Pierre's activities in the Masonic society quotes. Pierre Bezukhov: character description. Life path, path of quest of Pierre Bezukhov

Favorite hero

Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy describes in detail the path of quest of Pierre Bezukhov in the novel “War and Peace”. Pierre Bezukhov is one of the main characters of the work. He belongs to the author’s favorite characters and is therefore described in more detail. The reader is given the opportunity to follow how a man, wise with life experience, is formed from a young naive youth. We become witnesses to the hero's mistakes and delusions, his painful search for the meaning of life, and the gradual change in his worldview. Tolstoy does not idealize Pierre. He displays it honestly positive features and weaknesses of character. Thanks to this, the young man seems closer and more understandable. It’s as if he comes to life on the pages of the work.

Many pages are devoted to Pierre's spiritual quest in the novel. Pierre Bezukhov - illegitimate son a wealthy St. Petersburg nobleman, one of the main contenders for a million-dollar inheritance. Having recently arrived from abroad, where he received his education, Pierre cannot decide on his future path in life. Unexpected inheritance and high count's title greatly complicates the young man’s position and causes him a lot of trouble.

Strange appearance

The hero's remarkable appearance evokes a smile and bewilderment. Before us is “a massive, fat young man with a cropped head, glasses, and light trousers in the fashion of that time...”. He does not know how to communicate with ladies, behave correctly in secular society, be polite and tactful. His awkward appearance and absence good manners compensated by a kind smile and a naive, guilty look: “smart and at the same time timid, observant and natural.” Behind the massive figure, a pure, honest and noble soul breaks out.

Pierre's misconceptions

Fun of secular youth

Arriving in the capital, main character falls into the company of frivolous golden youth, who mindlessly indulge in empty entertainment and amusements. Noisy parties, hooligan antics, drunkenness, debauchery occupy everything free time Pierre, but do not bring satisfaction. Only in communication with his only friend Andrei Bolkonsky does he become sincere and open his soul. An older friend tries to protect a gullible young man from fatal mistakes, but Pierre stubbornly follows his own path.

Fatal love

One of the main misconceptions in the hero’s life is his infatuation with the empty and depraved beauty Helen. Gullible Pierre is an easy prey for members greedy family Prince Kuragin. He is unarmed against the seductive tricks of a secular beauty and the pressure of an unceremonious prince. Tormented by doubts, Pierre is forced to propose and become the husband of the first beauty of St. Petersburg. Pretty soon he realizes that for his wife and her father he is only a money bag. Disappointed in love, Pierre breaks off relations with his wife.

Passion for Freemasonry

The ideological quest of Pierre Bezukhov continues in the spiritual sphere. He is interested in the ideas of the Masonic brotherhood. The desire to do good, work for the good of society, and improve oneself force the hero to take the wrong path. He tries to alleviate the plight of his serfs, begins to build free schools and hospitals. But he will be disappointed again. Money is stolen, the Masonic brothers pursue their own selfish goals. Pierre finds himself at a dead end in life. No family, no love, no worthy occupation, no purpose in life.

Heroic Rush

The state of gloomy apathy is replaced by a noble patriotic impulse. Patriotic War 1812 pushed into the background all the hero’s personal problems. His honest and noble nature is concerned about the fate of the Fatherland. Unable to join the ranks of the defenders of his country, he invests in the formation and uniform of a regiment. During the Battle of Borodino he is in the thick of things, trying to provide all possible assistance to the military. Hatred for the invaders pushes Pierre to commit a crime. He decides to kill the main culprit of what is happening, Emperor Napoleon. Heroic Rush young man ended with a sudden arrest and long months of captivity.

Life experience

One of the most important stages in Pierre Bezukhov’s life was the time spent in captivity. Deprived of his usual comfort, a well-fed life, and freedom of movement, Pierre does not feel unhappy. He receives pleasure from satisfying natural human needs, “finds that peace and self-satisfaction that he had previously strived for in vain.” Finding himself in the power of the enemy, he does not solve the complex philosophical questions of existence, does not think about his wife’s betrayal, and does not understand the machinations of those around him. Pierre lives simple and understandable life, which Platon Karataev taught him. This man’s worldview turned out to be close and understandable to our hero. Communication with Platon Karataev made Pierre wiser and more experienced, suggested the right path to later life. He learned “not with his mind, but with his whole being, with his life, that man was created for happiness, that happiness is in himself.”

Real life

Freed from captivity, Pierre Bezukhov feels like a different person. He is not tormented by doubts, has a good understanding of people and now knows what he needs to happy life. An insecure, confused person becomes strong and wise. Pierre is restoring the house and proposes to Natasha Rostova. He clearly understands that it was her that he truly loved all his life and that it was with her that he would be happy and calm.

Happy outcome

At the end of the novel we see the beloved hero of L. N. Tolstoy an exemplary family man, a passionate person who has found himself. He's doing social activities, meets with interesting people. His intelligence, decency, honesty and kindness are now in demand and useful to society. Beloved and devoted wife, healthy children, close friends, interesting job– components of a happy and meaningful life for Pierre Bezukhov. In an essay on the topic “Pierre Bezukhov’s quest path” he gives detailed analysis the moral and spiritual search of an honest and noble person who, through trial and error, finds his meaning of existence. The hero finally achieved “calmness, agreement with himself.”

Work test

However, it is worth noting that although Pierre was very kind and trusting, he was at the same time subject to violent outbursts of anger, for example, one can remember how Peter flared up when he learned about his wife’s coquetry with Dolokhov. We know that this quarrel subsequently led to a duel between the young people. Good and reasonable intentions constantly come into conflict with the passions that overcome Pierre Bezukhov, and often lead to big trouble, as in the case of a revelry in the company of Dolokhov and Kuragin, after which he was expelled from St. Petersburg.
Having become, after the death of his father, one of the richest people, the heir to the title, Peter is again subjected to the most serious trials and temptations, as a result of the intrigues of Prince Vasily, having married his daughter Helen, a secular beauty, a stupid and dissolute woman. This marriage makes the hero deeply unhappy, leading to a duel with Dolokhov and a break with his wife. Then we see that this hero is increasingly inclined to philosophical reasoning, he is experiencing a mental crisis: this is a strong dissatisfaction with himself and the associated desire to change his life, to build it on new, good beginnings. Having broken up with his wife, Pierre, on the way to St. Petersburg, in Torzhok, waiting at the station for the horses, asks himself difficult questions: “What is bad? What is good? What should we love, what should we hate? What is there to live for and what am I? What is life, what is death? What force controls everything? All these internal doubts, questions and torments further bring him closer to the prominent Freemason Bazdeev, and then Pierre plunges headlong into this new hobby, Freemasonry.
Pierre Bezukhov begins to believe in the possibility of achieving perfection, in brotherly love between people. He tries, under the influence of new thoughts for him, to improve the life of his peasants, seeing the happiness of life in caring for others. However, due to the fact that he was very impractical, he fails, becoming disillusioned with the very idea of ​​​​restructuring peasant life.
The search for the content and meaning of life is accompanied by symbolic dreams in this hero; recall at least the dream about passion dogs tormenting him or the dream seen after the Borodino battle under the impression last conversation with Prince Andrei and the battle itself.
In 1808, Pyotr Bezukhov became the head of St. Petersburg Freemasonry. Pierre shares his new ideas about life with Andrei Bolkonsky. Peter Bezukhov is trying to transform the Order of Freemasons, drawing up a project in which he calls for action, practical help to his neighbor, and the dissemination of moral ideas for the benefit of humanity throughout the world. However, the Freemasons decisively reject Pierre's project, and he is finally convinced of the validity of his suspicions that many of them were looking for a means of expanding their secular connections in Freemasonry, that the Freemasons - these worthless people- they were not interested in the problems of goodness, love, truth, the good of humanity, but in the uniforms and crosses that they sought in life. And gradually, realizing the falsity of this movement, he comes to disappointment in its ideals and participants.

The fact that Pierre came to Freemasonry is the result of his life’s quest. He wanted to find the meaning of life and ways to achieve it. The ideas of Freemasonry about brotherhood, mutual assistance, and self-sacrifice attracted him.
He wants to “be quite good,” to do good, to sacrifice.
Under the influence of the ideas of Freemasonry, he forgives his wife and is again burdened by his ambiguous position.
Pierre becomes the head of the Freemasons, travels abroad to fully comprehend the laws of this movement. He expresses new noble thoughts to his brothers, but they do not accept them.
Under the aprons of the Masons, Pierre sees seekers of crosses, awards, orders, those whom he so often met in secular society.
He became disillusioned with Freemasonry, realizing that behind the external nobility lie the same traits that are inherent in secular society: greed, selfishness, greed, hypocrisy.

All this leads Pierre to a break with the Freemasons and to the fact that he again finds himself in a dead end in life and plunges into a state of hopeless melancholy and despair.

Like Andrei Bolkonsky, Pierre is an honest, highly educated nobleman. But if Andrei is a rationalist (his reason prevails over his feelings), then Bezukhov is a spontaneous nature, capable of acutely feeling and easily excited. Pierre is characterized by deep thoughts and doubts in search of the meaning of life. Life path its complex and winding. At first, under the influence of youth and the environment, he makes many mistakes: he leads the reckless life of a social reveler and slacker, allows Prince Kuragin to rob himself and marry the frivolous beauty Helen. Pierre fights in a duel with Dolokhov, breaks up with his wife, and becomes disillusioned with life. He hates everyone's admitted lies. secular society, and he understands the need to fight.
At this critical moment, Bezukhov falls into the hands of the freemason Bazdeev. This “preacher” deftly places in front of the gullible graph the networks of a religious-mystical society that called for the moral improvement of people and their unification on the basis of brotherly love. Pierre understood Freemasonry as a doctrine of equality, brotherhood and love, and this helps him direct his efforts to the improvement of the serfs. He was going to free the peasants, establish hospitals, shelters, and schools.
The War of 1812 forces Pierre to get down to business again, but his passionate appeal to help the Motherland causes general discontent among the Moscow nobility. He fails again.

In the novel "War and Peace" Pierre Bezukhov is strikingly different from the characters high society. Raised abroad and received an excellent education, he knew how to look at life philosophically, had a good disposition and retained an “observant and natural look.” Being " big kid", he succumbed to the influence of authorities, made direct and quick decisions.

The appearance of the Freemason caught him at the moment when Pierre was discussing the meaning of life after the duel with Dolokhov. The death of a man, the culprit of which was Pierre, made him think about the futility of existence, gave rise to a lot of questions, the answers to which Pierre, as he was sure, would receive only beyond the threshold of eternity. Being in confusion, his young soul perceived the words of Mason Bazdeev as a saving thread that would lead him out of the labyrinth of questions and doubts. Succumbing to the authority of the elder, his high style and life experience, Pierre is ready to start new life. I am ready to cleanse my bodily vessel from the filth of what I have acquired and accomplished. He, who himself realized the futility of his existence, is ready to give himself to the service of the Great Brotherhood of Freemasons. If only my soul wasn’t so empty and miserable. Childishly naive, he dreams of changing in one moment, of knowing himself and God.

Having received a letter of trust to the Masonic lodge and heeding the advice of a senior mentor, upon his arrival in St. Petersburg, Pierre does not leave his house. As if preparing for an important exam, he reconsiders his life, making bright plans for a world full of justice and virtue. He looks for advice in the book of the monk Thomas à Kempis and dreams.

He is brought out of the world of dreams by the appearance of Count Villarsky, proposed by the “high personage” of the lodge as Pierre’s guarantor. Immediately Bezukhov renounced his previous beliefs and admitted his faith in God. The next act of joining the Masonic lodge is perceived by Pierre as an incomprehensible, but also attractive rite. Hurrying to start a new life for the benefit of his neighbors, he expected any miracles and surprises, even more unexpected than he had seen. In a brief moment, Pierre realizes all the absurdity and fabulousness of what is happening, turns his head in surprise, but that bright image of himself in the future, drawn in long thoughts, revives his faith in the great plan of what is happening. Seeing familiar secular faces among his brothers, Pierre denies their depravity and tries to reject everything that he knew about these people before the initiation ceremony. He found something that would become support and authority, the purpose of life. With the naivety of a neophyte, Bezukhov enthusiastically perceives his renewal, his faith grows. It seems to him that, like a mysterious stone, he was placed in the right cell of the universe. He feels the brotherhood and idea he has joined. His life takes on meaning.

The life path of Pierre Bezukhov in the novel "War and Peace": spiritual path quests, life history, stages of biography

The path of Pierre Bezukhov's quest is a complex, winding path. In his life, Pierre goes through many trials: the death of loved ones, war, captivity, etc.

Origin of Pierre Bezukhov

At the beginning of the novel, Pierre Bezukhov is 20 years old (in 1805): "...abroad, where he stayed until he was twenty..."

Pierre is the illegitimate son of the wealthy Count Kirill Bezukhov: "...After all, he only has illegitimate children. It seems... and Pierre is illegitimate..."

Pierre hardly knows his father. Pierre has been living abroad without his father for 10 years. There he receives education abroad. Abroad, Pierre is raised by a tutor: “...a father whom he almost didn’t know...” “...This is where all his upbringing abroad brought him...” “...Pierre, from the age of ten, was sent abroad with his tutor-abbot, where he stayed until the age of twenty..."

Return of Pierre to Russia

20-year-old Pierre returns from abroad to Russia (volume 1 part 1): “...Pierre, from the age of ten, was sent abroad with his tutor-abbot, where he stayed until he was twenty...”

Returning to Russia, Pierre leads a dissolute lifestyle: " ... stop going to these Kuragins and leading this life. So it doesn’t suit you: all these carousings, and hussarism, and everything...” “...Pierre lived with Prince Vasily Kuragin and participated in the riotous life of his son Anatole...”

Pierre Bezukhov does nothing. He doesn't know who he wants to be. His journey of quest is just beginning: “...I just don’t know what to start...” “...Pierre never had time to choose a career for himself in St. Petersburg...”

Pierre Bezukhov - best friend Andrey Bolkonsky. They have been friends since childhood: "...said Prince Andrei. - I have known him since childhood..."

Inheritance and marriage to Helen Kuragina

After the death of his father, Pierre receives a huge inheritance (volume 1 part 1): "...Pierre, having become unexpectedly rich and Count Bezukhov..."

With the help of Prince Vasily, Pierre receives a place in the diplomatic corps and the rank of chamber cadet (volume 1 part 3): "...you were enlisted in the diplomatic corps and made a chamber cadet. Now the diplomatic path is open to you..." (the rank of chamber cadet belonged to the high, V class in the "Table of Ranks" at that time)

The cunning Prince Vasily brings Pierre together with his daughter Helen Kuragina. Prince Vasily almost forces Pierre to marry Helene (volume 1 part 3): “...he was married and settled, as they said, the happy owner of a beautiful wife and millions in the large St. Petersburg, newly decorated house of the Bezukhov counts...”

Breaking up with Helen

There are rumors in society that his wife Helen is cheating on him with Dolokhov (volume 2 part 1): “...this morning he received an anonymous letter, in which it was said with that vile playfulness that is characteristic of all anonymous letters that he cannot see well through his glasses and that his wife’s connection with Dolokhov is a secret only for him... "

At one of the evenings, Dolokhov insults Pierre. Pierre challenges Dolokhov to a duel. During the duel, Pierre wounds Dolokhov, but he himself remains unharmed: “...You... you... scoundrel!.. I challenge you,” he said and, moving his chair, stood up from the table...” “...And I shot at Dolokhov because I considered myself insulted ..."

After the duel, Pierre breaks off relations with his depraved wife Helene. Pierre leaves Helene for St. Petersburg: “...the whole solution was in that terrible word that she was a depraved woman: I said this terrible word to myself, and everything became clear!..” “...He hated her and was forever separated from her...”

Pierre and Freemasonry

Pierre is unhappy because of his unsuccessful marriage. He does not believe in God and is disappointed in life: “...I must tell you, I don’t believe, I don’t... believe in God,” Pierre said with regret and effort, feeling the need to tell the whole truth...” “...Yes, yes, I’m unhappy,” Pierre confirmed , - but what should I do?..”

On the way to St. Petersburg, Pierre meets the freemason Bazdeev. He inspires Pierre to become a Freemason: "...The person passing by was Osip Alekseevich Bazdeev<...>Bazdeev was one of the most famous masons..."

Pierre hopes to find happiness in Freemasonry. In St. Petersburg, Pierre joins the Masonic lodge (volume 2 part 2 chapter IV): "...Pierre<...>with the delight of renewal, imagining his blissful, impeccable and virtuous future, which seemed so easy to him...” “...The day after being admitted to the lodge, Pierre was sitting at home...”

After joining the lodge, Pierre deals with affairs on his estates (volume 2 part 2 chapter X): "...Shortly after his admission into the brotherhood of Masons, Pierre, with a complete manual written by him about what he was supposed to do on his estates, left for the Kyiv province, where most of his peasants..."

However, Pierre only pretends to be taking care of his estates. In fact, Pierre does not improve the lives of the peasants: “...All those enterprises on estates that Pierre started and did not bring to any result, constantly moving from one thing to another...”

Returning from the villages, Pierre becomes the head of St. Petersburg Freemasonry: "...Two years ago, in 1808, having returned to St. Petersburg from his trip to the estates, Pierre unwittingly became the head of St. Petersburg Freemasonry..."

Pierre travels abroad on Freemasonry business and returns to St. Petersburg: "...And so at the end of the year Pierre went abroad to initiate himself into higher mysteries orders In the summer of 1809, Pierre returned to St. Petersburg..."

Pierre is with Helen again

Soon Pierre begins to live with his wife Helen again. Helen shines at balls and is liked by men (volume 2 part 3 chapter VIII): "...I live with my wife again..."

Pierre perceives Helene as a cross that he must bear. Life with Helen makes Pierre unhappy, but he decides to bear this cross. Suffering forces Pierre to develop internally: “...During all this time, in Pierre’s soul a complex and difficult work of internal development took place, which revealed a lot to him and led him to many spiritual doubts and joys...”

Pierre enters the service - on the advice of his benefactor, a Freemason: "...I got up at eight o'clock, read the Holy Scripture, then went to my post (Pierre, on the advice of a benefactor, entered service in one of the committees)."

Apparently, Helen Bezukhova is cheating on Pierre with the prince. For this, Pierre receives the rank of chamberlain. Pierre is ashamed of this promotion, but he resigns himself: “...at the time of the prince’s rapprochement with his wife, Pierre was unexpectedly granted the rank of chamberlain, and from that time on he began to feel heaviness and shame in large society...” (rank of chamberlain - IV class in the Table of Ranks)

Death of a benefactor and wild life

Pierre's mentor Masonic lodge, Joseph Alekseevich, dies. At the same time, Natasha Rostova becomes engaged to Andrei Bolkonsky. Pierre stops seeing Natasha, who is dear to him. All these losses shock Pierre. His life loses its meaning: "...after the engagement of Prince Andrei to Natasha and after the death of Joseph Alekseevich, about which he received news almost at the same time, all the charm of this old life suddenly disappeared for him..."

After the death of his benefactor, Pierre “sinks”: he drinks a lot and leads wild life. Then he leaves for Moscow: "...He stopped writing his diary, avoided the company of his brothers, began to go to the club again, began to drink a lot again, again became close to single groups<...>so as not to compromise his wife, he left for Moscow..." "...Pierre was that retired chamberlain, good-naturedly living out his days in Moscow, of which there were hundreds...”

Patriotic War of 1812

Pierre lives in Moscow. In 1812, the war with Napoleon begins. Pierre goes to the front to take part in the battle (volume 2 part 5): “...Pierre explained his intention to participate in the battle and inspect the position...” Pierre is captured by the French (volume 3 part 3 chapter XXXIV): “...Four weeks have passed since Pierre was captured. .."

While Pierre is in captivity, his wife Hélène unexpectedly dies: "...Countess Elena Bezukhova died suddenly..."

Life in French captivity changes Pierre's views and values. He becomes a mature, confident, wise person: "...He became somehow clean, smooth, fresh; as if he had come from a bathhouse, do you understand? - morally from a bathhouse. Really?.."

Marriage to Natasha Rostova

After Andrey's death Bolkonsky Pierre gets closer to Natasha Rostova. Soon they get married (part 1 of the epilogue): "...The wedding of Natasha, who married Bezukhov in 13..."

In their marriage, Natasha and Pierre have three daughters and one son: "...in 1820 she already had three daughters and one son..."

Pierre and secret society

In 1820, Pierre is a member of a secret society that prepares coup d'état. Apparently, the “secret society” is an allusion to the Decembrists (the Decembrist uprising occurs 5 years later, in 1825): "...You say that everything is bad with us and that there will be a coup..." "...The society may not be a secret society if the government allows it. Not only is it not hostile to the government, but it is a society of real conservatives<...>We only join hands for this purpose, with one goal of the common good and common security..."

This is what the life story looks like, the life path of Pierre Bezukhov in the novel "War and Peace", the main stages of his biography in quotes, the spiritual path of quest.

Count Pierre Bezukhov

Mistakes made

Hero's State

Friendship with Anatoly Kuragin and Dolokhov

Good-natured, trusting, naive and hot-tempered, Pierre allows himself to be drawn into adventures that are not as harmless as they might seem at first glance.

Marriage to Helen

It turns out to be powerless to resist the deceit and deceit of Prince Vasily, who marries him to his daughter for convenience. Having realized the mistake he had made, Pierre blames only himself for everything that happened.

Duel with Dolokhov

A turning point in Pierre's life. She made Pierre think and understand that he lives by someone else’s rules and is forced to deceive himself. After the duel, Pierre strives to turn his life in a different moral direction.


Pierre did not immediately realize that in Freemasonry there is the same hypocrisy, careerism, and passion for the external attributes of rituals as in secular salons.

Pierre crosses out his past, but he still does not know what his future will be. A period of denial of the past, melancholy and bewilderment in the face of the contradictions of life.

“What’s wrong? What well? What should you love, what should you hate? Why live and what am I...” - these are the questions that the hero again faces.

The search for an ideal, the desire to understand oneself and determine the purpose of life

What is happening to Pierre, how is he changing?


It gives you the opportunity to gain agreement with the world and yourself for a while, and forever - knowledge of the importance of the eternal issues of existence. In Freemasonry, Pierre is attracted by the idea of ​​the need for moral “purification” of the world and man, man’s need for personal improvement. Pierre comes to faith in God as a being “eternal and infinite in all its properties, omnipotent and incomprehensible.”

Participation in the Battle of Borodino

Awakens in the hero the desire to participate in life, to be useful to society and the country. The hero develops a feeling of family connection with everyone who carries within himself “ latent heat patriotism." The feeling of happiness from unity with people in common trouble, awaiting the time of expulsion of the enemy. Pierre decides for himself at this moment that the most important thing now is “to be a soldier, just a soldier!” Enter common life with the whole being."

The idea to kill Napoleon

This bold, albeit slightly ridiculous decision to become Napoleon's killer comes to Pierre under the influence of those new feelings that he experienced on the Borodino field.