Two main types of culture. Groups of cultivated plants. Examples of names of cultivated plants

Grapes are eaten fresh and also made into juice, wine, and raisins.

Under the concept "cultivated plants" includes all wild and agricultural plants that people grow for food, industrial raw materials, livestock feed and decorative purposes. Based on the final destination, everything cultivated plants are classified into 14 groups.

  • grains and cereals (wheat, rice, corn)
  • grains and cereals (barley, oats, rye, millet, sorghum)
  • grains and legumes (beans, soybeans, peas, lentils, beans, lupine, chickpeas)
  • starch-bearing plants (potatoes, sweet potatoes, cassava)
  • sugar plants (sugar cane, sugar beets)
  • oil plants (olive, sunflower, cotton, flax, mustard, rapeseed)
  • fibrous plants (cotton, flax, hemp)
  • vegetable plants (cabbage, onions, garlic, carrots, beets, peppers, cucumbers, tomatoes)
  • melons (watermelon, melon, pumpkin)
  • fruit plants (apple tree, grapes, pear, cherry, plum, currant, raspberry)
  • subtropical fruit plants (orange, tangerine, lemon, persimmon, fig)
  • fruit plants of the tropics (banana, pineapple, mango, coconut palm, kiwi)
  • stimulating plants (tea bush, coffee, cocoa, cola, tobacco)
  • narcotic plants (poppy, hemp, coca)

In addition, separate groups of cultivated plants include ornamental, house and spice plants. There is no benefit as such from the first two, but they perform an aesthetic function. Spicy plants usually improve appetite.

Science has been studying the origin of cultivated plants for about two centuries. IN late XIX century, the Swiss botanist Alphonse Decandolle, the son of one of the greatest botanists Augustin Decandolle, formulated the idea of ​​centers of origin of cultivated plants. He suggested that cultivated plants began to be bred by people living in the foothills, and only then, as the flood plain lands were developed, they spread throughout the Earth. This assumption is supported by the fact that the conditions for creating small areas for sowing and irrigation from rivulets and streams are easier than the conditions on flood plain lands. Thus, it turns out that the known to us ancient centers agricultural culture in the area between the Tigris and Euphrates and the Nile Delta inherited and developed earlier human achievements and in this sense cannot be considered pioneering.

Half a century later, Nikolai Vavilov carried out more than 50 expeditions around the globe and proved the existence of primary and secondary centers of origin of cultivated plants. They were collected unique collection, saved by the heroic efforts of the staff of the Institute of Plant Growing during the siege of Leningrad.

Coffee is the main export product of tropical countries

There are 12 regional centers of origin of cultivated plants throughout the Earth, but new data is constantly emerging, and the picture cannot be considered final. Three concepts of the origin of cultivated plants have approximately equal validity. One by one, all cultivated plants originated from one center. According to another, there were several independent centers of origin of agricultural crops. According to the third, diffuse, there were no centers at all. Some experts believe that the history of peoples and landscapes is so diverse that all three concepts may be partly true.

The age of agriculture turns out to be quite significant. People's first interest in wheat and barley appeared at least 20,000 years ago - the remains of wild wheat and barley found by archaeologists at human sites in the territory of modern Israel date back to this period. The oldest finds of cultivated wheat and barley from Jordan are 11,000 years old. Scientists estimate that the process of domestication of these crops lasted at least a thousand years. He was quite conscious. Despite the difference natural conditions and agricultural traditions, different peoples Sowing plants have been created with very specific characteristics that are important for farming: unbreakable ears, bare grains, high productivity and a short period of flowering and ripening. Genetic studies show that such a speed of breeding useful varieties was possible because one mutation is often enough to significantly change the properties of a plant.

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general information


Modification of wild varieties

Cultivated plants. Examples. Classification

​Decorative (rose)​


Division according to branches of agriculture

​Vegetables (tomatoes, dill)​

Field varieties

Fruit varieties

​Starchy. First of all, these are potatoes, corn, oats, wheat, buckwheat, rice, millet, rye, sorghum, yams, sweet potatoes.​


Each plant department is divided into classes. Lycopods have only one name of the same name. The class Equisetae belongs to the horsetail family. Bryophytes are divided into sphagnum, phyllophytic, andreaceous, polytrichous, tetraphys, and takaki mosses. The fern-like department includes the class of the same name, as well as salviniaceae and psilotideae. Gymnosperms include ginkgoids, cycads, opiumaceae and conifers or pine.​

What types of plants are there? What groups of cultivated plants are there?

​Without them it is impossible to imagine life on the planet. Plants perform the most important function - photosynthesis, which releases oxygen. It was thanks to these organisms that the Earth's atmosphere became what we know it now - with a high oxygen content and an ozone layer that protects from the harmful effects of ultraviolet radiation.​

The role of plants

​Fruits (apples, pears, pineapples).​

​Groups of cultivated plants, the list of which will be given below, are grown by humans to obtain feed for farm animals, food products, industrial, medicinal and other raw materials and for other purposes. In accordance with the eighth edition of the International Code of Nomenclature, three categories are recognized today into which the representatives of the flora under consideration are divided. These include, in particular, species, group and grex (for orchids). They are all obtained from wild varieties. In this case, selection, hybridization or genetic engineering methods were used. When searching for wild varieties for breeding cultivated plants and their subsequent use, the doctrine of the centers of origin of agricultural crops was formed. Thus, Vavilov, summarizing the available knowledge, identified 7 main centers. It must be said that groups of cultivated plants, unlike wild varieties, do not have natural distribution zones (areas).​

Scientific classification

​Vegetables (tomatoes, dill)​

​Crops that provide food, clothing, fuel, Construction Materials, ornamental plants.​

History of plant studies

Legumes (beans, soybeans)

​Oleaceae (sunflower)​

​Fibrous. Plants that are used to produce threads. These are cotton, hemp, flax, jute.​

​Classes of flowering plants: dicotyledons and monocotyledons. This includes most of the flora representatives we are familiar with. The first class includes legumes, Rosaceae, birch, walnut, pumpkin, willow, umbelliferae, and many other families.​

More about different classes of plants

​They also serve as the most important source organic matter. Plants, one might say, “feed” the entire planet, because in any food chain They are the first link.​

​Vegetables (dill, cucumbers, tomatoes).​
​As a result of selection, wild crops began to produce high yields in a new climate or on new soils - in conditions unusual for them. As a result, some varieties have changed so much that it is now difficult to determine their ancestors. To increase agricultural productivity, people began to use fertilizers. At the same time, pest control was carried out using insecticides and fungicides.​

Classification of plants according to the structure of their vegetative parts

​Fruit plants (pineapples, coconuts)​

Other ways to classify plants

​Classification of cultivated plants:​

What plants are called cultivated? give examples


​Vegetables. These are tomatoes, cucumbers, pumpkins, eggplants, peppers, cabbage, carrots, radishes, celery, parsley, garlic, onions, eggplants and much more.​
​Previously, according to this principle, three groups were distinguished: grasses, bushes and trees. Now it is customary to divide plants into seven life forms. These are herbs, succulents (with very fleshy stems that contain a large number of water, this includes cacti, aloe, kalanchoe, agave and others), vines, shrubs, subshrubs, trees.​
​All of them are divided into two large groups: higher and lower. The latter include algae (four divisions: red, brown, blue and blue-green). Higher plants include six divisions: lycophytes, horsetails, bryophytes, ferns, gymnosperms and angiosperms (flowering plants). The classification of plants is as follows: department - class - order - family - genus - species.​
​Stimulants (poppy seeds, coffee, tea).​
​Decorative (rose).​
There are many options for classifying cultivated plants, based on different principles. The classification of useful (including cultivated) plants according to their economic purpose is quite widely practiced. There are groups of food, fodder, spinning, melliferous, medicinal, dyeing, technical and similar plants. A variation of this classification (less convenient, therefore less often used) is the division of plants into groups according to the substances they contain. With this classification, protein-containing, starch-bearing, sugar-bearing, fatty-oil, essential oil, alkaloid-containing, and fibrous plants are distinguished. Often they resort to a mixed classification: along with food, fodder, and medicinal plants, fibrous, oilseed, and aromatic plants are distinguished. The classification below looks more logical and developed. useful plants on an industry basis.​
​Cereals and cereals (rice, corn, wheat)​
​Oleaceae (sunflower)​
​Vegetables (tomatoes, dill)​
​ULTURAL PLANTS that provide food, clothing, fuel, building materials, and ornamental plants.​
Legumes (beans, soybeans)
​Stimulants and narcotics. These are tea, coffee, cocoa, tobacco, poppy seeds and more.​
​They can also be divided into cultivated, wild and weeds. The first are those plants that are grown by humans for specific purposes; they can also be systematized. Famous researcher N.I. Vavilov wrote about what groups of cultivated plants there are. This topic is of interest to many others. Cultivated plants can be divided into thirteen groups. They will be discussed below.​

Marriuanuelle Cardell

​What kinds of plants there are has been of interest to many people since ancient times - both scientists and simply inquisitive individuals.​

Elena Bandurina

​Groups of cultivated plants are determined in accordance with various signs. Classification according to the economic purpose of a particular variety is quite widely used. Thus, there are groups of medicinal, melliferous, dyeing, spinning, fodder, food, technical and other cultivated plants. A variation of this classification (less convenient and, therefore, rarely used) can be a division in accordance with the substances present in them. In this case, they distinguish, for example, alkaloid-containing, protein-containing, fatty and oil-containing and others. A mixed classification is also often used: along with food, medicinal, and fodder, oilseeds, fibrous, spicy and aromatic groups of cultivated plants are also distinguished. However, the most logical and fully developed system is considered to be classification in accordance with the industry principle.​
​Breads and grains (e.g. wheat, corn, rice).​
​Usually field, vegetable and fruit crops are distinguished according to three branches of agriculture - field farming, vegetable growing and fruit growing. It is just as natural within this classification to highlight independent group grapes (viticulture) and ornamental plants (floriculture).​
Legumes (beans, soybeans)
​Fruit plants (pineapples, coconuts)​
​Classification of cultivated plants:​
​Starchy foods (yams, potatoes)​
​Feed. These include clover, turnips, turnips, rutabaga, and alfalfa.​
​So, what groups of cultivated plants are there?​
The ancient Greek scientist Theophrastus, who lived in 370-285, rightfully deserves to be called the “father of botany”. BC e. He was one of the first to begin researching the topic of what types of plants there are. He divided them into different groups according to appearance, flowering period, etc.
​Experts distinguish groups of cultivated plants according to the type of agricultural economic activity: fruit growing, vegetable growing and field farming. Accordingly, there are fruit, vegetable and field varieties. The latter, in turn, are divided into root crops (radish, carrots, beets), leaf crops (lettuce, spinach, cabbage), fruit crops (cucumber, tomato), stem crops (asparagus, kohlrabi), and bulbous crops (garlic, onion). In many cases, flavoring (spicy-aromatic) cultivated plants (parsley, dill) are considered as a special subgroup. Tubers are varieties with edible tubers. Staple foods include potatoes (in Europe), cassava and yams (in Africa).​
Legumes (soybeans, beans, etc.)

Egor Ivanov

​Field crops include: grains (these include: cereals, such as wheat, rye, etc.; cereal crops - buckwheat, millet; legumes - peas, soybeans, lentils); tubers (potatoes) and root vegetables (beets, turnips); oilseeds (sunflower, peanuts, mustard); spinning (cotton, flax, hemp); forage grasses (timothy, clover, alfalfa). Field crops sometimes include melons (watermelon, melon, pumpkin), but, apparently, it is more convenient to consider them as a separate group or as part of vegetable crops. It is advisable to separate into special subgroups such specific plants as tobacco and shag, essential oils (coriander, lavender) and medicinal plants (digitalis, valerian).​
​Starchy foods (yams, potatoes)​
​Melons (watermelons)​
​Stimulants and narcotics (tea, coffee, poppy seeds)​
​Decorative (rose)​
​Sugar-bearing crops (sugar beets)​
​Rubber-bearing. This group includes hevea, wormwood, dandelion, and spurge.​
​Inulin-bearing. Plants that contain a polysaccharide called inulin. This substance is used in medicine and is also used as a sugar substitute for diabetics. This group includes dahlias, chicory, and Jerusalem artichoke.
Also, a large-scale study related to plants was carried out by the ancient Roman scientist Dioscorides. He lived in the first century BC. e. He owns a work that describes the properties of about six hundred medicinal plants.​
​This group of plants includes grain crops (cereals - rye, wheat, legumes - lentils, soybeans, peas, cereal varieties - millet, buckwheat, root crops (turnips, beets), tubers (potatoes), spinning crops (hemp, flax, cotton), oilseeds (mustard, peanuts, sunflower), forage grasses (alfalfa, clover). In some cases, melon varieties are also considered field varieties: pumpkin, watermelons, melons. But, as a rule, it is more convenient to consider them as separate crops or in combination. composition of vegetable cultural groups. According to experts, it is also advisable to separately identify medicinal varieties (valerian, foxglove and others), essential oils (lavender, coriander), as well as specific species (shag, tobacco).
​Sugar-bearing vegetables (sugar beet).​
Vegetable crops are divided into leaf crops (cabbage, spinach, lettuce), root crops (beets, carrots, radishes), stem crops (kohlrabi, asparagus), fruit crops (tomato, cucumber), and bulbous crops (onion, garlic). Spicy aromatic (flavor) crops (dill, parsley) are often considered as a special subgroup.
​Sugar-bearing crops (sugar beets)​

Koziy Elena

​Vegetables (tomatoes, dill)​

Alexey Torganov

​CULTURAL PLANTS that provide food, clothing, fuel, building materials, and ornamental plants.​
​Cereals and cereals (rice, corn, wheat)​
​Oleaceae (sunflower)​
Wood technical and medicinal. This includes eucalyptus, cinchona, bamboo.​
​Fatty oilseeds. These are plants used to obtain various oils. This includes sunflower, sesame, rapeseed, safflower, etc.​
​The scientist who created the first classification of all living organisms was Carl Linnaeus. His life lasted from 1708 to 1778. His work “Systems of Nature” also contains materials about what types of plants there are. He systematized flowering plants by the number of stamens in them.​
This group includes agricultural crops that produce juicy fruits. They, in turn, are divided into stone fruits (apricot, plum, cherry), pome fruits (quince, pear, apple tree), and berry fruits (currants, strawberries, raspberries, strawberries). In some cases, this group includes citrus fruits (orange, lemon), nuts (hazelnuts, almonds, Walnut). In fruit and berry varieties, a subgroup of subtropical varieties is sometimes distinguished. These include, in particular, medlar, pomegranate, and figs. Crops such as rose hips, sea buckthorn and other vitamin-rich crops are considered close to fruit and berry crops.
​Starchy foods (potatoes, sweet potatoes).​
​Fruit (fruit and berry) plants include cultivated plants that produce juicy fruits. They are divided into pome (apple, pear, quince), stone (cherry, plum, apricot) and berry (raspberry, strawberry, currant). This group often includes nut (walnuts, almonds, hazelnuts) and citrus (lemon, orange) crops. Among fruit and berry crops, a subgroup of subtropical crops (figs, pomegranates, medlars) is sometimes distinguished. Vitamin-rich plants are close to fruits and berries, the culture of which is developed in last years(sea buckthorn, rose hips)​
​Oleaceae (sunflower)​
​Fruit plants (pineapples, coconuts)​
​Classification of cultivated plants:​
Legumes (beans, soybeans)

In our article we will get acquainted with the cultivated plants of Russia. Man has long used them in his economic activities to obtain valuable nutrients and food products.

Cultivated plants: names and definition of the concept

For a long time, people have been selecting species with valuable properties, crossing them and selecting them. The result of such activity is modern cultivated plants: grains, vegetables, industrial plants.

The famous Russian scientist Nikolai Vavilov made a great contribution to the development of ideas about this process. It was thanks to his expeditions that it was possible to collect a huge collection of cultivated plants and name the centers of their origin.

Scientists have been able to establish many interesting facts. Do you know the names of cultivated plants such as rye and oats? So, initially they were weed species that grew in wheat crops. And modern cultivated rice is the result of the domestication of two wild species - African and Asian.

Ornamental crops

Now the names of cultivated plants are clearly specified in International Code nomenclature. Their main category is variety. Cultivated species are classified according to the purpose of their cultivation.

One of these groups is ornamental plants. They are used to decorate various areas: parks, squares, gardens, residential premises, areas for recreation and entertainment, as well as aquariums.

Most of them are grown for beautiful flowers. These are roses, tulips, petunias, gerberas, dahlias, periwinkle and many others. Popular indoor views are anthurium, uzambar violet, gardenia. That's what they call them - beautifully flowering ones. Some crops are valued for the aesthetic appearance of their foliage, fruits or needles.

Cereals and cereals

Wheat, rye, oats, barley, sorghum, corn, millet... These are the names of cultivated plants that belong to the Cereals family. People have long cultivated them for grain, to obtain cereals and flour, to bake bakery products, and to obtain food for domestic animals. An example of cultivated plants is buckwheat. In economic activities, whole and crushed grains and flour are used.

Grain crops are different big amount carbohydrates and proteins. Their high nutritional value is also determined by the content of enzymes, B vitamins and PP.

Legumes and starches

Examples of cultivated plants that have been grown by humans for a long time are soybeans, peas, lentils, and peanuts. Since they are rich in proteins, they energy value not inferior to meat products. Soybeans and peanuts contain a supply of vegetable fats, so oils are obtained from them.

The most famous starch-bearing plant is the potato. It is not for nothing that they call it “second bread”. For a long time, people thought that potatoes should be eaten as food. Therefore, it did not receive much distribution. In fact, underground modifications of shoots - tubers - are edible. Potatoes are used in cooking to obtain medicines against inflammation and burns.

Starchy crops also include sweet potato, corn, cassava, and yams. The record holder among them is rightfully considered the sago palm. More than 100 kilograms of starch are extracted from the trunk of one such tree.

Vegetables and fruits

Vegetable crops are important agricultural plants. It's hard to imagine your daily diet without tomatoes, cabbage, and sweet peppers. They are grouped according to the name of the organ from which the vegetable develops.

Depending on this, leaf, root, bulbous and fruit and vegetable crops are distinguished. Examples of the first group are lettuce, spinach, sorrel, and borage. Nutritious root vegetables develop in carrots, beets, rutabaga, radishes, celery, and parsnips. But there are especially many examples of cultivated plants that belong to the group of fruits and vegetables. These are eggplants, zucchini, pumpkins, melons, cucumbers, tomatoes, physalis and others.

A separate group of cultivated plants consists of fruit species. They are grown for their berries, fruits and nuts. Many of them are tree-like. These are cherries, apricots, sweet cherries, peaches, apple trees. These are perennial plants, the fruiting period of which begins after several years of development.

Shrubs also produce valuable fruits: pomegranate, dogwood, hazel, currant, gooseberry. Grapes are a vine plant, and strawberries, wild strawberries, cranberries and cloudberries are perennial herbs.

Widespread in tropical countries different kinds palm trees: date, coconut, oilseed. Many people believe that bananas also belong to this group. In fact, this plant is herbaceous.

So, cultivated plants are the species that people grow to produce agricultural products. It is used as food, animal feed, and raw material for the processing and pharmaceutical industries.

The word "culture" is on the list of most used in modern language. But this fact does not indicate knowledge this concept, but about the polysemy of meanings hidden behind it, used both in everyday life and in scientific definitions.

Most of all, we are accustomed to talking about spiritual and material culture. At the same time, it becomes clear to everyone that we're talking about about theater, religion, music, gardening, agriculture and much more. However, the concept of culture is not at all limited to these areas. About the versatility of this word and we'll talk in this article.

Definition of the term

The concept of culture includes a certain historical level in the development of society, as well as human abilities and powers, which are expressed in the forms and types of organization of life. By this term we also understand spiritual and material values ​​created by people.

The world of culture, any of its phenomena and objects are not the result of natural forces. This is the result of the efforts made by a person. That is why culture and society must be considered inextricably linked. Only this will allow us to understand the essence of this phenomenon.

Main components

All types of culture that exist in society include three main components. Namely:

  1. Concepts. These elements are usually contained in language, helping a person to order and organize his own experience. Each of us perceives the world through the taste, color and shape of objects. However, it is known that in different cultures reality is organized in different ways. And in this regard, language and culture become inseparable concepts. A person learns the words that he needs to navigate the world around him through the assimilation, accumulation and organization of his experience. How closely language and culture are connected can be judged by the fact that some peoples believe that “who” is only a person, and “what” is not only inanimate objects of the surrounding world, but also animals. And this is something worth thinking about. After all, people who evaluate dogs and cats as a thing will not be able to treat them in the same way as those who see animals as their smaller brothers.
  2. Relationship. The formation of culture occurs not only through the description of those concepts that indicate to a person what the world consists of. This process also involves certain ideas about how all objects are interconnected in time, in space, according to their purpose. So, the culture of the people of a particular country is different own views on the concepts of not only the real, but also the supernatural world.
  3. Values. This element is also inherent in culture and represents the beliefs existing in society regarding the goals that a person should strive for. Different cultures have different values. And it depends social structure. Society itself makes the choice of what is considered valuable for it and what is not.

Material culture

Modern culture is a rather complex phenomenon, which, for the sake of completeness, is considered in two aspects - static and dynamic. Only in this case is a synchronous approach achieved, allowing for the most accurate study of this concept.

Statics gives the structure of culture, dividing it into material, spiritual, artistic and physical. Let's look at each of these categories in more detail.

And let's start with material culture. This definition refers to the environment that surrounds a person. Every day, thanks to the efforts of each of us, material culture is improved and updated. All this leads to the emergence of a new standard of living, changing the demands of society.

Features of culture material nature are concluded in the fact that its objects are means and tools of labor, life and housing, that is, everything that is the result of human production activity. At the same time, several of the most important areas are highlighted. The first of these is agriculture. This area includes animal breeds and plant varieties developed as a result of breeding work. This also includes soil cultivation. Human survival directly depends on these links of material culture, since from them he receives not only food, but also raw materials used in industrial production.

The structure of material culture also includes buildings. These are places intended for people to live, in which they realize various shapes life and various human activities. The field of material culture also includes structures designed to improve living conditions.

To ensure the full diversity of mental and physical labor man uses various tools. They are also one of the elements of material culture. With the help of tools, people directly influence processed materials in all sectors of their activity - communications, transport, industry, agriculture, etc.

Part of the material culture is transport and all available means of communication. These include:

  • bridges, roads, runway airports, embankments;
  • all transport - pipeline, water, air, rail, road and horse-drawn vehicles;
  • railway stations, ports, airports, harbors, etc., built to support the operation of the vehicle.

With the participation of this area of ​​material culture, the exchange of goods and people between settlements and regions. This, in turn, contributes to the development of society.

Another area of ​​material culture is communication. It includes post and telegraph, radio and telephone, computer networks. Communication, like transport, connects people with each other, giving them the opportunity to exchange information.

Another essential component of material culture is skills and knowledge. They represent technologies that find application in each of the above areas.

Spiritual culture

This area is based on a creative and rational type of activity. Spiritual culture, unlike material culture, finds its expression in subjective form. At the same time, it satisfies the secondary needs of people. The elements of spiritual culture are morality, spiritual communication, art (artistic creativity). Religion is one of its important components.

Spiritual culture is nothing more than the ideal side material labor person. After all, any thing created by people was originally designed and subsequently embodied certain knowledge. And being called upon to satisfy certain human needs, any product becomes valuable to us. Thus, the material and spiritual forms of culture become inseparable from each other. This is especially evident in the example of any of the works of art.

Due to the fact that the material and spiritual types of culture have such subtle differences, there are criteria for accurately assigning a particular result of activity to a particular area. For this purpose, items are assessed according to their intended purpose. A thing or phenomenon designed to satisfy the secondary needs of people is classified as spiritual culture. And vice versa. If objects are necessary to satisfy the primary or biological needs of a person, then they are classified as material culture.

The spiritual sphere has a complex composition. It includes the following types of culture:

Moral, which includes ethics, morality and ethics;

Religious, which includes modern teachings and cults, ethnographic religiosity, traditional denominations and confessions;

Political, representing traditional political regimes, ideology and norms of interaction between political subjects;

Legal, which includes legislation, legal proceedings, law-abiding and the executive system;

Pedagogical, considered as the practice and ideals of upbringing and education;

Intellectual in the form of science, history and philosophy.

It is worth bearing in mind that cultural institutions such as museums and libraries concert halls and courts, cinemas and educational establishments, also relate to the spiritual world.

This area has one more gradation. It includes the following areas:

  1. Projective activity. It offers drawings and ideal models of machines, structures, technical structures, as well as projects for social transformations and new forms political system. Everything that is created has the greatest cultural value. Today, projective activity is classified in accordance with the objects it creates into engineering, social and pedagogical.
  2. The body of knowledge about society, nature, man and his inner world. Knowledge is the most important element of spiritual culture. Moreover, they are most fully represented in the scientific sphere.
  3. Value-oriented activities. This is the third area of ​​spiritual culture, which is in direct connection with knowledge. It serves to evaluate objects and phenomena, filling the human world with meanings and meanings. This sphere is divided into the following types of culture: moral, artistic and religious.
  4. Spiritual communication between people. It occurs in all forms determined by the objects of communication. The spiritual contact that exists between partners, during which information is exchanged, is the greatest cultural value. However, such communication occurs not only on a personal level. The results of the spiritual activity of society, constituting its accumulated long years cultural foundation, find expression in books, speech and works of art.

Communication between people is extremely important for the development of culture and society. That is why it is worth considering in a little more detail.

Human communication

The concept of speech culture determines the level spiritual development person. In addition, she talks about the value of the spiritual wealth of society. Speech culture is an expression of respect and love for one’s native language, directly related to the traditions and history of the country. The main elements of this area are not only literacy, but also compliance with generally accepted norms of the literary word.

Speech culture includes the correct use of many other means of language. Among them: stylistics and phonetics, vocabulary, etc. Thus, truly cultural speech is not only correct, but also rich. And this depends on a person’s lexical knowledge. In order to improve your speech culture, it is important to constantly replenish your lexicon, as well as read works of various thematic and stylistic directions. Such work will allow you to change the direction of thoughts from which words are formed.

Modern speech culture is a very broad concept. It includes more than just a person's linguistic abilities. This area cannot be considered without general culture a person who has his own psychological and aesthetic perception of people and the world around him.

Communication for a person is one of the most important moments his life. And to create a normal communication channel, each of us needs to constantly maintain the culture of our speech. IN in this case it will consist of politeness and attentiveness, as well as the ability to support the interlocutor and any conversation. A culture of speech will make communication free and easy. After all, she will allow you to express your opinion without offending or offending anyone. In well-chosen, beautiful words contains stronger power physical strength. Speech culture and society are in close relationship with each other. Indeed, the level of the linguistic spiritual sphere reflects the way of life of the entire people.

Art culture

As mentioned above, in each of the specific objects of the surrounding world there are simultaneously two spheres - material and spiritual. This can also be said about artistic culture, which is based on the creative, irrational type of human activity and satisfies his secondary needs. What gave rise to this phenomenon? A person’s ability to be creative and have an emotional and sensory perception of the world around them.

Artistic culture is an integral element of the spiritual sphere. Its main essence is to reflect society and nature. For this purpose, artistic images are used.

This type of culture includes:

  • art (group and individual);
  • artistic values ​​and works;
  • cultural institutions that ensure its dissemination, development and preservation (demonstration sites, creative organizations, educational institutions, etc.);
  • spiritual atmosphere, that is, society’s perception of art, government policy in this area, etc.

In the narrow sense art culture expressed in graphics and painting, literature and music, architecture and dance, circus, photography and theater. All these are objects of professional and household art. Within each of them works are created artistic character– performances and films, books and paintings, sculptures, etc.

Culture and art, which is its integral part, contribute to the transfer by people of their subjective vision of the world, and also help a person to assimilate the experience accumulated by society and the correct perception of collective attitudes and moral values.

Spiritual culture and art, in which all its functions are represented, are an important part of the life of society. So, in artistic creativity there is transformative human activity. The transmission of information is reflected in culture in the form of human consumption of works of art. Value-oriented activity serves to evaluate creations. Art is open to cognitive activity. The latter manifests itself in the form of a specific interest in works.

Artistic forms also include such forms of culture as mass, elite, and folk. This also includes the aesthetic side of the legal, economic, political activity and much more.

World and national culture

The level of material and spiritual development of society has another gradation. It is identified by its carrier. In this regard, there are such main types of culture as world and national. The first of them is a synthesis of the best achievements of the peoples living on our planet.

World culture is diverse in space and time. It is practically inexhaustible in its directions, each of which amazes with its richness of forms. Today, this concept includes such types of cultures as bourgeois and socialist, developing countries, etc.

The pinnacle of world civilization is the achievements in the field of science developed Newest technologies, achievements in art.

But national culture is highest form development of ethnic culture, which is appreciated world civilization. This includes the totality of the spiritual and material values ​​of a particular people, as well as the methods of interaction they practice with the social environment and nature. Manifestations of national culture can be clearly seen in the activities of society, its spiritual values, moral standards, lifestyle and language characteristics, as well as in the work of state and social institutions.

Types of crops according to the principle of distribution

There is another gradation of material and spiritual values. According to the principle of their distribution, they are distinguished: dominant culture, subculture and counterculture. The first of them includes a set of customs, beliefs, traditions and values ​​that guide the majority of members of society. But at the same time, any nation includes many groups of a national, demographic, professional, social and other nature. Each of them develops its own system of rules of behavior and values. Such small worlds are classified as subcultures. This form can be youth and urban, rural, professional, etc.

A subculture may differ from the dominant one in behavior, language, or outlook on life. But these two categories are never opposed to each other.

If any of the small cultural layers is in conflict with the values ​​that dominate society, then it is called a counterculture.

Gradation of material and spiritual values ​​by level and origins

In addition to those listed above, there are such forms of culture as elite, folk and mass. This gradation characterizes the level of values ​​and their creator.

For example, elite culture(high) is the fruit of the activities of a privileged part of society or professional creators who worked on its order. This is the so-called pure art, which in its perception is ahead of all artistic products existing in society.

Folk culture, in contrast to elite culture, is created by anonymous creators who have no professional training. That is why this type culture is sometimes called amateur or collective. In this case, the term folklore is also applicable.

Unlike the two previous types, mass culture is not the bearer of either the spirituality of the people or the delights of the aristocracy. The greatest development of this direction began in the mid-20th century. Exactly at this period penetration of mass media into most countries began.

Mass culture inextricably linked with the market. This is art for everyone. That is why it takes into account the needs and tastes of the entire society. The value of mass culture is incomparably lower than elitist and folk culture. She satisfies the immediate needs of members of society, quickly responding to every event in the life of the people and reflecting it in her works.

Physical Culture

This is a creative, rational type of human activity, expressed in bodily (subjective) form. Its main focus is improving health while simultaneously developing physical abilities. These activities include:

  • culture physical development from general health exercises to professional sports;
  • recreational culture that supports and restores health, which includes tourism and medicine.

In cultural studies, there is no consensus on what should be considered types, forms, types, or branches of culture. The following conceptual diagram can be proposed as one option.

Industries cultures should be called such sets of norms, rules and patterns of human behavior that constitute a relatively closed area within the whole. Economic, political, professional and other types of human activity give grounds to distinguish them into independent branches of culture. Thus, political, professional or pedagogical cultures are branches of culture, just as in industry there are such branches as the automobile industry, machine tool industry, heavy and light industries, the chemical industry, etc.

Types of culture should be called such sets of norms, rules and patterns of human behavior that constitute relatively closed areas, but are not parts of one whole. For example, Chinese or Russian culture are such original and self-sufficient phenomena that do not belong to a really existing whole. In relation to them, only the culture of all humanity can play the role of the whole, but it is more of a metaphor than a real phenomenon, since next to the culture of humanity we cannot place the culture of other living beings and compare with it. Any national or ethnic culture we are obliged to classify them as cultural types.

Ethnic culture- this is a culture of people connected by a common origin and living together (so to speak, united by “blood and soil”). Its main feature is local limitation, strict localization in social space. It is dominated by the power of tradition, once and for all accepted customs, passed on from generation to generation at the family or neighborhood level. Being a necessary and sufficient condition for the existence of an ethnos, ethnic culture ceases to be such in relation to the existence of a nation. It is necessary to distinguish between ethnicity and nation, without thereby reducing ethnic culture to national culture.

Unlike the first one, national culture unites people living over large areas and not necessarily related to each other by consanguinity or tribal relations. The boundaries of a national culture are set by the strength, the power of this culture itself, its ability to spread beyond the boundaries of communal tribal and local territorial formations. National culture arises due to a fundamentally different method of interhuman cultural communication, directly related to the invention of writing.

The term “type” suggests that national cultures - Russian, French or Chinese - we can compare and find in them typical features. Types of culture include not only regional-ethnic formations, but also historical and cultural ones. In this case, Latin American culture, post-industrial culture, or hunter-gatherer culture should be called cultural types.

Forms of culture belong to such sets of rules, norms and patterns of behavior of people that cannot be considered completely autonomous entities; Nor are they constituent parts of any whole. High or elitist culture, folk culture and massive culture are called forms of culture because they represent a special way of expressing artistic content. High, folk and mass culture differ in the set of techniques and visual means of a work of art, authorship, audience, means of conveying artistic ideas to viewers, and the level of performing skills.

Elite, high culture (elite, French - chosen, best, chosen, chosen) - written culture; created primarily by the educated part of society for their own consumption; proactively uses artistic techniques that will be perceived by wider layers later, with a cultural delay; at first it is avant-garde, experimental in nature, remaining alien to the broad masses. Its essence is associated with the concept of elite and is usually contrasted with popular and mass cultures.

Folk culture - the sphere of non-specialized (non-professional) cultural activity of oral tradition, existing according to folklore type in the past And present, passed on from generation to generation in the process of direct interaction (joint labor, ceremonial, ritual, holiday actions). Created by anonymous creators, usually without professional training.

Mass culture - a type of “cultural industry” that produces cultural products on a daily basis on a large scale, intended for mass consumption, distributed through channels that include technologically advanced media and communications; a product of the industrial and post-industrial era, associated with the formation mass society. The time of its origin is the first half to the middle of the 20th century. Mass culture appears as a universal, cosmopolitan culture, moving into the phase of global culture. As a rule, it has less artistic value than elite And folk

Types of culture we will call such sets of rules norms and behavior patterns, which are varieties of moregeneral culture. For example, a subculture is a type of dominant (national) culture that belongs to a large social group and is distinguished by some originality. Thus, the youth subculture was created by the age group of people from 13 to 19 years old. They are also called teenagers.

The youth subculture does not exist in isolation from the national one; it constantly interacts and is fueled by it. The same can be said about the counterculture. This name is given to a special subculture that is antagonistic towards the dominant culture.

TO main types of culture we will refer to:

Dominant (national, national or ethnic) culture, subculture and counterculture;

Rural and urban culture;

Ordinary and specialized cultures. Dominant culture - a set of values, beliefs,

traditions and customs that guide the majority of members of a given society.

Subculture - part of the general culture, a system of values, traditions, customs inherent in a large social group; is part of the dominant culture, but has distinct or opposing features, adding to the range of values ​​of the dominant culture new ones that are characteristic only of it.

Counterculture- a subculture that is in conflict with the dominant values ​​of the dominant culture.

Rural culture- culture of the peasantry, village culture, characterized by uneven workload throughout the year, personification of interpersonal relationships, lack of anonymity of behavior and the presence of informal control over the lives of members of the local community, the dominance of intra-community information over official state information.

Urban culture- industrial, urbanized culture, characterized by high population density, diverse cultural space, anonymity of social relations, individual choice of style of social contacts, and a uniform work rhythm.

Everyday culture - this is the totality of all unreflective, syncretic aspects of social life, mastery of the customs of everyday life social environment in which a person lives (mores, customs, traditions, rules of everyday behavior). This is a culture that has not received institutional reinforcement. The process of a person’s assimilation of everyday culture is called general socialization or personal enculturation.

Specialized culture - the sphere of social division of labor, social statuses, where people manifest themselves in social roles; culture that has become institutionalized (science, art, philosophy, law, religion).

Enculturation -the process of assimilation of traditions, customs, values ​​and norms of behavior in a particular culture; studying Andtransmission of culture from one generation to another.

Socialization -the process of mastering basic social roles, norms, language, and national character traits in modern society.

Spiritual and material culture cannot be attributed to branches, forms, types or types of culture, since these phenomena combine all four classification features to varying degrees. It is more correct to consider spiritual and material culture as combined or complex formations standing apart from general conceptual scheme. They can be called cross-cutting phenomena, permeating industries, types, forms, and types of culture. A variety of spiritual culture is artistic, and a variety of material culture is physical culture.