Igor Sarukhanov autobiography. Igor Sarukhanov - biography, information, personal life. — It’s clear what the boy’s earnings were spent on

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Biography, life story of Igor Sarukhanov

Sarukhanov Igor Armenovich - Soviet and Russian singer(pop and rock), composer, poet.


Igor Sarukhanov was born in Samarkand (Uzbekistan) on April 6, 1956 in the family of a technical university teacher Armen Vaganovich and a teacher of Russian language and literature Roza Ashotovna. Igor became the first-born of the couple. In 1960, another boy appeared in the family - Vagan. When Igor was 4 years old, his entire family moved to Moscow - this was required by his father’s work.

More than anything else, Igor’s father, a scientist, was afraid that his son would become a musician. He insisted that the young man be accepted into the technical university where he himself taught. Rosa Ashotovna and Armen Vaganovich raised their son in strictness. Igor could not even imagine disobeying his dad: his word is law. Therefore, after graduating from music school in class classical guitar Sarukhanov had to suffer for several years at the institute.

All this time, in order not to go crazy from the most boring formulas, the young man enthusiastically listened to his favorite music: Deep Purple, Stas Namin’s group “Flowers”. The tape recorder became a real teacher. The formation of Igor’s musical taste was particularly influenced by the work of Eric Clapton, George Harrison as a guitarist and, of course,. Sarukhanov “filmed” the guitar parts of his idols, their performance style, and studied singing techniques. He believed this: what can be learned from these classics cannot be taught in any music university.


Musical education did its job. One day, Igor solemnly announced to his parents that he had decided to quit college. Even terrible scandal at home and my father's indignation did not change this decision. When asked by his father what he intended to become, he answered boldly and daringly: “A musician, a real guitarist”. And four years later, Igor played in his favorite ensemble “Flowers”.

The path to the dream turned out to be more prosaic than one might imagine. At eighteen, Igor was drafted into the army. Dad, worried about his son, secretly asked his neighbor, Vladimir Andreevich, who worked as a trumpeter in the Red Banner Song and Dance Ensemble, to give his son a job as a musician somewhere. A neighbor called a friend in the song and dance ensemble of the Moscow Military District and soon the issue of transferring Igor to this ensemble was resolved. The first person I saw there future artist, was Pyotr Mikhailovich Shaboltai, who a little later became director of the Kremlin Palace of Congresses. Igor said that Shaboltai taught him a lot. They were friends even after the army.


It turned out that together with Igor, a musician from Stas Namin’s group served in the song and dance group. Igor was in seventh heaven with delight: the legend, idol, Stas Namin was coming to their military unit!

Stas liked Sarukhanov, and they slowly began to prepare him to replace him, who in those years was the guitarist of “Tsvetov” and was preparing for a solo career. During two years in the army, Igor learned the entire “Flowers” ​​program. After demobilization, he was sent for four months for an “internship” in the ensemble “ Blue bird”, after which in 1979 Sarukhanov was accepted into “Flowers”, where he worked for three years.

In 1981, the ensemble “Circle” was created, which existed for about four years. In this group, Igor Sarukhanov wrote his first main songs: “Karakum”, “Behind sharp turn"(performed by her), the album "Circle of Friends" was released...

There comes a time in every person's life when they want to become independent. And in 1985, a new name appeared on the pop firmament. So it began Solo career Igor Sarukhanov.

Igor himself wrote the words and music for each of his songs; only a small part of his works was created based on the words of other authors. But what names appear among his favorite poets who became co-authors of Sarukhanov’s songs! These are (“The Violin-Fox”, “Two Rays”), and Simon Osiashvili (“My Dear Old People”), and (“The Boat”, “Imaginary Love”). However, Igor always preferred to write both music and lyrics himself. The feeling from each new song, as if from a miracle: just now there was nothing and suddenly it appeared!

The greatest happiness is the feeling during the performance. For example, a concert in Krasnoyarsk on City Day took place on a huge stage installed in the center of the main square. By order of Igor, the most powerful equipment was provided highest quality, full light. Sarukhanov was the only one who sang without a soundtrack. And when he fell silent in the middle of the song, the people continued to sing along with “Green Eyes”, “Fiddle Violin”, “Boat”. An amazing feeling that an artist needs to be happy. Igor does everything to make the audience like his work. He always communicated with fans on the site, always answered questions in the guest book.

Igor was always optimistic, full of romance and new creative ideas, which are constantly being realized in his fresh songs, videos, meetings with friends and his beloved audience!

Personal life

Igor Sarukhanov has always been an impulsive person, and therefore amorous. He was married several times. His first wife's name was Olga, she was a dancer. The singer’s second wife is archaeologist Nina. The third is singer Angela. Sarukhanov’s fourth life partner was businesswoman Elena. The fifth is Ekaterina, actress and fashion model. In 2014, Igor married for the sixth time. His chosen one was Tatyana, who worked as his administrator, with whom the artist maintained a relationship for several years. In 2008, he adopted a child, whom Tatyana carried under her heart. This is how Igor got his first daughter, the lovely Lyubov. And in 2015, Tatyana gave him another girl - the charming Rosalia.

The musician lives with two women at the same time

The musician lives with two women at the same time

Composer and performer Igor SARUKHANOV is famous for his attraction to the fair sex. Women reciprocate the impressive musician's feelings and are ready to marry him right away. Artist in the rubber genre Olga TATARENKO, archaeologist Nina, soloist of the gypsy trio Angela, writer Lena LENSKAYA, actress and ballerina Katya GOLUBEVA - those beauties with whom the artist tried to build life together. It is no wonder that when a few years ago the artist had a director, Tatyana KOSTYCHEVA, journalists immediately automatically wrote her down as his sixth wife. By the way, it was she who finally made the singer happy long-awaited child. And no one suspected that the girl, although she bears the name Sarukhanova, is not Igor’s daughter.

Back in 2011, everyone rejoiced at Igor’s happiness with his director Tatiana Kostycheva. An artist by training, she came up with a collection for the designer brand “Igor Sarukhanov” and gave birth to a daughter for her beloved. However, unexpectedly at the end of 2012 Sarukhanov appeared at the birthday party of a friend - a singer Viktor Saltykov in the company of the red-haired model and TV producer Galina. The crowd started talking about divorcing Tatyana, so we decided to check the rumors and called the artist.

Yes, Galina is my girlfriend,” Igor confirmed. - We met on the street: I was driving a car, and Galya was in a hurry somewhere. He suggested we meet and have tea. As Galochka later admitted, a woman needs 20 seconds to make a decision. The first thing she asked herself was: “Will I be able to have a child with this man?” Galya didn't recognize me famous person, which is very good. I came home and started asking my friends: I met a man who looked like a singer, his name was Igor. We got on the Internet, first on the composer Igor Kornelyuk We thought that he and I have similar curls. And then they found me out. Therefore, Galya came prepared for the date. We have only been together for six months, but for some reason at Saltykov’s birthday we were already dubbed husband and wife.

- Maybe you are going to get married, hence the rumors? How much time does a man need to make a decision: does he want to have a child with a woman?

20 seconds is not enough for a man. Everything is different with us. I can only say: “Let’s try to live together.”

- Igor, I’m confused about your wives. Who's last?

Actress and ballerina Katya Golubeva. She starred in my videos, and I wrote several songs based on her poems. We got married after two years of living together. The relationship was passionate: they separated five times. As soon as he leaves, I call the next day: “Well, how are you? Let me come and pick it up." My mother-in-law looked at me like a wolf at first, and then she became best friend. As a result, all our quarrels ended in violent sex. But he broke up with Katya because they didn’t get along in character. We got sick of each other... We kept asking ourselves the question: why can we communicate peacefully on the phone, but when we are together we squabble. They divorced miserably, although the property was not divided. How can you do it differently if you love? After my relationship with her, I have been living a bachelor life for ten years. I can't, that's all. I’ve already gotten used to loneliness, and now it’s difficult to constantly see someone’s female face in front of me.

- On your Wikipedia last wife your director is Tatyana Sarukhanova, with whom you have a daughter, Lyuba...

Tanya was never my wife, but was the mother of my adopted child, Lyubochka. It was the journalists who married us.

- So the girl is not your biological daughter?

Tatyana is a friend and my director. When her fiancé, with whom she was expecting a child, left her, I decided to support the woman in Hard time, become an adoptive dad. So he said: “Tanya, let me adopt Lyuba.” The main thing is that the child has a father and mother.

I didn't want a family

We tracked down Tatyana Sarukhanova in Sochi, where she lives with her four-year-old daughter Lyuba. She turned out to be extremely an open person and told her version of the relationship with the singer.

Igor and I met eight years ago at a friend’s dacha,” Tatyana said. - I’m 28, he’s 48. We dated for a while, I became his director, right hand. They didn’t start living together right away, but four years later. And they broke up for a banal reason: Igor did not want a family and children.

- Left with a scandal?

No. The dialogue turned out to be short. One day she suggested: “Come on, let’s have children.” He replied: “I don’t want to.” I ended with one phrase: “Well, I’ll go then.” - “Well, go”... I loved Igor very much, but the relationship must develop. And Igor kept repeating: “You want to tie me in knots.”

- How did it happen that the daughter, whom everyone considers his own, is from someone else?

After breaking up with Igor, I began a story with another man. But he was also afraid to start a family and ran away when he learned that I was expecting a child. My entire pregnancy took place in front of Sarukhanov. And he took me and Lyuba from the maternity hospital. He offered to adopt the girl, I agreed.

- Have you ever doubted whether you were doing the right thing by giving your daughter another person’s surname?

She hesitated because the girl’s fate was being decided. The surname Sarukhanova is bright and sonorous. There is one fear: the children of stars relax and don’t want to do anything. I believe that you cannot rest on your parents’ laurels.

- Agree, you have a strange family. You, Igor, Galina...

Maybe so. But we have an honest relationship: he knows everything, so do I. I understand him: very rarely can a man live with one woman. One thing is important: Lyuba’s daughter adores Igor, although she knows that he is not biological father. I had to tell him because a biological father showed up and now wants to give the girl his last name. Now Lyuba has two dads. But this does not bother the daughter: she receives gifts in double size.

- How did you end up Sarukhanova? On Wikipedia you are listed as the official wife...

It so happened that Igor and Lyuba and I began to fly together often. I was constantly asked, either at the airport or somewhere else: “Woman, why are they the Sarukhanovs, and you are the Kostycheva?” To avoid any questions, I took Sarukhanova’s surname.

-Have you separated or are you family?

I don’t know how to answer this question myself. Igor comes from Moscow to Sochi once a month. He had a girlfriend, Galina: his mother said that she had read about her in the newspapers. I don't know how serious they are.

- Aren't you jealous?

Everyone has their own cockroaches. He could have a million girls. The main thing is that he is happy. But I’m sure that if I have any problems and ask for help, he will do everything. You know, we recently had an earthquake in Sochi - magnitude 6. She grabbed the child and ran out into the street in her shorts. Igor was terribly worried about us. He wants us to return to Moscow. In such crucial moments you understand: he is a man closer than I have in the world.

First hand...

Having reached Galina, we found out how she feels about the current love triangle:

Igor actually invited me to live together for a couple of weeks. But New Year he celebrated with Tatyana and Lyuba, who had arrived in Moscow, and then flew off with them to vacation in Goa. He hasn’t introduced me to Tatyana yet, although she wants to get to know me. Igor says he loves me, but Lyubochka is like own daughter. I don't mind, let him communicate. Of course, I don’t agree with him living with both of us at the same time. I am 30 years old, I am a successful young woman, I work as a television producer. I think he should seek my constant presence next to him.

Name: Igor Sarukhanov

Age: 62 years old

Place of Birth: Samarkand, Uzbekistan

Height: 180 cm

Nationality: Armenian

Activity: singer, composer, poet

Family status: married

Igor Sarukhanov: biography

The singer was popular back in Soviet times as a composer, poet and performer of his own and other people's songs on stage. In 1997 he became an Honored Artist of the Russian Federation.

The singer considers Samarkand to be his hometown. His family included Armenians and Azerbaijanis. WITH four years The Sarukhanov family began to live in Dolgoprudny. My mother is a teacher of Russian language and literature, my father, a candidate of technical sciences, got a job at one of the capital’s universities. My father's great-grandfather had a lot of money from the sale of grain, timber and stone, and owned several factories. Actively helped the hungry.

Igor could tell a lot of interesting things about his family. He himself went to school and along the way learned to play his favorite instrument - the guitar, so he enthusiastically and diligently studied music lessons, which made teachers and parents very happy. Soon, not a single school disco was held without Igor and his guitar. Igor and the boys took fees for their performances, which made the school director very unhappy.

commercial activity was banned in the Soviet Union. They wanted to kick out the entire cast of musicians accompanying the discos at school. But Father Sarukhanov Sr. convincingly proved to the administration educational institution that funds were spent on new tools and guitar strings. We can say that the singer’s biography began with school days.

Career formation, songs

Like all young people, Sarukhanov went to serve in the army. Igor's army years were spent in the Moscow Military District in the Song and Dance Ensemble. This is where he met Stas Namin. This musician helped the future composer get a job in the famous ensemble. Sarukhanov finally decided to become a professional singer in 1979 while working in the Blue Bird ensemble.

Later, Igor left the ensemble for the group “Flowers”. Soon, through the efforts of the future composer, the group “Circle” was created, which existed for three years. This team consisted of those who had previously played in the group “Flowers”.

When the poet Anatoly Monastyrev begins to collaborate with the newly formed team, new songs and audience recognition appear. But soon a decree was issued in the country to disband many groups, including the “Circle” that fell under this order. The deputy editor-in-chief of the newspaper stood up for the musicians Soviet culture", wife of the son of Yuri Vladimirovich Andropov, poetess Tatyana Kvardakova. A new surge of ideas and solutions occurred in 1985. Igor participated in the Moscow World youth festival and became its winner.
Solo tours began, and his first song album was released. The circulation sold out instantly. Igor continues to participate in various song competitions and festivals, he wins well-deserved awards. The singer began to actively write songs for the group “A’Studio”, Nikolai Noskov, Anna Veski, Alexander Marshal. In addition, he wrote the book “Biography of Feelings.” The artist's career took off: he received the title of Honored Artist, membership in the Writers' Union and the Composers' Union.

Igor Sarukhanov: biography of personal life

Igor Sarukhanov was married six times. In his first marriage he was with Olga Tatarenko. She was a circus performer and demonstrated the flexibility of her body in the “Rubber Woman” act. In this union, love feelings did not last long, and Igor met the archaeologist Nina, with whom he lived for five years.

For the third time, the singer was bewitched by the beautiful gypsy Angela. They celebrated at the wedding on a gypsy scale, but also to no avail: the family broke up. For the fourth time, the singer and composer decided to start a family. This time he chose fashion designer Elena Lenskaya as his life partner. And again the number “5” began to haunt this marriage.

The fifth wife after two years of dating was the ballerina Ekaterina Golubeva-Poldi. She composed poems that were immediately set to her husband’s music, and starred in his videos. The great love that broke out between the two artists did not last long.

It turned out that Igor was always looking for his companions in the wrong place. Happiness was always nearby. Its administrator was Tatyana Kostycheva, who solved many of the performer’s work problems. One day Igor Sarukhanov tried to look at Tanya differently, proposed, and in 2008 the young people united their destinies. The husband adopted Tanya’s daughter from a guy who ran away, leaving the girl in an “interesting” situation. Now this girl's name is Lyubov Sarukhanova.

The talented singer and composer Igor Sarukhanov is famous among friends and admirers for his weakness for the fair sex. The passionate and amorous musician was married as many as 5 times before he finally settled down by the age of 57. He himself keeps a slightly different account of his marriages and calls only 2 of them serious, and explains the rest with his knightly motives for “resolving the issue of the status of women.” All ex-wives Igor was once amazed by his amazing qualities and were worthy of the title of wife, not girlfriend. Currently, Igor Sarukhanov’s wife is Tatyana Kostycheva, with whom he lived for more than 10 years before marriage.

The tangled relationship between Igor and Tatyana always remained trusting and warm. Having met young, attractive Tanya in 2011, he invited her to become his director, and then a romantic relationship began between them, which gradually fizzled out. They did not stop being friends after this breakup, and Igor adopted Tanya’s daughter Lyuba from another man in order to ensure the child’s future. After this, Sarukhanov had new lover- red-haired Galina, with whom he appeared at social events for some time, but this relationship did not work out.

In the summer of 2014, Igor realized that his best woman had always been Tatyana and they finally got married. In January 2015, the Sarukhanov couple had a daughter, who was named Rose in honor of Igor’s mother. Rosa's older sister, Lyuba, is already 8 years old. She plays music and teaches foreign languages and goes to rhythmic gymnastics classes. The father is delighted with his daughters.

Igor Sarukhanova's wife, Tatyana Sarukhanova, is a successful artist, a member of the Union of Artists of Russia. She graduated from the Saratov Art College. Bogolyubova and Moscow University of Culture and Art. Now he is successfully engaged computer design, painting, graphics and photography. Several of her exhibitions, held in Berlin, Venice and Greece, were favorably received by the public, and some of the works from them were purchased by connoisseurs. For the Russian exhibition, the couple created an original art project using musical and visual arts which many people enjoyed visiting famous figures contemporary art.

Birthday April 06, 1956

Russian pop-rock singer, composer of Armenian origin


The surname Sarukhanov (Sarukhanyan) comes from the name Sarukhan, which means master of the mountains. Paternal ancestors from Stepanakert. Maternal ancestors from the city of Goris. My paternal great-grandfather was a rich man, engaged in grain, timber, and stone processing. He had plants and factories. In 1921, he sent a composition of grain to the starving people of the Volga region. During the repressions, in order to avoid arrest and execution, he destroyed all documents and abandoned property.

  • Father Armen Vaganovich Sarukhanyan, was a scientist, candidate of technical sciences, teacher at a Technical University, died at 60 years old
  • uncle Vladimir Vaganovich Sarukhanyan
  • mother - Roza Ashotovna - taught Russian language and literature, died at 58 years old
  • brother Vagan
  • Fourth wife Elena Lenskaya
  • Fifth wife Tatyana Sarukhanova (Kostycheva) - concert director Sarukhanova, director of the Fashion House, designer and artist,
    • Daughter Lyubov Sarukhanova (born 2008)


He was born in Samarkand, but did not live there long. When he was 4 years old, the family, in connection with the defense of his father’s dissertation, moved to Moscow. The future singer graduated music school in classical guitar class in Moscow.
He played in the ensembles “Blue Bird” (1979-1981), “Flowers” ​​(1982-1985), “Circle” (1983-1985). As a guitarist, singer and composer, he worked with Tõnis Mägi, Alla Pugacheva, Philip Kirkorov, Ekaterina Semyonova, Anne Veski, Evgeny Kemerovsky, the group “Combination” and other artists.

Igor Sarukhanov’s solo debut took place in 1985 as part of a cultural program World Festival youth and students in Moscow (received first prize for the song “Moscow Space”). IN next year The singer’s first giant disc, “If We Are Along the Path,” was released. Since 1986, he has been actively touring, receiving the title of laureate of the Bratislava Lyre festival. In 1984, at the festival in Sopot, he was awarded first prize as the author of the song “Behind a Sharp Turn.” In 1990, the first domestic professional video clip was shot for Igor Sarukhanov’s song “Barber” (directed by Mikhail Khleborodov). Among the most famous songs Igor Sarukhanov - “My Dear Old People”, “The Creak of the Wheel”, “ Green eyes" and others.


  • 2007 - “Biography of Feelings” - Publishing House “Igor Sarukhanov” ISBN 978-5-9901183-1-7


Vinyl records

  • 1986 - If we are on the same path
  • 1989 - Green Eyes
  • 1991 - I want to be alone
  • 1993 - Best songs
  • 1994 - Best Songs 2
  • 1994 - Why did you come back?
  • 1995 - Music for discotheques
  • 1997 - Violin-Fox
  • 1999 - This is not love
  • 2001 - Boat, sail
  • 2002 - Grand Collection
  • 2003 - Favorite songs.ru
  • 2004 - New collection
  • 2004 - New album
  • 2004 - In the Mood for Love
  • 2007 - Biography of feelings
  • 2010 - Scarlet Sails