What is a model library definition. Guidelines for creating model libraries. Model libraries of the Kirov region

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Libraries of the Ministry of Culture of Russia in rural areas 2008 (according to the State Information Center of the Ministry of Culture of Russia) The population living in rural areas is .8 thousand people. The population living in rural areas is .8 thousand people. Number of libraries - (serve 1100 people on average) Number of libraries - (serve 1100 people on average) % of population coverage with library services - 51% % of population coverage with library services - 51%

Libraries of the Ministry of Culture of Russia in rural areas 2008 (according to the State Information Center of the Ministry of Culture of Russia) Number of libraries having: Number of libraries having: personal computers - 6431 libraries (17.8%); personal computers – 6431 libraries (17.8%); Internet access – 2099 libraries (5.8%); email– 1600 libraries (4.6%)

The goals of the program are to form a unified cultural and information space, create conditions to ensure equal access to cultural values and information resources of various groups of citizens creating conditions to ensure equal access to cultural values ​​and information resources of various groups of citizens

Municipal budget repairs and decoration of premises; installation of security and fire alarms; connection to a dedicated telephone line; connection to the INTERNET network; purchasing library and computer furniture to accommodate equipment, books and CDs.

Federal budget Equipment set: two computers with monitors; two computers with monitors; multifunctional peripheral device (printer, scanner, copier, fax HP LaserJet); multifunctional peripheral device (printer, scanner, copier, fax HP LaserJet); uninterruptible power supply, modem; uninterruptible power supply, modem; consumables: cartridges, CD-RW, DVD+RW discs, paper consumables: cartridges, CD-RW, DVD+RW discs, paper multimedia projector multimedia projector

Leaders Chuvash Republic* 500 libraries Belgorod region 116 libraries Kursk region 43 libraries Chelyabinsk region 33 libraries Stavropol region 31 libraries Tambov region 28 libraries _____________________________ * Were not included in the processing

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Currently, there is an urgent issue of increasing the role of libraries in the development of the information society in order to reduce the information inequality of citizens and different regions of the country. This is exactly what was said in the welcoming speech of the President of the Russian Federation D. A. Medvedev at the VI Tver socio-economic forum “Information Society” in 2009: “...The 21st century is rightly called the century of information. And today it is extremely important to improve the communication infrastructure, to more actively overcome the “digital divide” of the regions, to switch to the most modern standards and technologies...”

By Order of the Government of the Russian Federation dated March 10, 2008 No. 1663-r, the “Main Directions of the Government’s Activities” were approved Russian Federation for the period until 2012”, as well as a list of projects for their implementation. Among the priority areas of activity in the field of cultural development, a set of measures has been highlighted to “ensure for Russian citizens an equal right to participate in cultural life and access to cultural values", on development library system, in particular, promoting the modernization of the material and technical base of libraries and the introduction of the latest information technologies.

It is impossible to talk about creating a unified national information space without the development of rural libraries, of which there are more than 38 thousand in Russia, and they serve over 40 million residents, that is, a third of the country’s population. But only a small part of them (9%) are equipped with computer equipment and only 3% have access to the Internet. Moreover, often the rural library is the only cultural institution in the village. It is she who carries out a wide variety of functions - educational, leisure, entertainment, cultural and educational, memorial, historical and local history, providing social assistance to the population. The latter is especially important in remote villages where it is not possible to create specialized services social support population. All this proves that in eliminating information inequality, special attention should be directed to the informatization of rural libraries.

The creation of model libraries in the Russian Federation began with the implementation in 2002 of the all-Russian project “Creation of model public libraries in rural areas” by the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation, the Interregional Association of Business Libraries and public organization « Open Russia" The significance of this project, the implementation of which has today become one of the priority areas for the development of librarianship in Russia, is evidenced by the fact that since 2006 it has been included in the Federal Target Program “Culture of Russia (2006–2011)”. According to the objectives of the Program, 420 rural libraries should be provided with access to information resources. The federal budget allocates 165 million rubles for the implementation of this project.

The concept of “model library” includes broad meaning. The criterion indicators of a model of a modern public library that meets the requirements of the information society and meets the needs of today's users are reflected in the “Model Standard for Public Library Operations”, adopted by the Russian Library Association in 2001. In the new edition of the document (2008), the emphasis is on the modernization of library services based on the introduction of information technology into library practice. So, in particular, the document states:

“Thanks to its accessibility, the library helps eliminate information inequality, create conditions for the realization of intellectual freedom, the preservation of democratic values ​​and universal civil rights, improving the quality of life...

The library serves all categories of citizens, provides them with a range of library, information and service services in the most convenient mode for them: in the library itself or outside the library, as well as by telephone or e-mail.

Information technologies allow the public library to introduce and use new forms of service, to provide access to its own and corporate information resources to any user, regardless of his location.”

Thus, a model rural library is a library that, in its functions, content and equipment, meets international and domestic standards, which has become a kind of model, a standard for others, that is, it is a library that has an optimal standard set material and information resources, which is a platform for effective and high-quality services to the population. It is created with the aim of providing residents of municipalities with unlimited access to information and qualitatively improving the level of library services to the population.

Modernization of the rural library involves the following conditions:

  • organization of a modern comfortable environment ( major renovation premises);
  • improvement of the surrounding area;
  • updating the main core of the book collection, based on the standards of the “Model Standard for Public Library Operations”;
  • current acquisition of the fund on all types of media;
  • subscription to periodicals;
  • automation of library processes;
  • access to information resources of the Internet and regional libraries;
  • training staff in practical skills in using new technologies in library and information services to users.

For the effective implementation of this project, the participation of regional and local authorities is necessary. It is they who are entrusted with such tasks as repairing library premises, equipping them with library equipment and furniture, ensuring the safety of installed computer equipment, other equipment and information resources.

The implementation of the project “Creation of model public libraries in rural areas” became a catalyst for modernization processes in rural libraries in many regions of the Russian Federation.

The leading role in the implementation of the project was played by those regions that over the past ten years have not only supported and developed initiatives aimed at preserving and supporting rural libraries, but have independently developed and implemented regional programs for their modernization . Most a shining example can be considered a program for creating model rural libraries in the Chuvash Republic. In 2003, the President of the Republic signed the Decree “On the creation of rural model libraries in the Chuvash Republic.” In this document, the Cabinet of Ministers Chuvash Republic it was necessary to ensure “opening during 2003-2004. 100 rural model libraries equipped with a basic set of computer equipment, reference and legal systems, electronic publications, the best books domestic book publishing; connecting rural model libraries to the republican telecommunications network.” When forming the republican budget of the Chuvash Republic for 2004, it was planned to allocate funds for the creation and opening of rural model libraries as part of co-financing for the pilot project “Creation of computer public libraries in rural areas.” And the self-government bodies of the regions of the Chuvash Republic were recommended to “create the necessary conditions to open rural model libraries, ensure repairs, reconstruction of buildings and premises, purchase of furniture, telephone installation and safety of equipment; organize training computer technologies cultural workers."

In a speech at a meeting of the Council at the Plenipotentiary Representative of the President of Russia in Privolzhsky federal district The President of Chuvashia N.V. Fedorov said: “Exclusively at the expense of the republican budget, we began an unprecedented action to create a network of model libraries - 500 modern and well-equipped ones instead of yesterday’s 500 wretched and dull ones. That was our goal."

The experience of the Chuvash Republic was highly appreciated by the President of the Russian Federation D. A. Medvedev and suggested using it to other regions. Thus, at a meeting with the President of the Chuvash Republic D. A. Medvedev noted that spiritual life has always “concentrated around libraries,” where “there must be a digital component, access to the global network and a normal selection of books so that people do not lose reading skills.” In this regard, in his opinion, “the model libraries of Chuvashia seem to be correct in their structure,” and “this experience could be used in other regions.”

The project to create model libraries within the framework of the Federal Target Program “Culture of Russia (2006–2010)” is being implemented in the Udmurt Republic. Based on the results of consideration of applications for participation in the “Model Rural Libraries” project, it was decided to open two model rural libraries in Udmurtia in 2009 in the Malopurginsky (Bobya-Ucha village) and Zavyalovsky (Podshivalovo village) districts.

More than 400 thousand rubles were received from the federal budget for the creation of one model library, including 140 thousand rubles. for the purchase of computer equipment, 250 thousand rubles. – for the acquisition of library collections with printed and electronic publications, as well as funds for the training of librarians in Moscow. At the expense of the municipal budget, according to the terms of the project, the renovation of library premises and the installation of fire and security alarms were carried out.

In November 2009, the All-Russian Congress of Rural Libraries took place in Bryansk. Its organizers were the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation, the Pushkin Library Foundation, the Administration of the Bryansk Region, the Bryansk Regional Scientific Universal Library. F. M. Tyutcheva. Representatives of rural libraries from 42 regions of the Russian Federation, Ukraine and Belarus took part in the congress.

At the congress, the interim results of the “Model Rural Libraries” project were summed up. The leaders (regions with model rural libraries) are the Chuvash Republic (all five hundred rural libraries are model), Belgorod region (116 model libraries), Kursk region (41), Stavropol region (31), Tambov region (28).

Considering the importance of rural libraries for sustainable territorial development and improving the quality of life of the population in rural areas of Russia, the congress participants in the final document proposed implementing a new scheme for their resource support and development based on the public-public partnership model:

  • apply to the Government of the Russian Federation with a proposal to provide for the possibility of widespread introduction of advanced telecommunication technologies and information resources in rural libraries;
  • contact the Ministry of Culture of Russia, the Russian state library, Central Scientific Library of the Russian Agricultural Academy and the Non-profit Foundation “Pushkin Library” with a proposal to organize, as part of the implementation of the Federal Target Program “Culture of Russia” (2006–2011), a comprehensive information consulting and resource center for rural libraries;
  • recommend that the executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation actively implement a mobile system for servicing settlements that do not have libraries *;
  • contact the Ministry of Regional Development of Russia, the Ministry of Agriculture of Russia with a proposal to support and develop a network of public centers for legal and other socially significant information based on rural libraries;
  • initiate the creation of a national information partnership network uniting socially active institutions and organizations at various levels, aimed at developing rural libraries and improving the quality of life in rural areas;
  • contact the Russian Ministry of Culture with a proposal to conduct
  • permanent basis All-Russian competition for rural libraries on social significant directions work;
  • approve the practice of the Pushkin Library Foundation for expert selection of social significant literature and information resources for targeted acquisition of rural library collections;
  • hold All-Russian congresses of rural libraries on a regular basis.

The opening of model libraries makes it possible to create examples of organizing library services and provide services at a new quality level. information Services. Speaking about a model library, we must first of all proceed from the fact that its activity is based on an information function. The rapid development of information technology leads to a deepening of the information gap in the level and possible access to information and knowledge, making this gap extremely critical. Resident of any settlement must have access to information - vital, socially significant, production necessary. Only in this case will the constitutional right of every citizen of the Russian Federation to access information be ensured.


  1. Culture of Russia (2006–2011): federal target program: approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated December 8. 2005 No. 740 // SPS “ConsultantPlus”.
  2. On approval of the main directions of activity of the Government of the Russian Federation for the period until 2012 and the list of projects for their implementation: Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated March 10, 2008 No. 1663-r (as amended on August 8, 2009) // SPS “ConsultantPlus”.
  3. Model standard for public library activities: adopted by the Conference of the Russian Library Association, XIII Annual Session, May 22, 2008, Ulyanovsk // Information Bulletin of the Russian Library Association. – 2008. – No. 48. – P. 50-59.
  4. On the creation of rural model libraries in the Chuvash Republic: Decree of the President of the Chuvash Republic dated 04/07/2003 No. 34 // Collection of legislation of the Chuvash Republic. – 2003. – No. 5. – Art. 275.
  5. Antonenko S. A. The whole world created model libraries in Ryazan region// Bibliopol. – 2006. – No. 2. – P. 16-20.
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  8. Zotkina T. Open to people// Bibliopol. – 2007. – No. 10. – P. 47-48.
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  13. Kononova E. Small forces - big things // Bibliopol. – 2008. – No. 5. – P. 64-65.
  14. Korotkevich M. N. Modeling is a strategic path for the development of public libraries // Library. – 2004. – No. 6. – P. 20-24.
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  17. Matlina S. From model to modal: results of the “first five-year plan” for the work of rural libraries in new conditions // Bibliopol. – 2006. – No. 9. – P. 2-6.
  18. Matlina S.G. From model to modal rural libraries // Information Bulletin of the Russian Library Association. – 2005. – No. 36. – P. 35-39.
  19. Medvedev D. A. (President of the Russian Federation). President D. A. Medvedev on the modernization of libraries: “Let’s continue to do this...” // Library. – 2008. – No. 12. – P. 1.
  20. Model in Tugulym: steps of ascent // Library. – 2008. – No. 3. – P. 33-38.
  21. Model libraries in the village: new life Goncharov estate // Library science. – 2005. – No. 1. – P. 19.
  22. Pavlova V.I. Model libraries – the heart of the information society // New library. – 2004. – No. 8. – P. 13-17.
  23. The first model library [in the Udmurt Republic] // Gerd. – 2009. – No. 7 (124). – P. 3.
  24. Potekhina N. Now we have access to any point on globe// Bibliopol. – 2007. – No. 1. – P. 65-68.
  25. Ptichenko O. Is it necessary to spend resources on the outback? : rural libraries Sverdlovsk region in the context of the regional priority “Culture” // Bibliopol. – 2007. – No. 12. – pp. 23-24.
  26. 26. Rodin A. M. First Congress of Rural Libraries / A. M. Rodin, S. Yu. Morozova // Information Bulletin of the Russian Library Association. – 2010. – No. 55. – P. 132-135.
  27. 27. Rural libraries: difficulties and achievements // Directory of the head of a cultural institution. – 2004. – N 5. – P. 6-7.
  28. Smelova T.V. Model libraries in rural areas: a public information center opened in Bulanikha [Altai Territory] // Library Science. – 2005. – N 2. – P. 29-30.
  29. Smelova T. Despite the distance from the center of the country... // Bibliopol. – 2007. – No. 3. – P. 6-7.
  30. Taktaev S. A. Report at the VI Tver socio-economic forum “Information Society” [Electronic resource]. – Access mode: http://www.summatech.ru/new_old/tverforum
  31. Fedorov N.V. (President of Chuvashia). Removing the barriers of information inequality // Library. – 2008. – No. 12. – P. 6-8.
  32. Chelpanova S. Happy for our rural children // Bibliopol. – 2005. – No. 3. – P. 2-4.
  33. Shakina O. A decent chance to enter the future // Bibliopol. – 2006. – No. 2. – pp. 12-15.

Compiled by

chief bibliographer

information and bibliographic department

O. G. Kolesnikova







All articles 12/16/2015

Dramatic changes are possible within the standard renovation budget

The KIDZ design team transformed the library to them. N.V. Gogol into one of the most fashionable city spaces and since then has transformed more than one St. Petersburg library. It was they who, on the portal of the New Type Library, visualized the ideas and principles contained in the “Model Standard for the Operation of a Public Library.”

How to transform book depositories into up-to-date ones social spaces? The designers shared their experiences.

Alexey Puzin,
development director, design bureau KIDZ

Egor Bogomolov,
architect, design bureau KIDZ

Nastya Tereshchenko,
architect, designer, design bureau KIDZ

Saint Petersburg

Ideology determines design

When we were offered to transform Gogol’s library, we asked ourselves the question: “What is a library? What is she now? Who does she work for? It is the answers to these questions that determine what the structure and design of the space will be.

The ideology of space is changing. The Model Standard states that public library turns into a center of social activity and communication. The book itself loses its significance as a type of value, and the library is reorganized from a book storage (although one of the main functions of the library is to continue storing books as a value) and acquires a social function: holding events and building communication. It depends on the format of the events, when people gather and through different kinds activities interact with each other, and the concept of space is repelled. A person should be comfortable ideologically, visually and at the level of sensations.

Focus on the event

At the top of the new Gogol Library website, the phrase “offer an event” attracts attention. This is an iconic detail. The user himself can offer to hold a lesson or meeting in the library and most likely he will not be refused. This approach, of course, is reflected in the structuring and design of the space. In essence, it is necessary to provide the opportunity to organize a cultural event in a small area, without knowing in advance what exactly visitors can offer. This means that in 10–15 minutes, without the use of brute male force, a space that was adapted, for example, for reading 50 people, should turn into auditorium for 100 people. How to do it? Just move the shelves on wheels, make room, arrange the chairs - that's it, the lecture is on! After an hour and a half it was over and the space just as easily took on its previous appearance.

Make the space mobile

Mobility is achieved through multifunctional furniture, which at the same time serves as a space delimiter. We love versatility. For example, we have objects that simultaneously provide a shelf for storing books, a place for sitting and relaxing, and separate areas for various activities. One piece of furniture solves several problems: functional, spatial and design. Besides, most of furniture is on wheels, it can be easily and quickly moved.

Make the space transparent. Literally

In the Gogol Library, the entrance area is decorated not with a heavy massive door, but with the help of large glass surfaces. Floor-to-ceiling windows and glass doors symbolize the openness of the library. Passers-by see what is happening inside, i.e. the functionality of the room is clear from the outside. Such “transparency” is not always perceived positively by staff, because it obliges and even requires changes in working methods.

However, if all libraries were decorated with large windows, it would help them a lot. A person who did not plan to come to the library, but was simply passing by, could see that something alive was happening there. That alone might motivate him to come in. The librarian who greets visitors and tells them what is happening and where makes it clear that they are welcome here. Such ethical issues are no less important than design techniques.

Librarian - activity facilitator

The new library format does not serve books in terms of value, but people. If previously the librarian performed technical functions in registering subscriptions, now he becomes a facilitator of activity in the library environment. One of the goals of the New Type Library project is to create a space that eloquently declares that it can become a platform for almost any event. We think in terms of events - in this format it is most convenient for people to interact. Each visitor can come up with his entire idea, so The librarian must be open to any idea and build communication with active users. Plans for the future are to form a caring community around the library and its staff. It must be said that the space is ahead of the community in its development. Even in St. Petersburg, the amount of reorganized space is now a level higher than the number of people who can professionally service it.

Let the space be flexible

Any rigid functions run the risk of dying out over time, so the ability to change must be built into the space. For example, we initially planned the art hall as a space for holding musical evenings and exhibitions. But over time, it was especially loved by children who began to come here after school. As a result, the art hall expanded its functional purpose. During the daytime, children's activities are held here: lessons and master classes. And it is right: the space must be flexible and respond to the real needs of users. In addition, we are against dividing libraries for children and adults. A parent can come with their child and leave him with the teacher for a couple of hours: this way both of them will spend time usefully.

From traditional division to open plan

The library has always been created as a book depository where you can come and borrow a book. Associated with this is the traditional layout: a subscription room, a reading room, a storage room for books, as well as many shelves and narrow passages between them. Time has shifted priorities: we expect that a person, having come to the library, will stay here, not only to work, but also to communicate and attend events. That's why the need to divide space in the old way has disappeared. The entire space is for people, there are practically no closed areas, all books are open access. The Gogol Library has a closed storeroom of unpopular literature, but it is a very small room.

Of course, visitors different goals: someone came for communication, and someone needs to concentrate on work. Therefore, we divide a large space into smaller zones, including through mobile furniture. Oddly enough, in order to privacy and feel protected, there is no need to hide behind a concrete wall; the shelves on the left are enough. Yes, it is impossible to create an ideal space, especially in such a limited area. Therefore, a network of city libraries is necessary: ​​if you feel uncomfortable in one of them, you can go to another, designed in a different style.

Each library has its own face

Each library should have its own conceptual solution: one can specialize in events and lectures, another in musical evenings and have a recording studio, a third can conduct master classes and have its own workshop. It’s not so much about a network of libraries, but about a network of urban spaces, be they commercial or non-profit. The library's partnership with commercial partners is very important. The idea is to combine local community. People can also gather in the library to solve pressing problems (for example, a parking issue or landscaping a yard). The library becomes an activating space and influences what happens in the city, its cultural, social and physical landscape. That's the goal.

Standard renovation budget

Many people think that a cool, fashionable environment is either foreign or very expensive, but this is not so. The furniture for Gogol's library was designed by us and assembled at the Ryazan factory. Good spatial solutions are not always expensive. No space budget! We fit into the amount allocated for standard repairs for the district (not even city!) library. A good designer will always be able to choose an effective solution for a specific problem that will require minimal costs.

It turned out to be difficult to convince contractors to meet us and produce custom-made furniture according to our sketches. Over the decades, suppliers have developed a standard line, which they sell to libraries, and see no reason to change anything. It would be more convenient for us, designers, to collaborate with small workshops that can easily make changes to the technological process, unlike large manufacturers. But a strict tender system prevents them from entering this market.

Fitting the library into the urban context

What exactly to create in a library depends on where it is located and what the residents need. For example, a recording studio was created in one of the St. Petersburg libraries, following the example of Finnish colleagues. The project is not bad, but artificial, because there is no real need for this studio. While visitors to the Finnish library, which was used as an example, really needed such a studio - it was carried out sociological research. Next to her is School of Music and residents need a space for recording, rehearsing and performing.

You cannot create a library in a vacuum, in isolation from what already exists. The library needs to support already established activities, then people will come on their own. The Gogol Library is a pilot site, the context was not fully taken into account, its goal was different - to loudly declare itself and the changes taking place in the library world. But while working on the Rzhev Library, we “tune” it to the surrounding space. For example, for many years there has been theatre studio and people want to preserve it, so the project includes an auditorium. It is important to pay attention to what is around you. If there are a number of institutions that already perform a certain function, the library should abandon it so as not to duplicate each other.