To strengthen the heart, it is good to eat nuts every day. Overview of the most useful nuts for the body Why they are so important for the heart

Refusing fats, people often compensate for their lack of other dangerous products. In addition, cores often think that one pill is enough and the diet can be skipped. This is a fatal mistake - proper nutrition is no less important than pills. Moreover, you need to be able to combine many useful products, since the requests from the heart and blood vessels are considerable.

First course

Carbohydrates. Few people know that foods with these substances can increase blood cholesterol and fat levels. This is how our body works: it can make fat from various substances, those carbohydrates that are easily absorbed by the body are especially well suited for this - they are quickly absorbed into the blood from the intestines. Only carbohydrates that are digested with difficulty are useful. They can be found in products made without added sugar and starch and not passed through the sieve of food technology. And the best carbohydrates are found in whole grains. They really protect the heart and blood vessels. Such grains are just a storehouse of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and dietary fiber.

The fibers themselves are of two types - insoluble (mainly fiber) and soluble. The latter even prevent the absorption of cholesterol in the intestines, reduce blood fats and sugar. But in the diet we need both types of fiber.

Fats. Only two types of fats increase the risk of cardiovascular diseases - solid and so-called trans fats. The first - natural, they are found in meat, poultry and solid palm oil. Trans fats are practically artificial, they are seriously processed liquid vegetable oils that have been hardened. In their pure form, they almost never go on sale, but the food industry uses them with might and main. They are often found in margarines and prepared foods, hiding behind the terms "hydrogenated" and "hydrogenated" fats, which is always indicated on the label. Other types of fats for the heart and blood vessels are useful, but only in moderation. In excess, they contribute to the development of obesity, which means they harm blood vessels.


Cholesterol. Many foods high in cholesterol are also rich in dangerous solid fats. But among them there are real treasures that hide a lot of useful substances that neutralize the harmful effects. For example, eggs. It is no coincidence that today the restrictions on them have been lifted, and the most stringent recommendations allow you to eat 6 eggs a week. Restraint in their use is needed only by the cores.

Vitamins. Ascorbic acid reduces inflammation in the vessels. Especially useful for smokers and fat lovers. Vitamin E reduces inflammation in the vessels, which always accompanies atherosclerosis, and prevents the formation of blood clots. The lack of B vitamins and folic acid increases the risk of atherosclerosis. Moreover, all serious and reputable medical organizations emphasize that vitamins should be obtained from food, not from pills.

Minerals. The harm of sodium is well known, but foods that contain a lot of it are much less familiar (see figure). Potassium is a sodium antagonist, it prevents hypertension (high blood pressure) and strokes. Magnesium not only protects against heart disease and hypertension, but also reduces blood sugar and strengthens the immune system. Calcium also has a positive effect on blood pressure, and in older women reduces the risk of heart attacks.


Useful substances of plant origin. Their names are very difficult, and it is unlikely that they all need to be remembered, but you can recognize the gifts of nature rich in them by color: such substances give a bright color to vegetables, fruits and berries. And almost all of these substances work on two fronts. Firstly, they reduce inflammation in the vessels, and secondly, many of them have some other specific effect - they prevent the formation of blood clots, the formation of cholesterol, the deposition of lipids ... It is also better to get them, like vitamins, from food, and not from pills.

Useful and harmful products

Help the heart:

Omega-3 fats: fatty fish (salmon, sardines, herring, trout, tuna), walnuts, flaxseed, canola or soybean oil.

Monounsaturated fats: canola, olive and peanut oils.

Polyunsaturated fats: sunflower, corn and vegetable oil.

Whole grains: breads, breakfast cereals, and other whole grains.

Soluble dietary fiber: legumes, oats, lentils, apples, pears, many vegetables.

Insoluble dietary fiber: bran, whole grains, skins of vegetables and fruits.

Vitamin E: whole grains, vegetable oils, shrimp, nuts, asparagus.

Vitamin C: all citrus fruits, kiwi, strawberries, broccoli, cauliflower, peppers.

Folate: fruits (including citrus fruits), green vegetables.

Vitamin B6: whole grains, bananas, meats, nuts, peanuts, legumes.

Vitamin B12: fish, poultry, meat, eggs, dairy products.

Carotenoids: orange, yellow, red, green fruits and vegetables (except citrus fruits).

Phytonutrients: Vegetables, fruits, soy and other legumes, whole grains, egg yolks.

Potassium: bananas, citrus fruits, vegetables, potatoes.

Magnesium: fruits and vegetables, whole grains, fish and seafood, nuts, legumes.

Calcium: dairy products, canned fish with bones, almonds, green vegetables.

Dangerous for the heart:

Saturated fats: fats in meat and other organs of meat animals, egg yolks, milk fat, chicken skin, french fries and other fried fast food, palm and palm kernel oils and oils of other tropical plants.

Trans fats: hydrogenated fats in many foods and margarines; many deep-fried and fast food products - donuts, cakes, pastries, crackers and snacks on the go.

Cholesterol: liver and other organs of meat animals, yolks, fats in meat, chicken skin, milk fats (butter, cream, etc.).

Sodium: salt, soy sauce, soups (dry, in cubes, jars), ready-made seasonings for first and second courses, pickles, sausages and cheeses, fast food, snacks on the go such as chips.

Fructose: sugary foods and drinks containing so-called. high fructose corn syrup (see product label).

Sugar: Sugar and products with it.

The most important advantage of nuts is the ability to normalize cholesterol levels. Even considering the high calorie content of this product, it helps in the fight against obesity and reduces the risk of vascular thrombosis. This in turn saves the person from a heart attack.
As mentioned above, the variety of nuts is large and their effect on the body too, but still they have common trace elements and vitamins that we need so much:
  1. Omega 3. These polyunsaturated fatty acids help regulate your heart rate and prevent a heart attack. Everyone knows that they are found in large quantities in fatty fish (mackerel, salmon, Norwegian herring), but not everyone can consume it.
  2. fibers. Lower cholesterol levels.
  3. Vitamin E. Helps in the fight against coronary heart disease, as it prevents the occurrence of blood clots in the vessels.
  4. L-arginine. This amino acid restores elasticity to the walls of blood vessels. Thus, it improves blood flow.

Varieties of nuts

Consider the most basic types of nuts and their effect on the heart:
  • Walnuts. Reduce cholesterol levels, thereby protecting the heart from various diseases. Contain a large amount of protein and fiber.
  • Peanut. It contains a large amount of vitamin E, folic acid and antioxidants, the benefits of which are well known to everyone.
  • Almond. Protects against the risk of diabetes and saturates the body with vitamin B12.
  • Hazelnut. Strengthens the immune system with phytochemicals.
  • Cedar. Oleic acid in their composition processes harmful substances in the human body with the help of the liver. A large amount of iron helps to cope with anemia. It is important that this species helps to cope with appetite, which will help with obesity.
  • Pistachios. Arginine, which is abundant in such nuts, supports the entire cardiovascular system. Like other species, it contains a lot of protein.
From the above, it can be concluded that healthiest nuts for the heart there are all kinds. Since each of them adds a lot of nutrients and nutrients to the body and maintains the work of the heart in a normal state. You just need to use them in different quantities in order to fully take all the benefits.

Consumption rate

How many nuts should you eat per day to get the maximum benefit? Just a handful (approximately 50 g) of this delicacy per day is enough to keep the heart working in a normal way. Do not forget that they are very high in calories, but it will still be better to get saturated fats from them, and not from meat and dairy products, as they will bring more benefits to the body.
A small handful of nuts can do wonders. They are a delicious snack and guarantee heart health. This was made possible due to the content of proteins, fiber and antioxidants in their composition. The presence of unsaturated fats helps to minimize the level of bad cholesterol in the blood. by the most good for the heart are 7 kinds nuts which we invite you to learn more about.

Nuts for heart health

1. Walnut
It is considered the main source of protein and fiber. It has an antioxidant effect, saturates the human body with B vitamins. A high level of polyunsaturated fats reduces the risk of heart disease.
2. Almond
Daily use of almonds guarantees the replenishment of vitamins with manganese, Mg and vitamin E. The mineral complex can protect the body from the onset of diabetes, and polyunsaturated fats from problems with cholesterol levels.
3. Peanuts
It is a source of vitamin E, folic acid, manganese and protein. Resveratrol and other natural antioxidants have a positive effect on the cardiovascular system.
4. Hazelnut
A rich vitamin complex, mono- and polyunsaturated hazelnut fats help strengthen the immune system and reduce the risk of heart disease.
5. Pine nuts
The composition is characterized by a high content of protein and fiber. The presence of oleic acid stabilizes the liver through the rapid processing of harmful substances. Iron and magnesium, which are part of the pine nuts, prevent the development of anemia and protect the body from diseases of the muscular system.
6. Pecans
They have properties similar to pine nuts. They are a unique natural source of fiber and protein.
7. Pistachios
Healthy fats, a numerous complex of antioxidants and phytosterols, make them the most heart-healthy nuts. Regular consumption of pistachios in the diet can keep cholesterol levels normal.


Despite their small form, nuts have a unique quality composition that helps prevent the risk of heart disease and protect the body from other harmful factors.

Healthy blood vessels and heart are not only good heredity and the absence of bad habits. Changing the habitual diet to a healthy one nutrition significantly reduces the risk of a heart attack.

TOP 10 most useful nuts for the cardiovascular system

For a full supply of oxygen to the body, the arteries and veins must be elastic, and the pump strong. Nuts for the heart and blood vessels - excellent support, thanks to the amino acid arginine. Incoming unsaturated fats are important for lowering bad cholesterol.

In one handful there are proteins - energizing the heart. Eating nuts three times a week reduces the frequency of an angina attack by 30-50%. For circulatory systems 10 types of nuts are of particular value.


The first place on the list is deservedly occupied by a delicacy all over the world - almonds. Sweet is the most popular almond. It is grown in Jordan, Spain, California. The bitter variety of grains is used to produce oil, which is widely used in cosmetology.

Nutritional and energy value of sweet almonds in 100 grams of dry product:

  • proteins 18.7 g;
  • fats 53.3 g;
  • carbohydrates 13.4g;
  • calories 649 kcal.

The benefits of nuts are due to the rich content of proteins, amino acids, vitamins and minerals:

  • Poly- and monounsaturated fatty omega-3 and 6 acids increase the elasticity of arteries and veins. This reduces the risk of strokes and heart attacks.
  • sweet almond contains vitamins PP, E, C, A, group B. These antioxidants support the health of blood vessels, skin, and hair.
  • A significant amount of potassium and magnesium allows doctors to include delicacy in the diet of patients with arrhythmia, angina pectoris, hypertension. These minerals prevent the formation of blood clots, strengthen the vascular walls.
  • Vitamin E contained in it effectively cleanses the inner walls of arteries and veins from cholesterol plaques, prevents the deposition fat.

It is better to use raw or dried nuts without adding sugar, salt.

Attention! Frying with oil increases the calorie content of almonds, destroys nutrients. Salt and sugar retain water, causing swelling.


The next leader in the list of the most useful products is hazelnut, which has the second name hazel. There are more than 20 species of wild trees or shrubs in the Mediterranean countries, in Belarus, Ukraine, Azerbaijan, and central Russia. The fruits of wild hazel in the form of bells are very useful and nutritious.

Hazel is a source of monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats that remove “bad” cholesterol from the blood. With this product, the body receives potassium, magnesium, vitamin E, group B, indispensable for the heart and blood vessels, as well as a large amount of fiber.

Important! Due to this composition, hazelnut serves as a prevention of atherosclerosis - the main cause of heart attack, stroke.

Its healing property is known to normalize the composition of the blood, strengthen vascular walls. According to A. Pushkin, hazelnut treatment in Pskov helped him cope with venous insufficiency of the legs. To stimulate the development and strengthen the immune system, it is useful to give nuts to children.


The homeland of the royal nut is Central Asia and the Caucasus. A unique fruit was brought to Russia 1000 years ago by Greek merchants. walnut It is not in vain that the grain has the shape and appearance of the human brain. The nuclei really improve memory, increase the cognitive abilities of people at any age. The high-calorie nut is endowed with a rich composition. In terms of protein content, it can compete with meat.

Ripe nuts contain carotene, sitosterols, vitamins C, B1, B2, PP, tannins.

Attention! All fats in its composition are only poly- and monounsaturated. They regulate the level of harmful and beneficial fractions of blood cholesterol.

Incoming amino acids - linolenic, oleic, palmitic have antioxidant properties. Reduce cell aging, prevent the development of oncology, preserve youth. contains a record amount of vitamin E. Tocopherol is necessary for people with diabetes, hypertension, atherosclerosis, coronary heart disease to strengthen vessels.


Groundnut peanut is a low herbaceous plant. South America is considered its homeland, and it is cultivated in China, India, and the USA. The nutritional value is 26% protein, 45% fat and only 9% carbohydrates. Calorie content of 100 grams of raw product- 552, dried - 611 kcal.

The kernels contain the optimal amount of folic acid, vitamin E, which make the arteries and veins smooth. Peanuts hold the record for the content of magnesium, iron, potassium, manganese. Just these minerals are necessary for the full functioning of the cardiovascular system. The antioxidant resveratrol significantly reduces the risk of developing myocardial diseases.


The main walnut exporters are Brazil, Thailand, India, Nigeria, Indonesia, and Vietnam. Cashews grow in an unusual way on the akajou tree. A nut is attached to the raw fruit, resembling an apple.

Attention! Nuts are covered with a thick shell, under which there is a toxic oil. Cashews go on sale only in a purified form after roasting so that the cardol evaporates. When traveling, do not try to peel the nut yourself, so as not to burn your hands. But you can eat the fleshy part of the fruit straight from the tree.

A high-calorie product contains 643 kcal in 100 g of raw cashews, and 574 kcal in fried ones.

The nutritional value:

  • 18% from proteins;
  • 22% carbohydrates;
  • 45% fat.

The beneficial properties of cashews for the heart muscle and blood vessels are due to unsaturated omega-3 fatty acids, vitamin E, potassium, and magnesium. Of the components needed for the body of adults and children, contains sodium, selenium, iron, zinc, manganese. Indian walnut is able to normalize weight, remove cholesterol, strengthen immunity.


Australian macadamia is the most high-calorie of the entire nut kingdom. There are 718 kcal per 100 grams of dry product.

Contains more vitamins and minerals than other nuts. Benefits people with important components:

  • due to the high content of omega-3 monounsaturated fats and plant sterols, it increases the level of useful cholesterol in the blood, reduces its harmful fraction;
  • nuts contain all the necessary vitamins and minerals for the treatment of heart disease, atherosclerosis;
  • thanks to vitamin E, potassium and calcium, they maintain the elasticity of blood vessels, the strength of the teeth, the beauty of the skin and hair;
  • a large amount of fiber helps to remove harmful saturated fats from the intestines, preventing their absorption into the blood.

A daily handful of nuts reduces the risk diseases circulatory system, type 2 diabetes.


Small pistachio trees are common in the Mediterranean, Asia, and Africa. In the East they are called the tree of life.

Healthy and delicious nuts are high in calories. 100 grams contain:

  • 20.1 g protein;
  • 52 g fat;
  • 16 g of carbohydrates;
  • calorie content 640 kcal.

The delicacy contains vitamins A, E, group B and minerals - potassium, copper, manganese, magnesium, phosphorus. In addition to them, the polyphenol antioxidants included in the composition are of great benefit to the heart and blood vessels. Important! Studies on patients with heart disease have shown. After three weeks of taking the nut, bad low-density cholesterol was reduced by 12%. Regular use prevents the risk of a heart attack.

Priceless pistachios are the only nuts that contain the carotenoids lutein and zeaxanthin, which are responsible for maintaining sharp vision.


The pecan fruit is a real energy bomb from North America. 100 grams of a nut contains more than 71 g of fat, only 10 g of protein, an insignificant amount of carbohydrates - 4 g, and the calorie content is 691 kcal.

The taste of pecan is similar to walnut, but more pleasant, oily, slightly sweet. In addition to a high range of vitamins and trace elements, it covers a wide range of vitamins, a whole range of unique antioxidants and healthy unsaturated fats. The inclusion of pecans in the daily diet has a healing effect on the heart and blood vessels:

  • phytosterols reduce cholesterol level;
  • vitamin E protects the walls of blood vessels from blockage;
  • age-related formation of atherosclerotic plaques slows down;
  • reduces the risk of angina pectoris, stroke and heart attack;
  • eliminates the symptoms of venous insufficiency of the legs - night cramps of the calf muscles, rapid fatigue of the legs;
  • memory improves;
  • prevent exacerbation of hemorrhoids.

Pecan is the best and most delicious gift for the heart. Nutritionists recommend consuming no more than 18 pieces per day.


Of the entire walnut kingdom, only cedar kernels climbed into the deep Siberian taiga. It's amazing how such a small grain contains a storehouse of useful and unique substances.

Cedar kernels are a treasure trove of antioxidants that protect us from free radicals - the cause of early aging and oncology. Medicinal properties of our native product:

  • Vitamins A, E, B protect blood vessels from early plaque deposition, improve vision, maintain youthfulness and elasticity of the skin.
  • Unsaturated oleic and linoleic acid regulates triglyceride and cholesterol levels. Helps to cope with excess weight obese people and patients with heart problems.
  • The amino acid arginine lowers blood pressure, removes cholesterol from the blood, strengthens the immune system, and prevents the formation of blood clots. Methionine, tryptophan and lysine strengthen arteries, improve heart function.
  • Iron increases blood hemoglobin.
  • Calcium is responsible for the health of bones and teeth.
  • Copper stimulates the brain, normalizes the activity of the nervous system.
  • Lutein, found only in pine nuts and pistachios, improves eyesight.
  • Iodine is essential for the proper functioning of the thyroid gland.

Nuts give us energy while suppressing our appetite. Increase immunity, improve intellectual activity. Doctors recommend including pine nuts also for children for physical health and mental development.


Hazelnut trees are cultivated hazel. In fact, the hazelnut is a hybrid derived from several of its varieties. Unlike the oblong hazelnut, it is round in shape and larger in size.

Important! The kernels contain more oils, proteins and carbohydrates, and therefore surpass the hazelnut in terms of calories. It contains B vitamins, mineral salts, fatty oils, amino acids.

Healing properties of nuts:

  • improves the performance of our motor;
  • prevents stroke and heart attack;
  • enhances the tone of the veins;
  • reduces the risk of developing varicose veins;
  • improves blood circulation;
  • normalizes blood pressure;
  • useful for the beauty of hair and skin.

Nuts are necessarily included in the diet of patients with vascular and heart problems. Recommended for adults and children to strengthen the immune system. To get rid of nervous tension and cheer up, it is enough to eat 12 pieces daily.

How much can be used

nuts boost level serotonin, the hormone of pleasure. So, treats should be eaten every day. Under the influence of this substance, the work of the heart and nervous system improves.

Attention! The benefits of nuts depend on how many pieces a person consumes regularly. Studies have established the optimal amount of the product per day.

If adults eat 20-30 g per day, there will be no problems with the figure. Pediatricians do not advise giving nuts to babies under 3 years of age, because they are difficult to digest.

Important! It is allowed to introduce the product into the diet from the age of 5, observing the reaction. Healthy children who are not obese and allergic are allowed to give 20-30 years. any nuts per week.

Useful mixtures for the heart and blood vessels

There are many recipes where nuts are an additional component. Consider useful mixes, which help to improve heart function, increase the body's defenses.

With honey

Beekeeping products contain a lot of trace elements, vitamins and vital substances for human. Walnuts supplement the mixture with unsaturated fats omega 3,6, 9. Prepare a nutritional potion step by step:

  1. Measure out 600 g of crushed yellow kernels.
  2. Add 300 ml of amber liquid.
  3. Place the container in a dark, cool place for 2 weeks.

Take daily immediately after breakfast, 1 tbsp. l. dessert. Honey and nuts, when taken regularly, strengthen the heart muscle, normalize cholesterol, and increase immunity.

Walnut partition tincture

Support for the heart muscle is provided by a drink from walnut partitions. It's easy to make at home:

  1. Fill a third of the 0.5 liter jar with dry product.
  2. Top up with vodka.
  3. Put in a cupboard for 2 weeks.

Take a brown tincture of 1 tbsp. l. three times a day for 12 days.

Pasta Amosova

Another useful the composition will strengthen the circulatory system. The mixture is prepared according to the recipe:

  1. Put 250 g of raisins, prunes, figs and dried apricots in a bowl.
  2. Add 1 lemon and a glass of walnuts.
  3. Scald with boiling water.
  4. Pass all products at once through a blender or meat grinder.
  5. Now add 250 g of honey and refrigerate.

Dried apricots contain a lot of potassium, magnesium, iron, necessary for heart contraction. Lemon will supplement with ascorbic acid, which increases immunity. Take the elixir of life every morning for 1 tbsp. l. after breakfast.

With cranberries, honey and raisins

For proper blood circulation, berries and dried fruits enriched with bee components are useful. Cook live food:

  • Mix a glass of nuts, raisins and cranberries.
  • Pass through a blender.
  • Add 0.5 liters of honey.

Every morning, eat a tablespoon of berry-nut mixture. The body will thank you for your care and will turn on additional reserves to improve health.

Important! Any nuts in salty or sweet glaze are food that harms the heart, figure and teeth.

Adding salt or sugar to sodium-rich peanuts and pistachios is a disaster. Even one handful will provide the body with a daily allowance of salt and sugar. Strong thirst will force you to take a large amount of water, which will lead to swelling of the face and limbs. The blood pressure will rise.

heart you have to pump a large volume of blood, an arrhythmia will appear. All this causes great harm to the circulatory system. With this application, there will only be harm from a healthy nut.

Any peeled grains deteriorate quickly during storage. Molds are bred in them, which produce aflatoxin poisons. Feel free to sniff before buying nuts by checking for freshness. The sense of smell will not deceive you. Split the fruit. If a dry cloud escapes from it, the nut is full of poisonous mold. It is better to buy unpeeled kernels in supermarkets.

Doctors recommend eating nuts in the morning or before lunch. Left in the stomach overnight, they will not have time to be digested. Excess calories will be deposited on the stomach. Soak for 2-3 hours before use for better absorption. Combine kernels with fresh and dried fruits.

Previously, it always pounded smoothly: knock-knock, knock-knock. But lately it has been pounding furiously for no reason, then it freezes almost to a stop.

This condition is typical for arrhythmias when, under the influence of stress, physical exertion, bad habits, pathologies of the heart muscle or blood vessels, the rhythm becomes uneven. Arrhythmia can be both a physiological norm and a life-threatening disorder.

20% nuts can reduce the risk of developing arrhythmias- the result of many years of research by Swedish scientists. Cardiologists analyzed the diet and health status of more than 60,000 Swedish residents over 45. Based on the data, they calculated: the more participants ate nuts, the higher the percentage of prevention.

The benefits of nuts for the heart

Colleagues from other countries are in solidarity with Swedish cardiologists. And they add: nuts not only prevent the development of arrhythmia, but also comprehensively do everything for extension of human life.

Almost all types of nuts have a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system: lower cholesterol, normalize blood pressure, restore elasticity to the walls of blood vessels, strengthen the heart muscle. But doctors identify three particularly useful ones.


Almonds are considered the most hearty of the nuts. The content of potassium, magnesium, calcium, fatty acids and protein in it is greater than in any other. Regular consumption of almonds for 3 weeks reduces blood cholesterol levels by 10%. The risk of developing coronary heart disease is reduced by 47%.

The low glycemic index allows you to snack on almonds at any time without the risk of gaining extra pounds. The norm of 30 g should not be exceeded, so that there are no problems with the intestines.


Walnut contains 60% unsaturated omega-3 fatty acids, which are important for the cleanliness of blood vessels and the fight against inflammation. A large amount of vitamin E ensures the maintenance of metabolic processes in the tissues of the heart muscle and artery walls. Iron, potassium and magnesium are important for normalizing cholesterol levels.

Walnut kernels are very high in calories - 650 kcal per 100 g. It is important not to overdo it for those who are overweight. 3-4 cores per day - an amount that suits both cardiologists and nutritionists.


Hazelnut is extremely rich in iron, serves as an excellent prevention of anemia. The vitamin composition makes the nut an excellent assistant in the treatment of diseases of the veins and blood vessels: varicose veins, thrombosis, thrombophlebitis, phlebitis. Potassium, magnesium, calcium and unsaturated fatty acids resist bad cholesterol, prevent the development of atherosclerosis.

A small handful of hazelnuts can be a snack during the day, or you can grind nuts and add them to various dishes.

Nut mix for the heart

To get the maximum benefit for the heart and blood vessels, cook a mixture of nuts. Grind three almonds and hazelnuts plus one walnut in a coffee grinder or blender.