What happened to Ivan Panfilov. Panfilov Ivan Vasilyevich - Biography. From a poem about the father of the youngest daughter

Battles and victories

Outstanding Soviet military leader, major general, Hero of the Soviet Union (1942, posthumously).

He became famous during the battles for Moscow in the autumn of 1941 in the Volokolamsk region. Having shown personal courage and heroism, Panfilov skillfully organized the resistance of units of the 316th Infantry Division to the offensive of the Wehrmacht in the Volokolamsk direction. Panfilov's soldiers fought to the death against superior enemy forces, holding their positions.

It was in these bloody battles for Volokolamsk and to the east of it that the Panfilov division forever covered itself with glory. They called her that in the army, and the soldiers of the 316th said about themselves: “We are Panfilov’s!” Happy is the general who has earned in the mass of fighters the love and faith so simply expressed, but indelible in the hearts.

K.K. Rokossovsky

Ivan Vasilyevich Panfilov was born in the city of Petrovsk (now the Saratov region) in 1893. Already in 1905 he was forced to start working for hire. The death of his mother and the low income of his father (an office worker) did not allow him to finish the 4th grade city school.

He began his military service in the tsarist army, where he was called up in 1915. He entered the Russian-German front of the First World War with the rank of non-commissioned officer. Then he received the rank of sergeant major, became a company commander. In 1917, after the February Revolution, he was elected a member of the regimental committee. In 1918 he voluntarily joined the Red Army. Participated in the civil war as part of the 25th Chapaev Rifle Division. In 1920 he joined the CPSU(b). For heroism on the Polish front in 1921 he was awarded the Order of the Red Banner.

In his autobiography (1938), I.V. Panfilov pointed out: “He conducted agitation work at the front among the soldiers for an end to the fratricidal war, for the overthrow of the Kerensky government. He waged a direct armed struggle against the White armies and banditry.

In 1923 he graduated from the Kyiv Higher United School of Commanders of the Red Army. Then he was sent to the Turkestan front, where he took an active part in the fight against the Basmachi. In 1927 he was the head of the regimental school of the 4th Turkestan rifle regiment, from April 1928 he commanded a rifle battalion. In 1929 he was awarded the second Order of the Red Banner for military distinctions. From December 1932 he commanded the 9th Red Banner Mountain Rifle Regiment. In 1937 he served as the head of the department of headquarters of the Central Asian Military District, and in 1938 he was appointed to the post of military commissar of the Kirghiz SSR. In the same year he was awarded the medal "XX Years of the Red Army". In January 1939 he received the rank of brigade commander (since 1940 - major general).

In June 1941, Panfilov was entrusted with the formation of the 316th Rifle Division in Alma-Ata. Residents of Alma-Ata, Dzhambul and South Kazakhstan regions, as well as residents of Kyrgyzstan (40% Kazakhs, 30% Russians, 30% - representatives of another 26 peoples of the USSR) were called to it. These were people from civilian life, for example, the famous political instructor Klochkov from May 1941 worked as deputy manager of the trust of canteens and restaurants in Alma-Ata. At the end of August 1941, the division under the command of General Panfilov became part of the 52nd Army of the North-Western Front. During the transfer, near Borovichi, the division suffered its first losses, falling under an air raid on the march. At the training ground between Leningrad and Novgorod, intensive training of personnel took place. In September 1941, the division equipped a defense zone in the second echelon of the army.

From a letter from Panfilov to his wife:

An honorable task fell on us - to prevent the enemy from reaching the heart of our Motherland - Moscow. The enemy will be defeated, and Hitler and his gang will be destroyed. There will be no mercy for the reptile for the tears of mothers, wives, children. "Death to Hitler!" - on the lips of every fighter. Moore, stop. I hasten to post the letter. Valya (the eldest daughter, a nurse. - Ed.) rides ahead, with a train. Her mood is cheerful, fighting. How do you live there, like T-shirt? Take care of her. Kiss hard. Loving you folder... Kisses. Your Vanya.

In connection with the autumn offensive of the Wehrmacht on Moscow, on October 5, 1941, Panfilov's division was transferred to the 5th Army, and then to the 16th Army, concentrated on the outskirts of Moscow. In early October, the 316th Rifle Division held a 41-kilometer-long defense line (from the village of Lvovo to the Bolychevo state farm) in the Volokolamsk direction.

“On the left flank, covering Volokolamsk from the west and southwest to the Ruza River, stood the 316th Rifle Division, which had arrived from the front reserve. It was commanded by General I.V. Panfilov, and S.A. Egorov was the commissar. We have not seen such a full-blooded rifle division - both in terms of numbers and support - for a long time, - recalled the commander of the 16th Army, K.K. Rokossovsky. - Already on October 14, I met with General Panfilov at his command post, and we discussed the main issues related to the actions of his unit. The conversation with Ivan Vasilyevich left a deep impression. I saw that I was dealing with a sensible commander with serious knowledge and rich practical experience. His suggestions were well founded."

That's how K.K. Rokossovsky described Panfilov himself: “A simple open face, some even shyness at first. At the same time, one could feel seething energy and the ability to show an iron will and perseverance at the right time. The general spoke respectfully about his subordinates, it was clear that he knew each of them well.

It happens that you don’t immediately understand a person - what he is capable of, what his capabilities are. General Panfilov was understandable and sympathetic to me, somehow I was immediately convinced of him - and I was not mistaken.

Since October 15, Panfilov's division has been involved in fierce battles with the enemy. Measures were needed that would help to temper parts of the division that did not have combat experience, to convince the personnel of the strength of their weapons in the fight against the enemy.

“Most of the time he spent in regiments and even in battalions, and in those that at that moment experienced the most fierce pressure of the enemy. This is not ostentatious reckless courage, recalled S.I. Usanov, commissar of the artillery division of the 316th division. - On the one hand, the personal command experience of the divisional commander helped a lot to correct the situation in difficult areas, on the other hand, his appearance at a critical moment of the battle greatly raised the spirit of the soldiers and officers. ”The division had quite powerful artillery (207 guns), and Major General Panfilov, widely using the system of in-depth artillery anti-tank defense, he used mobile obstacle detachments in battle, which, despite the lack of combat experience of the division, allowed it to successfully hold back the onslaught of enemy tank units. According to the memoirs of colleagues Panfilov, at the same time, he brilliantly knew how to motivate his soldiers, thereby increasing their stamina in battle. According to the memoirs of the general's daughter, V.I. Panfilova, who served in the medical battalion, all the soldiers loved the division commander, they called him "batya".

“It is necessary to approach the issuance of an order reasonably and creatively. The order after the return becomes the personal fate of the subordinate, the executor. This is very, very serious, - another colleague Baurzhan Momysh-uly recalled the words of Ivan Vasilyevich. - Here I am a commander, one might say, all my life, but I always thought and still think: not troops for a commander, but a commander for troops. One of the main tasks of commanding art is to hold the key to the heart of the masses. The closer the commander is to the masses, the better and easier it is for him to work.

On the initiative of the battalion commander of the 1073rd regiment, senior lieutenant Momysh-Ula, detachments were created in the units of the division, intended for bold and decisive attacks even as the enemy approached the defense of the division. The division commander approved this initiative and recommended that soldiers and officers be selected for the detachment not from one battalion, but from the entire regiment. The strongest and most courageous soldiers and officers from each company were sent to the detachment. The fighting of such detachments made it possible to test the power of weapons, to recognize and see the enemy, and to make sure that with skillful and courageous actions he could be defeated.

The 316th division has many well-trained soldiers in its composition, and is conducting an amazingly stubborn defense. Its weak point is the wide front of the location.

Report to the Commander of the German Army Group Center von Bock

“From the morning of November 16, enemy troops began to rapidly develop an offensive from the Volokolamsk region to Klin,” recalled Marshal of the Soviet Union G.K. Zhukov, “Fierce battles unfolded. The rifle divisions of the 16th Army fought especially stubbornly: the 316th General I.V. Panfilov. 78th General A.P. Beloborodov and the 18th General P.N. Chernyshev, a separate cadet regiment S.I. Mladentseva, 1st Guards, 23rd, 27th, 28th separate tank brigades and cavalry group of Major General L.M. Dovatora ... The battles that took place on November 16-18 were very difficult for us. The enemy, regardless of the losses, climbed ahead, trying at any cost to break through to Moscow with their tank wedges. But the artillery and anti-tank defense in depth and the well-organized interaction of all branches of the military did not allow the enemy to break through the battle formations of the 16th Army. Slowly, but in perfect order, this army was withdrawn to the lines prepared in advance and already occupied by artillery, where again its units fought stubbornly, repelling the attacks of the Nazis.

Soldiers of the 4th company of the 2nd battalion of the 1075th rifle regiment of the 316th division, led by political instructor V.G. Klochkov, who occupied the defense in the area of ​​​​the Dubosekovo junction, on November 16 stopped the advance of 50 enemy tanks for 4 hours, destroying 18 of them. It was this event that went down in history as a feat of 28 Panfilov heroes. The next day, the division was awarded the Order of the Red Banner for exemplary performance of the command's combat missions and mass heroism.

Memorial complex "28 Panfilov Heroes" at the Dubosekovo junction

“Under the most difficult conditions of the combat situation, Comrade Panfilov always retained leadership and control of the units. In continuous monthly battles on the outskirts of Moscow, units of the division not only held their positions, but also defeated the 2nd Panzer, 29th Motorized, 11th and 110th Infantry Divisions with swift counterattacks, destroying 9,000 enemy soldiers and officers, more than 80 tanks, a lot of guns, mortars and other weapons” (G.K. Zhukov).

K.K. Rokossovsky gave a high rating to I.V. Panfilov as a military commander: “The division commander led the troops confidently, firmly, wisely. If it’s really difficult here, I thought, then Panfilov needs to be helped only by reinforcing him with fresh forces, and he will be able to use them without prompting from above.

Today, by order of the front, hundreds of fighters and division commanders have been awarded Orders of the Union. Two days ago I was awarded the third Order of the Red Banner ... I think soon my division should be guards, there are already three heroes. Our motto is to be all heroes.

On November 18, the 316th division was transformed into the 8th Guards Rifle Division. Only a few hours did the general not live up to this glorious moment - on the same day, having received a mortal wound, I.V. Panfilov died near the village of Gusenevo (now the Volokolamsky district of the Moscow region).

Monument to I.V. Panfilov at the place of death in Gusenovo, Volokolamsky district of the Moscow region

From the memoirs of Major General of the Tank Forces M.E. Katukov:

“We warmly congratulated our comrades, with whom we became related during these hot days. There was no time for solemn rallies: the division - now the 8th Guards - did not crawl out of the trenches, holding back the pressing enemy with the utmost effort. On the morning of November 18, two dozen tanks and chains of motorized infantry again began to surround the village of Gusenevo. Here at that time was Panfilov's command post - a hastily dug out dugout next to a peasant's hut. The Germans fired on the village with mortars, but the fire was not aimed, and they did not pay attention to it.

Panfilov received a group of Moscow correspondents. When he was informed of an enemy tank attack, he hurried out of the dugout to the street. He was followed by other employees of the division headquarters. Before Panfilov had time to climb the last step of the dugout, a mine rumbled nearby. General Panfilov began to slowly sink to the ground. They picked him up. So, without regaining consciousness, he died in the arms of his comrades. They examined the wound: it turned out that a tiny fragment had pierced the temple.

According to the memoirs of M.E. Katukov, the death of Panfilov so shocked the tankers that in the very next battle, "like possessed, they rushed towards the Nazi machines", confusing the enemy for some time. Colonel-General of the Wehrmacht Erich Gepner, who encountered the 8th Guards Division in the battles near Volokolamsk, in reports to the commander of the Center group Fedor von Bock, wrote about it as a "wild division", whose soldiers do not surrender and are not afraid of death The news of Ivan Vasilyevich's death shocked both the division and the brigade, especially those who knew him well. For me, it was the biggest loss. I managed to fall in love with the brave general and work with him. The only thing you can’t get used to in war is the death of loved ones.”

I.V. Panfilov was buried with military honors in Moscow at the Novodevichy Cemetery, a monument was erected over his grave.

On April 12, 1942, Major General I.V. Panfilov was posthumously awarded the Order of Lenin and he was awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union - for his skillful leadership of division units in the battles on the outskirts of the city of Moscow and for his personal courage and heroism. At the place of death, in the village of Gusenevo, a monument to the general was also erected. His name was immortalized in different parts of the Soviet Union, Panfilov streets appeared in Moscow, Alma-Ata, Bishkek, Perm, Lipetsk, Volokolamsk, Saratov, Yoshkar-Ola, Minsk, Omsk, Voronezh, Petrovsk and other cities. In Kazakhstan, the city of Zharkent in 1942-1991. in honor of the hero-commander was named Panfilov, in Kyrgyzstan the Panfilov district of the Chui region was formed. Monument to I.V. Panfilov was erected in Bishkek, becoming the very first monument in the USSR erected in honor of the hero of the Great Patriotic War.

Ivan Vasilievich Panfilov

Panfilov Ivan Vasilyevich, an active participant in the battles near Moscow in the Great Patriotic War, major general (1940), Hero of the Soviet. Union (12.4.1942, posthumously). Member CPSU since 1920. In the Soviet. Army since 1918. He graduated from the Kyiv United Military. school (1923). On the military service since 1915, participant of the 1st World War, commanded a company. In 1917 he was elected a member of the regiment committee. Oct. 1918 joined the 1st Saratov Regiment, 25th Rifleman. (Chapaevskaya) division and fought in it during the years of Citizenship. war, commanding a platoon and a company. From 1924 he commanded a battalion, then a rifleman. regiment, fought with the Basmachi. In 1937 he was the head of the department of the headquarters of the Central Asian military. districts. Since 1938 military Commissar of the Kirghiz SSR. In the Great Fatherland, the war from July 1941 in the army: he commanded the 316th (from November 1941 the 8th Guards) shooter. division. At the end of August, the division under the command of P. became part of the 52nd Army (North-West Front), and then was transferred to the Volokolamsk direction and as part of the 16th Army of the West. front took an active part in the battle of Moscow. Parts of the division led by P. in October - November. 1941 fought heavy defenses, battles with superior forces, pr-ka, in which lich. The squad showed mass heroism. For successful combat operations, the division was awarded the Order of the Red Banner. P. died in battle. He was awarded the Order of Lenin, 2 Orders of the Red Banner and the medal "XX Years of the Red Army". P.'s name was given to the division he commanded. He was buried in Moscow at the Novodevichy Cemetery.

Used materials of the Soviet military encyclopedia in 8 volumes, v. 6: Military objects - Radio compass. 672 p., 1978.

Panfilov Ivan Vasilievich (1892, Petrovsk, Saratov Province - 1941, around the village of Gusenevo, Moscow Region) - owl. military leader. Genus. in the family of a small office worker. Due to the early death of his mother, he could not graduate from the city school and entered the shop as a "boy". In 1915 he was drafted into the army. Fought in the Southwest. front and rose to the rank of sergeant major. After the February Revolution 1917 was elected a member of the regimental committee. In 1918 he volunteered for the Red Army. Participated in the civil war as part of the 25th Infantry Division led by V. I. Chapaev. He commanded a platoon, company, battalion. In 1920 he joined the RCP(b). In 1923 he graduated from the Kyiv Infantry School and served in Central Asia, fought with the Basmachi and was awarded two Orders of the Red Banner for his heroism in the Civil War. In 1937 he was the head of the department of headquarters of the Central Asian military district. In 1938 he was appointed military commissar of the Kirghiz SSR. In 1940 he was promoted to the rank of major general. Since July 1941, he commanded the 316th (from November - 8th Guards) rifle division, which was formed by him, which in October-November 1941 fought heavy defensive battles near Moscow, in the Volokolamsk direction. November 18, died in battle. In 1942 he was posthumously awarded the title of Hero of the Owls. Union. He was buried at the Novodevichy Cemetery in Moscow.

Used materials of the book: Shikman A.P. Figures of national history. Biographical guide. Moscow, 1997.


Malinin G.A. General Panfilov. Saratov, 1981.

Hero of the Soviet Union Guards Major General Ivan Vasilyevich Panfilov. Collection of documents. Frunze, 1948;

Stepped into immortality. Saratov, 1971, p. 70-86;

Momysh-uly B. General Panfilov. Ed. 3rd. Alma-Ata, 1973;

Panfilova M. A. Ivan Vasilyevich Panfilov. Alma-Ata, 1975.

Alexis writes:

Now I'll try .... I don't have a video at all either on the first or on the second link.

Strangely, the first link opens the Military Chronicle portal, and on it is a film (43.30 min.) Dedicated to Panfilov, from the GENERALS cycle. From the abstract:
... The guests of the program tell about the fate of General Ivan Vasilievich Panfilov, who died in November 1941 during the defense of Moscow: the daughter of General Maya Ivanovna, director of the Museum. I. Panfilova in Zelenograd T. Melekhina, veterans of the battle near Moscow
Ivan Panfilov became famous as an excellent commander of the Red Guard Rifle Division, as well as a major general. However there is a lot of inaccurate information in this film, filmed with the participation of Mlechin.
In battles, Panfilov could skillfully use mobile units, thanks to which he saved his division. Also, for the first time, he was able to use layered artillery anti-tank defense. This helped the troops to gain stamina, and they did not allow the enemy to break through the defenses. All seven days the division and the cadet regiment S.I. Mladentsev successfully repulsed all the attacks of the German enemy.
Ivan Panfilov, even in the most difficult battles, remained calm and composure, thanks to which he excellently led the division and made correct and rational decisions. The division, for its exemplary performance of combat missions of any complexity, was transformed into the 8th Guards Rifle Division. The division of General Panfilov always firmly held its position, it was impossible to defeat it, since it always skillfully repelled all enemy attacks. ...
I liked the movie. I didn’t understand whether inaccurate information (what is this?) appeared due to Mlechin’s participation in the process, or is it something else.

Alexis writes:

I'm more interested in books.

Vicki advises:
Baurzhan Momysh-uly. General Panfilov. - Alma-Ata, 1965.
Valentina Panfilova. My father: memories. - Alma-Ata: Zhazushi, 1971. - 96 p.
The texts of the books themselves are unknown to me, but there is an article dedicated to the 75th anniversary of the birth (I just didn’t understand what maqala), with a description of the track record:

December 31, 1967

"Kazakhstanskaya Pravda", No. 302

General Panfilov

(To the 75th birthday anniversary)

Thanks for this post: Alexis

In May 1945, when the last volleys of the war died down, among the inscriptions left on the Reichstag, the following appeared: “We are Panfilovites. Thank you, Dad, for the boots.

Division General Panfilov completed hostilities far from Berlin, but the warpaths of one of its fighters were brought to the enemy's lair. The legendary commander did not live to see the Victory, but his soldiers always remembered Bata.

In the Soviet Army in its entire history there were only two units named after commanders - the 25th Guards Rifle Division named after Vasily Chapaev and 8th Guards Rifle Division Ivan Panfilov. This fact already speaks of the attitude towards the personality of the general, whose fighters fought to the death in the defense of Moscow.

Ataman "panfilyat"

If the inhabitants of the city of Petrovsk, where Vanya Panfilov was born and spent his childhood, were asked the question of who this boy would become when he grew up, they would most likely answer: “Convict”. A black-haired, swarthy boy who looked like a gypsy was the leader of his peers. Adults called this company "panfilyat". They appeared wherever there were some extraordinary events - whether it was a fire or a strike of workers.

The son of an employee, Vanya Panfilov, lost his mother early, and then his father was fired for taking part in the strike. At the age of 12, without even finishing four classes, the boy was forced to leave his studies in order to earn a living.

From a young age, Ivan had the right character - he did not allow anyone to mock him. Therefore, several times I had to change jobs, leaving the owners, who did not consider him a person.

Scout Chapaev

And in 1915 he was drafted into the army. During the First World War, Panfilov participated in the Brusilov breakthrough, rose to the rank of sergeant major. At the beginning of 1918, he returned home, but not for long - he soon voluntarily became a soldier in the Red Army.

And here the paths of two Soviet legends intersect - Ivan Panfilov served in the 25th Infantry Division under the command of Vasily Chapaev. The former ataman "panfilyat" became Chapaev's dashing reconnaissance squadron, which obtained the most important information during raids in the rear of the White Guards. “I like his calmness and endurance in such a dangerous business. Cautious, but bold,” Chapaev himself said about Panfilov. This Chapaev characterization accurately describes Panfilov's style as a commander. He never risked senselessly, but at the same time he knew how to competently solve the problem.

East is a delicate matter

After the Civil War, Panfilov graduated from the Kyiv United Infantry School and was assigned to the Central Asian Military District.

He became a real thunderstorm of the Basmachi, who, at the same time, respected him as an opponent. Panfilov did not resort to meanness, did not take revenge on the relatives of the bandits, tried not only to eliminate enemies, but also to establish a new life even in the most remote settlements.

In 1938, when the fighting died down in Central Asia, Panfilov was appointed to the post of military commissar of the Kirghiz SSR. For a talented 45-year-old commander, this is not the highest position, but Panfilov did not try to look for something else. Having lived in the East for many years, becoming the head of a large family, he did not want to leave these places. He plunged headlong into organizational issues, building the work of military commissariats from the lowest level.

Learned to fight tanks on tractors

In June 1941, Panfilov and his family were vacationing in Sochi. An urgent telegram calling him to Moscow interrupted the family idyll.

With the outbreak of war, General Panfilov received an order to start forming a new rifle division in Alma-Ata.

The general approached the task extremely responsibly. I personally recruited commanders, starting from the level of the platoon commander. Combat training of soldiers was established at the highest level. Panfilov at the shooting range himself often showed the fighters how to handle weapons. For training in combating tanks, on the orders of the general, caterpillar tractors were used. The soldiers had to learn how to calmly pass armored colossus over them, and then hit them with grenades and bottles of combustible mixture. As a result, the soldiers of the Panfilov division demonstrated calmness and self-confidence in the fight against Nazi tanks. The sight of the advancing German tank armadas did not unsettle them.

There are no trifles, or how the general knocked out stockings

There were no trifles in the preparation of the division for Panfilov. He talked to the fighters, learned about the problems, and immediately took measures to solve them. The general ensured that his soldiers had no problems with winter uniforms. For felt boots, which warmed in the trenches near Moscow, the soldiers thanked their commander on the wall of the Reichstag in 1945.

Through the leadership of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Kazakhstan, Panfilov achieved the issuance of lingerie, stockings and skirts for women from the division. Women's uniforms in Alma-Ata were sewn on special order.

For this concern for people, the soldiers nicknamed General Panfilov "Batey".

Reproduction of the painting "Portrait of General Ivan Vasilyevich Panfilov" by artist Vasily Nikolayevich Yakovlev. Photo: RIA Novosti / Skleznev

"You need to stay alive!"

The newly formed 316th Rifle Division in August 1941 was transferred to Novgorod, where it took up positions in the second echelon of the army.

Panfilov's fighters prepared the defense zone for more than a month, but in early October they were urgently loaded into trains and sent to Moscow.

After the encirclement of Soviet troops near Vyazma, the road to the capital was completely open. To plug the gap at the front, parts were collected wherever possible. The arrived division of Panfilov was included in the 16th Army of General Rokossovsky, assigning it a defense sector with a length of 41 kilometers from the village of Lvovo to the Bolychevo state farm in the Volokolamsk direction.

Time to prepare defensive positions was running out, and the enemy's 35th Infantry Division, 2nd, 5th and 11th Panzer Divisions were advancing in this sector.

The superior forces of the Nazis rushed to Moscow, but the fighters of General Panfilov inflicted heavy damage on the enemy. At the same time, the division commander himself told his subordinates: “I don’t need you to die heroically, I need you to stay alive!”

There is no way for the Germans to go further

Wanting to save the division from complete destruction, on October 27, 1941, Panfilov ordered to leave Volokolamsk, occupying a new line of defense. The decision of the general outraged Zhukov And Stalin, but Commander-16 Konstantin Rokossovsky said: “I trust Panfilov. If he left Volokolamsk, then that means it was necessary!”

Panfilov was right. The fighters saved by him rose to the death on the Volokolamsk highway, when on November 16, 1941, the enemy launched the second and last attempt to attack Moscow.

Two tank and one infantry divisions of the Wehrmacht ran into a wall, which for them was Panfilov's division.

The general concentrated his main forces in the places of the most probable attacks of the enemy, foreseeing his actions. As a result, the Germans suffered heavy losses, but could not move forward significantly.

At the height of the fighting near Moscow, the 316th Rifle Division was awarded the Order of the Red Banner, and on November 18 it was transformed into the 8th Guards Rifle Division.

Major General Ivan Panfilov, Chief of Staff, Colonel Ivan Serebryakov, Senior Battalion Commissar Sergei Yegorov. The picture was taken on the day of the death of I. Panfilov. Photo: RIA Novosti

“Major General Panfilov died by the death of a hero”

On the day when the transformation of the division into the Guards was officially announced, a correspondent from the newspaper Pravda arrived at the headquarters of the division Mikhail Kalashnikov. He was supposed to make material about the heroes of the defense of Moscow. Kalashnikov also took a photo of the divisional commander with his subordinates. This photograph was the last in the life of the general. Literally a few minutes later, a fragment of a German mortar mine cut short his life.

Despite the fact that the fighting near Moscow continued, General Panfilov was given the highest military honors. The farewell ceremony was held in the Great Hall of the Central House of the Red Army. The material on the death of the general, published in the newspaper Krasnaya Zvezda, was signed by Zhukov, Rokossovsky and other prominent military leaders. It said: “Major General Panfilov died by the death of a hero. The Guards Division has lost its glorious commander. The Red Army lost an experienced and brave commander. In battles with the German invaders, his military talent did a great service to the Fatherland.

Ivan Panfilov was buried at the Novodevichy Cemetery.

On November 23, 1941, the 8th Guards Rifle Division was named after General Panfilov.

By decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of April 12, 1942, for the skillful leadership of parts of the division in the battles on the outskirts of the city of Moscow and the personal courage and heroism shown at the same time, Major General Panfilov Ivan Vasilievich was awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union (posthumously).

The graves of the heroes of the defense of Moscow in 1941 - Lev Dovator, Viktor Talalikhin and Ivan Panfilov at the Novodevichy cemetery. Photo: RIA Novosti / B. Elin