer” ones. “Autumn” and “spring” are prone to heart attacks and are more severe in nature.

Vyacheslav needs to think hard before proposing to Helena, Vera, Gella or Tatyana.

By D. and N. Winter

Meaning and origin of the name:“Most Glorious” (Slavic)

Name energy and character: The name Vyacheslav is very sonorous, it calls for leadership, primacy, but this is more of a sporting competition than a desire for superiority. Another thing is whether Vyacheslav will be able to realize such aspirations? Here the point is not even in the association with the concept of fame as such, it is read too clearly and not so unambiguously - after all, fame comes in different forms, including bad fame. At the same time, the first syllable of this word has a much stronger impact on the psyche due to its clear rhythm and incomprehensibility.

Thus, due to the energy of the name, two most likely paths open up for Slava - to realize her impulse for leadership by developing character, or to experience significant disappointment when faced with natural difficulties for this. However, most Vyacheslavs pass this test successfully, because they approach it with sports passion. In general, they usually have a craving for sports for the rest of their lives, they take care of their health, do not abuse alcohol, have patience and a cheerful disposition.

IN real life However, their leadership is not so noticeable, since it requires not so much competition as the art of bending people to their will. They often like to organize all kinds of events, especially those related to recreation; they can also initiate some joint ventures with friends, but, unfortunately, sometimes they begin to get carried away by the same passion for sports - who is bigger, who is better? - and it starts to interfere common cause. If Slava wants to become a good leader, he first needs to get out of general game and make more use of the personal qualities of subordinates, reconciling their interests with the interests of the cause.

Another important feature inherent in many Vyacheslavs is a sense of justice, which is also due to his sportiness, because the sporting spirit can flourish only where everything is fair and according to the rules. He may be sincerely upset that in life this is not always the case, and sometimes this can even knock Vyacheslav out of the saddle for a long time and cause depression.

Slava can hardly be called a workaholic; he usually knows how to both work and relax, and therefore treats household chores with due attention - after all, this is his place to relax. In relationships with women he is often easy, jealousy does not bother him too much, but he will most likely react very painfully to betrayal; maybe even too much.

Vyacheslav's character is capable of helping him in the most different professions, especially in those where there is a spirit of competition and much depends on him personally.

Secrets of communication: When conducting any business with Vyacheslav, one should not forget about his sense of justice; He may be willing to help you, but if he feels like you're just taking advantage of him, he'll likely stop doing business with you.

The name's trace in history:

Vyacheslav Tikhonov

Stirlitz gave the cat gasoline to drink. The cat took two steps and fell. “The gasoline has run out,” thought Stirlitz.

It so happened historically that almost the most jokes in Russia at the end of the twentieth century were told about folk hero Comrade Stirlitz. Moreover, it is difficult to deny the fact that basically these same anecdotes are due not to anyone, but personally to Vyacheslav Tikhonov (born in 1928), who brilliantly played the role of the brave Soviet intelligence officer in the film "Seventeen Moments of Spring". The anecdotes testify not at all to the “funny” role, but to the universal love and enormous popularity of the actor. And there is a certain pattern in this: in childhood, many boys wanted to be like Stirlitz or become as brave as Chapaev, but these were their favorites folk art most of all he ridicules.

The energy of the name, which inclines its owner towards competition and determination, is reflected in Tikhonov’s character - while still studying at the Institute of Cinematography, he, according to teachers, stood out from the mass of students with his enormous diligence and desire to delve into all the intricacies future profession. And this despite the fact that upon admission he was directly told: “You are not cinematic, no one will film you.”

However, time has put everything in its place, and now, even if there is a person in the country who does not know who Vyacheslav Tikhonov is, he certainly remembers Stirlitz from the famous film epic and, on occasion, can tell a couple of funny anecdotes about him.

Career, business and money

Vyacheslav is a leader by nature, he is able to withstand any competition. He doesn’t like to lose; such an event harms him.

Hardworking, can reach heights in different areas activity, but he needs certain conditions in which it will be easy to concentrate. Slava approaches the assigned tasks conscientiously. If he starts to do something, he definitely brings it to the end. There must be competition in the activity, which will be an excellent incentive to conquer new heights.

In financial matters it has great opportunities, is able to achieve material well-being. Slava is a generous person who will willingly spend part of his funds on charitable purposes.

Marriage and family

Vyacheslav will try to choose a smart and beautiful woman without complexes, gentle and affectionate. Relationships are based on mutual trust. When choosing a life partner, he gives great importance her appearance. Most of all, Slava values ​​home comfort and makes every effort to ensure that her loved ones do not need anything. He loves his wife and children, tries to make any of their whims a reality.

Vyacheslav is an excellent family man who is ready to help with housework. He spends time with children with great pleasure, becomes a true friend for them, they are always ready to entrust any secrets to their father, because they know that understanding and support await them. In everyday life, he is an ideal owner who does not need to be reminded of the need to repair a leaking faucet. He loves comfort, so everything in his house is perfect.

He is always faithful to his wife; there would simply not be enough time for betrayal, since work and home occupy every free hour he has. Betrayal for Vyacheslav is a serious blow, which will not be easy for him to bear. Divorce will cause significant harm to Slava’s psyche, after which it will take a long time to recover.

Sex and love

Vyacheslav likes spectacular, experienced women. He is an inventive man who will find a way to conquer an unapproachable beauty. Popular with women, capable of caring skillfully. The fair sex feels comfortable around such a person; girls like to devote time to him.

Vyacheslav is able to impress a lady and can arrange an unforgettable holiday for two. At the same time, he is absolutely sincere in his expression of feelings. This is a faithful companion, a monogamous man who will not forgive a woman for betrayal. Sex life is important for Vyacheslav; he loves variety and is distinguished by tenderness and warmth.


Since Vyacheslav is predisposed to depression, he needs to take care nervous system. This suitable for a man yoga class.

Fame may suffer due to illness gastrointestinal tract, has a predisposition to problems with the digestive system. To avoid them, you need to monitor your diet, distribute your energy correctly, and have adequate sleep. Bad habits– not for him, such a person will not abuse alcohol.

Interests and hobbies

Vyacheslav does not like to waste time; he devotes his free time to work and family.

This tech-loving man has a passion for cars. He not only loves to drive them, but also enjoys repairing and tuning his vehicle.