Center for social assistance to families and children of the Nevsky district. Beautiful poems on Psychologist's Day

In a letter of gratitude, I would like to express all my love and gratitude to the people who were with your children throughout their entire stay in kindergarten. For your convenience, we have compiled a selection of thank you letters to

Letter of thanks from the head of the kindergarten

We, the parents of group No. ________, kindergarten No. _________, sincerely express our gratitude to the head of the kindergarten, ___________, and of course, our beloved and valued music teachers ___________________________ (full name).

Kindergarten is the first social school for kids and you with special awe and treated our children with warmth during these important days of growing up for them. Thanks to professionalism, sensitive attitude towards children, care and attention from (full name), our children are gradually becoming active participants children's group. Our kindergarten workers teach children to be friends and respect each other, step by step, our children learn the world, the joy of friendship, creativity, independent activity, discover their first personal capabilities.

Thanks to the head, the educational process is structured in such a way that individual psychological characteristics every child. This allowed our children to adapt more smoothly and begin to actively participate in the educational process.

Our group has a comfortable, warm environment, and this is a great value. Thank you for this and low regards.

A low bow to the head of kindergarten No.___ ________________________ (full name), for the organization of work in the kindergarten, the high-quality selection of teaching staff and, of course, for our special pride - the spacious, clean and well-maintained territory.

With respect and gratitude, the parent committee and parents of group No. ________ kindergarten No. ___________

* * *

The team of parents expresses their sincere gratitude to the teaching staff of Preschool Educational Institution No. ______. All employees of our kindergarten are a single creative organism, imbued with love for children. This is felt immediately as soon as you cross the threshold of the garden building. Which, by the way, is not at all striking in its modernity and prosperity. And it is all the more surprising that despite the obvious modesty of funds in the garden, an atmosphere of comfort, kindness and the presence of a bright creative principle reigns in the design, be it a bulletin board or a corridor, which is always decorated with displays of children's drawings and crafts.

We are always greeted with a smile and we leave our children in the garden with a calm heart, as we are confident that they will be fed on time, looked after, and most importantly, trained and brought up properly. In our garden, special attention is paid to education issues and there is no formality. Teachers conduct conversations with children on various topics: these include questions of history, and personal safety skills, and reading literary works (chosen with great taste), and just conversations in common topics.

Of course, we cannot ignore additional classes - this includes serious preparation for school, drawing, and rhythm and music lessons simply beyond praise. The musical director, ___________________________ (full name), is selected unique material for every holiday. Children are introduced to the origins of our culture in the best possible way. Moreover, these are very serious works. classical music and dance, formed in concert programs, which look with ease and pleasure, but it is clear that behind this apparent ease there is a huge amount of work creative team and the highest professionalism.

The trend of working according to the principle: teacher - student - parent is especially relevant now. But for our garden this is not a new direction at all, but a constant and long-standing component of daily work. What are annual exhibitions worth? family works for every holiday. These exhibitions are always original and you never tire of being amazed at the talents of children and parents.

I would especially like to highlight the work of the head of our kindergarten ___________________________ (full name), under whose wise leadership such bright manifestations of extraordinary talents, both teachers and the parent team, became possible. After all, everyone knows that anyone gem is beautiful and sparkles in its own way, but only when collected into a single composition do they form a unique ensemble and a real work of art. Also, the work of a manager requires an attentive and reverent attitude towards each employee, while remaining quite strict and demanding in the performance of duties. In our opinion, ___________________________ (full name) is exactly such a leader.

All, without exception, representatives of our garden team deserve special words of gratitude and attention. The cooks cook wonderfully, the children remember the aroma of freshly baked buns for a long time, our nurse ___________________________ (full name) surprises with her extraordinary attention and professionalism, as well as simply with her humanity and charm. Classes fine arts are held at the highest level, in the office of ___________________________ (full name) there is an atmosphere of creativity, beauty and order. And I would like to say especially warm words to the teachers ___________________________ (full name and full name) - these people are endowed with a real talent to love, understand and always be patient with children and, most importantly, with their parents.

Low bow to all the employees of our kindergarten and wishes for further creative success in the difficult work of raising the younger generation of children. Our children acquire that valuable basis on which a strong and high-quality superstructure will be built, because in childhood the very foundations of personality are laid that make up the generation that will inherit our country, healthy in every sense. And because the staff of kindergarten No. ____ works for the future of Russia, we can be calm.

Letter of thanks

For almost every child at some point in time kindergarten in fact, it becomes a second home, where wise educators, with love and care, teach them the first lessons of life. And sometimes it depends on what these lessons are further fate little person.

On this day, we say to you, dear educators, words of sincere gratitude for your hard work, for the fact that every day you give yourself and your warmth to our children without reserve. Thank you for your energy, selfless love and the touching care that you bestow on our children!

Many thanks to the head of the kindergarten (full name), through whose efforts we felt cozy and comfortable in the garden.

I would like to note the impeccable work of our beloved speech therapist (full name). She is a God-gifted teacher and the kindest person. Communicating with her was a pleasure for both us parents and our children.

There is also a good and smart honey in our kindergarten. sister, our respected full name.

Wonderful, diligent and creative psychologist Full name.

We, parents and our children are very lucky to have teachers!!! Sincere words of gratitude...IO..., ...IO.... and the assistant teacher...IO...... for their warmth, for their understanding, for the care they showed for our children.

We thank all the d/s staff!!!

Let the reward for your selfless work be the worthy, intelligent, spiritually rich and spiritually generous citizens of our city who received their first life lessons under your wise and sensitive leadership.

We sincerely wish you good health, happiness, prosperity, inexhaustible warmth and optimism!

May success accompany all of you good deeds and beginnings.

Low bow to you and the warmest words of gratitude for your work!!!

Letter - Gratitude

We, parents of school No. ---, gr. --, we express our deep gratitude to our teachers Last Name and Last Name

First Name Patronymic and First Name Patronymic strive to make our children full-fledged individuals, active participants in the children's team, teach them to be honest, kind, open and caring. They teach kids to be friends and respect each other, to create and fantasize, to appreciate beauty, to love their family and their Earth. All this is thanks to the professionalism and experience gained over many years of working with children. Knowledge of child psychology and constant self-development in the professional field are simply irreplaceable in the profession of a TEACHER.

Our teachers spend a lot of time with children interesting activities trying to keep them busy various types activities and together provide the child with the necessary varied personal growth. Our children happily show us their crafts and repeat what they have done at home with interest. Step by step, under the sensitive guidance of these teachers, our children learn about the world around them, the joy of friendship, creativity, independent activity, and learn about their personal capabilities. Thanks to them for this.

We, parents, are very grateful to the assistant teachers Full name - “ right hand" She is always calm and reasonable, careful and caring, ready to listen and help. Thanks to her, our group has perfect cleanliness and order, comfort and coziness. The children are well-fed and tidy.

We completely trust our teachers, because leaving our children almost the whole day, it is very important for a parent to know that their child is in good hands. And we are calm for the life and safety of our children. After all, next to them is a real team of three professionals. We are very grateful to them and say: “THANK YOU! WE ARE VERY LUCKY TO HAVE YOU!”

Parents gr. No. N d/u NNN

Letter - Gratitude

We, the parents of the group early development No.--, kindergarten No.---. We sincerely express our gratitude to the head of the nursery, full name, and of course, our beloved and valued full name, full name and nanny.

Kindergarten is the first social school for children, and you treated our children with special trepidation and warmth during these important days of growing up for them. Thanks to professionalism, sensitive attitude towards children, care and attention from the IO and IO, our children are gradually becoming active participants in the children's team.

Our teachers teach children to be friends and respect each other, step by step, our children learn about the world around them, the joy of friendship, creativity, independent activity, and learn about their first personal capabilities. The educational process is structured in such a way that the individual psychological characteristics of each child are taken into account. This allowed our children to adapt more smoothly and begin to actively participate in the educational process.

Many of our children are already happily going to kindergarten, because their favorite teachers are waiting for them there, with whom it is easy and interesting. Our group has a comfortable, warm environment, and this is a great value. Thank you for this and low regards.

Also, we are very grateful to our nanny – IO. Thanks to her, our group has perfect cleanliness and order, comfort and coziness. Our children are well-fed and tidy.

Special thanks to the head of preschool educational institution No. --- full name, for organizing work in the kindergarten, high-quality staffing of teaching staff and, of course, for our special pride - the spacious, clean and well-maintained territory.

With respect and gratitude, the parent committee and parents of early development group No.-- kindergarten No.---.

Letter - Gratitude

The team of parents expresses their sincere gratitude to the teaching staff of preschool educational institution No. ---. All employees of our kindergarten are a single creative organism, imbued with love for children. This is felt immediately as soon as you cross the threshold of the garden building. Which, by the way, is not at all striking in its modernity and prosperity. And it is all the more surprising that despite the obvious modesty of funds in the garden, an atmosphere of comfort, kindness and the presence of a bright creative principle reigns in the design, be it a bulletin board or a corridor, which is always decorated with displays of children's drawings and crafts.

We are always greeted with a smile and we leave our children in the garden with a calm heart, as we are confident that they will be fed on time, looked after, and most importantly, trained and brought up properly. In our garden, special attention is paid to education issues and there is no formality. Educators conduct conversations with children on a variety of topics: these include issues of history, personal safety skills, reading literary works (chosen with great taste), and just conversations on general topics, so to speak.

Of course, we cannot ignore additional classes - this includes serious preparation for school, drawing, and rhythm and music classes are simply beyond praise. The music director, IO, selects unique material for each holiday. Children get acquainted with the origins of our culture in the best examples. Moreover, these are very serious works of classical music and dance, formed into concert programs that look with ease and pleasure, but it is clear that behind this apparent ease there is a huge amount of work of the entire creative team and the highest professionalism. The trend of working according to the principle: teacher - student - parent is especially relevant now. But for our garden this is not a new direction at all, but a constant and long-standing component of daily work. Just look at the annual exhibitions of family works for every holiday. These exhibitions are always original and you never tire of being amazed by the talents of children and parents.

I would especially like to highlight the work of the head of our kindergarten, Full Name, under whose wise leadership such bright manifestations of the extraordinary talents of both teachers and the parent team became possible. After all, everyone knows that any precious stone is beautiful and sparkles in its own way, but only when collected into a single composition do they form a unique ensemble and a real work of art. Also, the work of a manager requires an attentive and reverent attitude towards each employee, while remaining quite strict and demanding in the performance of duties. In our opinion, the IO is precisely such a leader.

All, without exception, representatives of our garden team deserve special words of gratitude and attention. The cooks cook wonderfully, the children remember the aroma of freshly baked buns for a long time, our nurse IO surprises with her extraordinary attention and professionalism, as well as simply with her humanity and charm. Fine arts classes are held at the highest level, and an atmosphere of creativity, beauty and order reigns in the art room. And I would like to say especially warm words to the teachers of educational institutions and educational institutions - these people are endowed with a real talent to love, understand and always be patient with children and, what is especially important, with their parents.

A low bow to all the employees of our kindergarten and wishes for further creative success in the difficult work of raising the younger generation of children. Our children acquire that valuable basis on which a strong and high-quality superstructure will be built, because in childhood the very foundations of personality are laid that make up the generation that will inherit our country, healthy in every sense. And because the staff of kindergarten No. works, we can be calm about the future of Russia.

Parents of the preparatory school group.
May 2010

Psychologist - you are our dear genius,
And in a problematic situation, with you we find peace,
You are no stranger to human grief and misfortune,
You are always ready to help.
May luck smile on you on this holiday,
The good that you did will come back a hundredfold,
Let all your dreams come true,
Let your wishes turn into reality.

The profession of a psychologist is necessary and important,
Your words are like a balm for the soul,
You heal our souls completely,
Let fate be amazing.
Congratulations to all psychologists today,
We wish you good health and prosperity,
Let your every day turn into a holiday,
May the good luck bird visit you often.

You can't hide anything from a psychologist,
It's like you're looking into souls with an X-ray,
You easily help me understand myself,
And all doubts will go away.
Today you receive compliments and flowers,
You are worthy only of admiration,
We sincerely congratulate you on the holiday,
We sincerely wish you all earthly blessings.

If your soul is wounded,
Always consult a psychologist
He is like the good doctor Aibolit,
He will completely heal you, heal you.
We congratulate you with all our hearts,
We wish you a happy holiday,
May everything be wonderful in your life,
May the sun of good luck shine clearly on you.

Psychologist - chief doctor for the soul,
All treatment methods are surprisingly simple,
A kind word is like a balm for the soul,
We really need a conversation with a specialist.
Congratulations on the holiday and wish you happiness,
Let the rain wash away all the bad weather,
May every day pleasantly surprise you
May the Lord protect you from troubles.

A psychologist is always in demand
Helps us get out of stress completely,
You Chief Specialist our soul
Like a wizard you make our dreams come true.
Psychologist, I bow to you to the ground,
You are only worthy of admiration,
Let your affairs go like clockwork,
May God grant you health, happiness and goodness.

We receive first aid from you,
You do so much good for us
Heal your soul until complete recovery,
You deserve nothing but admiration.
Psychologists, congratulations,
Always live in abundance and joy,
May your path be illuminated by a bright star,
Be successful in everything, always.

Let the soul never know cold,
Like a clear day, like a garden in bloom,
May your heart be forever young
Greeting kindness with kindness!
And from the bottom of our hearts we wish you all
Health, happiness, for long years,
And may fate give only joy,
Keeping your home safe from all sorts of troubles!

We have a lot of worries in life,
Sometimes I can’t resist...
Trust a professional!
A psychologist can help you!
He will tell and teach everything
How to become stronger in spirit, better,
He will clear away the clouds in the mind,
We wish him to prosper!

If there is anxiety in your soul,
We call on a psychologist for help!
And he will never refuse dialogue,
And you couldn't find a better advisor!
It’s fashionable to go to a psychologist these days
And take care of your mental health.
Let's say thank you to him for that
That understands people like no one else.

Last call.

Presenter 1. Good afternoon, Dear friends!

Presenter 2. Another academic year is coming to an end.

Presenter 3. It is crowned solemnly and majestically by the last bell.

Presenter1. In the rain or in the heat,

But in due time

Every new spring

There is a last call.

Presenter 2. It’s like an exam,

It's like the first dawn

He sums it up

School years lived.

Presenter 3. And here they are, the heroes of today’s celebration.

Presenter 1. Meet, admire, you are welcome!

Presenter 2. Welcome to the class of 2012!

The graduates enter and take their places.


Last Bell Celebration and Professional Teaching Award Ceremony " Finest hour» is declared open!

Pupil: I ask everyone to stand up!

The Russian anthem plays.


I ask everyone to sit down.


The floor for the announcement of the order on admission to final exams is given to the school director …………………… Full name.

Graduates perform a song (lyrics based on the song "Autumn" by Yu. Shevchuk).

What happens at school in the spring?

Something changes suddenly.

It’s just that this childhood is leaving us forever.

And don't return it back.


The school will say quietly: "Farewell!"

Promise to remember school.

Let's come back here together again.

School, you are always with us. 1

The last lessons will fade away,

The farewell bell will ring sadly.

Let's sing these lines again about school

To a solemnly sad tune.


And we will remember the teachers.

What should you wish them goodbye?

If only there were wizards, we could perform for them

All their deepest desires.


We don’t yet know what’s ahead.

Everyone has their own path in life.

We won't get back our school years, we understand

That's why we're a little sad.



Nine years have flown by, flown by,

There was everything: storms, calms, shallows, thunder.

And today we are almost there:

Let's pass the exams and go out into the big world.


But before we leave, we need to say,

Without hiding tears and without mincing words,

Thanks to everyone who is honestly with us

I walked this whole path shoulder to shoulder.


To you, who taught us to distinguish good from bad, truth from untruth!


You, who helped, advised, mentored, convinced all these years!


To you, kind and strict, patient and caring! Dedicated!


You loved us all equally,
Sharing your love equally with everyone.
Because you molded us into people,
Thank you for everything, teachers!

And there was no one kinder or stricter than you,
When the world was opened to us from scratch.
Because we are a little like you,
Thank you for everything, teachers!


We all worried you a little,
Sometimes angry, sometimes happy.
For taking us on our way
Thank you for everything, teachers!


For the eternal multiplication table,
Because the Earth was given to us.
Because we are all your continuation,
Thank you for everything, teachers!

Song "Hope"

What ever brought you here?

You didn't look for easier ways.

Mind and heart, soul and warmth

They gave it to the younger generations.

For the sake of affirming kindness,

Through all the doubts and worries

Brought high dreams

And we knew joys and ups.


The school is calling you,

My heart still breaks for her,

And in the heart are those young people.

What is your hope?

May your hopes come true.

This is your share on earth

Your ideals come to life now

The tribe is embodied by the young.

Years, parting is not a problem,

Let the faithful pave the memory of childhood.

You are a teacher for us forever -

The most important, the very, very first.


And we will never come to class again.

Our dear school, we will not return here.


For many years we walked along your steps,

Very soon we will go through them for the last time.

And when they wave to us on the porch,

Our dear school, we say goodbye to you. Student:

Today, at our last bell, we school graduates will have to present the professional pedagogical award “Starry Hour” to our dear teachers in various categories.


Do you remember the beginning of September?

Large bouquet and my mother’s anxious look

And the first page of the primer

She opened the gates for us to the kingdom of knowledge.


And the trembling of children's inept hands,

With what difficulty the pen was given the word!

But the first one is ours teacher is kind Friend

He always came to our aid again!


In the category “First Teacher” the first teacher of the graduating class is awarded for skill and hard work, for patience and care.

The first teacher's response to the graduates.


In the “Cool Mom” category, awards are given for reliability and skill, for kindness and mutual understanding. (class teachers)


You became our second mother,

And together with you for many years

Dear knowledge we stubbornly

They walked, because learning is light.


You always knew everything about us,

They shared joy and sorrow.

Our problems, difficulties, sorrows

We sometimes brought it to you as if in delirium.


We know: you are our reliable friend

What does not deceive, will not betray,

But it will calm and comfort.

And he will give us good advice.


For your friendship, for your care,

For your devotion to your friends,

Behind eternal soul work -

For everything, for everything......

All together: THANK YOU!

Response from class teachers.

Today, on a solemn and bright day,

In this hall, we have all gathered,
I stand, look at you and admire you,
My beloved students!

How big you have grown!
How quickly the school years passed!
My perky and mischievous ones,
My beloved students!

How many skills did school give you?
Strengthen, multiply, develop them.
Let there not be a drop of doubt left,
That I love you like my own family!

I praised and scolded you - for the job.
You weren’t arrogant or offended,
Therefore, today I boldly declare:
“You are my best students!

You are adults, beautiful, simple,
You know how to forgive each other and love.”
I confess honestly: “Dear, dear,
I can never forget you!”

Today the farewell bell will ring,
You will leave school forever.
May all your wishes come true,
And fate will be favorable to you !

Student. In nomination "Business lady" I would like to sincerely thank you for your integrity and exactingness, for your care and optimism (Full name of school administration)

Pupil: Where does school start?

From the director, first of all.

From this sorceress of a woman to whom so much has been given.

Where does school start? From the director's gaze

This is the sorceress of the woman who remembers each of us.

Or maybe it starts with anxious, sleepless nights.

Thank you, our beloved director, thank you from your children.

Pupil. Everything around the school froze again

The footsteps died down in the corridors.

This is our deputy director

Again he goes around his possessions.

(Full name – head teacher of the school)

He will go to the teachers for lessons,

Then he will start checking the notebooks.

Severely scolds truants,

So that they don’t think about taking a walk again.

Will check the visit tomorrow,

And he will check the magazines of the carriage,

Because it’s true, it’s true,

In our school, order is the law.

Student: The head teacher is important - no question

But the caretaker is also important.

If he hadn't managed the farm,

Our collective farm would collapse!

And with the caretaker there is beauty -

Light, warmth and cleanliness.


In the “Care” category, we say a huge thank you to our teachers: (Full names of final year teachers)


We know: every moment, every hour,

Every day you are in hard work

You lived caring for us

You live by one dream.

So that the earth may be famous for us,

May we hold our heads high

Thank you, you are a part of yourself,

They always gave it to us with love.


In the category "Golden Hands"

For a heart that has been given without reserve, for dedication to one’s favorite work - they are awarded (vocational education teachers)


We know everything we say.

Stool, shelf, chair

We can make it without difficulty.

We can tell you this close

And from a distance

Confusing a file and a chisel

We are unable to.

Girls: We won't brag to you,

We know everything we say.

We will sew a robe and an apron,

Yes, and we’ll make a dress.

We can tell you this out loud

Or perhaps in a whisper

We still have to sew a fur coat

Lack of experience.

Student: Second year at our school severe tests a young specialist (full name) passes, she is awarded the nomination “Endurance and Perseverance”

All students: We won’t brag to you,

I know everything we say.

We'll cut you a salad

Let's prepare borscht and cabbage soup.

We can tell you this close

And from a distance

Confusing a ladle with a bowl

we are not able to.


In the nomination “Expert of the Russian language” for many years of instilling in schoolchildren a love for native language and books - a source of knowledge, awarded (full name)


Thank you for Gogol, for Pushkin and Turgenev.

Thank you for Yesenin, and also for your patience!

Thank you for the suffixes, participles, adverbs.

They made us better and a little more humane.


In the next nomination, for the mathematical harmony of teaching and harmony of relationships with students, (full name) is awarded


The bell rings - the torment begins,

(Full name) will give two hundred!

And through the rows it sounded like an echo:

“Control” - but we don’t know anything.

We feel so bad without mathematics

We can't live without her...

With her we can perform a miracle

And get richer than ever.


In the category “Principle and Demanding” the teacher of history and geography (full name) is awarded


If the class is quiet,

Flies don't fly

Know our history

Someone is being called.

If everyone rustled,

Know the teacher is moving

All cheat sheets must be hidden

And close all the books.

In general, we are very

Love all the history!

If necessary, we will conquer any territory.


In the nomination “School Extreme” - awarded for achieving high results in extreme conditions (full name)


Our physical education teacher -

Sample for each of us:

Teaches you to run, jump, climb,

And the figure is simply classy!

I wanted to be there until I trembled

Looks like Egorovna!


In the category “Optimist” is awarded (full name, life safety teacher)


In lessons, in lessons,
We are all up to our ears in worries.
I look at the posters:
I'm studying OBEZH
Fractures, poisoning,
Traffic rules and floods...

Relaxation for the soul
Will be after OBeZhi


Biology teacher (full name) is awarded in the category “Nature Lover”


We crammed biology day and night,

And we forgot other things.

Our teacher was sometimes very strict with us.

And we will not forget his lesson.

Thank you, (full name), for your lessons!


In the “Nadezhda” nomination we express our gratitude to the school psychologist – (full name). and social teacher (full name).


There are different professions, very important for school,

And they all left an indelible mark,

Thank you, reliable ones, thank you, brave ones,

Without you, we would not have been able to endure our studies for 9 years.

My soul hurts - to a psychologist, with a questionnaire to a sociologist,

The social worker will give advice to parents and children.

He will always come to you and to your home,

If you missed lessons, you will need an answer.


In the category “book lover” is awarded (full name)

Thank you,
for the books that they found for us,
because they were taught to love,
that you didn’t scold us very much,
when we lost those books.

Song "What can I say"

Tell us your fortune, gypsy, on the cards,

We finished school today

Celebrating the last call

What does fate have in store?

And what twists of fate?

We live, trusting in you,

And we are just waiting for you to tell us.


Well what can I say? Well say?

That's how people are built.

They want to know, they want to know,

They want to know what will happen.

Tell your fortune for the teacher too,

No matter how strict he is with us.

After all, today is an unusual day,

After all, today is the “last call”.

We'll be leaving school very soon.

We'll be there for a long time e e remember

Tell your fortune, gypsy, on the cards!

We want to know everything that will happen.



The service staff won the “Special Prize” category.

Thanks to everyone who fed

And washed the floors after us,

I didn't sleep at school all night,

And washed the clothes,

He treated us for illnesses,

Repaired school furniture.

Thank you to everyone in the world

He thinks so much about the children.


The time has come to announce the winners in the “Partner” category.

These are of course our parents!

We won't forget today

Beloved mothers and dear fathers.

Not hiding, tears of happiness

For their almost adult chicks.

Certificates of gratitude are presented to parents.

The word for congratulations is given to the parents.

..Small children

Presenter 1: Dear graduates!

Now a special bell will ring for you

unlike anything heard before.

It is like a boundary between childhood and adulthood.

Presenter 2. So I passed last lesson

Ordinary and unusual.

Now the last bell will ring -

Familiar and unusual.

Presenter 3: Last time the bell rings for you.

A call of hope and a call of farewell.

And the moments of parting are approaching.

And there is confusion on the roads ahead.

Presenter 1: The right to give the last bell is granted to a student of grade 9b and ..... (children's full names). The bell rings.

Final song

Student: What else should I tell you goodbye?

The parting bell rang...

Home school, Goodbye,-

Everything has its time, everything has its time.

Student: Our hour has come - we know it,

And on this one special hour

We invite all teachers

We're off to the farewell school waltz!

To the music “When we leave the schoolyard,” teachers are invited to dance.

Presenter 2: Holiday dedicated to last call, is declared closed.

We invite graduates to go outside and release air balloons with wishes we make, we think that they will definitely come true.

And then we invite all students to go to the classroom for a childhood lesson.

[in prose]

Congratulations on Psychologist's Day in prose

The human soul is a thin string. You have to play it skillfully. Only a real professional can subdue her and make her talk. Please accept my heartfelt gratitude on Psychologist’s Day! For noble work, sincerity, patience, support. You are like a modern spiritual guide. You reveal the truth, show the right path, point in the right direction. May everything be great in your life. May prosperity bring you material joy. Let happiness follow you. Good luck and happy holiday, psychologist!

I congratulate you on Psychologist’s Day and hope that you will always love your job as much as you do now! Let people who need help come to you. Your advice will definitely help everyone - you’ve loved psychology since childhood. I wish you success, may everything turn out in your career the way you want!

Dear soul expert, keeper of the sacred and master of the unknown! I sincerely congratulate you on your professional holiday and wish you never to plunge headlong into other people’s problems... That is, I wanted to say, don’t plunge headlong into other people’s problems - after all, they are all somehow connected with the head... In general, I’m completely confused, and as soon as I didn’t need your help, I’ll quickly finish: Happy Psychologist’s Day!

You manage to skillfully treat human soul, relieve emotional wounds, transform every person who turns to you into a strong, stress-resistant person. So let your talent, received from God, always be aimed at helping those in need. We wish you long life and may the prayers of every person you have helped make you happy. Happy holiday, Happy Psychologist's Day!

Happy Psychologist's Day! I wish you to be a sought-after professional who gives truly valuable advice, understands all the intricacies of the human soul and sees right through the client. Let no one leave you dissatisfied, let anyone receive the most valuable recommendations during a consultation with you!

Selfless psychologist, today is your holiday, Psychologist’s Day, and therefore accept my congratulations and wishes. I wish you to always find a way to any person and help him find himself, be more confident and get rid of unnecessary complexes. I wish that you always have enough patience and life wisdom in resolving any issues. I want to say thank you for your work, for your kindness, sincerity and enormous knowledge that really helps people!

Sometimes just one look, understanding, encouraging, just one word is enough to live fully, and not just exist, to get out of the vicious circle. And all this is possible with the help of the wise and competent, professional work of a psychologist. IN professional holiday To all psychologists, I would like to thank you for your important and responsible work, and also wish you strength and patience - may your help always be timely!

A good psychologist is a sage, scientist and wizard rolled into one. Unobtrusively but confidently, he paves paths to the most hidden corners of human consciousness, overgrown with moss of fears and complexes, in order to cleanse them and give them the joy of liberation from tormenting problems. And you are just such a psychologist! Happy holiday to you! I wish you success in your hard work and good health!

Treating the human soul is a delicate, painstaking and responsible task. Only a person of high principles and great intelligence can cope with such a task. You are just such a person. Thank you for all the problems corrected, complexes overcome and answers found. Thank you for the fact that you manage to make a person out of every person with a broken soul! Happy Psychologist's Day and great personal happiness to you!