What does heart rate zone mean? Online heart rate calculator

A paradoxical situation - a person diligently goes in for sports, and those extra pounds are in no hurry to leave. This is because in order to achieve the goal, it is necessary to take into account all possible parameters of the body's work, including heart contractions during training.

Correctly calculated heart rate for burning fat is the way to rapid weight loss. Why is it so?

The basis of the vital activity of organisms, from simple to the most complex, which is a person, is the metabolism and energy. Human life is accompanied by its constant consumption, necessary for the normal functioning of the body. And the source is the chemical transformations of organic substances:

  • proteins;
  • carbohydrates;
  • fats.

The process of metabolism is called metabolism. The cost of it is constantly changing depending on muscle activity, ambient temperature, time elapsed since eating. The most important sources are fat and glycogen.

Glycogen is more easily converted into energy and burned first, and then it comes to fat.

That is why, with a short workout (less than 30 minutes), the consumption of carbohydrates increases, and with a longer one (at least 40 minutes), the process of lipolysis begins - fat oxidation, or, more simply, fat burning. After being released from adipose tissue, fat is transported through the blood to the muscles, and oxygen and enzymes are needed to burn it. With an increase in intensity (not duration!) The body's need for oxygen increases, glycogen is broken down, and oxygen is no longer enough for the process of fat burning.

Aerobic physical activity is suitable for weight loss - running, walking, swimming. In the first place - the intensity and optimal pulse for burning fat.

What heart rate burns fat (pulse zone)?

The main difference between a regular workout and a fat burning workout is the intensity of the exercise. It, in turn, depends on the heart rate and is divided into zones:

  1. Warm-up-recovery zone. It is safe, characterized by light physical activity - 50–60% of MCHP (max. pulse rate). Develops the lungs, heart, body as a whole. Length 20 min. and more.
  2. Activity zone. Optimal for training, taking into account the pulse at which fat is burned - 60–70% of the MCHP. Endurance is formed, the discharge of excess is stimulated. Lasts 40 min. and longer. Suitable for everyone. Weight is reduced by reducing the subcutaneous layer. Effectively, albeit slowly, fat burning occurs.
  3. Aerobic zone. Develops the strength of the heart. Pulse - 70–80% of MCHP. Time - 10 min. and longer. There is an improvement in athletic form, endurance. Burning fats and carbohydrates due to increased calorie expenditure. Muscle building.
  4. Endurance zone. The frequency of strokes is 80–90% of the MCHP. Duration 2–10 min. There is muscle fatigue, difficulty breathing appears. It does not take into account what the pulse should be for burning fat. Suitable for experienced athletes. Fats are not burned because there is not enough oxygen to oxidize them.
  5. Red (maximum) zone, dangerous, allowed only for a short time - 90–95% of MCHP, trains sprint qualities, 2 minutes is enough, is characterized by heavy breathing. Available to athletes, as the body works to the limit, spending all the reserves.
  6. Anaerobic-alactate (at the limit) zone. Pulse - 95–100%. It lasts from 3 to 15 seconds, develops maximum endurance, is characterized by heavy intermittent breathing. It is about her that they say - “muscles burn”. Metabolic products are broken down in the body, but are very poorly excreted. There is no fat burning.

So, the heart rate affects the body in different ways, if you know how to calculate the pulse at which fat is burned, you can lose weight, train endurance or build muscle mass.

Heart rate zones during exercise

Among women

At rest, for the natural work of the body without load, the weaker sex spends little fat. Therefore, for women who want to get rid of excess, physical education is a must.

The most effective types of activities for burning fat are swimming and long-distance running. A heart rate monitor will make it easier to determine the optimal level, because while running, taking care of how to calculate the pulse for fat burning is problematic.

A safe but effective range is from warm-up to activity (50-70% of MHR).

It is necessary to monitor the smoothness of the increase in the pulse - the gradual pumping of the heart muscle speeds up metabolism and helps to reduce the volume of the most problematic deposits from the sides.

In men

Men have a larger volume of muscle mass, therefore, increased loads and a higher rhythm of pumping cardiovascular muscles are suitable for burning excess deposits. The norms of training indicators for them differ from the pulse at which fat is burned in women.

The optimal range is 50–80% of MCHP.

The alternation of rates will create good prerequisites for fat burning. When the pulse rises and falls in a short period of time, the male metabolism experiences a positive shake-up.

How to calculate heart rate for fat burning?

To calculate the fat-burning heart rate, it is enough to make preliminary measurements of your body's indicators and find out how to calculate the pulse for fat burning.

  1. at rest. Measured within 1 min. in bed in the morning.
  2. Maximum stroke frequency by age (MCHP). It is determined by the formula 220 minus the number of years.
  3. The individual maximum heart rate for fat burning is calculated by the formula, taking into account the load force from 50 to 80%.

You can start calculating.

Calculation formula

There are various ways to determine the desired value of the heart rate that creates the best effect of fat burning during training. But the most scientifically based method for calculating the heart rate for a target load is the Karvonen formula.

The post-exercise heart rate is - (max. heart rate minus resting heart rate) times exercise intensity (in%) plus resting heart rate.

According to the so-called “modified” Karvonen formula, the intensity of training is determined: the intensity (in%) is equal to (max. HR during training minus HR at rest) multiplied by (max. HR minus HR at rest).

How to calculate?

It is not difficult to independently calculate the pulse for fat burning. Let's take as an example the calculation of the fat burning zone of the pulse for a woman of 40 years old with a pulse rate at rest of 75 beats at a load intensity of 50 to 70%:

  1. We calculate the minimum effective heart rate for fat burning using the formula. (220-40-75) *0.5 +75 =127
  2. Accordingly, we calculate the upper limits of the heart rate for burning fat. (220-40-75) *0.7 +75 =150

The result - the pulse of fat burning for a woman of 40 years old during training should be in the range from 127 to 150 beats per minute.

Optimal rates for fat burning

The most effective heart rate zone for burning fat in the main part of the workout is the range from 50 to 80% of the MHR.

This frequency is easy to maintain while running, swimming, dancing, aerobics. Half an hour of moderate training will "eat" about 200 kilocalories and reduce fat reserves.

During physical activity

Physical activity creates an energy deficit, in response to which the body releases hormones and enzymes into the bloodstream.

“Correct” weight loss implies aerobic exercise accompanied by high oxygen consumption (pulse up to 70–80% of MCHP).

To spend more energy reserves, training, taking into account the heart rate at which fat is burned, must be intense and long.

When running

Running is a type of dynamic training. In this case, it is especially important to outline the zones of the fat burning pulse, since going beyond the aerobic limit will nullify all efforts to reduce weight.

It is advisable to switch from running to jogging if the heart rate reaches the upper acceptable limit. The calorie burning zone of the average person is from 120 to 160 beats. in a minute.

When doing cardio

Cardio training involves the supply of a sufficient amount of oxygen to the tissues of the body, otherwise the fat burning process stops.

Pulse during cardio training to burn excess fat deposits - 70% of MCHP. The optimal heart rate during training is 110–130 beats. in a minute.

Calculations can be adjusted taking into account the fitness and duration of one lesson.

When exercising on a stationary bike

The advantage of an exercise bike is the possibility of training at home at any time of the year. If you do it regularly and correctly, then the result of burning excess will be positive.

The intensity of the workout should provide aerobic exercise. The pulse rate for fat burning on an exercise bike is up to 70–80% of the MCHP.

The projectile will help bring the body back to normal, as not only the legs lose weight, but all fat deposits evenly decrease.

Useful video

For more information on what heart rate is needed to burn fat, see this video:


  1. To date, most of the training plans are based on the calculation of the pulse for burning fat.
  2. Classes with a low or super-intense load will not give a positive result in the fight against excess weight. To get rid of fat reserves, it is necessary to adhere to values ​​​​of 50-80% of the maximum heart rate.
  3. Knowing the formula for calculating the pulse for burning fat, the ability to calculate the most effective indicators for your body determine success and lead to the desired weight loss.
  4. Regardless of its nature, any physical activity is useful. To eliminate excess adipose tissue, burning it in the shortest possible time, you need to engage in high-intensity interval training.

For a long time, I was convinced that in order for training to have the maximum effect, you need to give all your best at 120%. You need to train sparingly, until you can move a single limb. It turned out that such training can be not only dangerous, but also not bring the expected result. When running, swimming or doing other types of activities that increase the load on the heart, it is necessary to constantly monitor such an indicator as heart rate.

Heart rate is the heart rate, in common people the pulse rate. Usually, the lower this indicator, the better the health of the human cardiovascular system is considered (with the exception of some diseases, such as bradycardia) - this means that the heart needs fewer contractions to pump the desired volume of blood. In addition, heart rate can serve as an indicator of the intensity of training. To do this, firstly, you need to calculate the MHR (maximum heart rate) of a person according to the formula 220 - age. Now, depending on what percentage of the MHR is the heart rate during training, it can be attributed to one of the zones and understand how it affects the body.

  • Therapeutic (cardiac) zone - 60-70% of the MHR. This zone is for people with weak physical fitness. In this zone, the load on the heart is very loyal, and the likelihood of harm is low. In this zone, as a rule, there is a pulse during morning exercises, a not very intense workout, or even a regular walk.
  • Low (fitness) zone - 70-80% MHR. Training in this zone is what people who want to lose weight need. During such training, the body actively burns body fat to maintain its strength. A person is in this heart rate zone, for example, while jogging or climbing stairs.
  • Aerobic zone - 80-90% of MHR. Even more intense exercise, even more calories burned. But the body no longer has enough time to get all the energy it needs due to the breakdown of fats, so carbohydrate reserves begin to be spent in this zone. This zone corresponds, for example, to dancing or step aerobics.
  • Anaerobic zone - 90-95% of MHR. This zone contributes to the maximum development of human endurance. However, in this mode, the body burns almost only carbohydrates, so doctors advise alternating aerobic and anaerobic (for example, skiing, intense cycling) workouts.
  • The maximum load zone is more than 95% of the MHR. Training in this zone is usually done by professional athletes shortly before the competition. For people who want to lose weight or simply improve their health, exposing themselves to such loads is not only not useful, but also dangerous.

So what conclusions should we draw from all this information? The most important thing is to know your goal. Why are you training? If you want to lose weight, alternate workouts in the fitness and aerobic zones. If this already seems to you not enough and you want to improve your own endurance, you can add anaerobic training to your schedule. If you just want to improve your condition, include activities in the first four zones in your training plan. The main thing is to remember that excessive zeal and bringing yourself to a pre-fainting state with hard training have not benefited anyone yet.

Heart rate is an easily measured but important indicator in cardiology. This value is taken into account at the beginning of the diagnosis, it is included in the mandatory parameters for monitoring vital functions, it is by this value that one can understand how comfortable the body as a whole and the heart in particular are at a given moment in time. There are situations when a person feels bad, but cannot understand what is happening to him. In this case, first of all, he must measure his heart rate. But in order to interpret the results, you need to understand what is the rate of beats per minute for such an indicator as heartbeat.

Heartbeat - beats per minute

The heart is a special organ. It does not obey the central nervous system, but is regulated only by the branches of the autonomic nerves and its own centers. The fibers of the heart muscle have an amazing property - automatism. There is a so-called. the pacemaker is the sinoatrial (sinus) Kiss-Fleck node, it is located in the wall of the right atrium. It is he who generates the heartbeat, determining both the pace and the rhythm. In situations where this node suffers, other structures are connected - the atrioventricular node, the bundle of His. In addition, centers for rhythm formation can form in the walls of the chambers of the heart.

So, based on complex biophysical processes, with the help of positively and negatively charged trace elements entering and leaving the heart cells, the sinus node makes the heart beat at a certain frequency. Is this phenomenon called a pulse? No. At the moment when the heart contracts, we hear or feel a blow in the projection of the apex of the organ on the anterior chest wall. The frequency of beats in time is the heart rate. After this contraction, impact (in scientific terms, this phase is called systole), literally in a fraction of a second, you can feel a push by placing your fingers on large vessels.

The most accessible points:

  • carotid artery in the neck;
  • radial artery at the wrist;
  • popliteal artery in the popliteal fossa;
  • femoral artery on the anterior aspect of the thigh.

These shocks are the passage of blood flow through the arteries further into the organs. It is the expansion of the arteries that is called the pulse. However, in a person without health problems, the pulse completely coincides with the heartbeat.

Normal values

Like any indicator in the human body, the heart rate per minute has its own norms - the upper and lower limits. In the general case, without considering the particulars and nuances, we can say that the heart rate should range from 60 to 90 beats per minute. But this does not mean that going beyond this framework is immediately a pathology. First, the values ​​shown are average frames. Just like there are averages for height and weight. However, in the absence of pathological symptoms, organic and functional damage to the heart, good health, even a heart muscle contraction rate of 110 beats per minute can be recognized as an individual norm. Moreover, there are gender and age norms, norms for unusual conditions of the body, target values ​​(those that need to be achieved with the help of drug therapy in order to reduce the risk of cardiovascular accidents) for certain diseases.

Table. Heart rate norms for various categories of citizens.

CategoryProper heart rate
Children from 30 days to 12 months105-135
Children from 12 months to 7 years86-132
Children from 7 to 16 years old60-100
Men aged 16 to 6560-90
Women aged 16 to 6560-100
People over 6565-85
Pregnant women60-100, in the III trimester - up to 115
highly trained athletes40-90
People diving without scuba gear35-90
Patients with arterial hypertension (target values)50-70
Patients with diabetes mellitus (target values)50-65
People living in the highlands70-110

There are, in addition to the above, such concepts as maximum and submaximal heart rate. This is such a frequency at which the maximum tolerable or (in the second case) as close as possible load is placed on the heart. These concepts are introduced for the most part for professional athletes and for functional diagnostics. For example, to perform stress tests to establish or confirm the presence of cardiac ischemia. The calculation of this indicator is extremely simple.

Table. How the maximum and submaximal heart rate is calculated.

Changes in heart rate

There are physiological and pathological increases and decreases in this indicator. An increase in heart rate is called tachycardia, and, on the contrary, a slowdown is called bradycardia. Physiological (or conditionally physiological, with regard to the impact of bad habits) causes of tachycardia include:

  • emotional overload (stress, excitement, fear, passion);
  • being in a hot climate;
  • being in a stuffy room;
  • climbing mountains and descending under water, especially for the first time and at the very beginning;
  • food intake (slight and very short-term increase);
  • pregnancy;
  • taking medications (drugs of glucocorticosteroids, catecholamines, some antibiotics);
  • addiction to coffee, strong brewed tea;
  • reception of alcoholic beverages, regardless of their strength;
  • addiction to smoking;
  • some types of drugs.
  • Physiological bradycardia leads to:

    • high fitness;
    • moderate hypothermia;
    • habitual hypoxia (people from the highlands, diving without scuba gear, climbers);
    • lying position;
    • taking non-dihydropyridine calcium channel blockers (verapamil, diltiazem).

    Pathological changes

    In both tachycardia and bradycardia, intracardiac and extracardiac factors can serve as causes. First of all, changes in the frequency of heart contractions can provoke diseases of this organ.


    • chronic failure of the functioning of the heart;
    • angina attacks;
    • myocardial infarction;
    • pacemaker pathology;
    • arterial hypertension;
    • malformations of heart structures;
    • inflammatory pathology of the membranes of the heart (pericarditis);
    • inflammatory pathology of the layers of the heart (endocarditis, myocarditis).


    • an episode of myocardial infarction (in later stages);
    • atrioventricular blockade;
    • blockade of the legs of the bundle of His.

    Non-cardiac circumstances can be very diverse and include diseases of the endocrine, urinary, digestive, respiratory, and nervous systems of the body. Slowdown or acceleration of the heart can be a sign of an infectious disease, a tumor process, or degenerative changes.

    Among the most common causes of tachycardia:

    • excess thyroid hormones;
    • diabetes;
    • pheochromocytoma;
    • adrenal crisis;
    • hyperaldosteronism;
    • symptomatic arterial hypertension (with pathology of the endocrine system, kidneys);
    • pathology of the hypothalamus;
    • violation of nerve conduction;
    • acute violation of cerebral circulation;
    • transient ischemic attack;
    • intoxication syndrome (with infectious diseases, toxic shock);
    • shortness of breath in pulmonary pathology (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, bronchial asthma, pneumothorax);
    • shock conditions;
    • an increase in temperature (an increase in temperature by 1 ° C gives an increase in the indicator by 8-15 beats per minute).

    Among the most common factors causing bradycardia:

    • lack of thyroid hormones;
    • tumor processes;
    • increased intracranial pressure;
    • ulcerative defects;
    • cirrhosis of the liver;
    • hypovolemia, dehydration (in the later stages);
    • DIC;
    • total pneumonia.

    How to understand if deviations are pathological?

    The man found his pulse was 100 beats per minute. Should he call an ambulance? The algorithm for determining the need for medical intervention is as follows.

    1. Recall whether any of the factors affecting the physiological change in heart rate took place.
    2. Determine if any of the following symptoms are present:
      • headache;
      • dizziness;
      • sweating;
      • unmotivated weakness;
      • fast fatiguability;
      • "Goosebumps" in the eyes, pre-fainting;
      • fainting;
      • feeling of increased heartbeat or interruptions in the work of the heart;
      • pain in the region of the heart;
      • panic states, fear of death.
    3. Remember if blood pressure has ever risen, if there are glucose metabolism disorders or problems with hormones, if there are any changes in the functioning of the kidneys, liver, and gastrointestinal tract.

    In the event that the answer is positive only to the first question, there are no indications for urgent medical attention. Otherwise, or if changes in cardiac activity continue for several days, if you are disturbed at night and in a calm state, you should consult a doctor.

    How to measure heart rate yourself?

    In order to determine the heart rate, you do not need special devices or a specialist, you just need to prepare a watch with a second hand or a stopwatch. If it is necessary to measure the pulse here and now (for example, in training conditions), then no special conditions need to be observed. However, to determine the resting heart rate, the person must be in a quiet, well-ventilated room. He must be calm emotionally. You should sit down and rest for at least 15 minutes after normal physical activity (not brisk walking, housework) and at least an hour after intense activity (running, climbing stairs, carrying weights). During the measurement, you must sit.

    Measurement on the radial artery

    Ideally, you need to measure the pulse on both limbs at once, but with self-diagnosis this is not possible, so you can choose any hand. You need to grab your wrist so that the thumb is located on the side of the little finger, and the other four are on the side of the thumb of the opposite hand. With three fingers of the clasping hand, it is necessary to feel the area of ​​\u200b\u200bpulsation. It is usually located just behind the bone, closer to the midline of the forearm. You should not press your fingers too hard, but just putting them on is not always enough. After a little searching, you can feel light rhythmic movements.

    Measurement on the carotid artery

    It is necessary to find the angle of the jaw - the transition from the ear to the lower part of the face, it is well felt through the skin even in overweight people - and insert a finger shallowly under the bony protrusion. Usually, the pulsation is felt very well on almost the entire lateral surface of the neck, so there are no particular difficulties with the definition.

    Measurement on the femoral artery

    The point is difficult to find, especially in obese people. However, if you put three fingers in the inguinal fold approximately in its middle, you can feel the pulsation.

    The pulse can also be determined on the temporal, axillary and popliteal arteries, but it is more difficult to feel it at those points, and there is no need - the first two presented methods provide reliable information about the heart rate and pulse.

    When measuring the pulse, one should pay attention to its other characteristics, except for the frequency. Normally, it should be rhythmic, well palpable on the arteries of both sides of the body. The strength of the wave should allow you to feel the pushes with your fingers well, but should not push your hand out.

    To calculate the heart rate directly, you need to put your hand on the left half of the chest. In men, to a point located approximately under the left nipple, in women - under the left mammary gland. In the fifth intercostal space along the line running from the middle of the clavicle, you can feel the heartbeat. In this area, it is called the apex beat (because it is at these points that the apex of the heart is projected onto the anterior chest wall).

    Worth noting: Normally, the pulse completely coincides with the heart contractions.. Relatively speaking, schematically, it looks like "a blow to the chest wall - 0.2 s - a push on the artery." In the case when the pulse is very late, or after the next contraction of the ventricle there was no pulse wave at all, we can talk about a serious pathology of the heart that needs to be treated.

    Thus, heart rate is a very important indicator. But only on the basis of it alone it is impossible to conclude whether the heart is healthy. Heart rate has a very high variability, for each category of people (and even for each person in the same category) it can be different. However, this indicator must be given special attention so as not to miss the first signs of pathology.

    Video - What is the normal heart rate?

    Everyone knows that sport is our friend and assistant in finding a beautiful figure, in building muscles, in improving physical condition and physique. But not everyone knows that with different pulse beats, we train in different ways.

    There are four main heart rate zones: the recovery zone (aka the activity zone), the fat burning zone, the target heart rate zone (aka the aerobic zone), and the anaerobic threshold zone (the zone of maximum effort).

    The lower the heart rate, the lower the intensity of the workout. For low and medium intensity cardio in the recovery and fat burning zone, a constant intensity and a long duration of the work performed are characteristic -, and on (calorizer). Aerobic training in the target heart rate zone too.

    During aerobic exercise, you not only burn calories, but also train your heart. Sometimes aerobic cardio training requires special skills, for example,.

    Training in the anaerobic threshold zone is suitable for well-trained people. You can increase the intensity to this level during high-intensity interval training, where short periods of maximum and recovery loads alternate.

    Consider the calculation of the pulse for the fat burning zone (FSZH):

    220 - age = A

    Lower limit: B \u003d A x 0.65

    Upper limit: C \u003d A x 0.85

    For example:

    You are 30 years old. Then:

    Lower limit: 190 x 0.65 = 124

    Upper limit: 190 x 0.85 = 162

    In this case, VSW: is in the intervals between 124-162 beats per minute.

    For beginners, and people with heart problems, the following is important. To get rid of extra calories and not harm your body, you need to monitor your heartbeat (calorizator). The pulse should not go beyond the boundaries of the fat burning zone (FBZ). For example, for a thirty-year-old woman, the working heart rate interval during a fat burning workout should be in the range of 124-162 beats per minute.

    Most cardio machines allow you to track your heart rate. It is enough just to put your hands on the metal handles to see the number of beats per minute on the display of the simulator.

    If there is neither a simulator nor a heart rate monitor - or on the street, you can navigate by sensations. The pace of movement should be such that it is possible to pronounce a phrase of 5-6 words, that is, the load should be moderate or moderately light.

    You can determine the intensity of the load using the following data:

    • Very light- You maintain a conversation without problems
    • Easy- You speak with minimal effort
    • Slightly above easy- You carry on a conversation with little tension
    • Above easy- It becomes harder for you to speak
    • Moderate- You need to make an effort to keep up the conversation
    • Moderately high- It's harder for you to pronounce words
    • Very high- You find it difficult to talk
    • intensive- you are unable to talk

    There is also an easy way to find out the heart rate - detect 10 seconds, count the pulse and multiply by 6. This is how you find out the number of heart beats per minute.

    Each type of workout has its own benefits. Heart rate is a great way to control intensity and your condition. However, it is important to keep in mind that for training in the target heart rate zone and for HIIT, you need to set aside 5-10 minutes for a low-intensity warm-up and cool down in the fat burning and recovery zone.

    Each age group has its own heart rate zones. The heart is a muscle, and like any muscle, it can be trained. And the best simulator in this case are cardio loads. If you start running, your heart rate will drop over time. For athletes who participate in marathons, ultramarathon resting heart rate can be 37 beats per minute with an average rate of 60-100 beats per minute (children over 10 years old, adults and the elderly) and 40-60 beats per minute in well-trained adults athletes.

    Average heart rate

    • Newborns from 0 to 3 months - 100-150 beats per minute,
    • infants 3 to 6 months - 90-120 beats per minute,
    • infants from 6 to 12 months - 80-120 beats per minute,
    • children from 1 to 10 years old - 70-130 beats per minute,
    • children over 10 years old and adults, including the elderly - 60-100 beats per minute,
    • well-trained adult athletes - 40-60 beats per minute.

    heart and run

    What happens to our heart when we start running? Your heart rate drops - nature is trying to maintain balance, and if your heart works well, then other organs will work properly. If you have a fast pulse at rest, then either the arteries have an excess of cholesterol, or they are underdeveloped and their walls are not elastic enough.

    Running speeds up blood flow, increases pressure in it and raises body temperature. This pressure and elevated temperature can help flush out some of the fats and waste products from the arteries and the entire body. If you increase the intensity, the body will start using cholesterol as fuel for these exercises.

    The vascular system of a person who leads a sedentary lifestyle is several times less efficient than that of a person who performs a significant amount of aerobic exercise.

    In addition to the fact that your heart starts to work like a brand new pump and the body receives enough oxygen, the quality of your blood also improves: it increases the number of red blood cells, which are responsible for moving hemoglobin, which is necessary to combine with oxygen and oxidize the main fuel body - glycogen.

    Formula 220 minus age

    This is a very common empirical formula for determining the maximum allowable pulse (heart rate) by the value of a person's age. This is an approximate Haskell-Fox formula and, as you can see, it takes into account only the age of a person. It has no scientific justification, but is actively used due to its simplicity and convenience. For most people, this accuracy is sufficient.

    Refined Formula

    The least erroneous formula for determining the maximum allowable heart rate in the world today is the following:

    HRmax = 205.8 - (0.685 * age)

    *HRmax is the maximum allowed heart rate for that person.

    **age is the person's age in years.

    This calculator calculates the maximum heart rate using the two formulas given, as well as various zones (warm-up, light exercise, aerobic exercise, strength training) using the Karvonen formula.

    Karvonen formula

    HR during exercise = (maximum HR - HR at rest) x intensity (percentage) + HR at rest

    You can transform this formula to show the required intensity:

    Intensity (Percentage) = (Workout HR - Resting HR) / (Maximum HR - Resting HR)