When is Military Artillery Reconnaissance Day celebrated? Military Intelligence Day: history and traditions of the holiday

In accordance with the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 549 of May 31, 2006 “On the establishment professional holidays and memorable days in the Armed Forces Russian Federation".

On this day in 1918 in Petrograd, as part of the Field Headquarters of the Red Army, the Registration Directorate for coordinating the efforts of all intelligence agencies of the army, which became the prototype of the current central authority Military Intelligence Directorate - Main Intelligence Directorate of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.

Currently, the official name is the Main Directorate of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.

The intelligence profession is considered one of the oldest on earth. Back in the days Kievan Rus intelligence was a matter of national importance. Ambassadors, messengers, merchants, residents of border areas and military detachments were involved in collecting data. Later, already under Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich, in 1654 the Order of Secret Affairs was founded - the prototype of the intelligence department of that time. In the Military Regulations of 1716, Peter I provided a legislative and legal basis for intelligence work. During the reign of Emperor Alexander I in January 1810, on the initiative of Barclay de Tolly, the so-called expedition of secret affairs under the Ministry of War was created; in January 1812 it was renamed the Special Chancellery under the Minister of War.

The special office solved the most important tasks: conducting strategic intelligence (collecting strategically important secret information abroad), operational-tactical intelligence (collecting data about enemy troops on the borders of Russia) and counterintelligence (identifying and neutralizing enemy agents).
It became the first central body of the War Ministry Russian Empire, who was involved in organizing intelligence for the armed forces of foreign states.

My modern history military intelligence has been conducted since 1918. On November 1, 1918, the Revolutionary Military Council of the Republic (RVSR) approved the staff of the Field Headquarters of the RVSR. And on November 5, the state was introduced by order of the RVSR. The structure of the Field Headquarters included the Registration Directorate (Registrupr), which for the first time united all the military intelligence agencies that existed at that time. The Register consisted of two departments: intelligence (intelligence) and military control (counterintelligence).

Semyon Aralov, a Bolshevik from among the Russian army intelligence veterans of the First World War, was appointed the first head of the Register.

In November 1918, intelligence and military control courses opened in Moscow, where 13 disciplines were taught, including geography, artillery, tactics, topography, human intelligence, counterintelligence, etc. A little later, elementary study foreign languages(French, German, English, Japanese, Swedish, Finnish).

Since April 1921, the Register was transformed into the Intelligence Directorate (Razvedupr) of the headquarters of the Workers 'and Peasants' Red Army (RKKA), and, according to the "Regulations", became the "central body military intelligence, both in wartime and in peacetime." Since 1926, the Intelligence Department became known as the IV Directorate of the Red Army Headquarters.

With the beginning of the Great Patriotic War, supporting the combat operations of troops and the operations they carried out was the main type of intelligence activity. During the war, the work of intelligence officers operating behind the front line in temporarily occupied territories and in other countries was noted to be of great scope and effectiveness. From the first days of the war, the deployment of reconnaissance and reconnaissance and sabotage groups was organized behind enemy lines, on the basis of which they subsequently deployed in many areas. partisan detachments, a reserve reconnaissance network was created in the territory forcedly abandoned to the enemy. The preparation and conduct of all strategic, front-line and army operations were based on strategic and operational intelligence data.

In February 1942, the Intelligence Directorate was reorganized into the Main Intelligence Directorate (GRU). In October 1942, the GRU was separated from the General Staff and subordinated directly to the People's Commissar of Defense, and its task was to conduct all human intelligence of enemy armies abroad and in temporarily occupied territories. In April 1943, along with the GRU, the intelligence department of the General Staff of the Red Army was formed with the tasks of leading military and human intelligence intelligence of the fronts, providing regular information about the actions and intentions of the enemy and conducting disinformation of the enemy.

After the war, they united into the GRU of the General Staff, which in 1947 became known as the Second Main Directorate of the Information Committee under the Council of Ministers of the USSR, and since 1949 - again as the GRU of the General Staff of the Armed Forces.

Over the past time, the role of military intelligence has increased many times. Today it is the most important component of strengthening the state. Military intelligence as an element of the system national security state obtains, analyzes, summarizes information about the military-political situation that is developing around Russia, predicts its development, promptly reports to the highest political leadership of the Russian Federation and the command of the Armed Forces on real and potential threats national interests and security of the country.

The sphere of interests of military intelligence includes regional and local armed conflicts, armed forces foreign states, their equipment and weapons, equipment of possible theaters of military operations, as well as the economy involved in the interests of the armed forces.

Depending on the scale of the tasks being solved and the purpose, it is divided into strategic, operational and tactical. By type, military intelligence is divided: by area of ​​action - into ground, air, sea and space reconnaissance; according to the nature of the tasks being solved and the purpose - for intelligence, special, radio and radio technical, military reconnaissance, artillery, engineering reconnaissance, radiation, chemical and biological reconnaissance, topographical, hydrographic, hydrometeorological, technical reconnaissance, logistics; based on the technical means of reconnaissance used - radio-electronic, optical-electronic, optical, sound, etc.

Military intelligence, both operational and technical units, as well as information, analytical and support structures. They are equipped with the most modern technical reconnaissance equipment, created on the basis of the latest achievements in the field of information, telecommunications and space technologies.

According to the head of the Main Directorate of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation - Deputy Chief of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation Igor Sergun, today "the GRU is practically the only intelligence service in the world that has in its structure all currently known types and areas of intelligence."

For the courage and heroism shown when performing special tasks to ensure national security, more than 700 military intelligence officers were awarded the high titles of Heroes Soviet Union and the Russian Federation.

The material was prepared based on information from RIA Novosti and open sources

Intelligence is one of the oldest professions, which not only has not lost its relevance, but is also being improved and modernized every year. Since ancient times, ambassadors, merchants, and residents living near the border have been used to obtain information. Among the military formations, the intelligence department existed back in the tsarist empire. However, as an independent military unit, the intelligence of the Russian Federation established itself immediately after the Great October Revolution.

Modern intelligence officers are being introduced and successfully work in the following areas:

  • space:
  • Agriculture;
  • military industry;
  • economy;
  • policy.

Today, the Main Intelligence Directorate is the most important element of the country's strategic development.


Military intelligence has rich history: intelligence officers, from 1654 to the present day, work for the benefit of the Fatherland. Many of them gave their lives during the war. The Main Directorate of Counterintelligence "Smersh" fought against saboteurs and spies, fighting traitors Soviet army.

Significant dates in the history of intelligence:

  • 1654 - foundation of the Order of Secret Affairs (the first unit-prototype of the modern GRU);
  • 1716 - Peter I signs legal acts relating to intelligence activities;
  • 1810 - the Secret Chancellery was created under the military department during the reign of Emperor Alexander I;
  • 1812 - renamed into the Special Chancellery;
  • 1918 - formation of the intelligence department;
  • 1941-1945 - 700 agents were awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union;
  • 1949 - formation of the intelligence department under the General Staff of the Soviet Army;
  • 2006 - official recognition by the head of state of Scout Day.

The role of intelligence officers is invaluable: specially trained agents collect data, identify and neutralize agents of intelligence departments of foreign states.


The celebration has symbolic meaning, because many officers are not public people; their profession obliges them to “stay in the shadows” and not advertise their work.

According to custom, officers, cadets, senior officials, and representatives of the government of the Russian Federation gather for the celebration. Military personnel tell stories from their service and accept congratulations from family and government officials. The command organizes ceremonies for awarding certificates, medals, valuable gifts and promotions in rank.

Every year on November 5, Russia celebrates the anniversary of the creation of military intelligence. November 5, 1918 as part of the Field Headquarters of the Red Army In Petrograd, by order of the Chairman of the Revolutionary Military Council of the Republic, Leon Trotsky, a Registration Directorate was formed to coordinate the efforts of all intelligence agencies of the army. The Main Intelligence Directorate of the General Staff of the Russian Armed Forces dates back to this day.

It was the Registration Directorate that became the prototype of the current central military intelligence management body - the Main Intelligence Directorate (GRU) of the General Staff of the Russian Armed Forces. Today, the Main Intelligence Directorate is the most important component of strengthening the state. This structure combines everything existing species intelligence - strategic, intelligence, including illegal, technical, economic, space and military, better known as GRU special forces.

As part of other military units, military intelligence existed in Tsarist Russia. But, as a separate unit, the military intelligence of the Russian Federation dates back its history to November 5, 1918.

History of military intelligence

Even during the times of Kievan Rus, intelligence was a matter of national importance. Ambassadors, messengers, merchants, residents of border areas and military detachments were involved in collecting data. Later, already under Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich, in 1654 it was founded The order of secret affairs - the prototype of the intelligence department of that time. In the Military Regulations of 1716, Peter I provided a legislative and legal basis for intelligence work. Therefore, the profession of intelligence officer is considered one of the oldest on earth.

In January 1810, on the initiative of Barclay de Tolly, the Secret Affairs Expedition was created under the Ministry of War, this was during the reign of Emperor Alexander I, and in January 1812 this structure was renamed the Special Chancellery under the Minister of War. A special office solved the most important tasks:

— conducting strategic intelligence (collecting strategically important secret information abroad);
— operational-tactical reconnaissance (collection of data about enemy troops on the borders of Russia);
— counterintelligence (identification and neutralization of enemy agents).

During the Great Patriotic War, the role of military intelligence officers was invaluable. In the first six months of the war alone, about 10 thousand people were sent behind enemy lines, including a significant number of reconnaissance officers with radio transmitters.

Military intelligence agencies created partisan detachments behind enemy lines. The activities of Soviet intelligence during the Great Patriotic War were highly appreciated by prominent military leaders and generals, future Marshals of the Soviet Union G.K. Zhukov, A.M. Vasilevsky, K.K. Rokossovsky, I.S. Konev, I.Kh. Bagramyan, N. I. Krylov, Army General S. M. Shtemenko and many others.

The Great Patriotic War was ordeal for military intelligence, and she withstood it with dignity. During the war it was developed efficient system intelligence leadership, the correct organizational structure of its combat organs, their reasonable and effective use in various types support of combat operations.

Glorious combat traditions of military intelligence developed and a large detachment of highly qualified intelligence officers was created who skillfully used the rich combat experience and traditions in the post-war period. These traditions have always been and are: devotion to one’s homeland and people, loyalty to the oath, courage, perseverance to the point of self-sacrifice when performing combat missions.

All this has already become heroic story our people during the difficult years of the Great Patriotic War. Data obtained by military intelligence have repeatedly played a decisive role in the country's top leadership making decisions to ensure its security. Soviet and then Russian military intelligence convincingly demonstrated their indispensability and effectiveness during crisis situations in the Middle East, Afghanistan, Yugoslavia, Iraq, Chechnya and other “hot spots.”

692 military intelligence officers were awarded the titles of Heroes of the Soviet Union and Heroes of the Russian Federation for courage and heroism shown in carrying out tasks to ensure the national security of the country.

Modern military intelligence

Military intelligence– a set of measures to obtain and process data about an actual or potential enemy, its military resources, combat capabilities and vulnerabilities, as well as about the theater of military operations.
Modern military intelligence is divided into:
- tactical reconnaissance
- strategic intelligence
- counterintelligence

Tactical reconnaissance provides fighting troops at the tactical level, i.e. within formations, units and subunits in contact with the enemy. It reveals information about the enemy's combat capabilities (including his plans), his vulnerability and the area of ​​operations (including terrain and weather conditions), which facilitates acceptance by the commander and his staff optimal solutions on planning and conducting combat operations.

This data is either obtained by regular forces and means, or received from a superior. Typically, intelligence information is obtained through questioning. local residents, interrogation of prisoners and defectors, interception of information transmitted by radio-electronic means, study of documents, equipment and weapons captured from the enemy, radar, ground, air reconnaissance and aerial photographic reconnaissance.

Strategic intelligence obtains and studies information about the capabilities, vulnerabilities and plans of foreign states. It is carried out in the interests higher authorities state power and military leadership, and the data it produces is used to develop foreign policy, plan and implement national security measures in peacetime and to carry out strategic operations during the war.

Counterintelligence includes all active and passive measures implemented government agencies in order to combat the intelligence services of other states. It ensures the security of classified information, equipment, facilities and persons related to state secrets.

The mission of counterintelligence is to suppress subversive activities carried out both by foreign powers and by disloyal elements within the country and in the territories it controls.

Now military intelligence is part of the structure of the General Staff of the Russian Armed Forces. Intelligence is the “eyes and ears” of the armed forces, the main means of obtaining information.

The editors of the Army Bulletin website congratulate all military intelligence officers (veterans and those still active today) - fighters of the advanced detachment of the Russian Armed Forces on their professional holiday.

/Website editors/

Scout Day in Russia, based on the order of the Minister of Defense, has been officially celebrated since 2000. The President of the Russian Federation added this holiday to the list memorable dates in 2006, which confirmed the relevance of the intelligence profession. In this article we will try to answer the question of what date Scout Day is in our country, highlight facts from the history of the holiday and the profession.

Facts from the history of the celebration date

It is no coincidence that Military Intelligence Day in Russia is celebrated on November 5th. On this November day in 1918, on the basis of Trotsky’s order, a special department called Registrupr began to function in Petrograd, coordinating the work of army intelligence. From that day on, military intelligence became a separate division of the Red Army. At royal rule in Russia, reconnaissance units also existed, but they were components of other units.

In 1918, courses for training professional intelligence officers were created in Moscow. They provided training in 13 basic disciplines: geography, tactics, topography and others. Later, foreign language training was introduced at the courses.

Registrupr became the prototype of the currently operating Main Intelligence Directorate.

The oldest profession

Intelligence has been a matter of particular importance since the times of Kievan Rus. The first bodies conducting intelligence work appeared in our country in the 16th century. The role of Russian intelligence grew along with the strengthening of Russia's position in international affairs.

In 1654, the Order of Secret Affairs was created in the country, which was assigned the role of coordinator of the work of Russian intelligence. Later, Peter the Great, in his decree, laid the foundation for the legislative and legal framework for the actions of intelligence officers.

Since 1812, control over the work of Russian intelligence was carried out by the Special Chancellery. She was engaged in solving important problems: she collected the most important information, identified and destroyed enemy agents.

The important role of intelligence during the Great Patriotic War

Military intelligence made an invaluable contribution to the victory of the Russian people in the war against the Nazis. In the first six months alone from the start of this bloody war, about 10,000 Soviet intelligence officers worked in the German rear. Many of them were equipped with walkie-talkies and were able to transmit received information. Scouts contributed to education partisan movement behind the occupiers' lines.

During the war, the counterintelligence department "Smersh" was formed, whose responsibilities included an irreconcilable fight against saboteurs and spies of hostile states, as well as traitors and deserters in the Red Army. Employees of this department identified a large number of enemy agents, thwarting the enemy’s insidious plans.

During this difficult time, the foundations of Russian military intelligence traditions were laid, and a large number of qualified intelligence officers were formed who skillfully applied their experience in practice in the post-war years.

On Military Intelligence Day, our country honors the memory of heroes - intelligence officers who gave their lives for their people.

Scout qualities

Intelligence is a unique profession, and in order to master it perfectly, you must have a number of specific qualities, supported by knowledge, experience and devotion to your country.

Military Intelligence Day in Russia is a holiday of selfless, self-possessed, competent and strong people. They often risk their lives to protect the safety of the Russian population.

It is currently difficult to imagine the functioning of the state without intelligence. As long as there are organizations that pose a threat to our country, the relevance of the intelligence service will only increase.

Military intelligence today

The functions of intelligence have remained unchanged in our time. It refers to government structures that were not significantly affected by the changes that affected other areas after 1991. Scouts continue to mine military-economic, political and other important information, doing his job behind possible enemy lines. In some cases, they find themselves on the front lines of military conflicts.

The names and tasks of military intelligence officers (November 5 is Intelligence Day in Russia) are kept strictly secret. There are serious criminal penalties for disclosing this information.

One of the main units of military intelligence in our country is counterintelligence, which suppresses the work of intelligence services of other states on the territory of the Russian Federation. The employees of this unit also accept sincere congratulations on Scout Day on November 5th.

Holiday traditions

Not all representatives of this profession officially celebrate Scout Day. After all, many intelligence officers’ jobs require them to hide their activities and maintain secrecy. They do not seek to attract attention to their own person; sometimes even their relatives have no idea about the type of their activity.

Scout Day is also the professional day of our compatriots who conduct intelligence work in other countries and for a long time live away from home country. IN ordinary life these people are absolutely not like intelligence officers.

Congratulations on Scout Day on November 5 are accepted by everyone who serves in the GRU: soldiers, officers and senior members of the General Staff. The official celebrations are attended by cadets and teaching staff of specialized educational institutions. On this day, the command staff in a solemn atmosphere rewards military personnel who have linked their fate with intelligence, with certificates, medals and gifts, and assigns them new ranks.

According to tradition, on Scout Day, unique rituals are held to wash insignia, which will deservedly be placed on military uniforms. They are placed in a glass of champagne and the invigorating drink is drunk to the bottom.

Scout Day is celebrated by retired military personnel, their relatives and friends.

Intelligence is the main means of obtaining information for the Russian armed forces.

It makes it possible to prevent hostilities, and, if necessary, to meet the enemy in full combat readiness.

One of the most ancient professions in Rus' is considered to be the profession of intelligence officer. Merchants, ambassadors, and residents of border areas were involved in collecting information. A special intelligence department of Tsarist Rus' was created in 1654 and it was called the Order of Secret Affairs. During the Great Patriotic War The Main Directorate of Counterintelligence "Smersh" was organized, which was engaged in the fight against sabotage and espionage activities of foreign states, the fight against betrayal and desertion in the ranks of the Soviet Army. Improving and developing over time, military intelligence units have become one of the main sources of information, combining all possible types of intelligence - space, economic, technical, military. And on November 5, military intelligence officers celebrate their holiday - on this day in 1918, the Registration Directorate was created to coordinate the efforts of all intelligence agencies of the army, which became the prototype of the modern GRU.

Serving in intelligence is very difficult:
Fight, shoot straight at the target,
Always be brave, careful
And learn all the secrets from your enemies.

So let everything be successful
At work, at home... and always.
And let him protect, of course,
In life, God is from your sorrows.

Scout, I sincerely congratulate you,
In the profession important success Wish.
May your health always be strong,
Let your superiors respect you.
Let the family be warm and comfortable,
And remember that people are always waiting for you at home.

Congratulations on Military Intelligence Day. I wish you to always be aware of all current events and be able to unravel any tangle of problems. Success, ingenuity and perseverance, as well as confidence, gallant strength and invincible fighting spirit!

On Scout's Day I wish,
So that your dreams come true,
There is silence on the border,
And the capital is beautiful!

There is peace in your soul,
As soon as you come home,
Gathered so that there is a family,
Everyone adored you!

Military intelligence officers -
Army elite,
You are always where to act
It needs to be covered.

Night and darkness -
Your faithful friends,
Endurance and nerves
It's like yours is made of iron.

I wish you exploration
Always walk with luck,
And on the personal front -
Love, kindness and happiness.

It's not scary with you in reconnaissance,
After all, you are a real fighter,
The enemy tries in vain
To finally figure you out

You will not give up, going straight to the goal,
Everything in the world doesn't matter to you,
This is what all fighters could do!
Happy scout day!

There is such a secret man
And today is his holiday!
Who is this? Of course our scout
Knows the plans of every single enemy!

We wish you an eagle's gaze,
May your instincts never fail you!
So that you always give your opponents a head start,
And so that the service goes easily and without difficulty!

You are warriors of the invisible front,
Sometimes the course of the war depends on you!
There is no place for comfort in your work,
You must find out other people's secrets.

I want to wish you more luck,
It is important to avoid troubles,
I wish you peace - there is nothing dearer,
Health and luck, for long years!

Happy Military Intelligence Day to you!
The whole country celebrates this holiday.
Be always successful, happy,
And he is sympathetic to other people's misfortunes.

May your health grow stronger
Let the joy of life not fade.
And let the family warm you with love
And let your friends never leave you.

Happy Scout's Day.
We honor your merits and work.
Let troubles and failures
They will bypass you.

Let your wishes come true
Everything around you is in your favor.
May health and knowledge
They still grow with age.

You proudly bear the title
Military intelligence officer,
I wish you well
And endless happiness.

In all your efforts
Victory achievements,
Warmth and understanding
In a love relationship!

Congratulations: 84 in verse, 10 in prose.